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Building Permit 12.453
O J � 17 .. W z 1 1 _ ,-- J d' W W E" K z ��a Z ° r,,,,44 n, �� `` ? a w Vv O2 g WN / O a Z c V ILU. re Z 6 0 ❑0000 W W Z cc f N O J W u Z O j Z Y Y Z / Z O 0 o 2 88LI J c. O V V V O W Z Z W d y O W 0 d 2XW�gx N Z O W a 1 0 0 Z 1- O a 23m a 2 191 120 whwy 000000 - 0 Z 4C a a 0 = o } J it �J 0 a c3 YV � Z 0 V Z Y .°e, g O a f., ce co a , O Z Z a / y U ti a Z O W H f` C. ~ h- F- d' O Oa y 0. Z y W W -.1 W 0 CO W W 00 < Z 2 a s V O n o o �� 3 v v v c h i ? a 0 a ❑❑❑ ❑ V `tit 0 ❑ c (E rrfiftxaf 1 f Mrru am CITY OF PRIOR LAKE !ijrnrfmrnf of f nillting c lusprrfioxt K = Final Permitted ❑ Conditional C.O. Expires '.. c T his Certificate issued pursuant to the requirements of Section 110 of the ❑ R esidential / ❑ International;. Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance this structure was in compliance with the various ordinances of the City of Prior Lake regulating building construction or use. For the following: /�' t , /2 _ 4_53 Use Classification & iv 6� I-91 y Bl dg. Permit No. Occupancy Type /e Type Construction ✓ Zoning District /• / St ) Legal Description Z— el /3.3 /31,0E-F1 of N LL /7 U`Vo0 ; r K g /lam 2.. 02 7 fl //tJ ,' e Ow ner of Building Site Address Contractor's Name & Address /-:( 6 057 7) Ai G F / e-,/ /4 N/J [ /7 /^J_S" City Planner K Building 9ffi // Date: f" , A' i ' /;r' "3 Date: POST IN CONSPICUOUS PLACE i r / y a e\5 x 1 H x z r n � 1 r :� AY' , < » I` 1 J 2 (y� J ~ / o=tj ti W z w 2 g 5 g -J J � u.u.0 Z < .4 o v �� 2 _ 6 Z �` Q 00000 0 > a V 'O J W = 1 N u . A W Z » 3 C m e W o c C a 0Bo 0 0 0 4' ✓ X 0 W Z —SZzZ V c d CO 0 a m=w \ w 0 Z 6= Q J oo F o a 2 3 U) V w w a ❑❑0000 Ni, 00 0 ' O i , - a A J ): < ; o U I us Y V z 0 p 1 ` Q ri O Z Z V N N V p z 0 p W C° i = •• W F- I gi a.. co Z ffl Z W Y p O ce me me 13 O O o O u u. ? ii vs o \3 c0 0 S. t) ? < 0 a 000000 0 D 0 0 —` W 0 Q N z� ► � p ZV V W Q 0 I R � � �gg J > 4 ... 0 .4 � ��� 2 Z ❑0000 w lv W _ N \ _ 4:3 cc CI v G ° °-I m c O °! J z »z fib z o F W p F 2 ppG�iJ . ■ii O 0 0 4. w 0 000< 0 c a S z ce z_ z z z_ N � 0 a mxwwzx z a Jhitig W , W W z X C a. 2 W W z W ;i; ..ik DODO p J O Z 0 LL cc Q W W V � i F- z p cy CA g (�) z 0 < ° w O z g O w F- �' F - 4 W z O — a Z ..,,c Q O O '� a 0 z b z a - 5 z w Y ui l -J A U. 0 w pp i J z ►_ re v V w z OO d g O O H 0 0 u. aW?�Z ta 0 _ > v t) E. 5 4 0 0 a ❑❑❑❑1k❑ 0 --- .. 0❑ ..S. ■ Z 1■ P � — U � Zww4 0 % §'555W k k _ ■ & &w 2 % § 0 0 ■ ■ 6 OcO ❑O § 2 § 0 ■ X 2 CV § 0 z § § z k § o 2o � . 0 0 o _ 2 z 0 c k IX co 1j 0 � §� W 0 f §w <w -w o o CO § a. -1W.:.- Jai w w§ w . 000000 o re w o 0 © % CL a U x e z w 11 0 o < �� § \ / 0 .. k � � — k % w0 z § a V. 1- 1- 4 a k CO 2 F- :z X w w § -I % � © © §k�� I 0 0 11 ° § $ o 0 u.uu 0 Q U g E5 2 0 ci. 000000 0 0 0 3 0 r W Z Z ~ F J 2 W c e W Q z W W W 0 N 2 5 55 1 > i4 W 00 � i z a w 2 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑o❑ > re 1 o W = a o iz u. N VI 0 o 1 6 0- O. J w Z 114 0 1 F 2 YY TJ 0 U 0 g O O z �\ - I= a °� C 2 Z Et Z — = = Z — �_ 0 O Z C 0 0 W m�te Z m u ' Dr N 0 U a j W < 6j 5 W W W x C J a� 3 v�aM v v z r ' ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑ Z z w O re W i IL a _ 0 re W �I O ce Z U try Y U S z < C x W $ O Z 0 a 1- �' , �- n W 1111111 w O O z0- N Z N l a W 17. z u. 5 N Z Zp J Z W Y p„' Q O W W 2 O � � � J NI W - O O O - U V N G 0 u.u — M 0 3 U U a U= Q 0 a 0 000❑ 0 -Ik ❑ F PR CITY OF PRIOR LAKE BUILDING PERMIT, Date Rec'd ° . 4 ' TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE a. aft . � e F., °f ' 7,- AND UTILITY CONNECTION PERMIT ,, �HNEf+4 �� 1 Whitt Fitt PER NO. 7 1 �— 3 Pink Ap /� ' 3 Yellin. Applicant s (Please type or print and sign at bottom) ADDRESS ZONING (office use) 11 6G 2, Q.2 /.411/440- e'r PrI'cc l..,G t om. ,e f SD LEGAL DESCRIPTION (office use only) LOT 9 BLOCK 3 ADDITION gl s p ,, ."/t, tvessel PID e s ---- € 5'5i'Q,,2 v (Name) G. ..1 Q A •l,B •%--- (Phone) (Address) . BUILDER ....-- a i' 1 � (Company Name) � - •d. r►n t: r MOM (Phone) 10.? " fiS y.. (Kra-0 (Contact Name) 1'A b_ "D " 4-r/' y "• bo' - (Phone) ' ,�• VC1 " i�� (Address) /76 er ‘ 11,1 t at "'at, .$ j 0► •t i ) 7( / J e wi , raley TYPE OF WORK HINew Construction ❑Deck [Porch ❑Re- Roofing ❑Re- Siding ❑Lower Level Finish ❑ Fireplace ❑Addition ❑Alteration ❑Ut ility Connection CODE: .AV: R.C. ❑I.B.C. ❑ Misc. Type of Construction: I II III IV V A B 13�; ") Occupancy Group: A B E F 11 I M R S U PROJECT COST/VALUE $ Division: 1 2 3 4 5 (excluding land) 1 hereby certify that I have furnished informal' on this application which is to the hest of my knowledge time and correct. I also certify that I am the owner or authorized agent for the above - mentioned property and that all cons tction will conform to all existing state and local laws and will proceed in accordance with submitted plans 1 am aware that the building official can revoke this permit for us • Furthermore. 1 hereby agree that the city official or a designee may enter upon the property to perform needed Ins ections X i / 64 4 3 U(. y /7 —i Z S- ature Contractor's License No. Date Permit Valuation Park Support Fee if $ Permit Fee $ �7 /3,Srd SAC # $ Z Plan Check Fee $ f/(3`75 Water Meter Size 0" 1 "; $ State Surcharge $ ` �� , Pressure Reducer $ if Penalty $ Sewer /Water Connection Fee # $ ( 5 Plumbing Permit Fee $ (4 cD Water Tower Fee # $ (. O a) Mechanical Permit Fee $ rte , c' Builder's Deposit $ ( ` . Sewer & Water Permit Fee $ S0 �� Other $ Gas Fireplace Permit Fee 5 S Co TOTAL DUE $ O This Ap - t cati . it 1 :urn • o Building Permit 'trim A proved Paid JO 3/ , Z�� pt No. 6 60 �i � � �/ Date f ., . / L • L04.1...,-- 7 f r2- Building Official Date This is to ceni.. that the r quest in the above application and accompanying docu ent is in accordance with the City Zoning Ordinance and may proceed as requested. This document when signed/ the it thinner constNes a temporary Certificate of Zoning co lia ce and allows construction to commence. Before occupancy, a Certificate of Occupancy must be issued 4 f (7� Plannin :u Date Special Conditions, if any 24 horn' notice for all inspections (952)447 -9850, fax (952) 447.4245 4646 Dakota Street Prior Lake, MN 55372 . . • , 4■J *. A z. • o k CITY OF PRIOR LAKE BUILDING PERMIT, Date Recd A. . PR/o, TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE x AND UTILITY CONNECTION PERMIT 8• '� 12 i iir . ma w U ' i M�HNESo�P I White rile PERMIT NO . ,ACM 2 Pink City 3 Yellow Applicant � (Please type or print and sign at bottom) ADDRESS �� 1 ZONING (office use) 2 -- In \\ ‘PL. 6) IA) LEGAL DESCRIPTION (office use only) LOT BLOCK ADDITION /,;(44. 05. i)wf v✓cc[) O PID OWNER \ (Name) 1` ■4 1 &. yliatat, )6A-t& (Phone) (Address) . (C (Company Name) Q�dS ML 1- ). 5 (Phone) /J Z ' /l9f' Ab 00 (Contact Name) ) l40 e- yCK.t. vs- - (Phone) C 1 2 - ZF 2- 7 92, (Address) TYPE OF WORK ❑ New Construction ❑Deck ['Porch ❑Re- Roofing ❑Re- Siding Doer Level Finish Fireplace DAddition DAlteration ['utility Connection CODE: ❑I.R.C. ❑I.B.C. ❑ Misc. Type of Construction: I II III IV V A B PROJECT COST /VALUE $ /D bQ Occupancy Group: A B E F 11 I MR S U (excluding land) Division: 1 2 3 4 5 1 hereby certify that I have fumisl b malion on this application which is to the hest of my knowledge tote and correct. 1 also certify that I am the owner or authorized agent for the above - mentioned proper t , const triton will conforin to all existing state and local laws and will proceed in accordance with submitted plans. I am aware that the building official can revoke per . ause • tither t ore. I hereb agree that t he city official or a design • may enter upon the property to perform needed ms ections X C 6 r) V -- r3 2 Signature Contractor's License No. Date Permit Valuation Park Support Fee # $ Permit Fee $ iq 1 SAC # $ Plan Check Fee $ Water Meter Size 5/8 "; 1"; $ State Surcharge $ , SI) Pressure Reducer $ Penalty $ Sewer /Water Connection Fee # $ Plumbing Permit Fee $ 5#.450 Water Tower Fee # $ Mechanical Permit Fee $ Builder's Deposit $ Sewer & Water Permit Fec $ Other $ Gas Fireplace Permit Fee $ TOTAL DUE $ This Applicati . t . mes Your Building Permit When Approved Paid 730. IS t No. {p ( ‘YO O 5 / Date 24 _ ./ 13. • nicinl Date This is to cent that the request in the above application and accompanying documents is in accordance with the City Zoning Ordinance and tray proceed as requested. This document when signed by the City Planner constitutes a temporary Certificate of Zoning compliance and allows construction to commence. Before occupancy, a Ccttiftcate of Occupancy must be issued Planning Director Date Special Conditions, if any — 24 horn' notice for All inspections (952) 447 -9850, fax (952) 447 -4245 4646 Dakota Street Prior Lake, MN 55372 stlet,.e . 411-‘474441k AI 4 ;4 tr ts b ele "I ?lA 4 C • '41r e•tA 4 "m •N • A," • 1/4s - • Residential Building Permit Checklist New Construction for Single or Two - family Dwellings in R -1 or R -2 Districts Reviewed by: 4 i Date: 6 / /( Building Permit # • 1 • Zoning: Address: Ez ( -S I Co -2,,,7z, I _ ati-,N 14 Pc C Legal: L , B Subdivision: Existing Structure? YES /6 . Existing Nonconforming Structure? YES / NO CONFORMS TO ZONING Atli ' NO ORDINANCE Yard Setbacks: NA I FAILS/ COMO 1 Standard Proposed • Front Yard (can be 20' if avg. w /in 150') 25' 2 s. 3- • Side Yards 10'1 25' if abutting a street 1 Z1 .8 ' i3. 0 • Sidewall exceeding 60' requires additional side 2" 10' setback + setback for every 1' over 60' in length. Not required 2 "/1' over 60' if building wall is 10' -0" or greater of being parallel to a side lot line. • Rear Yard 25' • Patio Door: provide for minimum 10' deck or sign 10' side/ statement indicating no deck will be built in the future 25' rear • From 100 year flood elevation of wetland /NURP 30' . pond. • Refer in- ground pools to the Planning Department • From OHW (Prior or Spring Lake) 75' or setback average of adjacent structures, but no less than 50' I Floor Area Ratio: NA / FAILS / COS 1 .30 Maximum ' ( 3 Yard Encroachments: FAILS /COMPLIES Standard Proposed Eaves and Gutters no re than 2 feet in width and no closer than 5 feet to a lot line (Easements). A/C and other equipment cannot encroach on interior side yards. I Tree Preservation: IQ / FAILS / COMPLIES 1 Standard Proposed • Total caliper inches • Permit 35% Removal • Caliper Inches Rerrjoved • • CalipeIpches Preserved • Replacementf 1 /2:1 L : \TEMPLTE\BLDGLIST.DOC / Driveway: NA 1 FAILS / Cr , P ES Standard Proposed • Maximum width at pro! - y line 24' • Required setback 5' from side lot line or 30' from r -o -won corner Tots - 3 i.5 • Maximum slope 10% • All parking areas to be paved including R -V or spaces adjacent to the garage • Location to match subdivision grading plan • Building Height: NA/ FAILS / CO ,,,O' S 35' Maximum mo Shoreland District: NA/ FAILS / Cl• LIES , Standard Proposed Minimum lot area (square feet) 7,500 Rip, 7,999 Non -rip Minimum lot width 50' Rip, 57.3' Non -rip Shoreland alterations Impervious surface 30% Maximum Zo Bluff in ShorelanC FAILS / COMPLIES Standard Proposed • Setback from top of bluff By planning dept. • Bluff impact zone 20' From Top of Bluff • Engineering certification submitted /approved By City Engineer • Grading in bluff or bluff impact zone No importing /exporting Floodplai / FAILS / COMPLIES Standard ( Proposed • 100 ye r flood elevation 908.9' Prior Lake 914.4' Spring Lake • Lowest floor elevation 909.9' Prior Lake / 915.4' Spring Lake • Proposed lowest floor elevation Must be 1' above flood elevation for new and existing structures. If existing structure was constructed 9/19/90 - 11/22/97 then additional foot is not required. • Elevations 15 feet from structure Must be flood elevation or higher • Road access must be no more than 2 feet below 907.9' for Prior Lake Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation 913.4' for Spring Lake Accessory Structure: A FAILS / COMPLIES Standard Proposed • Size 1000 sq.ft. or 30% rear yard • Not located in front yard (Materials) • Side yard and rear yard setbacks 10' • Maximum height 15' • Materials compatible with principle structure L:\ 1'EMPLATE\BLD GLIST.DOC 0 PRp� White - Building Canary - ,Engineering '�rNNESO Pink - Planning BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION DEPARTMENT CHECKLIST NAME OF APPLICANT 6 2 , . ZZ / ' 1 1 APPLICATION RECEIVED / . t The Building, Engineering, and Planning Departments have reviewed the building permit application for construction activity which is proposed at: / 1- --//' Accepted lk. Accepted With Corrections Denied Reviewed By: -7 Date: . 4 4 // Z /y Comments: See Attachments: 1) Grading Plan, 2) Erosion Control Standards See Reverse Side for Additional information! "The issuance or granting of a permit or approval of plans, specifications and computations shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of this code or of any other ordinance of the jurisdiction. Permits presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this code or other ordinances of the jurisdiction shall not be valid." ADDITIONAL COMMENTS FOR BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONS • Surface storm water drainage flowing to the perimeter of this lot to and from adjoining properties must be conveyed to the roadway and /or to the rear of the lot in drainage swales within the drainage easement. • All bare soil areas must be protected from eroding into neighboring properties through the properly installed and maintained silt fence or bales. • The silt fence required by the erosion control plan must be installed prior to any earthwork being started. • The builder is responsible for maintaining the erosion control measures until the turf is established. • The rock construction entrance must be installed at the time of • a .i4backfilling of the foundation. 6: \Admin\ dept info \ADDITIONAL COMMENTS FOR BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONS,doc O� PRIO N � U t White - Building Canary - Engineering 41INNESO'cQ' Pink - Planning BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION DEPARTMENT CHECKLIST NAME OF APPLICANT !'/ e2d3 LSZi2J / » J L l k/ APPLICATION RECEIVED I �--y The Building, Engineering, and Planning Departments have reviewed the building permit application for construction activity which is proposed at: 2.-61-- /M/-/M/ Accepted � Accepted With Corrections Denied i f) Reviewed By: !" Dte: /lZ Comments: �°�� /4--r E, "The issuance or granting of a permit or approval of plans, specifications and computations shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of this code or of any other ordinance of the jurisdiction. Permits presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this code or other ordinances of the jurisdiction shall not be valid." - "-- frfi'w��,,+'.Ppli. .°°"..,..^e�;'"`y'"'` ,- ,. _ .. G,`Y: k d'PCYV' ; af' fii 3,: ,, s < ♦ :,« . caw Zr . ' :;r e . ... ...n.. F.w wM. _ ',... ,.,«. g,r _.. O� PRIO A., x U 01 0 "I° White - Building yt TP Canary - Engineering LANES° Pink - Planning BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION DEPARTMENT CHECKLIST NAME OF APPLICANT /- / t: { ...) C6'' ;,../ f ` - - /m / C,,,t " ! l /[,: APPLICATION RECEIVED . i g, 1 2 The Building, Engineering, and Planning Departments have reviewed the building permit application for construction activity which is proposed at: / 2,6 -.. 71 i / /'J/c ,L2? ., 1 • . Accepted i. Accepted With Corrections Denied " Reviewed By: AO it. ___ m. te: 4//z_ Comments: ..... fit ,,./ c-- 4 - '''-'-o-tr.r..„—e--1.-- /4-7- 4,- '7 Es . "The issuance or granting of a permit or approval of plans, specifications and computations shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of this code or of any other ordinance of the jurisdiction. Permits presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this code or other ordinances of the jurisdiction shall not be valid." Q. p Rip Date Rec'd , c CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PLUMBING PERMI INNESO 0 1: 131 "` File PERMIT NO. 3. 9at A p p licun� 3. Yello w App • (Please type or print and sign at bottom) ADDRESS ZONING (office use) I(o b TAHINIA Pt ' . LEGAL DESCRIPTION (office use only) LOT BLOCK ADDITION PID (NaWNER FIELDS C 1 � � t I V (Phone) 952-44'1- () c3 (Address) l ILA i`1 TUN V PEP, 1 G7 t i t� fib LL.f / Al iv t v".i 04..` -" APPLICANT (Name) 5 LVEg . t z 1 t om BE NI - (Phone) 66 � } l - 3/ r - 42Oc (Address) 3I&5 , I II L PO. I tf ^ oc) t xl`f+3�"A-(v r 5) 2 i (`') (Address) (City) (Zip (Zip Code) (Contact Person) DA tie t ` } 3 (Phone) e Si 31q 42,07_ APPLICANT SIGNATURE C DATE /Zh /0- 2 - APPLICANT PLEASE COMPLETE BELOW Quantity Type of Fixture Quantity Type of Fixture i Bath Tub with or without shower Rough -ins / Dishwasher I Water Heater Floor Drain Water Softener 6 Lavatory (Bathroom Sink) i Stand Pipe (Washing Machine) 1 _ Laundry Tray (1 or 2 compartment sink Sewage Ejector Shower Stall Backflow Assembly i Sinks Backflow Assembly Test j Bar Sink Lawn Sprinlder 4 Water Closet (Toilet) Other FEE SCHEDULE Industrial, Commercial & Multi - family 1% of job cost with a $49.50 minimum Residential, New One & Two - Family $ 149.50 Residential, Additions & Alterations $49.50 The Minnesota Statutes t 32613.148 Est $ Building Permit # "SURCHARGE" has been changed for one PAM 1 year effective PLUMBING PERMIT FEE $ v������ DEM X July 1, 2010, until June 30, 2011. STATE SURCHARGE $ .50 Dm The minimum surcharge fora "fixed fee" permit TOTAL PERMIT FEE $ ism, beginning July 1, 2010 This Application Becomes Your Building Permit When Approved Paid Receipt No. Date By Building Official Date 24 hour notice for all inspections (952) 447 - 9850, fax (952) 447 -4245 4646 Dakota Street S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 F . A . 43 . .. tio PRig CITY OF PRIOR LAKE Date Recd HEATING /AIR CONDITIONING/FIREPLACE PERMIT l � ' NE S � 2. 1. Pink een FCity ile PERMIT NO. Gr 3 Yellow Applicant i • (Please type or print and sign at bottom) ADDRESS ZONING (office use) 16202 TAHINKA PLACE NW LEGAL DESCRIPTION (office use only) LOT 9 BLOCK 3 ADDITION BLUFFS OF NORTHWOOD MEADOWS PID OWNER (Name) DONNAY HOMES (Phone) 763 - 531 -0714 (Address) 9655 63RD AVENUE N MAPLE GROVE, MN 55369 APPLICANT (Name) AIR MECHANICAL INC. _ (Phone) 763- 746 -3752 (Address) 16411 ABERDEEN STREET NE HAM LAKE, MN 55304 (Address) (City) (Zip Code) (Contact Person) BETTY (Phone) 763-746-3752 APPLICANT SIGNATURE DATE APPLICANT PLEASE COMPLETE BELOW 'ANEW CONSTRUCTION ❑ REPLACEMENT ❑ ALTERATIONS FURNACE MAKE AND MODEL BASEMENT DUCT WORK ADDED FUEL FLUE SIZE RETURN OPENINGS INPUT OUTPUT TYPE OF SYSTEM HEATING OR POWER PLANT PLEASE NOTE: Air Conditioner ['Warm Air Plants ❑ Steam Units and Fireplaces Cannot Encroach ['Gravity ❑ Hot Water into Required Side Yard Setbacks. ❑ Mechanical ❑ Radiation ❑Air Conditioning ❑ Special Devices Fireplaces with Box Additions or El Vent. System ❑Other Devices Cantilevers to the Outside of Buildings Require a Building Permit. FIREPLACE MAKE AND MODEL FEE SCHEDULE Industrial, Commercial & Multi - Family 1% of job cost Residential, Gas Fireplace $49.50 $49.50 minimum Residential, Heating & A/C (New Construction) $149.50 Residential, Additions & Alterations $49.50 Residential, Heating Only (New Construction) $64.50 Residential, AC Only $49.50 Estimated Cost $ Building Permit # a .p.A HEATING PERMIT FEE $ � y � , '� 1R � r STATE SURCHARGE $ .50 BOD TOTAL PERMIT FEE $ (Office Use Only) This Application Becomes Your Building Permit When Approved Paid Receipt No. Date By Building Official Date 24 hour notice for all inspections (952) 447 -9850, fax (952) 447 -4245 4646 Dakota Street S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 e p 4 -4 = 14 , %Jr. 0 4 PRIG CITY OF PRIOR LAKE Date Rec'd HEATING /AIR CONDITIONING /FIREPLACE PERMIT "re. 1. Green CiFilt PERMIT NO . 3 Yrety 12 _ 4 5 3 Yellow Applicant (Please type or print and sign at bottom) ADDRESS ZONING (office use) 16202 TAHINKA PLACE NW LEGAL DESCRIPTION (office use only) LOT 9 BLOCK 3 ADDITION BLUFFS OF NORTHWOOD MEADOWS PID OWNER (Name) DONNAY HOMES (Phone) 763- 531 -0714 (Address) 9655 63RD AVENUE N MAPLE GROVE, MN 55369 APPLICANT (Name) AIR MECHANICAL INC. (Phone) 763- 746 -3752 (Address) 16411 ABERDEEN STREET NE HAM LAKE, MN 55304 (Address) (City) (Zip Code) (Contact Person) BETTY (Phone) 763-746-3752 APPLICANT SIGNATURE DATE APPLICANT PLEASE COMPLETE BELOW ®NEW CONSTRUCTION ❑ REPLACEMENT ❑ ALTERATIONS FURNACE MAKE AND MODEL BRYANT 912 SA4 8 0 8 0 S 17 FUEL NAT FLUE SIZE 2" RETURN OPENINGS 10 INPUT 80,000 OUTPUT 73,600 TYPE OF SYSTEM HEATING OR POWER PLANT PLEASE NOTE: Air Conditioner DWarm Air Plants ❑ Steam Units and Fireplaces Cannot Encroach ❑Gravity ❑ Hot Water into Required Side Yard Setbacks. ® Mechanical ❑ Radiation Air Conditioning ❑ Special Devices Fireplaces with Box Additions or ® El Vent. System ❑Other Devices Cantilevers to the Outside of Buildings Require a Building Permit. FIREPLACE MAKE AND MODEL FEE SCHEDULE Industrial, Commercial & Multi - Family 1% of job cost Residential, Gas Fireplace $49.50 $49.50 minimum Residential, Heating & A/C (New Construction) $149.50 Residential, Additions & Alterations $49.50 Residential, Heating Only (New Construction) $64.50 Residential, AC Only $49.50 Estimated Cost $ Building Permit # HEATING PERMIT FEE $ w �c�-M� STATE SURCHARGE $ .50 TOTAL PERMIT FEE $ (Office Use Only) This Application Becomes Your Building Permit When Approved Paid Receipt No. Date By Building Official Date 24 hour notice for all inspections (952) 447 -9850, fax (952) 447 -4245 4646 Dakota Street S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 g ritxo Date Rec'd H f CITY OF PRIOR LAKE tl r _ v 4 SEWER AND WATER PERMIT 1. =k . 453 3. Gol Applicant iry PERMIT NO ' 3. Gold A 0 (Please type or print and sign at bottom) ADDRESS ZONING (office use) /0 ? as 4 , 4 k j e ,41. PV • LEGAL DESCRIPTION (office use only) LOT BLOCK ADDITION PID OWNER �/ /�4 7'LP 1e!? 1 � (Phone) (Address) (Address) (City) (Zip Code) APPLICANT /" / 1 C (Phone) G /d - 3 6 a `Y 9 S (Name) (> l �S � (Phone (Address) s/r 37, e G - t A/el t.' "Ho f- 7 "7,0 (Zip 5 - V /� (Address) / � (City) (Contact Person) ---4? 1--,-, 4-' `J -`' "-S (Phone) 61/ 01 0 1 ‘7/9'? s APPLICANT SIGNATURE I .r _ . _ . ��� _:. DATE O — `e - a APPLICANT PLEASE COMPLETE BELOW Size of water service / inches. • Location of any couplings from structure 8 6 feet. Type of sewer pipe. ❑ ABC R] PVC ❑ Cast Iron Estimated length of sewer line 3b feet. Clean out (if required) located at feet from structure. FEE SCHEDULE Residential sewer and water line connection $51.50 Industrial, Com'I & Multi- family 1% of job cost with a $51.50 minimum Sewer connection only $25.50 Water connection only $25.50 Estimated Cost $ Building Permit # SEWER AND WATER PERMIT FEE $ STATE SURCHARGE $ . ?AID P ��A�� TOTAL PERMIT FEE $ Ur ��I V4.G (Office Use Only) This Application Becomes Your Building Permit When Approved Paid Receipt No. Date By Bulidine Official Date _ 24 hour notice for all inspections (952) 447 -9850, fax (952) 447 -4245 4646 Dakota Street S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55312 • , ( **A 6 C plPR jO4, CITY OF PRIOR LAKE Date Rec'd 5' ,N1 HEATING /AIR CONDITIONING/FIREPLACE PERMIT .4/. C7' A'N ES O z. 1. Pink File PERMIT NO. 17_ 4.53 c city 3. Yellow Applicant (Please type or print and sign at bottom) ADDRESS �. ZONING (office , � v _ e\ 4' 1 t' A (ALL) use) LEGAL DESCRIPTION (office use only) LOT BLOCK ADDITION PID Name L �- . ,S 1- A y(' t u "� t- ,- /( (Phone) ( ) � /"G t-1 hone (Address) i t )1 s ) ,) I 1 I'LL C '/� (Name) APPLICANT I' l n ` ` t �` �� ■ (Phone) (p51 -(07 ,330 1 (Address) Z FAtflUle"-) A•ls a IL35L vtul,E VA A-) 43!3 (Address) (City) (Zip Code) (Contact Person) ()DCA A (Phone) (o 1 — .036 33 APPLICANT SIGNATURE DATE APPLICANT PLEASE COMPLETE BELOW 1' / NEW CONSTRUCTION ❑ REPLACEMENT ❑ ALTERATIONS FURNACE MAKE AND MODEL FUEL FLUE SIZE RETURN OPENINGS INPUT OUTPUT TYPE OF SYSTEM HEATING OR POWER PLANT ❑Warm Air Plants ❑ Steam PLEASE NOTE: ❑Gravity ❑ Hot Water Air Conditioner Units ❑ Mechanical ❑ Radiation Cannot Encroach into ❑Air Conditioning ❑ Special Devices Required Side Yard [Went. System 1 ❑ Other Devices Setbacks i FIREPLACE MAKE AND MODEL �I l (X 5 & 55 , Z 3 '''' A S /� " FEE SCHEDULE Industrial, Commercial & Multi- Family 1% of job cost Residential, Gas Fireplace $39.50 $39.50 minimum Residential, Heating & A/C (New Construction) $99.50 Residential, Additions & Alterations $39.50 Residential, Heating Only (New Construction) $64.50 Residential, AC Only $39.50 Estimated Cost $ BuildingPerjit # ro!D HEATING PERMIT FEE $ ``gIILIAD�IVG QERMI,r, STATE SURCHARGE $ 5;?� TOTAL PERMIT FEE $ 9 (Office Use Only) This Application Becomes Your Building Permit When Approved Paid Receipt No. Date By Building Official Date 24 hour notice for all inspections (952) 447 -9850, fax (952) 447 -4245 • a , .--04 • .1b.‘ CITY OF PRIOR LAKE Impervious Surface Calculations (To be Submitted with Building Permit Application) For All Properties Located in the Shoreland District (SD). The Maximum Impervious Surface Coverage Permitted in 30 Percent. Property Address /6 ZO Z 7 '4,- /Cc/ /leA. c e 31.9 to Lot Area / G/ q d 3 Sq. Feet x_38°/"= 4 ***************************************:* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** LENGTH WIDTH SQ. FEET HOUSE x = x = ATTACHED GARAGE x = TOTAL PRINCIPLE STRUCTURE / 7 4 /0 DETACHED BLDGS X (Garage/Shed) X TOTAL DETACHED BUILDINGS DRIVEWAY/PAVED AREAS x = (Driveway -paved or not) X = (Sidewalk/Parking Areas) x = TOTAL PAVED AREAS /O 4 z PATIOS/PORCHES/DECKS ,rG. X = (Open Decks `h" min. opening between X = boards, with a pervious surface below, are not considered to be impervious) [ 7 i C7 T o X = TOTAL DECKS Z 4/6 OTHER x = X = TOTAL OTHER TOTAL IMPERVIOUS SURFACE UNDE OVER { /96 7 Prepared By f At-J f oph er Dc � wi g Date 5" Company 1°' h ei , reer it c , /mac. Phone # 9S2 y3Z- 3.041 6 z PRI0 BUILDIN GANDI F INSPECTION C ON INSPE RECORD SITE ADDRESS t(4 7-CD - 1- TAfci C�-p NATURE OF WORK .Fa Nie> - '�—} ®ra— 1/.1 , L,L. USE OF BUILDING �..�- r-----"V ( ..t--4-1 ,,,,_� PERMIT NO. t7--- 45 3 DAT ISSUED \ 1 1 r Z CONTRACTOR F > . i& (.- PHONE 'Art-- 4 - 5 B NOTE: THIS IS NOT A PERMIT FOR ANY OF THE INSPECTIONS B LOW THE PERMIT IS BY SEPARATE DOCUM T _ ( 51 s t v/J 6.„ , ,,. - JAY(/ ' \, \ SPECTOR DATE I FOOTING C) C-- 1 £2 '� ) A I I FOUNDATION (Prior to Backfill) I 7 6//.3 1 I PL.k-CE NO CONCRETEJINTI ABOV HAS BEEN SIGNED P /2i`' ((. S .z C-) 4-n- -R O U G IN (5°1 SEWER /WATER / SEPTIC FRAMING M J INSULATION � ,P- 7/ ELECTRICAL PLUMBING /� *a HEATING (if required) A I/' FIREPLACE GAS T �b 8i� (Z p t' 5 S ,�/�� � � (2- �LINE AIR � COVER NO WORK NTIL / ABO E AS BEEN SIGNED GNED I N(04,,c c .-5---t)ev.k-.0 Lis-t-In I ein efif(1-2- I I FINALS GRADING (Prior to Sodding) r- 6 B ILDING ( 1 e (Z it) 6/ lz ELECTRICAL PLUMBING �' !)-6/, HEATING fr i2 ) DO NOT OCCUPY UNTIL A OVE HAS BEEN SIGNED NOTICE This card must be posted near an electrical service cabinet prior to rough -in inspections and maintained until all inspections have been approved. On buildings and additions where no service cabinet is available, card shall be placed near main entrance. FOR ALL INSPECTIONS (952) 447 - 9850