HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 16 1976 Planning Commission minutesCITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 PRIOR LAKE. PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION December 16, 1976 AGENDA: A. Call to Order 1. Roll Call B. Minutes of Previous Meeting 1. Motion to - C. Presentations and Requests 1. 7:30 P.M. Mary Egum - Subdivision 2. 7:45 P.M. Ken Hennen - Variance D. 8:00 Don Williams Subdivision - Public Hearing 1. 2. E. 8:45 P.M. Dick Kratochvil Public Hearing 1. 2. F. 9:30 P.M. Langborst Continuation - Subdivision 1. 2. G. City Planner Graser 1. 2. Ii. Councilman Busse 1. 2. THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION .January 6, 1976 AGENDA: A. Call to Order 1. Roll Call B. Minutes of Previous Meeting 1. Motion to C. Presentations $ Requests 1. 7:30 P.M. Discussion Period 2. D. 8:00 P.M. Klingberg Public Hearing 1. 2. E. 8:15 P.M. John Trulson - Docking facilities at DuBar 1. 2. F. 8 :45 P.M. Mary Egum Public Hearing 1. 2. G. 9:00 P.M. Don Williams continuation of Public Hearing 1. 2. H. Councilman Busse 1. 2. I. Planner Graser THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 PRIOR LAKE PLA%NTNG ADVISORY COMMISSION Minutes of December 16, 1976 The December 16. 1976 Planning Advisory Commission meeting was called to order by Chairman Thorkelson at 7:3S P.M. Members present were; Commissioners Hours, lafermann, Cavill, Councilman Busse and City Planner Graser. The minutes of the December 2, 1976 meeting were changed to read (page 3 paragraph 3), "motion was made by Klein, seconded by Houts". Motion was made by flouts to approve the minutes as amended, seconded by Haferman upon a vote taken, motion duly passed. First item on the agenda was the Mary Egum subdivision. Graser gave an explanation of the subdivision and after a brief discussion motion was made by Houts to schedule a public hearing on January 6, 1977 at 8:45 P.M. seconded by Hafermann, upon a vote taken, motion carried. Second item on the agenda was a variance request for Mr. Kenneth Hennen Mr. Hennen is requesting a variance to construct a year round home on 1 S, block 2, Costell.o's Addition. The applicant is requesting a:14 foot rear yard and 5 foot side yard variance. Mr. Hennen's neighbor has .a 3 foot easement to drive on this lot. Motion was made by Hafermanto approve the variance as requested because the home would not be detrime to the neighborhood, the proposed location is the only place the house could be built and the neighboring yards do have structures in the rear yards, seconded by Hours and upon a vote taken, motion duly passed. City Planner Graser was directed by Chairman Thorkelson to notify the property owners of vacant land along Highway 13 of a meeting between the Savage Planning Commission and the Prior Lake Advisory Commission to bef': held on January 12th at 8:00 P.M. to discuss the future zoning of the area adjacent to intersection County Road 42 and Highway 13. The public hearing for the Don Williams subdivision was called to ord at 8:00 P.M. by Chairman Thorkelson. Graser gave a brief explanation the area involved. Don Williams then gave his presentation and props for the development of the parcel. Platting is permitted to the ordi low elevation of Prior Lake but DNR has certain controls to 904 eleva Mr. Williams agreed with Mr. Graser in that Outlot A should be park 1 private park for Boudins Manor residents. John Trulson wanted to know what zoning this area is. He had thought that this area was zoned C -1.. Graser stated that buildable land was zoned R -1 in this case Graser stated that any area annexed into the city comes in as agricultural then is zoned homogenious with adjacent zoning.: Mr. Trulson asked what is going in in this area - apartments, townhomes..- THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY ?;S "n Kw °, "'INTNG - 77VT - RY BP RD MTIIM�v T ,. ,f B '� .. .... .. .. .. ... .. '.ne - h - y ­. ^n n.,n B,._,,,. m, - , .. . ,_ --. B B.<,,,,_. -. ' r,,a_ -n -- -ended by Ttin��- -14 ^n, linen = lrotr� ta'can, moticn - srs duly passe,. The m -n" +ns of +.he D=umber 18, , mg, rr +;na_ •. Tn ' ._ - banged in th.... Cnmmissinner .. .7nba+ ,.ate .. "n +. a +hr Do l +`n° >n ,n `h. ..-^nn!7 t)} 1,7t tbn +h'rr? ,.. -n. -. iln. b'. B1,-r7 to a,iont th r „r -.n." Th„ = - -d t- tr, -i +,- P ,*,ender] ­ , n,' ,, ; by B rr a , n +. •a! --n, m n„ ±ea -.0 Dr mb t o 47vq , - ie „ e approved. r; - t - - ,nr, .a - ..as de.�.i>'ed + hava C,raser suhm5.t to the Planning Actv;, - B,a -P M- ^b -r -, the . ^ on the Plznn?ne_ ^_''v sorb Bn2rd. It tic nnnlosnr�. ;�.n nn +,h„ ,., ., rian^ rn ^ur,... r- M ^. ^n% Mr. Tames Pundea.ek. G-,. , l�,, a br4r.1 `h° 1,t nna .J,,- ,n ? ;.. Cr P.,« and flf'+.er n nnme c7iamasa'rn, mn +i -n ,, ..iq ;gad.= by B „rna tr. .,.p- .,, -vn `,h< r_roviding the nOK mark he tabl;bed pose voh /. :n. ^ ,� y , n - ,. +...,,l +;,.. - '.s +ha_*, the mitl.inn of -_a +h., h -Ul, bo ar9h ^d ±n i- �h, vnrian ^ta M -- +inn oa ^ennnded by Thoruelson anon , r - t + +al'nn, was rirrly , nn +a,'- W. S ^hmokel and ve „;cv the f ^rit va ^d satbank and ,.all also nn +;.fv Mr. and M--. P ^k on +hn.. nr y­ Mn +.i . ..,a ., M by Thn »t-nl- hold a. ri hnaning on th- fins+. Thursday in 1..+ t ±inn. Motion ..,. s - by B i,. n a v ^ +. .,kAn > ... filly M + i , n Tarn bl• H ^ „ +- +, nu n. sin ^n - ' =d by Thnr'�elann and unnn a vote +,1­n +hn m Hna' s.e4 r l., s nri a' 9 : ^n P.M. 7itu�uZ(o /uLLC �iw,K.Q.e�t es� �s ebta..a+.y ter i�i7G. �PP ` oa..a$ka.�uk. � /�-Fi( ,+�.eud 'A�bx ,dGaae- epe+�.eoL Uu i��q. keib�.Jke+•t�lisn �a- �yu,'d,bry Ralph Bocser stated that the people are in favor of this plan, Cannot see wh it would hurt anyone, proposing to takr Care of *his themselves and it is not detrimental to the Cit%. Commissioner [louts stated that a portion of the lend is meandered and there is a judgement line on it. compi i,sioner Ccu'ill would like to see a current engineering map on this pa rc e'1 and an up to date caning on the area. Iron Williams stated that have attempted to fill in the channel and this is the second time they have attempted to fill the bay. The first time the DNR would riot let them. Chairman Thorkelson asked if they plans:.: -c dtJicate Outlot D to DuBar Marine_ Commissioner Houts stated that you c:.nnot plat meandered land. Chairman "Thorkelson asked what kind of association this would be. Don Williams stated that shares will be given directly to the properties. The by -laws are going to he the same as the Willows, ther will be 7S to 80 backlots with 440 feet of shoreline which will mean about 40 boats. Graser stated that the association's attorney should contact Mark Sullivan for the clear title on the land. Questions that also have to be answered are the setbacks, if the lots are buildable, as far as elevations, is it acceptable, the zoning of the area, possibility of soils on proposed lots. Motion was made by Cavill to continue the hearing on January 6 at 9:00 P.M. seconded by flouts, and upon a vote taken, motion was duly passed. The public hearing for Mr. Dick Kratochvil rezoning was brought to order at 8:45 P.M. by Chairman Thorkelson. Mr. Kratochvil is asking for a change in zoning from R -1 to I -2. Graser gave a brief summary of the land and how it has changed over the past few years. Mr. Kratochvil acquired the property in 1961 and was issued the building permit for the existing building. Scottland has since asked Mr. Kratochvil to buy about four acres adjacent to his property. At the time he built and the time he received the permit the area was zoned industrial. Mr. Kratochvil then showed the proposed changes that will happen if the rezoning goes through. The meeting was then opened to the public. Mr. Manny Russo stated that he had a petition opposing the rezoning and read the petition to the audience. The main concerns were for the safety of the children in that area, increased traffic of trucks, noise and the petition was signed by 44 people. Mr. Russo stated he felt sorry for Mr. Kratochvil but feels that the people were there before Mr. Kratochvil. John Doss from Brooksville Hills is also concerned for the safety of the children, and was led to believe all the area up to County Road 44 was zoned R -1. Mr. Doss stated that he can accept the conditional use plan as it is now but is afraid if the area is rezoned this will affect his property values. Another man stated that the traffic on County Road 44 is not the best and if changed to Franklin Trail would not be any better. He is opposed to re- novation but can live with the existing structure and business. Bud Blakeborough lives directly across from the plant and does not want to see the plant enlarged. Fred Linquist stated that it is ok right now but is against any expansion and feels that this is the only industrial in the area and does not want any more. CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 PRIOR T.!KE PT:'IWNG COYMIS.SION Pri4E' MYG January 15, 1975 GFML 7:30 P.M. Orga.inzati. 8:00 P.M. Janes M. P� :adsack Variance THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY Cy Kruse th cn read ;� letter from the school hoard. Commissioner liouts .:, <ked how much of the re =oned property would he utilized. Mr. Kratochvil replied only about 1/3 of the iand that he is buying from Scottland will he used to modernize his plant. Commissioner [louts stated that in order to get full benefits from the land Mr. Kratochvil would he better off subdividing the land. Commissioner Hafermanu stated that he admires Mr. Kratochvil but cannot go along with that use in that area, finding another site might not he that costly. Mr. Kratochvil stated that he built the plant in 1961 at a cost of about "a2o,000. and to build another plant like it today would cost about $160,000. xA11 trucks enter on County Road 44 and go east or west and exit on Franklin frail. Commission Hafermann stated that once this property is zoned I -2 the City loses control over it. This use would he inappropriate in the area, he cannot support the rezoning to 1 -2. Nit. Kratochvil stated that he is paying assessments now as if this property were already I -2. 11e does not believe this property to be a saleable piece of land. If this land is not rezoned he has to move his business elsewhere. Motion was then made by Cavill to deny the rezoning from R -1 to I -2 because of detriment to the neighborhood and the use does not conform to the comprehensive plan, seconded by Houts, and upon a vote taken motion duly carried. Next item on the agenda was the continuation of the Langhorst subdivision. ` Roger Krass, representing Mr. and Mrs. Langhorst showed a new plat map to the commission. The new map showed the corrected footage and all easements (width of Walker Avenue is dedication of 10 feet) where Pleasant and Walker Avenue meet. Motion was made by flouts to approve the preliminary plat contingent upon storm sewer and Walker Avenue and Pleasant Street intersection be agreed to by the City Engineer, seconded by Cavill and upon a vote taken motion carried. Motion was made by Houts to adjourn, seconded by Hafermann and upon a vote taken this meeting was closed at 10:20 P.M. CITY OF PRIOR . MINNESOTA PRIOR LAKE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION December 2, 1 AGENDA: A. Call to Omer 1. Roll Call B. Minutes of Previous Meeting 1. Motion to - C. Presentations and Requests 1. 2. D. 7:30 P.M. Mary Egum - Subdivision 1. 2. E. 7:45 P.M. John Trulson - DuBar Marine 1. 2. F. 8:00 P.M. Mitchel Pond Subdivision Public Hearing 1. 2. G. 9:15 P.M. Elmer Klingberg Subdivision Public Hearing 1. 2. H. Councilman Busse 1. 2. I. Planner Graser 1. THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY at a Planning Commission Meeting. Motion was seconded by Burns, upon a vote taken, was duly passed. Third item an the agenda was Prior Lake Lumber Yard asking for a conditional use permit. Graser gave a brief descr:,otion of the property site. There was some discussion as to whether or not the applicant was informed of other possibilities of compliance. A poll was taken and all members were in favor of the development as proposed. Thorkelson made a motion to table the matter until next meeting, seconded by Burns, upon a vote taken, was duly passed. The last item on the agenda was a variance for Mr. Bob McAllister. Thorkelson made a motion to approve the variance, seconded by Burns, upon a vote taken, was duly passed. There was more discussion on the Mickus building and it was decided that Graser will notify the property owner and Jim Dunn and rem +nd them that their conditional use permit will expire in March. Motion was made to adjourn by Thorkelson, seconded by Haute and the meeting was closed at 9:20 P.M. -2- CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 PRIOR LAKE. PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION Minutes of December 2, 1976 The meeting of the Prior Lake Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:30 P.M. December 2, 1976 Members present were: Chairman Thorkelson, Commissioners Klein, Hafermann, Houts, Covill, Councilman Busse and City Planner Eraser. '11ie minutes of the November 18, 1976 meeting were changed to read: 3rd paragraph misspelling should be yea. Motion by Hafermann to approve the minutes as amended, seconded by Klein, upon a vote taken, duly passed. First item on the agenda was Mr. Mary Egun requesting a subdivision on Shady Beach Trail. It was suggested that Mr. E.gum talk with Mr. Swenson about a road coming down from Bayside Circle. After some discussion, it was suggested Mr. Egum work with staff to come up with a suitable road plan. Second item on the agenda was Mr. John Trulson, who is proposing to remodel DuBar Marine. This building is a non - conforming use because the building is in a residential neighborhood. The planning commission was asked to make a recommendation to the Council. Mr. Trulson was asked if the docks would stay. Mr. Trulson replied yes, the docks would be used for the tenants of the building. Mr. Trulson stated that he had discussed his plans for making this building into an office building and presented a signed petition with names of residents within 2 blocks of the site. There was no opposition to the plan. Commissioner Klein recommended putting restrictions on the docks. There were 3 questions that were raised about this situation. 1. Should the zoning code be enforced, 2 then what use should be allowed, 3. what should that use consist of. Mr. Trulson was asked to wait until after the public hearing to continue the discussion. The Planning Commission meeting was then recessed to open the public hearing. The public hearing for the Mitchel Pond area was opened at 8:00 P.M. Mr. Graser then described the area involved, with Engineer Anderson describing the road situation, stating that there would have to be some changes made. Mr. Bill Dolan stated that he would be willing to work with Engineer Anderson to come up with the best solution for the roads. Graser stated that the 2 front lots would be a common area as in the Willows, with back lot access to the lake. There would be 22 boat slips. The meeting was then opened to the public. Chairman Thorkelson read 2 letters including petitions opposing the extra dockage and asking the planning commission to abide by Ordinance 73 -10. Mr. Chuck Hoff stated he was not aware of Condons Street becoming a through street. He felt that the street should not be there unless it goes on the developers land. Mrs. Pisner is against the street going through. She was led to believe the street would remain private. Larry Hafermann asked if the sewer and water was in and paid for. Engineer Anderson explained the sewer and water charge for the area residents. THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING February S, 1976 r^. The Erlandson Subdivision Public Hearing of February 5, 1976, was-called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Bissonett. Commissioners present were: Thorkelson, Burns, Houts, Councilman Busse and Assistant Administrator Graser. First item on the agenda was the Erlandson Subdivision. Graser read the notice as published in the paper. The hearing was then opened to the public. Mr. Ed Sunda gave a description of the property being subdivided. Mr. Don Olson wanted to know if a variance was being granted or if it was a subdivision of a zoning lot. Chairman Bissonett replied it was a subdivision of one lot into two buildable lots. Mr. Olson then stated that he had no objections to this - subdivision. Graser reminded Mr. Erlandson that lot number ;2 will not have ' any variances granted as far as setbacks are concerned. Motion was made by Houts to approve the Erlandson subdivision on the condition that no variance be granted and the triangular shaped parcel be dedicated to the city for road purposed. Motion was seconded by Burns, upon a vote taken, was duly passed." Motion was made by Thorkelson to close the public hearing,seco upon a vote taken, was duly passed and the public hearing cloy Chairman Bissonett then called the Planning Advisory Commissio to order. The minutes of the January 15, 1976 meeting were amended as roaiows: seco paragraph should read "Don Busse opened the meeting and motion was'mads b Thorkelson to reappoint "Bissonett = Chairman of the Planning Advisory; Board seconded by Houts upon a vote taken was duly passed." Motion was maei by to approve the minutes as amended, seconded by Burns, upon a vote taken, duly passed. Second item an the agenda was a home occupation permit for Mr. Ray Robins After some disc,'rsion, motion was made by Burns to 'extend the permit for year, with the conditions that the stipulations listed on permit requ be adhered to and that stipulation #2 be changed to read no more than tr inoperative vehicles that are being worked on or for sale be parked outsi the garage at any time." Stipulation #3 is to be deleted. Motion was se be Houts, upon a vote taken, was duly passed. Busse then suggested that the board appoint a vice chairman. Houts nomir Thorkelson. Nominations were closed. Burns seconded the nomination and L a vote taken Thorkelson was voted vice- Chairman of the Planning Advisory A discussion in the round followed. Graser brought up the subject of the Mickue building and said that it will be on the agenda for the next meeting. Haute' suggested the Park Board or a representative of the Board attend the Planning.., Commission meetings or public hearings when Park Board material is discussed. Houts made a motion that a resolution be passed stating "be it resolved that a member of the park board be contacted when park acquisition is being considered - - THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY Don WiIIi;nus stated that he thought Wicker Knox was doing a good job with the lakeshore area in taking the pressure off the people with children by having the back lots sitaatcd the way they are and still heing able to u <c the lake. Mrs. Pisne• stated that if they use all of the slips they intend to, they will block her access from the lake. Councilman Watkins stated that 3 years ago when Mr. Knox came before the Commission with his townhome plans, there was going to be no lakeshore lots. With our present ordinance and the geography of the cove maybe our ordinance should be made more restrictive, pith these restrictions placed on everyone, not just newcomers. Chuck Stacey stated that you have to look at the docking facilities -its almost physically impossible to ski into the bay area because of all the obstacles. Mrs. Pisner stated that this is a dangerous ski area, you cannot keep 22 boats in there. Chuck Hoff asked how the sewer line would be adjusted. Engineer Anderson stated that the lines will be extended internally by the developer. They will not affect additional property owners. Emmet Knox stated that the Scott County Sheriff would have to see the docking plans before they would approve anything. Mr. Stacey stated that 3 years ago Emmet Knox said he would not use the lake for his property. Emmet Knox stated that the plans of 3 years ago were completely different. Since then the plan has been cut from 89 to 22 living units. Mr. Hafermann asked if there was any objection to the architect moving the Condons Street so that it would not be on his property. Mr. Dolan replied that the road is platted in 2 different spots. They will place the road where the engineer thinks best. Commissioner Klein stated that Condons Street does not necessarily have to go through as far as the Planning Commission is concerned. Commissioner Klein asked if there would be any parking for the outlots. Mr. Dolan replied a 70 foot strip would be provided for parking. Emmet Knox stated that there would be no on street parking as in the Willows. Engineer Anderson stated that the street width should be 30 feet face to face. Mr. Dolan answered that it would be no problem in changing this. Councilman Watkins stated that a 24 foot wide paved road would automatically exclude on street parking. Commissioner Cavill asked if there was anything drawn up for the common area. Emmet Knox replied that this area would be handled the same way as the Willows Commissioner Cavill stated that the plat meets the restrictions, there is a common problem in the cove area but there are ways of handling these problems without putting anyone in jeopardy. Commissioner Houts asked if the park dedication had been taken care of. Bill Dolan replied that a cash donation had been worked out. Mayor Stock asked what the elevation from the lakeshore would be for the 2 front lots. Mr. Graser stated about 907. Mrs. Pisne° stated that no one in the room had said anything about wanting this subdivision and yet the Planning Commission did not seem to be doing anything to stop it. Mayor Stock stated that the planning commission is working with the zoning ordinance and the subdivision ordinance and are reviewing the subdivision objectively. Their secondary concern is safety and welfare input. Hafermann asked if we needed to consider access to the east, Condons Street road no longer exists. It is a vacated road. This will have to be worked -2- PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING February 5, 1976 AGENDA: 7:30 P.M. Public Hearing 8 :00 P.M. Ray Robinson 8 :15 P.M. Prior Lake Lumber 8 :30 P.M. Bob McAllister Erlandson Subdivision Home Occupation Permit Conditional Use Variance out with limmet Knox .ind the Ingineer_ Motion was made by Hafermann to approve the plat on the condition that the street charges are made and approved by the City Engineer, and contingent on the fact that single family dwellings are constructed on lots I and 2. Seconded by Houts anrd upon a vote taken motion carried. Commissioner Klein voted against the motion. 'Che public hearing for Elmer Klingberg was motioned for a continuance by Klein, seconded by flouts and upon a vote taken, was continued for January 6, 1977 at 8:00 P.M. The Langhorst's have. also asked for a two week extension. Motion by Klein to hold the Langhorst subdivision public hearing on December 16, at 9:30 seconded by- K and upon a vote taken motion carried. 4Ao'k !ast item on the agenda was the continuation of the John Trulson discussion. Graser stated that there are 3 considerations for the Planning Commission on this item - 1 is to abide by the ordinance, the proposed use is in compliance with the neighborhood, and if the use is to be changed, maybe the zoning on the property should be changed. After some discussion, it was decided to bring to the next meeting a list of conditions that DuBar was presented with to show Mr. Trulson. Motion was made by Klein to recommend to the Council to approve the building as an office site seconded by Houts and upon a vote taken was duly passed. Motion was made by Klein to adjourn, seconded by Cavill, and upon a vote taken, this meeting was adjourned at 10:4S- -3- CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 t PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSIOI- o1EETING February 19, 1976 The meeting of the Prior Lake Planning Advisry Commission was called to order at 7:35 P.M. February 19, 1976 by CF irman Bissonett. Members present were: Chairman Bissonett, Commissioners Thorkelson, "outs, Busse, and Administrative Assistant Graser. r Notion was made by Routs to approve the minutes of the February 5, 1976 Planning Commission Meeting, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken' the minutes were approved as published. First item on the agenda was Brooks. On The Lake. representing Scottland, gave a presentation an 1 PUB. Some of the questions raised were in refer parcel to the north, 2) amount of paving in the facilities, 4) possible erosion of the `beaches 'c from waves on the lake. - Motion was made by Thorkelson to hold 'a public hearing an Bro Lake at the second meeting in March. Seconded; by Routs - f and u taken was duly passed. The Public Hearing will be held March Second item on the agenda was Mr. Manny Russo with a variance on a garage that he would like to build sometime in the futur some discussion, a vote was taken and the Planning Commission voted not to give Mr. Russo a variance ..with the conditions as now. Next item an the agenda was a discussion on the,Mickus Agency After some discussion, Thorkelson made a motion to send a let owner of the house explaining that their temporary building p expiring as of March 1, 1976. Motion was seconded by Buses a a vote taken was duly passed. On The A discussion in the round followed. It was decided that city staff will contact the Savage Planning Commission to discuss a joint meeting. The subject of the Planning Commission receiving a salary and per .'them was brought up and the general feeling of the members was that they would remain as is for the time being. Motion was made by Routs that Chairman Bissonett write a letter of thanks and appreciation to David Burns. Seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote:'a' taken was duly passed. Houts made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Thorkelson and the Planning Commission meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION AGENDA Time 7:30 P.M. Bt30 P.M. 9:00 P.M. February 19, 1976 @ 7;30 P.A. Name Subject Brooks on the Lake PUD Manny Russo Mickus Agency THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY Variance Discussion Discussion CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 5537A r PRIOR LAKE PLANNTNG ADVISORY COMMISSION Minutes of November 18. 1976 The meeting of the November 18. 1976 Planning Advisory Board was called to order by Chairman Thorkelson at 7:30 P.N1. Members present were; Commissioners Klein, Hunts, Haferman, Cavill, Councilman Busse and City Planner Tooker. The minutes of the November 4, 1976 meeting were amended to read: first page, last paragraph should read recessed not convened. Last page, fifth line should read signal light and not street light. Motion was made by Houts to approve the minutes as amended, seconded by Klein and upon a vote taken, motion duly passed. First item on the agenda was a home occupational permit request for Mr. Randy McWilliams. Councilmen Busse asked if there would be any acids going into the sewer system. Mr. McWilliams replied ues, hydrochloric and hydro - floric acid, about a %: pint a year. Councilman Busse stated he would like to ask Engineer Anderson about this in regard to our maintenance men work- ing with the sewer. Motion was made by Thorkelson to grant the request contingent upon Engineer Andersons approval. Seconded by Houts and upon a vote taken, motion was duly passed. On November 23, 1976, Engineer Anderson discussed the situation with Mr. McWilliam and informed him that under no circumstances was he to dump any'.kind of acids in the sewer. Motion was made by Houts to hold a joint meeting with the Savage Planning Commission to discuss the matter of t".e development on Highway 13 and County Road 42 on December 9, 1976. Seconded by Klein and upon a vote taken, motion was duly passed. The meeting of the Planning Commission was then recessed for the Island View 2nd Addition public hearing. Mr. Tooker gave a brief description of the area involved. Mr. Swanson, representing Denny McWilliams displayed a new map of the subdivision. The meeting was then opened to the public for their input. Walt Shoemacher asked what will be done with lot 8, a lot on the lake, will this be used for everyone in the back lots to put their boats in. Houts replied that this area is not even a part of the subdivision being discussed tonight. Richard Simonson wanted to know what the developer can use this outlot for. Glen Molesko wanted to know if there would be access to lot 8 for the people in the back lots. Chairman Thorkelson mentioned that he had had a phone call from a Mrs. Faymen who stated that she was unable to attend the meeting but wanted it :'nown that she is worried about the area being built up as she does not want sewer and water at this time and would like to see the road remain priv ^`e. Thorkelson read a memorandum from Financial Director MacGillivray in regard to this subdivision. Questions were raised about the availability of sewer and water in this area THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY and if the approval of this subdivision would hasten the installation of sewer and water. Councilman Busse stated that sewer and water will be going in Northwood Road some time next year. Commissioner Klein stated that this subdivision and Israelson's subdivision should tie in together with a road connecting the two to County Road 83. Commissioner Klein stated that he would like to see the cul de sac adjoining the private road worked out in some manner. Roman Kahout wanted to know if Northwood Road would be capable of handling additional traffic and if not who would pay to widen and upgrade the road. There was much discussion on the problem of lot 8 which is not in the subdivision, the problem of sewer and water going in when people have just moved in and do not want to give up their new wells and the cul de sac on the corner adjacent to the private road. Motion was then made by Haferman that the plat not be approved for the following reasons: 1. access to the north, to County Road 83 cannot be determined at this time, 2. subdividing this parcel is not in the best financial interests of the City at this time, 3. the cul de sac on the SE corner lends a problem to the adjoining private road. Seconded by Klein and upon a vote taken, motion was duly passed. The public hearing was adjourned at 8:30 P.M. The Public Hearing for the Israelson rezoning opened at 7:45 P.M. Charles Tooker gave a brief presentation and showed a map of the the proposed area to be rezoned from C -1 to R -1. Thorkelson explained that this public hearing was for a rezoning and did not pertain to platting and /or streets. Mr. Israelson stated that he does not own the property, he is working with Mr. Robert Dittmer. The lots in this subdivision will be no samller - than 12,000 square feet. Proposed lakeshore lots will be larger than the usual lots. Walt Shumacher stated that he disagrees with the proposed rezoning and will continue to disagree to any subdivision. Roman Kahout asked how much can be dredged for the proposed channel. Harold Israelson replied that he cannot get_ any information on the dredging from the DNR until the rezoning is approved. George Anderson wanted to know what exactly conservation meant. Charles Tooker explained the term as given in the City Zoning Ordinance Book. Glen Molasko wanted to know why the area could not remain the way it is without having to change it to a residential area. Harold Israelson stated that when any one person moves into an area that is not yet developed, they are foreign to that environment. Charles Tooker explained that when the Comprehensive plan was drawn it was with information from various sources. We used county information, information <' from Eagle Creek Township, also the former City of Prior Lake land use rec- ommendations were pulled together with the information at hand. Since then we have had topographic maps prepared for the community and have done a more detailed analysis of the soil quality. As part of the continuing up- dating of the comprehensive plan and developing park plan recommendations staff is considering the refinement of some of the large areas that are shown on the map. Staff is aware that with this much land already zoned residential that it would be really folly to consider the alteration -2- CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES OF MARCH R, 1976 'he Prio^ Lake Planning Commission meeting of March 8, 1976 was called to order at 7 :30 P.M. by Chairman Bissonett. members present were: Chairman Bissonett, Commissioners Houts, Weninger, Councilman Busse, Administrative Assistant Graser, Park Board Commissioner Williams and Park Board member C. Buckeye. The minutes of the February 19, 1976 meeting were motioned for approval by Houts, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken were approved as published. First item on the agenda was a subdivision for Denny McWilliams. Graser gave a brief presentation on the plans for the land involved. Main points discussed were in regard to the memo attached. Motion was made by Busse to hold a public hearing for the McWilliams subdivision at 8:30 P.M. on April 1, 1976. Seconded by Houts and upon a vote taken was duly passed. Second item on the agenda was a discussion on the conditional use Permit for OuBar Marine. Before the conditional use permit is granted for another year, Houts suggested that the new owners should be advised of the conditions they are supposed to be operating under. It was decided that Houts, Bissonett and Graser will go out to DuBar Marine, inspect the premises and discuss the land use with the present owners. Motion was made by Tharkelson to adjourn, seconded by Weninger and the Planning Commission meeting adjourned at 9:35. THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY of the agriculture area on Top of the hill. Beyond that we get into the financial aspect of the area involved. Richard Simonson stated that Mr. Israelson had made promises that wouldn't necessarily have to be kept- he could come back with an entirely different set of plans after this area is rezoned. The planning commission should be concerned with a small city going up on this part of the lake. Barb Kahout is concerned because Mr. Israelson cannot give any answers to the questions being asked until the area is rezoned. Mr. Israelson explained again that the area must be rezoned before the Watershed District, or the DNR will have anything to do with it. Mr. Dean Sunde voiced his concern over whether or not there might be lake leakage due to dredging. Steve Soll wanted to know how much of the 1500 square feet of lakeshore is zoned conservation. Mr. Tooker replied all. Commissioner Klein asked what the sewer and water timing is for this area. Manager McGuire stated that Northwood Road to County koad 83 is proposed through 1978. Harold Israelson stated that he cannot foresee this area being built up quickly. He believes that it will take 10 to 15 years before it is complete. Jim Dunn wanted to know if the system we have now for sewer and water can withstand the proposed subdivisions or would we have to update our system. He also wanted it understood that the Planning Commission was only an advisory board, the council still has the final decision. Mr. Tufte wanted to know if the rezoning couldn't wait until we can see exactly where sewer and water is going to go. Charles Tooker than stated that this area is not platted yet and this agriculture land should not be rezoned. Commission Klein stated that with the population going up as it is, we should use the existing R -1 land before we start developing the land zoned conservation. ;._, Motion was made by Klein to deny the rezoning, seconded by Haferman, upon a vote taken, motion was duly passed. The public hearing was then adjourned. Next item on the agenda was Mr. Sean Dennehy asking for a 4 foot side yard variance and a 5 foot front yard variance. After some discussion, motion was made by Haferman to approve the request as applied for, the reason being that necessity comes from the ordinance, the people are not creating it. Seconded by Houts and upon a vote taken, motion duly passed. The meeting was then recessed to open the public hearing for the continuance of the Langhorst subdivision. Mr. Langhorst's attorucy, Mr. Krass, asked to have the hearing continued at a later date due to some miscalculations on their part. Mr. Dave Grannis, representing L fi L Hardware stated he did not mind putting the hearing off, he just wanted to make sure that lot 1 would have an access, and he would like to see an additional access to Walker Avenue. Mr. Langhorst was told that the easement for the storm sewer would have to be shown on the plat before approval could be given. Motion was made by Klein to continue the Lanhgorst public hearing on December 2, 1976 at 9:30 P.M., seconded by Houts, upon a vote taken, motion duly passed. Last item on the agenda was Mr. Hugh Miller requesting a conditional use permit for 4 units on 4 acres of land. Motion by Klein to approve the request seconded by Haferman upon a vote taken, motion duly passed. -3- CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION March 4, 1476 AGENDA: Denny McWilliams Subdivision 7:30 P.M. B:15 P.M. Discussion DuBar Marine Conditional Use Permit THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY Motion was made by Klein to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Houts and upon a vote taken this meeting was adjourned at 10:45. First item on the agenda was a zoning request for Hugh Miller. Mr. Miller is asking for a blanket H -2 zoning. Mr. Miller decided he would go with the conditional use permit. Next item on the agenda was Denny McWilliams subdivision. Graser gave a brief presentation on how Mr. McWilliams had planned to change his original plans for the subdivision. It was decided that the new plan be cancelled and the Public Hearing be changed to April 8, 1976. Motion was made by Weninger to write a letter to Mr. McWilliams stating the changes have not been complied with and the Planning Commission would like these changes made before the Public Hearing. Motion was seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken, was duly passed. Next item on the agenda was the Karl Mickus building. Graser gave a brief presentation and Mr. and Mrs. Mickus discussed the possibilities of the future of the building. Motion was made by Houts that the Mickus building be removed from the property by April 1, 1977, with the provision that if the present renter should terminate his lease, the building shall remain vacant. Motion was seconded by Weninger, upon a vote taken was duly passed. Mr. Busse requested that the Plan Commission take a stand on the County's recommendation to limit the land requirements to 40 acre parcels. Motion was made by Thorkelson to support the County Zoning Ordinance in the form of a resolution, seconded by Houts and upon a vote taken was duly passed. Weninger voted nay. Graser stated he would like to have a workshop with the Planning Commission and City Planning staff working together to discuss its appeal process, its policy and several other important matters that ha ✓e come up. Planner Tooker and Graser will have an agenda made up for the workshop. Motion was lade by Houts to adjourn and seconded by Weninger and upon a vote taken the meeting was adjourned at 10:50. Y 3 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION November 4, 1976 AGENDA: A. Cali to Order 1. Roll Call B. Minutes of Previous Meeting 1. Motion to - C. Presentations and Requests 1. Variance Rich Klugherz 2. D. 7:45 P.M. Public Hearing Richard Nelson Subdivision 1. 2. E. 8:00 P.M. Steve Gooderun - Variance 1. 2. F. 8:15 P.M. Langhorst Subdivision Public Hearing 1. 2. G. Councilman, Don Busse 1. 2. H. City Planner, Graser 1. 2. THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY Mr. L.:ndquist replied that there is a permanent easement on lot 13. Mr. Ed Martini said his concern is that if this PUD doesn't go as proposed, what choice does the lady have (that owns the lot in the rear of the Pi'D) and if she yields. what choice is he going to have and eventually, who is gong to have the lake. He lives where he works and comes cut to his property on the lake to escape. He is interested in contributing his tax dollar to the community he chose to move into. He chose his neighbors and in many respects his neighbors chose him. There are not many people in his age bracket that can afford to buy a $55,000.0 townhome. He would like everyone to look at the esthetic side of this. Mr. Dean 3unde read the permitted uses of R -1 zoning and wanted to know if the development is consistent. with the comprehensive plan. He also wanted to know if one lot was missing. Mr. Sunde does not think the plan will fit in with the adjoining areas. Mary Ann Evans asked when the project will be completed. Mr. Lundquist replied that the townhomes will be built in one year and should be inhabited in about 2 to 3 years. Councilman Busse asked if the association is going to stay in the development until all units are sold. Mr. Lundquist replied yes, Scottland will stay in the association until all units are sold. Graser stated that the park dedication fee is $5,000. Mr. Brooks Hauser mentioned he has not been able to make contact with the people in the adjoining lots. Grazer stated he was concerned with the amount of blacktop in the PUD and for esthetic purposes, would like to lower the density to 18 units. Mr. Lundquist replied he is ready to listen to change. Commissioner Weninger said he wanted to make sure that retaining walls were put up where erosion is a factor. Mr. Lundquist assurred him the walls would be put up. A poll was then taken of the Planning Commission members. All members were concerned with the dockage, the traffic flow problems to adjacent areas and the County Road 21 access. A- motion was made by Weninger to continue the Public Hearing to get further definition on the possible alternate traffic routes into the development, further definition of the dockage area and the blacktop area of the development. Motion was seconded by Thorkelson, upon a vote taken was duly passed. The Public Hearing will be continued on the third Thursday in April. (April 15, 1976) The regular meeting of the Pl anning Commission was called to order at 9:45.. The minutes of March 8, 1976 were motioned for approval by Thorkelson, seconded by Houts and approved as submitted. 2 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION Minutes of November 4, 1976 The meeting of the Prior Lake Advisory Commission was opened by Chairman Thorkelson at 7:30 P.M., November 4, 1976. Members present were Commis- sioners Klein, Houts, Cavi.11, Haferman, Councilman Busse, Administrative Assistant Graser, City Planner Tooker, City Manager McGuire, Councilman Bissonett, Councilman Watkins and Mayor Stock. Motion was made by Houts to approve the minutes of October 21, 1976 as published seconded by Klein and upon a vote taken, motion was duly passed. First item on the agenda was a variance request for Richard Klugherz. Mr. Klugherz is requesting a 5 fool side yard variance from the west property line to build an attached garage 20 feet by 24 feet. Motion was made by Klein to approve the variance as applied for because it is not detrimental to the aesthetics of the neighborhood, the area was platted in 1961, and the spacious effect remains because of the 31 feet between the proposed garage and the house on the west side. Seconded by Houts and upon a vote taken, motion duly passed. Graser then read a letter from Scottland okaying the procedure for Mr. Kratochvil to go ahead with the rezoning. Motion by Klein to hold a public hearing on December 16, 1976 at 5;45 P.M., seconded by Houts and upon a vote taken, motion duly passed. The Planning Commission meeting was then recessed to open the public hearing for the Nelson subdivision. Graser stated that sewer, water and road im- provements are in and the applicant has met the provisions of the Prior Lake Subdivision Ordinance. Mrs. Nelson introduced herself and stated that she did not believe anyone was here to protest her subdivision plans. Motion by Houts to approve the preliminary plat as submitted, seconded by Haferman, and upon a vote taken, motion was duly passed. The public hearing was ad- journed. Next item on the agenda was a variance request for Mr. Steve Gooderun. The variance request is for 3 feet from the west and east property lines. Mr. Gooderun was asked if the garage would be attached to the house to which he replied no. Motion was made by Houts to approve the variance as applied for seconded by Haferman because of the lot being a small one, it was platted in 1921, the sightlines would not be affected, and because of the topography and configuration of the lot, also because the neighboring homes would have sufficient area to the property line. , µ ms The Planning Commission was then ioa*efted to open the public hearing for the Langhorst Subdivision. THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY March 18, 1976 The Public Hearing on Brooks on The Lake PUP, was called to order at 7:35 P.M., March 18, 1976. Mr. Cal Lundquist gave a presentation and also showed the Planning Commission and audience present a new map of the proposed marina. The meeting was opened to the public at 8:10 P.M. Mr. Percy Kasberg wanted to know what type if grading was being contem— plated for the section facing the main part of the lake. Mr. Lundquist replied that the townhomes would be built into the bank and there would be no grading of the natural terrain. Mr. Kasberg also requested that R -1, R -2 and R -3 be explained for the audience. Mr. Graser explained the different zonings. Mr. Bob Cabill asked what other variances are being asked for. Chairman Bissonett replied that there are no other variances being asked for. Mr. Cabi11 asked what the front footage was. He also asked if the Planning Commission had considered the congested traffic situation with the bridge near the area. He would like to see the bridge in perspective to the docking facilities on the map. Chairman Bissonett stated that the Scott County Sheriff must approve any docking facilities on the lake. Mr. Bob Robbs stated that he is opposed to the traffic and is also afraid the county will be taking some of his land to enlarge the road. He is also worried about more parking problems because of fire and rescue calls. He asked what the width of the roadway was. Mr. Lundquist replied it was 30 feet wide. Mr. Jim Dunn stated that if the configuration is adjusted somewhat, the docking facilities would be less hazardous than the Cellar Bar's dockage. Meredith Sunde would like to see the swimming area changed to a different location. She felt that the density was also too high. She does not want to see small cabins pushed out because of "not blending in" with the proposed townhomes. She also wanted to know if there will be any type of buffer for the back yard of lot 13. THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY 'Phe puhli, hearing for the Langhorst Subdivision was opened at 8:15 P.M. Grayer gave a description of the proposed area to he subdivided. Mrs. Langhorst then gave her presentation. Mr. Graser than stated that the Citv of Prior Lake and the planning staff is anxious to see this parcel developed. It is a valuable and needed piece of land and should be dev- eloped to the best of its potential because it has a potential of tying in the downtown area and starting the renovation process. In 1974, a study was done of the downtown business district. The study was done because there was heavy emphasis on Highway 13. At this time you can drive through the downtown district but you cannot drive within it. Mr. Graser presented a drawing of the extension of Walker .Avenue and Pleasant Street. Mr. Graser then read a letter from the State Highway Department which stated that the extension of Pleasant did appear feasible, some study would have to be done as far as drainage adjacent to Highway 13 and the frontage road would have to be city maintained. Mr. Graser stated that it would be very easy to isolate the subdivision from the rest of the Central Business District and every precaution should be taken that this does not happen. Mr. Tooker, City Planner, then stated that he wanted to support Graser's comments on the interior circulation of the downtown. The plat as shown does not take any area from the subdivision. As a platting consideration, they are concerned that each lot have access to a public access. Lots 1 and 2 would be landlocked. Mr. Vance Granni.s .Jr., representing Farwell Ozmun and Kirk and the Prior Lake Hardware Store expressed his concern over the parking arrangement for the hardware store. If the in and out is used as an access, he felt it would prevent the use of the existing parking for the hardware store in violation of the lease for the hardware store. The map (Langhorst's) is not drawn to scale and the area between the store and fence has an 8 foot sidewalk. The railroad owns 10 feet in on the parking lot. Mr. Grannis stated that he was willing to discuss and plan the entire plan and get everything approved so that we know where the streets and accesses will be located before construction starts. Commissioner Klie stated that the 30 foot driveway, if it is extended to get at lot number 2 would only leave 5100 square feet for building and parking and as he understood it there were proposed plans for a 2300 square foot building that would mean 12 to 13 stalls which is physically impossible to do in an 80 foot wide strip so it would be hard to meet the parking require- ments for lot number 1 with a driveway going across it. Commissioner Hours asked who the 30 foot driveway belonged to. It was explained that the lease included the building and adjacent parking area. There was an additional lease from the railroad of 10 feet, where the fence is, it is not on the boundary of the railroads property it is 10 foot into the railroad property. Commissioner Haferman stated that the Langhorst plan would be violating the ordinance -if they were to put their access as proposed and some day the extension of Pleasant Avenue went through -it would be violating the ordinance that states that accesses can be no closer than 500 feet to the -2- CITY OF �® PR IOR LAKE, MI 55372 Item D — 3 Karl Mickus — Decision on structure THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY .idk,ccnt access. Mayor Stock stated that he and the City Council had worked on getting a signal light on highway 13. He feels that it is very important to have a signal light at Dakota Street and Highway 13, but Main Street (Credit River Road) would have to be closed. The intent of the City Council is still to have a s''rle`et- light at Dakota Street and a frontage road along Highwa,v 13. Mayor Stock said he believed that the state had Prior Lake programmed for the summer of 77 for a signal light at Dakota Street. .After more input from Clare Manor who stated where his liquor store would be, Commissioner Kline asked if the parties involved could all get together and work out some sort of solution to the problem. Motion was made by Klein to continue the public hearing on November 18, 1976 at 9:45 P.M. seconded by Houts and upon a vote taken, motion was duly passed. A. Call to Order 1. Roll Call B. Minutes of Previous Meeting 1. Motion to — C. Public Hearing Brooks on the Lake D. Presentations and Requests 1. Hugh Miller — zoning request 8 :30 2. Denny McWilliams — subdivision 9:00 3. Karl Mickus — Decision on stracture 4. E. Planning Commissioner — Don Busse 1. 2. F. City Planner — Graser 1. 2 . THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION October 21, 1976 AGENDA: A. Call to Order THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY 1. Roll Call B. Minutes of Previous Meeting 1. Motion to- C. Presentations and Requests 1. 2. D. 8:00 P.M. Dick Kratochvil Rezoning i. E. 8:30 P.M. Bernie Mahowald Variance 1. 2. F. 8:45 P.M. Elmer Klingberg Subdivision 1. 2. G. Councilman Busse 1. 2. H. City Planner, Graser 1. 2. THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY The Prior Lake Planning Commission Meeting of April 1, 1976 was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Bissonett. Members present were Chairman Bissonett, Commissioners Weninger, Busse, Houts, and City Planner Graser. The minutes of the March 18, 1976 meeting were motioned for approval by Weninger, seconded by Houts, upon a vote taken were duly passed. First item on the agenda was Mr. Charles Kadrlik asking for a variance request. Mr. Kadrlik would like to construct a garage that would require a 5' variance from the easterly property setback. After some discussion, Houts made a motion to deny the request because there is no hardship involved. Motion was seconded by Weninger and upon a vote taken, the variance was not granted. Second item on the agenda was the subdivision plot for Denny McWilliams. Mr. McWilliams presented a new map of the subdivision for preliminary approval by the Planning Commission. It was the consensus of the Plan— ning Commission that Mr. McWilliams present the Park Board recommendation and also show how the houses will sit on the lots. It was asked that the City Engineer send a memo in regard to the water drainage off of the proposed park dedication. It was also decided that Prior Lake Planning Commission members would attend a Savage Planning Commission meeting and try to set up a joint planning commission meeting between the two Commissions. Mr. Graser stated that the workshop with the Plan Commission and Charles tooker has been scheduled for April 29, 1976 at 7:30 P.M. Meeting was motioned for adjournment at 9:25, seconded by Weninger and upon a vote taken meeting was adjourned. THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION Minutes of October 21, 1976 The Prior Lake Planning Advisory Commission was called to order on October 21, 1976 at 7:30 by Chairman Thorkelson. Members present were Commissioners Klein, Haferman, Houts, Councilman Busse and City Planner Graser. Motion was made by Houts to approve the minutes of October 7, 1976 as published seconded by Klein and upon a vote taken, motion was duly passed. First item on the agenda was Don Williams subdivision. Mr. Graser gave a brief explanation on the proposed subdivision. The purpose of the subdivision is to plat three buildable lots and to plat the remaining property in the form on an outlet and extend lakeshore rights to the homes in Boudins Manor. Motion was made by Houts to hold a public hearing on December 16, 1976 at 8:00 P.M. seconded by Haferman with the contingency that Mr. '4illiams obtain a copy of the court decision pertaining to this land and a copy of the letter directing Mr. Williams to proceed with this subdivision with Mr. Boudin's permission (to be submitted to Mr. Graser) upon a vote taken, motion was duly passed. Second item on the agenda was Mr. Dick Kratochvil asking for a public hearing to rezone the land that his Redi -Mix Plant is situated on. Mr. Graser gave a brief description of the land stating the building permit for the Redi -Mix Plant had been taken out on April 3, 1961. In 1963, the first zoning ordinances and subdivision ordinances were adopted by Prior Lake and at that time the land was zoned I -1, light industrial. At this time, Mr. Kratochvil should have taken out a conditional use permit. In 1973, Prior Lake adopted a zoning map and zoning ordinance that changed the area to C -1. A public hearing was held which made the Redi -Mix Plant a non - conforming use. In 1975, the zoning ordinance was revised and amended and the use was changed to R -1 because of the building of Brooksville Hills. Mr. Kratochvil is proposing to construct new buildings and modernize the existing one. He is planning on buying 4 acres behind the existing plant and would like to get the whole area rezoned to industrial. Mr. Kratochvil was asked to obtain a letter from Scottland stating that he may act in Scottland's behalf for the rezoning request. Next item on the agenda was Mr. Bernie Mahowald asking for a variance to construct a garage on the east side of his home requiring a 5 variance. The attached garage would leave 4 on the east to the neighboring property line. Motion was made by Houts to grant Mr. Mahowald a 5' variance.to'the east with the overhang not to exceed 2 feet because of the existing size of the lot, the area is in an older portion of town, the area is zoned R -2, it is close to the downtown area, and it would not be detrimental to the existing and adjacent structures or to the general health and welfare of the community. Seconded by Klein and upon a vote taken, motion was duly passed. THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 PRIOR. LAKE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION April 1, 1976 A. Call to Order 1. Roll Call B. Minutes of Previous Meeting 1. Motion to — C. Presentation and Requests 1 . 2 . 3• D. Variance Request — Charles Kadrlik — 7 :30 P.M. 1 . 2 . E. Subdivisioin Plat — D. McWilliams 1. 2 . F. Planning Commissioner — Don Busse 1 . 2 . G. City Planner — H. Graser 1 . 2 . THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY Next item on the agenda was the Elmer Klingberg subdivision. Mr. and Mrs. Klingberg are proposing to subdivide lot 14 of Jo -Anna Stepka's Hi -View Addition. The subject parcel is approximately .6 acres and has a basement dwelling on lot 2 of the proposed subdivision. At the present time lot 18 is unbuildable because of topography, but the lot is now being filled. This subdivision is in a sewered and watered area with existing paved roads. Since it has been the policy by the commission to waive much of the infor- mation and details required of the subdivider in divisions such as this, staff requests a public hearing be scheduled for Mr. Klingberg. Motion was made by Klein to hold a public hearing on December 2, 1976 at 9:15 P.M. seconded by Houts and upon a vote taken, motion duly passed. otion was made by Thorkelson to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Klein and upon a vote taken the meeting closed at 9:00 P.M. Chairman Bissonett explained that the Park Board had gone over this and they have made recommendations to Denny McWilliams. This is something that has to be negotiated between the City Council and Denny, and as far as the Planning Commission is concerned, the only stipulation the Planning Commission mades is that the Par:. Board and City Council requirements be met on the Park issue. Councilman Busse asked if the Park dedication included Outlet A. Chairman Bissonett answered yes, it was included. Mr. Jobst asked if there would be a corporation that would own the public spaces in the development. Mr. McWilliams said that it could be either private or public —they were not sure yet. Mr. Jobst wanted to know if the shares to the common spaces would be one per lot and would the share go with the lot. Mr. McWilliams said that they will have a joint owr.ership with corporate shares. There will be as many shares as back lots. Mr. Charles Tooker said the Park Board actually rejected the open space dedication as proposed. The original recommendation was that an open space that would go all the way down to the lake from 83 would be acceptable on a percentage basis. A 50% credit was also discussed. Mr. Tooker stated he did not like the division of the parks on two sides of the road. Even though it would be minor activity, with few vehicles using the road, there will be children using the same area. The engineer had mentioned the possibility of adding a turning radius which was added within the subdivision itself and raised the question of whether we should have the same kind of flexibility on 83 and 21. Commissioner Houts raised the question of the 904 mark. He also asked if the people on the lake will own the land all the way down to the shoreline. If not, then there would not be 13.3 feet per lot. It was decided that this point should be brought up at the Planning Commission workshop. (Clarify ordinance on useable 3akeshore irregardless of what it is going to be used for.) Tom Watkins stated that until the Watershed Board comes up with something definitive, the water mark is going to have to stay at 904. Mr. McWilliams stated he has not heard from the Watershed Board as of yet. Motion was made by Weninger to approve the subdivision as presented subject to approval of the Park Board for the Park dedication, subject to approval of the City Engineer, subject to maintenance of access to the private park area. An amendment to the motion was made by Chairman Bissonett stating that the Planning Commission encourages the City Council and Park Board to accept some form of dedication of this property as public space. Mr. Weninger accepted the amendment as proposed, seconded by Houts and upon a vote taken, motion was duly passed. Motion was made by Houts to adjourn, seconded by Weninger and upon a vote taken, the public- hearing was adjourned at 9:30 P.M. CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION October 7, 1976 AGENDA: 1. Call to Order 1. Roll Call B. Minutes of Previsou Meeting 1. Motion to - C. Presentations and Requests 1. 2. D. 7:30 P.M. Denny McWilliams Subdivision 1. E. 7:45 P.M. Dick Kratochvil Rezoning 1. F. 8:00 P.M. Jim Huey Subdivision 1. G. 8:15 P.M. Israelson Rezoning Request 1. H. 8:45 P.M. D. Langhorst Subdivision 1. I. 9:15 P.M. Gary Lindstrom Variance 1. J. 9:30 P.M. Rassmussen Variance 1. K. Councilman Busse 1. THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY CITY OF PRIOR LADE, MINNESOTA 55372 NOW PRIVli i,. -iF. FLANNING ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES PUBLIC HEARING - D. MCWILLIAMS SUBDIVISION April 8, 1976 at 3 :30 P.M. The Public Hearing on Denny McWilliams subdivision was called to order at 8:35 P.M. by Chairman Bissonett. Chairman Bissonett read the notice as published in the Prior Lake American March 24 and April 6. Mr. McWilliams than gave his presentation on his subdivision. The meeting was then opened to the public. Mr. Bob Cabill asked what the square footage of the lakeshore lots were. Mr. McWilliams replied 20,000, 17200, 17168, 15500, 15013, 15112, 15112, 15890 and 17800. He also stated the zoning standard is 10000. Mr. Bob Cabill asked if Mr. McWilliams planned on putting the roads in and then sell the lots individually. Mr. McWilliams replied that they would be selling individually and in groups. Walt Jobst asked if the Park area stretched out into Crystal Bay. He also asked how much lakeshore footage was owned in common and how many homes had lakeshore. Mr. McWilliams replied that there is 650 feet of lakeshore and 49 homes and that worked out to 13.3 feet per home. Walt Jobst asked if there would be dockage and how many slips were being planned for. Mr. McWilliams stated that there would be less than 49 slips. Mr. Jobst also wanted to know about the east side of the entrance into the plat, how far the road is away from the corners where 21 curves. Was there a visibility problem from the curve so people making a left hand turn don't get caught by traffic coming from the other direction. Mr. McWilliams answered that the Scott County Engineer had looked at and approved the plans for the roadways for this subdivision. Mr. Dean Sunde asked about the proposed ball park that was turned down by the Park Board. THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION Minutes of October 7. 1976 The meeting of the October 7, 1976 Planning Advisory Commission was called to order by Chairman Thorkelson at 7:30 P.M. Members present were: Commissioners Klein, Houts, Councilman Busse, Administrative Assistant Graser. The minutes of the September 16, 1976 meeting were changed in paragraph 2, 2nd page should read Klein made the motion to approve the variance because of alignment, etc. seconded by Houts Motion was made by Houts to approve the minutes of September 16, 1976 as amended, seconded by Klein and upon a vote taken motion duly passed. First item on the agenda was Denny McWilliams Island View 2nd Addition subdivision. Graser stated that Mr. McWilliams is asking for a public hearing date. Mr. Ron Swanson was present representing Mr. McWilliams and had a drawing for the Planning Commission that had no definite changes from the first drawing McWilliams had submitted. Mr. Graser showed a drawing that staff had made up showing the connecting roads and proposed dedicated park lands for both the McWilliams subdivision and Israelson subdivision. Mr. Swanson stated that he would go along with both roads as shown on the staff drawing but did not think Mr. McWilliams would go along with the proposed park dedication. Motion was made by Houts to schedule a public hearing for November 18, 1976 at 7:45 P.M. for Denny McWilliams Island View 2nd Addition, seconded by Klein and upon a vote taken, motion was duly passed. Second item on the agenda was Mr. Kratochvil applying for a rezoning for the land adjacent and behind the Prior Lake Redi -Mix plant to the south. The area is currently zoned R -1 and would have to be zoned I -1. Mr. Kratochvil was granted some type of conditional use permit in 1961 when he built the Redi -Mix Plant. Mr. Kratochvil was asked to contact Mr. Graser and get more information on this parcel, maybe the existing parcel should be rezoned, the existing use should definitly be estab- lished, before a public hearing date will be set. Next item on the agenda was the Jim Huey subdivision. The area is in the Boudins Manor area and the section of land involved is unplatted. The two lots would be given new legal descriptions. Motion was made by Houts to schedule a public hearing for November 4, 1976 at 7:45 P.M. seconded by Klein and upon a vote taken, motion was duly passed. Next item on the agenda was Israelson rezoning request. Mr. Naeem Qureshi was present regarding the rezoning. Mr. Qureshi stated that the channel idea was curtailed because of a problem with the DNR in obtaining the permit. Mr. Qureshi stated he is ready to work out the park dedication with Mr. Jambois. The area will be serviced with sewer and water in 1978. THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY Mayor Stock gave a presentation of his memorandum as it pertains to Plan B. Mayor Stock requested the approval of the Planning Commission to the City Council to go ahead with the public hearing to discuss these constituents and to adopt them. Commissioner Houts asked if it would be all right to pass a motion on this at the Planning Commission Workshop on April 29, 1976. Mayor Stock replied this would be fine. Councilman Busse stated that the recommendation sent to the council on the Denny McWilliams subdivision has been sent back to the Planning Commission and Park Board for review of the Park dedication. The Council requests the the Planning Commiss ° -On have their answer within two weeks. Staff was asked to check on the agreement between Denny McWilliams and the Metropolitan Sewer Board. Motion was made by Houts that every member of the Planning Commission go out and look at the proposed park dedication, and then take another look at the zoning ordinance and the comprehensive plan. Motion was seconded by Weninger and upon a vote taken, motion was duly passed. Motion was made by Houts to hold a meeting next Thwsday, April 22 at 7 :30 to discuss the park dedication. Seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken was duly passed. Motion was amended by Commissioner Thorkelson to have the meeting at the conclusion of the Park Board discussion on this dedication. Members were asked to call Horst before Friday, April 23, if they had any additional ideas for the Planning Commission workshop. Motion made by Commissioner Thorkelson, seconded by Bissonett to adjourn the meeting and meeting was closed at 9:15 P.M. —2— It was brought to the attention of the Planning Commission that any residential area may be platted, but no building permits may be issued unless sewer and water are in the area. Mr. Qureshi stated that any suggestions the Planning Commission may have would gladly be taken into consideration to stay compatible with the adjoining Island View 2nd Addition Subdivision. Motion was made by Klein to hold a public hearing on the Israelson subdivision to rezone from A -1 to R -1, for November 18, 1976 at 8:45 P.M., seconded by Houts and upon a vote taken, motion was duly passed. Next item on the agenda was the Langhorst Subdivision. The Langhorsts are requesting that a public hearing date be set for their subdivision. Motion was made by Klein to hold a public hearing November 4, 1976 at 8:15 P.M., seconded by Hunts and upon a vote takea, motion was duly passed. Next item on the agenda was a variance request for Mr. Gary Lindstrom. Mr. Lindstrom is asking for a 43 foot lakeshore variance and a 5 foot fromt yard variance. Motion was made by Houts to approve the variance for the following reasons: taking into consideration the size of the lot and the surrounding area, the proposed dwelling would not be detri- mental to the adjacent property, that the house to the east is in proportion to the proposed house, the sight lines would be adhered with and the lot is of record for 1946, consideration should be given as it is a small lot, seconded by Klein and upon a vote taken, motion carried. Last item on the agenda was Mr. Rasmussen Variance. Mr. Rasmussen is requesting a 4.5 foot side yard variance. Mr. Rasmussen stated that he would like the home situated this way because of aesthetic reasons, ther is a large hill directly in front of the proposed home and if the home is placed any other way trees will have to be cut down. Most of the homes in this area are built in the same way. Motion was made by Klein to change the variance request from 5.5 feet on the north side to 1.5 feet and 3 feet on the south side. The reasons for approval of this variance are the contours of property indicate south side of property practically unbuildable, garages are side to side, the existing garage is slanted away from the proposed house and garage. Seconded by Houts and upon a vote taken, motion was duly passed. City Planner Graser brought up the question of boathouses - should they be allowed on the lake. He had had a citizen come in and ask what the City's position was on this matter. The concensus of the Planning Commission was that the setback for any buildings on the lakeshore would be a minimum of 7S feet from the 904 high elevation mark. Graser also stated that the developers of Mitchel Pond had not complied with the proposed time table for their subdivision and therefore are requesting a public hearing at a later date. Klein made a motion to hold the public hearing on December 2, 1976 at 8:00 P.M., seconded by Hours and upon a vote taken, motion was duly passed. Houts made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Klein and upon a vote taken this meeting was adjourned at 10:00 P.M. -2- CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES April 15, 1976 Chairman Bissonett reconvened the Public Hearing for Brooks On The Lake PUD at 7:35 April 15, 1976. The three major questions to be discussed were: access from county road 21, configuration and layout of the black — topped area within the PUD, and the marina layout. Mr. Cal Lundquist went over the three major issues and described how the docking facilities had changed from all docks in the bay area to docks on both sides of the peninsula with swimming on each side. The boat landing will be in the north corner of the bay. The access from County Road 21 has been changed so you come in at a right angle which gives better vision up and down the road. The blacktopped area within the PUD has been changed so that all townhomes have a "front yard" facing the lake, increasing the landscaped area around the lake. Mr. Dean Sunde stated he goes along with all the revisions but is still concerned with the density of the area because it is zoned R -1. Commissioner Thorkelson asked if there would be a traffic problem with the first unit, driving into the PUD. f.- Mr. Lundquist stated this probeem would be worked out by possibly making the units wider and not quite as long. Mr. Lundquist also stated that he had discussed the docking facilities with the County Water Patrol and was told there is no problem in the present plan. A poll was then taken of the Planning Commission members. All members felt they had sufficient information to make a decision one way or another. Commissioner Houts made a motion to recommend approval of the outline development drwoings as submitted, seconded by Weninger and upon a vote taken, was duly passed. The Public Hearing on Brooks On The Lake was adjourned at 8:00. The regular Planning Commission meeting was then called to order. Members present were Commissioners Houts,Thorkelson, Weninger, Chairman Bissonett, Councilman Busse and Administrative Assistant Graser. Guests were Dean Sonde, Don Williams, Cheryl Buckeye, Mike McGuire, Wally Stock and Tom and Marcy Watkins. The minutes of the April 1, 1976 Planning Commission were motioned for approval by Houts, seconded by Weninger and upon a vote taken were duly passed. The minutes of the April 8, 1976 Public Hearing on Denny McWilliams sub— division were motioned for approval by Weninger, seconded by Houts and upon a vote taken were duly passed. THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING ADPISORY COMNIIISSION April 15, 1976 CONTINUATION of Brooks on the Lake Public Hearing — 7 :30 P.M. A. Call to Order 1. Roll Call B. Minutes of Previous Meeting 1. Motion top C. Presentations and Requests 1. Bob Mertens — Subdivision — Advisory Meeting 8 :45 2 . 3 . D. Planning Commissioner — D. Busse 1 . 2 . E. City Planner — H. Graser 1 . 2 . THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING ADVISORY COhAIISSION WORKSHOP September 30, 1976 AGENDA: A. By -laws for Planning Commission 1. 2. B. 5 feet sideyard on garage to garage development 1. 2. C. Zoning district interpretation 1. 2. D. Systems Statement 1. 2. E. Trail system throughout the City F. The repercussions of zoning 1. housing filtration 2. assessed valuation 3. The C.I.P. G. Langhorst Subdivision 1. 2. H. Greenbriar P.U.D. 1. 2. THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY B. Availability of information to the planning commission -4 C. Meetings per month D. Site inspection by each commissioner E. 1V. Staff A. The role and function of the staff B. Discrepencies in staff and Planning Commission reconmendations C. All proposals to be accompanied by staff recommendation V. Comprehensive plan A. Why long range planning B. New legislation having an effect on comprehensive planning C. The comprehensive plan - as a basis for ma king decisions Please note - all members of the commission should bring their Zoning Ordinance, Comprehensive Plan and subdivision ordinance Workshop - April 29, 7:30 City hall t CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING ADVISORY MEETING September 16, 1976 AGENDA: A. Call to Order 1. Roll Call B. Minutes of Previous Meeting 1. Motion to - C. Presentations and Requests 1. 2. D. Ford Thompson - Public Hearing 7:45 P.M. 1. E. Francis Krahl - Variance 8:15 P.M. 1. F. Mr. Birno Public Hearing 8:30 P.M. 1. G. Mr. .�hnson Public Hearing 8:45 P.M. 1. H. Creighton McKowen Variance 9:00 P.M. 1. I. Wicker Knox - Mitchell Pond 9:15 P.M. 1. J. Councilman Busse 1. K. Administrative Assistant Graser 1. THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION WORKSHOP April 29, 1976 I. Subdivision Ordinance A. 75 lakeshore requirement 1. 904 elevation used to determine footage necessary for backlots 2. Placement of docks B. Small Subdivisions C. Policy and zoning for newly annexed areas D. Page 5 paragraph 3 -3c E. Subdivision check list II. Zoning A. Why zoning? Why not fences? B. Variances 1. past policy 2. future policy 3. 50 lots C. Non —conforming uses 1. Grandfather clause D. Rezoning of property 1. spot zoning 2. reapplications E. Conditional Use permits III. Planning Advisory Commission A. The role and function of the planning commission THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 a PRIOR LAKE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES September 16, 1976 The Prior Lake Planning Advisory Commission meeting of September 16, 1976 was opened at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Thorkelson. Members present were: Commissioners Klein, Houts, Councilman Busse, Administrative Assistant Graser and City Manager McGuire. The minutes of the September 2, 1976 Planning Advisory Commission were motioned for approval by Houts, seconded by Klein and upon a vote taken were approved as published. Houts motioned to recess the planning meeting and open the public hearing seconded by Klein and upon a vote taken, motion duly passed. The first item on the agenda was Mr. Ford Thompson's public hearing for a subdivision. The public hearing notice, as published in the paper was read. Graser gave a brief introduction of the parcel involved, stating that the area is in a sewered area, and adjacent to a blacktopped road. The topography places no constraints on the subdivision. Motion was made by Klein to approve the preliminary plan for the subdivision, seconded by Houts and upon a vote taken was duly passed. The Thompson subdivision will go befog. the Council Monday, September 20, 1976. Second item on the agenda was Mr. Francis Krahl requesting a variance to construct a garage in the front yard of Lot 1, Maplewood. After hearing a description of the parcel involved, Houts made a motion to approve the variance for the following reasons; there is an existing garage next door with a 15' setback, the topography just south of the subject parcel is such t: a road would not be economically feasible, this is one of the smallest plotte lots on the lake. Variance was approved with a 15 foot front setback and a, 3.2 foot side yard setback with a 3.8 foot side yard setback from the east pr line, seconded by Klein and upon a vote taken, motion duly passed. There was some discussion on the five foot side yard setbacks. The Council asked the Planning Commission to consider amending the zoning ordinance. Graser stated that five foot side yard variances in a garage to garage situation are very common in some cities. People should realize a lot's potential and constraints when purchasing it. Most variance requests are by homeowners of homes that have been built in the last six years and are not owned by the original owners. Circumstances should make a difference in the denial or approval of variances. Consistancy is most important in the varian< process. A policy should be considered at the next workshop meeting. Motion by Klein, seconded by Houts to recess planning commission meeting and open public hearing for Mr. Birno. Upon a vote taken, motion duly passed. Graser gave a brief introduction stating that lot 2 did not have a stub. Mrs. Johnson asked if this was an engineering mistake. Graser stated that there were two stubs on lot 1. The park dedication fee has not been set. Motion made by Klein to approve the preliminary plan, seconded by Houts and upon a THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY vote taken, motion was duly passed. Klein moved to close the public hearing, seconded by Louts and upon a vote taken, motion duly passed. Klein moved to convene the public hearing for Mr. Johnson at 8:45 P.M. seconded by Houts and upon a vote taken, motion duly passed. Graser gave a brief description of the land involved. Streets, sewer and water are in. Staff requested approval of preliminary plan. Motion was made by Hours to approve the preliminary plan, seconded by Klein and upon a vote taken, motion duly passed. Klein motioned to close the public hearing seconded by Houts and upon a vote taken was duly passed. Next item on the agenda was a variance request for Mr. Creighton McKowen. Mr. McKowen is requesting a 29 foot variance from the lakeshore. Motion was made by Houts to approve the variance because the proposed location with adjacent parcel is aesthetically pleasing, in alignment, and does not produce any sight limitations, seconded by Houts and upon a vote taken, motion was duly passed. Last item on the agenda was Mitchell Pond discussion. Mr. Bill Dolan gave a brief presentation noting that Lakeshore lots had been added to the plan. Swimming and boating are both wanted for common area. The grade of the roadways must be worked out with the engineers. The covenants must be submitted before the hardshell. Park dedication has not been discussed as of yet. Motion was made by Kelin to hold a public hearing on October 21, 1976 at 7:45 P.M. seconded by Houts and upon a vote taken, motion was duly passed. Graser stated that Mr. McWilliams had asked to have a public hearing date set for his Island View 2 Addition subdivision but has not submitted any plans. This item was tabled. Motion by Houts, seconded by Klein to adjourn upon a vote taken motion was duly passed, meeting was adjourned at 10:05 P.M. Next item on the agenda was Mr. Richard Rogers requesting a variance to build a 24' x 34' attached garage to the east side of his house. Motion was made by Thorkelson to grant a variance with a 5' setback, seconded by Routs and upon a vote taken, motion failed. Weninger and Bissonett voted against the motion. Next item on the agenda was Mr. Allen Scheffers asking for a 10' variance from the rear yard setback requirement. Mr. Scheffers stated he will clean up the debris in the easement area behind his proposed utility shed. Motioin made by Weninger to grant the variance as applied for, seconded by Houts and upon a vote taken, motion was duly passed. Last item of business was Mr. Curtice Schmidt requesting a variance for an unattached garage on the east side of his home requiring a 6 side yard variance. Motion was made by Weninger to deny the request, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken, motion carried. Motion made by Houts to adjourn, seconded by Thorkelson and meeting was adjourned at 9:40 P.M. CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING ADVI57RY COMMISSION MINUTES September 2, 1 976 The September 2, 1976 Planning Advisory Commission meeting was opened at 7:35 P.M. by Chairman Thorkelson. Members present were: Commissioners Klein, Houts, Weninger, Councilman Busse and Admin- istrative Assistant Graser. The minutes of the August 19, 1976 Planning Commission meeting were amended to read: page 2 second paragraph, way should be was. The minutes were motioned for approval as amended by Houts, seconded by Klein and upon a vote taken were approved as amended. September 30 at 7:30 P.M. was the date set for the Planning Comm- ission workshop to discuss the by -laws for the Planning Commission. Motion was made by Klein and seconded by Houts to recess the Planning Commission meeting and open the Public Hearing for Len Grassini sub- division. Graser gave a brief presentation of Mr. Grassini's sub- division plans. Don Williams asked if sewer and water were available to these lots. Mr. Grassini replied yes, stubs were put in when sewer and water went through the area. There was some discussion on lots to the rea of those being subdivided. Motion was made by Houts to approve the preliminary plan, seconded by Klein and upon ,a vote taken, motion was duly passed. The hardshell procedure was then explained to Mr. Grassini. The 13th of September was set for the date Mr.' Grassini is to go before the Council for approval of the preliminary plan.; Commissioner Klein moved to adjourn the 'public hearing and reopen the Planning Commission meeting, seconded by Weninger and upon a vote taken, motion was duly passed. After some discussion motion was made to recess the meeting by Houts to open the public hearing for Ron Edwards subdivision, seconded by Klein and upon a vote taken, motion was :duly passed. Graser gave a brief description of the two lots involved noting that the area was sewered and there are no drainage problems. The existing house on the southerly lot is 40 feet from the division line and also is divided by a row of trees. The park fee has not been set. ;Motion to approve the preliminary plan by Weninger, seconded by Houts and upon 'a vote taken, motion was duly passed. The preliminary plan will go before the Council for approval on September 13, 1976. Motion to adjourn the public hearing by Houts, seconded by Weninger and upon a vote taken, motion was duly passed. Because of excess time, Mr. John Bjorkland was allowed to present his plans for a house to be built that would require a variance. Motion was made by Weninger to deny the variance request because there is no hardship involved, the lot was not unique, there is sufficient room to build a modern home without a variance and the trees are not a financial hardship, seconded by Houts and upon a vote taken motion was duly passed. THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 PPIUH LAKE PLAM1VLFG AUC1S0(i'i C0%5]1SS10K Y1'`U1;iS '4ay 6, 197E The Play 6 1976 meeting of the Planning Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:3U P.N. b,y Chairman Bissonett. Members present were; Commissioners hcninger, Thorkelson, Hoots, Council- man Busse and City Planner Graser. The minutes of rile April 15, 1976 meeting were corrected to read; ( 2 2n6 page, lsL paragraph) Mayor Stock requested the recommendation of the Planning Commission, not approval. Motion was made b, Thorkelson to approve the minutes as amended, seconded by Weninger and upon a vote taken, was duly passed. First item on the agenda was Harold Israelson subdivision advisory meeting. Graser stated there were several questions that arose when he looked at the plans for the subdivision. one was the application to DNR in regards to the proposed channel. Neither the DNR nor the Watershed had been heard from at the time of this meeting. Mother question was concerning the lots that have access directly onto County Road 83. The study of the trail system as it applies to this proposed subdivision should definitly be made prior to another meeting, so some input can be obtained as to fitting this into an overall trail system. In conjunction with the trail system, the park dedication should also be worked out. Commissioner Routs asked to have recommendations from the DNR, the Watershed Board and the Park Board before going any further. It was also suggested that Harold talk to Denny McWilliams concerning road access to adjoining property. Next item on the agenda was Denny McWilliams subdivision. This subdivision is adjacent to the north of Harold Israelsons sub- division. Commissioner Bouts suggested puttling all 3 subdivisions (Harold Israelson, Island View I and Denny McWilliams new Island View subdivision) together so the Planning Commission could get an overall view of the 3 together. Developers will discuss with staff as to location of streets and how each subdivision will tie in with the others. Don Williams asked what the park dedication would be and was told the park dedication had been made at a past date. Staff was asked to check this out and answer Mr. Williams question. Problems that will have to be worked out on this sub- division concern; 1. the cul de sacs on Northwood Road, 2. the check for the park dedication, 3. natural drainage and /or how the drainage is going to be worked out, 4. cul de sac road adjacent to private road. Graser stated that Ron Swanson should work with Harold on the road that adjoins both subdivisions. THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY Next item on the agenda was Mrs. Langhorst subdivision discussion. .After some discussion, Mrs. Langhorst was told that she must get easements from the State Highway Department and that she must have the lines drawn on her map stating where the subdivision lines are. Tie cost of the Park dedication must be worked out with staff. N;xt item on the agenda was Mr. Milt Swanson requesting a S foot variance for construction of a garage. Motion was made by Houts to deny the variance as requested because a S foot setback would be detrimental to snow plowing and other city maintenance work. Seconded by Weninger and upon a vote taken, motion was duly passed. Next item on the agenda was Mr. Barney Dolby requesting a S foot variance from the property line. Motion was made by Houts to recommend approval of the variance with revision of the setback from the street from 5 to 10 feet. Seconded by Weninger and upon a vote taken motion duly passed. Weninger abstained. Motion by Klein to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Weninger and upon a vote taken, meeting was adjourned at 10:10 P.M. -2- CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 PRIOR LAKE PLAUKTTNG ADVISORY MEETING May 6, 1976 A. Call to Order THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY 1. Roll Call B. Minutes of Previous Meeting 1. Motion to C. Presentations and Requests 1 . 2 . D. Harold Israelson — Subdivision Advisory Meeting 7 :30 1. 2 . E. Denny McWilliams — Subdivision Advisory Meeting 8 :15 1. 2. F. Richard Rodgers — Variance 8 :45 1 . G. Allen J. Schefers — Variance 9:15 1 . H. Curtice W. Schmidt — Variance 9:45 1 . I. John Cates — Subdivision Advisory Meeting 10:15 1 . 2 . THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION May 13, 1976 The meeting of the May 13, 1976 Planning Advisory Commission was called to order by Chairman Bissonett at 7:30 P.M. Members present were: Councilman Busse, Commissioners Routs and Thorkelson and Administrative Assistant Graser. Motion was made by Thorxelson, to approve the minutes of the last meeting as published seconded by Routs and upon a vote taken was duly passed. First item on the agenda was a variance request for Shimek Cons. Mr. Grazer gave a brief explanation and Mr. Shimek and Mr. Warras gave their explanation of the proposed house with attached garage. Commissioner Houts asked Mr. Graser what the percentage of coverage was on the lot. Mr. Graser replied approximately 25 %. Motion was made by Houts to deny the variance request because of no undue hard— ship disregarding the overhangs when they do not exceed 2 feet or more. Motion was seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken was duly passed. Second item on the agenda was Mr. Richard Rogers requesting a 2 foot variance. Mr. Rogers has changed his garage to 19 feet wide instead of 24 as previously applied for. Motion was made by Houts to grant a 1 foot variance from the foundation line, seconded by Thorkelson, upon a vote taken, motion was duly passed. Graser discussed Harold Israelson's and Denny McWilliams subdivisions. Graser stated that one map would be made up covering both subdivisions. Houts made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken meeting was adjourned at 8:30 P.M. The Prior Lake Planning Advisory Commission then continued their workshop. THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION August 19, 1976 AGENDA: A. Call to Order B. Minutes of Previous meeting 1. Motion to - C. Presentations and Requests 1 . 2 . D. 7:30 P.M. - Hugh Miller - Conditional Use 1. E. 7:45 P.M. - Birne & Johnson - Subdivision 1. F. 8:15 P.M. - Lou Sullivan - Consider a B-1 zoning (Conditional Use) 1 . G. 8:30 P.M. James Schwab - Variance 1. H. 8:45 P.M. Darwin McGowan - Variance 1. I. 9:00 P.M. Wally Langhorst - Continuation 1. J. 9:15 P.M. Steve Frendshuh - Conditional Use (Prior Lake Lumber) 1 . K. 9:30 P.M. Peter Campbell - Variance 1. THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY AGENDA: A. Call to Order B. Roll Call C. Minutes of previous meeting 1. motion to — D. Presentations and Requests 1 . 2 . 3. E. Variance — Schimek Construction 7 :30 1 . 2 . F. Workshop — continuation THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY L. 9:45 P.M. Bill Rucker - Subdivision 1. M. 10:00 P.M. Emmet Knox - Mitchell Pond 1 N. Planning Commissioner, Busse 1 0. City Planner, Graser 1 . P. Adjournment -2- CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 PLANNING ADVISOP.Y COMMISSION MINUTES August I9, 1976 The August 19, 1975 Prior Lake Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chairman Thorkelson at 7:35 P.M. Members present were: Klein, Fouts, Councilman Busse and Administrative Assistant Eraser. The minutes of the August 5, 1976 Planning Commission meeting were changed to read: 3rd Paragraph on page 2 should be recessed, not adjourned. The second to the last paragraph on page�. - o — M read motion by Weninger not Klein. Motion was made by Houts to approve the minutes as amended seconded by Klein and upon a vote taken the minutes were approved as amended. Under Presentations and Requests, Mr. Ford Thompson presented his Plans for subdivisinn. The Planning Commission members stated that a road must be put it the proposed area with utilities. Park dedication must be worked out with staff. A road should be worked out with the adjoining developers, Of Gateway Shores. Motion was made by Houts to hold a public hearing on September 16, 1976 at 7:45 P.M. for Mr. Thompson's subdivision, seconded by Klein and unon a vote taken was duly passed. First item on the agenda was Mr. Hugh Miller requesting a conditional use permit. Mr. Graser stated there seems to be a discrepancy in that this type of townhouse development cannot go under a conditional use in this area. Mr. Miller is requesting to put in 5 double bungalows on two lnts. Mr. Miller stated that when he was in before he tried to clarify everything and the Planning Commission gave concent approval. tor. Miller was told that the present drawings would be sufficient but some sewer plans would be needed. The PUD procedure was exnlained to Mr. Miller. Next item on the agenda was Mr. Birno and Mr. Johnson with a proposed subdivision. A brief presentation was given by Mr. Birno and Mr. Johnson describing the.land_ involved which has no unusual terrain Problems. Lots 7A and 78 are overlooking the area and the only way to utilize them would be to build a cul -de -sac. Mr. Birno and Mr. Johnson were told by the Planning Commission to submit the plan as is and to disregard 0utlots A and B for the present time. Motion was made by Klein to hold a public hearing on September 16, 1976 at 6 :30 P.M., seconded by Houts and upon a vote taken motion was duly rassed. The fact was then brought up that the parcel is being divided by two people with one fee so it must have two public hearings. The Previous motion was rescinded and a new motion was made by Houts to have a public hearino on the replat of property owned by Mr. Pirno at 8:30!P.M, on September 16, 1976 and Mr. Johnson at P:45 P.M. seconded by Klein and upon a vote taken motion was duly Passed. THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 553 PRIOR U.KE PLANNING AJ-r1SORY COMMISSION Minutes of June 3, 1916 The meeting of the June 3, 1976, Planning Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:3C by Chairman Bissonett. Members present were: Commissioners Weninger, Thorkelson, Houts, Councilman Busse and Administrative Assistant Graser. The minutes of the May 13, 1976 meeting were motioned for approval by Thorkelson, seconded by Houts and upon a vote taken were approved as published. First item on the agenda was a variance request by Mr. Chris Nygaard. Graser gave a brief explanation of the variance request. Motion was made by Thorkelson to grant a 5' variance due to the hardship of the garage site, considering the house is already 5' close to the property line. Seconded by Weninger and upon a vote taken motion passed. Commissioner Weninger abstained. Second item on the agenda was a variance request for Mr. William Willinger. Mr. Willinger asked for a 33' variance from the rear property line. Houts motioned to table the variance until more information is received, seconded by Weninger and upon a vote taken was duly passed. The variance request will be brought up again two weeks from this meeting. Next item was Ford Thompson's subdivision. A preliminary plan was shown and explained to the Commission. No objections were given of the preliminary plan. The dimensions of the lot width W, , uld like to be known. The general recommendation of the Planning Advisory Commission was that they all approved the preliminary plan. Mr. Tooker then gave a visual and graphic report on Israelson and McWilliams subdivisions. Mr. Graser stated that more information must be obtained from Mr. Israelson and Mr. McWilliams and that possibly, in 2 weeks the plans would be worked out. Thorkelson made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Houts and upon a vote taken the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 P.M. THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY Next item on the anenda was Mr. Lou Sullivan to discuss a R -1 zoninn under conditional use. Craser n -tve a brief explanation. '1r. Sullivan would like to rezone 150 feet fronting on Highway 13 to P, -1 and leave the balance of the land R -3. Currently in this area there is a restaurant, a bank across the street and a commercial office buiidinp. The property in the rear has been occupied as a commercial parcel. Mr. Sullivan would like to rezone the corner only and possibly put tin a 26 unit apartment building on the remainder of the land. Mr. Graser stated that Mr. Sullivan would like a general poll of the Planning Commission members. Commissioner Klein stated that his position had not changed -he was still concerned for the children's safety in that area. touts stated that he would like to keep the business in the downtown area and use Franklin Trail as a cut off for commercial. Chairman Thorkelson stated that Mr. Sullivan could take his presentation to the City Council. They might feel differently, but the property would still have to be rezoned. Next item on the anenda way Mr. James Schwab requesting a variance for a 50' x 160' corner lakeshore lot. The proposed home would require a 5' side yard variance, a 10' front yard variance and a 11' variance from the lakeshore setback. Mr. and Mrs. Schwab were asked by Commissioner Houts if they knew that this was adjacent to a public access and that they might have people walking across the front of their lot near the lake. They replied that they did know about this and also the park across the street. It was suggested that the Schwabs purchase some land from the Olsons and they replied that this was in the discussion stage now. After some discussion on the public access, in which it was brought to the attention of the Schwabs that they might p- ssibly have people wandering back and forth over their property and also snowmobiles in the winter, to which they understood that this could happen and they fully. realized it, motion was made by Houts to approve the variance request seconded by Klein and upon vote taken. was duly passed. Commissioner "outs requested that talks with Olson ( adjoining neighbors ) be continued. Mr. Graser stated that if the additional purchase of land is obtained, this .ariance does not hold true. Next item on the agenda was Mr. Dorwin M,6owen, Mr, Graser gave a brief description of the 'variance request stating that Mr. 'icGowen is askinn for a 5 root variance to be able to build a 20' x 20' garage. A letter from the adjoining neighbors stating that they had no objection was read to the Planning Commission. After some discussion, motion was made by Klein to approve the. variance, seconded by Houts and upon a vote taken, motion carried. Since there was a difference of opinion with the recommendation from the staff being different than that of the Planning Commission this variance request must no before the Council before it is approved, "Motion was made by Klein to recess the Planning Commission meeting to open the public hearing on the continuation of the Langhorst rezoninn, seconded by [louts and upon a vote taken motion carried. The continuation of the public hearing was opened with Mr. Langhorst showinn a drawinn of the proposed redevelopment area. This drawinn had not been shown to staff previous to the Planning Commission -2- CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION dune 3, 1976 AGP.NDA A. Call to Order B. Roll Call C. Minutes of previous meeting 1. Motion to — D. Presentations and Requests 1 . 2 . E. Variance — Chris Nygard 7:30 P.M. 1. F. Variance — William Willinger 8:00 ?.M. 1. G. Visual and graphic report on Israelson and McWilliams subdivisions 1. THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY meet ino. It was the City attorney's opinion that the land must be subdivided. 'Ir. Lannhorst stated that there is an easement goinc across the corner of the property which means that this nortion of land cannot be built unon, but may be utilized as a parking lot. The access road running parallel along Highway 13 up to the proposed lumber yard. Mayor Stock asked if Pleasant Avenue was included in the legal description of the property to be rezoned. The legal description was read " all that property lyinn northerly to the nronosed Pleasant Street ". 'lotion was made by Pouts to recommend rezonino from C -1 to B -2, that area north of proposed Pleasant Street, seconded By Klein and upon vote taken, motion was duly passed. Next item on the anenda was a conditional use permit for Prior Lake Lumber Yard. Graser gave a presentation and Mr. Friendshuh stated that they would donate the land for the proposed access road but rrould not build it. Motion was made by Pouts to approve the conditional use permit with the following conditions. 1. All activity related to the supply yard be screened by an aesthetically pleasing fence no less than 6' in heighth. 2. The parkins ' lot be approved by the City Planner. 3. The building location be approved by the City Planner. 4. The fence and building must be kept in good reapir and maintained. Seconded by Klein and upon a vote taken, motion was duly passed. Next item on the agenda was a variance request for Peter Campbell. Mr. Campbell is proposing to cinstruct a redwood deck below the minimum setback requirements at 5050 Condon's Street S.E. After some discussion, motion was made by Klein to approve the variance seconded by Pouts and upon a vote taken motion was duly approved. Next item on the agenda was Mr. Emmet Knox with a discussion on Mitchell Pond. With the toownhome market decrease, single family homes have been substituted in the Mitchell Pond Plan. 225 feet of lakeshore across the street to the north will be dedicated for the residents to use for swimming and boating. Mr. Knox and Mr. Winker are requesting to have the Planning Commission give them preliminary approval on these plans. Concept approval was given for Mitchell Pond Plan. Descriptive mapping is required and the date for a public hearing will be set at the next meeting. Motion was made by Pouts to make it mandatory that all material for variances, conditional use permits, subdivisions, etc. be in to the City offices by noon Friday for the following Thursday's Planning Commission meeting. Seconded by Klein and upon a vote taken motion duly passed. There was some discussion on Planninn Commission members not attending the meetings. It was brought up that some kind of by -laws should be written up concerning this matter. Motion was made to adjourn by Klein, seconded by Pouts and upon a vote taken the meetinn adjourned at 10:30 P.M. WE docking facilities have to be approved by the County. It was stated that there will be some regrading of roads and the green area in single family home area will be maintained by the associa— tion. As for the park dedication fee, it was stated that 13 acres would easily take a cash amount. It was also decided that it would be detrimental tc the association if the public were allowed to use the private beach and docking facilities. Motion was made by Thorkelson to hold a public hearing on July 15, at 8:30 P.M. contingent on the hearing scheduled at 7:30 P.M. the same evening. Motion was seconded by Houts and upon a vote taken, motion was duly passed. Motion was made by Thorkelson to adjourn, seconded by Houts and upon a vote taken, meeting was adjourned at 9:45 P.M. —2— AGENDA: A. Call to Order B. Roll Call C. Minutes of Previous meeting 1. Motion to - D. Presentations and Requests 1. Len Grassini - replat 2 . 3. E. Mrs. Marian Reid - Home Occupational Permit - 7:30 P.M. 1 . F. Ronald E. Edwards - Subdivision - 7:45 P.M. 1 . G. Harley Swenson - Subdivision - 8 :00 P.M. 1 . H. Ford L. Thompson - Subdivision - 8 :15 P.M. 1. J. Lou Sullivan - Rezoning Public Hearing (R -3 to B-2) 8:30 P.M. 1 . K. Wally Langhorst - Rezoning Public Hearing (C -1 to B-2) 9:00 P.M. 1. L. City Planner, Graser 1 . M. Planning Commissioner, Busse THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY v :TY O PRIOR LAKE I EST 55372 PLP. "d`!I'9G ADVISORY COM "IISSION MINUTES June 17, 1976 '^he meetinc of the June 17, 1976 Planning Advisory Commission was called to order at 7 :30 P.M. by Chairman Bissonett. Members present were: Commissioners Thorkelson, Houts, Weninger, Council— man Busse and Administrative Assistant Graser. The minutes of the June 3, 1976 Planning Advisory Commission were motioned for approval by Thorkelson, seconded by Routs and upon a vote taken, were approved as published. First item on the agenda was a rezoning request for Mr. Duane Z , Olson. Mr. Olson would like to rezone a 5 acre piece of land t1'3 Motion was made by Thorkelson to hold a public hearing at 7:30 P.M. July 15, 1976 in the City Council Chambers. Motion was seconded by Houts and upon a vote taken, motion was duly passed. Second item on the agenda was Mr. Roger Asgard requesting a 10' lakeshore setback variance and a 5' side yard variance. Motion was made by Thorkelson to grant a variance; seconded by Houts an; r' upon a vote taken motion was duly p assed. of p , d Y P & !: Third item on the agenda was a continuation of a variance request for Mr. William Willinger. Thorkelson made a motion to approve the variance because of the unique terrain and width of the lot. Motion was seconded by Routs and upon a vote taken, motion was duly passed. Next item on the agenda was a conditional use request for Brauer & Associates to place a trailer home on Camp Kici Yapi. They wish to house a caretaker year round. The trailer is connected to the Interceptor. After some discussion, motion was made by Thorkelson 4 to grant a conditional use permit to this property for a five year period maximum or until a building permit is granted, or July 1981,; whichever comes first. The reason being that security of the exist. ing property is unique to the situation of the request. Seconded by Houts and upon a vote taken, motion was duly passed. Last item on the agenda was "The Harbor" preliminary plan. Mr. Jai Buxtel gave a presentation and Mr. Bob Engstrom showed slides of previous townhome sites that Engstrom & Associates had planned. The commissioners were then asked if they had any questions or +' remarks. Graser stated he would like to see 80 feet lots along, Rutgers to keep it homogeneous with existing lots. He also -ste' the tennis courts are under the 904 mark. It was decided that.so�, screening should be considered for the south side of the property'. Dockage was discussed and it was mentioned that the THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES August 5, 1976 The meeting of the August 5, 1976 Planning commission meeting was opened at 7:30 P.M. in the City Council Chambers. Members present were: Chairman Thorkelson, Commissioners Busse, Houts, Weninger and Klein. Also attending was Administrative Assistant Graser. The minutes of the July 15, 1976 meeting were corrected to read: 8th paragraph should read 11 single family homes and not 44, also on the 2nd page, 12th paragraph should read Conroy Street and not Conrad Street. The minutes were motioned for approval as amended by Bouts, seconded by Weninger and upon a vote taken were duly passed. The July 29, 1976 Special Planning Commission minutes were motioned for approval by Klein, seconded by Houts and upon a vote taken were approved as published. First item on the agenda was a proposed replat for Mr. Len Grassini. The lots are located at Shady Beach Trail and Bayviow Crest. The lots do meet the required lot size, one lot is 80' x 134 and the other is 80' x 138'• There was some discussion on the park dedication fee. Motion was made by Routs to hold a public hearing for this replat on September 2, 1976 at 7:45 P.M., seconded by Weninger and upon a vote taken motion was duly passed. Next item on the agenda was Mrs. Marian Reid requesting a home occupational permit to operate a nursery school in the basement of her home from September through June. Motion was made by Klein to grant the home occupational permit on the three following conditions: 1. The children not be allowed to wander freely outside. 2.The pickup and delivery of the children should be in the driveway if at all possible. 3. A maximum of 50 children per week. Motion was seconded by Weninger and upon a vote taken was duly passed. Next item on the agenda was a subdivision discussion for Mr. Ronald Edwards. Mr. Edwards is proposing to subdivide a parcel of land at the intersection of Rutledge Avenue and Ridgemont Avenue. Trees across the parcel will act as a buffer between the two lots. The location of improvements on the parcel should be included on the map at the next meeting. Motion for a public hearing was made by Houts, seconded by Weninger and upon a vote taken the public hearing will be held at 8:30 P.M. on September 2, 1976. Next item on the agenda was a subdivision discussion for Mr. Harley Swenson who is proposing to subdivide five acres north of Shady Beach Trail. Mr. Swenson was asked to submit a more detailed subdivision layout to staff and resubmit the plan to the Planning Commission. THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY CITY OF ARIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 ?RIOR LAIC; PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION June 17, 1976 AGENDA A. Call to Order Rcll Cali C. Minutes of previous meeting 1. Motion to — D. Presentations and Requests 1. Request for rezoning — Duane C. Olson 2. E. Variance — Roger Aagard 7 :30 P.M. 1 . F. Variance — William Willinger 8 :00 P.M. 1. G. Variance — Brauer & Assoc. — Conditional Use 8 :30 P.M. 1. H. Jack Buxtel — The Harbor Preliminary Plan 9:00 P.M. 1 . I. Councilman Busse 1 . J. City Planner Graser 1. THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY Next item on the agenda was a subdivision for Mr. Ford Thompson. After some discussion, staff stated that a certified lot plan must be obtained certifying 80 foot lots. The road, sewer, and water problems must be worked out prior to the public hearing. Mr. Thompson was asked to resolve questions with city staff. A petition in reference to the Harbor PUD was brought to the attention of the Planning Commission concerning the number of lots facing Rutgers S`.reet. Mr. Jack Buxell gave a brief presentation of why the five lots were planned instead of four. The discussion was then continued until after the public hearings. p The Planning Commission meeting was then ad-jvarned and the public hearing for Lou Sullivan vas called to order at 8:30 P.M. The public notice was read as published in the Prior Lake American. Mr. Graser explained the area adjacent to Lou Sullivan's property, describing the different zones involved. Mr Frank Muelken, representing Mr. Sullivan, stated that a grocery store was going to go in close to Highway 13 but there would be plans for future expansion of other stores. Mr. Sullivan's plan would benefit the business area, Mr. Muelken stated. Mr. Sullivan presented a drawing of the proposed shopping center and stated that feedback from the neighboring residents had been favorable to the plan of the grocery store. The meeting was then opened to the public. Mr. Pete Patchin stated that he represented the homeowners east of the proposed rezoning and they are all opposed to the rezoning because of the R -1 district abutting a B-2 zone. Mr. Patchin felt that it was unnecessary to put the store in the proposed parcel when there is adequate B-2 zoned land left. Mr. Carter Christie, representing the school board read a letter of opposition to the rezoning. The school board feels that the traffic would be detrimental to the safety and well being of the children. Mr. Bill Schmokel stated that he owned the property south of the subject parcel and that he was in favor of the rezoning. He stated that Franklin Trail is one of the wides streets in Prior Lake and would be able to handle the traffic with no problem. Mr. Schmokel did not feel a "leapfrogging effect would be a problem since topography prevents this. He also felt that the school board should have more control over the children than to have to worry about them in a grocery store during school hours. Mr. Jim Ewald wanted to know if the children were bussed to school or if they walked. He was told that about 99% of the kids were bussed. Mr. Ewald then stated he could see no reason why the kids would be loitering around the store when they took the bus right up to the school door. Mr. Bill Bissonett asked if Mr. Sullivan had considered a B -1 zoning under conditional use. Mr. Sullivan replied no, he had not. Councilman Watkins stated the rezoning would be spot zoning therefore deteriorating the transitional zoning. -2- Mr. Mue]ken stated he thought the arguments for rezoning outweighed those against. The meeting was then turned over to the Planning Commission members. Commissioner Klein expressed concern over the children with the amount of traffic this rezoning would create. Commissioner Houts stated that a year ago an extensive study for the comprehensive plan was made and at that time it was decided to try and keep all commercial and business east of Franklin Trail. Chairman Thorkelson felt that B-2 zoning is not appropriate at this stage. Motion was made by Klein to deny the request for the rezoning, seconded by Houts and upon a vote taken motion was duly passed. Motion was made by Weninger to close the public hearing seconded by Klein and upon a vote taken the public hearing was closed at 9:15 P.M. The public hearing for Wally Langhorst rezoning was called to order at 9:15 P.M. The different zoning classifications were explained to Mrs. Langhorst by Mr. Grazer. Mr. Grazer gave a presentation of the proposed rezoning parcel. The staff recommendation was that the requested rezoning should be denied until such a time a development plan is submitted and approved by staff. Mrs. Langhorst stated that she thought the area should be rezoned first and then figure out where the shops will go. Mrs. Langhorst was also willing to go along with just the rezoning of that portion north of the proposed extension of Pleasant Street with the southerly area remaining in C -1. The meeting was then turned over to the Planning Commission. Commissioner Houts recommended that the matter be tabled until a time when Mr. and Mrs. Langhorst can get together with Mr. Graser. Mayor Stock brought up the point that this area all has to be subdivided before any parcel can be sold. Mrs. Langhorst stated that a parcel already had been sold. Mayor Stock stated that Mrs. Langhorst should check with an attorney because the parcel that has been sold must be subdivided. Motion was made by Houts to continue the public hearing until August 19, 1976 at 9 :00 P.M., seconded by Klein and upon a vote taken, motion duly passed. Motion was made by Klein to close the public hearing, seconded by Houts and upon a vote taken, the public hearing was adjourned at 10 :10 P.M. The Planning Commission meeting was then opened for discussion. The Harbor Resort area discussion was continued. Mr. Jack Buxell summarized his statements. 1. The buildability of the lots. 2. The issue of lots as a wall or barrier to the community. 3. The property value decrease. 4. They are not asking for variances or special consideration. Mr. Don Williams stated that he moved to this area to get away from small lots. He felt that the parcel should be subdivided in the same manner as the rest of the neighborhood. Mr. Dave Beckman stated that he would like to see less lots and agrees completely with everything Don Williams says. A woman from the Boudins Manor area stated that she thought the problem was very self evident. Motion was made by Commissioner ftto reduce the lots along Rutgers to four seconded by Houts and upon a vote taken, motion duly passed. Commissioners Houts, Klein, Weninger voted for, Chairman Thorkelson voted against. Motion was made by Klein to adjourn, seconded by Weninger, upon a vote taken, meeting was adjourned at 10:45 P.M. -3- -hird item on the agenda was 'fir. Fugh Hiller with a discussion on a conditional use permit. Millers 1st addition, lots 3 and h are zoned R -1. Mr. Miller is asking to construct 5 duplexes on approximately 3 acres. The street would be private with the Homeowners takinv care of the maintenance. There were no objec- tions as far as setbacks were concerned. Mr. Miller was directed to the City Planner for further information. text item was Mr. Fverett garrison requesting an 8' side yard variance. The subject was brought to the attention of staff after the project had been started. Due to a misinterpretation when the building permit was issued, the scuaring off of the building was desired and a variance was needed. Motion made Thorkelson to approve the variance, seconded by Weninger and upon a vote taken the variance was granted based on the fact that it is an extension of an existing building. A discussion on overhangs followed. The questions were raised; what is to be considered a normal overhang and where should the measurement be taken from. Chairman Bissonett suggested that any overhang over 2 feet have the foundation moved accordingly. Motion was made by Thorkelson not to include overhangs in computing set- backs. Motion seconded by Weninger, and upon a vote taken, motion was duly passed. Motion was made by Thorkelson to adjourn, seconded by Weninger, and upon a vote taken, meeting was adjourned at 10:55 P.M. The meeting^ of the July 1, 1 Prior Lake Planning Advisory Commission was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Bissonett. Members nresent were Commissioners Weninger, Thorkelson, Council- man Busse, and Administrative Assistant Graser. The minutes of the June 17, 1976 meeting were corrected to read; Page 1, paragraph 3 should read "Mr. Olson would like to rezone a 5 acre piece of land from R -1 to B -2." Paragraph 4 should list the reason for the variance which was uniqueness of the lot and this was the best possible solution to continue the existing wall. Paragraph 6, 5th sentence, instead of "to this property" should read "to Brauer and Associates." Same sentence should state July 1, 1981. Last paragraph on page 1, 3rd sentence should be suggest ed, not decided. Motion was made by Bissonett to approve the minutes as amended, seconded by Weninger and upon a vote taken was duly nassed. First item on the agenda was a rezoning discussion for Mr. Lou Sullivan. Mr. Sullivan would like to rezone from R -3 to B -2. The parcel to be rezoned is directly across from the new bank and the Gateway Center. After some discussion, Thorkelson made a motion to hold a public hearing on August `, 1976 at 8:30 P.M. Seconded by Weninger and upon a vote taken, motion was duly passed. Second item on the agenda was Mr. Terry Loftus. Mr. Loftus wanted to discuss the parking ordinance. Mr. Loftus asked that the City initiate possible changes in the present ordinance to have more control of parking lots that might be detrimental to immediate property values. Mr. Wally Langhorst was present requesting a rezoning of the area north of Pleasant Avenue. Mr. Langhorst would like to rezone the area from C -1 to B -2. A discussion followed with many points brought up such as; (a) if conditional use permits were granted, the Planning Advisory Commission would be able to control all build- ing. Also, Thorkelson felt that all zoning setbacks should be en- forced. Motion was made by Thorkelson to hold a public hearing for the rezoning of the area behind L & L, Extra Innings, and John Deere for the first Thursday in August at 9:00 P.M. seconded by Weninger and unon a vote taken, motion was duly passed. THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 SPECIAL PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING July 29, 1975 Members present were Chairman Bissonett, Commissioners Thorkelson, Weninger, Houts, and Kl-!:m. The mecting was called to order by Chairman Bissonett at 7 :30 P.M. Mr. Bissonett then submitted his letter of resignation. Vice Chairman Thorkelson then opened elections for Chairman. Weninger nominated Thorkelson as Chairman seconded by Houts. Weninger motioned nominations to be closed, seconded by Houts. A vote was taken and Thorkelson was elected Chairman. Thorkelson opened the office of Vice Chairman for nomination. Weninger nominating Houts, seconded by Thorkelson. Upon a vote taken, Houts was elected Vice Chairman. Motion was made by Houts seconded by Weninger to adjourn the meeting. Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 P.M. THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY AGENDA: A. Call to Order B. Roll Call C. Minutes of previous meeting 1. Motion to — D. Presentations and Requests 1. 2. j. D. Lou Sullivan — Rezoning 7:30 P.M. 1. 2. F. merry Loftus — Discussion, parking ordinance 7:45 P.M. 1 . 2. G. Hugh Miller — Discussion, conditional use permit 8:15 P.M. 1. 2. H. 'Horst Graser — Discussion, zoning I. C - ..,y Planner, Graser J. Planning Commissioner, Busse to THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY CITY OF PRIOR PRIOR LAKE, PLANNING ADVISOR! COMMISSION July 15, 1976 AGENDA: A. Call to Order B. Roll Call C. Minutes of previous meeting 1. Motion to — D. Presentations and Requests 1. 2. E. Public Hearing — 7 :30 P.M. Dr. Olson 1 . 2 . F. Public Hearing — 8 :30 P.M. The Harbor Resort Area 1 . 2. G. Councilman Don Busse 1. 2. H. Planner Horst Graser 1 . 2. I. Adjournment THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY Meeting was motioned for adjournment by Thorkelson, secocdea by Routs and upon a vote taken was adjourned at 10:00 P.M. CITY OFF p p� p PRIOR LAKE, MI 55372 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING ADVISORY 0014'ISSION Minutes of July 15, 1976 The meeting of the Frior Lake Planning Commission was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Bissonett. Members present were Commissioners Thorkelson, Houts, Councilman Busse, Administrative Assistant Grazer and City Planner Tooker. The minutes of the July 1, 1976 Planning Commission meeting were motioned for approval by Thorkelson, seconded by Bouts and upon a vote taken was duly passed. The public hearing for the rezoning of the property known as that strip of land east of Highway 13 and north of Franklin Trail, was opened to the public at 7:40 P.M. Dr. Olson explained that he is proposing to change the zoning to B -1 in order to have an addition put on his building. The building was purchased under the assumption that this was coma rcial land. The meeting was then opened to the public. Mr. Pete Patchin was concerned about B-1 and R -1 zonings abutting one another. Mr. Cy Kruse read a letter of opposition to the rezoning from the school board. The letter stated that the school board felt that schools should be located in residential neighborhoods, and also had voted that they would like to see the rezoning denied. The meeting was then turned over to the Planning Commission members. Chairman Bissonett stated that he would deny the application for rezoning because he felt that to move a B-2 zoning into an R -1 area there is a loss of control aver this type of transitional property. Commissioner Houts stated that he would like to keep the boundaries stable. Motion was made by Houts to deny the rezoning request for reasons stated, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken, motion was duly passed. The public hearing was closed at 8: 20 P.M. The Public Hearing for the Harbor resort area was opened at 8 :30 P.M. Chairman Bissonett explained the procedures of a public hearing. Mr. Robert Engstrom and Mr. Jack Burtell gave their presentation on the proposed PUD. The hearing was then opened to the public. Mr. James Mason asked how many people and how much land area would the Harbor occupy. Mr. Engstrom replied -" single family homes and a population of about 103 covering 13.4 acres with 2.4 persons per living unit. k ' Mr. Chip Douglas wanted to know if stubs were put in for 100' lots and would the back yards on the new homes be facing Rutgers. THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY Courciiman ,latkins stated that two lot a _Id totn use one s„u_ Mr. Engstrom replied the homes would be facing Rutgers. Tricia Nelson wanted to know what the homes would look like, what the price range would 'oe and what the setbacks world be. Chairman 5iss3nett explained the developer is not responsible for the construction of the homes. Mr. Engstrom replied the estimated cost of the homes would be $55,000. The development would have some control over the building of the homes. Shirley Johnson wanted o know if the 10' gas easement was recognized. Mr. John Trulson wanted to know how close the townhomes are to the property lines near the lake. Also if there were any townhome setbacks. Mr. Engstrom explained where the townhomes are in comparison to the existing structures and stated that there are no townhome setbacks. Mr. Francis Belisle is in support of the PUD because of the boat traffic on the lake at the present time. He feels that this will decrease the amount of boat traffic. Mr. James Mason asked how many boat slips there would be. Mr. Engstrom explained 60 slips, plus a visitors dock which is actually more of a sitting dock. Mr. John Trulson voiced his concern with they acres situated on Conroy Bay Road. He wanted to know what is to be done with the additional land. Mr. Engstrom explained there are no plans for that area at this time. Mr. Wes Green, the developer, stated the area is not being developed at this time (that land west of the Harbor), it will be developed at some time in the future with single family homes on soared Street. V " &&T Mr. John Nelson asked if the single family dwellings were part of the association. Mr. Mike Anderson asked if the plan had been submitted to the DNR. Mr. Engstrom replied no, a copy had not been sent. Marge Kinney wanted to know if the small, swampy areas around the lake could all be dreaged and filled as the Harbor was. Mr. Graser replied yes, if they are a part of Prior Lake. The meeting was then turned over to the Plan Commission. After some discussion, motion was made by Thorkelson to approve the outline development plan contingent upon DNR requiring a permit to fill and if permit is required the approval be granted if permit is obtained by the developer. Seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken, was duly passed.