HomeMy WebLinkAbout95-32 RESOLUTION 95-32 RESOLUTION OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL TO AMEND THE WILDS PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT MOTION BY: Greenfield WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, SECONDED BY: Scott The Prior Lake City Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the 24th day of April, 1995 to act on a petition submitted by Prior Lake Development, L.P. to make various amendments to The Wilds Planned Unit Development which included permitting a six foot high fence around the perimeter of the maintenance facility, amending the front yard setback in Block 4, of Phase 1 from 30 feet to 25 feet. revising the street and lot configuration of Phase 2 and Phase 3, changing the use of a portion of the site from 11.8 acres of hotel and 1 acre of restaurant and 1 acre of convenience store to 11.8 acres of rental cabins and 2 acres of restaurant, changing the 16.7 acre hotel/clubhouse site to a proposed 10.7 acre clubhouse in 6 acre, 57 unit condominium site and changing the 4 acre village shopping and 6.3 acre nursery site to 2 acres of open space plus 8.3 acres multiple family residential: and Notice of the public hearing of said petition was duly published and posted in accordance with applicable Minnesota Statutes and City Ordinance Provisions; and The amendment is consistent with the stated and desired objectives of the City of Prior Lake; and The amendment is consistent with the original intent of The Wilds Planned Unit Development; and The amendment is reasonable, it is not contrary to the interest of the City; and The Planning Commission recommended approval of the request of the applicant with modifications and those modifications are contained in this Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL, that it hereby approve the Amendment to The Wilds Planned Unit Development as follows: 1. The Wilds Planned Unit Development is amended to permit a six foot fence around the perimeter of the maintenance facility pursuant to Exhibit A Site Plan. 2. The Schematic Plan for The Wilds Planned Unit Development is amended to revise the street and lot configuration for Phases 2 and 3 as the project. 3. The Schematic Plan for The Wilds Planned Unit Development is amended to include the following changes in land use: a) The land use designation of the 11. acre hotel, 1 acre restaurant and 1 acre convenience store is hereby changed to 11.8 acres of rental cabins and 2 acres of restaurant. RES9532.DOC J 16200 Eagle Creek Ave., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 1 Ph. (612) 447-4230 1 Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER b) The land use designation of the 16.7 acre hotel/clubhouse site is changed to a 10.7 acre clubhouse and a 6.0 acre, 57 unit condominium site. c) The land use designation of the 4.0 acre village shopping acre and 6.3 acre nursery site is changed to 2.0 acres of open space and 8.3 acres designated as hotel. d) Page 2, 7(A-l), 5(A-I), 5(A-2), 34, 35, 41, 44, 47, 48(A-l) and 49 are amended consistent with those page numbers attached to and made a part of this Resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 15TH DAY OF MAY, 1995. Andren Greenfield Kedrowski Schenck Scott Yes X X absent X X No Andren Greenfield Kedrowski Schenck Scott C 1~w~ {Seal} City of Prior Lake RES9532 RES9532.DOC 2 D. Landscape Development...................................................... 36 E. Development Summary........ ............. .......... ........................ 37 F. Schematic Plan................................................................... 3 8 G. Open Space..... ....... .......................... ............... ................ .~.. 39 VITI. DEVELOP~NT STANDARDS..................................................... 40 A. Estate Homesites............................. ...................... ............. 40 B. 1/2 Acre Homesites............................................................ 41 C. 1/3 Acre Homesites.............................. .............................. 42 D. Villa Homesites.......... ......................................................... 43 E. Condominiums........................................ ......... ................... 44 F. Apartments..... ......... ... ........ .. ... . . .. . . . . . " . ... . . .. ... ... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. 45 G. Restaurant................................................................ ... . ...... 46 H. Rental Cabins...................................................................... 47 IX. DEVELOP?vfENT PHASING......................................... .:....................48 A Phasing Analysis...... ............. .... .... ............ .................................. 48 B. Phasing Plan.... ................ ............ ............. ....... ........ .... ............... 50 X. ON-SITE SERVICES.. '" ... ....................... ......... ..... ....... .... ................... 51 A. Property Owners Association..................................................... 51 1. Property Ownership... ............. ...... .... ........ ...................... 51 2. Maintenance. .................... .............................................. 51 3. Protective Covenants...................................................... 51 B. Architectural review Committee............. ............. ........................51 XI. 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CDer ~ en (.;)0 cao ~ o. C"") lot) ;::: "'er e '" (.;)0 cao NO M Iot). ;:: "'cr e '" (.;)0 cao NO M Iot). c: ca -.. ::::J as 1ii CD ~ ;:: '" . CD er ~ '" (.;)0 cao 00 NClO ;::: '" . CD er ~ '" (.;)0 cao ~ O. ~,.... "'cr e '" (.;)0 cao ~ e. ~ ,.... c: ca ~ ca 1ii CD ~ ",e.. a'" co c:: .CD 0.0. o 0 C.od ;::: '" r::r CD '" Gg cao o . . -.:r -.:r N ::: '" cr CD '" Gg cae ~~ -.:r N 0) c:: C. c. o .t:: en CD o ~ :> c: ca '- :: as Vi CD -.. ci" o '- c. = eg' (.;)0 cao ~ o. ~N :: eg' (.;)0 cae ~ O. ~N ~ -.. o U5 CD (.) c: ~ c:: CD > c: o C,,) N <k - J, " VI. DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT A. Land 1J se 1. The Site' The Wilds is a proposed residential Planned Unit Development (PUD) located in Prior Lake, Minnesota. Primary access to the site is from Columbia A vel Mystic Lake Drive. Aside from the wetlands and the relatively small number of areas with steep slopes, the vast majority of this site has excellent development possibilities. 2. Residential' The proposed PUD is predominately a residential community with a variety of recreational opportunities featuring a beautiful IS-hole championship course. The creation of active open space, while emphasizing the preservation of passive open space, is a very important aspect in the planning of the Wilds Development. A diverse range of housing types and lot sizes, with regard to changing lifestyles of today's and tomorrow's home buyer, are being proposed for this community. The architectural design of buildings will create individuality ~thin a development area while simultaneously maintaining the overall unity of this golfing community. Housing opportunities at The Wilds will include: -Fairway, Lake View, Club, Executive and Corporate Villas -1/3 Acre Homesites -1/2 Acre Homesites -Estate Homesites -C ondominiums - Apartments 3. Commercial" Clubhouse: This 10.7 acre tract of outlot 'H is perched on the highest part of the development. A freestanding structure, it will have panoramic views of the entire community. Styled after Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesan West Architecture, phase one oftrus 40,000 sf building will house a proshop, separate men's and women's locker rooms, grilllbar, an upscale restaurant, and the offices of The Wilds._One corporate pavilion is also planned. Phase two will include banquet facilities, a second pavilion, and a swimming pool. - 34- Restaurant: The existing 1.0 acre restaurant site, located on the southwest comer of the development, is proposed to be increased to 2.0 acres replacing the convenience store site. Situated directly across Mystic Lake Drive and the Mystic Lake Casino, the restaurant will be a stand alone facility. Rental Cabins: Located on the11.8 acre hotel site, 60-2 bdrm rental cabins are proposed. These cabin structures may be singular or group in clusters of 3 or 4. Amenities include kitchenettes, dining area, fireplaces, and jacuzzi's. 'Room service' is also planned in conjunction with golf and cross country ski packages. A common area is proposed to include a swimming pool. 4. Open Space' A vital aspect The Wilds will be its utilization of natural open space. The entire project's allocation to open space, both passive and active, will be 306.1 acres. This will account for roughly 52.4% of the total project area. With such a large percentage of the development being devoted to some form of open space, it is important for the site plan to allow as many lots and homesites as possible to either have frontage on or direct access to these open space areas. The submitted sketch plan shows 164 single-family homesites that front onto the project's golf course and open space. This number of dwelling units account for 56.0% of the total number of single-family detached dwelling units being proposed for the development. A development such as this proposed golf course community that is sensitive to the native environment and offers a vast amount of open space will be ecologically beneficial in many ways. For example: B. Recreational Amenities 1. Golf Course' The golf course to be featured at The Wilds will be a premier 18- hole golf course designed by Tom Weiskoph and Jay Morrish. Situated on land that is perfectly suited for the development of a golfing community, the course will afford spectacular views of Mystic Lake and the surrounding areas. The golf course will be routed in order to obtain -35- .' B. 1/2 Acre Homesites' Single-family detached structures intended for individual lot ownership. - Permitted uses single-family residential - Minimum Lot Size 18,000 sf - Maximum Building Height 35 ft. - Minimum Front Yard if Abutting Arterial Street 50 ft. from ROW line - Minimum Front Yard if Abutting Public/Private Street* 30 ft. from ROW/ roadway easement - Minimum Lot Width** 80 ft. - Minimum Rear Yard * * * 15 ft. (res. 94-06) - Minimum Each Side Yard 10ft. or 1/2 height of prinipal bldg. whichever is greater - Comer Lot Minimum Side Yard Abutting Public/Private Street 20 ft. from ROW/ roadway easement * Certain lots,due to topographic conditions,may have less than the minimum front yard requirements, but no lot shall have less than a 20 ft. front yard setback. Front yard setbacks requirements for Block 4 Phase 1 will be 25 ft. ** Cul-de-sac, pie shaped and flag lots may have a less than minimum width measured at building line, but no lot shall have less than 25 ft. of width on public access right-of-way easement. *** Rear building line and fencing allowances on golf course and other premium frontage lotsare to be determined on alot bylot basis at time of subdivision platting. NOTE: Certain lots may contain a Sensitive Land Easement in which no construction or alteration of the existing conditions will be allowed. , Other Requirements' It is intended that a preliminary and final plat will be the residential development areas that are consistent with the concepts and development standards set forth above. Additional requirements or modifications may be established by the Prior Lake Planning Commission and Prior Lake City Council pursuant to their review. -41- E. Condominiums -Permitted use Residential -Maximum Floor Area 57 units -Maximum Building Height 3 stories -Minimum Building Setbacks: From Abutting Public/Private St. 25 ft. From Abutting Res. Dev. Area 30 ft. Side Yards 15 ft. Rear Yards 25 ft. -Minimum Parking Ratio Two per unit plus 3 for employee 5 for visitor -Minimum Internal Landscaped Open Space 10% of net area Required internal landscaped open space shall include perimeter landscaping within the development area boundaries, parking islands and plazas, but ~ha11 exclude wallcNays which solely provide minimum pedestrian circulation. * Sign Standards' All signage shall comply with the City of Prior Lake Sign Ordinance. Lighting' Flood Lighting will be used from a decorative standard in parking areas. Up-lighting will be used on buildings, signs, and various landscape elements. Low-lighting will be used in some landscape areas, court yard plazas, steps, and walkways. Other Requirements' It is intended that a preliminary and final plat will be submitted for the residential development areas that are consistent with the concepts and development standards set forth above. Additional requirements or modifications may be established by the Prior Lake Planning Commission and Prior Lake City Council pursuant to their review. -44- H.. Rental Cabins -Pennitted use C ommerciaIlResidential -Maximum Floor Area 60 units -Maximum Building Height 2 stories -Minimum Building Setbacks: From Abutting PublicIPrivate St. 25 ft. From Abutting Res. Dev. Area 30 ft. Side Yards 15 ft. Rear Yards 25 ft. -Minimum Parking Ratio One per unit plus 3 for employee -Minimum Internal Landscaped Open Space 10% of net area Required internal landscaped open space shall include perimeter landscaping within the development area boundaries, parking islands and plazas, but shall exclude walkways which solely provide minimum pedestrian circulation. * Sign Standards' All signage shall comply with the City of Prior Lake Sign Ordinance. Lighting' Flood Lighting will be used from a decorative standard in parking areas. Up-lighting will be used on buildings, signs, and various landscape elements. Low-lighting will be used in some landscape areas, court yard plazas, steps, and walkways. Other Requirements' It is intended that a preliminary and final plat will be submitted for the residential development areas that are consistent with the concepts and development standards set forth above. Additional requirements or modifications may be established by the Prior Lake Planning Commission and Prior Lake City Council pursuant to their review. -47- VITI. DEVELOPNfENT PHASIN'G A. Phasing Analysis It is anticipated The Wilds will be developed in three major phases. the first phase, which contains approximately 371.9 acres, is the largest of the three phases. With the bulk of the first phase scheduled to begin in 1993 I this phase will contain the I8-hole championship golf course, golf practice facility, the clubhouse, two public parks, approximately half of the main collector road that will begin at the main entrance off of Mystic Lake Drive and all of the residential areas located in the north half of the project. This phase will contain the following residential mix: SIN'GLE-F MfIL Y DETACHED DWELLINGS 1/2 acre lots 1/3 acre lots Corporate Villas (The Preserve) SIN'GLE-FAMIL Y ATTACHED DWELLINGS Sterling North Villas Block 5 Villas Total No. of Dwelling units Phase 1 87 Dtls 54 24 9 33 DUs 18 15 120 DUs The second phase is expected to begin in 1995 and contains approximately 146.7 acres. This phase is to include the extension of the project's main collector road approximately 1,850 feet to the South and East, the condominiums, apartments, two restaurants, ~d one public park. The residential mix of phase two is: SIN'GLE-F MfIL Y DETACHED DWELLINGS 1/2 acre lots 1/3 acre lots Estate lots SIN'GLE FAL\1IL Y ATTACHED DWELLINGS Sterling South Villas CONDOMINWMS APARThfENTS Total No. of dwelling units Phase 2 -48-(A-I) 62 DtJ's 45 Ii o 88 88 5 i DUs 207 DUs 414 DU's The :t 49.3 acres that make up Phase Three complete the build-out of The Wilds. Scheduled to begin in 1996, Phase three will include one park, the rental cabins, and the remaining single-family detached dwellings. The residential breakdown is as follows: SINGLE-FAMILY DETACHED DWELLINGS Estate lots 1/3 acre lots 122 Du's 28 94 Total No. of dwelling units phase three 122 Wbile marketing demand will ultimately determine which product types will sell and whe~ it is the belief of Prior Lake Development that at this early stage in the project, the above referenced phases present as accurate a picture of the phasing of the development as is 'possible at this time. -49-