HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-14-11 PC Agenda Packet 0 4 rRtp�
� � v 4646 Dakota Street SE
Prior Lake, MN SS372
MONDAY, November 14, 2019
Cify Council Chambers
6:00 p.m.
1. Call Meeting to Order:
2. Appointmenf of Chairman and Vice Chairman:
3. Approval of Agenda;
4. Consider Approval of October 24, 2011 Meeting Minutes:
5. Public Hearings;
A. #EP 19-126 Welsch Balcony Variance. Bob Welsch is requesting a Variance from the minimum
lakeshore setback on a General Development lake in the R-1 {Low Density Residential) Zoning
' B. #EP 11-127 3904 Green Heights Trail. Tracy Morton with Sterling State Bank is requesting
variances from the minimum front yard setback and minimum fence height allowed in the R-1
(Low Density Residential) Zoning District.
6. Old Business:
7. New Business:
A. 2011 Annual Planning Commission Report
8. Announcements and Correspondence:
9, Adjournment:
I'hone 952A479800 / Pa� 952.447.4245 / n���«�.cityofpriorlake.com
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
October 24, 201 ]
MONDAY, Qctober 24, 2011 j
1. Call to Orcter: j
Chairman Perez called the October 24, 2019, Planning Commission meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Those present were Cot�nmissioners Roszak, Perez, and Howley, Community & Economic �
Development Director Dan Rogness, Planner Jeff Matzke, City Engineer La Poppler and i
Development Services Assistant Peter Aldritt. •���������-, �
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3. Consider Approval of October 90, 2099 Me, ��1� ,Minutes�•• �+'��' .:�^ �
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VOTE: Ayes by Howley, Perez, and Rosz�K. The motion carrie�`::::?'s.:;. ''
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4. Pubfic Hearings: ��;;'� �'::; '�';�::;::: I
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5. Old Business: �: >� `''�
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A. #EP 10-121 Bluffs':bfi;Candy CoVe. Jason Millelih��;submitted an application for Variances
related to buifding set��eks,, af�a bluff impact'on a site consisting of approximate[y 1.07 ';
acres of land to be subdivit�ed homes. This praperty is located east of I
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Candy Cov��:�'rai(�::horfh of TH;:�:3 ������' !
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#��::��,0-122 Bluffs o�'��i��y Cov�t; ;�j�son MilIer has submitted an application for a combined ;
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prelirr�i�i�j'aa'y_,and final plat 4b?:��� knowP��s The Bluffs of Candy Cove consisting of approximately 1.07 I
acres of'I��i� be subdivid��, into 3� lots for single family homes. This property is located east of
Candy Cove;, north of ��� 13.
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Planner Matzke presented;:that both 5A and 5B will be covered together since this is the third time that
fhis project has been brqught to the Planning Commission. The Commission had tabled this project
from their last meeting so that the engineering and storm water issues could be resofved. Thase issues
have been addressed and that is why it is brought before you tonight. Jason Miller submitted an ;
application for variances related fo building setback, lot area, and bluff impact, and for his combined
preliminary and fina! �lat application on a site consisting af approximately 1.07 acres of land to be ,
subdivided into 3 lots for singie family homes. The property is located east of Candy Cove Trail, north
of TH 13. The topography of the area is very steep all the way from the 904 up to 984 elevations. '�
Access to Candy Cove TraiE is through city owned property. Due to the sfeep bluffs on which the �
property is located, this plat involvas some major engineering to allow for access from Candy Cove Tail '
L:\l l I�ILESU 1 PLATlNfNG C04lMISSIONII I MI1�U1'L:S1M19n'102411.doc 1
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Planning Commission iuleeting Minutes
Ociober 2q, 2011
and to allow for housing pads to be placed. Matzke discussed the different grading options that can be
accomplisf�ed. Option one proposes grading across the corner of his neighbor's property; however, the
developer has been attempting to reach an agreemenf with the neighbor to allow this grading but has
not been successful to this date. Option two shows a retaining wafl following the property line between
Jason Miller and his neighbor and then grading out the City owned parcel. Since the developer would
be able to grade far�her back on the hiil #here is more room for separafion between the proposed
retaining walls. The neighbor currently has a wall along his access point. He does not have an
easement for this wall, but it was approved by the City in 2002 through a building permit process. The
developer's Option 2 grading plan proposes the removal of this bou#der wall city does have
concerns about removing the boulder wall. The City Staff believes there a.r.'Q�o��r aiternatives to grade
the area and the City Engineer will discuss these further in a few momertit�: This s9te has been a
l�" �
challenging developrr►ent project. City Staff has been trying to work,�N�tli;fh� developer on what
aiternative or what design �night best fit the area. While the Planni.r�q�`Comiii,ission input and the
recommendation will be evaluated, the ultimate approval of a gra�ii�ig desigri��(�e�,with the Cify Council's
decision. ,f�•'��,��"'~<. �:=%..,
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Engineer Poppler stated, I want to reiterate what J�f`ii��.,stated. This has been one'`of;�lj,e:i�ost
complicated projects the city has encountered. The �eveio�;e.r watked hard to get tfi��iugh the
engineering comments and issues. We feal that we have �otfer major con�erns and are
down to a few minor ones that we can work out between now`afi�.::construction. Throughout this
process we have met with the neighbor ant�;#he developer both fo���ther and separately to try and work
something out. The City has prepared thre�i�it��r�atives for grading:::::Alternative One is two wafls - a 4
foot wa1} and then a 17 foot wall - to terrace tfi�'graete;,of the hill. Alterriafi`'v,,e;tiivo proposes adding a third
wall; there would be a 4 foot wall, 8 foot walf, a[iit a 6�-fo:g#;i�!all. This wou)d�"provide some areas for
buffering with plantings to break up the wall. We;�re pr� Two be pursued.
Alternative two does requires so�pe removal of th`e� w�ll'>'.'R��e�d by the neighbor in 2002 so the
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City would need further ev , luate:;fti�at, The 3 aitertiative, C9ty S�aff is not recommending. This
re uires a ver lar e 25 fo � wall�fo;;avoid radin ►n''<he hill. We`mef with both the developer and the
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neighbor last week and;;f�Qm�those d���ussions we ca�e up with these alternatives. The developer or
the neighbor has nof had �az�#��nce t�.;i�iew or review ti1��'se'proposals. Hopefully between this meeting
and the City Council meetin��w��can;Nave;,so�e furth�Y�discussion about the akternatives and come to
a resolution on,this:access. �::;::<' - r`������������:����''''
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Plann:e�;;M,atzke stated,.tii��;;p(anning�'CQm►�ission has basically two aspects of this praject in front of
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them'�fonight: ; One aspect is �fhe;Y�ine var �i�i�e requests. They are variances that are on the lots, none
of these v�r���ces has to do w`�tti:,,the gr�cling that is currently on this city owned project area. The
second aspect:df::#he pro�ect is'�;�ecommendation or lack there of to the C�ty Cflunci! for the proposed
plat that would in��ttde which grading proposal, with particular interest to the city-owned parce! area,
that the Pfanning ��q:i�imissiar�.feels should be recommended #o the City Council.
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Commissioner Questip s:
How[ey asked, you're taiking about that existing wall, the orange wall, was constructed and approved
via building permit process and you have both saic! that the city is thinking it's best to leave it alone
because it was approved under such a pracess? Is that jusf out of fairness to the existing homeowner
or is there any risk of legal action that we might be worried about or why has the city staff stated that
here tonight?
Engineer Poppler responded, our legal counsel has advised us fhat the wall snould remain.
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Planning Commission Meeting Minufes
October 24, 2011
Roszak asked the appficant, of these options that have been proposed for access, do yau have a
Applicant Jason Miller responded, I have a preference to choose one of the two options fhat I
provided the city with. Obviously my first preference is to go with two small four foot high retaining wal)s
and that is not the option that is probably right in front of you at this moment because we have to go
with the option where we also put that smai[ point in and go around our neighbors so that is my firsf
option. I chose that because it is the absolute minimutrt amount of retaining walls that I could put in. It
does still leave a sma[I point of retaining wails fhat's higher #han I would like to see, but the farther I
push the retaining wal[s back against that point and the more landscaping ,t�e�,l have between the two
litfle four foot walls that I am proposing, the more pine trees and other thi� can put in to beautify
,,. .
the sfope of that hiU, so ! thought one big green grassy slope woufd lop}(;::�etter. I think all the other
options thaf fhe city is proposing right now which try to keep the ne;g.,���i�5ar'.'s:�etaining wafls in place will
require at least 20 feet in height of additionaf retaining walls. The.n Z�he walls;ektend the large height for
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a longer segment length farther beyond the wal! segment len #�,of�' hat I am<proposing to the city.
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Roszak asked, this option that we have in front of us now ;it�="s"how's a seventeenf�:�; �vall?
Applicant Miller responded, yes it does get up to sev�t'jt�en feet t�Jl. "�-
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Roszak asked, and ane of the ot�er o tions that the'cit osed v��j'�, four foot six foot�eight foot
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walls and we didn't disturb any of fhe existing wall? :�:. /�' "'� ���
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Applicant Miller responded, that's correct., ��`"`f`":,
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Roszak asked and ou refer the sevente��`"'f0ot wa11? "'`��
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Appficant Miller responded, when you're (ook�ng'�t;fhe;tiered walls froii`i::tla'� freeway looking up af
them, they're stili going to look like twenty feet of�totai�`wail;:;so io have orie�small point at seventeen feet
that I thought I could cover up with pine trees, I�''qught;,th sense. Plus, I also thought my
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neighbor would look at all th�s�..Rther options an �SeY�n�ually com;�:;�'round to fhe thought that it would
probably look better to have;�'hl����t�en grassy ya�d in front of f�is house, and we cQUfd probably skip
most of these different o�jtions. r '��:::;::. `-�-•
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Roszak asked, can Vve ask;iNhat fhe4sticking point is v)j#h:the neighbor?
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Applicanf Miller responded; �l'i:i'i';no�'�ure:;�:l�;wauld asstrme he's got a wall there and he would kind of
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like to keep things :a:s.:;.#he� have�:�(w.ays been���H� ;mj��f prefer that I not even do this development. Pm
not even sure'w}iaC are. We've talked a few times, haven't goften real far.
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Howle�(,a�ked, the city s�I. $r�lative iiuj'p��r still has fhat point that s seventeen feet tall right?
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�eer;�'¢�pfer responde"ti the tri�llf ular poinf near the property corner, it would be seventeen
feet but imrrisdj�tely west of th'�f::1t would begin to reduce in height.
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Perez stated, I do �iot;�lave an�%'questions at this tirne.
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Commissioner Comrri�ri�s:
Howley stated, I wil( att�ck this one aspect at a time as Jeff guided us. Concerning the variances, I'm
willing to support these variances. The reasons being are there's some properfy there that the land
owner wants to devefop and he ce�tainly has some problematic challenges in front of them. That
creating the best separation from the lake he's not trying to build five homes he's reducing it to three so
there's obviously been a little bit of give on his side and the cify's given him a little bit of give on the city
variances so I fhink the hardship findings are met in this case and there are practical difficufties
certainly not created by this landowner. Highway �3 coming Ehrough the whole access with the (ake
being right there, the regulations changing over time, these small lake lots. I am going to support the
variance application fonight.
L:U l FILES112 YLANNTNG COMM1SS10�111 htINUTF.S1A41�t42d1 l.doc 3
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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
October 24, 2091
Roszak stated, I do feel it meets the hardship requirements. I think the applicant's done a good job
meeting the engineering requirements for the variance request. I hope we can sornehow work out the
access for the benefit of all the parties involved. I can support the variance as presented.
Perez stated, as Jeff and Larry both pointed out, this is a difficult project - the size of the lots, where
they're located, the history on these parcels. I think everyone's been diligent with #inding something
that wifl work for both parties and I think these variances are warranted and difficuity. It's been
documented ve welf so I will be su ortin the variances as well. s"'"' �� .
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A PLAT KNOWN AS THE BLUFFS OF CANDY CQU.E. �;, �{;:��;_...,...;�
VOTE: Ayes by Howley, Perez, and Roszak. The �i'riotion carrie`tl~; ��'`�''"'�
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Roszak stated, I too can be in suppor� of the plat. T�iey;,have met all the requirements from
engineering and i'm sure we will work out th��:;access. I can supporf ;if;::::; :; ..
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Perez stated, Commissioner Roszak I think v,f�'�e too�lrlg, at what optifln::a's,::far as the grading.
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Roszak stated, I think the City's alternative two`'Would ;�y
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Howley sfaied, I certainly can the prefimih�r,.y:fina! pfat:�-N�v� far the grading, well one thing is
this is the first time we re s�ein�:f�l�;��, options tonigh� so we re a;i(�tle hard pressed doing a thorough
review in my opinion to a stro��;r2commendafiah to the city council. Any recommendation I threw
out there is going to ���f�;�;ff ak� And knowi�ig the developer is going to want to grade, if he
can't get an easement frof�i�i;f�i.e neighbpring property o�ne'r he's going fo grade it out the way he can
and do i# to the best econom'i"c�1<:�,c�!�aiit:age;.�s would do, and I understand the city is coming
up with some q�#�e�_�olutions, biit;:ii�i�hotit�k�r�dG�tp�.:��t'ot of the details of the risk management of taking
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out a reta�it�'``Vriaff`i}�'�f`�;:in a city=ov,ii�er parcel, is�it right of way? Considered right of way? Or just city
owned pr.`Qperty? �''�r ��''`��:;,
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Planrier <�IV1.atzke responde�;�jf city-oti�riEd
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liowley stafe�t;qkay. You kno�;;.typicall�i�municipalities don't like things in their right of way, being at
this is cify-owne�,pt;operty kindtQ#�changes my thinking a little bit. I guess I am inclined to say the
existing retaining�lni�1( ,should g¢';yand it should get graded out to limit the retaining wafls and the
cfeveloper should I���;dscape t�'e'heck out of it, that's my opinion. Now, I would think as parE of the City
Council packets fhere'skia a good memo from the Csty Attorney as to why this may not be
advisable, and maybe th��y`can say no we're leaving if in there and then we're down to what
alternafives are in front<bf us, but my recommendation would be to remove that retaining wall and grade
it out and landscape it as best as possibie. I will say as to the city's couple alternatives I like the tiered
wall better (A[ternative 2) obviously, the more tiers the better. In a rebuttal to the developer's question,
"!s if going to look like one big wa117" Well it's not because there are going to be trees in befween it so
it's not going to look (ike one big wall, iYs going #o loak like a short wall with trees, a short wal) with
trees, and a shor# wall with trees so that's why I think I]ike that alternative which is what Commissioner
Roszak was menfioning as well, but again being put an the spot with a recommendation of which
alternative we prefer I think we`re hard pressed fo do, to be honest but my gut feeling is get rid of the
L:11 E F1LGS1! t PLANNING C0�4411SSlON1t 1 MINUTES1D�fIV102�t1 l.doc 4
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Planning Comm{ssion Meeting Minutes �
October 24, 2011
resisting wall and grade the heck out of it and put some landscaping in there but thaYs the facts that I
know as of now so that's what 1'm going to stick with but I wi11 support the preliminary and fmal plat.
Perez stated I also will be recommending approval of the preliminary and final plats, as far as the
project, it just got a little more difficult with this retaining wafl and whe#her it should stay or be moved.
Obvious}y the best optian would be if the neighbor would woric with the developer, fhaYs something that
we can'f control, but obviously that would be the bast option as far as I'm concerned. As far as the other
alternatives, with the Cify's legal counsel saying the wall needs to stay or recommending it should stay,
I would listen to the City's legal advice on that. So of the a{ternatives, I agree with my fellow
commissioners the tiered wall (Aiternative 2) is probably the best remainin� out there.
Howley stated, one more point, an the east end, the far east end it look�:like the�e is the outlet of the
underground system it looks like there is a four foot bust in the graditlg'''�pj�rt the 922 contour ties in and
fhen the 920 contour fram #he MNDOT right of way doesn't tie into wal(;��ra11 so something that's
easily worked out but it will affect how you finafize yaur grading in`��tf�,at area`jUst:,sorrtething to think
about. .f:�:�: '�>,.
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Perez stated, I will to be supporting the preliminary �.d:f.tr��l pfat. �,,, ��''��>��::���>;''
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VOTE: Ayes by Howley, Perez, and Rd.�;��k..,,The motion carrie�d';::
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6. New Business: .::::.:: �:�. `�:�f . "'��:r;:•
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A. # EP 91-123 Cor�sicier a�"requ�,st to vacate tiie,,existing dr�inage and utility easements located
on the Hickor Sfi:bres Develo ment. �''�� .
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Planner Mat�ke,presented;�(�($>ifem`b'��qr�:.�qu.,,#Anight is part of the project that you have seen
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before. Th;�::proj��f;;tS:knowri`��:,.�ckory sti'or�'�'���nd it is a residential development along highway 13
near �lje'intersecf+oli.:.of:�rillage�l�k�,�rive and highway 13 on the sauth side of the cify limits. The
projeo� originally�a}ip;r.oved fot'�:Hiekor,.y Shores on August 21, 2006 and the City Council
approvec� that plat of Hic{��iry�Shores<'5;years ago, It included lofs 1-39 of block 1. lYs the townhome
portio�i"�.kh:�t right along {ij�.:l-lighw��i'13 property. It was brought before you two meetings ago at
your late'S��tember meetiri'gr:�or Hickory Shores. Jim Deanovic the developer is proposing to re-
plat the are�;;tif;�he townhor#1:�s, he is still doir�g the atfached townhomes but he is going to be
loosing one loi'`i�;th overall?'schematic ant€ going from a 30 design townhorne complex to a 37
design unit townlio;me,cpti `plex. As a resuit of the re-platfing this is going to the City Council in
November, what w�%�j`��d to do is vacafe the existing drainage and ��tility easements fhat were
created with the forrXi�r pfat. You may recal! this concept was done before with the previous
development that you had in the summer by Ryland Homes with the Jeffers Pond 4th addition. They
as well had to vacate some of the easements prior to the final approval of a re-plat basicafly so the
new easements can be dedicated with the new plat. Thaf's why this is being brought before you
tonight so that the planning commission does hear all land use changes and offers their
recommendations to City Councif based on those. There is a couple determinations that the
planning commission makes in regards to vacating easements or vacating right of way and that's
does it comply with the comprehensive plan and is there a public need or anticipated future need for
the designated easements. In this case, this new plat will designate the required easements in the
L:\I I FILESII I PLAi�lN1NG CO,�iMISS10,�1�1 I t�4R�lUT8S13�4N10241 [.doc s
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lann ng Commission Meeiing inu es
October 24, 2011
shaded areas. The recommendation by staff will #o be approve the existing drainage and utility
easement vacations as requested for final approval in contingent upon the plat being approved by
City Council.
Commissioner Questions:
r •
VOTE: Ayes by Howley, Perez, and Roszalc. The motion carried ���
,�� �� . f `��.�
7. Announcements and Correspondence: �` '`=:'�
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Community and Economic Development Director Dar�,�j2ogness presented a�li�il�you to
Commissioner Perez and �Iowley €or doing a great job.���v�ng on t�ie Planning Comhi�;s��on.<,Cify staff
r.., .,.y,.;: s � �
pp Y .. P�, ti�.
has a reciated all the hard work and time that ou haV�'"'`�'� t in. �:::;::::��
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V�TE: Ayes by Howley, Perez, and Rosza �:7he motion carried.�'`��;��r�:�'=:.,
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8. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 6i:4,0 p.m:`�::�:-:����::;:;•:. l�`�
Peter Aldritt, Development S�ryjCe.$ Assisfant ��:':, �;: �'�::�'�: �
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h � V 464G Dakota St►•eet SE
Prior Lake, MN 55372
Bob Welsch, property owner of fhe subject property, is requesting a variance in order to allow for the
construction of a balcony on a property located at 6424 Conroy Street NE. The properfy is locafed
a(ong the northern shores of Lower Prior Lake, soufh of Greenway Avenue, and west of Shady Beach
Trai[. The property currently contains a single family home. The following variance is requested:
• A 25.2 foof variance from fhe reguired minimum 50 foot sfructure setback from the Ordinary
High Wafer (OHVI� elevation of Prior Lake using fhe average Jake setbacks of adjacent
properties (Section 190�.308).
The property is zoned R-1 (Low Density Residential), and is guided R-LD (Urban Low Density) on the
2030 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The proper�y currently contains a single famiiy home.
Bob Welsch proposes to cor�struct a 7' x 18' balcony located at #he rear of the house. The properfy
currently contains a lower level deck area buf no upper level deck area. The proposed balcony
identifies a cantilever construction from the existing house with no connecting stairway. The existing
and proposed structure setbacks from the OHW of Prior Lake (904 efevation) are as follows:
Structure Setback from
Lake ft.
Existing house 31.8'
Existin lower level deck 14.1'
Pro osed balcon 24.8'
The current City Ordinance pertaining to the average structure setback from the OHW of the lake is as
1104.308 (2) Setback Requirements For Residential Structures: On shoreland lots fhat
have 2 adjacent lots with existing principal strucEures on both such adjacent
Phone 952.Q47.9800 / Ta�c 952.447.42A5 / �v�v�v.cityofpriorlakc.com
-�-�-�- -.... _ _ _. __ . _ ... _ _ .... _.:- _ _
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lots, any naw residential struc#ure or any additions to an existing structure •
may be set back the average setback of the adjacent structures from the
ordinary high-water mark or 50 feet, whichever is greater, provided all other
provisions of the Shoreland �veriay Distric# are complied with.
Many other residential proper�ies within the neighborhood have similar sfructure setbacks from fhe lake
as identified on the attached survey. The average lake setback of the 4 nearby lakeshore properties is
30.1 #eet. The balcony will be constructed from decking material with a minimum %" spacing between
the deck boards; therefore, no additional impervious surface is proposed as a result of the project.
Variance Hardship Findings
Section 1108.400 states that the Board of Adjustment may grant a variance from the strict application of
the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, provided that:
(1 y There are practicai difficu[ties in complying with the strict terms of the Ordinance.
"Practical difficulties," as used in connection with the granting of a Variance, means the
proper#y owner proposes to use the property in a reasonabfe manner not permitted by the
Zoning Ordinance. Economic conslderations alone do not constitute practical difficulties.
{t appears practical difficulties exist for the applicant in this case. The current structure setback
from the lake to the lower level deck area is 14.1 feet. The applicant proposes a setback of 24.8
feet which is greater than the existing lower level deck setback. In addition, it is generally
reasonable for lakeshore properties to construct upper level decks at the rear of the house.
{2) The granting af the Variance is in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the
City Subdivision and Zoning Ordinances and the Comprehensive Plan.
Two purposes of the Zoning Ordinance are to "promote the most appropriate and orderly
development of the residential, business, industrial, public land and public areas" and "enhance the
aesthetic character and appearance of the City." The approval of the variance as requested would
allow the applicant to construct a modest balcony to enhance the aesthetic character of the
properfy while not affecting adjacent property views.
(3) The granting of the Variance is necessary to permit the reasonable use of the property
The variance is necessary to use the property in a reasonable manner. it is generally
reasonable for lakeshore proper�ies to construct upper level decks at the rear of the house.
(4) The practical difficulty is due to circumstances unique to the property not resulting from
actions of the owners of the property and is not a mere convenience to the property owner
and applicanf.
The practical difficulty does exist due to circumsfances unique to the property. The property is
99.9 feet in depth from the fron# lot line to the lakeshore. The limited depth of fhe property and
minimum buildable footprint allowed under the Zoning Ordinance has resulted in an existing
nonconforming decreased setback from the lake. The proposed lake setback of the balcony
(24.8 feet} will not encroach further into the setback from the lake to the existing lower level deck
(14.1 feet).
{5) The granting of the variance will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood or
be detrimental to the health and safety of the public welfare.
_ _ _
The granting of the variances will not alter fhe exisfing character of fhe neighborhood. As
identified in the survey on fife, many nearby lakeshore properties have nonconforming lake
setbacks and upper level deck areas similar to the proposed balcony.
(6) The granting of the Variance will not result in allowing any use of the property that is not
permitfed in the zoning district where the subject property is located.
An upper fevel balcony is an allowed structure within the R-1 (Low Density Residential) Zoning
(7) The granting of the Variance is necessary to alleviate an inadequate access to direct
sunlight for solar energy systems.
The granting of the variances will not be necessary to alleviate any hardships of the inability to
use solar energy systems.
1n conclusion, the applicant proposes to construcf a 7' x 18' upper level balcony located at fhe rear of
the house. The current structure setback from the lake to the existing lower fevel deck is 14.1 feet.
The proposed structure setback from the lake to the balcony is 24.8 feet which is greater than the
existing nonconforming setback. Many other neighboring properties have similar setbacks and upper
level deck areas. Therefore, City Staff recommends approval of fhe requested variance.
1. Approve the variances requested by the applicant with the listed conditians, or approve any
variance the Planning Commission deems appropriate in the circumstances.
2. Table or continue discussion of the item for specific purpose. .
3. Deny the application because the Planning Commission finds a lack of demonstrated practical
difficulties under the zoning code criteria.
This request requires the fol(owing motions:
1. A mation and second adopting f2esolution 11-10PC approving the following variances:
• A 25.2 foot variance from the required minimtrm 50 foof sfructure setback from the Ordinary
High Wafer (OHW) elevafion of Prior Lake using fhe average lake setbacks of adjacenf
properties (Section 1904.308).
1. Resolution 11-10PC
2. Location map and Aerial Photo
3. Praperty Survey
4. Proposed Balcony Rendering
5. Property Photograph
� 4646 Dakota Strcet SE
Prior Lake, MN 55372
BE IT RESOLVED BY the Board of Adjustment of the City of Prior Lake, Minnesota;
1. Bob Welsch is requesting a variance from the Zoning Ordinance to allow #o allow construction of a
balcony on a praperty in the R-1 (Low Density) zoning District at the following tocation, to wit;
6424 Conroy Street NE, Prior Lake, MN 55372
All that portion of Lot 20, GREEN HEIGHTS FIRS7 ADDITION, Scott County Minnesota according ta
the recorded plat thereof, lying Westerly of the following described line:
Lot 49 and that part of Lot 48, "CONROY'S BAY Scott County, Minnesota, lying easterly of #he following
described line: Beginning at a point on the northerly line of said Lot 48, distant 25.00 northeasteriy of
the northwest corner of said Lot 48; fhence southeasterly to a point on the southerly line of said Lot 48,
disfant 20.00 #eet northeasterly of the southwest corner and there terminating. EXCEPTING therefrom
that part of said l.ot 49 fying easterly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the
northerly line of said Lot 49 distant 5-00 feet southwesteriy of #he northeast corner of said L.ot 49;
thence souther[y to a point on the southerly line af said Lof 49 distant 2.00 feet southwesterly of the
southeast corner of said Lot 49 and there terminating.
Together with
Lot 50 and that part of Lot 49. "CONROY'S BAY Scoft County, Minnesota, lying easterly of the
following described line: Beginning at a point on the northerly iine of said Lot 49 distant 5.00 feet
southwesterly of the northeast corner of said Lot 49; thence southerly to a point on the southerly line of
said Lot 49 distant 2.00 feet southwesterly of the southeast corner of said Lot 49 and there terminating.
PID 25-114-0'[1-0
2. The Board of Adjustment has reviewed the application for the variance as contained in Case #91-
126 and held a hearing thereon on November 14, 2Q11.
3. The Board of Adjustment has considered the effect of the proposed variance upon the health,
safety, and welfare of the community, the existing and anticipated traffic conditions, light and air,
danger of fire, risk to fhe public safety, the effect on property values in the surrounding area and ihe
effect of the proposed variance on the Comprehensive Plan.
4. It appears practical difficu4ties exist for the applicant in this case. The current sfructure setback
from the lake to the Iower leve4 deck area is 14.1 feet. The applicant proposes a setback of 24,8
feet which is greater than the existing lower level deck setback. In addition, it is generally
reasonable for lakeshare properties fo construct upper levef decks at the rear af #he house.
Phone 952.447.9800 / Pax 952.447.4245 / w�i�v.cStyotpriorlake.com
5. Two purposes of the Zoning Ordinance are to "promote the most appropriate and orderly
development of fhe residential, business, industrial, public land and public areas" and "enhance fhe
aesthetic character and appearance of the City:' The approval of the variance as requested would
allow the applicant to canstruct a modest balcony to enhance the aesthetic character of the property
while not affecting adjacent property views.
6. The variance is necessary to use the property in a reasonable manner. It is generally reasonable
for lakeshore properties to construct upper levef decks at ttze rear of the house.
7. The practicaf difficu{ty does exist due ta circumstances unique to the property. The property is 99.9
feet in depth from the front lot line to the lakeshore. The limited depth of the property and minimum
buildable footprint allowed under the Zoning Ordinance has resulted in an exisfing nonconforming
decreased sefback from the lake. The proposed lake setback of the balcony (24.8 feet) will not
encroach further into the setback from the lake to the existing lower levei deck (14.1 feet}.
8. The granting of the variances will not alter the existing character of the neighborhood. As identified
in the sunrey on fiEe, many nearby lalceshore properties have nonconforming lake setbacks and
upper level deck areas similar to the proposed balcony.
9. An upper level balcony is an allowed structure wifhin the R-1 (Low Density Residential) Zoning
10. The granting of the variance will not be necessary to alleviate any hardships of the inability to use
solar energy systems.
11. The contents of Plann�ng Case #13-126 are hereby e�tered into and made a part of the public
record and the record of decision for this case.
Based upon the Findings set forth above, the Board of Adjustment hereby approves the following
varianees to allow construction of a ba(cony on a property in the R-1 (Low Density) Zoning District:
• A 25.2 foot variance from the required minimum 50 foot structure sefback from fhe Ordina�y
High Water (OHW) elevation of Prior Lake t�sing the average lake setbacks of adjacenf
properfies (Secfion 9104.308}.
The variance is subject to the fo{fowing conditions:
1. This resolution must be recorded at Scott Counfy within 60 days of adoption. Proof of
recording, along with the acknowledged City Assent Form, shall be submitted to the Planning
Department prior to the issuance of a building permit.
Adopted by the Board of Adjustment on November 14, 2019.
Commission Chair
Dan Rogness, Community & Ecanomic Development Director
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O � PRI��
F� � v 4G4G Dakota Stceet SE
Prior Lai:e, MN 55372
Steriing State Bank, owner of the subjecf property, is requesting variance in order to allow #or the
installation of a fence on a property located at 3904 Green Heights Trail SW. The property is located
along the southern shores of Upper Prior Lake, west of Dunkirk Avenue. The property currently
contains a single family home. The following variances are requesfed wifh the proposed st�rvey and
building plan:
• A 4 foot height variance to a1/ow an 8 foot fence heighf in the front yard of a residential
property and a 50 percent opacity variance to allow a 900 percent opacity fence in the front
yard of a residential property (Section 1901.504).
• A�t 91 foot variance fi�om the required 25 foot minimum fronf yard structure setback in the
R-9 {L.ow Density Residenfial) Zoning Disfrict (Section 1902.505 (9})
The property is zoned R-1 {Low Density Residential}, and is guided R-LD (Urban Low Density} on the
2030 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The properfy currently contains a single family home.
Sterling State Bank proposes to construct a solid eight (8) foot vinyl fence along the eastern property
line of the residential property. The property line is shared with a commercial property, Captain Jack's
Restaurant and Marina. The applicant would like fo utilize the proposed fencing to provide screening
between the residential and commercial uses. The applicant further explains his request in the
narrative attached to this report.
The current City Ordinance pertaining to fencing in residential areas is as follows:
9101.504 Fences in Residential Use Districts. Fences may be permitfed in reqtured yards, strbjecl fo the '
following provisions:
(9) The heighf of fences and walls permrtfed in required yards shall be limifed. The height shal! be '
measured from the ground level to the top of fhe fence or waJl secfion. Fence posfs may extend no '
more ihan 8 inches above tf�e required height limit of a fence. In the case where fhe ience sectron ',
Phouc 952.447.9800 / Pv: 952.4d7.�1245 / «��vs+�.cityofpriorlake.cotn
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has variabfe heights, fhe heighf of the fence shal! be fhe average heighf. Fence heights shail be
limited as fo!laws:
� A fence or wafl sha!! nof exceed 8 fesf in height if if is located in any side or rear yard.
Y A fence or wall may be located in a front yard if the fence or wall doss not exceed 4 feet in
height and 50 percent opacity. Fences in fhe front yard shall be limifed to decorative fences,
such as picket fences, splif rai! fences and decorafive rron fences. Chain link fences are not
permitted in the front yard.
� Barbed wire fences are allowed only in the Agricultura! Use District.
� A fence or wall shall not exceed 8 feef in herght if the yard in which it is placed abufs a
principal or minor artariat road.
� A{ence or wall exceeding 8 fesf in height may be allowed if placed in any srde or rear yard
separafrng a commercia! or industria! use from a resrdenfia! use, a school, church or other
public building.
� A fence or walJ may exceec! 6 feet i�a heighf in any side or rear yard when rt is insfalled as
pa�t of a bufferyard as defined in Subsection 9 907.2000, howevsr fhe fence may not exceed
8 feet in height.
� A fence or wa!! in one front yard of any through lof may be at the herght permifted in a rear
yard if it complres wifh a!! of the provisions of Subsecfion 1901.506, is used as a rear yard,
and fhe fenced yard used as the rear yard does nof adjoin a yard used as a fronf yard.
(2) Where a fence or wal16 feet in height orless is trsed as parf of an animal kennel or rc�n, it may not be
locafed in any required side or front yarcl, and it sha!! be located at least 90 feef from any rear lot line.
{3) Temporary snow fences including accompanying posfs and supports shall be permifted in any yard
from November 1st fo Apri! 9st.
(4) No fence, hedge or wa!! or visua! obstructron of any kind shall be permitted which is not in
compliance with Subsection ??0?.506.
(5) Any fence or wa!! over 8 feef in height consfrcrcfed as a result of this subsection shal! be constructed
of a nonmetallic materia! and sha!! be 90% opaque. It shail be considered a structure, shalJ require a
l�uilding permit, and shall meet all Minnesota State Building Code reqc�ireme��ts for a sfructure.
(6J No fence may be located in any publrc righf of way or public easentent except by permission of the
Cify Engineer.
(7) A fence ott a carner lof abuttinc� a collector street shal! be subject to the following condrtions:
� The fence shal! not sxceed 6 feet in heighf along the side sfresf lot line.
� The fronf yard shafl be defermined by the location of fhe garage. The direction fhe garage is
facing sha11 be considered the front yard.
➢ For lots wrth driveway access on a collecfor sfreef, fhe fence shatl not be constructed withrn
a sighf triangie described as beginning from a point at the intersection of fl�e extension of fite
existing curb lines of the street or pavement edge and driveway, and extendrng 50 feet along
the edge of the sfrest and along the length of the driveway to the garage front. This defines
fwo sides of the triangle. The fhird line is a lino connecfing the end poinfs of ths two srdes
described above.
� The side streef sha11 be designated as a collecfor streef rn the Comprehensive PIar1.
� A 6 foof fence shal! be located behind the rear corner of the prrncipal hcrrlding or detached
accessory struch�re along fhe fronf lot line abufting the coftecfor street.
3> A 6 foof fence sha!! maintain a 10 foot setback along the collecfor sfreet in front of fhe rear
corner of fhe principa! sfructu�e or detached accessory structure.
� The fence shall maintain a 1 foot setback from a trail or sidewalk.
(8J A zonfng permrt shall be obtaii�ed prior to the insfa!lation of a fence nof exceeding 6 feef in height. A
sife plan showing the location of the fence in relafion fo the property lines sha(! be submitted wifh tl�e
permit applicafion. A building permit shall be reguired for a fence exceeding 6 feet in height.
Variance Hardship Findings
Secfion 1108.400 states that the Board of Adjustment may grant a variance from the strict application af
the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, provided that:
(1) There are practical difficulties in complying with the strict terms of the Ordinance.
"Practical difficulties," as used in connection with the granting of a Var+ance, means the
property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted by the
Zoning Ordinance. Economic considerations alone do not constitute practical difficulties.
Practical difficulties do exist for the applicant to achieve a level of screening between the
residential and cammercial uses. 7he Zoning Ordinance does allow for an 8 foot fence to be
installed as part of a bufferyard between differing land uses within a rear or side yard; however,
the Zoning Ordinance does not allow such a fence within the front yard. In this case the
residential front yard is adjacent to the commercial property as well; therefore the proposed
screening af this front yard appears justified.
(2) The granting of the Variance is in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the
City Subdivision and Zoning Ordinances and the Comprehensive Plan.
Two purposes of the Zoning Ordinance are to "Protect the residential, business, industrial and
public areas of the community and maintain their stability" and "Provide for compatibility of different
land uses by segregating, controfling and regulating unavoidable nuisance producing uses." The
approval of the variances as requested would allow the applicant to provide screaning beiween
the differing land uses.
(3) The granting of the Variance is necessary to permit the reasonable use of the property
The variances are necessary to use the properfy in a reasonable manner. If is a common
occurrence to construct a high level of screening and buffering between residential and
commercial land uses.
(4) The practicaf difficulty is due to circumstances unique to the praperty not resulting from
actions of the owners of the property and is not a mere convenience to the property owner
and applican#.
The practical difficulfy does exist due to circumstances unique to the property. The two property
land uses are in close proximity to one another and screening/buffering is common in such
(5) The granting of the variance will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood or
be detrimental to the health and safety of the public welfare.
The granting of the variances will not alter the existing character of the neighborhood. The
proposed sefback of the fence (14 feet from fronf property line) will not impede traffic safety and
visibility nor will it impede snow storage for the adjacent sfreet. Although the fence is proposed
completely on private property, the setback from fhe street can be a concern to allow for
adequate snow storage and minimize the potential risk of damage during snow plowing (heavy
snow being pushed against the fience); however, the proposed 15' set-back meets or exceeds the
average distance snow can be pushed during plowing events.
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(6) The granting of the Variance will not result in allowing any use of the property that is not
permitted in the zoning district where the subject property is focated.
A solid vinyf fence is an allowed an accessory structure within the R-1 (Low Density Residential)
Zoning District.
(7) The granting of the Variance is necessary to alleviate an inadequate access to direct
sunlight for solar energy systems.
The granting of the variances will not be necessary to alleviate any hardships of the inability to
use solar energy systems.
In conclusion, the applicant proposes fo install a solid 8 foot vinyf fence along the east property line to �
within a 14 foot setback from the firont property line (15 feet from the curb). The solid fence will achieve
a higher level of screening from the adjacent commercial land use than the typical 4 foof, 50°/a opacity �
fence allowed by the Zoning Ordinance. The 14 foot front setback will permit the fence to provide ;
screening between the properties without impeding traffic visibility and snow storage areas adjacent to '
the street. Therefore, City Staff recommends approval of the requested variances.
1. Approve the variances requested by the applicant with the lisfed canditions, or approve any ;
variance the Planning Corttmission deems appropriate in the circumstances. i
2. Table or con#inue discussion of the item for specific purpose.
3. Deny the application because the Planning Commission #inds a lack of demonstrated practical j
difficulties under the zoning code criteria. ;
This request requires the following motions: !
9. A motian and second adopting Resolution 11-9 �PC approving the following variances: i
• A 4 foof heighf variance to allow an 8 foot fence height in the front yard of a residenfial !
property and a 50 percent opacity variance fa allow a 100 percenf opacity fence in the front �
yard of a residential property (Section 9 901.504).
• An 99 foot variance from the required 25 foof minimum front yard structure setback in fhe
R-1 (Low Density Residential) Zoning Disfrict (Section 1102.505 (9}).
1. Resolution 11-11PC '
2. Location map ',
3. Prope�ty Survey
4. Applicant Narrative, Photograph �
o � riuo� �
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U 4G46 Dakota St�'eet SE '
Prior Lake, MN 55372
'�'1Nrv�SO�A I
BE IT RESOLVED BY the Board of Adjustment of the City of Prior Lake, Minnesota;
1. Sterling State Bank is requesting variances from the Zoning Ordinance to allow a fence in the front
yard of a property in the R-1 (Low Density) Zoning District at the following Iocation, to wit; �
3904 Green Heights Trail SW, Prior Lake, MN 55372 i
All that portion of Lot 20, GREEN HEIGHTS FIRST ADDITION, Scott County Minnesota according to I
the recorded plat thereof, lying Westerly of the following described line: !
Beginning at a point on the Southerly line of said Lot 20, 50 feet Easterly of the most Southerly corner ,
thereof; thence in a Northwesterly direction through a point to the shore of Prior Lake and there
terminating, said point described as follows: Commencing at the most Southerly corner of Lot 20; i
thence North 28 degrees 48 minutes 20 seconds west along the Westeriy line of Lot 20 a c{istance of
182.4 feet; thence North 56 degrees 05 minutes 40 seconds East 63 feet to said point.
Torrens Property ',
2. The Board of Adjustment has reviewed the application for the variance as contained in Case #91- I
127 and held a hearing thereon on November 14, 2011. ',
3. The Board of Adjustment has considered the effect of #he proposed variance upon the health, I ;
safety, and welfare of the community, fhe existing and anticipated traffic conditions, light and air, ;
danger of fire, risk to the public safety, the effect on property values in the surrounding area and the
effect of the proposed variance on the Comprehensive Plan.
4. Practical difficulties do exist for the applicant to achieve a level of screening between the residential
and commerciai uses. The Zoning Ordinance daes allow for an 8 foot fence to be installed as part
of a bufferyard between differing land uses within a rear or side yard; however, the Zoning
Ordinance does not allow such a fence within the front yard. [n this case the residential front yard is
adjacent to the commercial property as well; therefore the proposed screening of this front yard '
appears justified.
5. Two purposes of fhe Zoning Ordinance are to "Protect the residential, business, industrial and public '
areas of the cammunity and maintain fheir stability" and "Provide for compatibility of different land uses ;
by segregating, controlling and regulating unavoidable nuisance producing uses." The approval of the
variances as requested would allow the applicant to provide screening between the differing land
Yl�one 952.�l�t7.9840 / ��: 952.�147.4245/ �v�t��v.cityofpriorlake.com ',
6. The variances are necessary to use the property in a reasonable manner. It is a common
occurrence to construct a high level of screening and buffering between residentiaf and commercial
fand uses.
7. The practical difficuity does exist due to circumstances unique to the property. The two property
(and uses are in close proximity to one another and screeninglbuffering is common in such
8. The granfing of fhe variances will nof alter the existing character of the neighborhood. The
proposed setback of the fence (14 feet from front property line) will not irnpede traffic safety and
visibility nor will it impede snow storage for the adjacent street. Although the fence is proposed
completely on private property, the setback from the street can be a concern to allow for adequate
snow storage and minimize the potential risk of damage during snow plowing (heavy snaw being
pushed against the fence}; however, the proposed 15' set-back meets or exceeds the average
distance snow can be pushed during plowing events.
9. A solicf vinyl fence is an allowed an accessory structure within the R-1 (Law Density Residential)
Zoning District.
10. The granting of the variance will not be necessary to alleviate any hardships of the inability to use
solar energy systems.
11. The contents of Planning Case #11-127 are hereby entered into and made a part of the public
record and the record of decision for this case.
Based upon the Findings set forth above, the Board of Adjusfinent hereby approves the fol(owing
variances ta allow a fence in the front yard of a property in the R-1 (Low Density) Zoning District:
• A 4 foof height variance fo allow an 8 foof fence height in the front yard of a residenfial
property and a 50 percent opacity variance to allow a 100 percent opacity fence in the fronf
yard of a residei�tial property (Section � 109.504).
• An 91 foot variance from the required 25 foot minimum fronf yard strucfure sefback in fhe
R-9 (Low Density Residential) ZQning Disfrict (Secfion 1902.505 (9))
The variance is subject to the following conditions:
1. This resolution must be recorded at Scott County within 60 days of adoption. Proof of
recording, along with fhe acknowledged City Assent Form, shall be submitted to the Planning
Department prior to the issuance of a building permit.
2. A building permif shall be obtained for construction of the 8 foot tall #ence.
Adopted by the Board of Adjustment on Navember 1A, 2011.
Commission Chair
Dan Rogness, Community & Economic Development Director
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The involved residential property is located at 39Q4 Green Heights Trail, Prior
Lake, MN. Sterling State Bank would like to install a soiid eight foot tall vinyl fence
between tlie involved property and the adjacent cosi�mercial propei�ty. The adjacent
conu�iercial property coi�sists of a restaurandbar/marina operated i�nder the name of
Captain Jack's. Captain Jack's is a popular public destination which generates significant
noise and traffic dt�ring the afteinoon, evening, and early morning hours. This noise and
traffic significantly impairs the quiet use and enjoyment of tlie involved property. For
instance, a restaurant ventilation fan continuously generates a loud drone which can be
l�eard inside tlie residence located on the involved property. '
An additional pt�rpose of the fence is to provide a distinct separation of the two
propec�ties' uses. For example, the fi•ont yard of the involved property contains a patio
area while the •corresponding area of fhe commercial propei�ty consists of a fenced in area
containing garbage dumpsters and grease holding arcas. Please see tlie attached
photographs, It is hoped the heiglrt, opacity, and a limited set back of the fence will
impair or muffle the noise gcciei•ated by Captain Jack's patrons and operatio�is in fhe
eveniug and early moi•ning hours, along with providing a barrier between the properties'
two t�isfinct uses.
Based on the foregoing, Sterling State Bacilc requests a variance of Prior Lake
Zoning �rdii�ance 1101.504 (Fences in Residential Use Districts) et al., as to the height
opacity, and set back requirements fo�• a residential fence. Specifically, Sterling State
Baiilc requesfs a va�•iance to install an eight (8) foot tall vinyl fence which would be l 00%
opaque in the front yard of the involved propei�ty to within 15 feet of the street curb of
Green Heights` Trail. �
' It should be notcd tl�e same type of fence will be installed along tl�e side and year yard of involved
prope�ty, but that ito variance is required pursuant to Prior Lake Zoning Ordi��ance t 101.504 since the
fence scparates a commercial and residential use.
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A summary of actions taken by the Prior Lake Planning Commission will be presented for the time
period Navember 1, 2010 through October 31, 2011.
Phonc 952.447.9800 / F�.� 952.�47.�1245 / �ti����ti�.cityof'priorlake.cont