HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992 November Planning Commission MinutesI PR)��`�� y Nv HERITAGE COMMUNITY 1891 1991 7:30 P.M. CALL 10 OimER 7:30 P.M. REVIEW MIMMS Cr PREVIOUS NmTnG * 7:30 P.M. PUBLIC BEARING WNSIDER EBSOl71c PFOI C -1 10 R-1 7:45 P.M. BEARING VARiARM 8:00 P.M. BBARIM LAIC AND IOf ODVl3iM VARIANCE 9�J' N * Indicates a Public Bearing All times stated on the Planning Commission Agenda, with the exception of Public Bearings, are approximate and may start later than the scheduled time. 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 4474245 i v \\ T PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 5, 1992 The November 5, 1992, Planning Comm: order by Chairman Roseth. at 7 :: commissioners Loftus, Arnold,.; Roset] Garross, Associate Planner Sam'Lucai Commissioners Wuellner and Greenfie: ITEM I - REVIEW MINUTES OF PREVIOUS. MOTION BY ARNOLD, SECOND BY LOFTUS,'. WRITTEN. Vote taken signified ayes by Arnold CARRIED. Meeting was called to [. .Those present were stant City Planner Deb Secretary :Rita Schewe. absent. TING APPROVE THE MINUTES AS , ftus, and Roseth. MOTION C -1 TU X -1 The Public Hearing was called to order at 7:31 P.M. Will Elsner, 209 Ottawa Ave. South, Minneapolis, MN,.stated he is representing his Mother, Bertha Beaudette of 5086 Credit River Road. The request is for rezoning the subject property from C-1 Conservation to R -1 Urban Residential in order to divide the property for 'resale. The subject sit is quite large and would be difficult to sell either parcel as platted. Sam Lucast, Associate Planner, presented the information as per memo of November 5, 1992, The subject site is 1.3 acres with a ravine at the rear of the property which would not be impacted by construction. Staff believes the C -1 zoning designation reflects the public land use of the adjacent school district property located to the north of the site. The property characteristics do not reflect the natural features; identified by the C -1 Zone such as steep slopes, wetlands nor unstable soils. Rather, the property characteristics are more reflective of the adjacent residential zones to the east,.' west and south. The rezoning would be a refinement of the Conservation District. The DNR'has no objections to the rezoning. Scott County requests there be no direct access to County Road 21. Staff recommends Approval' of the rezoning as requested. Comments from the Commissioners were on: removal of shed, <sewer and water connection, and procedures on rezoning. 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 4474245 AN EQUAL OPPOKrUNtrY EMPLOYER PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 5, 1992 PAGE 2 MOTION BY ARNOLD, SECOND BY LOFTUS, TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL THE APPROVAL OF THE REZONING FROM C -1 CONSERVATION TO R -1 RESIDENTIAL FOR 5086 CREDIT RIVER ROAD. RATIONALE BEING IT WOULD BE A REFINEMENT OF THE CONSERVATION DISTRICT, IT WOULD CONFORM TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND THE CURRENT C -1 DESIGNATION DOES NOT REFLECT THE SITE CHARACTERISTICS. Vote taken signified ayes by Arnold, Loftus, and Roseth. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY LOFTUS, SECOND BY ARNOLD, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. Vote taken signified ayes by Loftus, Arnold, and Roseth. MOTION CARRIED. The Public Hearing was closed at 7:45 P.M. ITEM III - WAYNE MOBERG - VARIANCE Wayne Moberg of 3114 Fairview Road S.W., stated he is requesting • variance to build a 24 32' garage for additional storage and • workshop. Mr. Moberg said he is disabled and needs the extra room to open car doors to get in and out. Sam Lucast, Associate Planner presented the information as per memo of November 5, 1992. The variances requested are; a 5 foot southeast front yard, 5 foot southwest side yard, 6 inch northeast side yard, and 10% lot coverage ratio variance. The subject site is a substandard lot of record tha, is located on a private road. The existing nonconforming garage will be removed and replaced with a garage more in line with current zoning standards. In previous cases, the Planning Commission has limited oversize garages, with this in mind, Staff recommends denial of the 5 foot side yard, 6 inch said yard and 10% lot coverage ratio. Staff would not object to granting a 2.5' side, 5' front yard, and 88 lot coverage variance thereby providing the applicant with a reasonable double garage. The existing house is 768 square feet, the garage size cannot exceed the size of the principle structure. Comments from the Commissioners, garage size should be 24 30 tree replacement and size of garage doors. MOTION BY LOFTUS, SECOND BY ARNOLD, TO GRANT A 5 FOOT FRONT YARD, 3.5 SOUTHWEST SIDE YARD, UP TO 10% LOT COVERAGE RATIO, TO CONSTRUCT A MAXIMUM SIZE, 24 X 30 FOOT GARAGE AT 3114 FAIRVIEW ROAD S.W. RATIONALE BEING PRECEDENT HAS BEEN SET IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD, LOT IS SUBSTANDARD, PROPERTY WAS SUBDIVIDED UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF A PREVIOUS GOVERNMENT, EXISTING GARAGE TO BE REMOVED, AND WOULD NOT BE DETRIMENTAL TO THE HEALTH AND WELFARE OF THE COMMUNITY. Vote taken signified ayes by Loftus, Arnold, and Roseth. MOTION CARRIED. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 5, 1992 PAGE 3 ITEM IV - MERLYN OLSON - LOT COVERAGE AND LAKESHORE VARIANCE Merlyn Olson, 13355 Elaine Court, Savage, MN, stated he has acquired the property at 15398 Red Oaks Road and wishes to remove the existing house and garage and construct a single family home on the site which will require lot coverage and lakeshore variances. Deb Garross, Assistant City Planner, presented the information as per memo of November 5, 1992. The applicant has prepared a plan that requires the least amount of variance. Due to the irregular shoreline configuration of the 904 line, a 21 foot Lakeshore variance and an 8% lot coverage ratio variance is requested to construct the home. Setback averaging could be used by the applicant but due to the curvature of the lake in the vicinity of the lot would restrict the deck to 5 foot width. Staff recommends approval of the variances requested. The lot is a substandard lot platted under a previous government and similar variances have been granted in the neighborhood. Comments from the Commissioners were in consensus of approval. MOTION BY ARNOLD, SECOND BY LOFTUS, TO APPROVE A 21 FOOT LAKESHORE VARIANCE AND A 83 LOT COVERAGE VARIANCE FOR 15398 RED OAKS ROAD, RATIONALE BEING THAT HARDSHIP IS NOT THE RESULT OF THE APPLICANT OR PRIOR LAKE BUT THAT THE LOT IS A SUBSTANDARD LOT, AND WAS PLATTED UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF A PREVIOUS GOVERNMENT, TOPOGRAPHY OF THE LOT LIMITS THE BUILDING ENVELOP, THE VARIANCES OBSERVE THE SPIRIT OF THE SHORELAND MANAGEMENT CHAPTER OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND WOULD NOT BE DETRIMENTAL TO THE HEALTH AND WELFARE OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD. Vote taken signified ayes by Arnold, Loftus, and Roseth. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY ARNOLD, SECOND BY LOFTUS TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. Vote taken signified ayes by Arnold, Loftus, and Roseth. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting closed at 8:37 P.M. Tape of meeting on file at City Hall. Assistant City Planner Recording Secretary Deb Garross Rita M. Schewe mo o, _ Y �\ 4 \ "A1119" REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING A November 19, 1992 7:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER 7:30 P.M. REVIEW MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING DISCUSSION ALLEN GREENFIELD DISCUSS 2010 COMPREHENSIVE STAFF /COMMISSION PLAN REVIEW PROCESS ESTABLISH DATE TO TOUR STAFF / CONMISSION FUTURE PUD SITE FOR SIENNA CORPORATION. (160 Acres located south of Middle and Senior High School) * Indicates a Public Hearing All times stated on the Planning Commission Agenda, with the exception of Public Hearings, are approximate and may start later than the scheduled time. 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 4474245 AN EQUAL OPPOKWWrY EMPIDYER ON f'KI(j f s PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 19,1992 The November 19, 1992, Planning Commission Meeting was called to order by Chairman Roseth at 7:30 P.M. Those present were Commissioners Roseth, Arnold, Greenfield, Loftus, Director of Planning Horst Graser, Assistant City Planner Deb Garross, Associate Planner Sam Lucast and Secretary Rita Scheme. Commissioner Wuellner arrived at 8:05 P.M. ITEM I - REVIEW MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING MOTION BY LOFTUS, SECOND BY ARNOLD, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES AS WRITTEN. Vote taken signified ayes by Loftus, Arnold, and Roseth. Commissioner Greenfield abstained as he was not present at the previous meeting. MOTION CARRIED. ITEM II - ALLEN GREENFIELD - DISCUSSION Commissioner Greenfield presented the following document on duties of a commissioner and requested it be put into the minutes verbatim. The document is as follows: In any endeavor one struggles to find direction, definition, a sense of purpose if you will. My appointment to this Planning Commission has presented many new challenges. To begin with there is much to learn. Ordinances, Comprehensive Plans, Ethics, Codes, just to name a few. Maybe I should start with my new position and learn all about the role of a Planning Commissioner. SO YOU'RE A PLANNING COMMISSIONER... NOW WHAT? This is a great manual. I prove a me w e needed sense of purpose. On pa e 5 it states, "The first responsibility of the public planner is to the public, present and future." So I charge out the gate... I'm ready to serve the public! This is getting really exciting. Reading further, I discovered a single body of law, with powers and a uniform procedure for conducting and implementing municipal... Municipal Planning: Legislation in Minnesota (M.P.). This, as it turns out, is the source document for our City Government. The "do's and don'ts ", the "cans and cants ", if you will. Well, what about our City Government. Referring to the Bylaws of the City Council in Chapter 3, I began to read all about us. In Section 1 Paragraph 2 -3 -4: DUTIES OF COMMISSION: The duties of said Planning Advisory Commission is as follows: 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 447 -4245 AN EQUAL OPPOR UNMY EMPLOYER PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 19,1992 PAGE 2 (A) To acquire and maintain in current form such basic information and background data that is necessary to an understanding of past trends, present conditions and forces at work to cause changes in these conditions. (C) To establish principals and policies for guiding action affecting development in the City and its environs. How can this happen? How can the Planning Commission plan for our community and not have current information regarding the past and present trends? How can we render our recommendation to the upcoming Prior Lake 2010 Comprehensive Plan without first determining what our peoples needs are for the future? Here lies the greatest challenge for our most immediate future! Mr. Chairman, this commission has a responsibility as an appointed advisory body of citizen representatives (M.P. 462.354). We must comply with paragraph (A) and (C) of our City Planning By -Laws. It is imperative that we proceed with open discussion to formulate necessary date certain actions, staff recommendations and proposals to ensure the completion and creation of a collective document to fulfill the needs of this by -law. Please reference attachment (a) for suggested recommendations. If we fail to perform as required under the by -laws of the office we occupy, the Planning Commissioners stand before Council, Staff, and above all, the Citizens of Prior Lake, ill prepared to undertake the task of planners. To quote from Fred H. Bair, Jr., a planning consultant, "The planner must plead (for the unborn) cause, for them and it isn't easy". ATTACHMENT (a) Planning Guide Proposal: (1) Establish a date certain compliance of no more than 120 days, with monthly progress review. (2) Each Commissioner compose a one page letter expressing detailed specific qualitative and quantitative statements 6 minimum points, of their vision and goals for the future of Prior Lake. The contents of these letters shall be sealed for the entire review process and opened at the end and used as both a contributing as well as a learning tool for the commission. (3) Request and compile from staff applicable documents and information pertinent to (A) from Comprehensive Plan 2010 source data. (4) Request and compile from staff any applicable data and information pertinent to (A) from Prior Lake 2000 report. (5) Announce and conduct a public hearing and /or workshop to address and gather information pertinent to (A). PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 19, 1992 PAGE 3 (6) Establish this planning guide and review biannually in order to comply with (A) and (E) To keep the City Council and the general public informed and advised as to all planning development matters, and make recommendations for future changes to the Comprehensive Plan as appropriate. (7) Conduct a biannual public hearing and survey to revise or update any changes applicable to (A). (8) Each Commissioner shall research and present any pertinent information from public newspapers, public forums /workshops or publications indicating changing trends or conditions. (9) Establish and review, zoning and planning changes of local communities (to include: Belle Plains, Chanhassen, Chaska, Eden Prairie, Lakeville, New Prague, Shakopee, Savage) and identify factors and reasons for changes and how they would apply to our present trends and future plans. See attachment (b) for draft proposal of City Code 2 -3 -4. ATTACHMENT (b) 2 -3 -4: DUTIES OF COMMISSION: The duties of said Planning Advisory Commission are as follows: (A) To acquire and maintain in current form such basic information and background data that is necessary to an understanding of past trends, present conditions and forces at work to cause changes in these conditions. This document shall be called Prior Lake Community Planning Guide (Year Published). Information shall be collected from the following sources. (1) Public hearing conducted biannually on the first month of the calendar year. (2) Public survey conducted biannually on the second month of the calendar pear. (3) On a continuing basis the Commission shall research and present any information from public newspapers, public forums /workshops or publications indicating changing trends or conditions. (4) Zoning and planning changes of local communities (to include: Belle Plains, Chanhassen, Chaska, Eden Prairie, Lakeville, New Prague, Shakopee, Savage) and identify factors and reasons for changes and how they apply to our community. This guide shall be updated on the sixth month of the calendar year. The Planning Commission shall make recommendation to the Council, the adoption and amendment to the comprehensive municipal plan as appropriate from changes identified in the Prior Lake Community Planning (M.P. 462.355 subd.2) PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 19, 1992 PAGE 4 Carl Hanson, 4065 Raspberry Ridge Road, commented on the lack of public participation but felt public hearings should be held anyway. Janice Hanson, 4065 Raspberry Ridge Road, stated they are representing The Citizen's Forum Group and are in support of Commissioner Greenfield's proposal. A heated discussion followed by the Commissioners on the pros and cons of Commissioner Greenfield's proposal. Consensus from the Commissioners was to publish the Planning Commission agenda in the Prior Lake American paper. This item was placed at the foot of the agenda for further discussion. ITEM II - DISCUSSION ON COMPREHENSIVE 2010 PLAN REVIEW - STAFF Deb Garross, Assistant City Planner, gave an overview on the Prior Lake Comprehensive 2010 Plan and the procedure needed to present the document to the community. Workshops need to be scheduled for dissemination of information. A great deal of time and effort went into the preparation of this document. commissioner Greenfield stated he felt frustration with the system and wanted the Commissioners to become more pro- active and not be funnel fed by Staff. He would like each Commissioner to write an outline on the issues facing Prior Lake. Commissioner Greenfield felt the reason the public is apathetic is due to lack of leadership. He feels the Commissioners do not have to go the the City Council and receive marching orders but are a body of individuals that can make recommendations to the City Council. Chairman Roseth stated he would like the Commissioners to write an outline on what they would like to see in the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Graser reminded the Commissioners that the current draft is a result of the meetings and workshops that were held with the Planning Commission /City Council /and the Economic Development Committee at 1990, 1991, and 1992 Retreat Sessions. MOTION BY GREENFIELD, Sj'COND BY ARNOLD, THAT THE COMMISSION COMPLY WITH SECTION 1 PARAGRAPH 2 -3 -4: DUTIES OF COMMISSION: THE DUTIES OF SAID PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION IS A FOLLOWS: TO ACQUIRE AND MAINTAIN IN CURRENT FORM SUCH BASIC INFORMATION AND BACKGROUND DATA THAT IS NECESSARY TO AN UNDERSTANDING OF PAST TRENDS, PRESENT CONDITIONS AND FORCES AT WORK TO CAUSE CHANGES IN THESE CONDITIONS. TO INCLUDE BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE CONTENTS OF ATTACHMENT (A) AND (B) AND OVER THE NEXT TWO MEETINGS DEVISE STEPS TO FULFILL OUR OBLIGATION AND FURTHER DEVISE THE NECESSARY STEPS TO PROCEED WITH AN ORGANIZED DISCUSSION OF THE 2010 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. Vote taken signified ayes by Greenfield, Arnold, Loftus, Roseth, and Wuellner. MOTION CARRIED. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 19, 1992 PAGE 5 ITEM III - ESTABLISH DATE TO TOUR PUD SITE FOR SIENNA CORPORATION After discussion the date set was December 5, 1992, at 9:30 A.M. to tour the Sienna property. MOTION BY LOFTUS, SECOND BY GREENFIELD, TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. Vote taken signified ayes by Loftus, Greenfield, Roseth, Arnold, and Wuellner. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M. Tapes of meeting on file at City Hall. Director of Planning Recording Secretary Horst Graser Rita M. Schewe