HomeMy WebLinkAboutSurvey (Ledger Size) Eslabll.hed In 1902 ,1 LOT SURVEYS COMPANY, INC. LAND SURVEYORS REGISTERED UNDER TilE LAWS or STATE OF MINNESOTA 7801 73rd A.enue Norlh 812-6<<50-3003 F.x No. G80-3G22 , 1 )lIoDe.poll.. IUnne.ot.. GG420 Itur\ltg.ors Cfttrtifirutr MITTELSTAEDT BROS. CONSTRUCTION Property located in -Section 26, Township 115, Range 22, Scott County, Minnesota - ot u\. \'l \ --to \. JJo. 14-14-1, \ "'f:'o,e. , ~ " ~o1.t. J \. ) \ , -.J 11c... TIe- -.'~~~41 4~ - --. .be, ... I ~ 37 .._="..o.,.",~ ...J. .... ..,__...-......... '" "" . '............. INVOICE NO. 56394 F.S.NO. 850-69 SCALE: 1" = 20' o Denot.. ron Uonurnent () Denote. Wood ftub Set for excavation only xOOO.O Denot., Exlatlng Elevation <i!!!!!i> O.not.. Prt'po..d Elevation ;.- Denote.. Surface Drolnog. NOTE: Proposed grad.s Of'e 8ub joct \0 r.,ult, of .011 t..h. Propo..d bulldlnv InformoUon mual be checked with approved' building pion and development or orodlno pion b.for. excavation and conalructlon. ~3S, 5 Propo..d Top o( OIock q 3 5. b Propo..d 0<<098 Floor ~ ?J '2, t 3 Propoled low~ult rloor T yp. o' Building 31~ .. lfuzw 'E>AS~tv1fN r I 'A ~ ~ --- r , ~s ) f " ,,/ / ,. is . ~~ /0- 14 ,,0, 'r' V . z -......~ ~~ ../ 1~& .'>u -::~/ /1(./ r',- , . , , / C · ----- 6t~ 0.-91/1}/46 . (::'!. c-" _ . "I.%.. "l- ---- __ e I'7I2N 7": C , I ''If)----- ~ --------- ~ \ -. - -~-~< I '< --.. APPROVED ENGINEERING OEPT 8IgrIId ~h.- DateJiJJ.!. D Lot 8, Block 6, KNOB HILL 2ND ADDITION lhe only eOSftflUm'S ,how" UF" horn ph.I'" of ,ecmd or in'nrmCltinfl p,oyided lJy client We h~, ..hy cer 'Hy 'hut 'hi" i~ f1 hut! Clnd corrf!~' r~rr"!lp.nt(Jtif)n of o !'urv"y of lIu, hou"dorl,." of 'hI! nhnvl' rt.."crlluu' I(Ylcl ond 'h~ 'ocution 0' 0. "uihliw.J!II Of'" vi!.ihln ""er ondwnttnhl. if u"y. I, urn or nn Ruicl lund. l7th Apri 1 ?frYl . ~"rYnvnd hv "'I 'hiq ,..IV ul APPROVED PLANNING DEPT ~ I J S"-l-L(-/SO Slgned~~Date Cl?~,-/2 (] C\~Q~ Slg""d -' Chale. r. And..rRon, Minn. Re9. No.? 17!'i.l or .f"' CITY OF PRlOR LAKE Impervious Surface Calculations (To be Submitted with BuHding P"....it Application) F or All Properties Located in the Shoreland District (SO). The Maximum Impervious Surface Coverage Peuuitted in 30 Percent. Property Address.-m7ir (Ii!TI'J~07~ Ale .JJnC/r hJc~_ Lot Area - ~ t..t ~ 1- Sq. Feet x 300/0 = ............... '111 &, ****.....****************************************.*.******************** LENGTH WIDTH HOUSE x x x = SQ. FEET 1?5'-i b40 = A1IACHED GARAGE = TOTAL PRINCIPLE S 1 KUCTURE...................... J t? 4'-/ DETACHED BLDGS (Garage/Shed) x x TOTAL DETACHED BUILDINGS.......................... DRIVEW A YIP A VED AREAS (Driveway-pav.d~r ribt) (SidewalkIPanting Areas) x X x = " '-10 = -1{)~O '7'1 = TOTAL PAVED A.REAS................................................ - '7U4 P A TIOSIPORCHESIDECKS (Open Dccks W" min. opening between boards. with a pervious surface below, are not considered to be impervious) x X = x = TOTAL D ECKS......................................................... OTIIER x = x = TOT AL OTlIER........................................................ TOTAL IMPERVIOUS SURFACE ~?~<l UNDER/OVER Company )e&.J /11, -rIEl.-- t.'j~ /11, 'fik. ~ I~. Ll/~//)VZ Prepared By Date ~ /'1 /0.:; Phone # (, ~ I S; ~ :;J /77/