HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-28-11 PC Agenda Packet O .� PRlp�, � � , 4646 Dakota Street SE � Prio►• Lake, MN 55372 i �INNHSO' i PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA � MONDAY, November 28, 2019 City Council Chambers 6:00 p.m. ; � 1. Call Meeting to Order: � ; 2. Approval of Agenda: � � 3. Consider Approval of November 14, 2011 Meeting Minufes: � I 4. Public Hearings: i I 5. Old Business: 6. New Business: A. Consider a Report on the Acquisition of Tax-For�eitetl Propert+es for comp�iance with the 2030 � Comprehensive Pfan � � 7. Announcements and Correspondence: ; i 8. Adjaurnment: � 9, Workshop: j The Commissioners will reconvene for a training workshop in the Parkview Room to discuss: � • 2030 Comprehensive Plan ; • Subdivision and Zoning Ordinances � I i , � � � s i � L:111 FILESU 1 PLAAlNIi�iG CO�fA4ISSlOi\'11I AGENVAS1102411 Agcnda.doc Pl�onc 952,447.9800 / Fa� 952.�147.42�IS / �«+����.cityofpriodakc.com Planning Commission Meeting Minutes November 14, 2011 PLANNING COMMISSION MINU7ES MONDAY, November 14, 2011 1. Call to Order: Community & Economic Development Director Dan Rogness cailed the November 14, 2011, Planning Commission meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Those presenf were Commissioners Roszak, Spieler, Slahnifc, Hite, Phelan and Community & Economic pevelopment Director D p.,Rogness, Pianner Jeff Matzke and Community Development Assistant Peter Aldritt. ����`�����=; . r ,. ::;� Director Rogness stated we will start this meefing differently primaril,y�l�:e:oause fhis is the first meeting of the 2011/2012 year. We do not yet have a chair or vice-chair e���f�d ye}'�`rom the 5 member Planning Commission. I as Community & Economic Developmerit;pirector``!N�}I�get the rrteeting started a:•}}. , and then hand it over to the newly elected chair. �;••::::-. ,,;,.::.�:,, �; ,� , . .,.- � `''ri : ;�:�.•• r .y `��: i: :�:�.� A MOTION MADE BY ROSZAK SECOND BY SPIELER;;�� APPOINT JEFF PHELAN;;C,HAIR OF THE a'ii}: i, �+,., v:: l ., /,,• CITY OF PR10R LAKE'5 PLANNING COMMISSION::;:;:: �s:::, t .�., r: �:::� ::� ,;' �`r. ;�: f%.''•,. °�:.�$;::; ` ":.� �.��;?:.. VOTE: Ayes, Roszak, Spieler, Blahnik, Hite, and Phelan ,� c�rried. �� =�. � :;; ,,.:;, ``r �= :�-;:>. ti ;:>.•.,,. "`:'::•:::;. A MOTION BY HITE SEC4ND BY BLAHNIK::T�;:APPOINT TOM F����K ViCE-CHAIR OF THE CITY � r ...�, :.....,, ,,}; . ,, OF PRiOR LAKE S PLANNING COMMISSIOI�;'�r:;: `::::>x r�;;,;:� 1�:. � :•:•�.. �;r:� � <<. ."`=`-::::�-�;:�:�•:. r.:� l;; �•1�{�}}.:�Y �: J VOTE: Ayes, Roszak, Spieler, Blahnik, Hite, and�Phela,n::�Th:e;�VlQtion,aarried. �;> /:��' :>::.�:: ��:' 'ti' 1 "�:i R, %�;�;•^; 2. Approval of Ager�da: %:�.:::; `i�, ! :-.,, �'`��= �� t �: �: �:�� MOT40N BY SPIEL��R,�S��� ROSZAK TO`�AP�'ROVE THE NOVEMBER 14, 2011 �.... :. <.... f ,.,,, MEETfNG AGENDA AS PR�:��NT�j�':=` .:::::.::..::::..... ��� '•• :;: .: =:: •- _;�:<:.:::; •.-:-.;::::.�-;• .`:.•�:.�.•..:: �. � ':..::•:. � ..�i :Sr ='.•:.:•.::•:.•::: /:' �::.•�: ��:.'1'.'' VOTE: Ay��' Hite, and`P�elan. The Motion carried. . \' }.1.;.;.�:. •,��':•::::•:. :.1:' •, . .,�...� �'.Y. � .. .-. � .:1' ::. .��t ..:.� � 3. .: �qnsider Approva�::q�?:�ctob�r��;;2011 Meeting Minutes: • ;• ti}•, �:. � 5 ""'% ; � :,.., . ti r (r, _r i � �`rf.titi�� � i.: •.S .' 4 f•J MOT10N BY::kQSZAK, SECONQED BY'HITE TO APPROVE THE OCTOSER 24, 2091 MEETING 4:.•- , t-:::s MINUTES AS�RR�SENTED. :�;; �:;::. `'':;:ti1 F: VOTE: Roszak, Sp'i"�I.$�:� Blahrijk, Hite, and Phelan. The Motion carried. 4. Public Hearing�: �' l,.I �,, A. #EP 11-126 Welsch Balcony Variance. Bof� Welsch is requesting a Variance from the minimum lakeshore setback on a Genera! Development lake in the R-1 (Low Density Residential) Zoning District. Planner Matzke presented that Bob Welsch, property owner of the subject property, is requesting a variance in order to a11ow for the construction of a balcony on a property located at 6424 Conroy Street NE. The property is located along the northern shores of Lower Prior Lake, south of Greenway Avenue, and west of Shady Beach Trail. The property currently contains a single family home. The variance requested is a 25.2 foot variance from the required minimum 50 foot structure setback from L:\I 1 F{I.ESU 1 PLANNING COYIA4ISSIOMI 1 MINiJTF.SIA�IN! I 1411.doc 1 i Plannfng Commission Meeting Minutes I November 14, 2011 ! i the Ordinary High Water (OHW) elevation of Prior Lake using the average lake setbacks of adjacenf i properties. The applicanf proposes to construct a 7' x 18' upper level balcony lacated at the rear of the house. The current s#ructure setback from the fake to the existing lower level deck is 14.1 feet. The ' proposed structure setback from the lake to the balcony is 24.8 feet. Many other neighboring ; proper#ies have similar setbacks to upper levef deck areas. Therefore, Cify Staff recommends approval ; of the requested variance. Questions and Comments from the Commissioners: None .•�%��''�'�� ,r,: � ::�i ::i: , ::{% `•. .: ti-:'., A MOTION 8Y ROSZAK SECOND BY MITE TO OPEN THE PUB�:��� H�AI�,1_l�G. �.... , �-: --:: . �'•:' � :<::-:>. �:S �......,, �: t �, VOTE: Ayes, Roszak, Spieler, Blahnik, Hite, and Phelan. T carried: �'•:�:.::::,, .,=•. - ;� �<:�r :::;,,, ::'!•'• • '{ ljll�+i `:'Jf �ri� The Public hearing was opened at 7:14pm. ;::;'� � �•:;;;;:, ; ;::.:• ,: �,: % �,. •.: �:: �>.� �::::: � ��'� Comments from the Public: " �%`�;;; � None '::�-��, `�, ••' �{.��.1 ��. j.' •• �. ,y 1•::.'. f . �'. ti..: • A MOTION BY SPIELER SECOND BY RO .7AK TO CLOSE TH�:I�UBLIC HEARING. �: >•:�s:: �;;::-:::;.; , <•:-:.::.::�:::., �::.:•:: VOTE: Ayes, Roszak, Spieler, Blahnik, Hite, `�ri����Pn:�l�n The Motio�r'{e���xetl. The public hearing was closed at 7:15pm. Ei:;, "`''�' �' ��'•�� �`':::;° � � ,`''�� �• ���r�^•,. .:�'� f•% � ��::�•�:::, �{;s :.• :s�::�::ti :: �''� Comments from #he Commi$Sj�ners: ,%, � � �•�� •:� �> ,��.. .,•: �� ::� `���;� ;�� ,�:: Spieler stated, I have no;�bmmenfs:; �;:., �c4 ''�:::�::� �••:. ,� ��. � ; } �:; . � �•:•::. t Hite stated, I have n� c bas.�:d on the fiindin st"'�h`�t were resented. I am in favor of this. �:���:,� �:; � ,�r� I� f ` ���� ��� �'; �': �; �`:�i�,;�:�: � :•::.-.. „<�� Roszak stated,• i�, agreerri�K�-;�s v+iell�f����c�;:oji;�lie staff report. It meets the provisions of approving ��Gari�ri�ie:=':�I���n support::�his ' ''�' `��� ;:� :�.:, ":`:.;: :,� Blahnj.l����tated, I too will be:;����orting`:thi;s,�la�''riance; this proposed bafcony wiE[ not further encroach on the f�ke"s}�;oX� setback. It is'��sthetically:�tileasing and will not obstruct the neighbors. I will be Y:.; V. /.� supporting��til9:: t==;;'s� �� t=;:::. f:%;;� �'�������':, nr�� Phelan stated, ��o�o:: no o�e.ctions, The neighboring properties have similar setbacks and the proposed balcony is���thin th�� x�sting foot print of the lower deck. f wi(I be voting in favor of this. `��: •, A MOTION BY BLAHNfK-;:�ECOND BY SPIELER TO ADOPT RESOLUTtON 9 9-10PC TO APPROVE A 25.2 FOOT VARIANG�FROM THE REQUIRED MINMUM 50 FOOT STRUCTURE SETBACK FROM THE ORDINARY HIGH WATER ELEVA710N �F PRI�R LAKE US1NG THE AVERAGE LAKE SETBACKS OF ADJACENT PROPERTIES PURSUANT TO SECTION 1104.308 OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE. VOTE: Ayes, Roszak, Spieler, BEahnik, Hite, and Phelan. The Motion carried. L:111 F1LES11f PLANNINQC0�4MISSIOMII [19INUTESIMNIIIdILdoc 2 Planning Commission Meeling Minutes November 14, 20'{ 1 B. #EP 11-127 3904 Green Heights Traii. Tracy Morton with Sferling State Bank is requesting variance from the minimum front yard setback and minirrium fence heigh# allowed in the R-1 (Low Density Residential} Zoning District. Planner Matzke presented that Tracy Morton with Steriing State Bank Sterling, owner of the subject property, is requesting a variance in order to allow for the installation of a fence on a property located at 3904 Green Heights T�ail SW. The property is located along the southern shores of Upper Prior Lake, wesf of Dunkirk Avenue. The property currently contains a single family home. The following variances are requested with the proposed survey and building plan. A 4 foot height�yariance to allow an 8 foot �..,. fence height in the front yard of a residenfia{ property, a 50 percent�p.��ityliariance to allow a 100 percent opacity fence in the front yard of a residential property, ��d::�n 11 foot variance from the required 25 foot minimum front yard structure setback in fhe R-�:�=(Lt�v�:�D�nsity Residential) Zoning { ��/ District. Sterling State Bank is proposing to construct the solid fo�t `vi�iyi: along #he eastern property line of the residential property. The property line�is s�i,ared wiff�;;;�: property, Captain Jack's Restaurant and Marina. The applicant wQ�i(d��fi{�e 'to utilize ff���;.;proposed fencing fo provide screening between the residentia[ and commerei�t��uses. City Staff is re��fXjXpending approval of the variances. >:� �, �'" ,,t� ,i'"������`"';" { �'a ��::;::i�:: Fi; :;.; � ;:: t-`' � Questions and Comments from the Commissloners: °�:;;;'s.; r .;.;�'`^��� ; �''�f�� : ,;?'' �., ,..�{. Spieler asked, how close is the fence to ti�� iine? � i : ; -,�rrrs. t�::�:�:::•;. �:.�; : Matzke responded, the fencing standards a((p right up to"`t}j:e .�roperty line. Typically people puf it up fo a foot or six inches away from fh�`pro�bi�y.:11t1,�_ so that they__��h maintain full ownership of the fence. ,�;} •<: �:;:::�:::. .,� �' � }::�:::�::::::;�.;.. ;;: �:;:: .. :::::� :: :::.:..:.:.::: ti:;ti f ::�. Spieter asked, is fhere an,.y in regard:{to;.snow plow��g� and getting back to the adjacent property's garage? :?;: •,`�:��� `�:� '`. ,<::.; `"'� ;;'::;;; : �, :.•:,� �'�.'v::� S' .... t, Ey'..y: ��; � MatzKe responded, .;tii"�f�;`�arage is ��;f service doar `#or,.,Gaptain Jacks, the applicant could possibly respond to that question. �`�eYe_wo�!(e( be p[enty o�;�Coom to get back to that garage. The path is not maintained very well and may�:ii:ot.be`�utili�ed%trt�ach winter months. : � : :::. ::::::::>::::::::. '�<::;;.;;:;.., :..,, ::::�:�:?:s>:�� .-::. ::. �::.::.� :.:::.. �:.�:::� ,�• ::.� Spieler asl�ed; �is tfie�e;ariy,criteria��r color of the fence itself? ;� �`�� =:�::: �. �''�� =:' ���• � .:.. •:;•-s:.r. Matzke<re��onded, there is��tof;�,,The appli��nt is proposing white vinyl. �� .,;�;;>.>. <;.. : s� fl . :•.}}, i:i-::'S �! Blahnik as�tec�;:;f.he 25 foot s�`:��fure setback, does this onfy come into piay because the proposed fence is 8 fee�';�:oth�rwise the �pf�licant would have been allowed to put in a 4 foot high 50% opacity fence in? ':�:'� ��:: r' ;' �.'..� ,l;:< � ,+'`' "f'•• f:.� �'. Matzke responded, feii�ing:Yequirements state that a fence becomes a structure when a fence is over 6 feet in height. Since ���` proposed fence is 8 feet it requires a building permit and must meet the structure setbacks. A MOTION BY SPIELER SECOND BY ROSZAK TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING. VO7E: Ayes, Roszak, Spieler, Blahnik, Mite, and Phelan. The Motion carried. The Public Hearing opened at 7:26pm. L:111 FILES\I1 PLAT3IQ1NGC0J�11�1ISSIOMII A4iNUTESUvi�llll�ill.doc 3 Pfanning Commission Meeting Minuies November 14, 2019 Comments from the Public: Tracy Mor#on and Nathan Snyder (4520 150"' Street W Apple Valtey) stated, we are here before you tonight in request of a variarcce to install a fence at 309 Green Heights Trail. We have some photos that better show the site (Mr. Morton discussed the photos of the site). Based on Mr. Matzke's reporf 1 am asking for you to approve the variartce requested. Spieler asked, with the white fence is there concern with that matching Captain Jack's building more than the house? .ti�:� Morton respondect, there are not too many colors out there for fenci .����V1lhite��'is generally consistent �-= � � with what is in the neighborhood. The main reason behind the fence.�s-:f4�block the view from Captain Jacks. �,� :: . y �•1.;:;� � .�++ 3 . Hite asked, do we know if Captain Jacics has any issue with,tl��';fenf��? :����:�:-• , �� �' - C ••S . Matzke responded, we have not received any comrnents from Captain Jacks`'�on:;:xhis application. ; Z, 'f.Y:..'., l Notices were sent to all properfy owners within 350,;f�����Of fhe su�j�et sife. The notic�;:1�:,o,.tifies what is ' ,,.,.,•� }:.. t:•::: I taking place at the sut�ject site and when the public lieariFig'.;j�,takin�,�I�� . E��` � �'�'� :::�'-':�, r=: ��� Tracy Morton stated, when we had the property surveyed it'`d��t;rappear that their garage actually was over on our properfy. ��:; °�> ' <;�.; ' %'r'i-; . rr`Lr'.f:i'•. Phetan asked, it was mentioned earlier that ��;"js��p��;o{_ continuing i�ii(�rov�i�nent to make the property saleable, is there an interested party now or i�;this'Just�;��;:proactive me�s�ure to try and secure an offer � on the property. '�'"' ,-�'. � ti':L {� � ('•: /: •• _ " f ` . 1::.;'` �•� :•':•!l:•:•.':'::•. •.'` . _ .. 5 ��.\ i.:i •� 'i..':.', :' • ( �...... �..1:1_.��. • ....• Tracy Morton responded th��`e'were a co�j�le of extremely interested purchasers bt�t it always comes davyri�;fo whe�Yi�:i�;�r not you wa�if.:to be next to a restaurant. tir; <-=• .•it�.' r::•> ? ��"tt f: •. {�.. r John Thompson (3�45�G���,n Heigijts Trail} stated,•J:liv'e right across from the property and 1 wanted to say I think it is a positive���i:at ,J`•�li�ave the main view of their dumpster right now , and it was a s,�� .t#�j� ��I� ��j�_trees�an�# f��j��;Coming out. It is very important that they grant the ', variance to s6.tiia� fhis beautifU( piece praperEy can be saleable. ' -• ;:.•:.;:::.: �..�::.,, ! .,.. . �•::::.. ::=: � :.;; ::::::•. 1 ::::.:., ���: <-::�•.::�, A M { ( y� >l�N BY SPfELER'S BI�:�L;Ijf�N1K TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. ' `' , i:} l:✓ - ��i: r:}r '+,� �"� � �}:;i.:. f� i VOTE: Ayes;'i�oszak, Spieler;��Bl�hnik, Hite, and Phelan. The Motion carried. � #:`•-' � 7he Public Hearirj�:.i�vas closed'���7:36pm. �: . �;, Comments from the�'G;����§�sioners: �`:,:::.:�`. S ieler stated, I wi11 b�''�su ortin the variances; it is ver p pp g y good for the property. It separates the proper�y from Captain Jacks and it increases the eye appeal of the neighborhood. Hife stated, I am also in favor of the variances. It's the best way to mitigate #he neighboring issue and � the distractions that the commercial use may be having on the residentiai property. Roszak stated, I agree with my fellow commissioners. I will be supporting if. � L:11 I 1'ILLSU 1 PLANNING COMMISSIOMI I A4Tt�UTES1114N 111411.doc 4 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes November 74, 2011 Bfahnik stated, i too will be supporting the variances. I believe fhe applicant meefs the practical difficuities test. The fence and screen is necessary far them to obtain reasonable use of the property, and the neighbors are in support of it. Phelan stated i too wilf be supporting the variance application. The 15 foot setback should maintain enough visibility for vehicles exiting the property and should be far enough back to not be hindered by snow removal. I think it help beautifies the property and hopefully Steriing State Bank can get a resident in there soon enough. A MOTION BY BLAHNIK SECOND BY ROSZAK TO APPROVE RESOL�J�'Ib�N PC APPROVING A 4 FOOT HEIGHT VARIANCE TO AILOW AN 8 FOOT FENCE HEIGH7'�IN THE FRONT YARD O�' A RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY AND A 50 PERCENT OPACITY VARIAN��'T,O AI.I.�W A 100 PERC�NT OPACITY FENCE IN 7HE FRONT YARD OF A RESIDENTIAL�;�f�R��l��_RTY CONSISTAN7 WITH SECTION 1101.504 OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE AND AN. 'f'I FO��__vARIANCE FROM THE ,... �... ... REQUIRED 25 FOO7 MINIMUM FRONT YARD STRUCTU : �::S�TBACK W T�I�. R-1 (LOW DENSITY , RESIDENTIAL) ZONiNG DISTRICT CONSISTANT WiTH�ECTION 1902.505`QF:THE PRIOR LAKE ' ClTY CODE. '' ••'`':::`:', ; : %•.'r 4 '.' . r. l.�i , � "'J.:: � : .'�.�1.•:.� r ,��. ',• 1!.•��.��.1 �.:� :� ..� � 'l...:1� i VOTE: Ayes, Roszak, Spieler, B}ahnik, Hite, and Phelan:`<;�;�e,MotiQ�:;��rried. ��f:�' I �;:�:?� ::, � ,� : . t .: i; . �.. . ; i�'c 5. Old Business: ��� '���`��` c�;;3•: ''�:�';: ; _ None zf`;;, :��:; �'ti�ti:i �_ t � ' `� � r:ti�`` � , i :" ::{� � fc �:? . •'. .?:-}:�... ,: 6. New Business: `�::, ,r' ".,� .. ; , r `I.` .� :.::......:..:',::..r..,.•,` V A. 209'i Annual Plann�nj;:�Q17i.�rt�ssion Reporf'<�;., �.� ,.;:: � :::;::::: c--, � ,;. ; .`.....;, e:,. Director Dan Rog��_ss present�d:the 201'I Ann �I Planning Commission Report. The reporf came { before fhe City Coilrf�ll:��their la`.t:;meeting. City���ff this would be a good opportunity to � farrtiliarize the new Pla Cor�riiission members;ii,iith the events that have taken place over the j ` '�r; :-' ;� �::�::;; : �; :�: � :.:: -� r. • J" � pas year. ........._ : :•r • :� :::::-:;:;::: •::::•::.: ... _; ,. ;:;�>:�::: � Commi��ioriers;(�t��5tlons:���:;;;�; •- � ,.I::� �:r:, .�::�:.>.�, None: � :- ;�� ;�� � ,�:f:�;r ;:,. ��'�::s:.;�, �•`>i�::: %' �'"' ',, •. =,; f� . �,,.,..', •:;..., . ; , y�•::•::t hE` . 7, Annou�r'`��'f�,,�ents and Cor��;¢�pond�nce: :.::.:�,, ��:.;;.;;,:.. �,::::: `�;;:�:� :. Director Dan Rogiiess stated f:tjie meeting on the Nov 28` does have a specific agenda item related .;:.;, .. �-:r to tax-forfeited properti,es city is considering purchasing from fhe county. Par# of the process requires that the Plannirig;�ofnmission look at it in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. �;:.:;,'` ' s.: . : MOTION BY SPIEL.ER�S�ECOND BY HITE TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. VOTE: Ayes, Roszak, Spieler, Blahnik, Hite, and Phelan. The Motion carried. 8. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 6:48 p.m. � � Peter Aldritt, Community DevelopmenE Assistant. � L:\IS P1LCS\ll PLA1�NIidGCO\1MFSSIOi�I111 i�41NU'1'ES11�4N111411.doc 5 I O � PRIp� h � v 4646 Dakota Stceet SE Prior Lake, MN SS372 `�rNtvsSO� PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA REPORT AGENDA iTEM: 6A SUBJECT: CONSIDER REPORT ON ACQUISI710N OF TAX FORFEtTED PROPERTIES PRES�NTER; JERILYN ERICKSON, FINANCE DIRECTOR PUBLIC HEARING: YES X NO-N!A i DATE: NOVEMBER 28, 2011 I I INTRODUCTION: The purpose of fhis agenda item is to consider the acquisition of four proper�ies that have been for- ' feited to the State of Minnesota due to non-payment of property taxes and/or specEal assessments. � I Minnesota State Stafute 462.356 provides that all proposed real property acquisitions be reviewed by ; the Planning Commission for consistency with the 2030 Comprehensive Land Use Plan. � � f pISCUSSION: i Minnesota State Statufe 282.01 addresses the classification and sale of forfeited properties. Scott ! County Taxation Department notified the City on June 90, 2011 of three parcels (parcels #1-3 below} � that had been forfeited to the State of Minnes�ta due to non-payment of property taxes. City staff was made aware of two additional parcels (parcels #4-5 below) per discussions with County staff. PID Property Est. Appraised GIS Special '' Address Market Value Acreage Assessments �', Value I 1 25-436- 3329 Wilds $136,000 �136,000 .45913 N/A 0520 Ridge NW ! {Wilds Ridge � and McKenna 2 25-064- N1A South of $2,200 $2,200 1.58692 Yes -- original , 0033 Rutledge nexf amount ', to Lakefronf �14,740 Pond � 3 25-042- N/A Red Oaks �100 �900 .55153 NJA ' 0230 Road extended at the oint 4 25-141- N/A Northwoad $3,000 $3,000 6.09614 N/A 0861 RoadlButternut Circle -- -- - -- _ , 5 25-903- NIA Northwood $8,000 $4,800 3.45781 N/A 0021 Road/Buttemut Circle On August 9, 2011, the City Council approved a resolution to hold parcels #2-5 from public auction for further consideration. ' � I , � I City Staff inet with Cindy Geis, Scott Counfy Director of Property and Customer Services to clarify the ; costs associated with the four forfeited parcels that were hetcf from public auction if we acquired them i for purposes of "storm water or water management." The costs are as follows: Fees for Acquiring Tax For#eited Properties � I Fees . 25-064-0033 25-042-0230 25-141-0861 25-903-0021 Purchase Price $ 300.00 $ 100.00 $ 100.00 $ 100.00 _ State Assurance �ee (3% of Sa[e Price) 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 State Deed Tax (.33% of Sate Price; $1.65 min) 1.65 1.b5 1.65 1.65 Conservation Fee 5.00 5.00 5.00 S.OQ � State Deed Fee 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 i County Recording Fee 46.00 46.00 46.00 46.00 CountyAdministration Fee 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 � Sheriff Fee 70.00 70.00 70.00 70.00 ; Well Certificate (if any) - - - - TotalFee $ 9D0.65 $ 400.65 $ 400.b5 $ 400.65 The need for acquiring these parcels was also confirmed with fhe Director of Public Works/Natura[ : Resources and the City Engineer. � i Upon acquisition, the City will receive a Conveyance of Forfeited Land deed that has a`whereas' clause which stafes the property is being quit claimed to the City. The state worked with Attorney General and even though the statute refers to a quit claim deed, the document is titlec{ as a con- veyance deed but does convey the property through quit claim per the language in the document. The Dept of Revenue states tha# title is transferred according to law. The Planning Commissian's function is to review the proposed acquisitions ta determine their com- ; pliance with the Comprehensive Pfan. Section 2.2 "Goals, Objecfives and Policies" of the 2030 Com- prehensive Land Use Plan provides guidance on "public and private land use, development, redeve- , lopment and preservation of all lands and waters within the City." The objectives stated under the "Environmental and Natural Resource Protection" goal specifically provide for the conservation and preservation of the natural environment, lakes and surface water. 7he purpose for considering the acquisitian of these four parcels is storm water or water manaae- ', ment ' A map for each of the four parcels being considered has been included with this agenda report. � I ACTfON REQUIRED: Motion and second to recommend acquisition of tax forFeited properties as the Commission deter- mines. �I I � 1 2 II Scott County, MN �,.., .. . e =��. ,� �. �.��� .�� rv._ � �.� ti. 9 w � �� � P_ � ,� » . , r /'� 1�3� �,�. '�e5'" �^,f, a� 1 �>.. /'� . � 1 3 �� 'a�.'�. . s'� �.,� / �t lt 1 1 � i_ ��.� 1 I 3 i � � y ' � � ,�_i , � e� � � ���_ � �. � ;;. �' 1 �_;i �' �� � ,�� 3 . � 1 1 : _ � t h� r �. "t "h "'� ll !i � li_ij- k� � '.� t� .��-"I � �, ... Y ... _ it��at: �� r. 1 'i:i �15=71 . 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Property Information Parcel ID: 250640033 Year Built: Taxpayer Name: SCOTT COUNTY TAXATION Last Sale Oate: Taxpayer Address1: 200 4 AVE W Last Sale Value: Taxpayer Address2: SHAKOPEE, MN 55379 Deeded Acreage: 1.76 Property Addressl: GIS Aaeage: 1.58692 Property Address2: Zoning Classification: School District: 719 Legal Description: SubdivisionName RLS 039 Lot TCT Block 008 SubdivisionCd 25064 E Estimated Land Value: a2,200 Plat Name: PLAT-25064 RLS 039 Estimated Buildings Value: $0 Block: OOB Totai Estimated Market Value: $2,200 Lot: TCT Home Style: Unique Well & Boring No.: Prime Square Footage: Well Depth Drilled: Bedrooms: Well Dale Drilled: Bathrooms: This drawinp is neither a bgally recorded map nor e survey and is not Ma p Scale N intended to be used as one. This drawiny is a compilation of records, . iniormation, and data located in various ciry, counry, anC sta;e olfices, and 1 inch = 436 feet other nources aBectinp the area shovm, and is to 6e used for reteronce W E .� purposes only. Scott County is not rcsponsi6le for any Inaccuracies hercin Ma �at@ �� �� wnlained. If discrepancies arc found, please conlact �he Swtt County p s�Neyo�:orru. 11/23/2011 S j�'��i���,�