HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit #03-0280 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE BUILDING PERMIT, TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE AND UTILITY CONNECTION PERMIT See Main Fi_e I. White File 2. Pink City 3. Yellnw Applicant (Please type or print and sign at bottom) ADDRESS SDZ2- ~U(FP H ~tbHrs 1'{lA1 L- LEGAL DESCRIPTION (office use only) LOT /5' BLOCK / ADDITION 'l:mBrft ?U1-17~ ;/om[S tlr 6 JS- Jt!oJ1,tJllJ}/:E> r ?;(WI,IJ I OWNER (Name) (Address) BUILDER (Name) (Contact Name) (Address) ~;;- Ct/ Ilf ~~tAScH ItD TYPE OF WORK Il(New Construction o Misc. OLower Level Finish PROJECT COST IV ALUE (excluding land) $ D Fireplace OAddition DAlteration 6Ll5:7 JJtI1 SUITt:.- J#D (Phone) ZA6M'1 Date Rec' d z... zs .-a3 PERMIT NO. 03 ~OZ8D ZONING (office use) p{jO PIDZS- ~2- tJIS-O /tt5/ - t/5Z - 52LO 11JJ1 55/zl ~ C9.s (Phone) (Phone) _ &/ Z -2Z/ - ~9J..r I Park Support Fee I SAC .-;::::) I WaterMeter &r~'; I"; I Pressure Reducer I City SAC and WAC I Water Tower Fee I Builder's Deposit lather I TOTAL DUE I Paid ~/tF .Jp i I Date - .?' I f ~] # # # # ORe-Siding DUtility Connection I hereby certifY that I have furnished information on this application which is to the best of my knowledge true and correct. I also certifY that I am the owner or authorized agent for the above-mentioned property and that all construction will conform to all existing state and local laws and will proceed in accordance with submitted plans. I m aware tha.' ilie lmililing~":, /",1<< <h. p=;' fm i"" ",.,. F_=~" I h~"'y'gre<"" <h, ci'Y ,iii,," ~. d<,i_ ~'Y ;terup:;e~/er~~ /t - 1$7/ ~~d~ If' - / ;7 Signature Contractor's License No. / Dat~ - , '11)1 ()()(), ~(J $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ tjpl3. 7.s- i (J(J, if L/ 4S~O IO(J , 00 ItIJ 0, dO 3S, So 4ft), O~ I Permit Valuation I Permit Fee I Plan Check Fee I State Surcharge I Penalty I Plumbing Permit Fee I Mechanical Permit Fee Sewer & Water Permit Fee Gas Fireplace Permit Fee This Application Becomes Your Building Permit When Approved ~ :;'~ Building Official slt:1ltJ.:r . Date o Deck OPorch ORe-Roofing $ $ 12-75',00 $ ,;),50,00 $ '-Is.() 0 $ lzoo,ot!) $ 70".00 $ $ $..5;3/4-. (PC} /)} . Receid(No. --1'3'15 d By 1--, o This is to certify that the request in the above application and accompanying documents is in accordance with the City Zoning Ordinance and may proceed as requested. This document when signed by the City Planner constitutes a temporary Certificate of Zoning compliance and allows construction to commence. Before occupancy, a Certificate of Occupancy must be issued. . z.,~ ':f~ 3!13~3 ~ h(~ f~ Planning Director Date Special Conditions, if any 24 hour notice for all inspections (952) 447-9850, fax (952) 447-4245 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue Prior Lake, MN 55372 See \fain Fi~e White - Building Canary - Engineering C Pink - Planmns::> Tht' ('f'nlt"r of .he L.kt' ('ounlry BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION DEPARTMENT CHECKLIST NAME OF APPLICANT APPLICATION RECEIVED r/(j L --IE t E /'-'.~ i) i' I -. - .C...../ . ~ ;> C,_-, The Building, Engineering, and Planning Departments have reviewed the building permit application for construction activity which is proposed at: :;;()Z2- I__L t F f t([ I ('I j--! /-= --"[Ie l- Accepted Accepted With Corrections / Denied Reviewed By: ~ ,.. ':f Lu1LP Date: 3/13~ 3 Comments: See-Main ~i~e "The issuance or granting of a permit or approval of plans, specifications and computations shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of this code or of any other ordinance of the jurisdiction. Permits presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this code or other ordinances of the jurisdiction shall not be valid." See Main File (White - Buildi.!!Y Canary - I::ngmeering Pink - Planning The Crn'fOr or Ihr L.kr Counlry BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION DEPARTMENT CHECKLIST NAME OF APPLICANT APPLICATION RECEIVED PUG / E; f-."O M f3S 2- ?C) -03 The Building, Engineering, and Planning Departments have reviewed the building permit application for construction activity which is proposed at: 50Z2- B~UFF !1Slgt-hS (r'4-- V Accepted Accepted With Corrections Denied Reviewed By: ~ ,. :t.A-J) ~ Date: 3/i.! ~3 Comments: See Mai~41c "The issuance or granting of a permit or approval of plans, specifications and computations shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of this code or of any other ordinance of the jurisdiction. Permits presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this code or other ordinances of the jurisdiction shall not be valid." --~--= See Main File White - .B.uildin9 t Canary - Engineennv - Pink L _ ...Ianning Thr CC'ntt'r or Ihr I..kr ('ountry BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION DEPARTMENT CHECKLIST NAME OF APPLICANT APPLICATION RECEIVED r>'() L ([, f-to {L'l 5 S 2 -' 2-!:=:> -- C),3 The Building, Engineering, and Planning Departments have reviewed the building permit application for construction activity which is proposed at: ,L--){)Z2_ }:SLU F- t- HS i 6 rti--ST12.rL- Accepted x Accepted With Corrections Denied Reviewed By: /J14 i~ ~ e-e m""h r:,' Ie.. Date: (J '3-(;-03 Comments: "The issuance or granting of a permit or approval of plans, specifications and computations shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of this code or of any other ordinance of the jurisdiction. Permits presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the 'provisions of this code or. other ordinances of the jurisdiction shall not be valid." Mar 04 03 09:54a METRO GENERAL SERVICES 763-428-2968 p.2 QltEIEII - ~ILIE YELLOW - APPLICANT QOlD - tIT or CITY OF PRIOR LAKE SEWER'AND WATER PERMIT FAA Cf5'~- i/'I7- ,/"j, tI,r' S.W.No. 3 -d8'O Sewer and Water contractors must be registered with the city. APPLICANT:~~~~~PHONE: 7b~ - ~-~'i38 ADDRESS: ~90 r:J.UA.H'1I\ ~ Nt::. DATE: ~ SIGNATURE: \~~ ~~~ BLDG. PERMIT # SITE ADDRESS: 50 ;;"d...~Wf:6 ~1;~ PIO# FILL, IN THE BLANKS NOTE: 1. Estimated length of water service feet. ~('l 2. Size of water service ( " inch(es) . 3. Location of any couplings from structure ~ ,feet. Type of sewer pipe. ABS PVC~' cast Iron 4. '--- 5. Estimated length of sewer line feet. ~(") . ~ 6. Clean out (if required), located at feet from ====:~:~:~:::~================~~~=============================== " , This application becomes your permit when approved. BY DATE: , , .. . ========f1~j~=~~~=====~======================================= FEES: !1ld." P<!f,M 1'1- Seller and water line connection permit. ~. C~'-; ") Surcharge C. N~ TOTAL Fee for either sewer or water individually is $20.00 plus $ .50 surcharge. * ,,1, ~ Sewer and water permits, issued for new construction must be recorded on tbe buildinq permit card at the time of issuance ; .,,;; I~s~~;ere tt 'DT~@ [t~r~~:~ sewer and wate~;;'ts are ),i . _,.OATE.:.l'AIO _ U MAR j 8 1003~. AMOUNT PA:!HJ'lD'NG Pc:AMI} J:;i ~fV~~~:< RECEIPT # REC' 0 BY Cf ~; ~ . i.\' .0"" oy 1 f "\~:~;~ Eagle: Creek Av. S.B., Prior Lak~.:~~nesota 553~21 Ph. <'52) 447-4230 I FAX <~52) 447-4245 G: :,:,,, An Equal Opportunity Employer * ., . ..... 4 ... .. ;-:. -'l ., '" ~t 1 :1 ~' ..It ~-~ ...... -4 'J; o:i .. .'" " ~ I ;;. .JIO ,4 1; ,. ~l 1 .~ . .,. ,;.;- 't, x J ~' I ... ~: l: ,- , ,,",' .1.",...... '-'~T" I ~ ~., '-". ,\.".' 1,-' I! ,.- ....! ,/ " , :... - ... 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"<'i"'I->"',,,,,,,,!;:~ji(:t~;'~""~~'\"'~~;!''''I''}$ . -;-, ",..",. ~~~,~I~A!~:;'~<'. ~ /)I!:<o . ,:.,,' Pu~~~ql,ER.'-rIJ\~E.,,;~""';)'. .. '. ,.;,~, .'. .... ~~~ . . - .",>,,"'<""hSTATESTrDCH.'\RGE~1j~ ~50 '. ' ~ _. ",":,,,,::,;;. ~'~:..I~, A_.~6..Jl+"'T(.;"';''''~I'WI'I_''''''-_' .i-~. ,"r------..~'~-;-_.--_. 1:,.~:~,,"4.;." . ," . 'TOT:I.L PER.:.\fil' FEE""";' 1. ,l'....,.,,~:l"~JII....., t.'\,' ,.,,?l'.' . .~"L ,.: .~.'f.. .. I ...,~~.~~:;:~/:I:~~ f'i;ol~_" }~. f~"Ik~_-" ";.~.oi:\~~~;;.. (OfITc:r::c.:sf:Onl:rl '.' " .'~ii:,~..,'.2T~~,>>:~r;"1<"'-t~~'~liIo!~l!.~'I'''~1...~~~''~t'i'~:i:~J," '. ' This ""pplicdol'l 8<c~mc::s Your .suildin: pr:rrit~,t' ~~~:, A~'p~.~Yed . ~~-i @.. ~ ,~~;W ,.~ I n I R~c=:pc No, " '1'..1.'....... \..,..5'_.' ,',", .. " ,~...t_.. '. 1..,.I,r~i";' n J '.... . . ,,;' l~,;!"}....~,1."t...... I: ~.~ ,.I - ... .. , . o:&rc.... ".: J~~PR 1 6'Z,Q93 I~. By {,1J ___ . ' . ~ t/ ;~ h'Jur I\Ilch:t: (IJ; ~'ii i~$p~tiol1s ~9:':) +-i'';' _~ ~~'I(~~n;:5:) .u7~::j . ': I.',' '~:.:\~j~.;~: :~t:f:~~~:1'~ ':J:-~'1.;.~: i.:,..~;1',' ~~i-~I~:J2.J:~:~';~;,}~~:: 1;~J ,.".': .;.~",:t d I "i ,"'; I l.._:....-~ \' ..J , J, .:.--- 8l.1il<iin( Oroo:/:al t'0/c0'd Jt'<l I OJ~N I 8~Jnld/,3lltl(1 [t':80 [00c-91-ddtl 5- 6-03; 1: 1 4PM; ;952 894 0925 # 3/ 4 . CITY OF PRIOR LAKE HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING/FIREPLACE PERMIT Date Rec'd (Please lVI>e or Drint and si2ll at bottom) ADDRESS ()) ft 50~~DU- r ~: ~~ ~:l~, I PERMIT NO. 3 -"""' 00 ), Ydlow Appl.unt c;;;t'"?:J , I :;,.;:' f-I-ts \ .--.-- If. ZONING (office use) LOT BLOCK ADDITION PID <:"!':' .,,,: ,,}~ i;~ I LEGAL DESCRIPTION (office use only) OWNER (),. \ \ n (Name) \""\/'V\ ~ (Address) ~ \ S Nw ~'f\'US fQ{~W~ I Stu~. (lfD (phone) 105/- L/ 5;2 - 502 00 CCaqB./). fVJN -S-:)Id~ u APPLICANT (Name) (phone) ;i>>.~ ::;:,'~~ r~:~ ,,:.~"'-' CJmsville Heating & Me, Int'! 12481 Rhode Island Ave. So. (Address) &~h'~"" '\ AN &y1lGeJ)1:)1 (Contact Person) J \A...l...\ L _ \ _ APPLICANT SIGNATURE ~~ u l \ I\U.W ('JYt)-(\ '-> \J . APPLICANT PLEASE COMPLETE BELOW JiJ..NEW CONSTRUCTION 0 REPLACEMENT 0 AL TERA nONS _ / FURNACE MAKE AND MODEL LetJ/1f5X 61o;(Q.;;<- 50 . FUEL No.:{. j,a.s FLUE SIZE RETIJRN OPENINGS F) INPUT f?:J I 0 00 OUTPUT L/ b I OCO TYPE OF SYSTEM HEATING OR POWER PLANT OWarm Air Plants 0 Steam o Gravity 0 Hot Water o Mechanical 0 Radiation DAir Conditionjng 0 Special Devices OVent. System 0 Other Devices , (City) (Zip Code) (phone) 05:2 - 8'14 - 0005 DATE 5-10 - 03 ill ;~,~1~ \T~~ l~,:~ :':;i~~ PLEASE NOTE: Air Conditioner Units Cannot Encroach into Required Side Yard Setbacks FIREPLACE MAKE AND MODEL ;:',,-./ FEE SCHEDULE Industrial, Commercial & Multi-Family I % of job cost Residential, Gas Fireplace $39.50 minimum Residential, Heating & NC (New Construction) $99.50 Residential, Additions & Alterations Residential, Heating Only (New Construction) $64.50 Residential, AC Only Estimated Cost $ L\ I 000 tat> Building Permit # $39.50 :;l~:~~l ;~@.~. $39.50 $39.50 i~~; ~ HEATING PERMIT FEE STATE SURCHARGE TOTAL PERMIT FEE $ $ $ N)~ - (Pd, hA buJt~ .50 -,) aU/LOIN WliH G PE1=1Mrr (Office Use Only) This Application Becomes Your Building Permit When Approved Building Official !;~ I ~ejpt No. 11111i~ @[EWL#/.n Date _.' -i- ~ 24 bour notice for all inspections (952) 447.985 ~ ' x (952) 447.424 .:J :; 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue, Prior Lakl B MN 55372 ""~."..,"=..."""^'.,.,.,~_.~"...,=.,,,...,..}.~X,...."'...-".=,.'.,.... ",...~,,_....... .., .." PRIOR LAKE -DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND INSPECTION INSPECTION RECORD SITE ADDRESS NATURE OF WORK USE OF BUILDING PERMIT NO. ~ CONTRACTOR PHONE NOTE: THIS IS NOT A PERMIT FOR ANY OF THE INSPECTIONS BELOW THE PERMIT IS BY SEPARATE DOCUMENT N~. 7MJL.. INSPECTOR DATE FOOTING \MCl\~ I FOUNDATION (Prior to Backfill) I]\MIY\ I I PLACE NO CONCRETE UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED ROUGH - INS SEWER I WATER I SEPTIC ~\).l'" FRAMING wi {Ci""!t-~> INSULATION ELECTRICAL PLUMBING HEATING (if required) FIREPLACE GAS LINE AIR TEST M/ v11/ Co~~~m ~~ I 0-0> fI1Il .M./ (,,- ~-~ &~{"~u3 COVER NO WORK UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED : J I I FINALS GRADING (Prior to Sodding) BUILDING 1e~f ()~~ ,\ q~k6> ELECTRICAL PLUMBING HEATING J!!tf' M/ l!W7 1~ I ~/(f7 ,- ('(- rJ\ SIGNED DO NOT OCCUPY UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN NOTICE This card must be posted near an electrical service cabinet prior to rough-in inspections and maintained until all inspections have been approved. On buildings and additions where no service cabinet is available, card shall be placed near main entrance. Call between 8:00 and 9:00 A.M. for all inspections FOR ALL INSPECTIONS (952) 447-9850 . - ,,- QIerfifitafe nf <IDttupauty CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ~tpztrfmtnf of ~uilbing Jfnspttfion ~ Final Permitted D Conditional e.O. Expires /(J J .iI, C , This Certificate issued pursuant to the requirements of Section ~ofthe Uniform Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance this structure was in compliance with the various ordinances of the City of Prior Lake regulating building construction or use. For the following: Occupancy Type R3 Type Construction VN Fire Zone Bldg. Permit No, N I A Zoning District _ PUD 03'OZ00 Use Classification . SINGLE FAMILY Legal Description _ L15, Bl, TIMBER CREST Owner of Building Site Address 5022 BLUFF HEIGHTS TRAIL 55121 Contractor's Name & Address PUL TE HOMES, 815 NORTW..mST PKWY., SUITE 140, EAGAN ROBERT D. HUTCHINS ,l1./1.c'~ City Planner DON RYE I B uildin~ Of.ficiaI I ~ () OL-.' Date: Date: .........'. . ,- .~ '...-, .,.....10'_ ',;;, ,.< .... " ',. ':_~', .:. ." ~.1.<l_J"".~'-li--II.-i '.., , BVftN~ wILLE Heating & Air Conditioning, L.L.C. 12481 Rhode Island Ave S, Savage, MN 55378.952-894-0005 Ors1at Test Report for Jobl - - I S Ie::)..". Address S':)C)'2 Bu.A(( ~1G.lli <:> 1 (<. City rR {otZ ttl ~ L Occupant Date of Install 5 z q - 0 ~ Type of HT. F/A \: HW Space HT Other Date Tested Company Technician Make Model Serial Input lc tV 00 )( (~'d(,.,Qd 'So \- ., 2S60-~ Os s-/o)? L:J U . 00 () P; TU (- { Pilot Type Pressure Input CFH Stack Temp HOT SURFACE IGNITOR 35 \~c.. C02 60 02 /0:( CO Unit HT 5,7 10. -g Ii fP{I..t -/ Ill! /0 ~ I . BURNSVILLE HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING LLO DATE TIllE 1- 10-0'( 131 rtfF ,IH-S '7 y- CITY OF PRIOR LAKE INSPECTION NOTICE SCHEDULED ADDRESS _'OZ,;L OWNER CONTR. PHONE NO. PERMIT NO. o FOOTING o FOUNDATION o FRAMING o INSULATION o FINAL o SITE INSPECTION o PLUMBING RI o MECH RI o WATER HOOKUP o SEWER HOOKUP o PLUMBING FINAL o MECH FINAL s~;l-~{) o EXIGRADIFILLING o COMPLAINT o FIREPLACE RI o FIREPLACE FINAL o GASLlNE AIR TST o COMMENTS: >;) rJ -L T r't--f' r ----- / / / ( (-- '-. "---- -----~ --~ L r I \ 7 (~ ) / ~ /' I l t)S c ~'SATISFACTORY. PROCEED o CORRECT ACTION AND PROCEED o CORRECT WOR17' CALL R REINSPECTION BEFORE COVERING Inspector: t/Z Owner/Contr: ~ CALL 447-9850 FOR THE NEXT INSPECTION 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE. INmOTI CODE REQUIREMENTS ARE FOR YOUR PERSONAL HEALTH & SAFETY! CITY OF PRIOR LAKE INSPECTION NOTICE ADDRESS .~()U OWNER PHONE NO. o FOOTING o FOUNDATION o FRAMING o JtlISULA TION j3""FINAL o SITE INSPECTION COMMENTS: ({)~(",ql o;r~~ ~ /'~-r:S f}--t',;' DATE TIME SCHEDULED -;-1-2.. f1lD-Hls CONTR. PERMIT NO. l - .2..[tO o PLUMBING RI o MECH RI o WATER HOOKUP o SEWER HOOKUP o PLUMBING FINAL o MECH FINAL o EXIGRADIFILLING o COMPLAINT o FIREPLACE Rl o FIREPLACE FINAL o GAS LINE AIR TST o qjJj1"'-OV/A/. ~ . '" dr-v-c/qP"", ..,...- Sod ~ (l-(~ ~ t/nJ., '/ t:f-/~ cf? o WORK SATISFACTORY, PROCEED ~ORRECT ACTION AND PROCEED o CORRECTJ'~O;;?CALL FOR REINSPECTION BEFORE COVERING Inspector: m . 7 r tl * () ~ner/Contr: CALL 447-9850 FOR THE NEXT INSPECTION 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE. CODE REQUIREMENTS ARE FOR YOUR PERSONAL HEALTH & SAFETY! INSNon DATE TIME CITY OF PRIOR LAKE INSPECTION NOTICE SCHEDULED 7-/) ADDRESS QJz~ 11/ d'C2 Ift~ OWNER CONTR. PHONE NO. PERMIT NO. y- .Llic) o FOOTING o PLUMBING RI o EXIGRAD/FILLING o FOUNDATION o MECH RI o COMPLAINT o FRAMING o WATER HOOKUP o FIREPLACE RI o INSULATION o SEWER HOOKUP o FIREPLACE FINAL o FINAL o PLUMBING FINAL o GASLINE AIR TST o SITE INSPECTION rnECH FINAL 0 COMMENTS: \J z(" WORK SATISFACTORY, PROCEED o CORRECT ACTION AND PROCEED o CORRECT WORK, CALL FOR REINSPECTION BEFORE COVERING Inspector: YJtr? 7" (711) Owner/Contr: CALL 447-9850 FOR THE NEXT INSPECTION 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE. CODE REQUIREMENTS ARE FOR YOUR PERSONAL HEALTH &: SAFETY! INS/iOTl DATE TIME CITY OF PRIOR LAKE INSPECTION NOTICE SCHEDULED 7-(1 ADDRESS &02-2-. (31 ufr::/ 1i OWNER CONTR. D FOOTING D FOUNDATION D FRAMING D INSULATION D FINAL D SITE INSPECTION ~RMIT NO. D PLUM NG RI D MECH R D WATER OKUP D SEWER HOOKUP ~LUMBING FINAL D MECH FINAL ? - 1- g--z> PHONE NO. D EXIGRADIFILLING D COMPLAINT D FIREPLACE RI D FIREPLACE FINAL D GASLINE AIR TST D COMMENTS: @e~~ rIffrf~5 , D ~K SATISFACTORY. PROCEED Illf"CORRECT ACTION AND PROCEED o CORRECT ~O~~LL FOR REINSPECTION BEFORE COVERING Inspector: m '7 -11157 Owner/Contr: CALL 447-9850 FOR THE NEXT INSPECTION 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE. CODE REQUIREMENTS A.RE FOR YOUR PERSONAL HEALTH de SAFETYI INSNOTl