HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlans & Specifications f(o ~ $. '5""- 01 SPECU041CA TIONS FOR RIDGEMONT AVENUE/CREEKSIDE LJl{CLE S r.KEET IMJ:lKOVEMENTS AND TRUNK HIGHWAY 13/INDUSIKIAL PARK STORM SEWER IMJ:lKOVEMENTS CITY OF PRIOR LAKE MAY 1995 I hereby certify that these Specifications were written by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly registered Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Paul E. Boettcher, P .E. Reg. No. 13929 ~- 2..4-C\~ Date Prepared by: fI'" B~~;~ (~ ~. Cindy B~ki, Staff Engineer Reviewed by: MSA, Consulting Engineers 1326 Energy Park Drive St. Paul, MN 55108 Phone: 612-644-4389 FAX: 612-644-9446 SPEC-l02.023 l02-m3-20 .~'"._._--_.,-.- .--.,,---- T INDEX l11LE PAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i IND EX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ii ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDDERS . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . , , .. 1 INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS . . . , , . . . . , , . _. . . . . , . . , . . , . . . . . . . , . .. 3 BID ............................,...".,..",....,....,... 5 BID SCHEDULE ..,...,.........,..,."."".,.".,......". 5A BID BOND ....,......"...,......,..,.,.,..,...,....,..,... 6 AGRF,FMENT ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . , . . . . . . .. 8 PERFORMANCE BOND ".............................,....." 13 PAYMENT BOND ...."..........,....,......"............. 15 NOTICE OF AWARD .................................,....... 17 NOTICE TO PROCEED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 19 CHANGE ORDER ....................,........"..,.......,. 20 VI 11dHOLDING AttttlVA VIT FOR CO~ TKACTORS . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . .. 22 INTERNAL REVENUE FORM IC-134 . . . . . , . . , , . . . , . , . . . , . . . . . . . . .. 23 CERll~ICAlb OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . ,. 24 CONTRACTOR'S ~-ttlVA V IT . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , , . . . . . . . . . . .. 26 SuYYLEMENT AL GENERAL CONDITIONS .......,....."...... SUPGC-l GENERAL CONDITIONS .............".,.......,.....,..... GC-1 TbCHNICAL SPEC1.ttlCA TIONS Special Provisions . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , , . . . . , . . , . . . . . . . . , SP-l Section 1000, Site Work, Specific Requirements ..,.....,......... 1000S-1 Section 1000, Site Work, General Requirements .............,..... 1000-1 Section 2000, Street Construction, Specific Requirements .......,.... 2000S-1 Section 2000, Street Construction, General Requirements .......,..... 2000-1 Section 2500, Storm Drainage, Specific Requirements .............. 25OOS-1 Section 2500, Storm Drainage, General Requirements ....,....,.,... 2500-1 Section 3400, Watermain, Specific Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 34OOS-1 Section 3400, Watermain, General Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 3400-1 Section 4000, Sanitary Sewer, Specific Requirements . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . 40ooS-1 Section 4000, Sanitary Sewer, General Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . 4000-1 SOILS REPORT .......,..........,."....."........ APPENDIX A PRIOR LAKE STANDARD PLATES .............,.......... APPENDIX B MnDOT STANDARD PLATES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , APPENDIX C LABOR PROVISIONS FOR STAIb FUNDED PROJECTS AND PREVAILING WAGE RATES FOR STATE FUNDED PROJECTS .. APPENDIX D STORMWATbKPERM.1TFORCONSIKUCTION ACtIVIty....... APPENDIXE ii SPEC-102.023 102-023-20 ","""-' liS! ro,su TlNG ENGI~'EERS 1326 Energy Park Drive St. Paul, MN 55108 612-644-4389 1.800.888- 2923 Fax: 612-644-9446 -::VIL ENGINEERING :~NIRONMENT AL 'I.UNIClPAL :,-ANNING SCUD WASTE STRUCTURAL 5JRVEY1NG -~AFF!C .RANSPORT A nON :~ECTRICALI MECHANICAL :"JG!NEERING ~v.\c :OWER DISTRIBUTION SCADA SYSTEM CONTROLS OFFICES IN: MINNEAPOUS PRIOR lAKE 51 PAUL W ASECA ADDENDUM NO. 1 TO IHh PLANS, SPECJ.t41CATIONS, AND BID PROPOSAL FOR RIDGEMONT A VENUFlCREEKSIDE LlKCLE S lKEbT Thu'KOVEMENTS AND 'll<'UNK mGHWAY 13/INDUSIKIAL PARK STORM SEWbKTh1.t'.KOVEMENTS CITY PROJECT NUMBERS 93-01, 93-03, 95-01, 95-02 TO ALL BIDDERS: The above titled plans, specifications, and contract documents are hereby revised in accordance with the items set forth herein. Receipt of this addendum must be acknowledged by entering Addendum No. 1 in the space provided on page 5 of the Bid. This addendum to the plans and specifications is hereby made a part of the contract documents for the above entitled project, to the same extent as though it were originally contained therein. All bidders are expected to thoroughly examine each item enumerated herein, regardless of its apparent application(s) and shall be held responsible for furnishing all labor and materials required in the division of the work that the items indicate. Items herein shall take precedence over any clauses which they modify in the contract documents or portions of plans and specifications which they modify or supplement. BID SCHEDULE rh~nep: The Bidder shall submit his/her bid on the revised Bid Schedule that is attached. The watermain on the bid schedule has been changed from 6" to 8" DIP to reflect the plans. The quantity for fittings has been increased due to this change. Add: An additional water and sewer service has been added to the lot with address 15785 . We have added an additional service wye, water service, and additional service pipe. SPECl~lCA nONS 1. No bidder may withdraw a bid within 45 days after the actual date of the bid opening as stated in the Infuuuation for Bidders on page 3 and not 90 days as stated in the Advertisement. ADN#l-l02.023 An Equal Opportunity Employer The bid form has been modified to reflect the bidder's acknowledgement of Addendum No.1. I hereby certify that these Plans and Specifications were prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly registered Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. ~~~ Thomas A. Roushar, P .E. Reg. No. 12084 ~ u..",,-~ ~ ) \ C\.. ~ ~ Date Issue Date: June 6, 1995 ADNII-I02.023 .; ADDENDUM NO. 1 BID Proposal of (hereinafter called BIDDER), organized and existing under the laws of the State of doing business as * . To the Citv of Ptim:.Lake (hereinafter called 'OWNER'). In compliance with your Advertisement for Bids, BIDDER hereby proposes to perform all WORK for the construction of Rid~emont A venue/Creekside C~ S~t _ovemmt~ awl Trunk Hi~hwav ULlDdustrial Park StlJW\ S~wer Ill\Provements in strict accordance with the CO~ lKACT DOCUMENTS, within the time set forth therein, and at the prices stated below. By submission of this BID, each BIDDER certifies, and in the case of a joint BID each party thereto certifies as his own organization, that this BID has been arrived at independently without consultation, cv'ullIlunication, or agreement as to any matter relating to this BID with any other BIDDER or with any competitor. BIDDER hereby gives to commence WORK under this contract on or before a date to be specified in the NOTIl,;E TO PROLEEJJ and to fully complete the PROJEL 1 within 60 consecutive calendar days thereafter. BIDDER further agrees to pay as liquidated damages, the sum of $~OO for each consecutive calendar day thereafter as provided in Section 15 of the General Conditions. BIDDER acknowledges receipt of the following ADDENDUM: * Insert "a corporation", "a partnership", or "an individual" as applicable. froml02.023 5 102~-20 SID SCHEDULE FOR: RIDGEMONT AVEJ CREEKSIDE CIRCLE STREET IMPROVEMENTS AND TRUNK HIGHWAY 13 & INDUSTRIAL PARK STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA SCHEDULE 1.0 RIDGEMONT A VENUE STREET 1 MOBILIZATION LS 1 2 SALVAGE AND REINSTALL SIGNS LS 1 3 CLEAR AND GRUB AC 0.06 4 COMMON EXCAVATION CY 2958 5 SUBGRADE PREPARATION 0 - 12" RDSTA 15.5 6 MILL BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SY 54 7 AGGREGATE BASE, CLASS 5 TON 2223 8 TYPE 41A, WEAR COURSE MIXTURE TON 455 9 TYPE 31 B. BASE COURSE MIXTURE TON 845 10 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GAL 236 11 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER, B618 LF 3100 12 BITUMINOUS DRIVEWAY SY 194 13 CONCRETE DRIVEWAY AND APRONS SY 41 14 4" CONCRETE SIDEWALK SF 7572 15 8" CONC. VALLEY GLJ I I t:R SF 104 16 BITUMINOUS PATH SY 120 17 PEDESTRIAN RAMP EA 2 18 4" EQUIV WIDTH PAVEMENT ~ I ~IPING LF 3100 19 ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING EA 2 20 ADJUST GATE VALVES EA 2 21 SILT FENCE LF 800 22 SODDING. LAWN & BOULEVARD SY 4283 23 SEEDING AC 0,3 24 WOOD FIBER BLANKET SY 1417 25 CATCH BASIN SEDIMENT BARRIER EA 2 26 WATER FOR DUST CONTROL MGAL 35 27 JUNIPER. 24" HT. POT EA 2 28 LILAC, 36" HT, POT EA 2 29 SUBGRADE DENSITY TEST, INPLACE EA 3 30 CLASS 5 GRADATION TEST EA 1 31 CLASS 5 PROCTOR TEST EA 1 32 CLASS 5 DENSITY TEST, INPLACE EA 3 33 CONC. CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE TEST EA 6 34 CONC. AIR ENTRAINMENT TEST EA 6 35 CONC. SLUMP TEST EA 6 36 BITUMINOUS EXTRACTION EA 5 102023BS.WK4 5A 102-023-20 __""'C . ... .... ... ........................ ...................... ..:::jtEM?:::}}: - -i.I 37 BITUMINOUS GRADATION 38 BITUMINOUS AIR VOID TEST 39 BITUMINOUS CORE DENSITY TEST EA EA EA 5 5 5 T SCHEDULE 1.0 RIDGEMONT AVENUE STREET - TOTAL BASE BID SCHEDULE 1.1 RIDGEMONT AVENUE ALTERNATE A 1 COMMON EXCAVATION - DEDUCT CY 483 2 AGGREGATE BASE, CLASS 5 - DEDUCT TON 898 3 MILLED BITUMINOUS/SALVAGE CLASS 5 - ADDITION CY 483 T SCHEDULE 1.1 RIDGEMONT AVENUE ALTERNATE A - TOTAL SCHEDULE 2.0 RIDGEMONT AVENUE SANITARY SEWER 1 CONNECT TO EXISTING SANITARY MANHOLE EA 1 2 810 PVC (8' TO 10' DEEP) LF 124 3 8" PVC (10' TO 12' DEEP) LF 465 4 8" PVC (12' TO 14' DEEP) LF 198 5 810 PVC (14' TO 16' DEEP) LF 131 6 8" x 4" WYE EA 7 7 4" PVC SDR40 SERVICE PIPE LF 251 8 STANDARD MANHOLE EA 3 9 EXTRA DEPTH FOR MANHOLES LF 11.28 10 IN-PLACE DENSITY TEST EA 19 T SCHEDULE 2.0 RIDGEMONT AVENUE SANITARY SEWER -TOTAL SCHEDULE 3.0 RIDGEMONT AVENUE WATERMAIN 1 CONNECT TO EXISTING WATERMAIN 2 8" DIP 3 6" GATE VALVE 4 FITTINGS 5 HYDRANTW/GATEVALVE 6 WATER SERVICE 7 1" WATER SERVICE PIPE 8 IN-PLACE DENSITY EA LF EA LB EA EA LF EA 1 934 1 710 2 7 180 11 T SCHEDULE 3.0 RlDGEMONT AVENUE WATERMAlN - TOTAL SCHEDULE 4.0 RIDGEMONT AVENUE STORM SEWER 1 REMOVE CATCH BASIN EA 1 2 15" RCP CLASS 5 LF 84 102023BS.WK4 5B 102-023-20 3 15" FES RCP CLASS 5 EA 1 4 CATCH BASIN EA 1 5 72" MANHOLE (SUMPED) EA 1 6 RIP RAP CL 3 CY 13 7 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC, TYPE IV SY 31.7 8 HAYBALES EA 8 9 IN-PLACE DENSITY TEST EA 7 T SCHEDULE 4.0 RIDGEMONT AVENUE STORM SEWER - TOTAL SCHEDULE 5.0 CREEKSIDE CIRCLE STREET 1 MOBILIZATION LS 1 2 SALVAGE AND REINSTALL SIGNS LS 1 3 COMMON EXCAVATION CY 2747 4 SUBGRADE EXCAVATION CY 645 5 MILL BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SY 45 6 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW CY 645 7 AGGREGATE BASE, CLASS 5 TON 1686 8 TYPE 41A, WEAR COURSE MIXTURE TON 358 9 TYPE 31 B, BASE COURSE MIXTURE TON 665 10 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GAL 186 11 CONCRt: I t: CURB & GLJ I I t:R, B618 LF 2653 12 REMOVE EX 16" BARREL, INSTALL 12" BARREL EA 1 13 REMOVE EX 24" BARREL, INSTALL 18" BARREL EA 1 14 ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING EA 3 15 ADJUST GATE VALVE EA 5 16 BITUMINOUS DRIVEWAY SY 549 17 CONCRETE DRIVEWAY SY 17 18 CATCH BASIN SEDIMENT BARRIER EA 9 19 WATER FOR DUST CONTROL MGAL 30 20 JUNIPER, 24" HT, POT EA 4 21 LILAC, 36" HT, POT EA 4 22 SILT FENCE LF 100 23 SODDING, LAWN & BOULEVARD SY 5090 24 SUBGRADE DENSITY TEST, INPLACE EA 3 25 CLASS 5 GRADATION TEST EA 1 26 CLASS 5 PROCTOR TEST EA 1 27 CLASS 5 DENSITY TEST, INPLACE EA 3 28 CONC. CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE TEST EA 3 29 CONC. AIR ENTRAINMENT TEST EA 3 30 CONC. SLUMP TEST EA 3 31 BITUMINOUS EXTRACTION EA 4 102023BS.WK4 5C 102-023-20 "I 32 BITUMINOUS GRADATION 33 BITUMINOUS AIR VOID TEST 34 BITUMINOUS CORE DENSITY TEST EA EA EA 4 4 4 T SCHEDULE 5.0 CREEKSIDE CIRCLE STREET. TOTAL SCHEDULE 5.1 CREEKSIDE CIRCLE ALTERNATE B 1 COMMON EXCAVATION - DEDUCT CY 430 2 AGGREGATE BASE, CLASS 5 - DEDUCT TON 799 3 MILLED BITUMINOUS/SALVAGE CLASS 5 - ADDITION CY 430 T SCHEDULE 5.1 CREEKSIDE CIRCLE ALTERNATE B. TOTAL SCHEDULE 6.0 CREEKSIDE CIRCLE STORM SewER 1 REMOVE CATCH BASIN EA 1 2 CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM SEWER EA 1 3 4" TP DRAINTILE LF 731 4 12" RCP CLASS 5 IF 63 5 15" RCP CLASS 5 IF 375 6 18" RCP CLASS 3 LF 60 7 15" HOPE LF 113 8 15" FES RCP CLASS 5 EA 1 9 18" FES RCP CLASS 3 EA 2 10 15" HOPE APRON EA 1 11 CATCH BASIN EA 1 12 27" MANHOLE EA 1 13 STANDARD MANHOLE EA 5 14 72" MANHOLE (SUMPED) EA 2 15 HAY BALES EA 28 16 IN-PLACE DENSITY TEST EA 7 T SCHEDULE 6.0 CREEKSIDE CIRCLE STORM SEWER - TOTAL SCHEDULE 7.0 T.H. 13 DRAINAGE TO MITCHELL POND 1 CLEARING AC 0.64 2 GRUBBING AC 0.64 3 COMMON BORROW (CV) CY 750 4 TOPSOil BORROW (LV) CY 260 5 SALVo & REINSTALL EX. CHAIN UNK FENCE LF 110 6 BITUMINOUS RESTORATION SY 53 7 36" RC APRON WI TRASH GUARD EA 1 8 36" RC PIPE 7.5 DEGREE BENDS DESIGN 3006 , CL III EA 7 102023BS.WK4 50 102-023-20 9 36" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006, CL III u= 491 10 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE ~ I t<UCTURE DESIGN 72-4020 EA 3 11 72" DIAMt: I t:R MANHOLE WI SUMP EA 1 12 CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM SEWER EA 1 13 RANDOM RIP RAP CLASS III CY 278 14 GROUTED RIP RAP CLASS III CY 28 15 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC, TYPE IV SY 222 16 CATCH BASIN SEDIMENT BARRIER EA 4 17 BITUMINOUS CURB LF 50 18 TRAFFIC CONTROL LS 1 19 BALE CHECK EA 40 20 SILT FENCE, HEAVY DUTY LF 50 21 SOD, EROSION CONTROL SY 1222 22 SOD, LAWN & BOULEVARD SY 222 23 WOODFIBER BLANKET, REGULAR SY 1222 24 SEEDING WITH MIX 500 AC 0.52 25 INPLACE DENSITY TEST EA 3 T SCHEDULE 7.0 TH 13 DRAINAGE TO MITCHEL POND-TOTAL SCHEDULE 8.0 INDUSTRIAL PARK STORM SEWER 1 CLEARING AC 0,11 2 GRUBBING AC 0.11 3 12" RCP STORM SEWER, CL V LF 208 4 12" RC APRON WI TRASH GUARD EA 2 5 27" DIAMt: I t:R MANHOLE WITH STOOL CASTING EA 1 6 48" DIAMt: I t:R MANHOLE EA 2 7 72" DIAMt: I t:R MANHOLE WITH 3' SUMP EA 1 8 CONSTRUCT 48" DIAMt: I t:R MH OVER EX. 12" PVC EA 1 9 CL III RANDOM RIP RAP CY 59 10 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC, TYPE V SY 180 11 CATCH BASIN SEDIMENT BARRIER EA 5 12 HAY BALES EA 20 13 SILT FENCE, HEAVY DUTY LF 200 14 WOODFIBER BLANKET, REGULAR SY 533 15 SEEDING, #500 AC 0.2 16 INPLACE DENSITY TEST EA 2 T SCHEDULE 8.0 INDUSTRIAL PARK STORM SEWER-TOTAL 102023BS.WK4 5E 102-023-20 BID SUMMARY SCHEDULE 1.0 RIDGEMONT AVENUE \) I rtEET SCHEDULE 2.0 RIDGEMONT AVENUE SANITARY SEWER SCHEDULE 3.0 RIDGEMONT AVENUE WATERMAIN SCHEDULE 4.0 RIDGEMONT AVENUE STORM SEVVER SCHEDULE 5.0 CREEKSIDE CIRCLE STREET SCHEDULE 6.0 CREEKSIDE CIRCLE STORM SEWER SCHEDULE 7,0 T,H.13 DRAINAGE TO MITCHELL POND SCHEDULE 8.0 INDUSTRIAL PARK STORM SEWER TOTAL BID AMOUNT SCHEDULE 1.1 RIDGEMONT AVENUE ALTERNATE A SCHEDULE 5.1 CREEKSIDE CIRCLE ALTERNATE B RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: SIGNATURE COMPANY TITLE ADDRESS LICENSE NUMBER DATE (SEAL-IF BID IS BY A CORPORATION) TELEPHONE NUMBER All t:ST 102023BS,WK4 5F 102-023-20 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Ridgemont Avenue/Creekside Circle Street Improvements and Trunk Highway 13/1ndustrial Park Storm Sewer Improvements in the City of Prior Lake City Project Nos. 93-01, 93-03, 95-01, and 95-02 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed proposals will be received by the City Council of the City of Prior Lake, Minnesota at the Prior Lake City Hall, located at 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S,E., Prior Lake, MN 55372 until 10:00 a.m. local time, on the 12th day of June, 1995, and will be publicly opened at said time and place by two or more designated officers or agents of the City of Prior Lake, said proposals for the furnishing of all labor and materials for the construction, complete in place of the following: APPROXIMAlh OUANTITIES, 12" to 36" RC Storm Sewer 8" Sanitary Sewer 6" W atermain Common Excavation Select Granular Borrow Class 5 Aggregate Bituminous Paving Concrete Sidewalk Sod Pavement Marking 750 LF 918 LF 934 LF 6,000 CY 645 CY 1,000 TON 2,300 TON 7,600 TON 12,000 TON 3,100 LF Proposals arriving after the designated time will be returned unopened. The Bids must be submitted on the proposal forms provided in accordance with contract documents, plans, and specifications as prepared by MSA Consulting Engineers, 1326 Energy Park Drive, St. Paul, MN 55108. Contract documents, plans, and specifications may be obtained from MSA Consulting Engineers upon deposit of Fifty dollars ($50.00) non-refundable. deposit per set. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the City Clerk of Prior Lake and acco~llpanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond, or certified check payable to Clerk of the City of Prior Lake, for five (5 %) percent of the amount bid to be forfeited as liquidated damages in the event that the bid be accepted and bidder shall fail to enter promptly into a written contract and furnish the required bond, No bids may be withdrawn for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of opening of bids. The City of Prior Lake reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Further, the City reserves the right to accept a bid higher than the lowest bid if, in the opinion of the Council, the public interest will be better served. front102.023 1 102-023-20 ._-~._~.....,.~--~_._~---_.....~ DATED: s/s Frank Boyles City Manager City of Prior Lake, Minnesota To be published in the Prior Lake American on May 20th and May 27th, 1995 To be published in the Construction Bulletin on May 26th and June 2nd, 1995 frontl02.023 2 102-023-20 '.-_. ,_.-..,-~, -. '. --~'.r'-O INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS BIDS will be received by the City of Prior Lake (herein called the OWl'lKR), at City HalL 16200 Ea{!le Creek Ave. SEa Prior Lake. MN 55372 until 10:00 a.m.. local time. June 12th. 1995 and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud. Each BID must be submitted. in a sealed envelope, addressed to Citv Clerk. Citv of Prior Lake at 16200 Ea~le Creek Avenue S,E.. Prior Lake. MN 55372 Each sealed envelope containing a BID must be plainly marked on the outside as BID for Ridiemont Avenue/Creekside Circle Street Im!>rovements and Trunk Hig:hwav 13IIndustrial Park Storm Sewer Improvements and, the envelope should bear on the outside the name of the BIDDER, his address, his license number if applicable, and the name of the project for which the BID is submitted. If forwarded by mail, the sealed envelope containing the BID must be enclosed in another envelope addressed to the OWNER at City of Prior Lake. 16200 EaQ'le Creek Avenue S.E.. Prior Lake. MN 55372 All BIDS must be made on the required BID fvult. All blank spaces for BID prices must be filled in, in ink or typewritten, and the BID fvu11 must be fully completed and executed when submitted. Only one copy of the BID form is required. The OWNER may waive any informalities or minor defects or reject any and all BIDS. Any BID may be withdrawn prior to the above schedule time for the opening of BIDS or authorized postponed thereof. Any BID received after the time and date specified shall not be considered. No BIDDER may withdraw a BID within 45 days after the actual date of the opening thereof. Should there be reasons why the contract cannot be awarded within the specified period, the time may be extended by mutual agreement between the OWNER and the BIDDER. BIDDERS must satisfy themselves of the accuracy of the estimated quantities in the BID Schedule by examination of the site and a review of the drawings and specifications including ADDENDA. After BIDS have been submitted, the BIDDER shall not assert that there was a misunderstanding concerning the quantities of WORK or of the nature of the WORK to be done. The OWNER shall provide to BIDDERS prior to BIDDING, all information which is pertinent to, and delineates and describes, the land owned and rights-of-way acquired or to be acquired. The CO~TKACT DOCUMENTS contain the provisions required for the construction of the PROJECT. Information obtained from an officer, agent, or c;ul}iloyee of the O~K.K or any other person shall not affect the risks or obligations assumed by the CO~ l.KACTOR, or relieve him from fulfIlling any of the conditions of the contract. Each BID must be accompanied by a BID bond payable to the OWNER for five percent of the total amount of the BID, As soon as the BID prices have been compared, the OWNER will return the BONDS of all except the three lowest responsible BIDDERS. When the Agreement is executed the bonds of the two remaining unsuccessful BIDDERS will be returned. The BID BOND of the successful BIDDER will be retained until the payment BOND and performance BOND have been executed and approved, after which it will be returned. A certified check may be used in lieu of a BID BOND. A performance BOND and a payment BOND, each in the amount of 100 percent of the CONTRACT PRICE, with a corporate surety approved by the OWNER, will be required for the faithful performance of the contract. frontl02.023 3 102-023-20 T Attorneys-in-fact who sign BID BONDS or payment BONDS and performance BONDS must file with each BOND a certified and effective dated copy of their power of attorney. The party to whom the contract is awarded will be required to execute the Agreement and obtain the performance BOND and payment BOND within ten (10) calendar days from the date when NOTICE OF AWARD is delivered to the BIDDER. The NOTICE OF AWARD shall be accomplished by the necessary Agreement and BOND forms, In case of failure of the BIDDER to execute the Agreement, the OWNER may at his option consider the BIDDER in default, in which case the BID BOND accompanying the proposal shall become the property of the OWNER. The O~EJ.{ within ten (10) days of receipt of acceptable performance BOND, payment BOND and Agreement signed by the party to whom the Agreement was awarded shall sign the Agreement and return to such party an executed duplicate of the Agreement. Should the OWNER not execute the Agreement within such period, the BIDDER may by WRIl'IEN NOTICE withdraw his signed Agreement. Such notice of withdrawal shall be effective upon receipt of the notice by the OWNER. The NOTIt.;E TO PROCEED shall be issued within ten (10) days of the execution of the Agreement by the OWl'lEK. Should there be reasons why the NOTICE TO PROCEED cannot be issued within such period, the time may be extended by mutual agreement between the OWNER and CO~ l.KACTOR, If the NOTICE TO PROCEED has not been issued within the ten (10) day period or within the period mutually agreed upon, the CO~TKACTOR may terminate the Agreement without further liability on the part of either party. The OWNER may make such investigation as he deems necessary to determine the ability of the BIDDER to perform the WORK, and the BIDDER shall furnish to the OWNER all such information and data for this purpose as the OWNER may request. The OWNER reserves the right to reject any BID if the evidence submitted by, or investigation of, such BIDDER fails to satisfy the OWNER that such BIDDER is properly qualified to carry out the obligations of the Agreement and to complete the WORK contemplated therein. A conditional or qualified BID will not be accepted. A ward will be made to the lowest responsible BIDDER. All applicable laws, ordinances, and the rules and regulations of all authorities having jurisdiction over construction of the PROJECT shall apply to the contract throughout. Each BIDDER is responsible for inspecting the site and for reading and being thoroughly familiar with the CO~T.KACT DOCUMENTS. The failure or omission of the BIDDER to do . any of the foregoing shall in no way relieve any BIDDER from any obligation in respect to his BID. Further, the BIDDER agrees to abide by the requirements under Executive Order No. 11246, as amended, including specifically the provisions of the equal opportunity clause set forth in the SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL CONDITIONS. The low BIDDER shall supply the names and addresses of major material SUPPLmRS and SUBCO~I.KACTORS when requested to do so by the OWNER. Inspection trips for prospective BIDDERS will leave from the office of the N I A at The ENGINEER is MSA ConsultinQ: EnQ:ineers His address is 1326 EnerQV Park Drive. 51. Paul. MN 55108 frontl02.023 4 102-023-20 ADDENDUM NO.1 BID Proposal of S ,fY\, ~~ \~ceS ~ S t)~). \t..JL. (hereinafter called BIDD~K), organized and existing under the laws of the State of \'i\,J doing business as ~Q-Q('\~r--J *. To the Citv of Prior l..ake (hereinafter called 'O~~K'). In compliance with your Advertisement for Bids, BIDDER hereby proposes to perform all WORK for the construction of Ridiemont A venue/Creekside Circle Street L.l.ll-',rovements and Trunk Hi2hway 13IIndustrial Park Storm Sewer Improvements in strict accordance with the CO~lKAl;l DOCUMENTS, within the time set forth therein, and at the prices stated below. By submission of this BID, each BIDDER certifies, and in the case of a joint BID each party thereto certifies as his own organization, that this BID has been arrived at independently without consultation, communication, or agreement as to any matter relating to this BID with any other BIDDER or with any competitor. BIDDut h~J.\;..by gives to COlWllence WORK under this COiWaCt on or before a dare to be specified in the NOTIl,;~ TO PKOLJYill and to fully cOUlplete the PROJEl..l within 60 consecutive calendar days tb~.L.-after. BIDD~ further a!rl'~ to pay as liquidated damages, the sum of $ 500.00 for each consecutive calendar day th,-J..-after as }iJ.unded in Section 15 of the General Conditions. BIDD.u< acknowledges receipt of the following ADDENDUM: ~( * Insert "a corporation", "a pa..wership", or "an individual" as applicable. frond02.023 5 102-023-20 ttlD SCHEDULE FOR: RlDGEMONT AVEJ CREEKSIDE CIRCLE STREET IMPROVEMENTS AND TRUNK HIGHWAY 13 & INDU.::. I rdAL PARK STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA ....-...-.. ... .- ,.... .. -.. - .". ......... ........ ..-. ... ........-............. ........... ....-... -. .... SCHEDULE 1.0 RIDGEMONT A VENUE STREET 1 MOBILIZATION LS 1 1 ,o~"t:) .,.~~~ 2 SALVAGE AND REINSTALL SIGNS LS 1 11Q9.g.~~ 'IQ~. ~ 3 CLEAR AND GRUB AC 0,06 ~1:)~_ ~~ ~.~ 4 COMMON EXCAVATION CY 2958 ~ .47 c:> . \o..~~_~ 5 SUBGRADE PREPARATION 0-12- RDSTA 15.5 7~o.o~ ?_t.Da.~ 6 MILL BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SY 54 c;..Q~ -z... -, C) . oc 7 AGGREGATE BASE, CLASS 5 TON ???3 c.. c:;.~ 1dt-)4CcC\ _~ 8 TYPE 41A, WEAR COURSE MIXTURE TON 455 'Z...'L.a~ \~,b\c_~~ 9 TYPE 31 B, BASE COURSE MIXTURE TON 845 \..~,aQ lCo, b9=7 o~ 10 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GAL 236 \ . ?-C) 'Z..~~ ~o 11 CONCRt: I t: CURB & GUI I t:R, B618 LF 3100 C;.~ \fQ:'A~_~ 12 BITUMINOUS DRIVEWAY SY 194 \.\.l C; 0 2.:~~ 13 CONCRt: I t: DRIVEWAY AND APRONS SY 41 1,-.7. 00 ',o~ 14 4" CONCRt: I t: SIDEWALK SF 7572 ~.O~ \ C; , 144-. Q'O 15 8" CONC. VALLEY GlJ I I t:t< SF 104 ~ . ex::. -; \ '2.. 'Q~ 16 BITUMINOUS PATH SY 120 \.\. ~c l,"Z, 8.0. OQ 17 PEDESTRIAN RAMP EA 2 \00.00 ~a.~a 18 4" EQUIV WIDTH PAVEMENT ~ I rdPING LF 3100 CD ,4.0 ~O. C;:) \:) 19 ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING EA 2 'L '70.00 c:; 00 'Q C:) 20 ADJUST GATE VALVES EA 2 7:!!iO.~ ~~ '\::) 21 SILT FENCE LF 800 \ t7~ '(7n~.~ 22 SODDING, LAWN & BOULEVARD SY 4283 lA-c:::. C;/qqb.~ 23 SEEDING AC 0.3 \,1..70 --00 '7,'"\-7. "QQ 24 WOOD FIBER BLANN: I SY 1417 \. .. 4-'5 -z..., 07 c:;. . cp c:; 25 CATCH BASIN SEDIMENT BARRIER EA 2 4}o.o'D , 'C:)t).~ 26 WATER FOR DUST CO,.. II"(OL MGAL 35 ~ . Oc:::. IO~.~ 27 JUNIPER. 24- HT, POT EA 2 ~17.ao 11;). ~o 28 ULAC, 36" HT, POT EA 2 ~o.co \~~ ~ 29 SUBGRADE DENSIlY II:~ I , INPLACE EA 3 "0. ~C> ~~ - 30 CLASS 5 GRADATION I t:~ I EA 1 4c.oc A-r~ 00 31 CLASS 5 PROCTOR I t:~ I EA 1 ., <::\'-.. CrO \.. dr.. Oc:> 32 CLASS 5 DENSITY I t:~ I, INPLACE EA 3 ~.oo 11.o.oQ 33 CONC. CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE TEST EA 6 q O. 00 c;~. c::,O 34 CONC. AIR ENTRAINMENTTEST EA 6 9 to) . c::>-::::> c=:;4o. cs::> 35 CONC. SLUMP TEST EA 6 ""'\e;.. '_~ ~~~.. EA 5 ,/ 36 BITUMINOUS EXTRACTION , t;.\Ju ~ n. 'r"" 1 02023BS.WK4 SA . ~,_._....-....._.~...,,"-~,,_.;'- 37 BITUMINOUS GRADATION 38 BITUMINOUS AIR VOID TEST 39 BITUMINOUS CORE DENSITY TEST EA EA EA 5 5 5 It;..U~ \2,..0 . Q. C \ OO,c>C T SCHEDULE 1.0 RIDGEMONT AVENUE STREET - TOTAL BASE BID SCHEDULE 1.1 RIDGEMONT AVENUE ALTERNATE A 1 COMMON EXCAVATION - DEDUCT CY 2 AGGREGATE BASE, CLASS 5 - DEDUCT TON 3 MILLED BITUMINOUs/SALVAGE CLASS 5 - ADDITION CY 483 898 483 ~.e;o Co.S'C ,~ .o~ T SCHEDULE 1.1 RIDGEMONT AVENUE ALTERNATE A - TOTAL '1'~..~Q ~a.Q. uQ '7QC.~ ~ rc." . t 1/:7..' I-:~ . ~ aX.- L\:Cpqo~~ Lc; ~g>, .O~ ') 4.-~~~.QO L7...1 '-~.., ,'70 J SCHEDULE 2.0 RIDGEMONT AVENUE SANITARY SEWER 1 CONNECT TO EXISTING SANITARY MANHOLE EA 1 ? ~o_ t:)"t'::. '7 OC;:). QQ 2 8" PVC (8' TO 10' DEEP) IF 124 'Zc.~o LA~O.~ 3 8" PVC (10' TO 12' DEEP) IF 465 ?~.Q~ 9,~t)c. ~'O 4 8" PVC (12' TO 14' DEEP) IF 198 l.,.Q .~o "2.,; q~O. 't:)O 5 8" PVC (14' TO 16' DEEP) IF 131 ?<p I~ 0 1. ,~ 'l.~. Q<::> .. 6 8" x 4" 'WYE EA 7 I t;:i;) . t:) Q .., -..&). U <:;:L 7 4" PVC SDR40 SERVICE PIPE IF 251 \1-oD -3. ~\~.....- 8 STANDARD MANHOLE EA 3 \ .~O.C)O '2, t-oo. flSL 9 EX 1 KA DEPTH FOR MANHOLES LF 11,28 I~. 00 f r \ 1. e:,..~~ 10 IN-PLACE DENSITY TEST EA 19 ~ 0.0 0 ~.~ T SCHEDULE 2.0 RlDGEMONT AVENUE SANITARY SEWER -TOTAL 1-1 ,~1'\:) , OU SCHEDULE 3.0 RlDGEMONT AVENUE WATERMAlN 1 CONNECT TO EXISTING WA I ~MAlN EA 1 ~D. 't:)~ Z:;~."Q~ 2 8" DIP LF 934 "1..2._ "t) '0 ~/~CO.~O 3 6" GATE VALVE EA 1 ~o'O.O~ $00. ~~ 4 r-II liNGS LB 710 \ ,C::;C -.J. ~'7.'OO 5 HYDRANT WI GATE VALVE EA 2 ~f~"\.IU 4.~ Cb.. C)O 6 WATER SERVICE EA 7 l7l).00 I. d7o. '00 7 1" WA I t:K Sctt \liCE PIPE LF 180 , 1. "0 '0 !.., \.().~ 8 IN-PLACE DENSITY EA 11 ~.tX:> "?1. b. "'l::.C T SCHEDULE 3.0 RlDGEMONT AVENUE WA TERMAlN - TOTAL ~,<;,~.~ SCHEDULE 4.0 RlDGEMONT AVENUE STORM SEWER 1 REMOVE CATCH BASIN EA 1 7~.~1:) t;~C)t:;L 2 15" RCP CLASS 5 LF 84 ~~.~ L.. \~~.~ . ",2023BS.WK4 5B 102-023-20 3 15- FES RCP CLASS 5 EA 1 ~O.~ ~ fa. Q~ 4 CATCH BASIN EA 1 ! I \<fo. 00 I r I~O.O~ 5 72- MANHOLE (SUMPED) EA 1 .:l.-i"\~ o. <:) 0 'Z-,,~O..-QQ 6 RIP RAP CL 3 CY 13 'f"'o . 1:)0 (g~O.b~ 7 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC, TYPE IV SY 31.7 'l- .~ 0 fo~ . ~ 8 HAYBALES EA 8 ~rOO ~. '00 9 IN-PLACE DENSITY TEST EA 7 ?O~OO '- \ \'::) ,~o T SCHEDULE 4.0 RIDGEMONT AVENUE STORM SEWER - TOTAL ., J<2>\~.~ SCHEDULE 5.0 CREEKSIDE CIRCLE STREET 1 MOBilIZATION 2 SALVAGE AND REINSTALL SIGNS 3 COMMON EXCAVATION 4 SUBGRADE EXCAVATION 5 Mill BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT 6 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW 7 AGGREGATE BASE, CLASS 5 8 TYPE 41A, WEAR COURSE MIXTURE 9 TYPE 31B, BASE COURSE MIXTURE 10 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT 11 CONCRt: I t: CURB & GUTTER, B618 12 REMOVE EX 16- BARREL, INSTALL 12- BARREL 13 REMOVE EX 2410 BARREL, INSTALL 18- BARREL 14 ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING 15 ADJUST GATE VALVE 16 BITUMINOUS DRIVEWAY 17 CONCRt: I t: DRIVEWAY 18 CATCH BASIN SEDIMENT BARRIER 19 WA I t:J"( FOR DUST CONTROL 20 JUNIPER, 24- HT, POT 21 LILAC, 36" HT, POT 22 SilT FENCE 23 SODDING, LAWN & BOUlEVARD 24 SUBGRADE DENSITY TEST, INPLACE 25 CLASS 5 GRADATION I t:~ I 26 CLASS 5 PROCTOR TEST 27 CLASS 5 DENSITY TEST, INPLACE 28 CONC. CYlINDER COMPRESSIVE TEST 29 CONC. AIR ENTRAINMENT TEST 30 CONC. SLUMP TEST 31 BITUMINOUS EXTRACTION I u2023BS.WK4 LS LS CY CY SY CY TON TON TON GAL LF EA EA EA EA SY SY EA MGAL EA EA LF SY EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 5C 1 1 2747 645 45 645 1686 358 665 186 2653 1 1 3 5 549 17 9 30 4 4 100 5090 3 1 1 3 3 3 3 4 ..., 10"00 . ~ 'l~CD .o~ z,~o 11,oo -?'" 0 C> ~ .tt7 0 I. c:t::) '--1.- ,oa \ C\ . E:)~ t,1:o "7 .4-0 '7 0&:':). c U C:;oQ,a~ ?-'70 .c:::,.~ 1-C;o.ou \.\.S"o ,-~.Cu ~O\.c)D -z.c>.~"'O "2" '7: Cb ~o..~ \ .7';;) \ .~ ?C>. c::aD ~.~O ldr_oO 40 .C>\:) q~. ~"O q~..(X::) i?C>O ~? ~ '0 110'00. -00 \ ~ o~o ..O\:) C\J~\4:;D ?z.,:l.,~t7. OC ,-"L~."t:)~ ~",C;4150 \ \ ,<601...7'0 -,,6!(c.o~ \1./Co77~'C:) "L,-~.LO '--4-: ~ LCc. "'Z-~ 7 ~. '\::)c 7'OO.~~ I.S~. ~ \It$~.~~ ~ .~\;...t7"O 4-1-~. a() 4-"0. ~ Co~.u~ \..~. ~o \ ~ :~~ \~t).u-O ., .11Jo. ~o <to.~ 4<).~ l~_'b'O \? 0 .~O ~, ~"O (... ..., 0 , '-IaJ 1....~C;. ~ ~~.~ 102-023-20 32 BITUMINOUS GRADATION EA 33 BITUMINOUS AIR VOID TEST EA 34 BITUMINOUS CORE DENSITY TEST EA T SCHEDULE 5.0 CREEKSIDE CIRCLE STREET - TOTAL SCHEDULE 5.1 CREEKSIDE CIRCLE AL TERNA TE B 1 COMMON EXCAVATION - DEDUCT CY 2 AGGREGATE BASE, CLASS 5 - DEDUCT TON 3 MILLED BITUMINOUS/SALVAGE CLASS 5 - ADDITION CY T SCHEDULE 5.1 CREEKSIDE CIRCLE ALTERNATE B - TOTAL SCHEDULE 6.0 CREEKSIDE CIRCLE STORM SEWER 1 REMOVE CATCH BASIN EA 2 CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM SEWER EA 3 4" TP DRAINTILE LF 4 12" RCP CLASS 5 LF 5 1 S- RCP CLASS 5 LF 6 18" RCP CLASS 3 LF 7 15" HOPE LF 8 15" FES RCP CLASS 5 EA 9 18" FES RCP CLASS 3 EA 10 15" HOPE APRON EA 11 CATCH BASIN EA 12 27" MANHOLE EA 13 STANDARD MANHOLE EA 14 72" MANHOLE (SUMPED) EA 15 HAY BALES EA 16 IN-PLACE DENSITY TEST EA T SCHEDULE 6.0 CREEKSIDE CIRCLE STORM SEWER - TOTAL SCHEDULE 7.0 T.H. 13 DRAINAGE TO MITCHELL POND 1 CLEARING AC 2 GRUBBING AC 3 COMMON BORROW (CV) CY 4 TOPSOIL BORROW (LV) CY 5 SALV:&--RElNSTALLEX. CHAIN UNK FENCE LF 6 BITUMINOUS RE~luRAnON SY 7 36" RC APRON WI TRASH GUARD EA 8 36" RC PIPE 7.5 DEGREE BENDS DESIGN 3006 , CL III EA )2023BS.WK4 50 4 ,~CO 7~~a\:) 4 \l.-o .~o a... 'Q"U . ~c 4 , ~O.~O ~.~~ 91..,>" ,'to 430 ~ .C:;~ tF~l~ :~~ 799 Co.~D C...c;f..A~J.~O) 430 \O.~O 4-f"2,~'Q.. "O~ ~.5{) ~. ~ 1 ~Q_OQ 7~. 00 1 ~5D,~ ~7c.QO 731 7.00 ~-~9?oc 63 L..--c:. , 0 ~ 1 , '"Uc'O. ~\:;) 375 1-7,~o q 3,S. -0'0 60 70.00 I ~. ~~ 113 ~O_ o~ ~:~9a.~ 1 ~ c; 0_ 0':::' ~$~ ~a 2 4=-oQ. 00. 6~. Q:::) 1 ?7'C . {""'\~ ~o. oCL 1 t , \ '50. a~ , , 17 a.yO 1 ~'70. cu ~70.00 5 \ . \~O..~ 7 .fc70..~O 2 ],.. ilSo. ~ 0 Ji .t::i ~ ~ 28 c; ,.0,,;;;> \~.'C-o 7 ~o. ~O '"'2...\ o. u '::> ? ~ , ~ -'...:"1:) :t:) '0 0.64 0,64 750 260 110 53 1 7 ar.t:iiJn f\ n ~ ~ cJO . Cc':) ~~C> .2; ce:. 60 . \.I~ "1..fa~o.~ u . 4'L.i.Qb I ..::J. ! (g~~. Q (:) , J <0 cs.o. c;:j::;) , ,... c.. '0 . ~'O I , _ ..,~o.~~ - , ~ ,1.6 0 . Cl;~ , ~ .~'O \~ .0.:> ~.~ l0'iO.~ \ 1" ~ . Ol.'::) 102-023-20 f 102023BS.WK4 5E 102-023-20 _._--o...._.._~.____.......~....,'-_"""'"._ 0"__'" ".,..,""..~-,,- ....._."'""'-,~--_.<-.,......,._~,--,,-,'"'........--,..~.._-',."~ BID SUMMARY SCHEDULE 1.0 RIDGEMONT AVENUE.., II"U:%I SCHEDULE 2.0 RIDGEMONT AVENUE SANITARY SEVVER SCHEDULE 3.0 RIDGEMONT AVENUE WATERMAlN SCHEDULE 4.0 RIDGEMONT AVENUE STORM SEWER SCHEDULE 5.0 CREEKSIDE CIRCLE ~ I t(t:t: I SCHEDULE 6.0 CREEKSIDE CIRCLE STORM SEWER SCHEDULE 7.0 T.H. 13 DRAINAGE TO MITCHELL POND SCHEDULE 8.0 INDUSTRIAL PARK STORM SEWER \ leo,04rI.-7"7 1.., -, ~ ., 0 ,t:) t::) ~o & C'c;:*??f'''OO -, I (O f2;,. d;C) ~L.' ~I~ ,c;c::. ~4 ~o . 0:::::> q~. \'1..., -So L?<O~.5u . TOTAL BID AMOUNT ~ 4'"2..q~,?-4~_&S ~'-J~C\l'?b) -. ~ ~8.~L:. <'?_.~ ~<6-.~~~ SCHEDULE 1.1 RIDGEMONT AVENUE ALTERNATE A SCHEDULE 5.1 CREEKSIDE CIRCLE ALTERNATE B '^". \~,~S ~,'lv\..~t ~S~~: ltJ~ COMPANY ?'\A.<ab\ Oe.or TITLE ?,a.~~,~ eo, ~';Lo~t M.-.J.. S::>~'5L ADDRESS UCENSE NUMBER ~S9(rRPORAnoN) ~ ') ~ '---r /-{~ ~ /l -/ ~ AII~ c.- \ 1-. ct r DATE 4-<11-" S 1 o~ TELEPHONE NUMBER 102023BS.WK4 SF 102-023-20 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS . AlA Document A310 Bid Bond KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we S.M. Hentges & Sons, Inc. as Principal, hereinafter called the Principal, and Hartford Fire Insurance Company a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of CT as Surety, hereinafter called the Surety, are held and firmly bound unto City of Prior Lake, MN as Obligee, hereinafter called the Obligee, in the sum of Five Percent ( 5%) of Amount Bid Dollars ($ 5% of Bid ), for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, the said Principal and the said Surety, bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents, W HER EAS, the Principal has submitted a bid for City Project No. 93-01, 93-03, 95-01, 95-02 NOW, THE REF 0 R E, if the Obligee shall accept the bid of the Principal and the Principal shall enter into a Contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of such bid, and give such bond or bonds as may be specified in the bidding or Contract Documents with good and sufficient surety for the faithful performance of such Contract and for the prompt payment of labor and material furnished in the prosecution thereof, or in the event of the failure of the Principal to enter such Contract and give such bond or bonds, if the Principal shall pay to the Obligee the difference not to exceed the penalty hereof between the amount specified in said bid and such larger amount for which the Obligee may in good faith contract with another party to perform the Work covered by said bid, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Signed and sealed this 12th day of June 19 95 Inc. (Seal) ~ ~~ +r . , ,A.. " ~ (Wit s) - ------ (Title) Hartford Fire Insurance Company ~~ Carol Webster (Title). Attorney-i~-Fact (Sea/) . , , , AlA DOCUMENT A310 · BID BOND · AlA ~ · FEBRUARY 1970 ED · THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 N.Y. AVE., N.W" WASHINGTON, D. C. 20006 1 ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF PRINCIPAL (Individual) STATE OF COUNTY OF ss.: On this day of. in the year 19 l before me personally come(s) .. to me known and known to me to be the person(s) who (is) (are) described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledge(s) to me that he executed the same. NOTARY PUBLIC ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF PRINCIPAL (Partnership) STATE OF COUNTY OF ss.: On this day of ., in the year 19 , before me personally come(s) a member of the co-partnership of '" to me known and known to me to be the person who is described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledges to me that he executed the same as and for the act and deed of the said co-partnership. NOTARY PUBLIC ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF PRINCIPAL (Corporation) STATEOF \A\~se..h~~ COUNTY OF ~ r ~ ss.: On this \ 1... ~ day of ~~ ~ , in the year 19 C; r l before me personally come(s) . ~ ~~ ~_ '\ \~ \~. J to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, deposes and says that he resides in the City of ~ ~,O~ i that he is the ~12.GS ~ ~ , of the ~ I \M. '- \. '~, ~ \ \"....v. ~ \, the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of the said corporation; that the seal affixed to the said instrument .is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed bv1t or~r of the Board of Directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order. ~ ~ \. ( ... ._.:r#~~ :r-/ N ~ 1'" ~NOWLEDGMENT O~TY STATE OF COUNTY OF ~;ntlesota Hennepin ss.: On this 12th day of June . in the year 19 95 before me personally come(s) Carol Webster Attomey(s)-in.Fact of Hartford Fire Insurance Comoanv "vith whom I am personally acquainted, and who. being by me duly sworn, says that he reside(s) in Minnetonka..-lm that he is (are) the Attorney (s).in.Factof Hartford Fire InsuT.::lnre r.nmp:2n~7 ~ the company described in and which executed the within instrument; that he know(s) the corporate seal of such Company; and that the seal affixed to the within instrument is such corporate seal and that it was affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Company, and that he signed said instrument as Attorney(SHn.Fact of the said Company by like order. . ~-~!..;iit;;~ NINA E. '::cilSTE!N l -II - s:- (,14: :[~E;; M~~~riii;;i~:~~~~ ~ NOTARY PUBLIC F.9713 - 8/81 .S .. HAR1:fPRD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY: . Hartford, Connecticut POWER OF ATTORNEY Know all men by these ~ That the HARTFORD I"1f\t: INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation duly organlad under the laws of the state of Conn, ",l" ...It. and haYing its principal oftk:e in the CIty of Hartford. County of Hartford, state of Connecticut, does h" '.~.! make, constitute and appoint moMAS G. KEMP, SCO'lT D. D~ ELDON Mf. OIDRE, NINA E. WE&u~4 AAJdURj. DORDEL.-J CAROL WE&UJ;.A at M/Nh.l;J vNXA, MlNNI3DTA its true and lawful Attorney(s}-in-Fact. with full power and authority to each of said Attorney<s}-in-Fact. in their separate capacity if more than one is named above, to sign, execute and acknowledge any and all bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof on behalf of the Company in Is business of guaranteeing the fidelity of persons holding places of public or private trust guaranteeing the performance of contracts other than insurance policies: guaranteeing the performance of insurance contracts where surety bonds are accepted by states and municipalities, and executing or guaranteeing bonds and undertakings required or permitted in all actions or proceedings or by law allowed, and to bind the HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY thereby as fully and to the same extent as if such bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof were signed by an Executive Officer of the HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY and sealed and attested by one other of such Officers, and hereby ratifies and confirms all that its said Attorney(s}-in-Fact may do in pursuance hereof. This power of attorney is granted by and under authority of the following provisions: (1) By-Laws adopted by the Stockholders of the HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY at a meeting duly called and held on the 9th day of March, 1971. ARTICLE IV SECTION 8. The President or Wtf VIce-President. -=ling with any Secretary or A..-..nt S ...._~. ry, shall have power and UhorIty to appoint. for pl " . 10 ,'. only of executing and IIltesting ~ .. .:., and &I'Idert8kings and other writings obIiglItIlry in the nature (\ "" r, one or more Resident Va PresIdenl:s. R .~:. .ntAsslstant SecrIaries and AltDmeys-in-Fchnd at anytime to rwnove any such Resident Va-F~,,'. "i. Rl~l. ..1A.......}...! S _...~i. J, or At.. i,,'-in- F8Ct. and nwoIc8 the power and authorIy given to twn. SECTION 11. AL.. '.' ''''S-i~act shall have power and Uhorily. subject to the terms md Imitations of the power of attorney issued to them, to --=ute lII'ld deIivw on beh8If of the Comp8ny Ind to IIII8ctI the ... of the Company thaCD My and II bonds and ~, n ather writings obligatory In the nature thereof, 8nd any such instrument ." .._Jl8cI by Wtf such Altomey-in-Fact shaI be _ binding upon the Com~ _ if signed by an Ex8cutMt omcer and se8Jed and .uestIICl by one other of such 0fI'icers. This power of attomey is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following Resolution adopted by the Directors of the HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY at a meeting duly called and held on the 12th day of February, 1993. ~. a.r the sign8bna 01 such anc.. 8Ild .. .... 01 the Compeny mar be .na.d lD My IUCh .. d IIIlDrney or lD My ceItIficIIte reIIding ... by 1Ic8imiIe. Md My such pcMW 0I111lDrney or certI'..... a..ing IUCh ___ ........ or f8cIimiIe .... .... be V8lid Md binding upon the eomp.., Md 8IIy such .' . 10 --=uIId ... certified by 6IcalmiIe ....... 8Ild --- .... .... be wid 8nd binding lIpOIl" c:omp.ny in .. JulIn wiIh MIpeCt to MY band or lIIIIIert8Idng lD whic:h . is aa.ched. In Witness Whereof, the HA/o( I r-ORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed by its Vice- President, and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed. duly 1Itt.~,led by its Secretary, this 19th day of October, 1994. HAn II"VRD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY AUeIt: ~d)L~ Ric:hMt R. ~ s.crw.y .~-... ~.,v L - , "~ ~ ~ ~N.H.Senw \Itce ~,I.'WI'lt STATE OF CONNECTICUT , ... COUNTY OF HAn I I"unu On this 19th day of October, A.D. 1994, beb8 me t' .... naIIy came Robert N. H. Sener, to me known, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say: that he resides in the County of Hartb'd, State of Connecticut; that he is the Vice-President of the HAre I r-ORO FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, the corporation described in and which I!lC8CUted the above:....h.nnent: that he knows the seal of the said corporation; that the seal afIbced to the said ir~ UlI_1t is such ...,. '" ,nda see!: that it WIIS so affixed by order of the Board of Oi '. ..l...... of said co..", .. ..,lion and that he signed his name thendDby like order. ~ ~~";. STATE OF CONNECTICUT sa. .~;;.,.. . COUNTY OF HMI,.ORO ~ ()p~ #.UJ~_.,-~.L ~ JMft H. WamiIIk '*-'Y 1'UbI1c My ~ Expir-...... 30. 1818 v.:... . ...~YIJE I, the und..,,;.lII'ed, SecndaryoftheHAKIt"VrW FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY,. Con. .....l"MC... '" . "..lion, 00 HEREBY vCl'\ II,. (that the foregoing and atta::hed POWER OF ATTORNEY rwnains in full V... _ ,"' and has not been r8Wked; and furth". ... re, thatthe Resolutions of the Board of~.. forth in the Power of Attorney, ere now in 1:... .. ..:. Signed and sealed at the CIty of HIII'tfard.. Dated the 12 th dayof June 19 95 . PLt L EJ Robert L ~ SecnfIry Pona s.J!07-t (JIll') Prialed ill u.s.A. DOCUMENT 00500 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made as of the 19th day of June , 19 95 , by and between S.M. Hent~es & Sons. Inc. (name of contractor, i.e., name of corporation, partnership, all contracting individuals and their business name), a Corporation (name of state where incorporated or formed and whether a corporation, Minnesota general partnership, etc.), hereinafter called "CONTRACTOR", and the City of Prior Lake, a Minnesota municipal corporation (hereinafter called the "OWNER" and sometimes referred to as the "City". RECITALS WHEREAS, CONTRACTOR has been selected by the OWNER in accordance with Minnesota law to provide materials, equipment and labor necessary for construction and completion of certain improvements as set forth herein, and WHEREAS. CONTRACTOR has agreed to perform its obligations, covenants and undertaking as contained herein in consideration for payment as contained herein. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants and conditions as hereinafter set forth, the parties agree as follows: 1, The CO~ l.KACTOR agrees to provide all the materials, equipment, and labor necessary for the complete construction of all the improvements, work and/or obligations of CONTRACTOR (hereinafter referred to as "Work" as required by the drawings, specifications, exhibits, conditions, covenants and agreements as contained in the documents prepared by MSA Consultin~ En~ineers for Projects 93-01. 93-03. 95-01. 95-02 , collectively referred to as "Contract Documents", and to do everything required by the Contract Document previously furnished to the CO:NTKACTOR by the OWNER and receipted for by the CONTRACTOR. 2. The CO:N lKACTOR agrees that the Work contemplated by the Contract Documents shall be entirely completed with the exception of the bituminous wear course on or before Sept. 14 , 19 95 and bituminous wear course placed by June 15, 1996. 3. The OW:NhK agrees to pay CO:N lKACTOR in current funds for the performance of its obligations pursuant to the Contract Documents the sum of four l}undred twentv-fout tbousa,nd One hundred fortY-seven and 85/100 Dollars ($ 424.147.85 \, subject to the additions and deductions as provided for in the specifications to the Contract Documents as provided for in said specifications, except as hereinafter stated: frontlO2.023 8 102-023-20 "I 4. The CONTRACTOR and the OWNER agree that the Contract Documents, including but not limited to the specifications, drawings, standard general conditions, instructions to bidder, supplementary conditions, special provisions, standard utility specifications, if any, and CONTRACTOR bids, and such other provisions as contained in the Contract Documents, are incorporated herein by reference and are a part of this Agreement as if attached or repeated herein. With respect to the drawings and specifications which are part of the Contract Documents, the CONTRACTOR and OWNER agree that the following shall constitute a complete list of said drawings and specifications, Specifications: Ridi!emont Avenue/Creekside Circle Street Improvements and Trunk Hi~hwav 13/Industrial Park Storm Sewer Improvements Dated Mav. 1995 Drawings: Rid2emonLA venue/Creekside Circle Street Im,provements apd Trunk Hif:hwav 13/Industrial Park Storm Sewer Im:!lrovements Dated Mav. 1995 5, Prior to execution of this Agreement, the CONTRACTOR shall furnish to the OWNER for review by the City Engineer and/or City Attorney all bid bonds, performance bonds, letters of credit, insurance certificates, evidence of insurance in final form, as required by the Contract Documents. In addition, prior to execution of this Agreement, the CONTRACTOR, if a partnership or corporation, shall furnish to the City Engineer and/or City Attorney such resolutions, opinions of counsel, or evidence of authority required to ensure that the CONTRACTOR, upon its execution of this Agreement, shall be fully bound by its terms. 6. co~ lKACTOR Representation", CO~TKACTOR represents and warrants that neither the execution and delivery of this Agreement, consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby, nor the fulfillment of or a compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement is prevented or limited by, or in conflict with or will result in breach of, the terms, conditions, or provisions of any restriction of CONTRACTOR, or evidence of indebtedness, agreement or instrument of whatever nature to which CONTRACTOR is now party or by which it is bound or will constitute a default under any of the foregoing. CO~ lKACTOR further represents and warrants that CO~TKACTOR will cooperate with the OWNER with respect to any litigation commenced with respect to the Work contemplated herein. CO~l.KACTOR represents and warrants that the Work will conform to all laws, regulations, and ordinances of all local, state, and federal government authorities. 7. Non-DiscrimiIuWml, The provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 181.59, and of Chapter 11, Title 1, of Prior lake City Code, which relate to civil rights and discrimination and affirmative action shall be considered a part of this Agreement as though wholly set forth herein, and CO~ l.KACTOR agrees to comply therewith. In addition, CONTRACTOR specifically agrees: frontl02.023 9 102-023-20 a. That with respect to any and all businesses conducted or acts performed pursuant to this Agreement, CO~lKACTOR shall be deemed an cJ.uployer within the meaning of Chapter 11 and shall be subject to the provisions of Chapter 11. b. This in the event CONTRACTOR fails to perform the aforesaid contractual provisions of Chapter 11, this Agreement may forthwith be tenninated and cancelled in whole or in part by OWNER and CO:NTKACTOR shall be liable for any costs or expense incurred by OWNER in obtaining from other sources the Work and services to be rendered or performed or the goods or properties to be furnished or delivered to OWNER under this Agreement so terminated or cancelled, c. That should OWNER in a proceeding brought as provided in Chapter 11 fmd that CONTRACTOR has engaged in discrimination in connection with this Agreement and issue a cease and desist order with respect thereto, OWNER shall uphold up to 15% of said contract price, if applicable, until such time as OWNER's order has been complied with or said other contracting party has been adjudicated not guilty of such discrimination. d. That CONrKACTOR will permit access to any and all records pertaining to hiring and employment and to other pertinent data and records for the purpose of enabling OWNER, its agencies or representatives, to ascertain compliance with the provisions of Chapter 11 applicable to CONTRACTOR, e. That Chapter 11 shall be binding on all contractors, subcontractors, or suppliers. 8. M.signment, CO:N TKACTOR represents and agrees for itself, its successors and assigns that CON 1 KACTOR has not made or created and that it will not make or create or suffer to be made or created any total or partial sale, assignment, conveyance, or any trust or power to transfer in any other mode or form of or with respect to this Agreement or any part thereof or interest therein or in CONTRACTOR without the prior written approval of OWNER. 9. Gener~, a. The terms and provisions hereof shall be binding upon and insure to the benefit of the heirs, representatives, successors, and assigns of the parties hereto. b. Whenever in this Agreement it shall be required or permitted that notice or demand be given or served by either party to this Agreement to or on the other party, such notice shall be delivered personally or mailed by United States mail to the addresses hereinafter set forth by certified mail (return receipt requested). Such notice or demand shall be deemed timely given frontl02.023 10 102-023-20 .- when delivered personally or when deposited in the mail in accordance with the above. The address of the parties hereto are as follows, until changed by notice give as above: If to the OWNER: City Engineer, City of Prior Lake 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372 With a copy to: Glenn R. Kessel, Esq. LOMMEN, NELSON, COLE & STAGEBERG, P.A, 80 South Eighth Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 If to COl'll KACTOR: S, M. Hentges & Sons, Inc. 650 Quaker Avenue, Suite 200 P.O. Box 200 Jordan, MN 55352 With a copy to: c, Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, the rights and remedies of the parties to this Agreement, whether provided by law or by this Agreement shall be cumulative, and the exercise by either party of anyone or more of such remedies shall not preclude the exercise by it, at the same or different times, of any other such remedies for the same default or breach or of any of its remedies for any other default or breach or of any of its remedies for any other default or breach by the other party. No waiver made by either such party with respect to the performance, or manner of time thereof, or any obligation under this Agreement shall be considered a waiver of any rights of the party making the waiver with respect to the particular obligation of the other party or condition to is own obligation beyond those expressly waived in writing and to the extent thereof, or a waiver in any respect in regard to any other rights of the party making the waiver of any other obligation of the other party. Delay by a party hereto in instituting or prosecuting any cause of action or claim hereunder shall not be deemed a waiver of any rights hereunder. d. This Agreement may be amended by the parties hereto only by written instrument executed in accordance with the same procedures and formality followed for the execution of this Agreement. e. This Agreement may be simultaneously executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. front 102.023 11 102-023-20 IN VIII rrnss WHEREOF, OWNbl{ and COl\ll.KACTOR have caused this Agreement to be duly executed on the day and year first above written. Approved by the City Council on the 19th day of June , 19 95 . BY .Sons, Inc. BY BY Its Approved as to form: front 102.023 12 102-023-20 I - - AtDttlllt. CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE CSR CW BBNTSM1 07/11/95 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMA 110N ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE Cen ..FICA TE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE DATE (MM/DDIYY) ~ODUCER CFG Insurance Services, Inc. -9800 Bren Road East 3rd Floor ~innetonka MN 55343-9612 945-0200 -NSURED COMPANY A Transcontinental Ins. Co.-CNA COMPANY B Transportation Ins. Co.-CNA S M Hentges & Sons Inc POBox 69 Jordan MN 55352 COMPANY C Federal Insurance CO.-Chubb ....cOVERAGES THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT. TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. COM~ANV REY..ex)) CO TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER I POLICY EFFECTIVE i POLICY EXPlRA nON LIMITS LTR I DATE (MM/DDIYY) : DATE (MM/DD/YY) GENERAL LIABILITY GENERAL AGGREGATE I $ 2000000 -A X I COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY A 129965106 05/16/95 05/16/96 PRODUCTS - COMPIOP AGG I $ 2000000 I I CLAIMS MADE ! X I OCCUR Includes Broad Form PERSONAL & ADV INJURY I $ 1000000 ! OWNER'S & CONTRACTOR'S PROT Property Damage, XCU EACH OCCURRENCE I $ 1000000 ix Per Project FIRE DAMAGE (Anyone fire) I $ 50000 Aq9reqate Aeplies MED EXP (Anyone person) i $ 5000 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY X I ANY AUTO 129945812 05/16/95 05/16/96 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $ 1000000 B A I ALL OWNED AUTOS I I ! i SCHEDULED AUTOS I BODILY INJURY i $ ! (Per person) I I I X i HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY X I NON-OWNED AUTOS (Per accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE i GARAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY- EA ACCIDENT i $ I ANY AUTO OTHER THAN AUTO ONLY: U EACH ACCIDENT $ i I AGGREGATE I EXCESS L1ABIUTY EACH OCCURRENCE I $ 5000000 C X i UMBRELLA FORM 7973-78-50 05/16/95 05/16/96 AGGREGATE $5000000 OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM , $ -B WORKERS COMPeNSATION AND X I STATUTORY LIMITS EMPlOYERS' LIABILITY $ 500000 EACH ACCIDENT THE PROPRIETORI ! INCL I WC 1 29945826 05/16/95 05/16/96 DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $500000 P ARTNERS/EXECUTIVE OFFICERS ARE: I EXCL i DISEASE - EACH EMPLOYEE , $ 500000 OTHER )ESCRIPfION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONSNEHICLES/SPECIAL ITEMS Owners Contractor Protective Liability $600,000 Limit Effective 6-27-95/96. ~ity of Prior Lake and MSA Consulting Engineer are included as additional lonsureds. ~el: Ridqemont Avenue/Creekside Circle street Improvements and Trunk Highway 13 Industrial Park Storm Sewer Improvements. \:ERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION rt\4.-te-rI.C-ll~MOd\ F;tc:Lo~ ~ . PRIOCIl SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELlED~FORE THE fl.toF(,l~ EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF. THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL !flal! SA 1>11 MAil 30 DAYS WRITTEN NonCE TO THE CERTIRCATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT. City of Prior Lake 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. SE Prior Lake MN 55372 !:IV I I ..,,,-'IP'~ --.. Il 8"111 UITI8& a"... '''-88& ria iY'rr; -""ReF! 8R 1I Bll!.4Tlt _ j\CORD 25-S (3/93) l!W" ..,... ......... "--il "fl'i iir~f' uu rn - 8iUU an nIFFI!llfJif;l:,Jl.le. AUTHORIZEDRm~ ~ @ ACORD CORPORATION 1993 Bond No. 240311 DOCUMENT 00620 EORM OF PERFORMANCE BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that S.M, HentQes & Sons. Inc. 650 Ouaker Avenue. Suite 200 P.O. Box 200 Jordan. MN 55352 (Here insert the name and address or legal title of the CONTRACTOR) as Principal, hereinafter called CONTRACTOR, and Hartford Fire Insurance Company, Hartford Plaza, Hartford, CT 06115 (Here insert the legal title of Surety) as Surety, hereinafter called Surety, are held and firmly bond unto Citv of Prior Lake. 16200 Eag:le Creek Avenue S.E.. Prior Lake. MN 55372 (Here insert the name and address or legal title of the OWNER) Citv of Prior Lake , as Obligee, hereinafter called OWNER, in the amount of Dollars ($ 424.147.85 ) for the payment hereofCO~Il{ACTOR and Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, frrmly by these presents. WHEREAS, CO~l.KACTOR, has by written Agreement, dated June 19th 19 95 , entered into a contract with OWNER for Rid~mont A venue/Creekside Circle Street lmprove~ts and Jrunk Hi~hwav ULIndustriaI Park StOll]l Sewet.lnmrove~_s (Here insert full name and title) which contract is by reference made a part hereof, and is hereinafter referred to as the contract. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDIII0N OF THIS OBLIGATION is such that, if CONTRACTOR shall promptly and faithfully perform said contract, including warranties, guarantees, tests and inspections, corrections, removal or acceptance of defective Work provisions, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. a. The Surety hereby waives notice of any alteration or extension of time made by the O~bK. b. Whenever CO~ IKACTOR shall be, and declared by OWNbK to be in default under the contract, the OWNER having performed OWNER'S obligations thereunder, the Surety may promptly remedy the default, or shall promptly: 1. Complete the contract in accordance with its terms and conditions, or front 1 02.023 13 102.02.3-20 r 2. Obtain a Bid of Bids for submission to OWNER for completing the contract in accordance with its terms and conditions, and upon detennination by OWNER and Surety of the lowest responsible Bidder, arrange for a contract between such Bidder and OWN cl{, and make available as Work progresses (even though there should be a default or a succession of defaults under the contract or contracts of completion arranged under this paragraph) sufficient funds to pay the cost of completion less the balance of the Contract Price; but not exceeding, including other costs and damages for which the Surety may be liable hereunder, the amount set forth in the first paragraph hereof. The term "balance of the Contract Price" as used in this paragraph, shaH mean the total amount payable by OWNER to CONTRACTOR under the contract and any Written Amendments thereto, less the amount properly paid by OWNER to CONTRACTOR. c. Any suit under this Bond must be instituted before the expiration of two (2) years from the date on which final payment under the contract falls due. d. No right of action shall accrue on this Bond to or for the use of any person or corporation other than the O~.t.K named herein or the heirs, executors, administrators, or successors of OWNER. SIGNED AND SEALED this 19th day of June Inc. (SEAL) In the presence of: j(/.dJ /f )~/h~~ ( wr~~~~ - \YIU~_ /) ~ r C7 j/' (SEAL) ~artford Fire Insurance Com~~AL) Surety ( ~ U}(~1'v Carol WebsterTitle Attorney-in-Fact Countersigned by Attorney-in-fact frontl02.023 14 102~-20 ~m_ .__._.~.._... .. ....-_.'"._.--~.-...._. I Bond No. 240311 DOCUMENT 00610 FORM OF PAYMENj BOND KNOW ALL MEN: That we S.M. HentQes & Sons. Inc. 650 Ouaker Avenue. Suite 200 P.O, Box 200 Jordan. MN 55352 hereinafter called the Principal, and Hartford Fire Insurance Company Hartford Plaza, Hartford, CT 06115 and hereinafter called the Surety, or Sureties, are held and Citv of Prior L,ake. 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.l;.. Prior Lake. MN 55372 hereinafter called the OWNERS, and to such persons, fIrmS and corporations who may furnish Materials for, or perform labor on the Work, building, or improvements, contemplated in the contract hereinafter mentioned in the sum of: four hundred tweotv-fouLthousand One hundred furtv-seveu and 85QOO Dollars ($ 424.147.85 ) for the payment whereof the Principal and Surety, or Sureties, bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, frrmly by these presents: WHEREAS, the Principal has by means of written Agreement dated June l2.th entered into a contract with the OWNER for: , 19 95 Rjdgemont Aveuue/Creets.ide C~e Street ItDwove~t~ and Trunk Hi2hwav 13Il.ndu~LI~al Park .StoIlD...Sewer Improvements A copy of which Agreement is by reference made a part hereof. NOW, THEREFORE, the conditions of this obligation are such that if the Principal shall faithfully perform the contract on his part, and satisfy all claims and demands incurred for the frontlO2.023 15 102-023-20 I same and shall fully indemnify and save harmless the OWNER from all costs and damage during which he may suffer by reason of failure so to do and shall fully reimburse and repay the O~.tJ{ all outlay and expense which the O~.t=.K may incUr in making good any such default and shall promptly make payment to all persons supplying labor or material for. use in the prosecution of the Work provided for in such contract, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect: AND PROVIDED, that any alterations which may be made in the terms of the contract, or in the Work to be done under it, or the giving by the OWNER of any extension of time for the performance of the contract, or any other forbearance on the part of either the OWNER or the Principal to the other shall not in any way release the Principal and the Surety, or Sureties, or either or any of them, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns from their liability hereunder, notice to Surety, or Sureties, of any such alteration, extension or forbearance being hereby waived. This Bond is made for the use and benefit of all persons, frrms, and corporations who may furnish any material or perform any labor for or on account of said Work, building or improvements and they and each of them are hereby made Obilgees hereunder the same as if their own proper names were written herein as such, and they and each of them may sue herein. Signed and Sealed this 19th day of June ,19 95 In the presence of: tJth(d/k~ ~~ r U~ I) erL"" (:;/'/ ) ) nc · (SEAL) ) ) (SEAL) ) ) Hartford Fire Insurance Com~~ . t~ ) as to ) (!();W ~ Carol Webster, Attorney-in-Fact Countersigned by Attorney-in-fact from 1 02.Q23 16 102-023-20 _.- . -"".._-- - ..-... --'.""---- --"-,,. ---T""....-- ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF PRINCIPAL (Individual) STATE OF COUNTY OF 55.: On this .day of . in the year 19 , before me personally come(s) , to me known and known to me to be the person(s) who (is) (are) described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledge(s) to me that he executed the same. NOTARY PUBLIC ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF PRINCIPAL (Partnership) STATE OF COUNTY OF : } 55.: On this ,day of , in the year 19 . before me personally come(s) a member of the co-partnership of , to me known and known to me to be the person who is described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledges to me that he executed the same as and for the act and deed of the said co-partnership. NOTARY PUBLIC ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF PRINCIPAL (Corporation) STATE OF COUNTY OF 1YlAJ ~~++ } ss.: 19 ~ day of ~~ personally come(s) ~.el >f'.V\ yY\ \+1" ,^A,- <- ~ . .' to me known, who, bein~~by me duly sworn, deposes and says th~ he resides in the City of --~u K,n f.p.e that he is the ~'\~ ~ ~ A f? V'\.. -\- of the ~" fY) \ ~, '^-.+,:\p <-- + ~V\~ ~I"\C, the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows tFl! seal of the said corporation; that the seal affixed to the said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affix~~ t?y the _orger of t~e Board of Directors of said corporation", and that he signed his name'the.reto by like order.' (). I ,}~~';. DEI K. WILLIAMS j (/)j; /( /J // II ~~ ......,... NOTARY PUBLIC - at,. 'r .~. . Notary Public Minn..ota My COn'lA8~GWL:!1f:)~"'~~nOF SURETY .H#~"H''''H,,#'jJ.'.tI. ~ .. On this . ()C , in the year 19....7 . "") , before me STATE OF COUNTY OF Minnesota Hennepin ss.: On this 19th day of personally come(s) Carol Webster Attorney (s)-in-Fact of Hartford Fire Insurance Comnanv and who, being by me duly sworn, says that he reside(s) in Minnetonka. 11N that he is (are) the Attorney(s)-in-Fact of Hartford Fire In.sJJ'r.~T'\.C..e r.nmp:u,,~, ., the company described in and which executed the within instrument; that he know(s) the corporate seal of such Company; and that the seal affixed to the within instrument is such corporate seal and that it was affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Company, and tmbe ~igoer1':'~.,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,'~rney(s)-in-Fact of the said Company by like order. - ,p!",~~J~:,'~ NINA E WERST~iN -fl . "\ L. ,~,.c~~;.;. NOTARY PUCllC. MINNbOTA 1 C- \ ^,', +\:'(!l''{YJ: MY COMMISSION EXPIRES. vvvrA.... <> . L>J..J.. 1\ LlA, 0 ^"'"'"^ o..t~*~"... JANUARY 31, 2000 NOTARY PUBLIC " --, June , in the year 1995 ) before me with whom I am personally acquainted, F.9713 - 1/11 r......'..,-~- .' . HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Hartford, Connecticut POWER OF ATTORNEY Know all men by these Presents, That the HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut, and having its principal office in the City of Hartford, County of Hartford, State of Connecticut, does hereby make, constitute and appoint THOMAS G. KEMP, SC01T D. DRE~ ELDON UZ OWRE, NINA E. WERSTEIN, AR11lURJ. DORDEL IUld CAROL WEBSTER of MINNETONKA7 MINNESOTA its true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-Fact, with full power and authority to each of said Attorney(s)-in-Fact, in their separate capacity if more than one is named above, to sign, execute and acknowledge any and all bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof on behalf of the Company in its business of guaranteeing the fidelity of persons holding places of public or private trust guaranteeing the performance of contracts other than insurance policies; guaranteeing the performance of insurance contracts where surety bonds are accepted by states and municipalities, and executing or guaranteeing bonds and undertakings required or permitted in all actions or proceedings or by law allowed, and to bind the HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY thereby as fully and to the same extent as if such bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof were signed by an Executive Officer of the HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY and sealed and attested by one other of such Officers, and hereby ratifies and confirms all that its said Attorney(s)-in-Fact may do in pursuance hereof. This power of attorney is granted by and under authority of the following provisions: (1) By-Laws adopted by the Stockholders of the HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY at a meeting duly called and held on the 9th day of March, 1971. ARTICLE IV SECTION 8. The President or any Vice-President, acting with any Secretary or Assistant Secretary, shall have power and authority to appoint, for purposes only of executing and attesting bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, one or more Resident Vice Presidents, Resident Assistant Secretaries and Attorneys-in-Fact and at any time to remove any such Resident Vice-President, Resident Assistant Secretary, or Attorney-in- Fact, and revoke the power and authority given to him. SECTION 11. Attorneys-in-Fact shall have power and authority, subject to the terms and limitations of the power of attorney issued to them, to execute and deliver on behalf of the Cornpany and to attach the seal of the Company thereto any and all bonds and undertakings, and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and any such instrument executed by any such Attorney-in-Fact shall be as binding upon the Company as if signed by an Executive Officer and sealed and attested by one other of such Officers. This power of attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following Resolution adopted by the Directors of the HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY at a meeting duly called and held on the 12th day of February, 1993. Resolved, that the signatures of such Officers and the seal of the Company may be affixed to any such povver of attomey or to any certificate relating thereto by facsimile, and any such povver of attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signatures or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company and any such power so executed and certified by facsimile signatures and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company in the future with respect to any bond or undertaking to which it is attached. In Witness Whereof, the HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed by its Vice- President, and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, duly attested by its Secretary, this 19th day of October, 1994. HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Attest: ~tOL~ Richard R. Hennanson Secretary ~.~~ ,/ STATE OF CONNECTICUT \ COUNTY OF HARTFORD 55. Robert N. H. Sener Vice-President On this 19th day of October, A.D. 1994, before me personally came Robert N. H. Sener, to me known, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say: that he resides in the County of Hartford, State of Connecticut; that he is the Vice-President of the HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, the corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of the said corporation; that the seal affixed to the said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation and that he signed his name thereto by like order. ~+.::-_."!...o~+... ~ f" "OTAIt~\ ';. i .-. ! · \ #ttI8uc i. ~~: COUNTY OF HARTFORD ss. ()p..,~ #.UJ"3'1~t'~.L ~ Jean H_ Wozniak Notary Public My Commission Expires June 30, 1999 STATE OF CONNECTICUT , CERTIFICATE I, the undersigned, Secretary of the HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, a Connecticut Corporation, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing and attached POWER OF ATTORNEY remains in full force and has not been revoked; and furthermore, that the Resolutions of the Board of Directors, set forth in the Power of Attorney, are now in force. Signed and sealed at the City of Hartford. Dated the 19th day of June 19 95 Pi! L W- Robert L. Post Secretary Fonn 5-3507-9 (ifF) Printed in U.SA -........,...... NOTICE OF AWARD Dated June 19th , 19 95 TO: S.Mn Hmties & Sons. {pc, (Bidder) ADDRESS: S.M. HentQes & Sons. Inc, 650 Ouaker Avenue. Suite 200 P.O. Box 200 Jordan.a. MN 55352 OWNER'S PROJECT NO,: 93-01. 93-03. 95-01. & 95-02 PROJECT: :Rid Qemont Avenue/Creekside Circle Street Improvements and Trunk Hi~wav 13/Industria]. Park StOnT) Sewer Improvements OWNER'S CONTRACT NO.: 93-01. 93-03. 95-01. 95-02 CONTRACT FOR: RidQemont A venue/Creekside Circle Street Imnrovements and Trunk: Hi~hway 13/Industrial Park Storm Sewer Improvements (Insert name of Contract as it appears in the Bidding Documents) You are notified that your Bid dated June 12tb , 1995 ,for the above Contract has been considered. You are the apparent successful bidder and have been awarded the contract for Rid~emont Ave~/Creekside Circle Street IJIl.!lrovetylents and Trunl<" H~wav 1311ndustrial Park Storm Sewer Improvements (Indicate total Work, alternates or sections of Work awarded) The Contract Price of your contract is Four hundred twentv-four thousand One hundred fortv- $eveu...and 85/100 . Dollars ($ 424.147.85 ). Three copies of each of the proposed Contract Documents (except Drawings) accompany this Notice of Award. Three sets of the Drawings will be delivered separately or otherwise made available to you immediately. You must comply with the following conditions precedent within fifteen days of the date of this Notice of Award, that is by Julv 5th , 19 95 1. You must deliver to the OWNER three fully executed counterparts of the Agreement including all the Contract Documents. This includes the ~~I:'licate sets of Drawings. Each of the Contract Documents must bear your signature on (the cover) page. 2. You must deliver the executed Agreement the Contract Security (Bonds) as specified in the Information for Bidders, General Conditions (paragraph 22) and Supplementary Conditions (paragraph SC-22). frontl02.023 17 102-023-20 r 3. (List other conditions precedent). Award is contin~ent on - MnDOT cooperative aweement at'!>roval Easement acquisitiwlior lDdustrial Parle storm sewer Chan2,e Order for Industrial Park storm sewer reali~ent Failure to comply with these conditions within the time specified will entitle O~E.K to consider your bid abandoned, to annul this Notice of Award and to declare your Bid Security forfeited. Within ten days after you comply with those conditions, OWNER will return to you one fully signed counterpart of the Agreement with the Contract Documents attached. Citv of Prior Lake (Owner) By ,~ \!~~, (Authorized Si~ture) c(~ (TItle) 3 '{)\ (JJJ -A'l~ ~ ~ Copy to ENG~~~J.( (Use Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested) frontl02.023 18 102-023-20 NOTICE TO PROCEED Dated July 17tt; 19 95 TO: S.M. Hentges & Sons. Inc. (Bidder) ADDRESS: S.M. Hent~es & Sons. Inc. 650 Ouaker Avenue. Suite 200 P.O. Box 200 Jordan" MN 55352 OWNER'S PROJECT NO,: 93-01.93-03.95-01. & 95-02 PROJECT: ;RidQ'emont Avenue/Creekside Circle Street Improvements and Trunk H.i2hwav 13/Industml Park Sto11Jl Sewer Improve~nts OWNER'S CONTRACT NO.: 93-01. 93-03. 95-01. & 95-02 CONTRACT FOR: Ridf?emont Avenue/Creekside Circle Street Ill1Provements and Trunk Hh!hwav 13/Industrial Park Storm Sewer Imnrovements (Insert name of Contract as it appears in the Bidding Documents) You are notified that the Contract Time under the above contract will commence to run on July 17th , 19 95. By that date, you are to start performing your obligations under the Contract Documents. In accordance with Article 2 of the Agreement the dates of Substantial Completion and Final Completion are Sept. 14 , 19 95 and June 15 , 19 96 respectively. Before you may start and Work at the site, paragraph 21 of the General Conditions provides that you and the Owner must each deliver to the other (with copies to ENGINEER) Certificate of Insurance which each is required to purchase and maintain in accordance with the Contract Documents. Also before you may start any Work at the site, you must (add other requirements): Copy to ENGINEER (Use Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested) Citv of Priou..ake (Owner) ;1~\fu '\!~ 9M~&A' . . (Authorized Signature) r- rl: I ^~ ^ fY\ CALrY ~1 · (Title)'-^" U U front102.023 19 102-023-20 [" CHANGB ORDER. (Instructions on reverse side) No. .,....... . .....', II" ___,__ PROJECT: DATE OF ISSUANCE: OWNER: (Name, Address) CONTRACTOR: City of Prior Lake 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 OWNER's Project No. ENGINEER: MSA Consulting Engineers 1326 Energy Park Drive St. Paul, MN 55108 ENGINEER's Project No. CONTRACT FOR: You are directed to make the following changes in the Contract Documents. Description: Purpose of Change Order: Attachments: (List documents supporting change) -."~P _,." 11111.- III CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE: CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME: Original Contract Price Original Contract Time $ days or date Previous Change Orders No, to No. Net change from previous Change Orders $ days Contract Price prior to this Change Order Contract Time Prior to this Change Order $ days or date Net Increase (Decrease) of this Change Order Net Increase (Decrease) of this Change Order $ days Contract Price with all approved Change Orders Contract Time with all approved Change Orders $ days or date 1'1- I' ___,. _II.. '.'_._'11.- RECOMMENDED: APPROVED: APPROVED: By by by Engineer Owner Contractor EJCDC No. 1910-8-B {1983 Edition} _.II... __u... II _u . -.- '''._,- "- front 1 02.023 20 102-023-20 CHANGE ORDER INSTRUCTlQNS A. GENERAL INFORMATION This document was developed to provide a uniform format for handling contract changes that affect Contract Price or Contract Time. Changes that have been initiated by a Work Directive Change must be incorporated into a subsequent Change Order if they Affect Price or Time. Changes that affect Contract Price or Contract Time should be promptly covered by a Change Order. The practice of accumulating change order items to reduce the administrative burden may lead to unnecessary disputes. For supplemental instructions and minor changes not involving a Change in the Contract Price or Contract Time, a Field Order may be used. B. COMPLEll,NG THE CHANGE ORDER FORM Engineer initiates the fuuu, including a description of the changes involved and attachments based upon documents and proposals submitted by Contractor, or requests from Owner, or Both. Once Engineer has completed and signed the form, all copies should be sent to Contractor for approval. After approval by Contractor, all copies should be sent to Owner for approval. Engineer should make distribution of executed copies after approval by Owner. If a change only applies to price or to the time, cross out the part of the tabulation that does not apply. franU02.023 21 102-023-20 INSIKUCTIONS FOR FORM IC-134 Who should fIle? If you are a price contractor, a contractor, or a subcontractor who did work on a project for the state of Mitmesota or any of its local government subdivisions - such as a county, city or school district - you must file IC-134 with the Minnesota Department of Revenue This affidavit must be certified and returned before the state or any of its subdivisions can make final payment for your work, When to File? The IC-134 cannot be processed until you are finished with the work. Do not send the affidavit in for certification before the project is completed since it will only be returned to you unprocessed. If you are a subcontractor or sole contractor, file form IC-134 when you have completed your part of the project. If you are a prime contractor, file form IC-134 when the entire project is completed and you have received certified affidavits from all of your subcontractors. Where to File? Fill out form IC-134 and mail the original and one copy to: Minnesota Deparnnent of Revenue Business Trust Tax Section Mail Station 6610 St. Paul, MN 55146-6610 How to File? If you have fulfilled the requirements of the withholding tax laws of Minnesota, the Department of Revenue will sign your affidavit, keep the copy, and return the original to you. If any withholding payment are due to the state, Minnesota Law (M,S, 290.97) requires that payment must be made by only money order, cashiers check certified check, or cash. Take the certified affidavit to your prime contractor or to the governmental unit for which the work was done in order to receive your final payment frontl02.023 Minnesota tax identification number You must fill in your Minnesota tax identification number on the form. You must have a Minnesota tax ID number if you have employees who work in Mitmesota. If you need a number, get form MBA, Application for Tax Identification Number, and file it with the Mitmesota Deparnnent of Revenue. To get form MBA, call 296- 3781 from the Twin Cities area or 1-800-652-9094 from elsewhere in Minnesota, or write to Minnesota Tax Forms, Mail Station 7131, St. Paul, MN 55146-7131. You do not need a Minnesota identification number if you have no employees and did all the work yourself. If this is the case, fill in your Social Security number in the place for Minnesota ID number and explain who did the work. Are you a prime contractor and a subcontractor on the same project? If you are a subcontractor who was hired to do work on a project and you subcontract all or a part of your portion of the project to another contractor, you become a prime contractor as well. If this is the case, fill out both the subcontractor and prime contractor areas of a single form. Use of information The Department of Revenue needs all the information, except your phone number, to determine whether you have met all state income tax withholding requirements, If all required information is not provided, the IC-134 will be returned to you for completion. All information on this affidavit is guaranteed private by state law. It cannot be given to others without your permission, except to the Internal Revenue Service, other states that guarantee that it will be kept private, and certain state or county agencies. If you need help or additional information to fill out this form, call 296-6181 in the Twin Cities, From elsewhere in Mitmesota and from outside the state, call (toll-free) 1- 800-657-3777. 22 102-023-20 r . Form IC-134 Rev. 9/89 Minnesota Department of Revenue Withholding Affidavit for Contractors This Affidavit must be approved by the Minnesota Department of Revenue before the State of Minnesota or any of its subdivisions can make final payment to Contractors. Company Name Minnesota ID Number Address MonthlY ear Work Began City State Zip Code MonthlYear Work Ended Total Contract Amount: Telephone Number ( ) Amount Still Due: Did you have employees work on this project? If non, explain who did the work: Project Number: Project Location: Project Owner: Address Check the box that describes your involvement in the project and fill in all information requested in that category: o Sole Contractor o Subcontractor If you are a subcontractor, fill in the name and address of the contractor that hired you. o Prime Contractor If you subcontracted out any work on this project, all of your subcontractors must file their own IC-l34 affidavits and have them certified by the Department of Revenue before you can file your affidavit, For each subcontractor you had, fill in the business information below, and attach a copy of each subcontractor's certified IC-134, (If you need more space, attach a separate sheet) Business Name Address Owner/Officer I declare that all information I have filled in on this form is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. I authorize the Departtnent of Revenue to disclose peninent information relating to this project. including sending copies of this form to the prime contractor if I am a subcontractor. and to any subcontractor If I am a prime c.....~..ctor. and to the c...... ..cting agency. Co".." ..lIr'S signalun: Tide Date For certification. mail to: Minnesota Department of Revenue. Business Trust Tax Section Mail Station 6610. St. Paul. MN 55146-6610 Certificate of Compliance with Minnesota Income Tax Withholding Law Based on records of the Minnesota Deparnnent of Revenue. I certify that the Contractor who has signed this certificate has fulf1lled all the requL~&&&~u..l. of Mi._...~ta Statutes 290.92 and 290.97 concerning the withholding of Minnesota income tax from wages paid to employees relating to contract services with the State of Minnesota and or its subdivisions. SigDlhlre of at.,.. . . ..,.J 0epIInment of Revenue offICial Date front 1 02.023 23 102-023-20 CERTJ.t41CATh OF SUBSTAAT1AL COMPLETION OWNER's Project No. 93-01.93-03.95-01. & 95-02 ENG~bhK's Project No. .lQ2-043-2Q Project :Rid~montA ve~eekside Circle Street lruwove~ts and Tnlnk HUhwav13LIDdustria]. Par}( StOTID Sewer Inmr(lve~ CONTRACTOR S.M. He~es & So~nc. Contract For Contract Date June 19th. 1995 This Certificate of Substantial Completion applies to all Work under the Contract Documents or to the following specified parts thereof: To City of Prior Lake. Minnesota OWNER And To CONTRACTOR The Work to which this Certificate applies has been inspected by authorized representatives of O~.hl{, CO~ lKACTOR, and ENG~hJ:il{, and that Work is hereby declared to be substantially complete in accordance with the Contract Documents on DATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION A tentative list of items to be completed or corrected is attached hereto. This list may not be all- inclusive, and the failure to include an item in it does not alter the responsibility of CO~ rAACTOR to co~lete all the Work in accordance with the Couhact Documents. The items in the tentative list shall be completed or cOu-=-cted by CO~ 1 KACTOR within days of the above date of Substantial Completion EJCDC No. 1910-8-D (1983 Edition) F,w,,"'wJ by the Engi~ww.w' Joint c.,.... ..._ Documents Committee: and endorsed by The Associated Ow~w..J Contractors of America, frontl02.023 24 Im~w/ The responsibilities between O~.h.K and CO~ 1 KACTOR for security, operation, safety, maintenance, heat, utilities, insurance and' warranties shall be as follows:. RESPONsmILITlliS: OWNER CONTRACTOR The following documents are attached to and made a part of this Certificate: This certificate does not constitute an acceptance of Work not in accordance with the Contract Documents nor is it a release of CONTRACTOR's obligation to complete the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. Executed by ENGINEER on , 19 MSA Consultinll En~ineers ENGINEER BY CONTRACTOR accepts this certificate of Substantial Completion on , 19 S.M. IWlt&es & SoIlLlPc. CONTRACI'OR BY OWNER accepts this Certificate of Substantial Completion on , 19 Citv of Prior Lake. Minnesota. OWNER BY fronll02.023 25 Im~w / CO~TKACTOR'S ~'f41lJAvIT State of Minnesota Date: The County of The City of of (Officer's name and title) (Contractor's name) has furnished all labor and material entering into the project for " (Owner). (Officer' s name) for such labor and materials which have entered into and become part of that certain project known and designated above, and he further disposes and says that all debts and other obligations for such labor and materials have been fully and completely paid for in good and lawful money of the United States of American and that there are no suits for damages against them proceeding, prospective or otherwise, in consequence of their operations on the above said project. , states further that he has full knowledge of all obligations The said ,will hold the Owners, , blameless of any and all Mechanic's Liens that may be hereafter entered or filed for record, so as to constitute charge against said premises for work or labor done or materials furnished by them. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, he has heretofore put his hand and seal. SEAL (Officer' s name) I, " Notary Public in and for the above named County and State do hereby certify that , personally known to me to be the affiant in the foregoing affidavit, personally appeared before me this day, and, having been duly sworn, deposes and say that the facts set forth in the above affidavit are true and correct. VI 11 NESS my hand and seal this day of " 19_. , my commission expires frantlOl.023 26 SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL CONDITIONS 19. PAYMENT TO CONTRACTOR 19.1 The Owner shall retain an amount equal to 5 % of the contract amount rather than 10% as stated in the General Conditions. 21. INSIJRANCE 21.3 CONTRACTOR's Liability Insurance The CONTRACTOR shall indemnify and hold harmless the OWNER and the ENGINEER against liability, claims, and lawsuits of any kind, arising directly or indirectly from any act of the CONTRACTOR, its agents, suppliers, employees, or Subcontractors in the course of the Work. The CONTRACTOR shall not commence work under this contract until he has obtained all insurance required herein and such insurance has been approved by the OWNER. All such insurance contracts shall be maintained throughout the life of this contract and shall be evidenced by carrier's certificates filed with the ENGINEER. The CONTRACTOR shall not allow any Subcontractor to commence work on his subcontract until such Subcontractor has obtained satisfactory insurance coverage as to compensation, public liability, property damage, and automobile insurance. 21.3.1 Automobile Insurance. The CONTRACTOR shall take out and maintain during the life of the cOJ.tL.act, Comprehensive Automobile Public Liability Insurance on all automotive equipment owned, rented, or borrowed by the CO~TKACTOR or any Subcontractor with respect to the work, in the minimum amount of $500,000.00 for injuries including accidental death to anyone person and $1,000,000.00 for injuries including death resulting from anyone accident. This policy must also provide $500,000.00 Property Damage coverage. Contractual Liabilitv Insurance Public Liahilitv aud Pro!>frtv Dama~~1Jl"allce. The CONTRACTOR shall take out and maintain during the life of this contract such Comprehensive Public Liability Insurance, Property Damage Insurance, and CONTRACTOR's Contingent or Protective Insurance as shall protect him and any Subcontractors performing work covered by this contract from claims for damages for personal injury, including death, as well as from claims for property damages which may arise from operations under this contract, whether such operations are by himself or by any Subcontractor or by anyone directly or indirectly \':-llJ.ployed by either of them, and the amounts of such insurance shall be as follows: SPEC-102.023 SUPGC-l 102-023-20 Public Liability Insurance in an amount of not less than $500,000.00 for injuries, including accidental death of anyone person, and subject to the same limits for each person, in an amount of not less than $1,000,000.00 on account of each occurrence, and Property Damage Insurance in an amount of not less than $500,000.00 for each occurrence and $500,000.00 aggregate amount. In addition, the CONTRACTOR shall provide a $2,000,000.00 umbrella clause. 21.4 Comnensation Insurance The CO:NTKACTOR shall maintain such insurance as will protect him from claims under workmen's compensation acts, and from any other claims for damages for personal injury, including death, which may arise from operations under this contract, whether such operations be by himself or by any Subcontractor or anyone directly or indirectly t-J.ullloyed by either of them. 21.5 Fire Insurance and Extended Coveraf!e The CONTRACTOR shall carry fIre and extended coverage insurance including also vandalism and malicious coverage on the work included in this contract from the beginning of the work until fmal acceptance of the completed project. The policies shall cover all work incorporated in the project and all materials for same on or about the premises. The OWNER, ENGINEER, CONTRACTOR, and all Subcontractors shall be named as co- insured as their respective interests may appear. Use the "Complete Value" form. The fIre insurance need not be furnished provided the CO:NTKACTOR does not ask for payments of material stored on the site. If the CO:NrKACTOR expects to receive payment for material stored on the site, then he must carry fIre insurance and extended coverage in the amount of 60 % of the contract in order that insurance protection will be provided against vandalism and malicious mischief. 21.6 OWNER's Liabilitv Insurance OW:Nhf{'s Protective Continf!ent Liabilitv Insurance. The CO:N lKACTOR shall take out and maintain during the life of the contract, in a company or companies approved by the ENGINEER, OWNER's Protective Contingent Liability Insurance with the OWNER as named insured and with the ENGINEER as an additional named insured and in amounts as specified for CO:NrKACTOR's Liability Insurance including the umbrella clause, for personal injury, including death, and for property damage which shall be provided and paid for by the CONTRACTOR. The policy shall be delivered to the OWNER after its approval by the ENGINEER. SPEC-I02.023 SUPGC-2 102-023-20 21.7 Certificate of Insurance Reauirements The Certificate of Insurance shall list the name of the project, and include the owner as insured. The owner must be notified in writing, 30 days in advance of cancellation of the policy. 28. LAND AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY 28.1 If the Contractor believes that there has been a delay in the Owner~s furnishing the rights- of-way, easements, or permits, the Contractor's sole remedy shall be an extension of contract time for which the Contractor may make a claim as provided in Section 15. SPEC-102.023 SUPGC-3 102-023-20 ('I'HIS PAGE WAS IN'I'EN'I'IONALL Y LEftI' BLANK) G~~ CONDJ..l.lONS 1. D.efinitions 2. Additional Instructions and Detail Drawings 3. Schedules, Reports, and Records 4. Drawings and Specifications 5. Shop Drawings 6. Materials, Services and Facilities 7. Inspection and Testing 8. Substitutions 9. Patents 10. Surveys, Permits, Regulations 11. Protection of Work, Property, Persons 12. Supervision by Contractor 13. Changes in the Work 14. Changes in Contract Price 15. Time for Completion and Liquidated Damages 16. Correction of Work 17. Subsurface Conditions 18. Suspension of Work, Tennination, and Delay 19. Payments to Contractor 20. Acceptance of Final Payment as Release 21. Insurance 22. ContractSecuri~ 23. Assignments 24. Indemnification 25. Separate Contracts 26. Subcontracting 27. Engineer' s Authori~ 28. Land and Rights-Of-Way 29. Guarantee 30. Arbitration 31. Taxes 1. DE.r U\Jl 1 IONS 1.1 Wherever used in the Contract Documents, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated, and shall be applicable to both the singular and plural thereof: 1.2 ADDENDA - Written or graphic instruments issued prior to the execution of the Agreement which modify and interpret the Contract Documents, Drawings, and Specifications, by additions, deletions, clarifications, or corrections. 1.3 BID - The offer or proposal of the Bidder submitted on the prescribed form setting forth the prices for the work to be performed. 1.4 BIDD.tR - Any person, firm or corporation submitting a Bid for the work. 1.5 BONDS - Bid, Performance and Payment Bonds and other instruments of sure~, furnished by the Contractor and the Contractor's surety in accordance with the Contract Documents. 1.6 LttANGE ORD.u< - A written order to the Contractor authorizing an addition, deletion, or revision in the work within the general scope of the Contract Documents, or authorizing an adjustment in the contract price or contract time. 1.7 CO~ lKALl DOmJLl~ - The Contract, including Advertisement for Bids, Information for Bidders, Bid, Bid Bond, Agreement, Payment Bond, Performance Bond, Notice of Award, Notice to Proceed, Change Order, Drawings, Specifications, and Addenda. JANUARY, 1993 GC-l T , 1.8 CO~J.KACT PRICE - The total monies payable to the Contractor under the tenns and conditions of the Contract Documents. 1.9 CO~ lKACT J.lldE - The number of calendar days stated in the Contract Documents tor the completion of the work. 1.10 CO~ I.KACTOR - The person, firm, or corporation with whom the Owner has executed the Agreement. 1.11 DRA WINGS - The parts of the Contract Documents which show the characteristics and SCv'p~ of the work to be performed and which have been prepared or approved by the Engineer. May also be designated as "PLANS". 1.12 ENGINE.t..K - The person, firm, or corporation named as such in the Contract Documents. 1.13 .t.i.tJLD ORDER - A written order effecting a change in the work not involving an adjustment in the contract price or an extension of the contract time, issued by the Engineer to the Contractor during construction. 1.14 NOTILE OF AWARD - The written notice of the acceptance of the Bid from the Owner to the successful Bidder. 1.15 NOTICE TO .t'KOL~ - Written communication issued by the Owner to the Contractor authorizing him/her to proceed with the work and establishing the date for commencement of the work. 1.16 O~.t.J.{ - A public or quasi-public body or authority, corporation, association, partnership, or an individual for whom the work is to be performed. 1.17 PROJECT - The undertaking to be performed as provided in the Contract Documents. 1.18 RESIDENT PROJELl ~KESENTAll VE - The authorized J.~J:1J.~tative of the Owner who is assigned to the project site or any part thereof. 1.19 SHOP DRAWINGS - All drawings, diagrams, illustration, brochures, schedules, and other data which are pJ.~.1Jared by the Contractor, a subcontractor, manufacturer, supplier or distributor, which illustrate how specific portions of the work shall be fabricated or installed. 1.20 S.t'~l;U ICA nONS - A part of the Contract Documents consisting of written descriptions of a technical nature of materials, equipment, construction systems, standards, and workmanship. 1.21 SUBCO~l.KACTOR - An individual, frrm, or corporation having a direct contract with Contractor or with any other subcontractor for the performance of a part of the work at the site. 1.22 SUBSTMT.1AL COMPLETION - That date certified by the Engineer when the construction of the Project or a specified part thereof is sufficiently completed, in accordance with JANUARY, 1993 GC-2 the Contract Documents, so that the Project or specified part can be utilized for the purposes for which it is intended. 1.23 Su.rxLEMENTAL GTh.tKAL COND.l.l.lONS - Modifications andlor additions to the General Conditions or such requirements that may be imposed by applicable state laws. 1.24 SlJrr~ - Any person or u.lcanization who supplies materials or equipment for the work, including the fabricated special design, but who does not perform labor at the site. 1.25 WORK - All labor necessary to produce the construction required by the Contract Documents, and all materials and equipment incorporated or to be incorporated in the Project. 1.26 WR1.l1.t..l~ NOTICE - Any notice to any party of the Ac.l~ment relative to any part of this Agreement in writing and considered delivered and the service thereof completed, when posted by certified or registered mail to the said party at their last given address, or delivered in person to said party or their authorized representative on the work. 2. ADD.l.l.lONAL INS 1 KUCTIONS AND DETAIL DRAWINGS 2.1 The Contractor may be furnished additional instructions and detail drawings, by the Engineer, as necessary to carry out the work required by the Contract Documents. 2.2 The additional drawings and instructions thus supplied will become a part of the Contract Documents. The Contractor shall carry out the work in accordance with the additional detail drawings and instructions. 3. SCl1.tVULES, REPORTS AND RECORDS 3.1 The Contractor shall submit to the Owner such schedule of quantities and costs, progress schedules, payrolls, reports, estimates, records and other data where applicable, as are required by the Contract Documents for the work to be performed. 3.2 Prior to the first partial payment estimate, the Contractor shall submit construction progress schedules showing the order in which the Contractor proposes to carry on the work, including dates at which the various parts of the work will be started, estimated date of completion of each part, and, as applicable: 3.2.1 The dates at which special detail drawings will be required; and 3.2.2 Respective dates for submission of shop drawings, the beginning of manufacture, the testing and the installation of materials, supplies, and equipment. 3.3 The Contractor shall also submit a schedule of payments that the Contractor anticipates will be earned during the course of the work. JANUARY. 1993 GC-3 I 4. DRAWINGS AND Srl!.CuICATIONS 4.1 The. intent of the drawings and specifications is that the Contractor shall furnish all labor , materials, tools, equipment, and transportation necessary for the proper execution of the work in accordance with the Contract Documents and all incidental work necessary to complete the Project in an acceptable manner, ready for use, occupancy or operation by the Owner. 4.2 In case of conflict between the drawings and specifications, the specifications shall gOV~.ul. Figure dimensions on drawings shall govern over general drawings. 4.3 Any di~l~~cies found between the drawings and specifications and site conditions or any inconsistencies or ambiguities in the drawings or specifications shall be immediately reported to the Engineer, in writing, who shall promptly correct such inconsistencies or ambiguities in writing. Work done by the Contractor after discovery of such discrepancies, inconsistencies or ambiguities shall be done at the Contractor's risk. 5. SHOP DRAWINGS 5.1 The Contractor shall provide shop drawings as may be necessary for the prosecution of the work as required by the Contract Documents. The Engineer shall promptly review all shop drawings. The Engineer's approval of any shop drawing shall not release the Contractor from responsibility for deviations from the Contract Documents. The approval of any shop drawing which substantially deviates from the Contract Documents shall be evidenced by a Change Order. 5.2 When submitted for the Engineer's review, shop drawings shall bear the Contractor's certification that he has reviewed, checked and approved the shop drawings, and that they are in conformance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. 5.3 Portions of the work requiring a shop drawing or sample submission shall not begin until the shop drawing or submission has been approved by the Engineer. A copy of each approved shop drawing and each approved sample shall be kept in good order by the Contractor at the site and shall be available to the Engineer. 6. MAl.tlUALS, SERVICES, AND FACILIIJ..tS 6.1 It is understood that, except as otherwise specifically stated in the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall provide and pay for all materials, labor, tools, equipment, water, light, power, transportation, supervision, temporary construction of any nature, and all other services and facilities of any nature whatsoever necessary to execute, complete, and deliver the work within the specified time. 6.2 Materials and equipment shall be so stored as to insure the preservation of their quality and fitness for the work. Stored materials and equipment to be incorporated in the work shall be located so as to facilitate prompt inspection. JANUARY, 1993 GC-4 6.3 Manufactured articles, materials, and equipment shall be applied, installed, connected, erected, used, cleaned and conditioned as directed by the manufactuj,~A. 6.4 Materials, supplies, and equipment shall be in accordance with samples submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer. 6.5 Materials, sUr'}Jlies, or equipment to be incorporated into the work shall not be purchased by the Contractor or subcontractor subject to a chattel mortgage or under a conditional sale contract or other agreement by which an interest is retained by the seller. 7. INSPECTION AND 'l~lli~G 7.1 All materials and equipment used in the construction of the Project shall be subject to adequate inspection and testing in accordance with generally accepted standards, as required and defined in the Contract Documents. 7.2 The Owner shall provide all inspection and testing services not required by the Contract Documents. 7.3 The Contractor shall provide at the Contractor's expense, the testing and inspection services required by the Contract Documents. 7.4 If the Contract Documents, laws, ordinances, rules, regulations or orders of any public authority having jurisdiction require any work to specifically be inspected, tested, or approved by someone other than the Contractor, the Contractor will give the Engineer timely notice of readiness. The Contractor will then furnish the Engineer the required certificates, testing, or approval. 7.5 Inspections, tests, or approvals by the Engineer or others shall not relieve the Contractor from the obligations to perform the work in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. 7.6 The Engineer and the Engineer's representatives will at all times have access to the work. In addition, authorized ~\:"}lresentati.ves and agents of any participating federal or state agency shall be permitted to inspect all work, materials, payrolls, records of personnel, invoices of materials, and other relevant data and ~~rds. The Contractor will provide proper facilities for such access and observation of the work and also for any inspection or testing thereof. 7.7 If any work is covered contrary to the written instructions of the Engin"''''A, it must, if requested by the Engineer, be uncovered for the Engineer's observation and replaced at the Contractor's expense. 7.8 If the Engineer considers it necessary or advisable that covered work be inspected or tested by others, the Contractor, at the Engineer's request, will uncover, expose or otherwise make available for observation, inspection or testing as the Engineer may require, that portion of the JANUARY, 1993 GC-5 work in question, furnishing all necessary labor, materials, tools, and equipment. If it is found that such work is defective, the Contractor will bear all ~Apenses of such uncovering, exposure, observati~n, inspection and testing and of satisfactory recon.)L...lction; if, however, such work is not found to be defective, the Contractor will be allowed an increase in the contract price or an extension of the contract time, or both, directly .attributable to such uncovering, expos,","" observation, inspection, testing and reconstruction and an appropriate Change Order shall be issued. 8. SUBS.lIIUTIONS 8.1 Whenever a material, article, or piece of equipment is identified on the drawings or specifications by reference to brand name or catalogue numbers, it shall be understood that this is referenced for the purpose of defming the performance or other salient requirements and that other products of equal capacities, quality and functions shall be considered. The Contractor may recommend the substitution of a material, article, or piece of equipment of equal substance and function for those referred to in the Contract Documents by reference to brand name or catalogue number, and if, in the opinion of the Engineer, such material, article, or piece of equipment is of equal substance and function to the specified, the Engineer may approve its substitution and use by the Contractor. Any cost differential shall be deductible from the contract price and the Contract Documents shall be appropriately modified by Change Order. The Contractor warrants that if substitutes are approved, no major changes in the function or general design of the project will result. Incidental changes or extra component parts required to accommodate the substitute will be made by the Contractor without a change in the contract price or contract time. 9. PAl.t.NTS 9.1 The Contractor shall pay all applicable royalties and license fees, and shall defend all suits or claims for infringement of any patent rights and save the Owner harmless from loss on account thereof, except that the Owner shall be responsible for such loss unless the Contractor promptly gives such infonnation to the Engineer. 10. SURVEYS, PERl\'uIS, REGULATIONS 10.1 The Owner shall furnish all boundary surveys and establish all base lines for locating the principal component parts of the work together with a suitable number of bench marks adjacent to the work as shown in the Contract Documents. 10.2 The Contractor shall carefully preserve bench marks, reference points and stakes, and, in case of willful or careless destruction, shall be charged with the resulting expense and shall be responsible for any mistake that may be caused by their unnecessary loss or disturbance. 10.3 Permits and licenses of a temporary nature necessary for the prosecution of the work shall be secured and paid for by the Contractor unless otherwise stated in the Supplemental General JANUARY. 1993 GC-6 Conditions. Permits, licenses, and easements for JX..uuanent structures or ~uuanent changes in existing facilities shall be secured and paid for by the Owner, unless otherwise specified. The Contractor shall give all notices and comply with all laws, ordinances, rules and regulations bearing on the conduct of the work as drawn and specified. If the Contractor observes that the Contract Documents are at variance therewith, the Cpntractor shall promptly notify the Engineer in writing, and any necessary changes shall be adjusted as provided in Section 13, Changes In The Work. 11. PROl,t;CTION OF WORK, PROJ:'~TY, AND J:'~ONS 11.1 The Contractor will be responsible for initiating, maintaining and supervising all safety precautions and programs in connection with the work. The Contractor will take all necessary precautions for the safety of and will provide the necessary protection to prevent damage, injury or loss to all employees on the work and other persons who may be affected thereby, all the work and all materials or equipment to be incorporated therein, whether in storage on or off the site, and other property at the site or adjacent thereto, including trees, shrubs, lawns, walks, pavements, roadways, structures and utilities not designated for removal, relocation, or replacement in the course of construction. 11.2 The Contractor will comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and orders of any public body having jurisdiction. The Contractor will erect and maintain, as required by the conditions and progress of the work, all necessary safeguards for safety and protection. The Contractor will notify owners of adjacent utilities when prosecution of the work may affect them. The Contractor will remedy all damage, injury or loss to any property caused, directly or indirectly, in whole or part, by the Contractor, any subcontractor or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or anyone of whose acts any of them be liable, except damage or loss attributable to the fault of the Contract Documents or to the acts or omissions of the Owner, of the Engineer, or anyone employed by either of them or anyone for whose acts either of them may be liable, and not attributable, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, to the fault or negligence of the Contractor. 11.3 In emergencies affecting the safety of persons or the work or property at the site or adjacent thereto, the Contractor, without special instructions or authorization from the Engineer or Owner, shall act to prevent threatened damage, injury or loss. The Contractor will give the Engineer prompt written notice of any significant changes in the work or deviations from the Contract Documents caused thereby, and a Change Order shall thereupon be issued covering the changes and deviations involved. 11.4 In order to protect the lives and health of its employees under the Contract, the Contractor shall comply with all pertinent provisions of the "Manual of Accident Prevention in Construction It issued by the Associated General Contractors of America, Inc., and shall maintain an accurate record of all cases of death, occupational disease, and injury requiring medical attention or causing loss of time from work, arising out of and in the course of employment of work under the Contract. JANUARY, 1993 GC-7 11.5 The Contractor alone shall be responsible for the safety, efficiency, and adequacy oflts plant, appliances, and methods, and for any damage which may result from their failure of their improper, construction, maintenance, or operation. 12. SUPERVISION BY CO~ l.a.<ACTOR 12.1 The Contractor shall supervise and direct the work. He will be solely responsible for the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of construction. The Contractor will employ and maintain on the work a qualified supervisor or superintendent who shall have been designated in writing by the Contractor as the Contractor's representative at the site. The supervisor shall have full authority to act on behalf of the Contractor and all communications given to the supervisor shall be as binding as if given to the Contractor. The supervisor shall be present on the site at all times as required to perfVJ.1ll adequate supervision and coordination of the work. 13. CHANGES IN Tt1~ WORK 13.1 The Owner may at any time, as the need arises, order changes within the scope of the work without invalidating the Agreement. If such changes increase or decrease the amount due under the Contract Documents, or the time required for performance of the work, an equitable adjustment shall be authorized by Change Order. 13.2 The Engineer, also, may at any time, by issuing a Field Order, make changes in the details of the work. The Contractor shall proceed with the performance of any changes in the work so ordered by the Engineer unless the Contractor believes that such field order entitles the Contractor to a change in contract price or time, or both, in which event the Contractor shall give the Engineer written notice thereof within seven (7) days after the receipt of the ordered change. Thereafter, the Contractor shall document the basis for the change in contract price or time within thirty (30) days. The Contractor shall not execute such changes pending the receipt of an executed Change Order or further instruction from the Owner. 14. CHANGES IN CO~T1<ACT PRICE 14.1 The contract price may be changed only by a Change Order. The value of any work covered by a Change Order or of any claim for increase or decrease in the contract price shall be determined by one or more of the following methods in the order of precedence listed below: a) Unit prices previously approved b) An agreed lump sum 14.2 The contract Change Order will include extra work, work for which quantities have been al tered from those shown in the bidding schedule, as well as decreases or increases in the quantities of installed units which are different than those shown in the bidding schedule because JANUARY. 1993 GC-8 of final measurements. All changes should be recorded on a Change Order as they occur so that they may be included in the partial payment estimate. 15. 11lvIE FOR COMPLETION AND LIQ1JllJAIW DAMAGES 15.1 The date of beginning and the time for completion of the work are essential conditions of the Contract Documents, and the work embraced shall be commenced on the date specified in the Notice to Proceed. 15.2 The Contractor will proceed with the work at such rate of progress to insure full completion within the contract time. It is expressly understood and agreed, by and between the Contractor and the Owner, that the contract time for the completion of the work described h".l\;"in is a reasonable time, taking into consideration the average climatic and economic conditions and other factors prevailing in the locality of the work. 15.3 If the Contractor shall fail to complete the work within the contract time, or extension of time granted by the Owner, then the Contractor will pay to the Owner the amount for liquidated damages as specified in the Bid for each calendar day that the Contractor shall be in default after the time stipulated in the Contract Documents. 15.4 The Contractor shall not be charged with liquidated damages or any excess cost when the delay in completion of the work is due to the following, and the Contractor has promptly given written notice of such delay to the Owner or Engineer. 15.4.1 To any preference, priority or allocation order duly issued by the Owner. 15.4.2 To unforeseeable causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Contractor, including but not restricted to acts of God, or of the public enemy, acts of the Owner, acts of another Contractor in the performance of a contract with the Owner, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes, freight embargoes, and abnormal and unforeseeable weather. 15.4.3 To any delays of subcontractors occasioned by any of the causes specified in para:;14phs 15.4.1 and 15.4.2 of this article. 16. CORRECTION OF WORK 16.1 The Contractor shall promptly remove from the premises all work rejected by the Engineer for failure to comply with the Contract Documents whether incorporated in the construction or not, and the Contractor shall promptly replace and re-execute the work in accordance with the Contract Documents and without expense to the Owner and shall bear the expense of making good all work of other Contractors destroyed or damaged by such removal or .l"placement. 16.2 All removal and replacement work shall be done at the Contractor's expense. If the Contractor does not take action to remove such rejected work within ten (10) days after receipt JANUARY, 1993 GC-9 "I of written notice, the Owner may remove such work and store the materials at the ~A~nse of the Contractor. 17. SUBSURFACE CONDIIIONS 17.1 The Contractor shall promptly, and before such conditions are disturbed except in the event of an emergency, notify the Owner by written notice of: 17.1.1 Subsurface or latent physical conditions at the site differing materially from those indicated in the Contract Documents, or 17.1.2 Unlmown physical conditions at the site, of an unusual nature, differing materially from those ordinarily encountered and generally recognized as inherent in work of the character provided for in the Contract Documents. 17.2 The Owner shall promptly investigate the conditions, and if it is found that such conditions do so materially differ and cause an increase or decrease in the cost of, or in the time required for, performance of the work, an equitable adjustment shall be made and the Contract Documents shall be modified by a Change Order. Any claim of the Contractor for adjustment hereunder shall not be allowed unless the required written notice has been given; provided that the Owner may, if the Owner determines the facts to justify; consider and adjust any such claims asserted before the date of final payment. 18. SUSPENSION OF WORK, T.tRMINATION, AND DELAY 18. 1 The Owner may suspend the work or any portion thereof for a period of not more than ninety (90) days or such further time as agreed upon by the Contractor, by written notice to the Contractor and the Engineer which shall fix the date on which work shall be resumed. The Contractor will resume that work on the date so fiXed. The Contractor will be allowed an increase in the contract price or an extension of the contract time, or both, directly attributable to any suspension. 18.2 If the Contractor is adjudged bankrupt or insolvent, or makes a general assignment for the benefit of its creditors, or if a trustee or receiver is appointed for the Contractor or for any of its P1U~rty, or if Contractor files a petition to take advantage of any debtor's act, or to reorganize under the bankruptcy or applicable laws, or repeatedly fails to supply sufficient skilled workers or suitable materials or equipment, or lc..yeatedly fails to make prompt payments to subcontractors or for labor, materials or equipment, or disregards laws, ordinances, rules, regulations or orders of any public body having jurisdiction of the work, or disregards the authority of the Engineer, or otherwise violates any provision of the Contract Documents, then the Owner may, without prejudice to any other right or remedy and after giving the Contractor and its surety a minimum of ten (10) days from delivery of a written notice, terminate the services of the Contractor and take possession of the project and of all materials, equipment, tools, construction equipment and machinery th~~~1l owned by the Contractor, and finish the work by whatever method the Owner JANUARY, 1993 GC-IO may deem expedient. In such case, the Contractor shall not be entitled to receive anyfurther payment until the work is finished. If the unpaid balance of the contract price exceeds the direct and indirect costs of completing the project, including compensation for additional professional services, such excess shall be paid to the Contractor. If such costs exceed such unpaid balance, the Contractor will pay the difference to the Owne~. Such costs incurred by the Owner will be determined by the Engineer and incorporated in a Change Order. 18.3 Where the Contractor's services have been so terminated by the Owner, said termination shall not affect any right of the Owner against the Contractor then existing or which may thereafter accrue. Any retention or payment of monies by the Owner due the Contractor will not release the Contractor from compliance with the Contract Documents. 18.4 After ten (10) days from delivery of a written notice to the Contractor and the Engineer, the Owner may, without cause and without prejudice to any other right or remedy, elect to abandon the project and terminate the Contract. In such case, the Contractor shall be paid for all work executed and any expense sustained plus reasonable profit. 18.5 If, through no act or fault of the Contractor, the work is suspended for a period of more than ninety (90) days by the Owner, or under an order of court or other public authority, or the Engineer fails to act on any request for payment within thirty (30) days after it is submitted, or the Owner fails to pay the Contractor substantially the sum approved by the Engineer or awarded by arbitrators within thirty (30) days of its approval and presentation, then the Contractor may, after (10) days from delivery of a written notice to the Owner and the Engineer k,;uuinate the Contract and recover from the Owner payment for all work executed and all expenses sustained. In addition and in lieu of terminating the Contract, if the Engineer has failed to act on a request for payment or if the Owner has failed to make any payment as aforesaid, the Contractor may upon ten (10) days written notice to the Owner and the Engineer stop the work until paid all amounts then due, in which event and upon resumption of the work, Change Orders shall be issued for adjusting the contract price or extending the contract time or both to compensate for the costs and delays attributable to the stvppage of the work. 18.6 If the performance of all or any portion of the work is suspended, delayed, or interrupted as a result of a failure of the Owner or Engineer to act within the time specified in the Contract Documents, or if no time is specified, within a reasonable time, an adjustment in the contract price or an extension of the contract time, or both, shall be made by Change Orders to compensate the Contractor for the costs and delays necessarily caused by the failure of the Owner or Engineer. 19. PAYMtNf TO CO~ 11<ACTOR 19.1 At least ten (10) days before each progress payment falls due (but not more often than once a month), the Contractor will submit to the Engineer a partial payment estimate filled out and signed by the Contractor covering the work performed during the period covered by the partial payment estimate and supported by such data as the Engineer may reasonably require. Ifpayment is requested on the basis of materials and equipment not incorporated in the work but delivered and suitably stv~~ at or near the site, the partial payment estimate shall also be accompanied by JANUARY. 1993 GC-l1 I such sU}lpOrting data, satisfactory to the Owner, as will establish the Owner's title to the ~teria1 and equipment and protect the Owner's interest therein, including applicable insurance. The Engineer ,will, within ten (10) days after receipt of each partial payment estimate, either indicate in writing approval of payment, and present the partial payment estimate to the Owner, or return the partial payment estimate to the Contractor indi~ting in writing the reasons for refusing to approve payment. In the latter case, the Contractor may make the necessary couc.Ctions and resubmit the partial payment estimate. The Owner will, within ten (10) days of presentation of an approved partial payment estimate, pay the Contractor a progress payment on the basis of the approved partial payment estimate less the retainage. The retainage shall be an amount equal to 10% of said estimate until 50 % of the work has been completed. At 50 % completion, further partial payments shall be made in full to the Contractor and no additional amounts may be retained unless the Engineer certifies that the job is not proceeding satisfactorily, but amounts previously .l~Wned shall not be paid to the Contractor. At 50% completion or any time thereafter when the prob.lcSS of the work is not satisfactory, additional amounts may be retained but in no event shall the total retain age be more than 10% of the value of the work completed. Upon substantial completion of the work, any amount retained may be paid to the Contractor. When the work has been substantially completed except for work which cannot be completed because of weather conditions, lack of materials, or other reasons which in the judgement of the Owner are valid reasons for non-completion, the Owner may make additional payments, retaining at all times an amount sufficient to cover the estimated cost of the work still to be completed. 19.1.1 The Engineer may disapprove or, on account of subsequently discovered evidence, nullify the whole or part of the approved partial payment estimate to such extent as may be necessary to protect the Owner from loss, on account of: (a) Defective work not remedied. (b) Claims filed or reasonable evidence indicating probable filing of claims. (c) Failure of Contractor to make payment properly to subcontracts or for material or labor. (d) A reasonable doubt that the work can be completed for the balance then unpaid. (e) Damage to another Contractor. (t) Performance of work in violation of the terms of the Contract Documents. 19.1.2 Where work on unit price items is substantially complete but lack clean-up and/or corrections ordered by the Engin'^-.l, amounts shall be deducted from unit prices in partial payment estimates to amply cover such clean-up and corrections. 19. 1.3 When the grounds for withholding or reducing partial payment defmed in 19.1.1 and 19.1.2 are corrected, payment shall be made for the amounts withheld because of them. 19.2 The request for payment may also include an allowance for the cost of such major materials and equipment which are suitably stored either at or near the site. 19.3 Prior to substantial completion, the Owner, with the approval of the Engineer and with the concurrence of the Contractor, may use any completed or substantially completed portions of the work. Such use shall not constitute an acceptance of such portions of the work. JANUARY. 1993 GC-12 19.4 The Owner shall have the right to enter the premises for the purpose of doing w~rk not covered by the Contract Documents. This provision shall not be con.)~ ~ed as relieving the Contractor of the sole responsibility for the care and protection of the work, or the restoration of any damaged work except such as may be caused by agents or employees of the Owner. 19.5 Upon completion and acceptance of the work, the Engineer shall issue a certificate attached to the final. payment request that the work has been accepted under the conditions of the Contract Documents. The entire balance found to be due the Contractor, including the retained percentages, but except such sums as may be lawfully retained by the Owner, shall be paid to the Contractor within thirty (30) days of completion and acceptance of the work. 19.6 The Contractor will indemnify and save the Owner or the Owner's agents harmless from all claims growing out of the lawful demand of subcontractors, laborers, workers, mechanics, materialmen, and furnishers or machinery and parts thereof, equipment, tools and all supplies incurred in the furtherance of the perfonnance of the work. The Contractor shall, at the Owner's request, furnish satisfactory evidence that all obligations of the nature designated above have been paid, discharged or waived. If the Contractor fails to do so the Owner may, after having notified the Contractor, either pay unpaid bills or withhold from the Contractor's unpaid compensation a sum of money deemed reasonably sufficient to pay any and all such lawful claims until satisfactory evidence is furnished that all liabilities have been fully discharged whereupon payment to the Contractor shall be resumed in accordance with the terms of the Contract Documents, but in no event shall the provisions of this sentence be construed to impose any obligations upon the Owner to either the Contractor, the Contractor's surety, or any third party. In paying any unpaid bills of the Contractor, any payment so made by the Owner shall be considered as a payment made under the Contract Documents by the Owner to the Contractor and the owner shall not be liable to the Contractor for any such payments made in good faith. 19.7 If the Owner fails to make payment thirty (30) days after approval by the Engineer, in addition to other remedies available to the Contractor, there shall be added to each such payment interest at the maximum legal rate commencing on the first day after said payment is due and continuing until the payment is received by the Contractor. 20. ACCEt' lANCE OF J11NAL PAYMENT AS RELEASE 20.1 The acceptance by the Contractor of final payment shall be and shall operate as a release to the Owner of all claims and all liability to the Contractor other than claims in stated amounts as may be specifically excepted by the Contractor for all things done or furnished in connection with this work and for every act and neglect of the Owner and others relating to or arising out of this work. Any payment, however, final or otherwise, shall not release the Contractor or its sureties from any obligations under the Contract Documents or the Perfonnance and Payment Bonds. JANUARY. 1993 GC-13 "T 21. INSURANCE 21.1 The Contractor shall purchase and maintain such insurance as will protect it from claims set forth below which may arise out of, or result from, the Contractor's execution of the work, whether such execution be by the Contractor, any _ subcontractor, or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them, or by anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable: 21,1 Claims under workmens compensation, disability benefit, and other similar clll}Jloyee benefit acts ; 21.1.2 Claims for damages because of bodily injury, occupational sickness or disease, or death of employees; 21.1.3 Claims for damages because of bodily injury, sickness or disease, or death of any person other than employees; 21.1.4 Claims for damages insured by usual personal injury liability coverage which are sustained (1) by any person as a result of an offense directly or indirectly related to the cmployment of such person by the Contractor, or (2) by any other person; and 21.1.5 Claims for damages because of injury to or destruction of tangible property, including loss of use resulting therefrom. 21.2 Certificates of Insurance acceptable to the Owner shall be filed with the Owner prior to commencement of work. These Certificates shall contain a provision that coverages afforded under the policies will not be cancelled, materially changed, or not renewed unless at least thirty (30) days prior written notice has been given to the Owner. All insurance certificates shall list the Owner as an additional named insured and the oroiect name. 21.2.1 The Certificates of Insurance shall specifically provide that the contractual liability as set forth in Section 24, INDEMNu~lCATION, has been insured and that coverage is included for collapse and underground hazards and completed operations. In the event that conditions are encountered during the progress of the work which requires blasting, no such blasting shall be undertaken until coverage for blasting has been obtained and certificates issued therefor. 21.3 The Contractor shall procure and maintain, at the Contractor's own expense, during the contract time, Liability Insurance as hereinafter specified: 21.3.1 Contractor's General Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance including vehicle coverage issued to the Contractor and protecting the Contractor from all claims for personal injury, including death, and all claims for destruction of or damage to property, arising out of or in connection with any operations under the Contract Documents, whether such operations be by the Contractor or by any subcontractor employed by the Contractor or anyone directly or indirectly employed by the Contractor or by a subcontractor employed by the Contractor. Insurance shall be written with a limit of liability of not less than $600,000 for all damages arising out of bodily injury, including death, at any time resulting therefrom, sustained by anyone person MAY, 1.995 GC-14 in anyone accident, and a limit of liability of not less than $600,000 aggregate for any such damages sustained by two or more persons in anyone accident. Insurance shall be written with a limit of liability of not less than $200,000 for all property damage sustained by anyone person in anyone accident; and a limit of liability of not less than $200,000 aggregate for any such damage sustained by two or more persons in any one.accident. 21.3.2 The Contractor shall acquire and maintain, if applicable, Fire and Extended Coverage Insurance upon the project to the full insurable value thereof for the benefit of the Owner, the Contractor, and subcontractors as their interest may appear. This provision shall in no way release the Contractor or Contractor's surety from obligations under the Contract Documents to fully complete the project. 21.4 The Contractor shall procure and maintain, at the Contractor's own expense, during the contract time, in accordance with the provisions of the laws of the state in which the work is performed, Workmens Compensation Insurance, including occupational disease provisions, for all of the Contractor's employees at the site of the project and in case any work is sublet, the Contractor shall require such subcontractor similarly to provide W orkmens Compensation Insurance, including occupational disease provisions for all of the latter's employees unless such employees are covered by the protection afforded by the Contractor. In case any class of employees engaged in hazardous work under this contract at the site of the project is not protected under W orkmens Compensation statute, the Contractor shall provide, and shall cause each subcontractor to provide, adequate and suitable insurance for the protection of its c,l'u'ployees not otherwise protected. 21.5 The Contractor shall secure, if applicable, "All Risk" type Builder's Risk Insurance for work to be performed. Unless specifically authorized by the Owner, the amount of such insurance shall not be less than the contract price totaled in the Bid. The policy shall cover not less than the losses due to fIre, explosion, hail, lightning, vandalism, malicious mischief, wind, collapse, riot, aircraft, and smoke during the contract time, and until the work is accepted by the Owner. The policy shall name as the insured the Contractor. and the Owner. 21.6 Owner's Protective Liability and Property Damage Insurance: The Contractor shall take out and maintain Owner's Protective Liability and Property Damage Insurance in the name of the, Owner and the Elliineer insuring against bodily injury, including accidental death, and property damage liability in the limits set forth above under "Public Liability Insurance" for which they may becVLLLe legally obligated to pay as damages sustained by any persons, caused by accident and arising out of operations performed for the named insured by independent contractors and general supervision thereof. 22. COl'll.KALl SEClJRIl i 22.1 The Contractor shall within ten (10) days after the receipt of the Notice of Award, furnish the Owner with a Performance Bond and a Payment Bond in penal sums equal to the amount of the contract price, conditional upon the performance by the Contractor of all undertakings, covenants, terms, conditions and agreements of the Contract Documents, and upon the prompt MAY, 1995 GC-15 payment by the Contractor to all persons supplying labor and materials in the prosecution of the work provided by the Contract Documents, Such bonds shall be executed by the Contractor and a corporate bonding company licensed to transact such business in the state in which the work is to be performed and named on the current list of "Surety Companies Acceptable on Federal Bonds" as published in the Treasury Department Cir~ular Number 570. The expense of these Bonds shall be borne by the Contractor. If at any time a surety on any such Bond is declared a bankrupt or loses its right to do business in the state in which the work is to be performed or is removed from the list of Surety Companies accepted on Federal Bonds, Contractor shall within ten (10) days after notice from the Owner to do so, substitute an acceptable Bond (or Bonds) in such form and sum and signed by such other sureties as may be satisfactory to the Owner. The premiums on such Bond shall be paid by the Contractor. No further payment shall be deemed due nor shall be made until the new surety or sureties shall have furnished an acceptable Bond to the Owner. 23. ASSIGNMENTS 23.1 Neither the Contractor nor the Owner shall sell, transfer, assign, or otherwise dispose of the Contract or any portion thereof, or of any right, title, or interest therein, or any obligation thereunder, without the written consent of the other party. 24. INDEMl'JU1CATION 24.1 The Contractor will indemnify and hold harmless the Owner and the Engineer and their agents and employees from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses, including attorney's fees arising out of or resulting from the performance of the work, provided that any such claims, damage, loss or expense is attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, or to injury to or destruction of tangible property including the loss of use resulting therefrom; and is caused in whole or in part by any negligent or willful act or omission of the Contractor, and subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable. 24.2 In any and all claims against the Owner or the Engineer, or any of their agents or employees of the Contractor, any subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them, or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, the indemnification obligation shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount or type of damages, cOuJ.pensation or benefits payable by or for the Contractor or any subcontractor under Workmens Compensation acts, disability benefit acts, or other employee benefit acts. 24.3 The obligation of the Contractor under this paragraph shall not extend to the liability of the Engineer, its agents or employees arising out of the preparation or approval of maps, drawings, opinions, reports, surveys, Change Orders, designs or specifications. MAY, 1995 GC-16 25. SEPARAl~ CO~l.KACTS 25. 1 Th.e Owner reserves the right to let other contracts in connection with this project. The Contractor shall afford other Contractors reasonable u}'yOrtunity for the introduction and storage of their materials and the execution of their work, ~d shall properly connect and coordinate the work with theirs. If the proper execution or results of any part of the Contractor's work depends upon the work of any other Contractor, the Contractor shall inspect and promptly ~\:.pOrt to the Engineer any defects in such work that render it unsuitable for such proper execution and results. 25.2 The Owner may perfonn additional work related to the project or the Owner may let other contracts containing }I!uvisions similar to these. The Contractor will afford the other Contractors who are parties to such Contracts (or the Owner, if the Owner is performing the additional work) reasonable opportunity for the introduction and storage of materials and equipment and the execution of work, and shall properly connect and coordinate the work with theirs. 25.3 If the performance of additional work by other Contractors or the Owner is not noted in the Contract Documents prior to the execution of the Contract, written notice thereof shall be given to the Contractor prior to starting any such additional work. If the Contractor believes that the performance of such additional work by the Owner or others involves it in additional expense or entitles it to an extension of the contract time, the Contractor may make a claim thereof as provided in Sections 14 and 15. 26. SUBCO~lKAClli~G 26.1 The Contractor may utilize the services of specialty subcontracts on those parts of the work which, under normal contracting practices, are performed by specialty subcontractors. 26.2 The Contractor shall not award work to subcontractor(s), in excess of fifty (50%) percent of the contract price, without prior written approval of the Owner. 26.3 The Contractor shall be fully responsible to the Owner for the acts and omissions of its subcontractors, and of persons either directly or indirectly employed by them, as the Contractor is for the acts and omissions of persons directly employed by it. 26.4 The Contractor shall cause appropriate provisions to be inserted in all subcontracts relative to' the work to bind subcontractors to the Contractor by the terms of the Contract Documents insofar as applicable to the work of subcontractors and give the Contractor the same power as regards terminating any subcontract that the Owner may exercise over the Contractor under any provision of the Contract Documents. 26.5 Nothing contained in this Contract shall create any contractual relation between any subcontractor and the Owner. JANUARY, 1993 GC-17 27. ENGJNEu('S AlITJ:lORll i 27.1 The Engineer shall act as the Owner' s ~~}lresentative during the construction period, shall decide questions which may arise as to quality and acceptability of materials furnished and work performed, and shall interpret the intent of the Con~ Documents in a fair and unbiased manner. The Engineer will make visits to the site and determine if the work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. 27.2 The Contractor will be held strictly to the intent of the Contract Documents in regard to the quality of materials, workmanship, and execution of the work. Inspections may be at the factory or fabrication plant of the source of material supply. 27.3 The Engineer will not be responsible for the construction means, controls, techniques, sequences, procedures, or construction safety. 27.4 The Engineer shall promptly make decisions relative to interpretations of the Contract Documents. 28. LAND AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY 28.1 Prior to issuance of Notice to Proceed, the Owner shall obtain all land and rights-of-way necessary for carrying out and for the completion of the work to be performed pursuant to the Contract Documents, unless otherwise mutually agreed. 28.2 The Owner shall provide to the Contractor information which delineates and describes the lands owned and rights-of-way acquired. 28.3 The Contractor shall provide at its own expense and without liability to the Owner any additional land and access thereto that the Contractor may desire for temporary construction facilities, or for storage of materials. 29. GU~l.tJE 29.1 The Contractor shall guarantee all materials and equipment furnished and work performed for a period of one (1) year from the date of substantial completion. The Contractor warrants and guarantees for a period of one (1) year from the date of substantial completion of the system that the completed system is free from all defects due to faulty materials or workmanship and the Contractor shall promptly make such corrections as may be necessary by reason of such defects including the !cyairs of the damage of other parts of the system resulting from such defects. The Owner will give notice of observed defects with reasonable promptness. In the event that the Contractor should fail to make such repairs, adjustments, or other work that may be made necessary by such defects, the Owner may do so and charge the Contractor the cost thereby incurred. The Performance Bond shall remain in full force and effect through the guarantee period . JANUARY. 1993 GC-18 30. ARB.l.lKATION 30.1 All claims, disputes and other matters in question arising out of, or relating to, the contract documents or the breach thereof, except for claims which have been waived by the making and acceptance of final payment as provided by Section 20, may be decided by arbitration in accordance with the Construction Industry Arbitration Rilles of the American Arbitration Association yn.Nided that the Owner and the Contractor mutually agree by separate instrument to arbitrate such claims, disputes and matters in question. This agreement to arbitrate shall be specifically enforceable under the prevailing arbitration law. The award rendered by the arbitrators shall be final, and judgement may be entered upon it in any court having jurisdiction thereof. 30.2 Notice of the demand for arbitration shall be filed in writing with the Owner party to the Contract Documents and with the American Arbitration Association and a copy shall be filed with the Engineer. Demand for arbitration shall in no event be made on any claim, dispute, or other matter in question which would be barred by the applicable statue of limitations. 30.3 The Contractor will carry on the work and maintain the proc~\;.ss schedule during any arbitration proceedings, unless otherwise mutually agreed in writing. 31. TAXES 31.1 The Contractor will pay all sales, consumer, use and other similar taxes required by the laws of the place where the work is performed. JANUARY. 1993 GC-19 T ('l'HIS PAGE WAS IN'l'EN'l'IONALL Y LE~'T BLA. ~K) SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1. DESCRIPTION This project consists of work in four different areas. A description of the work within each area is listed below: Ridiemont Avenue: This portion of the project consists of installation of watc-u.uain and sanitary sewer, storm sewer, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous paving, and sidewalk improvements. Creekside Circl~: This portion of the project consists of reconstructing the street to include concrete curb and gutter and storm sewer. Currently, storm water is conveyed by ditches and culverts. Street construction shall consist of select granular borrow in locations that currently have unsuitable subgrade materials, Class 5 aggregate base, and bituminous pavement. Trunk Hil!hwav 13 drainal!e to Mitchell Pond: This is a cooperative agreement project with MnDOT which consists of storm sewer installation, ftlling the ravine, and turf establishment. This project requires the closure of the southerly access of Candy Cover Trail at Trunk Highway 13 (TH 13) to local traffic. This portion of the project will require signing that must be installed daily, and taken down at the end of each work day. Industrial Park Storm Sewe:c: This project consists of installing storm sewer and constructing a rip-rap lined channel from Industrial Circle to Markley Lake. 2. PERSONNEL The key personnel for this project include: A. Owner: City of Prior Lake City Hall 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue Southeast Prior Lake, MN 55372 Phone: 447-4230 Fax: 447-4245 City Engineer: Larry Anderson SPEC-I02.023 SP-l 102-m3-20 B, Engineer: MSA, Consulting Engineers 1326 Energy Park Drive St, Paul, MN 55108 Phone: (612) 644-4389 or 1-800-888-2923 Fax: (612) 644~9446 Project Engineer: Paul Boettcher 3. PROJECT SCHEDlJLE Based on a "Notice to Proceed" issued on July 5, 1995, and a contract substantial completion period of 60 calendar days, the substantial completion date for the project shall be September 4, 1995. Bituminous wear course shall be placed in 1996, prior to June 15. Within thirty (30) days of execution of this contract, and in any case by the time of the preconstruction meeting, the Contractor shall submit a complete schedule for commencement and completion of work. This schedule shall include an anticipated partial pay estimate schedule and shall be reviewed and approved by the Owner and Engineer. 4. CONS 1 KIJCTION OPERATIONS Construction operations shall not be started before 7:00 a.m. nor continued after 7:00 p.m., without permission of the Engineer and the City, Prior to actual start of construction, the Contractor shall submit a complete schedule for commencement and completion of all work. This schedule shall be reviewed by the Engineer. Hauling of fill material to the ravine to Mitchell Pond shall only be accomplished between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. weekdays, and as approved on weekends. Work which will affect the flow of traffic on TH 13 will not be permitted between the hours of 6:00 and 9:00 a.m., and 3:00 to 7:00 p.m. Utility installation under Ridgemont Avenue shall only be accomplished between 9:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. weekdays. 5. INCREASED OR DECREASED OlJANTITlb~ The actual quantities of work performed and accepted in all cases will be paid for at the contract unit prices without allowances being made for any losses sustained or excess profits accruing because of increased or decreased quantities. 6. CONS 1 KUCTION STAKING All construction staking and inspection for this project shall be done by MSA, Consulting Engineers. Construction staking or restaking will require a minimum of 48 hours advanced notice based on working days (Monday-Friday). SPEC-I02.023 SP-2 102-023-20 The Engineer shall furnish and set one (1) set of survey stakes for grading construction, and one (1) set of survey stakes for storm sewer alignment and grade, and one (1) set of survey stakes to be used for both the sanitary and watermain. Construction stakes provided for manhole structures shall include a double-headed nail. All other construction stakes will not. After alignment and grade stakes for any part of the work have been given by the Engineer, the Contractor shall be held responsible for the proper execution of the work to such lines and oJ.a.des. Cut-sheets will be prepared by the survey crew and given to the Inspector. The Inspector will verify the cut-sheets and provide the Contractor with one (1) copy. Transferring of cut or fIll grades to the construction stakes shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Once the construction stakes have been established, they are the responsibility of the Contractor to protect and save. Restaking may be requested by either the Contractor or Inspector and shall be at the Contractor's expense. The grades and alignment established by the Engineer shall constitute the field control with which the Contractor shall establish other necessary controls as required for proper layout and performance of the work. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for all measurements made by him from controls established by the Engineer. Existing property markers shall be protected during construction by the Contractor. If a property marker must be removed, the Contractor shall notify the Project Owner and the Engineer. 7. SCOPE OF WORI< The technical specifications, along with the plans, describe in detail the work to be completed on the project. The Contractor shall be responsible for all work and its proper completion except as explicitly noted. All work shall be completed in accordance with the pertinent federal, state, and local codes and ordinances. In addition to the construction, the Contractor shall protect, maintain, repair, and restore all subsurface and overhead structures directly or indirectly disturbed, injured, or affected by his operation. 8. CODES AND STANDARDS Reference to codes and standards established by federal, state, and local agencies, or the professional and trade societies and associations shall be to the latest edition at the time of contract award. When conflicting information is given, the most restrictive shall apply. Any questions of intent will be determined by the Engineer upon written request by the Contractor. MnDOT Supplemental Specifications to the 1988 Standard Specifications for Construction, dated May 2, 1994, shall also apply. SPEC-I02.023 SP-3 102-023-20 9. PIJBLIC SAFETY AND MAINThNANCE OF JOB SITE, The Contractor shall take the necessary precautions to protect the public and employees from injury by open excavations or other hazardous circumstances by providing temporary fences, barricades, warning signs, flashers, and other safety aids. Such precautions shall be subject to review and approval by the Owner and the Engineer. The costs associated with all such items shall be considered incidental to the project. No trenches shall be allowed to be left open at night unless they are securely fenced with snow fence or similar barricades and provided with a means of egress/access at a slope no steeper than 2' horizontal to l' vertical and the Engineer and Owner are notified. Erosion protection, which is dependent on the Contractor's schedule and means and methods of construction, shall be considered incidental to the project unless indicated otherwise. Such protection may be ordered by the Engineer, County, or City, Such protection shall be accomplished to prevent water or airborne dust and prevent water and sediment from leaving the site. Protection may include, but is not limited to, application of water for dust control, silt fence, staked bales, and sedimentation structures. 10. EXISTING UtILITIES, It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to notify all utility owners of his construction schedule, and to protect all existing utilities from damage. Existing utilities shown on the Plans are made from records of the various utility depaJ.l.J..l.lents. The Contractor shall protect existing sanitary sewer and watermain during the course of construction. Any damage to existing utilities shall be repaired at the Contractor's expense. The underground utilities such as telephone, gas, electric, and cable television are approximate. No compensation will be made to the Contractor by the Owner if delays are caused by existing utilities. 11. PERrvUI S AND EASEMENTS, The Owner has submitted permit applications to the Minnesota DepaJ.l1.l.lent of Health, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Minnesota Depad.lllent of Natural Resources, and Prior Lake/Spring Lake Watershed District. Approval from these agencies will be necessary prior to C01.lll1.lencing construction. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to post any bonds and/or insurance documentation as required by any of these permitting agencies. Any delays in obtaining these permits may delay the issuance of the "Notice to Proceed" . The Owner shall complete the application for Storm Water Discharge Permit for the MPCA and pay the application fee, The Owner and Contractor will both be permittees and the application will require certification by both Owner and Contractor. The General Contractor's copy of the permit and a copy of the application are included in Appendix E. SPEC-I02.023 SP-4 102-023-20 Stvud sewer work for the Industrial Park and TH 13 drainage to Mitchell Pond requires drainage and utility easement acquisition. These easements will be obtained by the City prior to construction, Work within these acquisition areas will not be allowed until the easements are obtained. If the easement for the industrial park project is not obtained by the City by July 3, 1995, the City reserves the right to delete this portion of the project from the contract by change order. 12. TRAFFIC CONTROL The Contractor shall furnish and maintain all construction signs, barricades and barricade weights, flaggers, warning lights, and devices which are needed for the guidance, warning, and control of traffic through and around this project. All traffic control devices shall conform to the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control.Devices including Appendix B dated November 1992, and Standards SiiILc; Manual Part I. II....m1d III" The Contractor shall notify the City Engineer, City Police Dep~ uuent, and City Fire Depal L.uent, prior to the construction access restrictions on Candy Cove Trail or Ridgemont Avenue. Failure to comply with this condition shall be considered a violation of City Ordinances and will result in prosecution of the Contractor by the City. The Contractor must maintain one-way traffic during the utility installation on Ridgemont Avenue. The lane shall be maintained such that it is passable at all times for residents and all other traffic; since, Ridgemont Avenue is the only access into and out of the residential area. The use of flagmen will be required in order to direct traffic during the utility installations , 13. G1JARANTEE The Contractor shall guarantee all materials and equipment furnished, and work performed for a period of one (1) year from the date of substantial completion. The Contractor warrants and guarantees for a period of one (1) year from the date of substantial cVJ..L~letion of the system, that the completed system is free from all defects due to faulty materials or workmanship, and the Contractor shall promptly make such corrections as may be necessary by reason of such defects including the repairs, adjustments, or other work that may be necessary by such defects. In the event that the Contractor should fail to make such repairs, adjustments, or other work that may be necessary by such defects, the Owner may do so and charge the Contractor the cost thereby incurred. The Performance Bond shall remain in full force and effect through the guarantee period. 14. PROJECT INSPECTION/SUPERVISION Observation of the work will be provided by the Owner of their representative. Additional observation and inspection of the work may be made by the City, County, State, and agencies having jurisdiction as deemed necessary by those authorities. SPEC-I02.023 SP-5 102-023-20 The Contractor shall, during his daily progress, keep on his work at all times a competent superintendent and any necessary assistants, all satisfactory to the Engineer. The superintendent shall constantly see and check that all the construction tolerances and requirements are being met and followed during construction. He will also be available to help the Engineer during the inspection of cQnstruction if need be. The superintendent shall not be changed without the consent of the Engineer. 15, DISPOSAL OF REMOVED BITUMINOUS MATERIAL AND EXCESS MATERIAL, It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to dispose of any bituminous surfacing or excess material that is not reclaimed for use on the project. No disposal site for bituminous surfacing shall be provided by the City. All bituminous surface removed shall be properly disposed of in accordance with all federal, state, and local laws. It is intended that excess material generated from the Creekside Circle project be used as common borrow for the ravine at Mitchell Pond. 16. "OR E01JAL" CLAIJSE Whenever a material or article required is shown on the Plans or in the Specifications by using the name of the products or of a particular manufacturer, it is to be understood that other products or materials which will adequately perform the required function will be considered equal and satisfactory. However, such product or material so proposed to be equal must be satisfactory in the Engineer's opinion, A" Contract Change Order" will be used if the Contract will be modified, 17. SOILS CONDITIONS A report of subsurface soils investigation for Ridgemont Avenue and Creekside Circle is included in these Specifications. This is intended for informational purposes only, The Engineer assumes no responsibility for, nor makes any guarantees, as to the accuracy of the soils information, Any dewatering required shall be included in the construction prices for the work performed. Contractors shall determine to their own satisfaction the exact soil and groundwater conditions prior to submitting their bid. 18. EXIStiNG FENCES. SIGNS. GUARDRAIL. AND MAILBOXES It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to protect, remove, and/or reinstall all fences, traffic signs, street signs, guardrail, mail boxes, miscellaneous signs, and other items required to construct the utility and street improvements. SPEC-102.023 SP-6 102-023-20 19. EROSION CONTROL SCHEDULE The schedule for implementing erosion control measures is as follows: A. All silt fence shall be installed prior to. the start of construction. B. Upon completion offmal grading, all disturbed areas shall be revegetated. Seeding shall follow grading within 7 days. C. Once the vegetation is established and reviewed by the Engineer, all temporary erosion control measures shall be removed. This includes silt fence and ditch bale checks. The Contractor shall provide and maintain all erosion control measures as shown on these Plans and Specifications and implement any additional erosion control measures necessary in order to protect adjacent property until permanent control such as turf establishment has taken place. All erosion control facilities shall be maintained by the Contractor during grading operations. Any temporary facilities which are to be removed as called for on these Plans and Specifications shall be removed by the Contractor when directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall then restore the subsequently disturbed area in accordance with these Plans and Specifications. 20. PROJECT STORAGE AREA The Contractor shall locate their own storage area and acquire permission from the appropriate parties to store equipment and materials. The Contractor shall be responsible for restoring this storage area to original conditions with no additional compensation. 21, LABOR PROVISIONS The Contractor and all subcontractors shall abide by the labor provisions for state funded contracts and the prevailing wages for state funded construction contracts issued by the Minnesota Depa... L..uent of Labor and Industry for the TH 13 drainage to Mitchell Pond project only. Copies of the above-mentioned documents can be found in Appendix D to these Specifications. 22. GOVERNING SPECIFICATIONS The Minnesota Dep3.1 L.uent of Transportation "Standard Specifications for Construction", 1988 Edition, and the Supplemental Specifications to the 1988 edition dated May 2, 1994, shall apply on this contract except as modified or altered in the Special Provisions. SPEC-102.023 SP-7 102-023-20 ('l'HIS PAGE WAS IN'l'EN'l'IONALL Y LEf11'I' BLANK) 1000 SITEWORK SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS 1000.1 DESCRIPTION Work covered by this section shall consist of clearing and grubbing trees as noted on the construction drawings, fence removal and installation, erosion control applications, turf establishment, and landscape restoration. No trees, shrubs, or existing vegetation shall be removed unless noted on the construction drawings or approved in writing by the Engineer prior to removal. Topsoil borrow may be required in the urban portions of the project. If, after stripping and stockpiling topsoil, an insufficient quantity of suitable topsoil exists, topsoil borrow shall be placed as directed by the Engineer. Salvaging of existing topsoil shall be incidental to turf establishment. All areas disturbed- by construction shall be either sodded, seeded with mulch, or seeded with wood fiber blanket. Sod for lawn, boulevards, and erosion control shall be placed as directed by the Engineer. Wood fiber blanket shall be placed on areas with steep slopes, The Contractor shall be responsible for the removal of existing debris and dead trees from the easement area on the TH 13 Mitchell Pond project. The Contractor is also responsible for the removal of any existing bituminous, or concrete encountered during storm sewer installation at the Industrial Park. Reference to MnDOT specifications for the sitework specific requirements includes the following: MnDOT 2571 Plant Installation MnDOT 2575 Turf Establishment MnDOT 3861 Plant Stock MnDOT 3886 Silt Fence Reference to the above items shall include the Supplemental Specifications to the 1988 Standard Specifications for Construction, dated May 2, 1994. 1000.2 MATERIALS A. TODsoil Topsoil shall be salvaged stripings or borrow topsoil from on-site sources. Topsoil material shall be defmed as soil which contains organic material, humus, vegetation remnants, or plant nutrient material, and meets the requirements of MnDOT 3877. SPEC-102.023 loo0S-1 102-023-20 B. Fertilizer Fertilizer shall be in accordance with MnDOT 3881, 6-10-4, applied at a rate of 10 Ibs./l,OOO SF for seed and sod, and 5 lbs./CY for topsoil used in plant pits, C. Seed Seed mixture #500, in accordance with MnDOT 3876, shall be used in all areas designated for placement of seed and wood fiber blanket. Seed mixture #675 shall be used to restore the City park property on the Ridgemont Avenue project. Seed mixture #500 shall include 50% annual rye-grass for a total application rate of 100 pounds/acre, 50 pounds/acre mixture #500, and 50 pounds/acre of annual rye-grass. Seed mixture #675 shall also include 30 pounds/acre annual rye-grass for a total application rate of 150 pounds/acre, 120 pounds/acre mixture #675, and 30 pounds/acre of annual rye-grass. F. Sod Sod shall consist of both Lawn and Boulevard and Erosion Control. G. Silt Fence Silt fence shall be heavy duty in accordance with MnDOT 3886. H. Bale Checks Bale checks shall be in accordance with MnDOT 2573 and constructed as shown in Appendix B of the Specifications. I. Plant In~tallation Plant materials shall be in accordance with MnDOT 3861. Growing medium materials shall be in accordance with MnDOT 2571,2C. Trees shall be as follows: Ash, Marshall's Seedless (Fraxinus Pennsylvania 'Marshall's Seedless') 2-1/2" caliper, balled and burlapped. Maple, Rubrum Nortbwood (Acer subrum 'Northwood') 2-1/2" caliper, balled and burlapped. Pine, Scotch (pinus sylvestris) 6' height, balled and burlapped. Crabapple, Red Splendor (Malus 'Red Splender') 2" caliper, balled and burlapped. SPEC-102.023 1000S-2 102-023-20 Shrubs shall be as follows: Yew, Tauton (Taxus x media 'Tautoni') 24" spread, pot. Dogwood, Redtwig, Bailey (Comus B~ileyi) 36" height, pot. Cotoneaster, Peking (Cotoneaster acutifolia) 24" height, pat. Deciduous shrubs shall refer to a variety of species, Since this project was designed during the winter, identification was not available. The selections shall be determined during the project between the Contractor's landscape representatives, the Engineer and the homeowner. They shall be 24" pot type plantings such as: Almond Forsythia Lilac Ninebark Barberry Honeysuckle Mockorange Portentilla 1000,3 CONSTRIJCTION RE01JIREMENTS D. Turf Establishment Turf establishment shall consist of either wood fiber blanket, sod, or seed and mulch. Wood fiber blanket shall be placed on slopes 3:1 or greater, and as directed by the Engineer. Within a one (1) week period following general grading operations, the Contractor shall seed all disturbed areas with the appropriate seed mixture. Seeded areas not receiving wood fiber blanket shall be mulched with MnDOT Type 1 at 2 tons! acre and disc anchored. Any seeded areas which do not become established shall be reseeded at the Contractor's expense. Erosion control sod shall be placed in the ditch above the pipe at the TH 13 project. Lawn and boulevard sod shall be placed in areas that have an established lawn. Staking of sod, where necessary, is incidental to the cost of sodding. F. Topsoil Topsoil utilized on this project shall be salvaged stripings generated from on-site grading operations or topsoil borrow. If amounts of existing topsoil are inadequate to provide enough material for restoration to a depth of 4", then topsoil borrow may be required. Use of topsoil borrow shall only be allowed after the Contractor has exhausted all available salvageable material. Topsoil borrow must be authorized by the Engineer, prior to its use. SPEC-I02.023 10ooS-3 102-023-20 G. Clearini and Grubbing Clearing and grubbing shall only be accomplished on trees marked for such by the Engineer. No clearing and grubbing operations shall begin until the Engineer has clearly marked the trees to be removed. Existing dead. trees and debris located within the project, shall be removed by the Contractor. This work shall be considered incidental to clearing and grubbing. H, Plant Installatiol! Plant materials within street right-of-way or easements removed during construction shall be replaced outside of the right-of-way or easement on private property. The exact location for plant replacement shall be coordinated with both the property owner and the engineer prior to placement. Plant installation shall be performed in accordance to MnDOT 2571. I, Salvai!e and Reinstall Existing: Fence The existing chain link fence on Lot 2 of Lakeside Manor on the Mitchell Pond project shall be reinstalled to 10 feet outside of the tree line, on a 5-foot wide earth bench constructed by the Contractor. Salvaged fences shall be installed to a condition equal to or better than previously existing. Broken or damaged components shall be replaced in kind as an incidental expense. New tie wires shall be used for the salvaged chain link fence. Surplus materials shall be left with the property owner if they so desire, or disposed of by the Contractor, All fence shall be installed by a qualified, specialized fence subcontractor, The fencing subcontractor shall be an established fIrm experienced in chain link installation. 1000.4 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT H. Bale Checks Bale checks shall be measured on a per each basis. I. Tonsoil Borrow Topsoil borrow shall be measured by the cubic yard based on loose volume (LV) for material hauled to the job site. J. Plant Installation Trees and shrubs either furnished and planted or transplanted will be measured separately on a per each basis for each acceptable plant. SPEC-I02.023 1000S-4 102-023-20 K. Salvai!e and Reinstall Existini! Fence Salvage and reinstall existing fence shall be measured on a linear foot basis. 1000.5 BASIS OF PAYMENT G. Silt Fence Silt fence shall be paid for at 75% of contract unit price per linear foot, which includes all labor, excavation, and materials necessary to install heavy duty silt fence. Payment for the remaining 25 % of the contract unit price includes the removal of the silt fence upon the cuuJ.pletion of the contract work. All materials once removed become the property of the Contractor. H. Bale Checks Bale checks shall be paid for at the contract unit price on a per each basis. The contract unit price shall include all labor , excavation, and materials necessary to furnish, install, and remove the bales. I. Tonsoil Borrow Topsoil borrow shall be paid for at the contract unit price per cubic yard based on loose volume (LV) and shall include full compensation for hauling and spreading. J. Plant Installation Trees and shrubs either furnished and planted or transplanted will be paid for separately on a per each basis according to the bid schedule. K. .salva~e and Reinstall ExistiIli Fence Salvage and reinstall existing fence shall be paid for at the contract unit price per linear foot. The bid price shall include all material and labor for a cOulplete job. SPEC-I02.023 1000S-5 102-023-20 ('I'HIS PAGE WAS IN'l'EN'l'IONALL Y LE}"l' BLA~K) 1000 - INDEX SITEWORK GENERAL REQUIREMENTS PAGE 1000.1 DESCRIPTION...,...,."...."".,.."..".,.....,..... 1 MATERIALS .............,.........,..,..,.,..,........ 1 1000.2 A, B. C. D, E. F, G. 1000.3 A. B. C. D. Topsoil ...,.,....."..,..,.....,...,.,............. 1 Fertilizer ...,.....,.,..,.....,...,.".,.......,...,. 1 Seed ,....,........,..,.....,..."..........".,... 1 Mulch .........."......,."....,..,.......,...,.,. 2 Wood Fiber Blanket ..,....,....."..."......,.."..... 2 Sod ,.,..,.....,........,..,...,...........,..,.... 2 Silt Fence ..,...,.,..,.....",..".,..,......,.....,. 2 CONS 1 KUCTION REQUIREMENTS ..,....,.."............... 2 Protection of Property .,.,..,....",......,.............. 2 Pruning ."........,............"...,......,....... 2 Disposal .. . . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . , . . , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 Turf Establishment .."..,.,.....,.,..........,...,...,. 3 1000.4 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT ........."...........".,.... 5 A, Clearing & Grubbing . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . 5 B. Removals. . , , . . . . , . . . , . , . . . . , . . , . . . . . . . . , . , . . , , . . . . . 5 C. Seeding . . . . . , , , , . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . , . . , , . . . . . . . . . . 5 D . Sodding. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 E. Wood Fiber Blanket .,..,.......".............."..,... 6 F. Erosion Control .,.............,..,...".....,.......,' 6 1 000.5 BASIS OF PAYMENT ........,.............,..,.,......... 6 A. Clearing & Grubbing . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 6 B. Removals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . 6 C . Seeding . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 6 D . Sodding. . . . . , . , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . 6 E. Wood Fiber Blanket ............,....................... 7 F. Erosion Control ,...".,.....,.........,..,..........., 7 i JANUARY. 1993 ('I'HIS PAGE WAS IN'l'EN'l'IONALL Y LEftl' BLANK) 1000 SITEWORK GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1000.1 DESCRIPTION This work shall include, but not be limited to, clearing and grubbing, removal of various structures, excavation relating to structures, and turf establishment. All reference to MnDOT Specifications shall mean the latest published edition of the Minnesota Depcu l111ent of Transportation Standard Specifications for Highway Construction, as modified by any MnDOT Supplemental Specification edition published prior to the date of advertisement for bids. Work under this category shall be in accordance with the following sections of the latest publish edition of the MnDOT Standard Specifications except as herein modified or as modified by the Sitework Specific Requirements: 1712 Protection and Restoration of Property & Landscape 2101 Clearing and Grubbing 2104 Removing Pavement and Miscellaneous Structures 2105 Excavation and Embankment 2451 Structure Excavations and Backfills 2573 Temporary Erosion Control 2575 Turf Establishment 1000.2 MATERIALS A. TODsoH Topsoil shall be salvaged strippings or borrow topsoil. Topsoil borrow shall be in accordance with MnDOT 3877 topsoil borrow. B. Fertilizer Fertilizer shall be in accordance with MnDOT 3881, 10/10/10, applied at 350 lbs/acre for seed and sod. C. Seed Seed mixtures shall be in accordance with MnDOT 3876 as follows: Mixture Rate I..ocatiotl 500 50 lb/ acre Ditches and roadside in residential areas. 600 75 lb/acre Lawns in residential areas. JANUARY, 1993 1000-1 -T Mixture Rate Location 700 35 lb/acre Ditches and roadside in rural areas, non- residential. 900 45 lb/ acre Loamy sand, sandy soils, dry sites. D. Mulch Mulch shall be in accordance with MnDOT 3882, Type I, straw or hay. E. Wood Fiber Blanket Wood fiber blanket shall be in accordance with MnDOT 3885, regular type. F. Sod Sod shall be in accordance with MnDOT 3878. Unless indicated otherwise in the Specific Requirements or on the BID, all sod shall be Lawn and Boulevard sod. G. Silt Fence Silt fence shall be in accordance with MnDOT 3886. 1000.3 CONSTRIJCTION REOlJIREMENTS, A. Protection of Pronertv The Contractor shall be responsible for the preservation of all public and private property of any character and shall preserve all land comer monuments. The Contractor shall also be fully responsible for the protection and preservation from damage or destruction of all trees, shrubs, and natural scenic elements. Any tree or shrub, within specified areas to be protected, that is destroyed or disfigured by the Contractor's operation shall be removed and replaced by the Contractor at the Contractor's expense, or damages shall be assessed when so directed by the Engineer. B. Prunin~ Pruning shall be according to MnDOT 2571.3E. Broken or badly bruised roots shall be cut back to sound wood. Pruning cuts on all trees shall leave a branch collar but in no case shall a stub remain. Pruning shall produce a clean cut in live wood without bruising or tearing the bark. JANUARY, 1993 1000-2 All cut surfaces on oak, crab apple and hawthorn trees shall be immediately treated with tree wound dressing. Damaged bark shall be trimmed clean with a sharp knife to remove loose or tom material to prevent the ingress of disease into the wound. C. Disnosal All materials not designated for salvage and all debris from removal and demolition operations shall be disposed of by the Contractor. Suitable disposal sites shall be arranged for and secured by the Contractor. All timber, stumps, roots, and other debris or by-products resulting from clearing and grubbing operations shall be disposed of by the Contractor in accordance with MnDOT 2104.3C. No wood material over 6 inches in diameter shall be destroyed by burning or burying without first having been offered to the public for use as frrewood in accordance with the intent of Minnesota Statutes 116F. 30. All elmwood that is not disposed of by burning or burying shall be disposed of according to Minnesota Rules 1505.0230, 1505.0240, and 1505.0250. All oak wilt infested trees of the red oak family shall be disposed of according to 1505.0320 and 1505.0340. D. Turf Establishment The work shall consist of establishing herbaceous ground cover on designated areas. It shall include tilling, fertilizing, seeding, sodding, mulching, and other work specified. Turf establishment shall proceed as soon as possible after the graded areas have been topsoiled and fInish graded, without unnecessary delay before undesirable weed growth or soil erosion occurs. A minimum topsoil depth of 3" shall be established from onsite salvage and borrow operations. Immediately prior to sowing seed or placing sod the soil shall be loosened to a depth of 3 inches. Large rocks, clods, debris, and undesirable weeds shall be removed, other vegetation shall be disked into the soil, cleared, or chopped up. Areas to be sodded shall be prepared reasonably smooth, moist, with evenly textured foundation. Washouts shall be ftIled prior to soil loosening, fill shall be compacted to uniformity of adjacent materials. The underlying soil and topsoil shall be graded in the vicinity of the seeding or sodding, to provide a well matched and continuous crosslope at the match point with undisturbed areas. The crosslope shall show a generally curved profile, with an angular discontinuity of no more than 5 degrees, between restored and undisturbed areas. MAY, 1995 1000-3 T MAY, 1995 Failure to meet a well matched crosslope in accordance with this requirement, shall be reason to reject the restoration, without payment, and require its replacement in accordance with this requirement. Seeding and sodding shall not be performed on inadequately prepared soils. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer at least 48 hours prior to seeding so that proper inspection can be scheduled for the days of application of fertilizer, seed, and mulch. Fertilizer shall be placed prior to sodding and within 48 hours prior to seeding. Seed mixture shall be sown by means of mechanical or hydro spreading of the seeds at specified rates of application in accordance with MnDOT 3876. All seeded areas shall have the seedbed firmed after seeding and prior to mulching. The soil frrming shall be done with a drag, cultipacker, or other approved soil frrming equipment. On slopes too steep to operate mechanical equipment, the seed shall be covered by hand raking or other approved means, wherever feasible, prior to mulching. Soil fIrming or seed covering shall be accomplished immediately after seeding. Seeding shall always precede mulching. Type I mulch, straw or hay, shall be applied at a rate of 2 tons per acre. Approximately 10% of the soil surface shall show through the mulch. Mulch shall be spread by mechanical means which provides a uniform distribution. Lightly mulched areas shall be remulched and heavily mulched areas shall have excess removed. Within 10 feet of roadways, the Contractor shall seed and immediately frrm the seedbed, mulch, and anchor the mulch as a continuous operation. All other areas shall be mulched within 24 hours of seeding. Anchoring of Type I mulch shall be with a disk, clodbuster, or other approved equipment. Anchoring shall take place immediately after placement of mulch and shall anchor the mulch by punching into the soil approximately 2 to 3 inches, disks shall not exceed 8 inch spacing. Sod shall generally be placed at right angles to water flow. Joints between the sod and in place improvements, such as curbs, walks, and existing turf, shall abut tightly and shall be such that drainage will be conducted over the surface. Elsewhere, the outside edges of the sodded areas shall be rolled in or banked flush with soil and thoroughly compacted to form a flush surface. Immediately after completing the sod placement, the sod shall be watered and compressed into the underlying soil by rolling or tamping. The initial watering and rolling or tamping 1000-4 shall be sufficient to provide frrm contact and bond between the sod and underlying soil and provide a smooth, even surface free of humps and depressions, but in no case shall the sod be excessively compacted. In dry periods, areas to be sodded may require watering prior to sod placement. The Contractor shall be responsible for successful establishment of sod and will be required to replace and repair that which becomes displaced or damaged due to lack of proper care or protection during the maintenance period. Pegging on steep slopes and ditches shall be done as necessary. When wood fiber blankets are used, the upgrade end of each blanket strip shall be buried at least 6 inches in a vertical slot in the soil, with the soil being pressed frrmly against the embedded blanket. Bales of straw or hay when used as ditch checks or diversions around inlets or on slopes shall be placed on edge, fibers vertical and twine horizontal, and either cut into the soil 3" or bermed on the upstream side with 3" of earth fill. Each bale shall be anchored with 2-2"x2" wooden stakes driven through the bale and at least 10" into the ground. Sod shall be maintained by the Contractor for at least 30 growing days prior to fmal inspection and acceptance. A "growing day" is defmed as any calendar day exclusive of those days from June 10 to August 10 and from November 1 to May 5. During the maintenance period, all sod which dries out, is damaged or displaced, or infected with weeds shall promptly be replaced with new sod and maintained for at least 30 growing days after replacement. Seeding shall be inspected for acceptance at least 30 growing days after acceptable planting. Areas with no sign of or insufficient growth as dek-J.uJned by the Engineer shall be reseeded and remulched by the Contractor at his expense. Dormant seeding may be allowed in certain cases with special written permission of the Engineer. 1000.4 METHOD OF MBASIJREMEN'( A. Cleariiji and Gruhhini Clearing and grubbing shall be measured on an area basis in acres. B. Re{llovals Removing Pavement and Miscellaneous Structures shall be incidental unless a specific payment item is provided for such removals in the BID. C. Seedin~ MAY, 1995 1000-5 Seeding shall be measured by the acre. Measurement shall be per mixture type only when separate items per mixture appear in the BID. D. Sodding Sodding shall be measured by the square yard per type. E. Wood Fiber Blanket Wood fiber blanket shall be measured by the square yard. F. Erosion Control Bales and silt fence shall be measured per linear foot. If no item appears in the BID they shall be incidental to the turf establishment or grading work. 1000.5 BASIS OF PAYMENT A. ClearinQ & Grubbin& Clearing and grubbing shall be paid for at the contract unit price per acre which includes full compensation for all removal and disposal. B. Removals Remove, Salvage, or Abandon items shall be paid at the Contract prices per unit of measure which includes compensation in full for all costs sawing, removing, disposing of material if noted on the BID, otherwise shall be an incidental cost. No direct compensation will be made for removal of abandon fences, bituminous curbing, bituminous pavements or other minor encumbrances encountered within work limits, that are not to be salvaged and which can be excavated and disposed of in the embankment or elsewhere without separate handling or the use of special equipment. C. Seedin~ Seeding shall be paid for at the contract unit price per acre which includes compensation for all preparation, fertilizer, seed, rolling, mulch, anchoring, and maintenance. D. Soddin~ Sodding shall be paid for at the contract unit price per square yard which includes all compensation for all preparation, fertilizer, sod, watering, rolling, staking, and maintenance. MAY, 1995 1000-6 E. Wood Fiber Blanket Wood fiber blanket shall be paid for at the contract unit price per square yard which includes all the fibers with netting, staple and soil anchoring. F. Erosion Control Erosion control shall be paid for at the contract unit price per linear foot which includes silt fence or hay/straw bales, soil anchoring, wood stakes and removal and proper disposal when no longer necessary. Erosion control shall be paid separately only when separate item appears in the BID, otherwise they shall be incidental to turf establishment or grading work. MAY, 1995 1000-7 ('l'HIS PAGE WAS IN'l'EN'l'IONALL Y LEftl' BLANK) 2000 STREET CONS 1 KUCTION SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS 2000.1 DESCRIPTION This work shall consist of street reconstruction of Ridgemont Avenue and Creekside Circle in Prior Lake, in accordance with the attached Plans. Street construction shall consist of common excavation, subgrade preparation, test rolling of prepared subgrade, installation and compaction of select granular borrow, aggregate base and bituminous surfacing, construction of concrete curb and gutter, concrete sidewalk, milling of bituminous pavement, and driveway restoration. A bid item is included for the milling of bituminous and blending it with existing Class 5 aggregate base. The milled bituminous/salvaged Class 5 mixture, or recycled aggregate base may be used by the Contractor in lieu of Class 5 aggregate base. The Contractor will not be required to use the milled bituminous/salvaged Class 5 mixture, but an alternate for the addition of the milled bituminous/salvaged Class 5 mixture, and deduction for Class 5 and common excavation is shown on the bid schedules. Restoration of Candy Cove Trail at the entrance to the TH 13 project is also required, and shall include removal of the existing bituminous curb, and removal and repair of the existing pavement, if damaged during construction. Work shall also include milling, driveway restoration, pavement marking, and signing. The Contractor shall maintain one lane for traffic to access the residential properties that use Ridgemont A venue as their sole access. Access to driveways shall be maintained such that property owners can enter and exit their individual driveways at the beginning and end of each work day. Street access to all work areas shall be provided at the end of each work day and at all times in non-work areas. Existing driveways disturbed during construction shall be replaced in kind. The Contractor shall restore the streets to a driveable condition at the end of each work day. The Contractor shall verify with the City the existing condition of watermain valve boxes prior to construction. Existing valve boxes in disrepair shall be noted. Any valves damaged during street construction shall be replaced by the Contractor at his cost. The Contractor shall be responsible for keeping TH 13 clean and free of dirt and debris resulting from his construction activities. SPEC-I02.023 2000S-1 102-023-20 The City has a disposal site for excess excavated material that must be used by the Contractor. The site is located within the City Park, and is shown on the location map. Only clean fill materials will be allowed. Bituminous, concrete, pipe, or other materials, besides soil, will not be allowed to be placed at the City Park site. 2000.2 MA TERIAL.(;) A.2. Ai~re2:ate Base Aggregate base shall be 100 percent crushed quarry rock modified Class 5 in accordance with MnDOT Specification 2211. A.3. Milled Bituminous/SalvaQed Class 5 Mixture, The milled bituminous/salvaged Class 5 mixture shall consist of a well blended mixture of the milled bituminous and existing aggregate base. The mixture shall not contain milled bituminous particles larger than 1 inch in diameter. B. Plant Mix Bituminous Pavement. Bituminous base and wear course material shall be MnDOT 2331 Type 31B and 41A, respectively. The bituminous mixture for the curb shall be MnDOT 2331 Type 41A. Recycled bituminous material may be used in accordance with MnDOT 2331 with prior approval of the Engineer. I. Concrete Sidewalks Concrete sidewalks will consist of 4 inches of concrete pavement on 4 inches of sand. The materials utilized for the sand cushion shall meet the requirements of MnDOT 3149 for Select Granular Borrow. J. Select Granular Borrow Select granular borrow shall be in accordance with MnDOT 3149, except that not more than 5% shall pass the #200 sieve and not more than 40% shall pass the #40 sieve. The pit location and copies of the gradation results for the modified granular borrow shall be submitted to the Engineer at least two days prior to delivery of the materials to the job site. K. 4" Perforated TP Drain Tile The 4-inch drain tile shall be thermoplastic pipe conforming to MnDOT 3245 and shall include filter fabric wrap conforming to MnDOT 3733 Type I. SPEC-I02.023 2oo0S-2 102"()23-20 2000.3 CONSTRlJCTION REQUlKEMENTS E. Removal~ Removal of bituminous and concrete pavemep.t, including driveways, shall require saw cutting prior to removal. The exact locations of driveway cuts shall be determined after the curb and gutter have been constructed. F. Excavation and Embankment In areas of required fill, all organic materials shall be removed prior to any filling operations. Upon completing topsoil stripping operations and prior to commencing with embankment construction, the Contractor shall verify to the Engineer, through his independent testing frrm, that all foundation materials used as fill are acceptable. Materials determined to be unsuitable as foundation for street embankment shall be removed prior to placing any fill. Compaction of all embankment materials shall be as specified in the "Street Construction General Requirements" section of these Specifications . Compaction of roadway embankment materials shall be in accordance with the Street Construction General Requirements section of these Specifications. The Contractor shall place excess excavated materials at the City Park location. It is estimated that this location will handle approximately 1,500 CY compacted volume of excess material. The Contractor shall spread and compact the material in accordance with MnDOT 2105. The City of Prior Lake will place topsoil and seed. The Contractor shall place silt fence along the wetland edge prior to construction. Disposal of any excess material that remains after both the ravine to Mitchell Pond, and the City Park property is filled, is the responsibility of the Contractor. The City will not provide additional sites for the placement of excess material. The Contractor is encouraged to carefully read the soils report of Ridgemont Avenue and Creekside Circle, as provided in Appendix A of these Specifications. Subgrade excavation of unsuitable material on Creekside Circle shall vary in depth and depends on the suitability of existing materials; although, a subcut of one foot is shown on the typical street section, the exact depth and location of subcut will be determined in the field by the Engineer after the pavement and ag!;J.\:,gate have been removed to expose the underlying subgrade. G. Suhgrade fre!laratiou Subgrade preparation shall be in accordance with MnDOT 2112 except that the Contractor shall produce the required density and stability in the top one (1 ') foot of the subgrade at the time the base or surface course is placed. At the time of compaction, the moisture SPEC-l 02.023 2000S-3 102-023-20 T content of the material shall be not less than 65% nor more than 102% of optimum moisture where 100% of maximum density is required. This work shall include scarifying and drying or application of water as necessary to obtain the required density and stability. Test rolling per MnDar 2111 shall be requ~ed during subgrade preparation. The test roller shall be the City of Prior Lake's fully loaded, single axle test rolling truck. Test rolling will be considered incidental to subgrade preparation. In general, deflections greater than 0.05' shall be considered unstable; however, final determination shall be rendered by the Engineer. I. AeeTP.e~te R~~e The pit location and copies of the gradation results for the Class 5 aggregate shall be submitted to the Engineer at least two days prior to delivery of the materials to the job site. If the separation of fine and coarse aggregate should occur such that floating occurs, the Contractor shall scarify the aggregate base and recompact to the required density prior to placement of the bituminous base course. This work, if necessary, shall be considered incidental to the project. 1.1. Millpn Rihlminnll~/~~lw:1ePiI rl~~~ A\ MixhlTe The milled bituminous/salvaged Class 5 mixture shall be installed in accordance with MnDar Section 2211, and compaction shall be obtained by the ordinary compaction method. Final compaction shall be with a smooth drum vibratory roller. K. Pl~nt MixM RihlrninOll~ ~vement Those streets under this contract that require the placement of more than one lift of bituminous shall be scheduled such that utility adjustments, driveway construction, landscaping, and all restoration are completed prior to the placement of the final bituminous wearing mat. In addition, the Contractor shall submit a letter from an app~oved independent testing laboratory that the aggregates and mixture proportions meet the requirements of the Specifications. The bituminous wear course shall be placed after the bituminous base course has been exposed to a complete freeze-thaw cycle, and prior to June 15, 1996. No bituminous pavement shall be placed until the base is reviewed by the Engineer.d O. Signs Signs shall be new unless noted on the plans as salvage and reinstall existing sign. Existing signs that will be replaced with new signs shall be salvaged to the City's maintenance shop. SPEC-l 02.023 2000S-4 102-023-20 Q. 'Ritllminnll~ nriVp.~y Rp.dnrntinn Bituminous driveway restoration shall consist of 4" of Class 5 a~J.~gate base, and 3" of bituminous surfacing, MnDar 2331 Type 41A. Driveway restoration will be completed at each driveway; typically, from the edge of concrete curb to the property line, if so disturbed. More specific information will be provided by the Engineer in the field. Removal of bituminous driveway pavement shall require saw cutting. Bituminous driveway removal and sawcutting shall be considered incidental to driveway restoration. Bituminous driveway restoration shall be done with a self-propelled paver. This requirement will be strictly enforced. R. Six-Tn~h rnn~Tp.tp. nriVp.~y Rp.dnrnt1nn Concrete driveway restoration shall consist of a minimum 6" thick concrete slab poured on top of approved bedding. Driveway width shall match the existing width. Concrete driveway aprons shall be 8 II thick for commercial driveways and in areas as directed by the Engineer. Removal of con,,~de driveway pavement and all saw cutting shall be considered incidental to concrete driveway restU.la.tion. S. 'Ritllminnll~ Rp.dnrntinn Bituminous restoration of Candy Cove Trail shall consist of a minimum of 6" of Class 5 aggregate base, 2.5" of bituminous base, and 1.5" of bituminous wear. It is intended that restoration of Candy Cove Trail be done only if deterioration of the pavement occurs due to the heavy truck traffic at the temporary access. T. Mill 'Rihlminnll~ ~l1~r.p. The Contractor shall mill in accordance with MnDOf 2232 portions of the wear course adjacent to the project. These areas includes Tli 13 and Ridgemont Avenue. After milling is complete, the Contractor shall remove all excess materials. The Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating the bituminous work with the surface milling work. No more than 24 hours shall elapse between the milling of the surface and placement of the bituminous. Milling shall be performed the day of the paving if possible and in no case more than 24 hours prior to paving. Milled areas shall be properly signed as a bump. SPEC-l 02.023 2000S-5 102-023-20 U. r~~t1ne Arljlldrnp.nt~ Casting adjustments for storm sewer construction as covered in these construction documents shall be considered incidental. Two adjustments will be required for all castings except catch basins; one adjustment will occur following bituminous base construction and the second adjustment will occur prior to placing the final bituminous wear course. Casting adjustments of existing utilities not installed under this contract shall be paid for as indicated in the bid schedule. Pinal adjustments will be required on all manholes, watermain valves, and service line curb boxes. Existing manholes and watermain gate valves will require two separate adjustments. The fust adjustment will occur following bituminous base construction and the second adjustment will occur prior to placing the final bituminous wear course. V. 'Rihlrninnll~ rlu:b Bituminous curb shall be replaced at Candy Cove for the Tli 13 project. A tack coat shall be applied to the area on which the curb is to be constructed. The bituminous mixture shall be placed by an approved automatic curb machine which shapes and compacts the mixture to the specified cross-section. The use of manual methods of placement will only be ~uuitted where machine placement is not feasible and then only in a manner approved by the Engineer. W. 4" PP,rforateli TP nrnin Tilp. The installation of the 4-inch drain tile will be accomplished according to the typical detail included on page 2 of the Plans. The drain tile shall be placed a distance of 8 inches behind the curb and at the bottom of the subcut excavation as shown on the typical section. Drain tile will be extended from existing catch basins and manholes as well as transversely as directed in the field by the Engineer. X. ~tp.r-nlld rnntrol Water for dust control will be required on this project and shall be applied on a daily basis and as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall have a water truck on site at all times for dust control. A predetermined hydrant will be designated by the City of Prior Lake. There will be no charge to the Contractor for water used. ?OOO 4 . I . ~AC;:' ll.IS.G Testing for work done in this specification shall be done to assure quality of materials and/or workmanship. Testing shall be at the expense of the Contractor with direct compensation only for indicated bid items and any other testing shall be incidental to the construction. SPEC-I02.023 2oooS-6 102-023-20 Testing shall be performed and certified by an independent testing laboratory. The Contractor shall coordinate and order the tests to be performed with the procu:;ss of his work. The Contractor shall notify the inspector as to the testing time scheduled, so the inspector can be present to indicate test locations and observe the testing. Test reports shall include: Results of tests performed, comparison of test results to job specifications, conclusion as to meeting or failing to meet job specifications; if failing, recommendation for couc.Ctive action and retest result to confirm compliance with the job specifications. Copies of all test results, either failing or passing, shall be provided to the Engineer. The following requirements for testing shall be performed: ~l1he~itp. Proctor 2EA In-place Density & Moisture (includes granular borrow density) 1/500 LP 6EA C1a~~ ~ A eeTPe~tp. 'R~ ~P. Gradation 1/2000 TN 2EA Standard Proctor 2EA In-place Density & Moisture 1/500 LP 6EA 'Rihlrninnn~ ~vp.rnent Bituminous Extraction 1 Min/Course* 9EA Bituminous Gradation 1/500 TN/Course* 9EA Air Voids 1/500 TN/Course* 9EA Core Density 1/500 TN/Course* 9EA rnnCTp.tp, Tp.sti.ng Air Entrainment 1/25 CY fIrst, 1/50 CY IDEA Slump 1/25 CY first 1/50 CY 10EA SPEC-102.023 2000S-7 102-023-20 Cylinders (set of 3) 1/25 CY fust 1/50 CY 10EA *See General Requirements, Page 2000-9 ?OOO ~ METHOn OF MFASTTRF.1\,ffiNT A. Rp.rnovp. M~nhnle/r~tr.h 'R~~in Removal of existing manholes and catch basins shall be measured on a per each basis. Removal of existing storm sewer pipe shall be considered incidental. B. rnrnrnon F;xr~wtinn A common excavation quantity of approximately 4,350 cubic Yards has been estimated to complete this project. The 4,350 cubic yards includes 2,400 cubic yards for Ridgemont Avenue and 1,950 cubic yards for Creekside Circle. The common excavation volume for Creekside Circle has been reduced by 750 CY to reflect the common borrow volume that will be used for the ravine to Mitchell Pond. The common excavation quantity in the base bid includes the removal of existing bituminous pavement and excavation required to place the typical street section. The common excavation quantity is reduced by 483 CY and 430 CY Dr Ridgemont Avenue and Creekside circle respectively, under the alternate bid, which allows for the estimated 4" of milled bituminous/ salvaged Class 5. A greater amount of milled! salvaged Class 5 material will be allowed if available, and the appropriate bid quantities will be adjusted accordingly. These estimates are based upon raw cut information which includes topsoil stripping and stockpiling as required, embankment construction for proposed road and respreading of stockpiled topsoil as required to complete grading operations. Common excavation shall be measured per cubic yard of material excavated. It is the intention of these specifications to pay planned quantity unless there is a major change in 6J.(Lde following the bid opening. The Contractor is responsible to verify the common excavation quantity to his own satisfaction and provide a unit price bid accordingly. B.1. Sl1hernrlp. FYr~wtinn The sub grade excavation quantity shown on the bid schedule has been estimated. The actual quantity of subgrade excavation shall be determined by a cross sectional survey prior to placement of the granular borrow. The volume of excavated subgrade material will be measured on a cubic yard basis in accordance with MnDOf 2105.4A, and determined by the average end area method. SPEC-I02.023 2oooS-8 102-023-20 1. rOn~Tp.tp. ~irle~llc Concrete sidewalk shall be measured per square foot and shall include four-inch sand cushion required under the walk. Sand cushion materials shall be consid~J.~ incidental to the contract unit prices per square foot of concrete sidewalk. K.1. Millpn 'Rihlrninnll~/~~l~epit rlas~ '\ M;,rhlTe The milled bituminousl salvaged Class 5 mixture shall be measured in cubic yards based on the compacted volume (CV) and determined by the average end area for any areas with a thickness greater than 4 inches. o. ~ienine Signing shall be measured in square feet for new signs installed. P. ThTP.P. (~") Tn~h 'RihlrninOll~ nriVp.~y Bituminous driveway restoration shall be measured on a square yard basis. Class 5 for driveway construction shall be measured on a per ton basis. Q. 'Rihlrninnll~ Re~tnrntinn Bituminous restoration of Candy Cove Trail shall be measured on a square yard basis. R. Mill 'Ritllrninnll~ Surface Milling of bituminous pavement shall be measured on a square yard basis and does not include milling for the milled bituminousl salvaged Class 5 mixture. S. Arljll~trnp.nt of F.xidine M~nhnlp r~~tine~ All existing manholes shall be adjusted app.lv.l'J.~tely such that casting tops shall be set 3/8 inch below finish grade, plus or minus 1/8 inch. Adjustment of existing manhole casting shall be measured on a per each basis. T. Arljlldmp.nt nf F.x;diTlg rUTh Stnp~ All existing curb stops shall be adjusted appropriately to match proposed boulevard !;J.a.des and shall be measured on a per each basis. U. 'Ritllrninol1~ rum Bituminous curb shall be measured by linear foot along the face of curb at the gutter line. SPEC-l 02.023 2oooS-9 102-023-20 V. W~tP.T- nn~t rontrol Water for dust control shall be measured in accordance with MnDOf 2130.3, where the unit shown on the Bid Schedule It (M) GAL" = 1,000 GAL. W. Grnnll1~T 'Rnrrow Granular borrow shall be measured in cubic yards based on the compacted volume (CV) in accordance with MnDOf 2104.4B. X. Arljll~trnp.nt of FYi~tinf nw v~ All existing gate valves shall be adjusted appropriately such that all valve box tops shall be set 3/8-inch below finish grade, plus or minus 1/8-inch. Adjustment of existing gate valves shall be measured on a per each basis. Y. 4" Pp:rforntp1i TP nrnin Tilp. Four (4") inch drain tile shall be measured on a linear foot basis. z. Tp.~tine Testing work will be measured on a unit basis for the individual type of test carried out. Only tests which indicate that the materials or workmanship meet or exceed the specification requirements will be considered for payment. 2000 tl 'RA~T~ OF PAYMFNT A. Rp.rnovp. M~nholp./r~t~h R~~in Removal of existing manholes and catch basins shall be paid for at the contract unit price on a per each basis. The contract unit price shall include all costs associated with salvaging of castings to the City I S maintenance shop, and disposal of structure. B. rornrnon Fxr~\mtion Common excavation shall be paid for at the contract unit price per cubic yard based on Plan quantities. The Contractor shall verify to his own satisfaction that this quantity is accurate for the work as pJ.up<>sed and adjust his or her bid accordingly. The contract unit price shall be considered full compensation for all labor, equipment, and materials necessary to excavate, stockpile, spread, and compact the material. B.l. Sllhe~tip. Fxc~\mtion Subgrade excavation shall be paid for at the contract unit price per cubic yard. The unit price shall include full compensation for disposing of any excess material. No SPEC-102.023 2oooS-10 102-023-20 compensation or adjustment in unit price will be given should this quantity be exceeded, reduced, or deleted. K.1. Millpn 'Ritllminnll~/S~l~ern ("1as~ ~ MiYhlTP. The milled bituminous/salvaged Class 5 mixture shall be paid for at the contract unit price per cubic yard based on the compacted volume. The contract unit price shall include all costs associated with milling of the existing bituminous, blending the milled bituminous with the salvaged Class 5, all loading and hauling of the material, and all spreading and compacting. o. Si enine Signing shall be paid for at the contract unit price per square foot. Price includes all materials and installation of new signs. Salvaging and reinstallation of all existing signs shall be considered incidental. P. 'RihlrninOll~ nriVp.~y Rp.dnrntlon ~nrl rnn~Tp.tp. nriVp.~y Rp.~tnrntlnn Bituminous or con,,~\;..te driveway restoration shall be paid for at the contract unit price per square yard. The unit price shall include all labor and material for a complete job. Payment for Class 5 ~~\;..gate used in driveways shall be paid under the bid item for Class 5 aggregate on a per ton basis. Removing the existing bituminous or concrete driveway material and saw cutting shall be considered incidental to the contract unit price for bituminous or concrete driveway. Q. 'RihlrninOll~ Rp.dn~tinn Bituminous restoration of Candy Cove Trail shall be paid for at the contract unit price on a square yard basis. The Contract unit price shall include any Class 5 aggregate base, bituminous or track coat. R. Mill 'Rihlrninoll~ Sl1~r.p. Milling of bituminous pavement shall be paid for at the contract unit price per square yard for the milling adjacent streets as indicated on the Plans. S. Acljlldmp.nt of F:xidine M~nhnlp. r~~tine The adjusting of an existing manhole casting shall be paid for at the contract unit price on a per each basis and shall be considered full compensation for all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to make the adju>)ltuent. The Contractor will be compensated for one (1) adjustment per structure. Payment for adjustment for the base course will be made at 50 percent of the contract unit price. The remaining 50 percent will be paid after the final adjustment with respect to the wear course has been made. SPEC-l 02.023 2oooS-11 102-023-20 I T. Arljlldrnp.nt nf Ryi~ting rum ~top~ The adjusting of an existing curb stop shall be paid for at the contract unit price on a per each basis and shall be considered full compensation for all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to make the adjustment~ U. Rihlminon~ rnm Bituminous curb shall be paid for at the contract unit price per linear foot and shall be compensation in full for all labor and materials necessary to construct the bituminous curb. Tack shall be incidental to the bituminous curb. V. W~tp.T-nlld rnntrnl Water for dust control shall be paid for at the contract unit price per 1,000 gallons, water used for roadbed preparation shall be considered incidental to the project, and no compensation shall be made. W. Grnnll1~T 'Rnrrnw Granular borrow shall be paid for at the contract unit price per cubic yard based on the compacted volume. The unit price shall include full compensation for any water required in order to achieve the specified density. No compensation or adjustment in unit price will be given should this quantity be exceeded, reduced, or deleted. X. Arljn~trnp.nt nf P;risting G~tP. v~ lvp.~ The adjusting of an existing gate valve shall be paid for at the contract unit price on a per each basis and shall be considered full compensation for all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to make the adju,)l1uent. The Contractor will be compensated for one (1) adju,)uuent per structure. Payment for adjustment for the base course will be made at 50 ~~~t of the contract unit price. The .l~uurlning 50 percent will be paid after the final adjustment with respect to the wear course has been made. Y. 4" Pp.rforntp1i 1'1> nrnin Tilp. The placement of 4-inch drain tile shall be paid for at the contract unit price per linear foot and shall be full compensation for all materials, equipment, and labor necessary to complete the work. The contract unit price shall include geotextile wrapping of the drain tile and connection to existing storm sewer structures. SPEC-l 02.023 2oooS-12 102-023-20 Z. Tp.~tine Testing work will be paid for at the contract unit price per type of test carried out. Payment will not be made until results are received by the Engineer and will be made for only those tests with results which meet or ~xceed the requirements of specifications as documented by the .l~yOrt from the testing company. SPEC-I02.023 2oooS-13 102-023-20 ('l'HIS PAGE WAS IN'l'EN'l'IONALL Y LE}"l' BLA~K) 2000 - INDEX SlKEET CONS 1 KUCTION GE~h.KAL REQuu<EMENTS 2000.1 DESCRIPTION ............................... 2000 . 2 MATERIALS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. Aggregate Base ...............................' B. Plant Mix Bituminous Pavement & Surface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C. Bituminous Tack Coat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D. Concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E. Expansion Joint Material ......................... F. Geotextile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. Pavement Markings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H. Signs & Markers .............................. 2000.3 CONSTRUCTION REQlJiKEMENTS ................ A. Maintenance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B. Work Limits ................................. C. Establishing Line & Grade ........................ D. Protection of Surface Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E. Removals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F. Excavation & Embankment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. Sub grade Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H. Geotextile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I. Aggregate Base ............................... J. Bituminous Tack Coat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K. Plant Mix Bituminous Pavement & Surface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . L. Concrete Curb, Gutter, Valley Gutter & Driveway. . . . . . . . . M. Sidewalk & Pedestrian Ramp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N. Pavement Markings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O. Signs & Markers .............................. P. Final Cleanup ................................ 2000.4 TESTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2000.5 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT ................... A. Removals. . . . . . . . . '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B. Common Excavation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C. Subgrade Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D. Geotextile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 JANUARY. 1993 -'''~''''''''''''''.~-----'-'''''''~~''-' i PAGE 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 2000.6 JANUARY. 1993 E. F. G.. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. o. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. 1. J. K. L. M. N. o. Concrete Curb & Gutter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Concrete Driveway I Apron ........................ Concrete Valley Gutter .......................... Triangular Valley Gutter Sections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Concrete Sidewalk .............................. Pedestrian Ramps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aggregate Base ............................... Bituminous Tack Coat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bituminous Pavement ........................... Pavement Markings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Signing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BASIS OF PAYMENT .......................... Removals ................................... Common Excavation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Subgrade Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Geotextile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Concrete Curb & Gutter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Concrete Driveway I Apron ........................ Concrete Valley Gutter .......................... Triangular Valley Gutter Sections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Concrete Sidewalk ............................. Pedestrian Ramps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aggregate Base ............................... Bituminous Tack Coat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bituminous Pavement ........................... Pavement Markings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Signing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 2000 SlKEET CONS 1 KUCTION GENERAL REQlJiKEMENTS ZOOQ.1 DESCRIPTION, This work shall consist of the construction of streets, and all appurtenant miscellaneous construction in accordance with MnDOT Specifications except as modified herein. The work includes the relocation or adjustment of existing facilities as may be specified in the Contract. All reference to MnDOT Specifications shall mean the latest published edition of the Minnesota Dep~ 111.lent of Transportation Standard Specifications for Highway Construction, as modified by any MnDOT Supplemental Specification edition published prior to the date of advertisement for bids. Any words in these specifications which refer to the State of Minnesota or the Department of Transportation, shall also mean the Owner. All reference to other Specifications such as AASHTO, ASTM, ANSI, A WW A, shall mean the latest published edition available on the date of advertisement for bids. All manufactured products shall conform in detail to such standard design drawings as may be referenced or furnished in the contract documents. The Owner may require advance approval of material suppliers, product design, or other unspecified details as deemed necessary to ensure conformance to the contract documents. Where specific manufactured products are referenced it is to indicate a product preference of the Owner. Other manufactured products of an "equivalent" kind. type, and quality may be used if approved, in writing, by the Engineer. Product information. shop drawings or other information to described the product shall be submitted to the Engineer in a timely manner such that their review does not delay the project. 2000.2 MATERIALS All materials required for this work shall be new material conforming to requirements of the referenced specifications for the class, kind, type, size, grade, and other details indicated in the, Contract. Unless otherwise indicated, all required materials shall be furnished by the Contractor. If any options are provided for, as to type, grade, or design of the material, the choice shall be limited as may be stipulated in the contract documents. A. A~~re~ate Base A.1. Natural A!!Q:reQ:ate:, Class 5, natural aggregate, shall conform to MnDOT 3138. A portion of Gradation Table 3138-1 is reproduced below for convenience. Class 5 natural aggregate shall be used unless specified otherwise. TANTTARY 199'1 2000-1 A.2. 100% Crushed Ouarrv Rock: Class 5, 100% crushed rock, shall be comprised of 100% crushed quarry rock and conform to MnDOT 3138. A portion of Gradation Table 3138-1 is reproduced below for convenience. Class 5 Aggregate 'Gradation Total Percent Passing Sieve Size Natural AQQTeQate 100 % Crushed 1" 100 90 - 100 50 - 90 35 - 80 20 - 65 10 - 35 3 - 10 100 90 - 100 50 - 90 35 - 70 20 - 55 10 - 35 3 - 10 3/4 " 3/8 " #4 #10 #40 #200 B. Plant Mix Bituminous Pavement, Plant mix bituminous pavement shall conform to MnDOT 2331 Type 31B base course and 2331 Type 41A wear course in accordance with Table 2331-1 located in the Supplemental Specification to the 1988 Standard Specifications for Construction, dated January 2, 1991, unless specified otherwise in the Specific Requirements. The bituminous material for mixture shall be asphalt cement with penetration of 85/100 or 120/150. Percent bituminous by weight and air voids for 2331 shall be as follows: Course % Asphalt Cement % Air Voids Base, Leveling or Binder Course Wearing Course or Shoulders 5.0 5.8 3.0 - 5.0 3.0 - 5.0 At least 15 days prior to installation of any base course, binder course, or wearing course mixture, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a job-mix formula prepared by an approved testing laboratory for each type of mix. The job-mix formula shall establish a single percentage of aggregate passing each required sieve size and a single percentage of bituminous material to be incorporated in the mixture. The maximum allowable percentage of recycled material incorporated into the mix shall not exceed 50 percent by weight of recycled material to the mix design. Job-Mix formulas for 2331 Type 32 and Type 42, Recycled Bituminous Mixture, shall indicate residual, add, and total Asphaltic Cement percentages. APRIL. 1993 2000-2 C. Bituminous Tack Coat Bituminous tack coat shall be diluted emulsified asphalt or RC liquid asphalt in accordance with MnDOT 2357 and 3151. D. Concrete All concrete shall be in accordance with MnDOT 2461, mix 3A32 for hand placing and 3A22 for machine placing. A portion of the 2461 requirements are as follows: Type 3 air entrained concrete 28 day compressive strength of 3900 psi 2" to 3" slump, hand placing 1" to 2" slump, machine placing Refer to the MnDOT Specification for complete mix requirements. E. Expansion Joint Material Expansion joint material shall conform to MnDOT 3702. F. Geotextile The geotextile for stabilization of subgrade soil shall be in accordance with MnDOT 3733 Geotextiles and the Specific Requirements. G. Pavement Markin{!s Pavement markings shall be White and Yellow High Solids Water Based Traffic Paint, in accordance with MnDOT Specification, dated January 12, 1994. Glass beads shall be in accordance with MnDOT' s Specification for Glass Beads, Drop-On Type for Reflectorizing Traffic Paint, dated January 3, 1994 and shall be used with all types of traffic paints. H. .s.w:1S and Markers Signs and markers shall be in accordance with MnDOT 3352 and the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Flanged channel sign posts shall be 3.0 pounds per lineal foot, in accordance with MnDOT 3401, except posts need not be galvanized. Posts shall be coated with an approved rust inhibitive green paint. High intensity reflectorization materials shall be used on roads of state jurisdiction and engineering grade reflectorization materials shall be used on other roads. MAY, 1995 2000- 3 T 2000.3 CONSl.KIJCTION REOUl.KEMENTS, A. Maintenance Maintenance of the project site, and any other area affected by construction, shall be in accordance with MnDOT specifications including Sections: 1404 1514 1515 1707 Appendix B Maintenance of Traffic Maintenance During Construction Control of Haul Roads Public Convenience and Safety Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices Maintenance of streets and any detours, by-passes, equipment, stockpile, or storage areas provided in conjunction with the project shall be required and shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Said maintenance shall include but not be limited to keeping the streets free of obstacles, parked equipment, unused barricades, blading the traveled ways, controlling the dust in the construction area and on detours, and maintenance of all barricades and flashers. The Contractor shall keep the portions of the Project being used by public traffic, whether it be through or local traffic, in such condition that the traffic will be adequately accommodated at all times. The Contractor shall provide and maintain temporary approaches. crossings ~ and intersections with trails. roads, streets, businesses, parking lots, residences. garages. farms, and other abutting property in acceptable condition. The Contractor shall maintain essential services during the course of the project. Essential services shall include emergency vehicles, school buses, mail delivery, garbage collection, drainage and public utility services. The Contractor shall coordinate his work with all appropriate agencies and utility companies during construction. During construction it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to see that all existing drainage structures, ditches, gutters, and utilities in the working area are kept clean. Gutters shall be cleaned and free of dirt and other materials at the end of each working day. to ensure proper drainage and property protection. Bales, silt fence or other erosion control measures acceptable to the Engineer shall be used to prevent materials from washing into drainage ways or storm sewers. There shall be an inspection of the sanitary sewer, storm sewer and water main utilities prior to the start of construction. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer a minimum of 24 hours in advance of commencing construction to aid in accomplishing this inspection. All deficiencies in these existing systems prior to beginning construction must be immediately brought to the attention of the Engineer. During construction, the Contractor shall maintain the streets and control dust as directed by the Engineer. Dust control shall also apply in the same manner to stockpiles of topsoil, JANUARY. 1993 2000-4 dirt, or other materials, throughout the period of construction. Payment for maintaining streets and controlling dust shall be incidental to this project and no separate payment made unless provided for on the BID. B. Work Limits The Owner has obtained permanent and temporary easements for all construction on private property, as shown on the plan sheets. The remaining construction is within the right-of-way of dedicated streets. The Contractor shall limit his operations to the street right-of-way or easement unless he makes a separate arrangement with the landowner for the use of additional land. B.1. Work on ExistinQ: RiQ:ht-of-Wavs:, In the case of construction on a railroad, state or county highway right-of-way, a permit for such construction will be obtained by the Owner. The Contractor shall comply with all requirements specified by the permit with respect to limits, safety precautions, method of construction, etc., and shall furnish to the state or county highway department or the railroad the required supplemental bonds or insurance coverages as stipulated in the permits without additional cost to the Owner. C. Estab lishinQ: Line and Grade, The primary line and grade will be established by the Engineer. Line and grade stakes will be set parallel to the proposed roadway at an appropriate offset and interval as will serve the Contractor! s operations wherever practical. The Contractor shall arrange his operations to avoid unnecessary interference with the establishment of the primary line and grade stakes; and shall render whatever assistance may be required by the Engineer to accomplish the staking. The Contractor shall be responsible for preservation of the primary stakes and shall bear the full cost of any restaking necessitated by his negligence. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the correct transfer of the primary line and grade from the stakes to all working points and for construction of the work to the prescribed lines and grades. D. Protection of Surface Structures, All surface structures and features located outside the excavation limits together with those within the construction areas which are indicated in the Plans as being saved, shall be properly protected against damage and shall not be disturbed or removed without approval of the Engineer. Obstructions such as street signs, mailboxes, guard posts, small culverts, and other items of prefabricated construction may be temporarily removed during construction provided JANUARY, 1993 2000-5 T- essential service is maintained in a relocated setting as approved by the Engineer and nonessential items are properly stored for the duration of construction. Upon completion of-the work, all such items shall be replaced in their proper setting at the sole expense of the Contractor. In the event of damage to any surface improvements, either privately or publicly owned, the Contractor will be required to replace or repair the damaged property to the satisfaction of the Engineer and at the Contractor I s expense. E. Removals E.!. Bituminous and Concrete Pavements:, Bituminous and concrete pavements shall be removed to a straight line horizontal and vertical cut at the limits of removal, or to the nearest joint if directed by the Engineer. All joints shall be sawed unless otherwise authorized by the Engineer. Pavements shall be removed two feet beyond undisturbed existing base courses. Pavement markings removed shall be replaced when the pavement is restored. E.2. Other Removal: Curbs, gutters, signs, structures, and any other items indicated for removal shall be done in a manner as to minimize the area of disturbance to the area beyond the limits of removal. Where a portion of an existing item is to remain, the limit of removal shall be at an existing joint, or the Contractor shall prepare the item such that the removal shall leave a straight and clean surface unless otherwise provided for in the contract documents. Signs removed during construction shall be temporarily reinstalled where necessary for traffic control. particularly STOP signs. Signs to be reinstalled upon project completion shall be stored to prevent damage and loss during construction. Signs to be salvaged shall be delivered to the Owner upon removal. F. Excavation and Embankment All site grading and street excavation and embankment shall be in accordance with MnDOT 2105 with the following modifications: 1. All excavation shall be common excavation unless separate items are provided on the BID. 2. Areas of excavation or embankment shall be well drained and free from standing water at all times. 3. The following compaction requirements shall be met for all areas of construction under this contract. JANUARY, 1993 2000-6 a. Areas Outside Street Riiht-of-Wav: Areas outside of the street right-of- way shall be compacted to 95 percent of Standard Proctor Maximum dry density (T -99 or ASTM D-698). b. Areas Within Street Ri~ht-of-Wav: Areas within street right-of-way shall meet the following compaction requirements relative to subgrade: 1. Below tJ!>per 3 Feet: The zone from 3 feet below the fmished sub grade shall be compacted to 95 percent of Standard Proctor Maximum Dry Density (T-99 or ASTM D-698). 2. lJpper 3 Feet: The zone from fmished grade to 3 feet below finished grade, or to the top of the finished subgrade, whichever is greater, shall be compacted to 100 percent of Standard Proctor Maximum Dry Density (T-99 or ASTM D-698). G. Sub~rade Pre:paration. Subgrade, except as modified by the following, shall be prepared in accordance with MnDOT 2112, by fme grading to within 1/2" of the specified subgrade elevation. Unstable areas shall be scarified, wetted or dried. The top three (3) feet shall be compacted to 100 percent of the Standard Proctor Maximum Dry Density. fmal compaction shall be with a smooth drum vibratory roller. Soils which cannot be consolidated to provide a fIrm layer of support shall be removed and replaced with suitable material. H. Geotextile Installation shall be in accordance with the appropriate MnDOT Specification Section, the manufacturer I s recommendations, and the Specific Requirements. I..A~Qreg,ate Base Class 5 aggregate base shall be installed in accordance with MnDOT section 2211. Compaction shall be by the Specified Density Method, and compacted to 100 percent of the Standard Proctor Maximum Dry Density. Final coulpaction shall be with a smooth drum vibratory roller. J. Bituminous Tack Coat, Bituminous tack coat shall be applied in accordance with MnDOT 2357. The bituminous material shall be applied at a uniform rate not to exceed: (a) 0.05 gallon per square yard for cutback asphalt and undiluted asphalt emulsion (as supplied from the refmery); and (b) 0.20 gallon per square yard for diluted asphalt emulsion (one part water to one part emulsified asphalt). Prior to the placement of each bituminous lift, all surfaces shall be MAY, 1993 2000-7 T swept clean and particular care shall be taken to clean dirt and debris from the gutter face area. Tack coat shall be sprayed onto all concrete and bituminous surfaces against which bituminous paving is to be placed, including the gutter face as well as the vertical surfaces of manhole castings and gate valve boxes. When emulsified tack is used, the emulsion must "break" (water begins to evaporate and color goes from brown to black) prior to placement of pavement. K. Plant Mix Bituminous Pavement Plant mix bituminous pavement shall be installed in accordance with MnDOT 2331. K.1. Mix Desi~n: The Contractor shall submit the job-mix design to the Engineer a minimum of 15 days prior to installation. The Contractor shall submit copies of all testing documentation from the MnDOT Certified Plant for the previous 5 days of production prior to placement of any bituminous course. In addition, testing documentation for each day of production that bituminous is placed on the project shall also be provided to both the inspector and faxed or mailed to the Engineer. K.2. Method of Rollin2": The rolling of the new mat shall follow the accepted procedure of a steel wheel roller with the drive wheel forward directly behind the paver. Roller sequence shall be as follows: Transverse joints Longitudinal joints Outside edge Initial rolling, low side toward high side Intermediate rolling, low side toward high side Finish rolling On the wearing course, following as close behind the steel wheel roller as practical, shall be pneumatic-tired roller operating in the same pattern as the steel wheel roller. K.3. Comoaction: Compaction shall be obtained by the Specified Density Method to achieve a degree of compaction not less than 95 percent of the Marshal density based on the inplace material, not the trail or job mix marshal density. Compaction testing shall be performed and certified by an independent testing laboratory rather than the contractor in accordance with MnDOT 2331.H2 and as modified below: APRIL. 1993 2000-8 One core sample for inplace density tests per 500 ton of mix installed or a minimum of 3 cores per lift. Cores shall be taken within 3 days of placement. A single core can consist of more than one lift for density testing of different courses or lifts, however, the core must be sawed to separate the lifts for testing. One retest of each failing test will be permitted in accordance with MnDOT 2331H2; however, retesting shall be done at the contractor's expense. K.4 Testing: Testing of the bituminous shall be performed based on the schedule below: "ihST TESTiNG RAih Air Voids 1 Minimum/Course and 1 minimum per day 1/500 ton per course or fraction thereof 1/500 ton per course or fraction thereof and 3 minimum per course 1/500 ton per course or fraction thereof and 3 minimum per course Bituminous Extraction Bituminous Gradation Core Density K.5 Thickness: Compaction and thickness of each lift and the total section shall be within 1/4" of the specified thickness. Paving shall be 1/4" to 1 /2" higher than manhole covers, gate valves, and curb and gutter. K.6 Bituminous Bcuu: Where specified, a bituminous berm shall be integrally formed by a shoe attached to the paver. The shoe attachment shall be smooth and clean on the inside and shall have a slight taper to produce a smooth compacted fmish product. Shoe attachments which are bent, rough, or otherwise produce a poor result will be cause for beuu rejection. L. Concrete Curb. Gutter. Valle" Gutter. and Drivewav Concrete curb, gutter, valley gutter, driveway, and other cast in place similar traffic delineation or service items shall be constructed in accordance with MnDOT 2531, expect as modified by the following: 1) Delete that portion of MnDOT 2531 which requires joints to be sealed with joint sealer material. TT TN~ 1 QQ':l 2000-9 T 2) The Contractor shall submit his design mix to the Engineer before commencing work. 3) The Contractor shall provide all concrete samples needed for concrete test cylinders, slump test, air entrainment tests, and any other tests ordered by the Engineer. 4) Provide full depth expansion joints where indicated on detail plates, on the plans and against fixed objects. The spacing of expansion joints shall not exceed 200 feet. 5) Provide contraction joints, 1/3 depth of concrete, at 10 foot intervals in curb with or without gutter. 6) After concrete is finished and "broomed", the Contractor shall spray all exposed surfaces; front, top, back; with a spray membrane curing compound conforming to MnDOT Section 3754. 7) The Contractor shall backfill around the concrete work as soon as possible after construction. There shall be no concrete or debris left behind the forms. Grading and compaction behind curbing shall be completed to subgrade prior to street paving, and be shaped to match existing lawns. M. Sidewalk and Pedestrian Ramp JAJ'\l'UARY.I993 All sidewalk and pedestrian ramps shall be concrete and constructed in accordance with MnDOT 2521. Walks. with the following modifications: 1) A spray membrane type of curing agent shall be used. The spray membrane shall be in accordance with MnDOT 3754. 2) Joint sealers are not required. 3) Typical walk panels shall be five (5) feet square with a contraction joint on each end of the panel unless otherwise specified or approved. Joints shall align with like joints in adjoining work unless the work is separated by 1/2" preformed joint fIller. Sidewalk adjacent to curb and gutter shall have preformed joint fIller board between the two unless the Engineer approves otherwise. When new sidewalk is to be placed adjacent to new curb and gutter and the deletion of filler board is approved by the Engineer, the Contractor must exercise extreme care in jointing the curb and gutter such that the sidewalk joints result in an aesthetically pleasing pattern and provide uniformity. Adjustments of joint spacing in the curb and gutter and! or sidewalk may be necessary. Special attention shall also be taken in spacing joints near driveways, comer, and changes in direct to achieve uniformity of panels. 2000-10 4) Expansion joints shall be installed on each side of driveways, between walk and curb section at intersections, at changes in direction, at a maximum spacing of 60 feet, and in accordance with detail plates. The Engineer may order expansion material placed between existing walks and at other locations as required in the field. 5) Sidewalk construction through driveways shall be six (6) inch thick at residential driveways and eight (8) inch thick at commercial driveways. 6) Aggregate shall be embedded and exposed on the pedestrian ramps as indicated on the detail plate. Aggregate applied with epoxy cement or other means of adhesion after the concrete is poured is not acceptable. 7) Pedestrian ramps and other places that sidewalk may be subjected to vehicle loads shall be thickened to a 6" thickness. 8) Curb boxes which are in sidewalks must remain accessible by use of a 2 part lid or a collar to keep concrete free of the lid. N. Pavement Markin2:s Application shall be in accordance with MnDOT Specifications and the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, and as supplemented or modified by plans and detail plates. A ponion of the MnDOT requirements are as follows: TA"TTTAOV 100'1 1) At the time of applying the marking material~ the application area shall be free of contamination. The Contractor shall clean the roadway surface prior to the line application in a manner and to the extent required by the Engineer. 2) Glass beads shall be applied immediately after application of the paint line. 3) Pavement markings shall only be applied in seasonable weather when the air temperature is 50 degrees F or higher, and shall not be applied when the wind or other conditions cause a film of dust to be deposited on the pavement surface after cleaning and before the marking material can be applied. 4) The filling of tanks, pouring of materials or cleaning of equipment shall not be performed on unprotected pavement surfaces unless adequate provisions are made to prevent spillage of the material. 5) No striping operations will be permitted between sundown and sunrise without written permission from the Engineer. 6) All material shall be placed in a workmanlike manner, which shall result in a clearly defmed line that has been adequately reflectorized with glass beads. 2000-11 [ 7) Glass beads shall be uniformly applied at a rate of 6 pounds per gallon. 8) A reduction in pay shall be made for reduced thickness and! or width. Width shall be computed by random measuring. Thickness shall be computed by the following formula: Gallons x 231 Thickness = Length x Width 9) Application for the marking material shall be such as to provide uniform film thickness throughout the coverage area. Stripe ends shall be clean cut and square, with a minimum of material beyond the cutoff. Maintenance of Traffic During Pavement Marking Operations: The Contractor shall furnish and place, without extra compensation, all necessary warning and direction signs to maintain traffic during all pavement marking operations, and shall provide such protection for the uncured markings as may be necessary until traffic may cross them without any damage thereto. Traffic control during the striping operation shall be safe and satisfactory to the Engineer or all marking operations shall cease until traffic control meets with the Engineer's approval. Traffic control requirements may include, but are not limited to, furnishing a pilot car and/or flagman. Traffic shall be allowed to keep moving at all times, and the striping equipment shall be operated in such a manner that will not force traffic to cross uncured markings. Protection devices such as ., cones" shall be of an approved type that will not cause damage to the vehicle when accidentally struck. o. Si~ns and Markers Installation shall be in accordance with the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, and as supplemented or modified by the detail plates. P. Pinal Cleanun Final disposal of debris, waste materials and other remains or consequences of construction, shall be accomplished outside of the project area prior to fmal acceptance of all work. Final acceptance of each contract item can only be made when the cleanup associated with each item is completed. The Engineer may withhold partial payments until such work is satisfactorily pursued or may deduct the estimated cost of its performance from the partial pay estimate value. JA1\lUARY, 1993 2000-12 2000.4 TESIING Testing, for work done in this specification, shall be done to assure quality of materials and/or workmanship. Testing shall be at the expense of the Owner. The Contractor shall assist the Engineer or Owner in obtaining sauJ.pIes or tests when required. 2000.5 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT. A. Removals Removals shall be measured as indicated on the BID for each type or size. Unless specifically itemized, removals are considered incidental. B. Common Excavation Common excavation material shall be measured per cubic yards of excavated material in accordance with MnDOT 2105.4A, average end area method as determined from original and fmal cross sections, except where a lump sum bid is indicated. c. Sub~rade Pre!>aration, Subgrade Preparation shall be measured per 100 foot centerline Road Station. D. Geotextile Geotextile fabric shall be measured on a square yard basis for the area covered. There will be no measurement of additional fabric used for overlap or seams. E. Concrete Curb and Gutter, Concrete curb and gutter shall be measured in linear feet along the face of the curb at the gutter line including across driveway openings and around radii with triangular valley gutter sections. F. Concrete Drivewav / A!>ron, Concrete driveway/apron shall be measured in square yards per each specified thickness from the back of curb to back of walk/match existing concrete driveway. This includes sidewalk thickening through driveways. G. Concrete Vallev Gutter Concrete valley gutter shall be measured in square feet. JANUARY. 1993 2000-13 H. TrianQUlar Vallev Gutter Sections Triangular valley gutter sections shall be measured on a per each basis. I. Concrete Sidewalk Concrete sidewalk shall be measured in square feet including pedestrian ramp areas. Thickened sidewalk through driveways is paid under Concrete Driveway/Apron by square yards. J. Pedestrian Ramos Pedestrian ramps shall be measured on a per each basis. Concrete sidewalk pays for the basic walk, Pedestrian Ramp pays for the "additional work" for exposed aggregate, tapers, and thickened section. K. AS!S!reS!ate Bas~ Aggregate base material shall be measured in tons based on weiS!h~ sli!)s collected at the job site on the day of delivery. Weight slips will only be collected that contain the following information: project, truck number, date, leave time, gross weight, tare weight and net weight. L. Bituminous Tack Coat Bituminous material for tack coat shall be measured on a gallon basis at 60 degrees F. Volume slips will be required. Added water for emulsion dilution shall be excluded from payment volume. M. Bituminous Pavement Bituminous mixture shall be measured in tons based on weight slips collected at the job site on the day of delivery . Weight slips will only be collected that contain the following information: project, truck number, date, leave time, gross weight, tare weight and net weight. N. Pavement Markin~~ Pavement markings shall be measured on a lump sum basis. o. SiS!ninS! Signing shall be measured on a lump sum basis. APRIL. 1993 2000-14 2000.6 BASIS OF PAYMENT A. Removals, Removals, unless specific items are provided 'on the BID, shall be considered incidental. B. Common Excavation, Common excavation shall be paid for at the contract unit price per cubic yard. Bid price shall include all types of excavated materials unless separate bid items are provided on the bid form. Payment shall include excavating, stockpiling, or placement as embankment. C. Subl!rade Preparation Subgrade preparation shall be paid per Road Station. D. Geotextile Geotextile fabric shall be paid for at the contract unit price per square yard, which includes installation. E. Concrete Curb and Gutter Concrete curb and gutter shall be paid for at the contract unit price per linear foot. The bid price includes excavation, curb and gutter, backfilling and shaping behind the curb. F. Concrete Drivewav / Anron Concrete driveway/apron shall be paid for at the contract unit price per square yard which includes all necessary materials, labor and shaping of the adjoining area. G. Concrete Vallev Gutter Concrete valley gutter shall be paid for at the contract unit price per square foot which includes all materials and labor for a complete job. H. TrianQUlar Vallev Gutter Triangular valley gutter sections shall be paid for at the contract unit price per each which includes all material and labor for a complete job. I. Concrete Sidewalk Concrete sidewalk shall be paid for at the contract unit price per square foot which includes all necessary material, labor and shaping of the adjoining area. APRIL. 1993 2000-15 T J. Pedestrian Ram!)s Pedestrian ramps shall be paid for at the contract unit price per each which includes all necessary material, labor and shaping of the adjacent area. K. A~QTeQ'ate Base Aggregate base shall be paid for at the contract unit price per ton, which includes hauling, placement, compaction and compaction water. L. Bituminous Tack Coat Bituminous tack coat shall be paid for at the contract unit price per gallon, which includes surface preparation and application. M. Bituminous Pavement Bituminous pavement shall be paid for at the contract unit price per ton, which includes hauling, placement, and compaction. N. ;Pavement Markin~s Pavement markings shall be paid for at the contract lump sum price which includes all materials, installation and traffic control. o. Si!!ning Signing shall be paid for at the contract lump sum price which includes all material and installation. APRIL. 1993 2000-16 2500 STORM DRAINAGE SPECIFIC REQu.LKEMENTS 2500.1 DESCRIPTION Work covered in this section shall include the installation of 15" to 36" reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) at four different locations. Work also includes the removal of existing catch basins and culverts, connection to existing pipes, filling the ravine to Mitchell Pond at the Trunk Highway 13 project, and constructing a rip-rap lined channel at the Industrial Park site. It is intended that the borrow material for the ravine to Mitchell Pond come from the excess material generated from the Creekside Circle project. 2500.2 MATERIALS, A.l Reinforced Concrete Pine 12-inch storm sewer pipe shall be Class V reinforced concrete pipe (RLY). All other RCP storm sewer pipe shall be Class ffi. A.4 Concrete Pine Ties The reinforced concrete pipe bends at the Mitchell Pond project shall include pipe ties. Other pipe shall also include pipe ties as shown on the plans. C.3. Imn Casti~ Castings for use on this project shall be: a. Neenah R-4342 Ditch Grate, stool type. b. Neenah R-3067-V vane grate. c. Neenah R-1733 solid lid. d. Neenah R-1733 with Type C grate. F . 3 Foundation Material Foundation Material shall be used for placement of storm sewer pipe and shall meet the gradation requirements of MnDOT 3149.2. SPEC-I02.023 2500S-1 102..()23-20 H. Rip-ra9 Random and grouted rip-rap used on this project shall be Class ill in accordance with MnDOT 2511. J. Hi~h Densitv Polvethvlene (HDPE) Pine HDPE storm sewer pipe shall conform to the following specifications: 1. ASTM F 405, Standard Specification for Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe and Fittings. 2. ASTM F 667, Standard Specification for Large Diameter Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe and Fittings. 3. AASHTO M 252, Standard Specification for Polyethylene Corrugated Drainage Pipe. 4. AASHTO M 294, Standard Specification for Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe, 12" to 24" diameter. The interior of the polyethylene pipe shall have no corrugations. The polyethylene storm sewer pipe shall be Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc., (ADS) N-12 pipe or approved equal. 2500.3 CONSTRIJCTION REOUIREMENTS F.3 Foundation Material The Contractor shall place either a granular borrow or course filter aggregate foundation when poor soil conditions are encountered or as determined by the Engineer. The compacted granular bedding shall COnfOUd to MnDOT 3149.2F and shall be used only when in-place materials do not meet the gradation requirements, as shown on the pipe bedding detail in the Plans. Granular bedding is not a separate item on the bid schedule and shall be considered incidental to storm sewer construction. Any dewatering required for this work shall also be considered incidental to storm sewer construction with no additional compensation provided. Foundation material shall conform to MnDOT 3149. 2H and shall be used when poor soils may cause pipe instability as determined by the Engineer. The Contractor should review the soil borings and determine to his own satisfaction the extent of foundation material that may be required for the project. P. Connect to Existini Storm Sewer Connection to existing storm sewer pipes shall be required in two locations. One connection at Creekside Circle and one connection at Trunk Highway 13. SPEC-102.023 2500S-2 102-023-20 The connection at Creekside Circle involves removing the existing catch basin, connecting to the existing 18" RCP and extending new pipe to the new catch basin. The connection at Trunk Highway 13 consists of removing the existing 36" concrete FES, located south of Candy Cove Parkway and west of Highway 13 for manhole construction. The Contractor shall remove the existing flared end or pipes as indicated on the Plans and extend 36" RCP to the new manhole. Both connections shall have grout placed between the annular space between the pipe wall surface and the manhole wall surface, such that a watertight seal is provided. All concrete debris created during this operation shall be removed and disposed of off-site by the Contractor. Q. Common Borrow Suitable material shall be hauled in to fill the ravine along Highway 13 in the Mitchell Pond area as shown on the Plans. It has been estimated that 750 CY of material will be required. It is intended that the borrow material for the ravine be the excess material generated from the Creekside Circle project. T. Testing Backfill materials shall be tested for cO.u~paction in compliance with the specified densities. Tests shall be performed approximately at the rate of one test per every two foot lift of compacted material per every 500 linear feet of trench. Testing shall be performed by an independent testing laboratory such as American Engineering and Testing, Inc., or approved equal and costs shall be the responsibility of the Contractor per bid item. The Contractor shall coordinate and order the tests to be performed with the progress of his work. The Contractor shall notify the inspector as to the testing time scheduled, so the inspector can be present to indicate test locations and observe the testing. If the test results indicate that the material or workmanship fail to meet the specified requirement, corrective actions shall be undertaken and the work retested until it meets the requirements. 2500.4 METHOD OF MEASlJREMENT A.1 ~forced Concrete Pipe Bends Reinforced concrete pipe bends shall be measured on a per each basis, including the pipe ties. A.2 Reinforced Concrete Pine Ties Reinforced concrete pipe ties shall be considered incidental to the placement of pipe and will not be measured separately. SPEC-I02.023 2500S-3 102-023-20 I. Connect to Existini Storm Sewer Connection to existing stUUl.l sewer pipes shall be measured on a per each basis. This bid item provides for all work necessary to connect the existing pipe to a precast concrete manhole. Specific work tasks included in this bid item include removal and disposal of existing pipe, grouting and sealing the area connected. J. Common Borrow Common borrow shall be paid for on a cubic yard basis. The unit price shall include loading, hauling, placement and compaction. The contractor should confirm the estimated quantity of 750 CY required since only the planned quantity will be paid. K. Catch Basin Sediment Barrier Catch basin sediment barrier shall be measured on a per each basis. L. Foundation Material Foundation material shall be measured on a cubic yard basis. M. Testing Testing work will be measured on a unit basis for the individual type of test performed. Only tests which indicate that the materials or workmanship meet or exceed the specification requirements will be considered for payment. 2500.5 BASIS OF PAYMENT A.I Reinforced Concrete Pipe Bends Reinforced concrete pipe bends shall be paid for at the contract unit price per each. The contract unit price shall include the cost of the pipe ties. I. Connect to Existin~ St<)rm Sewer The connection of the existing stV.ll.ll sewer pipe to new manhole shall be paid for at the contract unit price on a lump sum basis. The contract unit price shall include all labor , equipment, materials, and disposal costs associated with completing the work and providing the connection. J. Common Borrow The material supplied for the ravine in Mitchell Pond shall be measured on a cubic yard basis. The amount of material required for the ravine has been estimated at 750 CY. SPEC-102.023 2500S-4 102-023-20 K. Catch Ba~in Sediment Barriet: Catch basin sediment barrier shall be paid for at the contract unit price per each. L. Foundation Material Foundation material shall be paid for at the contract unit price per cubic yard. The contract unit price shall include all labor, excavation, and coarse fliter aggregate. M. Testing Testing work will be paid for on a unit basis for the individual type of test performed. Only tests which indicate that the materials or workmanship meet or exceed the specification requirements will be considered for payment. SPEC-102.023 2500S-5 102-023-20 T ('I'HIS PAGE WAS IN'l'EN'l'IONALL Y LE}"I' BLANK) 2500-INDEX STORM DRAINAGE GENbKAL REQUIREMENTS PAGE 2500.1 DESCRIPTION ................................................... 1 2500.2 MA 1 bRIALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. Reinforced Concrete Pipe and Fittings ........................... Corrugated Steel Pipe and Fittings .............................. Precast Concrete Manholes and Catchbasins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mortar .................................................... Concrete .................................................. Granular Materials .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Piling ..................................................... Rip-rap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Insulation ............................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 5 2500.3 CONS 1 KUCTION REQUIRE~NTS ................................ 6 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Work Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Establishing Line and Grade ................................... Protection of Surface Structures ................................ Interference of Underground Structures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Removal of Surface Improvements ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Excavation and Trench Preparation ............................. Installation of Pipe and Fittings ................................ Manhole & Catchbasin Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jack-Bore Reinforced Concrete Pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Placement of Insulation ................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pipeline Backfilling Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rip-rap ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Restoration of Surface Improvements ............................ Maintenance and Final Cleanup ................................ 6 7 7 8 9 9 10 13 15 16 16 17 18 18 19 2500.4 METHOD OF ?v1EASUREMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 JANUARY. 1993 A. B. C. D. E. F. Reinforced Concrete Pipe ..................................... Corrugated Steel Pipe ........................................ Flared End Sections! ApJ. uns ................................... Trashguard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manhole/Catchbasin ......................................... Rip-rap ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 19 19 19 19 19 20 G. H. Granular Material ............................................ Boring .................................................... 20 20 2500.5 BASIS OF PAYMENT ............................................. 20 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. JANlJARY_ 1993 Reinforced Concrete Pipe ..................................... Corrugated Steel Pipe ........................................ Flared End Section! Apron ..................................... Trashguard ................................................ Manhole/Catchbasin ......................................... RiP-"'~J! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Granular Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boring .................................................... ii 19 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 2500 STORM DRAINAGE ubNERAL REQUIRE:MENTS 2500.1 DESCRIPTION This work shall consist of the construction of storm drainage systems utilizing plant fabricated pipe and other appurtenant materials installed for conveyance of storm water. The work includes construction of manholes, catchbasins, culverts and other related items in accordance with the Plans and these General Requirements, except as modified by the Specific Requirements or the Special Provisions. All work shall comply with the requirements of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and all applicable codes and ordinances. All reference to MnDOT Specifications shall mean the latest published edition of the Minnesota Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Highway Construction, as modified by any MnDOT Supplemental Specification edition published prior to the date of advertisement for bids. All references to other Specifications such as AASHTO, ASTM, ANSI, A WW A, shall mean the latest published edition available on the date of advertisement for bids. All manufactured products shall conform in detail to such standard design drawings as may be referenced or furnished in the contract documents. The Owner may require advance approval of material suppliers, product design, or other unspecified details as deemed necessary for maintaining adopted standards. Where specific manufactured products are referenced it is to indicate a product preference of the Owner. Other manufactured products of an "equivalent" kind, type, and quality may be used if approved in writing by the Engineer. Product information, shop drawings or other information to describe the product shall be submitted to the Engineer in a timely manner such that their review does not delay the project. At the request of the Engineer, the Contractor shall submit. in writing, a list of materials and suppliers for approval. 2500.2 MA 1 tRIALS All materials required for this work shall be new conforming to requirements of the referenced specifications for the class, kind, type, size and grade of material as specified below and other details indicated in the Contract. A. Reinforced Concrete Pine and Fittings All branch fittings such as tee and wye sections shall be cast as an integral part of the pipe conforming to the same strength class as the pipe to which it is attached. Reinforced concrete pipe, fittings and special appurtenances shall conform to the following specifications: JANUARY, 1993 2500-1 T A.l Reinforced Concrete Pice Reinforced circular pipe shall conform to ASTM C 76 for wall B pipe. a. Confined Rubber O-Rin2 Gasket Joint: Unless otherwise specified, the confined rubber O-ring gasket joint shall conform to the Bureau of Reclamation R-4 joint specification. b. Rubber Gasket Joint: The alternate rubber gasket joint, when specified, shall conform to ASTM C 361. c. Reinforced Concrete D-Load Pipe: Reinforced concrete D-Ioad pipe shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C 655 and shall be furnished when the D-load is shown on the plans or when the D-load exceeds the D-load for Class V pipe as described in ASTM C 76. A.2 Reinforced Arch Pice and Elliotical Pice Reinforced arch pipe shall conform to ASTM C 506. Elliptical pipe shall conform to ASTM C 507. The joint shall conform to Federal Specification 55-5-00210, Kent Seal NO.2 joint sealant or approved equal. A.3 Trashguard Trashguards shall be galvanized in accordance with the detail plate and securely bolted to the flared end section. A.4 Concrete Pice Ties Concrete pipe ties shall be in accordance with MnDOT Plate 3145E. B. COITUszated Steel Pice and Fittings Corrugated steel pipe and fittings shall conform to the requirements of MnDOT 3226 Corrugated Steel Pipe for the type, size and sheet thickness specified. Piping shall be circular, 2-2/3" x 1/2" corrugations, in accordance with MnlDOT Plate 3040F, unless indicated otherwise. 12"-24" 30"-36" 42"-54" 16 gage 14 gage 12 gage .0635" .0785 " .1084" C. Precast Concrete Manholes and Catchbasins Precast concrete manholes and catchbasins shall conform to MnDOT 3622, MnDOT Plate 4006K, detail plates, and the following requirements. JANUARY, 1993 2500-2 C.l. Concrete Sections Manhole barreL base, slab top, cone, rings, and special precast sections shall confonn to ASTM C 478. Base sections shall be cast inte01ally with the bottom manhole section, unless the manhole is constructed over an existing line or other constraints require block or separate slablbarrel construction. Concrete shall be air-entrained, 5 to 7 percent. C.2. Joints Joints between concrete sections shall be confined "0" ring conforming to ASTM C 361 and C 443, and shall be Cretex CX 2. C.3. Iron Castine:s Iron castings for manhole frame and cover shall conform to ASTM A 48 and the following requirements: (1) Casting dimensions, details, weights, and class shall be as indicated in the detailed drawings for the design designation specified. Unless otherwise specified, the castings shall be Class 30 or better. (2) Lid-to-frame surfaces on round casting assemblies shall be machine milled to provide true bearing around the entire circumference. (3) Casting weight shall be not less than 95 percent of theoretical weight for a unit cast to exact dimensions, based on 442 pounds per cubic foot. (4) The words "STORM SEWER" shall be cast on the top of each manhole casting in two-inch letters. CA. Steos Steps shall be 1/2" diameter grade 60 steel reinforcing rod encapsulated in copolymer polypropylene, PS-l or PS-l-PF as manufactUred by M.A. Industries, or equal. D. Mortar Mortar for use in masonry construction shall be an air-entrained mixture of one part portland cement and three parts mortar sand, with sufficient water added to produce proper consistency, and with sufficient air-entraining agent added to maintain an air content within a range of 7 to 10 percent. Mortar shall meet the requirements of ASTM C 270. Plaster shall be portland cement grout. JANUARY, 1993 2500-3 T E. Concrete C<:>ncrete for cast-in-place masonry construction and grouting rip-rap shall be produced and furnished in accordance with the provisions ofMnDOT 2461 for Type 3, air-entrained, Grade A, 3900 psi concrete. F. Granular Materials Granular materials furnished for foundation, bedding, encasement, backfi1l, or other purposes as may be specified shall consist of any natural or synthetic mineral aggregate such as sand, grave~ crushed rock, crushed stone, or slag that shall be so graded as to meet the gradation requirements specified herein for each particular use. F .1. Granular Material Gradation Classification~ Granular materials furnished for use in Foundation, Bedding, Encasement, or Backfill construction shall conform to the following requirements: Percent Passing Sieve Size Foundation* Material Use Desismation Bedding Encasement BackfiII 3 Inch 2 Inch 100 I Inch 100 100 100 3/4 Inch 85 - 100 90 - 100 90 - 100 3/8 Inch 30 - 60 50 - 90 50 - 90 No.4 0-10 35 - 80 35 - 80 35 - 100 No. 10 20 - 65 20 - 65 20 - 100 No. 40 0-35 0-35 0-35 No. 200 0-10 0-10 0-10 *3/4" to 1-1/2" material may be used in lieu of Foundation as specified F.2. Granular Material Use Desismations Granular materials provided for Foundation, Bedding, Encasement, or Backfill use as required by the Contract, either as part of the pipe item work unit or as a BID item, shall be classified as to use in accordance with the following: Material Use Desi2l1ation Zone Desismation Granular Foundation Placed below the bottom of pipe grade as replacement for unsuitable or unstable soils, to achieve better foundation support. JA.\,1JARY, 1993 2500-4 Granular Bedding Placed below the pipe midpoint, prior to pipe installation, to facilitate proper shaping and achieve unifV.l.lU pipe support. Granular Encasement Placed fr:om pipe midpoint to one foot above the top of pipe, after pipe installation, for protection of the pipe and to assure proper filling of voids and thorough consolidation of backfill. Granular Backfill Placed below subgrade, if any, as the second stage of backfill, to minimize trench settlement and provide support for surface improvements. In each case above, unless otherwise indicated, the lower limits of any particular zone shall be the top surface of the next lower course as constructed. The upper limits of each zone are established to define variable needs for material gradation and compaction or void content, taking into consideration the sequence of construction and other conditions. The material use and zone designations described above shall only serve to fulfill the objectives and shall not be construed to restrict the use of any particular material in other zones where the gradation requirements are met. G. Piling Piling shall be constructed in accordance with the provisions of~OT 2452. Piles for pipelines shall be Treated Timber, in accordance with ~OT 3471. H. Rio-Rao Rip-rap and Filter Material shall be in accordance with ~OT 2511. Class of rip-rap shall be Random unless indicated in the Specific Requirements to be Hand-placed, Grouted, or Quarry-run. Type 3A Grout with no coarse aggregate shall be used for Grouted rip-rap. 1. Insulation Main insulation shall be extruded rigid board material having a maximum thermal. conductivity of 0.23 BTU/hour/square foot/degree Fahrenheit/per inch thickness, at 400P mean, a compressive strength of 3 5 psi minimum, and water absorption of 0.25 percent by volume maximum. Insulation shall be DOW Styrofoam ffi-40, Minnesota Diversified Products Certiform brand insulation or equal. Unless otherwise specified in the Plans, Specifications, and Specific Requirements, board dimensions shall measure 8 feet long, 4 feet wide, and 1-1/2 inches thick or greater. JANUARY, 1993 2500-5 r 2500.3 CONSTRUCTION REOUIREMENTS A. Maintenance Maintenance of the project site, and any oth~r area affected by construction, shall be in accordance with MnDOT specifications including Section: 1404 1514 1515 Appendix B Maintenance of Traffic Maintenance During Construction Control of Haul Roads Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices Maintenance of streets and any detours, by-passes, equipment, stockpile, or storage areas provided in conjunction with the project shall be required and shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Said maintenance shall include but not be limited to keeping the streets free of obstacles, parked equipment, unused barricades, blading the traveled ways, controlling the dust in the construction area and on detours, and maintenance of all barricades and flashers. The Contractor shall keep the portions of the Project being used by public traffic, whether it be through or local traffic, in such condition that the traffic will be adequately accommodated at all times. The Contractor shall provide and maintain temporary approaches, crossings, and intersections with trails, roads, streets, businesses, parking lots, residences, garages, farms, and other abutting property in acceptable condition. The Contractor shall maintain essential services during the course of the project. Essential services shall include emergency vehicles, buses, mail delivery, garbage collection, drainage and public utility services. The Contractor shall coordinate his work with all appropriate agencies and utility companies during construction. During construction it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to see that all existing drainage structures, ditches, gutters and utilities in the working area are kept clean. Gutters shall be cleaned and free of dirt and other materials at the end of each working day to ensure proper drainage. Bales, silt fence or other erosion control measures acceptable to the Engineer shall be used to prevent materials from washing into drainage ways or storm sewers. There shall be an inspection of the sanitary sewer, storm sewer and water main utilities prior to the start of construction. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer 24 hours in advance to aid in accomplishing this inspection. All deficiencies in these existing systems prior to beginning construction must be immediately brought to the attention of the Engineer. During construction, the Contractor shall maintain the streets and control dust as directed by the Engineer. Dust control shall be provided in the same manner to stockpiles of topsoil, dirt, or other materials throughout the period of construction. Payment for maintaining streets and controlling dust shall be incidental to this project and no separate payment made unless provided for on the BID. JUNE, 1993 2500-6 B. Work Limits The Owner has obtained p~uuanent and temporary easements for all construction on private property, as shown on the plan sheets. The remaining construction is within the right-of-way of dedicated streets. The Contractor shall limit his operations to the street right-of-way or easement unless he makes a separate arrangement with the landowner for the use of additional land. B .1. Work on Existine Riqht-of- W avs: In the case of construction on a railroad, state or county highway right-of-way, a permit for such construction will be obtained by the Owner. The Contractor shall comply with all requirements specified by the permit with respect to limits, safety precautions, method of construction, etc., and shall furnish to the state or county highway department or the railroad the required supplemental bonds or insurance coverages as stipulated in the permits without additional cost to the Owner. C. Establishing Line and Grade, The primary line and grade will be established by the Engineer. Line and grade stakes will be set parallel to the proposed pipeline at an appropriate offset and interval as will serve the Contractors operations wherever practical; at each change in line or grade; and as needed for pipeline appurtenances and service lines. The Contractor shall arrange his operations to avoid unnecessary interference 'with the establishment of the primary line and grade stakes; and shall render whatever assistance may be required by the Engineer to accomplish the staking. The Contractor shall be responsible for preservation of the primary stakes and shall bear the full cost of any restaking necessitated by his negligence. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the correct transfer of the primary line and grade from the stakes to all working points and for construction of the work to the prescribed lines and grades. Unless otherwise specified in the Plans, Specifications, and Specific Requirements, all water main shall generally be placed with 7-1/2 feet of cover. However, a greater depth may be required to clear storm and sanitary sewers and sewer services, and no additional compensation shall be provided for such adjustments. In certain locations where water main is in direct conflict with storm or sanitary sewer, the water main shall be constructed under the sewer. Where it is necessary to use vertical bends to avoid sewer mains, no extra compensation will be made for this construction. No deviation shall be made from the required line or grade except with the consent of the Engineer. JUNE, 1993 2500- 7 T In areas of contlict between water mains, house sewers, storm sewers, or sanitary sewers, a separation of at least 18 inches between the water main and the sewer shall be provided. ~en local conditions prevent a vertical separation as described, the following construction shall be used: (1) Sewers passing over or under water mains shall be constructed of materials equal to water main standards of construction for a distance of at least 9 feet on either side of the water main. (2) Water main passing under sewers shall, in addition, be protected by providing: (a) adequate structural support for the sewers to prevent excessive deflection of joints and settling on and breaking of the water mains; and (b) that the length of water pipe be centered at the point of crossing so that the joints will be equidistant and as far as possible from the sewer. Water mains shall be laid at least 10 feet horizontally from any sanitary sewer, storm sewer or sewer manhole, whenever possible. When local conditions prevent a horizontal separation of 10 feet a water main main may be laid closer to a storm or sanitary sewer provided that: (1) the bottom of the water main is at least 18 inches above the top of the sewer; (2) where this vertical separation cannot be obtained, the sewer shall be constructed of materials and with joints that are equivalent to water main standards of construction and shall be pressure tested to assure watenightness prior to backfilling. D. Protection of Surface Structures All surface structures and features located outside the excavation limits for underground installations, together with those within the construction areas which are indicated in the Plans as being saved, shall be properly protected against damage and shall not be disturbed or removed without approval of the Engineer. Within the construction limits, as required, the removal of improvements such as paving, curbing, walks, turf, etc., shall be subject to accc;i-'Lable replacement after completion of underground work, with all expense of removal and replacement being borne by the Contractor unless separate compensation is specifically provided for in the Contract. Obstructions such as street signs, mailboxes, guard posts, culverts, and other items of prefabricated construction may be temporarily removed during construction provided essential service is maintained in a relocated setting as approved by the Engineer and nonessential items are properly stored for the duration of construction. Upon completion of the underground work, all such items shall be replaced in their proper setting by and at the sole expense of the Contractor. JUNE. 1993 2500-8 In the event of damage to any surface improvements, either privately or publicly owned, the COU~Q.ctor will be required to replace or repair the damaged property to the satisfaction of th~ Engineer and by the Contractor at his expense. E. Interference ofUndereround Structures When any underground structure interferes with the planned placement of pipe or appurtenances and required alterations in the work to eliminate the conflict or avoid endangering effects on either the existing or proposed facilities, the Contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer and the Owner of the affected structures. When any existing facilities are endangered by the Contractor's operations, he shall cease his operations at the site and take such precautions as may be necessary to protect the inplace structures until a decision is made as to how the conflict will be resolved. Without specific authorization from the utility owner, no essential utility service shall be disrupted, nor shall any change be made in either the existing structures or the planned installations to overcome the interference. Alterations to existing facilities will be allowed only when that service will not be curtailed unavoidably and then only when the encroachment or relocation will satisfy all applicable regulations and conditions. Wherever alterations are required as a result of unforeseen underground interferences not due to any fault or negligence of the Contractor, the Engineer will issue a written change order covering any additional or extra work involved and specifying the revised basis of payment, if any. Any alterations made strictly for the convenience of the Contractor shall be subject to prior approval and shall be at the Contractor's expense. No extra compensation will be allowed for delays caused by the interference of underground structures unless approved by the Engineer and included in a change order. F. Removal of Surface Imorovements Removal of surface improvements in connection with trench excavation shall be limited to actual needs for installation of the pipeline and appurtenances. Removal operations shall be coordinated effectively with the excavation and installation operations as will cause the least practical disruption of traffic or inconvenience to the public. Removed debris shall not be deposited at locations that will restrict access to fire hydrants, private driveways, or other essential service areas. Removal and final disposal of debris shall be accomplished as a single operation whenever possible and the debris shall be removed from the site before starting the excavating operations. Removal of concrete or bituminous structures shall be by methods producing clean-cut breakage that will preserve the remaining structure without damage. Concrete or bituminous paving shall be removed so when the trench is excavated there will be a six inch wide minimum undisturbed subgrade and aggregate base course lip. Removal equipment shall not be operated in a manner that will cause damage to the remaining or adjoining property. Where not removed to an existing joint, concrete structures shall be sawed along the break lines to a minimum depth of one-third of the structure depth. JUNE. 1993 2500-9 T Any reusable materials or materials for recycling, such as asphalt, concrete, aggregate, sod or topsoil, shall be segregated from other waste materials and be stockpiled so as to maintain suitability and permit proper reuse. G. Excavation and Trench Preoaration Excavating operations shall proceed only so far in advance of pipe laying as will satisfy the needs for construction of work and permit advance verification of unobstructed line and grade as planned. Where interference with existing structures is possible or in any way indicated, and where necessary to establish elevation or direction for connections to inplace structures, the excavating shall be done at those locations in advance of the main operation so actual conditions will be exposed in sufficient time to make adjustments without resorting to extra work or unnecessary delay. All installations shall be accomplished by open trench construction except where boring and jacking or tunnel construction methods shall be employed as specifically required by the Plans or approved by the Engineer. Surface structures must be properly supported and the backfill restored to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The excavation operations shall be conducted to carefully expose all inplace underground structures without damage. Wherever the excavation extends under or approaches close to an existing structure as to endanger it in any way, precautions and protective measures shall be taken as necessary to preserve the structure and provide temporary support. Hand methods of excavating shall be utilized to probe for and expose such critical or hazardous installations as gas pipe and power or telephone cables. G.l Classification and Deoosition of Materials: All materiais encountered in the excavations, "",ith the exception of items classified for payment as structure removals, will be considered as Unclassified Excavation. Unclassified materials shall include muck, rubble. wood debris, boulder stone, masonry or concrete fragments less than one cubic yard in volume, together with other miscellaneous matter that can be removed effectively with power operated excavators. Excavated materials will be classified for reuse as being either Suitable or Unsuitable for backfill or other specified use, subject to selective controls. All suitable materials shall be reserved for backfill to the extent needed, and any surplus remaining shall be utilized for other construction on the project as may be specified or ordered by the Engineer. To the extent practical, granular materials and topsoil shall be segregated from other materials during the excavating and stockpiling operations so as to permit best use of the available materials at the time of backfilling. All excavated materials reserved for backfill or other use on the project shall be stored at locations approved by the Engineer that will cause a minimum of nuisance or inconvenience to public travel, adjacent properties, and other special interests. The material shall not be deposited so close to the edges of the excavations as would create hazardous conditions, nor shall any material be placed so as to block the access to emergency services. All materials considered unsuitable by the Engineer, for any JUNE, 1993 2500-10 use on the project, shall be immediately removed from the project and be disposed of as arranged for by the Contractor. G.2 Excavation Limitations and Reauirements: Trench excavating shall be to a depth that will pc-uuit preparation of the foundatio~ as specified, and installation of the pipeline and appurtenances at the prescribed line and grade except where alterations are specifically authorized. Trench widths shall be sufficient to p~uuit the pipe to be laid and jointed properly and the backfill to be placed and compacted as specified. Extra width shall be provided as necessary to permit convenient placement of sheeting and shoring and to accommodate placement of appurtenances. Excavations shall be extended below the bottom of structure grade as necessary to accommodate any required Granular Bedding material. When unstable foundation materials are encountered at the established grade, additional materials shall be removed as specified or ordered by the Engineer to produce an acceptable foundation. All excavations below grade shall be to a minimum width equal to the outside pipe diameter plus two (2) feet. Trench widths shall allow for at least six inches of clearance on each side of the joint hubs. The maximum allowable width of the trench at the top of pipe level shall be the outside diameter of the pipe plus two feet. The width of the trench at the ground surface shall be held to a minimum to prevent unnecessary destruction of the surface structures while maintaining safe working conditions. The maximum allowable trench width at the level of the top of pipe may be exceeded only by approval of the Engineer, after his consideration of pipe strength and loading relationships. Any alternate proposals made by the Contractor shall be in writing, giving the pertinent soil weight data and proposed pipe strength alternate, and shall be made in a timely manner so as not to delay the project. Approval of alternate pipe designs shall be with the understanding that no extra compensation will be allowed for any increase in material or construction costs. G.3 Sheeting and BracinQ: Excavations,: All excavations shall be sheeted, shored, and braced as will meet all requirements of the applicable safety codes and regulations; comply with any specific requirements of the Contract; and prevent disturbance or settlement of adjacent surfaces, foundations, structures, utilities, and other properties. Any damages to the work under contract or to adjacent structures or property caused by settlement, water or earth pressures, slides, cave-ins, or other causes due to failure or lack of sheeting, shoring, or bracing or through negligence or fault of the Contractor in any manner shall be repaired by the Contractor at his expense and without delay. Where conditions warrant extreme care, the Contractor shall exercise special precautions to protect life and property. This may include the installation of sheet piling of the interlocking type or shall include other safety measures be taken as the Contractor deems necessary. The Contractor shall at all times be responsible for protection of life, property, and the work on the project. JUNE, 1993 2500-11 r-... JUNE. 1993 The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for proper and adequate placement of sheeting, shoring, and bracing, wherever and to such depths that soil stability may dictate the need for support to prevent displacement. Bracing shall be so arranged as to provide ample working space and so as not to place stress or strain on the inplace structures to any extent that may caus~ damage. Sheeting, shoring and bracing materials shall be removed only when and in such manner as will assure adequate protection of the inplace structures and prevent displacement of supported grounds. Sheeting and bracing shall be left in place only as required by the Contract. Otherwise, sheeting and bracing may be removed as the backfilling reaches the level of respective support. Wherever sheeting and bracing is left in place, the upper portions shall be cut and removed to an elevation of three (3) feet or more below the established surface grade or as the Engineer may direct. All costs of furnishing, placing and removing sheeting, shoring and bracing materials, including the value of materials left in place as required by the Contract, shall be included in the prices bid for pipe installation and will not be compensated for separately. When any sheeting, shoring, or bracing materials are left in place by \\TItten order of the Engineer, payment may be made for those materials as an extra work item, including waste material resulting from upper cut-off requirements. G.4 Preoaration and Maintenance of Foundations,: Foundation preparations shall be conducted to produce a stable foundation and provide continuous and uniform pipe bearing between bell holes. Where Class C bedding is specified, the initial excavating or backfilling operations shall produce a sub grade level slightly above finished grade to pennit hand shaping to finished grade by trimming of high spots and without the need for filling of low spots to grade. In excavations made below grade to remove unstable materials, the backfilling to grade shall be made with Granular Foundation material. Placement of the backfill shall be in relatively uniform layers not exceeding eight (8) inches in loose thickness. Each layer of backfill shall be compacted thoroughly, by means of approved mechanical compaction equipment, to produce uniform pipe support throughout the full pipe length and facilitate proper shaping of the pipe bed. \Vhere the foundation soil is found to consist of materials that the Engineer considers to be so unstable as to preclude removal and replacement to a reasonable depth to achieve solid support, a suitable foundation shall be constructed as the Engineer directs in the absence of special requirements therefore in the Contract. The Contractor shall be required to furnish and drive piling and construct concrete or timber bearing supports or other work as provided for in an extra work order. Care shall be taken during final subgrade shaping to prevent over-excavation. Should any low spots develop, they shall only be filled with Granular Foundation material, which shall be compacted thoroughly, without additional compensation provided to the Contractor. The finished subgrade shall be maintained free of water and shall not be disturbed during pipe lowering operations except as necessary to remove pipe 2500-12 slings. The discharge of trench dewatering pumps shall be directed to natural drainage channels or storm water drains in a manner which does not cause damage to private or public property. Any debris left by dewatering operations shall be cleaned up immediately by the Contractor. Draining trench water into sanitary sewers or combined sewers will not be pennitte~. The Contractor shall install and operate a dewatering system of wells or points to maintain pipe trenches free of water wherever necessary or as directed by the Engineer to meet the intent of these specifications. Unless otherwise specified in the Plans, Specifications, or Specific Requirements, such work shall be considered incidental with no additional compensation provided therefore. All costs of excavating below grade and placing foundation or bedding aggregates as required shall be included in the bid prices for pipe items to the extent that the need for such work is indicated in the Contract provisions and the BID does not provide for payment therefore under separate BID items. If examination by the Engineer reveals the need for placement of foundation aggregates was caused by the Contractor's manipulation of the soils in the presence of excessive moisture or lack of proper dewatering, the cost of the corrective measures shall be borne by the Contractor. H. Installation ofPioe and Fittings, Inspection, handling, and all aspects of the installation of pipe, services, and appurtenances shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, and as supplemented as follows: H.l Insoection and Handline: Proper and adequate implements, tools, and facilities shall be provided and used by the Contractor for the safe and convenient prosecution of the work. Unloading, distribution, and storage of pipe and appurtenant materials on the job site shall be at a location approved by the Engineer. All materials shall be handled carefully, as will prevent damage to protective coatings, linings, and joint fittings; preclude contamination of interior areas; and to avoid jolting contact, dropping or dumping. Before being lowered into laying position, the Contractor shall make a thorough visual inspection of each pipe section and appurtenant units to detect damage or unsound conditions that may need corrective action or be cause for rejection. Inspection procedure shall be as approved by the Engineer, with special methods being required as deemed necessary to check out suspected defects more definitely. The Contractor shall infvuu the Engineer of any defects discovered and the Engineer will prescribe the required corrective action or order rejection. Immediately before placement, the joint surfaces of each pipe section and fitting shall be inspected for the presence of foreign matter, coating blisters, rough edges or JUNE, 1993 2500-13 r--- JUNE. 1993 projections, and any imperfections so detected shall be corrected by cleanmg, trimming, or repairs as needed. H.2 Pine Lavinsz O!'erations: Trench excavation and bedding preparations shall proceed ahead of pipe placement as will pe~t proper laying and joining of the units at the prescribed grade and aligmnent without unnecessary deviation or hindrance. All foreign matter or dirt shall be removed from the inside of the pipe and fittings before they are lowered into position in the trench and they shall be kept clean by approved means during and after laying. The sewer materials shall be carefully lowered into laying position by the use of suitable restraining devices. Under no circumstances shall the pipe be dropped into the trench. At the time of pipe placement, the bedding conditions shall be such as to provide unifonn and continuous support for the pipe between bell holes. Bell holes shall be excavated as necessary to make the joint connections, but they shall be no larger than would be adequate to support the pipe throughout its length. No pipe material shall be laid in water nor when the trench or bedding conditions are otherwise unsuitable or improper. When placement or handling precautions prove inadequate, in the Engineer's opinion, the Contractor shall provide and install suitable plugs or caps effectively closing the open ends of each pipe section before it is lowered into laying position, and they shall remain so covered until removal is necessary for connection of an adjoining unit. Unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer, bell and spigot pipe shall be laid with the bell ends facing upgrade and the laying shall start on the downgrade end and proceed upgrade. As each length of bell and spigot pipe is placed in laying positio~ the spigot end shall be centered in the bell and the pipe forced home and brought to correct line and grade. The pipe shall be secured in place with approved backfill material, which shall be thoroughly compacted by tamping around the pipe and out to the trench wall. Connection of pipe to existing lines or previously constructed manholes or catch basins shall be accomplished as shown in the Plans or as otherwise approved by the Engineer. Entrance of foreign matter into pipeline openings shall be prevented at all times to the extent that suitable plugs or covering can be kept in place over the openings without interfering with the installation operations. Unless otherwise noted in the Specific Requirements, pipe bedding shall be Class C as shown on the detail plates. Concrete pipe ties shall be installed on a minimum of the last 3 joints and at aprons unless indicated otherwise. 2500-14 Corrugated steel pipe shall be installed with the circumferential joints with the, outside laps pointing UP& "de and with the longitudinal joints on the sides. I. Manhole and Catchbasin Structures Manholes, catchbasins and other special access structures shall be constructed at designated locations as required by the plans and in accordance with the detail plates. Unless otherwise specified or approvecL manholes and catchbasins shall be constructed of precast concrete sections, integral base and barrel, riser sections, eccentric cone or flat top, and adjusting rings. All units shall be properly fitted and sealed to form a completely watertight structure. Barrel and cone height shall be such as to permit placement of at least two and not more than six standard two- inch precast concrete adjusting rings immediately below the casting assembly set in a full mortar bed, 1/4" to 1/2" thick without the use of shims or blocking. Rings shall be plastered on the exterior to form a watertight seal. When placing the precast base, the bedding shall be solid and compacted to the grade necessary prior to setting the base. Manipulation of the base to achieve the proper grade will not be allowed. If the base is low and needs fill to level it or is high and material must be removed, the base shall be removed, bedding corrected, and the base reset to proper grade. Unless otherwise specified or approved, manholes shall have an inside barrel diameter of 48 inches minimum, and the inside diameter at the top of the cone section and of adjusting rings shall be 27 inches; catchbasins shall be 27 inches in diameter. Catchbasin grate elevations shall be adjusted as necessary to maintain the required dip below normal gutter grade. Concrete cast-in-place bases shall be poured on undisturbed or firmly compacted foundation material which shall be trimmed to proper elevation. The bottom riser sections shall be set in fresh concrete or mortar and all other riser section joints of the tongue and groove design shall be sealed with rubber O-ring gaskets. Wherever special designs so require or permit, the structure may be constructed with solid concrete sewer brick or block units or cast-in- place concrete. Any combination of cast-in-place concrete and concrete brick or solid concrete block mortar construction will be allowed and may be required where it is impossible to complete the construction with standard precast manhole sections. All annular wall space surrounding the inplace pipes shall be completely filled with mortar or concrete, and the inside bottom of each structure shall be shaped with concrete to provide free flow through invert channels. Invert channels shall extend to the pipe centerline and side floors slope upward to the structure walls. Steps shall be spaced 16" on center, the top step shall be no greater than 30" from the top of the casting, the bottom step shall be no greater than 16" from the structure floor, offsetting of the bottom step from the step row may be necessary due to the outlet pipe location. JUNE. 1993 2500-15 e. ,... _~.____~"..".<,""'_" _~"_______--..,...~......~~,.~.".,...'~.,- [ When the manhole is not installed in the street right-of-way, a 4 "x4 "x6' wooden marker shall be installed next to the casting, with 2 feet out of the ground. J. Jack-Bore Reinforced Concrete Pi!>e The Contractor shall jack-bore reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) in place as specified and as located on the plans. In native granular soils, a 1-1/2" pipe shall be forced along the top of the RCP. The end of this 1-1/2" pipe shall be 18" back from the lead edge of the jacking pipe. Bentonite grout under pressure shall be forced through this pipe at all times during the jacking operation to fill any voids that might develop above the pipe. The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining and for paying any special permit fees or bonds, which may be required to accomplish the work. K. Placement of Insulation Rigid insulation board shall be placed within the pipe encasement zone, six (6) inches above the pipe. Prior to placement of the insulation, encasement material shall be compacted until there is no further visual evidence of increased consolidation or the density of the compacted layer conforms to the density requirements specified in the Specific Requirements, then leveled and lightly scarified to a depth of 1/2 inch. Encasement zone material placed below the insulation shall be free of rock or stone fragments measuring 1-1/2 inches or greater. Insulation boards shall be placed on the scarified material with the long dimension parallel to the centerline of the pipe. Boards placed in a single layer shall be overlapped at least 6 inches on all sides to eliminate continuous joints for the full depth of the insulation. If two or more layers of insulation boards are used, each layer shall be placed to cover the joints of the layer immediately below with an overlap of at least 6 inches. The Contractor shall exercise precaution to insure that all joints between boards are tight during placement and backfilling with only extruded ends placed end to end or edge to edge. Broken or damaged material shall be removed and replaced. The first layer of material placed over the insulation shall be 6 inches in depth, free of rock or stone fragments measuring 1-1/2 inches or greater. The material shall be placed in such a manner that construction equipment does not operate directly on the insulation and shall be compacted with equipment which exerts a contact pressure of less than 80 psi. The first layer shall be compacted until there is no further visual evidence of increased consolidation or the density of the compacted layer conforms to the density requirements specified. L. Pioeline Backfilline: Ooerations All pipeline excavations shall be backfilled to restore pre-existing conditions as the minimum requirements, and fulfill all supplementary requirements indicated in the Plans and Specifications. The backfilling operations shall be started as soon as conditions will permit JUNE. 1993 2500-16 on each section of pipeline, so as to provide continuity in subsequent operations an~ restore normal public service as soon as practicable on a section-by-section basis. All operations shall be pursued diligently, with proper and adequate equipment, as will assure acceptable results. Backfilling shall be accomplished with the use of Suitable Materials selected from the excavated materials to the extent available and practical. Suitable Material shall be defined as a mineral soil reasonably free of foreign materials (rubbish, debris, etc.), frozen clumps, organic matter, stone, rock, concrete, or bituminous chunks, larger than 4", and other unsuitable materials that may damage the pipe installation or prevent thorough compaction, taking into consideration particular needs of different backfill zones. Unsuitable material shall only be utilized where and to the extent there will be no detrimental effects and with the approval of the Engineer. Back:fill materials shall be carefully placed in relatively uniform depth layers spread over the full width and length of the trench section to provide simultaneous support on both sides of the pipeline. Each layer shall be compacted effectively, by approved mechanical methods before placing material for a succeeding layer thereon. Within the pipe bedding zone compaction shall be in a minimum of three lifts: invert to spring line, spring line to top of pipe, and top of pipe to 1.0 foot over top of pipe. Maximum thickness of any lift shall be eight (8) inches compacted thickness. Compaction requirements are: 95% Standard Proctor maximum dry density from the pipe zone to within 3 feet of the ground surface, and 100% Standard Proctor maximum dry density in the final 3 feet. All surplus or waste materials remaining after completion of the backfilling operations shall be disposed of in an acceptable manner after completing the backfill work. Disposal at any location within the project limits shall be as specified. or as approved in writing by the Engineer; otherwise, disposal shall be accomplished outside the project limits at the Contractor's own dump site. M. Rio-Rao Rip-rap shall be installed in accordance with MnDOT 2511. Immediately prior to placing the grout for grouted rip-rap, the stones shall be thoroughly wetted with water. No grout shall be poured over stones that have a dry surface. The spaces between stones, throughout the entire thickness of the rip- rap, shall be filled with grout. The surface of the grouted rip-rap shall be finished by sweeping with a stiffbroom. N. Restoration of Surface Imorovements Wherever any surface improvements such as pavement, curbing, pedestrian walks, fencing or turfhave been removed, damaged or otherwise disturbed by the Contractor's operations, they shall be repaired or replaced in kind and structure to the pre-existing condition or better. JUNE. 1993 2500-17 T Each item of restoration work shall be done as soon as practical after completion of installation and backfilling operations on each section of pipeline. In the absence of specific payment provisions, as separate BID items, the restoration work shall be compensated as part of the work requir:ed under those BID items which necessitated the destruction and replacement of repair, and there will be no separate payment thereof If separate pay items are provided for restoration work, only that portion of the repair or reconstruction which was necessitated by the Contract work will be measured for payment Any improvements removed or damaged unnecessarily shall be replaced or repaired by the Contractor at his expense. A proper foundation shall be prepared before reconstructing concrete or bituminous improvements. Unless otherwise directed, granular material shall be placed to a depth of at least four (4) inches under all concrete and bituminous items. No direct compensation will be made for furnishing and placing this material even though such course was not part of the original construction. Existing concrete and bituminous surfaces at the trench wall shall be sawed or cut with a cutting wheel to fonn a neat edge in a straight line before surfaces are to be restored. Sawing or cutting may be accomplished as a part of the removal or prior to restoration at the option of the Contractor. However, all surface edges shall be inspected prior to restoration. O. Maintenance and Final Cleanuo All subgrade surfaces shall be maintained acceptably until the start of surface construction or restoration work. Additional materials shall be provided and placed as needed to compensate for trench settlement and to serve until completion of the final surface improvements. Final disposal of debris, waste materials, and other remains or consequence of construction, shall be accomplished prior to final acceptance of all work. Final acceptance of each BID item can only be made when the cleanup associated with each item is completed. The Engineer may withhold partial payment until such work is satisfactorily pursued or he may deduct the estimated cost of its performance from the partial estimate value. 2500.4 ~THOD OF ~ASUREMENT A. Reinforced Concrete Pioe Reinforced concrete pipe of each type and diameter shall be measured separately in linear feet. Measurements shall be made in the horizontal plane along the pipe centerline from center to center of manholes and/or catchbasins, but shall not including flared end sections. JUNE. 1993 2500-18 B. Corruszated Steel Pine ~orrugated steel pipe of each type and diameter shall be measured separately in linear feet. Measurements shall be made along the pipe centerline, not including aprons. C. Flared End Section! Aoron Concrete flared end sections and metal aprons shall be measured separately on a unit basis for each size. D. Trashszuard Galvanized trashguards shall be measured separately on a unit basis for each size. E. ManholelCatchbasin ManholelCatchbasin shall be measured on a unit basis. Each unit shall include the base, floor, cone section, adjusting rings, frame and cover/grate and the wall section required to construct a total depth of eight feet from invert to top of frame. Depth in excess of eight feet per unit shall be measured separately in linear feet. F. Rio-Rao Rip rap shall be measured on a cubic yard basis. Measurement shall be computed on the basis of the dimensions shown on the detail plate or as staked in the field. G. Granular Material Granular material used as specified shall be measured on a per ton basis. Weight tickets shall be required. H. Boring The boring shall be measured in linear feet as specified on the plans or approved by the Engineer. 2500.5 BASIS OF PAYMENT A. Reinforced Concrete PiDe, Reinforced concrete pipe shall be paid for at the contract unit price per linear foot for each type and diameter. Payment for the excavation and backfilling of the trench shall be included in the payment for the pipe. JUNE,1993 2500-19 B. COITU2ated Steel Pine Corrugated steel pipe shall be paid for at the contract unit price per linear foot for each type and diameter. Payment for the excavation and bacldilling of the trench shall be included in the payment for the pipe. C. Flared End SectionlAoron Flared end section/apron shall be paid for at the contract unit price for each type and size required. Tie joints shall be included in the price when required. D. T rashsruard Trashguards shall be paid for at the contract unit price for each size required. E. Manhole/Catchbasin Manhole/Catchbasin shall be paid for at the contract unit price per each. Depth in excess of eight feet per unit, from invert to top of frame, shall be paid for at the contract unit price per linear foot of Extra Depth. F. Rio-Rao Rip-rap shall be paid for at the contract unit price per cubic yard. The bid price shall include excavatio~ placement, filter blanket, and grouting when specified. G. Granular Material Granular material shall be paid for at the contract unit price per ton based on weight tickets collected at the site. The price shall include all costs for delivery and placement. H. Borin2 Boring shall be paid for at the contract unit price per linear foot of boring for each size specified. The bid price shall include the furnishing and installing of the pipe. JUNE. 1993 2500-20 3400 W ATERMAIN SPECIFIC REQulKEMENTS ,3400.1 DESCRIPTION Work on Ridgemont Avenue shall consist of connecting to the existing 6" watermain stub and extension of 8" watermain as shown on the plans. The watermain extension shall terminate with a plugged end to facilitate future watermain connection and service. Work also includes the adjustment of existing valves and curb stops, and installation of a hydrant and 1" service. Work on Creekside Circle shall consist of adjusting of existing valves and curb stops. The Contractor shall notify the City of Prior Lake at least 24 hours prior to the required valve operations for watermain construction and flushing. Flushing and discharge of chlorinated water shall be coordinated with the City. All valve operations shall be performed by the City Water Dep~ uuent. 3400.3 CONSTKUCTION REOlTIREMENTS C. Establish~ Line and Grade Unless otherwise specified in the Plans, all watermain shall be placed with 8 feet of cover. M. Hvdrants Hydrants shall be installed as shown by the City of Prior Lake Standard Plate 304 in Appendix B. All hydrants shall be given one additional coat of paint after installation. All abraded surfaces shall be cleaned prior to application of the fmal field coat. All hydrants shall be affixed with a "flexi-flag" marker. Q. Connect to Existing Watermain Connection to the existing 6" watermain shall be required in order to extend the watermain to the south on Ridgemont Ave. The Contractor shall remove the existing 6" plug. The removal and disposal of any watermain pipe shall be considered incidental to watermain installation. R. Adiustment of Existing Curb Stogs All existing curb stops shall be adjusted appropriately to match proposed boulevard grades SPEC-I02.023 3400S-1 102-023-20 T 3400.4 TESTING E. Testin~ Trench backfill shall be tested for complianc~ with density requirements stated on page 3400-25 of the Specifications. Testing shall be conducted by a certified testing lab approved by the Engineer. Tests and rate of tests are as follows: Relative Density and Moisture Trench Backfill Trench Backfill Upper 3 FT, 1/6" Layer/10oo 1"'1' Below 3 1"'1, 1/12" Layer/1oo0 1"'T Proctor analyses shall be incidental. 3400.5 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT J. Connect to Existin~ Watermain Connection to the existing watermain shall be measured on a per each basis. K. Adiustment of Existini! Curb Stons Adjustment of existing curb stops shall be measured on a per each basis. L. TestinSI Each test preformed shall be measured on a unit basis for the individual type of test carried out. Only tests which indicate that the materials or workmanship meet or exceed the specification requirements shall be considered for payment. Only testing directed by the Engineer or his representative(s) shall be eligible for payment. 3400.6 BASIS OF PAYMENT J. Connect to Existini! Watermain Connection to the existing watermain shall be paid for at the contract unit price on a per each basis. The contract unit price shall include all labor, excavation, and materials necessary to make the connection to the existing watermain. K. Adjustment of Existini! Curb Stops The adjustment of existing curb stops shall be paid for at the contract unit price on a per each basis. The contract unit price shall include all labor, excavation, and materials necessary to adjust the existing curb stops. SPEC-I02.023 34OOS- 2 102-023-20 L. Testin~ Testing work shall be paid for at the contract unit price per type of test carried out. Payment shall be made for only those tests with results which meet or exceed the requirements of the Specifications as documented by the report from a certified, approved lab. All testing requirements that payment is not specifically provided of in the bid schedule shall be the responsibility of the Contractor and shall be incidental to the watermain installation. SPEC-l02.023 3400S-3 102~3-20 T ('I'HIS PAGE WAS IN'I'EN'l'IONALL Y LE}"l' BLANK) 3400.1 3400.2 3400.3 3400.4 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. 1. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. 1. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. JANUARY, 1993 3400 - INDEX WAl"bRMAIN G~hKAL REQuu<EMENTS DESCRIPTION . . ........... MA'l.clUALS . Watermain . . . :--. . Fire Hydrants . . . . . . . Valves . . . . . . . . . . . Water Service Pipe and Appurtenances . . . . . Polyethylene Encasement Material ..... Steel Casing Pipe . . Piling . . . . . . Granular Materials. Insulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONSIKUCTION REQlJ.u.<EMENTS Maintenance . . . . . . . . Work Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Establishing Line and Grade. . . Protection of Surface Structures Interference of Underground Structures . Removal of Surface Improvements. ..... Excavation and Trench Preparation. . Installation of Pipe and Fittings . . . Polyethylene Encasement of Pipeline . . Jack-Bore Steel Casing Pipe. . . Placement of Insulation. . . . . . . . . . . . Water Service Installations . . . . Setting Valves, Hydrants, Fittings and Special . . Pipeline Backfilling Operations . . . . . . . . Restoration of Surface Improvements . . . Maintenance and Final Cleanup . . . . 1.t:.S 11.N G ....... A. B. C. D. Disinfection of Watermains . . . Hydrostatic Testing of Watermains . . . Electrical Conductivity Test . Operational Inspection . . . . . . . . ......... ......... ......... .......... 1 T PAGE 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 15 20 21 21 22 24 25 26 26 27 27 31 33 34 3400.5 3400.6 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. JANUARY, 1993 :M..hl'.tIOD OF MEASUREMENT. . A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. Watermain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Valves .......... '.. . . . . Hydrant with Valve . . . . . . Fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Granular Material.. .... ....... Boring ..................... Water Service Connection . . . . . . . . . . Service Lines . . . . . . . . . . Insulation . . . . . . . BASIS OF PAYMENT Watermain . . . . . Valves ...... Hydrant with Valve . Fittings . . . . . . Granular Material. . Boring ...... Water Service Connection Service Lines . Insulation . . . . . . . ............. 11 PAGE 34 34 34 34 34 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 3400 W A' Lt~.l(MAIN G~bl<.AL REQlJll<EMENTS 340D 1 nF"~rRTPTTON This work shall consist of the construction of the watermains, hydrants, services and other appurtenances in accordance with the Plans and these General Requirements, except as modified by the Specific Requirements or the Special Provisions. All work shall comply with the requirements of the Minnesota Department of Health, the Minnesota Plumbing Code and all applicable codes and ordinances. All references to MnDOT specifications, other specifications, standards or designations such as ASTM, ANSI, A WW A, shall mean the latest published edition available on the date of advertisement for bids on the project. All manufactured products shall conform in detail to such standard design drawings as may be referenced or furnished in the contract documents. The Owner may require advance approval of material suppliers, product design, or other unspecified details as deemed necessary to insure confonnance to the contract documents. Where specific manufactured products are referenced it is to indicate a J:I.luduct preference of the Owner. Other manufactured products of an "equivalent" kind, type, and quality may be used if approved in writing by the Engineer. Product information, shop drawings or other information to describe the product shall be submitted to the Engineer in a timely manner such that their review does not delay the project. At the request of the Engineer, the Contractor shall submit. in writing. a list of materials and suppliers for approval. 14.()() ') M A TFR 1 A T.S The materials used in this work shall be new, conforming with the requirements of the referenced specifications for class, kind, type, size and grade of material as specified below and other details indicated in the contract. A. ~~tp;rmain A.l DuctilP. TTnn Pipe: Ductile iron pipe for watermains shall be Special Class 52 for pipe less than 12 inches in diameter, Special Class 50 for pipe 12 inches or larger in diameter, and shall conform to the requirements of AWWA C151 (ANSI A21.51). A.1.a Fhtings: Fittings shall be Gray Iron or Ductile Iron, having a minimum working pressure rating of 150 psi, and shall conform to the requirements of AWWA ClIO (ANSI A21.10), Ductile-Iron and Gray-Iron Fittings or AWWA C153 (ANSI 21.53), Ductile-Iron Compact Fittings. APRll... 1993 3400-1 A.1.b A.1.c A.1.d Linivf a.IW ro.ating: All pipe and fittings shall be furnished withcement mortar lining meeting the requirements of A WW A C104 (ANSI A21.4) for standard thickness lining. All interior and exterior surfaces of the pipe and fittings shall have a tar or bituminous seal coating at least one mil thick. Spotty or thin seal coating, or poor coating adhesion, shall be cause for rejection. loin1s: Pipe three inches and larger in diameter shall have push-on joints. Fittings shall have mechanical joints. The rubber gasket shall conform to AWWA Clll (ANSI A21.l1). Rl~~tri~~ 1 ronrlll~tivity: Copper straps shall be welded or otherwise permanently affixed to each pipe or appurtenance to provide a positive means of conveying electricity from pipe or fitting, to pipe or fitting. Conductive pipe gaskets may be used on pipe to pipe connections if approved by the Engineer. Size and method of affIXing strap shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer and shall be sufficient to meet or exceed the criteria for conductivity testing set forth in this specification. A.2 ~lYV1~1 ~hlnrirlp. PiJlP.: Polyvinyl chloride pipe (PVC) for watermain shall conform to AWWA C 900. All pipe shall have a minimum dimension ratio (DR) of 18 corresponding to a working pressure of 150 psi for PVC type 1120 pipe. A.2.a Ei.tti.n~~: Fittings shall be Gray Iron or Ductile Iron, having a minimum working pressure rating of 150 psi, and shall conform to the requirements of AWWA ClIO (ANSI A21.10). or AWWA CI53 (ANSI 21.53) Ductile-Iron Compact Fittings. A.2.b lai.nts: Joints in plastic pipe shall be bell-end elastomeric-gasket type. A.2.c Rp.~t~int~: Restraints for C900 PVC pipe shall be Uni-Flange Series 1300, 1350, 1390 as may apply or equal. B. FiT~ Hyrl~nt~ Fire hydrants shall be Pacer Model WB-67 as manufactured by Waterous Company, and shall conform to AWWA C502. Hydrants shall be furnished in conformance with the following supplementary requirements: (1) Five-inch (nominal diameter) main valve opening of the type that opens against water pressure with a pentagonal operating nut with one-inch sides (nominal 1.5 JANUARY, 1993 3400- 2 inches from point of pentagon to opposite side), and opening counterclockwise (left). (2) Barrels shall be two piece, non-jacket type, with flanged joint above finished grade line, sixteen-inch break off extension, (24") from ground to center nozzle), and with mechanical joint connection at the hub end for joining a six-inch ductile iron branch pipe. (3) Hydrant bury depth, measured from the top of the branch pipe connection to the finished ground line at the hydrant, shall be 8'-0" (According to Waterous definition of "Bury"; hydrants with a bury of 8' -6 II shall be furnished). (4) Hydrants shall have two outlet nozzles for 2-1/2 inch (I.D.) hose connection and one outlet nozzle for 4-112 inch (I.D.) pumper connection. Threads shall conform to :NrPA No. 194 (ANSI B26) and shall be: hose connection - 7-1/2 threads per inch, 3.062" nominal outside diameter (National Standard Thread); pumper connection - 4 threads per inch, 5.750" nominal outside diameter (National Standard Thread). Nozzle caps shall be nut type with chain. (5) Hydrant operating mechanisms shall be provided with "0" ring seals preventing entrance of moisture and shall be lubricated through an opening in the operating nut or bonnet. (6) Drain holes shall be left open unless indicated otherwise, if so indicated the hydrant shall be tagged "Pump After Use" . (7) The Contractor shall provide the Owner with one hydrant wrench for every ten (10) hydrants supplied or portion thereof. Cost of the wrenches shall be incidental to the project. C. V~lves Six inch to twelve inch valves shall be resilient seated gate valves, larger than twelve inches shall be butterfly. Tapping tees shall have resilient seated gate valves. All valves shall be for buried service. C.l 'Rntterfly V"lvp~: Butterfly valves shall conform to the requirements of A WW A C504 and the following requirements: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Working pressure rating of 150 psi minimum. Two inch square operating nut opening counterclockwise (left). Double It 0 It ring or split V type stem seal. Traveling nut type operator permanently sealed and lubricated. Manufacturers: Dresser, Pratt, or equal. JANUARY, 1993 3400- 3 C.2 .Ga.1f' Vahrps: Gate valves shall conform to A WW A C509 for Resilient Seated Valves, and shall comply with the following supplementary requirements: (1) Working pressure rating of 200 psi for all sizes. (2) Two inch square operating nut opening counterclockwise (left). (3) Double "0" ring stem seal, one above and below the stem seal. (4 ) Weather seal on bonnet cover. (5) Non-rising stem. (6) Mechanical joints. (7) Manufacturers: American, Mueller, Kennedy, or equal. C.3 Y.a,lvp. Boyp~: Valve boxes shall be 5-1/4" diameter shaft suitable for 7.5' of cover over the top of the watc.uuain. Boxes shall be cast iron screw type two piece boxes with the word "WAIJ:.K" on the lid. Valve boxes shall be Tyler 6850 with 5-1/4" drop lid, or equal. D. .wateT Sp.rvi~e Pipp. ~nci Arpllrtp.n~nc.e~ D.1 Eip.e: Water service pipe with inside diameter larger than 2-1/2 inches shall conform to the requirements of Ductile Iron Pipe or Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe. Water service pipe 3/4 to 2-1/2 inches inside diameter shall be Type K, seamless copper water tubing, soft annealed temper and conform to the requirements of ASTM B 88. D.2 Aprllrtp.n~n~p.~: (1) ~orpoT~tlnn Stop: For use with flared copper service pipe, and the inlet threaded with the standard A WW A taper thread. (2) Cw:b stop: For use with flared copper service pipe both ends, inverted key, and Minneapolis pattern. (3) ~tIrh Rox: Minneapolis pattern base, 78"-81" stationary rod, 12 inch box adjustment from 7' to 8', lid with pentagon plug, and 1-1/4" LD. upper section. (4) ~p. s.addle: Double strap bronze type. JANUARY. 1993 3400-4 (5) W..::..~h~ ~nrll{p'Y~: The Contractor shall provide the Owner with one 3' curb box shutoff rod and pentagon key for every 20 curb boxes supplied or portion thereof, minimum of 3. Cost of keys shall be incidental to the project. (6) M~nllf~~hlTp.r~: Service Manufacturer's Number Appl rrtpn~n~p. n;~mptp.T* M 1lclleI: M~nnn~lrl Em:d Corporation Stop 3/4" - 2" H-15000 4701 F-600 Curb Stop 3/4" - 2" Mark IT Oriseal 6104 B22-333M-3/4 " H-15154 B22-444M-l" B22-<<&1-1-1/2 " B22-777M-2" Curb Box 3/4" H-I0300 5614 1-1/2" - 2" H-1 0300/H1 0344 5615 Shutoff Rod H-l0321 305 Pentagon Key H-l0325 304K Saddle DIP H-16123-16137 202B PVC-C9oo H-13420-13435 3801 S90 * 1" service lines may use 3/4" corporation stops with flared connection for 1" cU}Jper pipe. E. Polyp.thylenp. Enc~~p.mp.nt M~tp.ri~l Polyethylene encasement material shall conform to AWWA Cl05 Type A for tube type installation and 8 mil nominal film thickness. F. Steel ras; n~ Pipe Steel casing pipe for jack-boring shall have a wall thickness of 0.375 inches for casing pipe up to 24 inch diameter, and a wall thickness of 0.500 inches for casing pipe 26 to 32 inches in diameter. 1ULY.I993 3400-5 T G. Pill.ng Piling shall be constructed in accordance with the provisions of MnDOT Specification 2452. Piles for pipelines shall be Treated Timber, in accordance with MnDOT 3471. H. GT~n1l1~T M~tp.ri~l~ Granular materials furnished for foundation, bedding, encasement, backfill or other purposes as may be specified shall consist of any natural or synthetic mineral aggregate such as sand, gravel, crushed rock, crushed stone, or slag, that shall be so b.lClded as to meet the gradation requirements specified herein for each particular use. H.1 Gn:lnll1~T M~teri~l Grnn~tion rla~~ifi~atlon~: Granular materials furnished for use in Foundation, Bedding, Encasement, or Backfill construction shall conform to the following requirements: Percent Passing ~p. Size Fnllnn~tinn* Rennine Rn~~~emp.nt R~~kfill 3 Inch 2 Inch 100 1 Inch 100 100 100 3/4 Inch 85-100 90-100 90-100 3/8 Inch 30-60 50-90 50-90 No.4 0-10 35-80 35-80 35-100 No. 10 20-65 20-65 20-100 No. 40 0-35 0-35 0-35 No. 200 0-10 0-10 0-10 *3/4" to 1-1/2" material may be used in lieu of Foundation specified H.2 Gn:lnll1~T M~tpri~l TTse np.~ifn~tinn: Granular materials provided for Foundation, Bedding, Encasement, or Backfill use as required by the Contract, either as part of the pipe item work unit or as a BID item, shall be classified as to use in accordance with the following: M~teri~l TT~p. ne~ien~tinn Zone np.~lgn~tinn Granular Foundation Placed below the bottom of pipe grade as replacement for unsuitable or unstable soils, to achieve better foundation support. Granular Bedding Placed below the pipe midpoint, prior to pipe installation, to facilitate proper shaping and achieve uniform pipe support. JANUARY, 1993 3400-6 Granular Encasement Placed from pipe midpoint to one foot above- the top of pipe, after pipe installation, for protection of the pipe and to assure proper filling of voids and thorough consolidation of backfill. Granular Backfill Placed below subgrade, if any, as the second stage of backfill, to minimize trench settlement and provide support for surface improvements. In each case above, unless otherwise indicated, the lower limits of any particular zone shall be the top surface of the next lower course as constructed. The upper limits of each zone are established to define variable needs for material gradation and compaction or void content, taking into consideration the sequence of construction and other conditions. The material use and zone designations described above shall not be construed to restrict the use of any particular material in other zones where the gradation requirements are met. 1. Tn~111~tion . Main insulation shall be extruded rigid board material having a maximum thermal conductivity of 0.23 BTU/hourlsquare foot/degree Fahrenheit/per inch thickness, at 400P mean, a compressive strength of 35 psi minimum, and water absorption of 0.25 percent by volume maximum. Insulation shall be DOW Styrofoam HI-40, Minnesota Diversified Products Certiforam brand insulation or equaL Unless otherwise specified in the Plans, Specifications, and Specific Requirements, board dimensions shall measure 8 feet long, 4 feet wide, and 1-1/2 inches thick or greater. 140.0 1 ,nNS It(lTrTTON RFQT II t<F.MFNIS. A. tvf~;nt?n~n~e Maintenance of the project site, and any other area affected by construction, shall be in accordance with Mn/DOT specifications including Sections: 1404 1514 1515 Appendix B Maintenance of Traffic Maintenance During Construction Control of Haul Roads Minnesota Manual on U nifuJ.lu Traffic Control Devices Maintenance of streets and any detours, by-passes, equipment, stockpile, or storage areas provided in conjunction with the project shall be required and shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Said maintenance shall include but not be limited to keeping the streets free of obstacles, parked equipment, unused barricades, blading the traveled ways, JANUARY. 1993 3400-7 I controlling the dust in the construction area and on detours, and maintenance of all barricades and flashers. The Contractor shall keep the portions of the project being used by public traffic, whether it be through or local traffic, in such condition that the traffic will be adequately accommodated at all times. The Contractor shall provide and maintain temporary approaches, crossings, and intersections with trails, roads, ~L.c.ets, businesses, parking lots, residences, garages, farms, and other abutting property in acceptable condition. The Contractor shall maintain essential services during the course of the project. Essential services shall include emergency vehicles, buses, mail delivery, garbage collection, drainage and public utility services. The Contractor shall coordinate his work with all appropriate agencies and utility companies during construction. During construction it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to see that all existing drainage structures, ditches, gutters and utilities in the working area are kept clean. Gutters shall be cleaned and free of dirt and other materials at the end of each working day to ensure proper drainage. Bales, silt fence or other erosion control measures acceptable to the Engineer shall be used to prevent materials from washing into drainage ways or storm sewers. There shall be an inspection of the sanitary sewer, storm sewer and watermain utilities prior to the start of construction. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer 24 hours in advance to aid in accomplishing this inspection. All deficiencies in these existing systems prior to beginning construction must be immediately brought to the attention of the Engineer. During construction, the Contractor shall maintain the streets and control dust as directed by the Engineer. Dust control shall be provided in the same manner to stockpiles of topsoil, dirt, or other materials throughout the period of construction. Payment for maintaining streets and controlling dust shall be incidental to this project and no separate payment made unless provided for on the BID. B. Wnrk T Units The Owner has obtained permanent and temporary easements for all construction on private property, as shown on the plan sheets. The remaining construction is within the right-of-way of dedicated streets. The Contractor shall limit his operations to the street right-of-way or easement unless he makes a separate arrangement with the landowner for the use of additional land. B.l wn.rlu:m F,Yl~t1n.g..J?l~bt-n..f-W~: In the case of construction on a railroad, state or county highway right-of-way, a permit for such construction will be obtained by the Owner. The Contractor shall comply with all requirements specified by the pennit with respect to limits, safety precautions, method of construction, etc., and JANUARY, 1993 3400-S shall furnish to the state or county highway dep& lauent or the railroad the required supplemental bonds or insurance coverages as stipulated in the permits without additional cost to the Owner. c. .F~taDli~hine Linp. ~nrl (trnnp. The primary line and grade will be established by the Engineer. Line and sUlde stakes will be set parallel to the proposed pipeline at an appropriate offset and interval as will serve the Contractor's operations wherever practical; at each change in line or bJ.c1de; and as needed for pipeline appurtenances and service lines. The Contractor shall arrange his operations to avoid unnecessary interference with the establishment of the primary line and grade stakes; and shall render whatever assistance may be required by the Engineer to accomplish the staking. The Contractor shall be responsible for preservation of the primary stakes and shall bear the full cost of any restaking necessitated by his negligence. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the correct transfer of the primary line and grade from the stakes to all working points and for construction of the work to the prescribed lines and grades. Unless otherwise specified in the Plans, Specifications, and Specific Requirements, all watermain shall generally be placed with 7-1/2 feet of cover. However, a greater depth may be required to clear storm and sanitary sewers and sewer services, and no additional compensation shall be provided for such adjustments. In certain locations where watennain is in direct conflict with storm or sanitary sewer, the watermain shall be constructed under the sewer. Where it is necessary to use vertical bends to avoid sewer mains, no extra compensation will be made for this construction with the exception of payment for fittings used. No deviation shall be made from the required line or grade except with the consent of the Engineer. In areas of conflict between watermains, house sewers, storm sewers, or sanitary sewers, a separation of at least 18 inches between the watermain and the sewer shall be provided. When local conditions prevent a vertical separation as described, the following construction shall be used: (1) Sewers passing over or under watermains shall be constructed of material equal to watennain standards of construction for a distance of at least 9 feet on either side of the watermain. (2) Watermain passing under sewers shall, m addition, be protected by providing: JANUARY. 1993 3400-9 (a) adequate structural support for the sewers to prevent excessive deflection of joints and settling on and breaking of the watermains; and (b) that the length of water 'pipe be centered at the point of crossing so that the joints will be equidistant and as far as possible from the sewer. Watermains shall be laid at least 10 feet horizontally from any sanitary sewer, storm sewer or sewer manhole, whenever possible. When local conditions prevent a horizontal separation of 10 feet a watc.uuain may be laid closer to a storm or sanitary sewer provided that: (1) the bottom of the watermain is at least 18 inches above the top of the sewer; (2) where this vertical separation cannot be obtained, the sewer shall be constructed of materials and with joints that are equivalent to watermain standards of construction and shall be pressure tested to assure water- tightness prior to backfilling. D. PTot~tion of Sllrf~~P .c;:tnl~1l1r~~ All surface structures and features located outside the excavation limits for underground installations, together with those within the construction areas which are indicated in the Plans as being saved, shall be properly protected against damage and shall not be disturbed or removed without approval of the Engineer. Within the construction limits, as required, the removal of improvements such as paving, curbing, walks, turf, etc., shall be subject to acceptable replacement after completion of underground work, with all expense of removal and replacement being borne by the Contractor unless separate compensation is specifically provided for in the Contract. Obstructions such as street signs, mailboxes, guard posts, culverts, and other items of prefabricated construction may be temporarily removed during construction provided essential service is maintained in a relocated setting as approved by the Engineer and nonessential items are properly stored for the duration of construction. Upon completion of the underground work, all such items shall be replaced in their proper setting by and at the sole expense of the Contractor. In the event of damage to any surface improvements, either privately or publicly owned, the Contractor will be required to ~c.jJlace or ~c.yair the damaged property to the satisfaction of the Engineer and by the Contractor at his expense. JANUARY, 1993 3400-10 E. In1eJ:fPTP.n~p. of TTnrlp.T'fTnnnrl ~tnl~hlTP.~ When any underground structure interferes with the planned placement of pipe or appurtenances and requires alterations in the work to eliminate the conflict or avoid endangering effects on either the existing or proposed facilities, the Contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer and the Owner of the affected structures. When any existing facilities are endangered by the Contractor's operations, he shall cease his operations at the site and take such precautions as may be necessary to protect the inplace structures until a decision is made as to how the conflict will be resolved. Without specific authorization from the utility owner, no essential utility service shall be disrupted, nor shall any change be made in either the existing structures or the planned installations to overcome the interfc;J.\:'uce. Alterations to existing facilities will be allowed only when that service will not be curtailed unavoidably and then only when the encroachment or relocation will satisfy all applicable regulations and conditions. Wherever alterations are required as a result of unforeseen underground interferences not due to any fault or negligence of the Contractor, the Engineer will issue a written change order covering any additional or extra work involved and specifying the revised basis of payment, if any. Any alterations made strictly for the convenience of the Contractor shall be subject to prior approval and shall be at the Contractor's expense. No extra compensation will be allowed for delays caused by the interference of underground structures unless approved by the Engineer and included in a change order. F. Rf"mnv~l nf Sl1rf~rp. TW!'TnVpmp.nts Removal of surface improvements in connection with trench excavation shall be limited to actual needs for installation of the pipeline and appurtenances. Removal operations shall be coordinated effectively with the excavation and installation operations as will cause the least practical disruption of traffic or inconvenience to the public. Removed debris shall not be deposited at locations that will restrict access to fire hydrants, private driveways, or other essential service areas. Removal and final disposal of debris shall be accomplished as a single operation wherever possible and the debris shall be removed from the site before starting the excavating operations. Removal of concrete or bituminous structures shall be by methods producing clean-cut breakage that will preserve the remaining structure without damage. Concrete or bituminous paving shall be removed so when the trench is excavated there will be a six inch wide minimum undisturbed sub grade and aggregate base course lip. Removal equipment shall not be operated in a manner that will cause damage to the remaining or adjoining property. Where not removed to an existing joint, concrete structures shall be sawed along the break lines to a minimum depth of one-third of the structure depth. JANUARY. 1993 3400-11 Any reusable materials or materials for recycling, such as asphalt, concrete, aggregate, sod or topsoil, shall be segregated from other waste materials and be stockpiled. so as to maintain suitability and permit proper reuse. G. Fx~~v~tinn ~nrl TT~n~h PTep~rntinn Excavating operations shall proceed only so far in advance of pipe laying as will satisfy the needs for construction of work and permit advance verification of unobstructed line and grade as planned. Where interference with existing structures is possible or in any way indicated, and where necessary to establish elevation or direction for connections to inplace structures, the excavating shall be done at those locations in advance of the main operation so actual conditions will be exposed in sufficient time to make adjustments without resorting to extra work or unnecessary delay. All installations shall be accomplished by open trench construction except where boring and jacking or tunnel construction methods shall be employed as specifically required by the Plans or app.lvv'ed by the Engineer. Surface structures must be properly supported and the backfIll restored to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The excavation operations shall be conducted to carefully expose all inplace underground structures without damage. Wherever the excavation extends under or approaches close to an existing structure as to endanger it in any way, precautions and protective measures shall be taken as necessary to preserve the structure and provide temporary support. Hand methods of excavating shall be utilized to probe for and expose such critical or hazardous installations as gas pipe and power or telephone cables. G.1 rl~<\<\lfic~t;on ~nci n;~~o~;t;on nLM~Terials: All materials encountered in the excavations, with the exception of items classified for payment as structure removals, will be considered as Unclassified Excavation. Unclassified materials shall include muck, rubble, wood debris, boulder stone, masonry or concrete fragments less than one (1) cubic yard in volume, together with other miscellaneous matter that can be removed effectively with power operated excavators. Excavated materials will be classified for reuse as being either Suitable or Unsuitable for backfill or other specified use, subject to selective controls. All suitable materials shall be reserved for backfill to the extent needed, and any surplus remaining shall be utilized for other construction on the project as may be specified or ordered by the Engineer. To the extent practical, granular materials and topsoil shall be segregated from other materials during the excavating and stockpiling operations so as to permit best use of the available materials at the time of backfIlling. All excavated materials reserved for backfill or other use on the project shall be stored at locations approved by the Engineer that will cause a minimum of nuisance or inconvenience to public travel, adjacent properties, and other special interests. The material shall not be deposited so close to the edges of the excavations as JANUARY, 1993 3400-12 would create hazardous conditions, nor shall any material be placed so as to block the access to emergency services. All materials considered unsuitable by the Engineer, for any use on the project, shall be immediately removed from the project and be disposed of as arranged for by the Contractor. G.2 F'X~~tinn T imit~tinn~ ~nrl RP.qll;Tp.rnp.nt~: Trench excavating shall be to a depth that will Jk;uuit preparation of the foundation, as specified, and installation of the pipeline and appurtenances at the p~cSCribed line and grade except where alterations are specifically authorized. Trench widths shall be sufficient to permit the pipe to be laid and joined properly and the backftll to be placed and compacted as specified. Extra width shall be provided as necessary to permit convenient placement of sheeting and shoring and to accommodate placement of appurtenances. Excavations shall be extended below the bottom of structure !;lC1de as necessary to accommodate any required Granular Bedding material. When unstable foundation materials are encountered at the established grade, additional materials shall be removed as specified or ordered by the Engineer to produce an acceptable foundation. All excavations below grade shall be to a minimum width equal to the outside pipe diameter plus two (2) feet. Where no other grade controls are indicated or established for the pipeline, the excavating and foundation plC,yarations shall provide a minimum cover over the top of the pipe of 7.5 feet to the proposed final e1C1de as indicated on the plans. Trench widths shall allow for at least six inches of clearance on each side of the joint hubs. The maximum allowable width of the trench at the top of pipe level shall be the outside diameter of the pipe plus two (2) feet, subject to the considerations for alternate pipe loading set forth below. The width of the trench at the ground surface shall be held to a minimum to prevent unnecessary destruction of the surface structures while maintaining sare working conditions. The maximum allowable trench width at the level of the top of pipe may be exceeded only by ClpplVVal of the Engineer, after consideration of pipe strength and loading relationships. Any alternate proposals made by the Contractor shall be in writing, giving the pertinent soil weight data and proposed pipe strength alternate, and shall be made in a timely manner so as not to delay the project. Approval of alternate pipe designs shall be with the understanding that there will be no extra compensation will be allowed for any increase in material or construction costs. G.3 Shf'll!t1ncr ~nr1 'Rrn~incr F:'X~~v~tinn~: All excavations shall be sheeted shored and '-" ..... ' , braced as will meet all requirements of the applicable safety codes and regulations; comply with any specific requirements of the Contract; and prevent disturbance or settlement of adjacent surfaces, foundations, structures, utilities, and other properties. Any damages to the work under contract or to adjacent structures or P1Vyerty caused by settlement, water or earth pressures, slides, cave-ins, or other causes due to failure or lack of sheeting, shoring, or bracing or through negligence JANUARY, 1993 3400-13 or fault of the Contractor in any manner shall be repaired by the Contractor at his expense and without delay. Where conditions warrant extreme care, the Contractor shall exercise special precautions to protect life or property. This may include the installation of sheet piling of the interlocking type or shall include other safety measures be taken as the Contractor deems necessary. The Contractor shall at all times be responsible for protection of life, property, and the work on the project. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for proper and adequate placement of sheeting, shoring, and bracing, wherever and to such depths that soil stability may dictate the need for support to prevent displacement. Bracing shall be so arranged as to provide ample working space and so as not to place stress or strain on the inplace structures to any extent that may cause damage. Sheeting, shoring and bracing materials shall be removed only when and in such manner as will assure adequate protection of the inplace structures and prevent displacement of supported grounds. Sheeting and bracing shall be left in place only as required by the Contract. Otherwise, sheeting and bracing may be removed as the backfilling reaches the level of respective support. Wherever sheeting and bracing is left in place, the upper portions shall be cut and removed to an elevation of three (3) feet or more below the established surface grade or as the Engineer may direct. All costs of furnishing, placing and removing sheeting, shoring and bracing materials, including the value of materials left in place as required by the Contract, shall be included in the prices bid for pipe installation and will not be compensated for separately. When any sheeting, shoring, or bracing materials are left in place by written order of the Engineer, payment may be made for those materials as an extra work item, including waste material resulting from upper cut-off requirements. G.4 PTf&.p~rnt;nn ~nn M~;ntp.n~n~p. nf Fnllnrl~t;nn~: Foundation preparations shall be conducted to produce a stable foundation and provide continuous and uniform pipe bearing between bell holes. Where Class C bedding is specified, the initial excavating or backfilling operations shall produce a subgrade level slightly above finished grade to permit hand shaping to finished grade by trimming of high spots and without the need for filling of low spots to grade. In excavations made below grade to remove unstable materials, the backfilling to grade shall be made with Granular Foundation material. Placement of the backfill shall be in relatively uniform layers not exceeding eight (8) inches in loose thickness. Each layer of backfill shall be compacted thoroughly, by means of approved mechanical compaction equipment, to produce uniform pipe support throughout the full pipe length and facilitate proper shaping of the pipe bed. JANUARY, 1993 3400-14 Where the foundation soil is found to consist of materials that the Engineer considers to be so unstable as to }I~~lude removal and replacement to a reasonable depth to achieve solid support, a suitable foundation shall be constructed as the Engineer directs in the absence of special requirements therefore in the Contract. The Contractor shall be required to furnish and drive piling and construct concrete or timber bearing supports or other work as provided for in an extra work order. Care shall be taken during final sub grade shaping to prevent any over-excavation. Should any low spots develop, they shall only be filled with Granular Foundation material, which shall be compacted thoroughly, without additional compensation provided to the Contractor. The fInished subgrade shall be maintained free of water and shall not be disturbed during pipe lowering operations except as necessary to remove pipe slings. The discharge of trench dewatering pumps shall be directed to natural drainage channels or storm water drains in a manner which does not cause damage to private or public pJ.v~J.lj. Any debris left by dewatering operations shall be cleaned up immediately by the Contractor. Draining trench water into sanitary sewers or combined sewers will not be pc,uuitted. The Contractor shall install and operate a dewatering system of wells or points to maintain pipe trenches free of water wherever necessary or as directed by the Engineer to meet the intent of these specifications. Unless otherwise specified in the Plans, Specifications, or Specific Requirements, such work shall be considered incidental with no additional compensation provided therefore. All costs of excavating below grade and placing foundation or bedding aggregates as required shall be included in the bid prices for pipe items to the extent that the need for such work is indicated in the Contract provisions and the BID does not provide for payment therefore under separate BID items. If examination by the Engineer reveals the need for placement of foundation agc;J.c;gates was caused by the Contractor I s manipulation of the soils in the presence of excessive moisture or lack of proper dewatering, the cost of the corrective measures shall be borne by the Contractor. H. Tn~t~ll~tinn of Pipe ~nrl Fittin~~ Inspection, handling, and aU aspects of the installation of pipe, services, and appurtenances shall be in accordance with the applicable sections of the A WW A specifications, the manufacturer I s recommendations, and as supplemented as follows. H.1 Tn~p~t;nn ~nd Handl;n~: Proper and adequate implements, tools, and facilities shall be provided and used by the Contractor for the safe and convenient prosecution of the work. Unloading, distribution, and storage of pipe and appurtenant materials on the job site shall be at a location approved by the Engineer. All materials shall be handled carefully, as will prevent damage to JANUARY, 1993 3400-15 T protective coatings, linings, and joint fittings; preclude contamination of interior areas; and to avoid jolting contact, dropping or dumping. Before being lowered into laying position, the Contractor shall make a thorough visual inspection of each pipe section and appurtenant units to detect damage or unsound conditions that may need corrective action or be cause for rejection. Inspection procedure shall be as approved by the Engineer, with special methods being required as he deems necessary to check out suspected defects more definitely. The Contractor shall infvuu the Engineer of any defects discovered and the Engineer will prescribe the required corrective action or order rejection. Immediately before placement, the joint surfaces of each pipe section and fitting shall be inspected for the presence of foreign matter, coating blisters, rough edges or projections, and any imperfections so detected shall be corrected by cleaning, trimming, or repairs as needed. H.2 P;pP. T ~yin~ OpP.~tinn~: TH:~uch excavation and bedding preparations shall proceed ahead of pipe placement as will permit proper laying and joining of the units at the prescribed eJ.4de and alignment without unnecessary deviation or hindrance. All foreign matter or dirt shall be removed from the inside of the pipe and fittings before they are lowered into position in the trench and they shall be kept clean by approved means during and after laying. The sewer materials shall be carefully lowered into laying position by the use of suitable restraining devices. Under no circumstances shall the pipe be dropped into the trench. At the time of pipe placement, the bedding conditions shall be such as to provide uniform and continuous support for the pipe between bell holes. Bell holes shall be excavated as necessary to make the joint connections. but they shall be no larger than would be adequate to support the pipe throughout its length. No pipe material shall be laid in water nor when the trench or bedding conditions are otherwise unsuitable or improper. When placement or handling precautions prove inadequate, in the Engineer's opinion, the Contractor shall provide and install suitable plugs or caps effectively closing the open ends of each pipe section before it is lowered into laying position, and they shall remain so covered until removal is necessary for connection of an adjoining unit. It shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor for the removal of any debris found in the watermain at any time during the project. As each length of bell and spigot pipe is placed in laying position, the spigot end shall be centered in the bell and the pipe forced home and brought to correct line and grade. The pipe shall be secured in place with approved backfill material, which shall be thoroughly compacted by tamping around the pipe. JANUARY, 1993 3400-16 Connection of pipe to existing or F.l"viously constructed lines shall be accomplished as shown in the Plans or as otherwise approved by the Engineer. At all times when pipe laying is not in pro~cSs, including noon hour and overnight periods, all open ends of the pipe line' shall be closed by wat~J. Gght plugs or other means C1ppJ.vved by the Engineer. If water is present in the trench, the seals shall remain in place until the trench is pumped completely dry. Unless otherwise noted in the Specific Requirements, Class B pipe bedding shall be used for PVC watermain and Class C pipe bedding shall be used for Ductile Iron watermain. H.3 nn~tl1~ Iron Pipe Joint~ H.3.a Pll~h-()n Jnint~: The circular rubber gasket shall be flexed inward and inserted in the gasket recess of the bell socket. A thin film of approved gasket lubricant shall be applied to either the inside surface of the gasket or the outside surface of the spigot end. Care shall be taken to prevent introduction of contaminants. The joint shall be completed by forcing the spigot end to the bottom of the socket by the use of suitable prybar or jack type equipment. Spigot ends which do not have depth marks shall be marked before assembly to insure full ins~.l G.on. Field cut pipe shall be filled or 6J.vund at the spigot edge to resemble the manufacturer's fabricated detailing. The use of the bucket on the excavation equipment shall not be used to force pipe into socket. H.3.b ~vfpcn~nl~~l JOlntl\: The last eight inches of the outside spigot surface and the inside bell surface of each pipe and appurtenance joint shall be painted with a soap solution, after being thoroughly cleaned. The cast iron gland shall then be slipped on the spigot end with the lip extension toward the socket or bell end. The rubber gasket shall be painted with soap solution and be placed on the spigot end with the thick edge toward the gland. An approved lubricant provided by the pipe manufacturer may be used in lieu of the soap solution. After the spigot end is inserted into the socket to full depth and centered, the gasket shall be pressed into place within the bell evenly around the entire joint. After the gland is positioned behind the gasket, all bolts shall be installed and the nuts tightened alternately to the specified torque, such as to produce equal pressure on all parts of the gland. Unless otherwise specified, the bolts shall be tightened in accordance with A WW A C-600 by means of a suitable torque-limiting wrench within a foot-pound range of: JANUARY, 1993 3400-17 Pipe Size Incl1 3 4-24 30-36 Bolt Size Incl1 5/8 3/4 1 Torque ft.:lh 45-60 75-90 100-120 After tightening, all exposed parts of the bolts and nuts shall be completely coated with an approved bituminous rust preventive coal tar material such as Koppers, Bitumastic Super Service Black or Tnemec 46-457 Tnemecol. H.4 E.o.lyv~l rhlaride Pi!'p. taints: Jointing shall be in accordance with A WW A Manual No. M23. H.5 A1ignin~ ~ncl Fitting of P;l}e: The cutting of pipe for inserting valves, fittings, or closure pieces shall be done in a neat and workmanlike manner without damage to the pipe and shall leave a smooth square-cut end. Pipe shall be cut with approved mechanical cutters. Wherever it is necessary to deflect the pipe from a straight line either in the vertical or horizontal plane, to avoid obstructions, plumb stems, or produce a long radius curve when permitted, the amount of deflection allowed at each joint shall not exceed the allowable limits for maintaining satisfactory joint seal as given in A WW A C600 for mechanical joints and push-on joints, or as otherwise allowed by the pipe manufacturer. MFrHANTrAT TO.INI Pipe Size Deflection Angle Offset Radius Inch Degrees Inch Feet 1 ~' ?O' 1 R' ?O' 3-4 8 - 18 31 35 125 140 6 7 - 07 27 30 145 160 8 - 12 5 - 21 20 22 195 220 14 - 16 3 - 35 13.5 15 285 320 18 - 20 3 - 00 11 12 340 380 24 - 30 2 - 23 9 10 450 500 EI.T~H-ON TOTNT Pipe Size Deflection Angle Offset Radius Inch Degrees Inch Feet .18' ?et 1 ~' 2(t 3 - 12 5 19 21 205 230 14 - 36 3 11 12 340 380 H.6 Rlock1ne ~ncl An~hnring of P;.pe: All plugs, caps, tees, bends, and other thrust points shall be provided with reaction backing, or movement shall be prevented by JANUARY, 1993 3400-18 attachment of suitable restraining devices, in accordance with the requirements of the Plans, Specific Requirements and typical details. In the absence of other specified requirements for reaction blocking or restraining devices, the following provisions shall apply: (1) Retainer glands shall be used for joint restraint on all horizontal and vertical bends exceeding 22-112 deb-lc.es deflection, and all caps, plugs, branch tees, crosses, valves at the end of a line, all hydrant valves, and all hydrants. Restrained joints cast onto the pipe by the manufacturer (Lok-Tyton, Fastite, etc.) will be considered as being equivalent to the use of retainer glands. Thrust blacking shall only be used when approved by the Engineer. Plugged tees and crosses in a straight run do not require restaint. For restained joints, the number of feet of tied pipe required shall be in accordance with the table below. FEET OF RESTRAINED OR TlbJ) PIPE REQlJJ.KED ON EACH SIDE OF THE BEND NOTE: (1) Table based on sand excavation, for silt increase 50% (2) If Polyethylene wrappin~ is used increase value by 100% I N.R. = Not Recommended 4' Cover 6' Cover 8 I Cover Pipe Size Bend Sizes Bend Sizes Bend Sizes 22112 0 450 671J2 0 900 221J2 0 450 671J2 0 900 I 221h 0 450 671J2 0 900 I 8' I ...,,, N.R. N.R. N.R. N.R. I' 3' 4' I' I')' 3' 41 -' 1- 4" N.R. N.R. N.R. N.R. 2' 4' 5' 8' 1 ' 3' 4' 5' 6" N.R. N.R. N.R. N.R. 3' 6' 8' 9' 2' 4' 5' 6' 8" N.R. N.R. N.R. N.R. 4' 7' 9' 11 ' 3' 5' 7' 9' 12" N.R. N.R. N.R. N.R. 6' 10' 14' 17' 5' 8' 10' 12' 16" N.R. N.R. N.R. N.R. 7' 13' 18' 21' 6' 10' 14' 17' 20" 12' 22' 3D' 37' 9' IS' 22' 27' 7' 12' 17' 20' 24" 14' 25' 37' 43' 10' 18' 26' 30' N.R. N.R. N.R. N.R. 30" 17' 30' 45' 52' 12' 21' 30' 37' N.R. N.R. N.R. N.R. 36" 19' 35' 50' 61' 14' 25' 35' 43' N.R. N.R. N.R. N.R. 42" 22' 39' 56' 69' 16' 28' 40' 49' N.R. N.R. N.R. N.R. 48" 24' 43' 63' 77' 18' 31' 45' 55' N.R. N.R. N.R. N.R. , . JANUARY, 1993 3400-19 -_.-......,.._,..".,",",,,.,. Table is from "Standards For The Installation OfWaterrnains" St. Paul Water Utility. (2) Offset bends made with standard offset fittings need not be strapped or buttressed. (3) Tie rods and tie harnesses shall be of the same size as the required bolt, torqued to the requirements of Section H.3. b. After installing the tie rods and harnesses and prior to the backfill operations, they shall be coated with a brush- applied tar coating. This coating shall be Kvppers Bitumastic Super Services Black or Tnemec 46-457 Tnemecol, or equal, and shall be applied to the manufacturer's specifications. Hot dipped galvanized parts need not be tar coated. All necessary fittings, bands, tie rods, nuts, and washers, and all labor and excavation required for installation of reaction restraints shall be furnished by the Contractor at his expense and without direct compensation. Hardwood blocking shall only be used as temporary reaction backing until acceptable permanent reaction blocking or restraining devices have been installed. Blocking shall be nominal 2-inch timber having an area equivalent to at least four times the area of the surface of the cap or plug it restrains. Concrete buttresses shall be poured against firm. undisturbed ground and shall be formed in such a way that the joints will be kept free of concrete and remain accessible for repairs. The concrete mix used in buttress construction shall meet the requirements for Grade B (3400 psi) of MnDOT 2461. Buttress dimensions shall be as indicated on the Plans or as approved by the Engineer. Contractors are instructed to size concrete buttress blocking on fittings and dead ends where the blocking must withstand the pressure of larger main line fittings equipped with reducers, for the larger sized main line thrust and not for smaller fitting size only. This is of particular importance on tees and crosses where the main size is reduced on the run from large to small size by use of reducers. 1. Ea.1yp.thylp.np. F.n~~~p:ment of PipP.linp. Wherever so required by the Plans or Specific Requirements, the pipeline, including valves, fittings, and appurtenances, shall be fully encased in polyethylene fum of 8 mil nominal thickness. The fum shall be furnished in tube form for installation on pipe and all pipeshaped appurtenances such as bends, reducers, offsets, etc. Sheet fum shall be JANUARY, 1993 3400-20 provided and used for encasing all odd-shaped ~~Imenances such as valves, tees, crosses, etc. Installation shall be in accordance with A WW A ClOS, Type A. J. .Ia~k-~TP ~tppl r~~;ng Pipe The Contractor shall jack-bore steel casing pipe in place as specified and as located on the Plans. In granular native soils, a 1-1/2" pipe shall be forced along the top of the casing pipe. The end of this 1-1/2" pipe shall be 18" back from the lead edge of the jacking pipe. Bentonite grout under pressure shall be forced through this pipe at all times during the jacking operation to fill any voids that might develop above the casing. The water pipe shall then be installed in the casing and the annular space between the water pipe and casing shall be densely filled with sand and the ends sealed with concrete or mortar. The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining or paying any special permit fees for bonds, etc. required. K. Pl~~p.mp.nt nf Tn~111.ation Rigid insulation board shall be placed within the pipe encasement zone, six (6) inches above the pipe. Prior to placement of the insulation, encasement material shall be compacted until there is no further visual evidence of increased consolidation or the density of the compacted layer conforms to the density requirements specified in the Specific Requirements, then leveled and lightly scarified to a depth of 1/2 inch. Encasement zone material placed below the insulation shall be free of rock or stone fragments measuring 1-1/2 inches or greater. Insulation boards shall be placed on the scarified material with the long dimension parallel to the centerline of the pipe. Boards placed in a single layer shall be overlapped at least 6 inches on all sides to eliminate continuous joints for the full depth of the insulation. If two or more layers of insulation boards are used, each layer shall be placed to cover the joints of the layer immediately below with an overlap of at least 6 inches. The Contractor shall exercise caution to insure that all joints between boards are tight during placement and backfilling with only extruded ends placed end to end or edge to edge. Broken or damaged material shall be removed and replaced. The first layer of material placed over the insulation shall be twelve (12) inches in depth, free of rock or stone fragments measuring 1-1/2 inches or greater. The material shall be placed in such a manner that construction equipment does not operate directly on the insulation and shall be compacted with equipment which exerts a contact pressure of less JANUARY, 1993 3400-21 than SO psi. The first layer shall be compacted until there is no further visual evidence of increased consolidation or the density of the compacted layer conforms to the density requirements specified. L. W~tp.r .C;:eTVi~p. Tn~t~l1~tinn~ Water service lines complete with all required appurtenances, shall be installed in accordance with all pc.J.W1ent requirements for main line installations and as supplemented as follows. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to keep an accurate record of the location, depth and size of each service connection and other pertinent data such as the location of curb stops and pipe endings. Tap locations shall be recorded in reference to survey line stationing. Curb boxes shall be tied to definable land marks such as building comers, fire hydrants, manholes and telephone pedestals. Pipe terminals at the property line shall be marked on the ground surface with a 2" x 4" x S' wood post extending 3' above grade with the top 2' painted blue. Water service lines shall be installed in accordance with Minnesota Department of Health standards. Where water service lines are installed alongside of sanitary or storm sewer service lines, installation shall maintain the minimum specified clearances between pipelines and provide proper and adequate bearing for all pipes and appurtenances. For separate installation, the trench width shall be not less than two feet. Subject to minimum clearances, the water lines may be laid in a common trench excavated principally for sewer installation, either by widening the trench as necessary or by providing a shelf in the trench wall where ground stability will permit. Unless otherwise specified, installation of water service lines shall provide for not less than seven and one-half feet of cover over the top of the pipe and for not less than 18 inches of clearance between pipelines. Also, at least 6 inches of clearance shall be maintained in crossing over or under other structures. Where the service pipe may be exposed to freezing due to insufficient cover or exposure from other undc;~oJ.ound structures, the water pipe shall be insulated as directed by the Engineer. Service trenches shall be restored and compacted as specified for pipelines. L.1 T~p Sp.TVi~p. T lnp.~: Tap service piping shall be Seamless Copper Water Tube of the size and type specified. Pipe size for tap service installations shall be from 3/4 inch to 2-1/2 inch nominal inside diameter. Unless otherwise indicated, tap service piping may be laid directly on any solid foundation soil that is relatively free of stones and hard lumps. Tap service piping shall be installed in one piece without intermediate joint couplings betwCA:,U the corporation stop at the wak.uuain tap and the curb stop. All JANUARY, 1993 3400-22 pipe and appurtenances shall be joined by means of approved flared type threaded couplings. Connection of tap service lines to the watermain shall be made with an approved corporation stop, with the waterm~ tap being made from horizontal to an angle of not more than 15 de~~ from the horizontal. (2:30 and 9:30). Expansion loops shall be directed horizontally, not vertically from the tap. A minimum of 3 full threads of the corporation stop must engage in ductile iron wat\:,uuain or a saddle must be used for the connection (see chart below). All tap service lines to polyvinyl chloride watermain shall have a saddle used with the connection. DUC11LE-IRON PIPE SADDLE REQlJ1KEMENTS rl(t~~ ~.? rl~~~ C\o Pipe Size Inches 10 14 16 18 20 24 12 4 6 8 Wall Thickness Inches .29 .31 .33 .35 .31 .33 .34 .35 .36 .38 Corp. Stop Pipe Thickness Required for 3 Corporation Stop Threads Inches Inches 3/4 .31 .28 .27 .26 ..,- ,.,- .25 /,1 .2.1 ., 1 ._.) ."-.) ._~ .~~ 1 .38 .34 .32 .31 .30 .29 .29 .28 .28 ~..,. .~ J 1-114 .45 .39 .36 .34 .33 .32 .31 .30 .30 .30 1-1/2 .44 .40 .37 .35 .34 .33 .32 .32 .31 2 .48 .44 .41 .39 .37 .36 .35 .33 ABOVE LrnE-W/O SADDLE BELOW LTh""E-W/SADDLE The flaring of copper tubing ends shall be accomplished only with the use of the proper size and type of tools as designated for the purpose, and will provide accurate sizing and rounding of the ends. Tubing shall be cut squarely and all edge roughness shall be removed prior to flaring. All JANUARY. 1993 3400-23 I couplings shall be tightened securely, so the flared end fits snugly' against the bevel of the fitting without leakage. The flared joint couplings shall be made up without the use of jointing compounds. Unless otherwise indicated, tap service lines shall be installed on a straight line at right angles to the wak-uuain or property line. The service line shall be terminated with a curb stop and box at the property line. The service pipe and curb stop coupling depth shall be such as to maintain not less than 7-1/2' minimum cover, or in locations where conflict may occur with storm sewer, service pipe shall be placed at least 3 feet below the storm sewer invert or shall be insulated in accordance with the Plans, Specifications, and Special Provisions to prevent freezing. In any case the Contractor shall make every effort to provide for a standard depth service box installation where practicable. The service box shall be screwed onto the curb stop coupling and be firmly supported on a concrete block. Service boxes shall be installed plumb and be braced effectively to remain vertical during and after completion of backfilling. The service boxes shall be brought to final surface grade when the final ground surface has been established. M. Setting V~Jvp" Hynran1~ F;ttin~" a.nV ~~ Valves, hydrants, fittings and specials shall be provided and installed as required by the plans and detail plates, and with each installation accomplished in accordance with the requirements for installation of mainline pipe to the extent applicable. Support blocking, thrust blocking, and anchorage devices shall be provided as required by the plans and detail plates. Hydrants shall be installed plumb, with the height and orientation of nozzles as shown on the detail plates. Hydrants shall be connected to the mainline pipe with a 6 inch diameter branch pipe, controlled by an independent valve. A drainage pit one-half cubic yard in volume shall be installed around the hydrant base and shall be filled with coarse gravel frrmly compacted under and around the hydrant base and 6" above the drain outlet. The course gravel shall be covered with at least two layers of tar paper or six (6)mil polyethylene prior to placing backfill thereon. Drain holes shall be normally left open when specified. Hydrants located where the groundwater table is above the drain outlet shall have the outlet plugged and shall be equipped with a tag stating, "Pump After Use". Valve boxes shall be centered over the wrench nut of the valve and be installed plumb, with the box cover flush with the surface of the finished pavement or at such other level as may be directed. Valves installed below groundwater shall have 6 mil polyethylene, 4' x 4' , placed tightly over the valve prior to the box assembly to prevent soil migration into JANUARY. 1993 3400-24 the valve box assembly. Valve boxes shall not be installed so as to transmit shock or stress to the valve. Valve boxes installed outside the paved roadway shall have a 4"x4"x6' wood post installed, adjacent to the box, with two (2) feet above the ground surface. Post is not required when the valve box is installed with a hydrant. Special appurtenances shall be provided and installed as required by the Plans and Special Provisions. All dead ends shall be closed with approved plugs or caps and restrained by rodding or thrust blocking. If line size is reduced at the end of the line, restraints shall be sized for the line size prior to reduction. Install a 4"x4" wood post vertically from the pipe end invert to two (2) feet above the ground surface. N. PipP.l;np. R~ckfilllng Opp.rntion~ All pipeline excavations shall be backfilled to restore pre-existing conditions as the minimum requirement, and fulfill all supplementary J."iuirements indicated in the Plans and Specifications. The backfilling operations shall be started as soon as conditions will permit on each section of pipeline, so as to provide continuity in subsequent operations and restore normal public service as soon as practicable on a section-by-section basis. All operations shall be pursued diligently, with proper and adequate equipment, as will assure acceptable results. Backfilling shall be accomplished with the use of Suitable Materials selected from the excavated materials to the extent available and practical. Suitable Material shall be defmed as a mineral soil reasonably free of foreign materials (rubbish, debris, etc.), frozen clumps, organic matter, stone, rock, concrete, or bituminous chunks larger than 4", and other unsuitable materials that may damage the pipe installation or prevent thorough compaction, taking into consideration particular needs of different backfill zones. Unsuitable material shall only be utilized where and to the extent there will be no detrimental effects and with the approval of the Engineer. Backfill materials shall be carefully placed in relatively uniform depth layers spread over the full width and length of the trench section to provide simultaneous support on both sides of the pipeline. Each layer shall be compacted effectively, by approved mechanical methods before placing material for a succeeding layer thereon. Within the pipe bedding zone compaction shall be in a minimum of three lifts: invert to spring line, spring line to top of pipe, and top of pipe to 1.0 foot over top of pipe. Maximum thickness of any lift shall be eight (S) inches compacted thickness. Compaction requirements are: 95 % Standard Proctor maximum dry density from the pipe zone to within 3 feet of the ground surface, and 100% Standard Proctor maximum dry density in the fmal3 feet. All surplus or waste materials remaining after completion of the backfilling operations shall be disposed of in an acceptable manner after completing the backfill work. Disposal at any location within the project limits shall be as specified, or as approved in writing by the JANUARY, 1993 3400-25 Engineer; otherwise, disposal shall be accomplished outside the project limits at the Contractor's own dump site. o. Fp~torntion nf Sl1rf~~P. Tm!,TnVp.rnp.nt~ Wherever any surface improvements such as pavement, curbing, pedestrian walks, fencing or turf have been removed, damaged or otherwise disturbed by the Contractor's operations, they shall be repaired or replaced in kind and structure to the pre-existing condition or better. Each item of restoration work shall be done as soon as practical after completion of installation and backfilling operations on each section of pipeline. In the absence of specific payment provisions, as separate BID items, the restoration work shall be compensated as part of the work required under those BID items which necessitated the destruction and replacement of repair, and there will be no separate payment therefore. If separate pay items are provided for restoration work, only that portion of the repair or reconstruction which was necessitated by the Contract work will be measured for payment. Any improvements removed or damaged unnecessarily shall be replaced or repaired by the Contractor at his expense. A proper foundation shall be prepared before reconstructing concrete or bituminous improvements. Unless otherwise directed, granular material shall be placed to a depth of at least four (4) inches under all concrete and bituminous items. No direct compensation will be made for furnishing and placing this material even though such course was not part of the original construction. Existing concrete and bituminous surfaces at the trench wall shall be sawed or cut with a cutting wheel to form a neat edge in a straight line before surfaces are to be restored. Sawing or cutting may be accomplished as a part of the removal or prior to restoration at the option of the Contractor. However, all surface edges shall be inspected prior to restoration. P. rvf~int~n~n~~ ~nci Fma.l rlean.up All subgrade surfaces shall be maintained acceptably until the start of surface construction or restoration work. Additional materials shall be provided and placed as needed to compensate for trench settlement and to serve until completion of the final surface improvements. Pinal disposal of debris, waste materials, and other remains or consequences of construction, shall be accomplished prior to final acceptance of all work. Final acceptance of each BID item can only be made when the cleanup associated with each item is completed. The Engineer may withhold partial payments until such work is satisfactorily pursued or he may deduct the estimated cost of its performance from the partial estimate value. JANUARY. 1993 3400-26 3400 4 I ....,~ U rJCi A. D; ~;11.fcctiDn nf W~tp.rm~in~ Before being placed in service, the completed watermain installation shall be disinfected and flushed, and after the fmal flushing the water shall be tested for bacteriologic quality and found to meet the standards prescribed by the Minnesota Depa..l1uent of Health. The disinfection materials and procedures and the collection and testing of water samples shall at a minimum be in accordance with the provisions of A WW A C651, Disinfecting Watermains, and as will meet the requirements of the Minnesota Department of Health. Where an existing watermain is cut for the installation of a hydrant, for lowering the watermain, or for reasons determined by the Engineer, the pipe and fittings proposed to be installed shall be disinfected prior to installation as follows: (I) The interior of the pipe and fittings shall be cleaned of all dirt and foreign material. (2) The interior of the pipe and fittings shall be thoroughly swabbed or sprayed with a 1 percent minimum hypochlorite solution. Unless otherwise indicated in the Plans, Specifications, and Specific Requirements, the Contractor shall furnish all materials and perform the disinfecting, flushing, and testing as necessary for meeting the water quality requirements. The A WW A C651 provisions for disinfection of watermains are reproduced for informational purposes as follows: A. 1 :T ~ h let Method Tablet Method may be used only when scrupulous cleanliness has been practiced to exclude all foreign materials and ground water during pipe installation. If ground water has entered pipe during pipe installation, the wa~uuain shall be flushed and the Chlorine-Water solution method shall be used. Ela~;n~ ralcim:n H}'!lOChloritp. r~mUes During construction, calcium hypochlorite granules shall be placed at the upSl1~ end of the first section of pipe, at the upstream end of each branch main, and at 500 foot intervals along the main. The quantity of granules shall be in accordance with the following table: Ounces of Calcium Hypochlorite Granules to be placed at beginning of main and at each 500 foot interval: JANUARY, 1993 3400-27 Pipe ni~ (in) 4 6 8 10 12 16 and larger r~lcillrn Hypnr.hloritp. nrnnnlp.~ 07. ) 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 8.0 Pl~c.1ng r~lcillrn Hypnr.hloritp. T~hlp.t~ Attach tablets on the top of the main using an adhesive such as Permatex No.1, product of Loctite CUJ. Ii, or equal. If tablets are not attach to the top and water contacts them they will react prior to the disinfection period. The table below gives tablets required per pipe size and length to achieve 25 mg/l. Number of 5-g Hypochlorite Tablets Rp.qnirp1'f for nn~p. of?'\ m~a Pipe Length of Pipe, feet Diameter, !lncl1) J 1 o.r..less .IE 2Q 3.0 40 4 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 2 ,., l. ~ 8 1 .., 2 3 4 -- 10 2 ,.., 3 4 5 -' 12 3 4 4 6 7 16 4 6 7 10 13 Number of 5-g tablets = .0012 d2L d = pipe diameter, inches L = pipe length, feet Based on 3.25 grams (65 %) available chlorine per tablet The main shall be filled with water at a rate no greater than 1 fps. Precautions shall be taken to assure that air pockets are eliminated. The use of additional curb stops to bleed air through at high points may be necessary. Chlorination Residual of 25 mg/L chlorinated water shall be retained in the pipe for a minimum of 24 hours, 48 hours when the water temperature is below 41"F. Valves and hydrants shall be o~J.a.ted to ensure disinfection. JANUARY. 1993 3400-28 A.2 rnntinllnll~ FPPLi Mp.thnd Continuous feed method consists of completely filling the main, removing all air pockets, flushing to remove particulates, then filling the main with potable water chlorinated so that after a 24 hour holding period in the main there will be a free chlorine residual of not less than 10 mgIL. Flushing velocity shall not be less than 2.5 fps, see table below. Required Flow and Openings to Flush Pipelines* (40-psi Residual Pressure in Watermain) Flow Required to Produce Pipe 2.5 fps n;~rn V p.lodty in 'Main 4 6 8 10 12 16 100 220 390 610 880 1565 Size of Tap on Main ** Hydrant Outlets Nllmher Si7e QN.) 15/16 1-3/8 1-7/8 2-5/16 2-13/16 3-5/8 1 1 1 1 1 2 2-1/2 2-1/2 2-1/2 2-1/2 2-1/2 2-1/2 With a 40-psi pressure in the main with the hydrant t10wing to atmosphere, a 2-1/2-in. hydrant outlet will discharge approximately 1000 e!-'Ul and a 4-1/2-in. hydrant nozzle will discharge approximately 2500 5plU. * ** Size of tap on main, with no significant length of discharge piping. Water from the existing system or other approved source shall be made to flow at a constant measured rate in the new main. At a point not much more than 10 feet downstream from beginning the new main, water entering the new main shall receive a dose of chlorine fed at a constant rate such that the water will have not less than 25 mg/L free chlorine. Measure the chlorine concentration at regular intervals in accordance with Standard Methods, A WW A M12, or using appropriate chlorine test kits. The following Table gives the amount of chlorine required for various pipes: JANUARY, 1993 3400-29 [ Chlorine Required to Produce 25 mg/L Concentration in 100ft of Pipe - by Diameter Pipe 100 1 percent Diameter Chlorine Chlorine Solutions Inch lb.. gal. 4 .013 0.16 6 .030 0.36 8 .054 0.65 10 .085 1.02 12 .120 1.44 16 .217 2.60 1 % chlorine solution requires lib. of calcium hypochlorite in 8 gallons of water. Strong chlorine solution in the main being treated shall not flow into mains in service. The chlorinated water shall be retained in the main for at least 24 hours, during which time all valves and hydrants shall be operated in order to disinfect the appurtenances. At the end of the 24 hour period the treated water in all portions of the main shall have a residual of not less than 10 mg/L free chlorine. Prefcudl equipment for applying liquid chlorine is a solution feed vacuum operated chlorinator in combination with a booster pump for injecting the chlorine gas solution water into the main to be disinfected. A.3 Fl11~h;nE After the applicable retention period, heavily chlorinated water shall not remain in prolonged contact with the pipe. Chlorinated water shall be flushed from the main until chlorine concentration is no higher than generally in the system for domestic use. The environment to which the chlorinated water is to be discharged shall be inspected. The Contractor shall be responsible to ensure that the receiving area is not damaged by the chlorinated water and shall use a reducing agent for neutralization when necessary. A.4 R~~tp.rioloej~~l Tp.~t~ After final flushing and before the wa~uuain is placed in service, samples of water shall be collected from the end of the main and each branch line for testing for bacteriological quality in accordance with Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, and shall show the absence of coliform organisms. Samples shall be at a rate of one per every 1000 feet of pipe. If water in the pipe does not meet the Minnesota Department of Health requirements, disinfection JANUARY, 1993 3400-30 procedure shall be repeated until meeting the requirements. Acceptance forms from the gOVc,uJng agency shall be furnished to the Engineer. B. Hyrlrn~t~ti~ Tp~ting..nf W~tp.rrn~in~ Each valved section shall be subjected to the pressure test and, if required, the leakage test prescribed hc,J.dn. Testing for the two (2) hour duration shall be with hydrants closed, and valves on hydrant leads and dead end water lines open. Once this portion of the test is completed, the valve on the hydrant leads and dead end water lines shall be closed and hydrants opened. The specified test pressure shall be applied, and the test repeated for 15 minutes to establish the condition of the hydrant lead valves. This shall a.pyly to both the VJ.~ure and leakage test. The Engineer or Owner may require the Contractor to test the first section of pipe installed to demonstrate the Contractors ability to install the pipe in an acceptable manner. When the connection to the existing system is not made with a valve, the Contractor shall test the existing section to the first available valve(s) to determine the condition of the existing system, or the Contractor may make provisions to test his work separately, prior to connection to the existing system, in a manner acceptable to the Engineer. The Contractor shall furnish the pump, pipe connections, gauges, and measuring equipment, and shall perform the testing in the presence of the Engineer. The pressure gauge for the test shall be an Ashcroft Model 1082 with 4-1/2 inch dial face at 1 psi increments. Where ~uuanent air vents are not provided, the Contractor shall provide and install corporation cocks at the high points as needed for release of air as the line is filled wi th water. Where concrete reaction blocking is placed, the watermain shall not be subjected to hydrostatic pressure until at least 5 days have elapsed after the concrete placement, with the exception that this period may be reduced to 2 days where high early strength concrete is used. A t the option of the Engineer, the pressure and leakage tests may be conducted simultaneously. Any defective joints, pipe, fittings, valves, or hydrants, revealed during the testing or before final acceptance of the work shall be satisfactorily corrected and the tests shall be repeated until the specified requirements have been met. B.l EI:r~~l1re Te~t: The section being tested shall be slowly filled with water and the specified test pressure shall be C1.Pplied after all air has been expelled from the pipe. A hydrostatic pressure of 150 pounds per square inch, gauge pressure, measured at the lowest point of elevation, shall be applied by means of a pump connected to the pipe in a satisfactory manner. The gauge pressure shall be checked after a minimum of two (2) hours. A pressure dlv!-' of 1 psi or less will be cause to accept the test section. Several attempts must be made to satisfy the Engineer the vl~sure test will not be successful. If the drop JANUARY, 1993 3400- 31 T is more than 2 psi after these attempts, the Engineer may authorize the leakage test in writing for acceptance. Service Pipe may be tested at the time of the foregoing test, if installed, at the Contractor's option. However, testing of service pipes may be completed as a separate operation from main testing, and if so, the test pressure shall be 100 p.s.i. Service pipe testing, if done separately, shall be done with the corporation stop open. B.2 ~fP' Test: After an unsatisfactory pressure test, and if authorized in writing by the Engineer a leakage test shall be performed on each valved section of watc;uuain to detennine the quantity of water that must be supplied into the section to maintain a test pressure of 150 pounds per square inch, after the air in the pipeline has been expelled and the pipe has been filled with water. The water added shall be recorded to the nearest fluid ounce. After filling the pipe with water and expelling all air in the line, a pressure of 150 psi shall be applied in the same manner as prescribed for the pressure test, and sufficient water shall be measured and supplied into the pipe section to maintain the pressure for a test duration of two (2) hours. Each pipe section tested will be accepted if the leakage does not exceed the quantity determined by the fonnula as shown in the table below, based on an allowable leakage of 11.65 gpd/mile/nominal diameter inch at 150 psi. L .=. SD:{E 133,200 L = Maximum permissible leakage in gallons per hour S = Length of pipe tested D = Nominal diameter of pipe in inches P = Average test pressure during the test, in pounds per square inch, gauge pressure. AT TOW ABLF TF.A l( A GF PFR 1 Cl.O!l.t:....,FT OF PTPE GALLONS PER HOUR A vg. Test Pressure -JlSl 200 175 150 125 100 70 ..4 0.43 0.40 0.37 0.34 0.30 0.25 .6 .8 0.64 0.85 0.59 0.80 0.55 0.74 0.50 0.67 0.45 0.60 0.38 0.50 Nominal Pipe Diameter - in. 10 12 14 16 1.8 2Q 1.06 1.28 1.48 1.70 1.91 2.12 0.99 1.19 1.39 1.59 1.79 1.98 0.92 1.10 1.29 1.47 1.66 1.84 0.84 1.01 1.18 1.34 1.51 1.68 0.75 0.90 1.05 1.20 1.35 1.50 0.63 0.75 0.88 1.00 1.13 1.26 24 2.55 2.38 2.21 2.01 1.80 1.51 JANUARY. 1993 3400- 32 If the pipe section under test contains pipe of various diameters, the allowable leakage will be the sum of the computed leakage for each size. When requested, the Contractor shall furnish a written report of the results of leakage tests, which shall identify the specific test section, the average pressure, the duration of test, and the amount of leakage. C. Electri('~l rand.1.1c.tiv;ty Test The Contractor shall perform a conductivity test within one week after completion of pressure testing of the main on all iron pipe watermains. The Engineer or owner may require the Contractor to test the first section of pipe installed to demonstrate the Contractors ability to install the pipe in an acceptable manner. When the connection to the existing system is not made with a valve, the Contractor shall test the existing section to the fust available valve(s) to determine the condition of the existing system, or the Contractor may make provisions to test his work separately, prior to connection to the existing system, in a manner acceptable to the Engineer. The system (pipeline, valves, fittings and hydrants) shall be tested for electrical continuity and current capacity. The electrical test shall be made after the hydrostatic pressure test and while the line is at nuuual operating 1-ILc,ssure. Backfilling shall have been completed. The line may be tested in sections of convenient length as approved by the Engineer. Direct current of 350 amperes plus or minus 10%, shall be passed through the pipeline for 5 minutes. Current flow through the pipe shall be measured continuously on a suitable ammeter and shall remain steady without interruption or fluctuation throughout the 5-minute test period. Insufficient current or intermittent current or arcing, indicated by large fluctuation of the ammeter needle, shall be evidence of defective contact in the pipeline. The cause shall be isolated and corrected. Thereafter, the section in which the defective test occurred shall be retested as a unit and shall meet the requirements. Sources of D.C. for these tests may be motor generators, arc welding machines, or other approved sources. All such equipment shall be furnished by the Contractor. Cables from the power source to the section of system under test should be of sufficient size to carry the test current without overheating or excessive voltage drop. Note: After the test, the hydrant shall be shut off and a cap loosened to allow hydrant drainage. Tighten cap after drainage. JANUARY, 1993 3400-33 D. Opp.rntinn~l Tn~tinn At the completion of the project and in the presence of the Engineer and the Contractor, representatives of the Owner shall operate all valves, hydrants, and water services to 3.SCc;~ Wn that the entire facility is in good working order; that all valve boxes are centered and valves are opened; that all hydrants operate and drain properly; that all curb boxes are plumb and centered; and that water is available at all curb stops. 1400 " MFTHOn OF MRASTTRFMFNT A. W~term~in Watermain of each type and diameter shall be measured separately in linear feet. Measurements shall be made along the pipe centerline without deductions in length for fittings, valves and other specials. Lengths of branches shall be measured from the centers of connecting pipes to centers of valves or fittings. In the case of hydrant leads, the compensation length shall be from the center of the connecting main to the center of the valve. All length shall be measured in a horizontal plane unless the grade of the pipe exceeds fifteen percent. B. V;::tlves Valves of each kind and size shall be measured separately as complete units including the valve box setting. c. ,Hyrl.rant With V~ Hydrant with valve shall be measured on a per unit basis. The unit includes hydrant, 6" valve and valve box, 6" pipe between valve and hydrant, crushed rock, and blocking or restraining devices. D. Eittin ~~ Fittings shall be measured on a pound basis of standard weight of fittings as published in A WW A ClIO excluding the weight of glands, gaskets, bolts or other accessories. If the Contractor chooses to use compact ductile iron fittings, A WW A C153, measurement compensation for material price and weight differences shall be per A WW A ClIO. The fitting weights for payment purposes are provided in the following table: JANUARY. 1993 3400- 34 DUCl1LE-IRON & GRAY-IRON MECHANICAL-JOINT ~llT.lNGS ' Weight in Pounds per AWWA CliO 'RP.nn ~ (MT - M~ 90 45- ?? - 1[2 J 1 - l..L4 Slp.p.vp.~ Caps E1ugs 4" 55 50 50 50 35 15 15 6" 85 75 75 75 45 25 25 8" 125 110 110 110 65 45 45 10" 180 155 160 160 85 60 65 12" 255 215 220 220 110 80 85 14" 340 270 275 275 165 130 120 16" 430 340 345 345 200 175 155 18" 545 420 430 430 240 225 220 20" 680 530 535 540 275 285 255 24" 1025 755 765 770 360 400 390 Reducers (MJ -MJ) X4 X6 XE. XlQ Xl2 X14 x16 Xl8 X2Q 6" 60 8" 80 95 10" 105 115 135 12" 135 150 165 190 14" 190 210 230 255 16" 230 250 280 305 335 18" - 295 325 350 380 415 20" 375 405 430 470 510 24" 550 575 615 660 705 Tees (all .M1) X4 X6 X8 Xlil Xl? )(14 Xl1i Xl8 X2Q X2A 6" 115 125 8" 165 175 185 10" 235 250 260 310 12" 315 325 340 390 410 14" 435 450 465 540 585 16" 540 550 570 590 710 740 - 18" 590 605 620 640 755 905 945 - 20" 725 735 755 775 795 945 1140 1185 - 24" 985 1000 1020 1030 1055 1075 1400 1720 1815 JANUARY, 1993 3400-35 T Crosses (all MJ) X4 X6 6" 140 160 8" 189 205 10" 260 285 12" 340 360 14" 475 16" 575 18" 625 20" 760 24" 1025 E. (1r~n1l1~r M~tp.ri~l XB ,X1Q X12 X14 x16 X1.8 X2Q ,X?4 235 310 380 385 460 495 500 540 630 710 605 645 685 830 895 655 685 725 870 1060 1130 - 790 820 860 905 1085 1330 1415 - 1045 1085 1110 1155 1200 1590 1965 2155 Granular material used as specified shall be measured on a per ton basis. Weight slips shall be required. F. Rorine Borings shall be measured in linear feet as specified on the plans or approved by the Engineer. The watermain carrier pipe shall be measured under the watermain item. G. W~ter Sp.TVi~p. rnnnp.~tion Water service connections shall be measured on a unit basis for each size and type. The connection shall include the corporation stop, tapping saddle where required, curb stop, and curb box. H. Sendrp. Lines Service lines shall be measured in lineal feet horizontally from the centerline of the watennain to the end of the service line. Separate measurements shall be made for each size of service line required. 1. In~:11 \a1i.on Insulation shall be measured by the square foot for the specified thickness. 1400 h ]\A SlS...OF P A YMRNT A. W~tp.rm~in Watermain shall be paid for at the contract unit price per linear foot for each type and diameter. Payment for the excavation and backfilling of the trench shall be included in the JANUARY. 1993 3400- 36 payment for the watermain and testing, as well as any required dewatering, sheeting or shoring for which separate payment is not provided. B. V::Ilve~ Valves of each type and size shall be paid for at the unit contract price per each, including installation, valve box and adjustment of the valve box. c. Hynrnnt w\1h vahe Hydrant with valve shall be paid for at the unit contract price per each including installing hydrant, connecting piece of pipe (between valve and hydrant), valve, valve box, concrete base, coarse !).ld.vel and blocking. D. Flttlne~ Fittings shall be paid for at the unit contract price per pound including installation and blocking. E. Gr::lnnl::1T M::Iten::ll Granular material shall be paid for at the contract unit price per ton based on weight tickets collected at the project site. The price shall include all costs for delivery, placement and compaction. F. Ronne Borings shall be paid for at the contract unit price per linear foot of boring for each type and size of casing pipe specified. The payment per linear foot shall include the payment for furnishing and installing the casing pipe. The watermain carrier pipe shall be paid for under the appropriate bid item. G. W::Iter ServlcP: rnnnp.chon Water service connection shall be paid for at the contract unit price per each type and size including corporation stop, curb stop, curb box and tapping saddle where required. H. Sp.rvk~p. Tines Service lines shall be paid for at the contract unit price per linear foot for each type and size of service line installed. I. :w ~111 ation Insulation shall be paid for at the contract unit price per square foot. JANUARY, 1993 3400- 37 T ('l'HIS PAGE WAS IN'l'EN'l'IONALL Y LEI1"l' BLA~K) 4000 SANITARY SEWER SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS 4000.1 DESCRIPTION Work on Ridgemont Avenue work shall consist of core connection to an existing manhole and extending 8" gravity sanitary sewer to the south as shown on the Plans. The work will also include adjustment of manholes and installation of sanitary sewer services. Work on Creekside Circle includes the adjustment of existing sanitary manholes to fit the new street. This work involves the removal of the cone section for several adjustments. 4000.3 CON8TRlJCTION B. Work Limits The Contractor shall be required to stay within the construction limits. During construction on Ridgemont Avenue, a 12-foot driveable surface for resident's cars and trucks must be maintained at all times. Work may require a box in order to maintain one lane for traffic. During the installation of the utilities, the Contractor shall provide a flag person, who will direct traffic while only one lane is available. Work limits may not allow areas for excavated material storage due to confmement within right-of-way and preservation of features. Backcasting may be required in confmed work areas. Restoration of areas outside these limits or outside other limits authorized by the Engineer shall be at the Contractor's expense. K. Sewer Service Inc;tallation Sanitary sewer services on Ridgemont Avenue shall be installed for each lot. Many of these lots have existing homes which will connect to the proposed sewer line. The location for each sewer service shall be determined by the Engineer in the field. The 4" sewer service shall be extended to the right-of-way line. R. Remove Existin~ Barrel. Install New Barrel Section, The Contractor shall remove the barrel sections from the existing manholes and install new barrel sections as specified on the Plans in order to adjust the manhole castings to fmished grade. This work involves the removal of the barrel section that is located under the cone, placing a new barrel section per the Plans and resetting the cone after the new barrel section is placed, and adjusting the casting to fInished grade. SPEC-I02.023 40008-1 102-m3-20 T S. Core Connect to ExistinQ SanitarY Manhole Core connection to the existing sanitary manhole on Ridgemont A venue at Station 9 + 03 is required. The connection of the 8" PVC to the existing manhole shall be core drilled and sealed with a water-tight gasket. 4000.4 TESTING E. Densitv Testing: Trench backfill shall be tested for compliance with density requirements stated on page 3400-25 of the Specifications. Testing shall be conducted by a certified testing lab approved by the Engineer. Tests and rate of tests are as follows: Relative Density and Moisture Trench Backfill Trench Backfill Upper 3 rT, 1/6" Layer/l000 FT Below 3 rOT, 1/12" Layer/1000 1-1' Proctor analyses shall be incidental. 4000.5 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT N. Testing Each test preformed shall be measured on a unit basis for the individual type of test carried out. Only tests which indicate that the materials or workmanship meet or exceed the specification requirements shall be considered for payment. Only testing directed by the Engineer or his representative(s) shall be eligible for payment. O. Remove Existin~arrel Install New Barrel Section Removal of existing barrel section and installation of new barrel section for each manhole shall be measured on a per each basis, and shall include the casting adjustment. P. Core Connect to ExistinQ SanitarY Manhole Core connection to the existing manhole shall be measured on a per each basis. 4000.6 BASIS OF PAYMENT N . Testin~ Testing work shall be paid for at the contract unit price per type of test carried out. Payment shall be made for only those tests with results which meet or exceed the requirements of the Specifications as documented by the report from a certified, approved SPEC-I02.023 4000S-2 102-023-20 lab. All testing requirements that payment is not specifically provided of in the bid schedule shall be the responsibility of the Contractor and shall be incidental to the watermain installation. o. Remove Existini! Barrel. Install New Barrel Section Removal of the existing barrel and installation of new barrel section shall be paid for at the contract unit price per each. This includes the removal and reinstallation of the cone section, new barrel section, and all labor , excavation, and materials necessary to adjust the manholes to fInished grade. P. Core Connect to ExistinS! SanitarY Manhole Connection to existing manhole by core drilling shall be measured on a per each basis. The contract unit price shall include all labor , excavation, and materials necessary to core the manhole and make a watertight gasket seal to the existing manhole. SPEC-I02.023 4000S-3 102-023-20 -, ('l'HIS PAGE WAS IN'l'EN'l'IONALL Y LE}"l' BLANK) 4000 - INDEX S~llARY SEWER G~.bJ{AL REQlJ1.KEMENTS 4000.1 DESCRIPTION . 4000.2 MAT.bRIALS . . A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. Pipe.. .. . . Valves. .... Steel Casing Pipe. . . . . . . Precast Concrete Manhole . Cleanouts . . . . . . . Mortar. . . . . . . . . Concrete. . . . . . Granular Materials Piling . . . . Insulation . . . . 4000.3 CONS"ll<UCTION REQlJU<.EMENTS A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. 1. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. Maintenance . . . . . . . Work Limits . . . . . . . Establishing Line and Grade Protection of Surface Structures. . Interference of Underground Structures Removal of Surface Improvements. Excavation and Trench Preparation Installation of Pipe and Fittings . Forcemain Installation. . . Gravity Sewer Installation . . . . . . Sewer Service Installations . . . . . Manhole Structures . . . . . . . . . . Jack-Bore Steel Casing Pipe and Reinforced Concrete Pipe . . . Placement of Insulation . . . . . .. ......... Pipeline Backfilling Operations . . . . Restoration of Surface Improvements Maintenance and Final Cleanup. . 4000.4 T.bSTING. . . . . . . . . . JANUARY, 1993 A. Television Inspection 1 PAGE 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 14 16 19 20 21 22 22 23 24 25 25 25 T B. C. D. PAGE Deflection Test. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sanitary Sewer Leakage Testing. ... . Hydrostatic Testing of Forcemains. . . . . . 25 26 28 4000.5 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. 30 Gravity Sewer Forcemain . . . . Manholes . . . . . . Drop Connection . Clean outs . . . . . . Boring. . . . . . . . Service Wyes. Service Risers Service Lines. . . Gate Valves . . Air Release Manholes . Granular Material. . . Insulation . . . . Testing . . . . . 30 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 4000.6 BASIS OF PAYMENT . A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. JANUARY, 1993 ~? -'- Gravity Sewer . . . . F orcemain . . Manholes . . Drop Connection . Cleanouts . . . . . . Boring. . . . Service Wyes. . Service Risers . . . . Service Lines. Gate Valves . . . . . Air Release Manholes . Granular Material . Insulation . . . . Testing . . . . . . . . . . 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 11 4000 SANITARY SEWER G~h.KAL REQlJ11<EMENTS 4QlliLl nFs.cRIP11.ON This work shall consist of the construction of sanitary sewers utilizing plant fabricated pipe and other appurtenant materials, installed for conveyance of sewage. The work includes construction of manholes, service lines, forcemains and other related items in accordance with the Plans and these General Requirements, except as modified by the Specific Requirements or the Special Provisions. All work shall comply with the requirements of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, the Minnesota Department of Health, the Minnesota Plumbing Code and all applicable codes and ordinances. All references to MnDOT Specifications shall mean the latest published edition of the Minnesota Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Highway Construction, as modified by any MnDOT Supplemental Specification edition published prior to the date of advertisement for bids. All references to other Specifications such as AASHTO, ASTM, ANSI, A WW A, shall mean the latest published edition available on the date of advertisement for bids. All manufactured products shall conform in detail to such standard design drawings as may be referenced or furnished in the contract documents. The Owner may require advance approval of material suppliers, product design, or other unspecified details as deemed necessary to insure confonnance to the contract documents. Where specific manufactured products are referenced it is to indicate a product preference of the Owner. Other manufactured products of an "equivalent" kind. type. and quality may be used if approved in writing by the Engineer. Product information, shop drawings or other information to describe the product shall be submitted to the Engineer in a timely manner such that their review does not delay the project. At the request of the Engineer, the Contractor shall submit, in writing, a list of materials and suppliers for approval. 4..QQD ? M A It-' RT A LS The materials used in this work shall be new, conforming to the requirements of the referenced specifications for the class, kind, type, size and grade of material as specified below, and other details indicated in the Contract. Sanitary sewer gravity pipe, fittings and services shall be Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), forcemains shall be Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) or Ductile Iron Pipe (DIP) and manholes shall be precast reinforced concrete unless otherwise required or allowed. JANUARY, 1993 4000-1 T A. Eipe A~l Eolyv1~l rhlonne Pipe (N~,li:~: Pipe and fittings for non-pressure gravity sewers and services shall conform to the requirements of ASTM D 1784 and D 3034, with SDR of 35, or ASTM F 789 and D 3034, and have push-on joints with elastomeric gaskets. A.2 Eo.l~l rhlonne Pipe (Pre~~nre): Pipe and fittings for pressure forcemains shall conform to the requirements of ASTM D 1784 and the following supplementary provisions: (I) The pipe, fittings and accessories shall have a minimum dimension ratio (SDR) of 26 corresponding to a working pressure of 160 psi. (2) Joints shall be push-on type with elastomeric gaskets. A.3 Onctllp. Tron Plpe: All ductile iron pipe shall be Class 50 and conform to the requirements of AWWA C 151 (ANSI A21.51). A.3.a Flttlne~: Fittings shall be Gray Iron or Ductile Iron, having a minimum working pressure rating of 150 psi, and shall conform to the requirements of AWWA ClIO (ANSI A21.10) Ductile-Iron and Gray-Iron Fittings, or A WW A C153 (ANSI 21.53) Ductile-Iron Compact Fittings. A.3.b T ininE ::Inn raating: All pipe and fittings shall be furnished with cement mortar lining meeting the requirements of A WW A C 103 (ANSI A2l. 4) for standard thiclmess lining. All interior and exterior surfaces of the pipe and fittings shall have a tar or bituminous seal coating at least one mil thick. Spotty or thin seal coating, or poor coating adhesion, shall be cause for rej ection. A.3.c lnints: Pipe three inches and larger in diameter shall have push-on joints. Fittings shall have mechanical joints. The rubber gasket for both type joints shall conform to A WW A Clll (ANSI A21.11). B. ~lvp.~ B.l GatP. Vabl.es: Gate valves shall conform to A WW A C509 for Resilient Seated Valves, and shall comply with the following supplementary requirements: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Working pressure rating of 200 psig for all sizes. Two inch square operating nut opening counterclockwise (left). Double "0" ring stem seal, one above and one below the stem seal. Weather seal on bonnet cover. Non-rising stem. JANUARY, 1993 4000- 2 (6) Mechanical joints. (7) Manufacturers: American, Mueller, Kennedy, or equal. B.2 YaJvP. Boxes: Valve boxes shall be 5-114" diameter shaft suitable for 7.5' of cover over the top of the forcemain. Boxes shall be screw type two piece boxes with the word ISE\Vbl<" on the lid. Valve boxes shall be Tyler 6850 with 5-1/4" drop lid, or equal. B.3 A IT R~lp~~p V::Ilves: Air release valves shall be Apco 400 Sewage Air Release Valve, or equal. C. Steel rasin ~ -eipe Steel casing pipe for jack-boring shall have a wall thickness of 0.375 inches for casing pipe up to 24 inch diameter, and a wall thickness of 0.500 inches for casing pipe 26 to 32 inches in diameter. D. Erp.r~<:t ro.nc:e.tP. \1anholp.~ . Pn=-r~st concrete manholes shall confu.l111 to MnDOT 3622, MnDOT Plate 4OO7C, the standard detail plates, and the following requirements. D.1 rnnl I ~.~~ SP.r.t1nn'\: Manhole barrel, base, slab top, cone, rings, and special precast sections shall conform to ASTM C 478. Base sections shall be cast integral with the bottom manhole section, unless the manhole is constructed over an existing line or other constraints require block or separate slab/barrel construction. Concrete shall be air entrained, 5 to 7 percent. D.2 laints: Joints between concrete sections shall be contined 11 0" ring conforming to ASTM C 361 and C 443, and shall be Cretex CX-2 or equal. Joints between the manhole structure and inlet and outlet pipes with an outside diameter of 21 inches or less shall be KorNSea1 or equal, with bands of 300 series nonmagnetic corrosion resistant steel. For pipes with an outside diameter larger than 21 inches, the bell and spigot inlet and outlet shall be cast integral with the bottom section of the manhole. When conditions require the placement of pipes through manhole walls without prefabricated watertight seals, the Contractor shall use waterstops between the pipe and grout. Waterstops shall be Fernco, Concrete Manhole Adapters (CMA) or equal. D.3 Iwn r~~t1n.gs: LUll castings for manhole frame and cover shall conform to ASTM A 48 and the following requirements: JANUARY, 1993 4000-3 T (1) Casting dimensions, details, weights, and class shall be as indicated in the detailed drawings for the design designation specified. Unless otherwise specified, the castings shall be Class 30 or better. (2) Lid-to-frame surfaces on round casting assemblies shall be machine milled to provide true bearing around the entire circumference. (3) Casting weight shall be not less than 95 percent of theoretical weight for a unit cast to exact dimensions, based on 442 pounds per cubic foot. (4) The words ltS~ll'ARY SEWhKlt shall be cast on the top of each manhole casting in two-inch letters. D.4 Steps: Steps shall be 1/2lt diameter grade 60 steel reinforcing rod encapsulated in copolymer polypropylene, PS-l or PS-I-PF as manufactured by M.A. Industries, or equal. E. rle::lnnnt~ Cleanouts shall be constructed of ductile iron pipe, mechanical joint, Class 50 as shown on the standard detail plate. F. Mort~r Mortar for use in masonry construction shall be an air-entrained mixture of one part portland cement and three parts monar sand, with sufficient water added to produce proper consistency, and with sufficient air-entraining agent added to maintain an air content within range of 7 to 10 percent. Mortar shall meet the requirements of ASTM C 270. Plaster shall be portland cement grout. G. roncTete Concrete for cast-in-place masonry construction shall be produced and furnished in accordance with the lI.lvvisions ofMnDOT 2461 for Type 3, air-entrained, Grade A, 3900 psi concrete. H. (lrnnnl::1r M::Iten~l~ Granular materials furnished for foundation, bedding, encasement, backfill or other purposes as may be specified shall consist of any natural or synthetic mineral aggregate such as sand, 6.ld.vel, crushed rock, crushed stone, or slag, that shall be so graded as to meet the gradation requirements specified herein for each particular use. JANUARY, 1993 4000-4 H.1 n~nnl::1T M::Iteri~l n~n::ltion rl~~~;ti(,5Itlnn~: Granular materials furnished. for use in Foundation, Bedding, Encasement, or Backfill construction shall conform to the following requirements: Percent Passing ~;p.v~ Sl7.e 3 Inch 2 Inch 1 Inch 3/4 Inch 3/8 Inch No.4 No. 10 No. 40 No. 200 Fnllnn::ltlnn* Beddi.n~ Fn~::I~~m~nt R::Ickiill 100 100 100 100 85 - 100 90 - 100 90 - 100 30 - 60 50 - 90 50 - 90 0-10 35 - 80 35 - 80 35 - 100 20 - 65 20 - 65 20 - 100 0-35 0-35 0-35 0-10 0-10 0-10 *3/4" to 1-1/2" material may be used in lieu of Foundation specified H.2 Grnnnl::1r M::It~n::ll TT~ np.~l~n::ltlon: Granular materials provided for Foundation, Bedding, Encasement, or Backfill use as required by the Contract, either as part of the pipe item work unit or as a BID item, shall be classified as to use in accordance with the following: JANUARY, 1993 M::It~n::ll TT<;p. np.~l~n::ltinn Zone..nP.~;~n::ltinn Granular Foundation Placed below the bottom of pipe grade as replace- ment for unsuitable or unstable soils, to achieve better foundation support. Granular Bedding Placed below the pipe midpoint, prior to pipe installation, to facilitate proper shaping and achieve uniform pipe support. Granular Encasement Placed from pipe midpoint to one foot above the top of pipe, after pipe installation, for protection of the pipe and to assure proper filling of voids and thorough consolidation of backfill. Granular Backfill Placed below subgrade, if any, as the second stage of backfill, to minimize trench settlement and provide support for surface improvements. In each case above, unless otherwise indicated, the lower limits of any particular zone shall be the top surface of the next lower course as constructed. The upper 4000-5 T limits of each zone are established to defme variable needs for material gradation and compaction or void content, taking into consideration the sequence of construction and other conditions. The material use and zone designations described above shall not be construed to restrict the use of any particular material in other zones where the gradation requirements are met. I. Ei.l;n~ Piling shall be constructed in accordance with the provisions of MnDOT Specification 2452. Piles for pipelines shall be Treated Timber, in accordance with MnDOT Specification 3471. J. Tn~1I1::1tlon Main insulation shall be extruded rigid board material having a maximum thermal conductivity of 0.23 BTU/hourlsquare foot/degree Fahrenheit/per inch thickness, at 400P mean, a compressive strength of 35 psi minimum, and water absorption of 0.25 percent by volume maximum. Insulation shall be DOW Styrofoam ID-40, Minnesota Diversified Products Certifoam brand insulation or equal. Unless otherwise specified in the Plans, Specifications, and Specific Requirements, board dimensions shall measure 8 feet long, 2 or 4 feet wide, and 1-1/2 inches thick or greater. 4.OOD 1 (,O.,NS It<TTrTTOlLRFC!TIlRFMFNTS A. M~intf"n~ncf" 1-1aintenance of the project site, and any other area affected by construction, shall be in accordance with Mn/DOT specifications including Sections: 1404 1514 1515 Appendix B Maintenance of Traffic Maintenance During Construction Control of Haul Roads Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices Maintenance of streets and any detours, by-passes, equipment, stockpile, or storage areas provided in conjunction with the project shall be required and shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Said maintenance shall include, but not be limited to keeping the streets free of obstacles, parked equipment, unused barricades, blading the traveled ways, controlling the dust in the construction area and on detours, and maintenance of all barricades and flashers. The Contractor shall keep the portions of the Project being used by public traffic, whether it be through or local traffic, in such condition that the traffic will be adequately JANUARY, 1993 4000-6 accommodated at all times. The Contractor shall provide and maintain temporary approaches, crossings, and intersections with trails, roads, streets, businesses, parking lots, residences, garages, farms, and other abutting property in acceptable condition. The Contractor shall maintain essential services during the course of the project. Essential services shall include emergency vehicles, buses, mail delivery, garbage, collection, drainage and public utility services. The Contractor shall coordinate his work with all appropriate agencies and utility companies during construction. During construction it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to see that all existing drainage structures, ditches, gutters and utilities in the working area are kept clean. Gutters shall be cleaned and free of dirt and other materials at the end of each working day to ensure proper drainage. Bales, silt fence, or other erosion control measures acceptable to the Engineer shall be used to prevent materials from washing into drainage ways or storm sewers. There shall be an inspection of the existing sanitary sewer, storm sewer and water main utilities prior to the start of construction. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer 24 hours in advance to aid in accomplishing this inspection. All deficiencies in these existing systems prior to beginning construction must be immediately brought to the attention of the Engineer. During construction, the Contractor shall maintain the streets and control dust as directed by the Engineer. Dust control shall be provided in the same manner to stockpiles of topsoil, dirt, or other materials throughout the period of construction. Payment for maintaining streets and controlling dust shall be incidental to this project and no separate payment made unless provided for on the BID. B. Wa,rk Tim; t<:i The Owner has obtained permanent and temporary easements for all construction on private property, as shown on the plan sheets. The remaining construction is within the right-of-way of dedicated streets. The Contractor shall limit his operations to the street right-of-way or easement unless he makes a separate arrangement with the landowner for the use of additional land. B.l .wn.rk..cn.-FYlstiD~ Rtgh.t::o.f-w~: In the case of construction on a railroad, state or county highway right-of-way, a permit for such construction shall be obtained by the Owner. The Contractor shall comply with all requirements specified by the permit with respect to limits, safety precautions, method of construction, etc., and shall furnish to the state or county highway department or the railroad the required supplemental bonds or insurance coverages as stipulated in the permits without additional cost to the Owner. JANUARY, 1993 4000-7 T C. 'R~t::lhli~hlnp' T ,1ne ::Inn nrad,e - The primary line and grade will be established by the Engineer. Line and grade stakes will be set parallel to the proposed pipeline at an appropriate offset and interval as will serve the Contractor's operations wherever practical; at each change in line or grade; and as needed for pipeline appurtenances and service lines. The Contractor shall arrange his operations to avoid unnecessary interference with the establishment of the primary line and grade stakes; and shall render whatever assistance may be required by the Engineer to accomplish the staking. The Contractor shall be responsible for preservation of the primary stakes and shall bear the full cost of any restaking necessitated by his negligence. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the correct transfer of the primary line and grade from the stakes to all working points and for construction of the work to the prescribed lines and grades. Unless otherwise specified in the Plans, Specifications, and Specific Requirements, all water main shall generally be placed with 7-1/2 feet of cover. However, a greater depth may be required to clear storm and sanitary sewers and sewer services, and no additional compensation shall be provided for such adjustments. In Cc;1 Lain locations where water main is in direct conflict with storm or sanitary sewer, the water main shall be constructed under the sewer. Where it is necessary to use vertical bends to avoid sewer mains, no extra compensation will be made for this construction. No deviation shall be made from the required line or grade except with the consent of the Engineer. In areas of conflict between water mains. house sewers, storm sewers. or sanitary sewers, a separation of at least 18 inches between the water main and the sewer shall be provided. \Vhen local conditions prevent a vertical separation as described, the following construction shall be used: (1) Sewers passing over or under water mains shall be constructed of materials equal to water main standards of construction for a distance of at least 9 feet on either side of the water main. (2) Water main passing under sewers shall, m addition, be protected by providing: (a) adequate structural support for the sewers to prevent excessive deflection of joints and settling on and breaking of the water mains; and JANUARY, 1993 4000-8 (b) that the length of water pipe be centc,J.c.d at the point of crossing so that the joints will be equidistant and as far as possible from the sewer. Water mains shall be laid at least 10 feet horizontally from any sanitary sewer, storm sewer or sewer manhole, whenever possible. When local conditions prevent a horizontal separation of 10 feet a water main may be laid closer to a storm or sanitary sewer provided that: (1) the bottom of the water main is at least 18 inches above the top of the sewer; (2) where this vertical separation cannot be obtained, the sewer shall be constructed of materials and with joints that are equivalent to water main standards of construction and shall be pressure tested to assure water tightness prior to backfilling. D. ProtectioT\..of ~l1rf::lCP. Stn)ctllre~ All surface structures and features located outside the excavation limits for underground installations, together with those within the construction areas which are indicated in the Plans as being saved, shall be P.l\lyerly protected against damage and shall not be disturbed or removed without approval of the Engineer. Within the construction limits, as required, the removal of improvements such as paving, curbing, walks~ turf, etc., shall be subject to acceptable replacement after completion of underground work, with all expense of removal and replacement being borne by the Contractor unless separate compensation is specifically provided for in the Contract. Obstructions such as street signs, mailboxes, guard posts, culverts, and other items of prefabricated construction may be temporarily removed during construction provided essential service is maintained in a relocated setting as approved by the Engineer and nonessential items are properly stored for the duration of construction. Upon completion of the underground work, all such items shall be replaced in their proper setting by and at the sole expense of the Contractor. In the event of damage to any surface improvements, either privately or publicly owned, the Contractor will be required to replace or repair the damaged property to the satisfaction of the Engineer and by the Contractor at his expense. E. Tnterferen~p. of TTnnp.reronnn Stn)(~tllre~ When any underground structure interferes with the planned placement of pipe or appurtenances and requires alterations in the work to eliminate the conflict or avoid endangering effects on either the existing or proposed facilities, the Contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer and the Owner of the affected structure. When any JANUARY, 1993 4000-9 -T - existing facilities are endangered by the Contractor's operations, he shall cease his operations at the site and take such precautions as may be necessary to protect the inplace structures until a decision is made as to how the conflict will be resolved. Without specific authorization from the utility owner, no essential utility service shall be disrupted, nor shall any change be made in either the existing structures or the planned installations to overcome the interfcJ.cuces. Alterations to existing facilities will be allowed only when that service will not be curtailed unavoidably and then only when the encroachment or relocation will satisfy all applicable regulations and conditions. Wherever alterations are required as a result of unforeseen underground interferences not due to any fault or negligence of the Contractor, the Engineer will issue a written change order covering any additional or extra work involved and specifying the revised basis of payment, if any. Any alterations made strictly for the convenience of the Contractor shall be subject to prior approval and shall be at the Contractor's expense. No extra compensation will be allowed for delays caused by the interference of underground structures unless approved by the Engineer and included in a change order. F. RemrtV::I La,f Snn;:lce T mprovement~ Removal of surface improvements in connection with trench excavation shall be limited to actual needs for installation of the pipeline and appurtenances. Removal operations shall be coordinated effectively with the excavation and installation operations as will cause the least practical disruption of traffic or inconvenience to the public. Removed debris shall not be deposited at locations that will restrict access to fITe hydrants, private driveways, or other essential service areas. Removal and final disposal of debris shall be accomplished as a single operation wherever possible and the debris shall be removed from the site before starting the excavating operations. Removal of concrete or bituminous structures shall be by methods producing clean-cut breakage that will preserve the remaining structure without damage. Concrete or bituminous paving shall be removed so when the trench is excavated there will be a six inch wide minimum undisturbed subgrade and aggregate base course lip. Removal equipment shall not be operated in a manner that will cause damage to the remaining or adjoining property. Where not removed to an existing joint, concrete structures shall be sawed along the break lines to a minimum depth of one-third of the structure depth. Any reusable materials or materials for J.,^-ycling, such as asphalt, concrete, aggregate, sod or topsoil, shall be segregated from other waste materials and be stockpiled so as to maintain suitability and permit proper reuse. JANUARY. 1993 4000-10 G. FX~::Iv::ltion ::Inn Trf"n~}l 'Prep::lT::ltinn Excavating operations shall proceed only so far in advance of pipe laying as will satisfy the needs for coordination of work and permit advance verification of unobstructed line and grade as planned. Where interference with existing structures is possible or in any way indicated, and where necessary to establish elevation or direction for connections to inplace structures, the excavating shall be done at those locations in advance of the main operation so actual conditions will be exposed in sufficient time to make adjustments without resorting to extra work or unnecessary delay. All installations shall be accomplished by open trench construction except where boring and jacking or tunnel construction methods shall be employed as specifically required by the Plans or approved by the Engineer. Surface structures must be properly supported and the backfill restored to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The excavation operations shall be conducted to carefully expose all inplace underground structures without damage. Wherever the excavation extends under or approaches close to an existing structure as to endanger it in any way, precautions and protective measures shall be taken as necessary to preserve the structure and provide temporary support. Hand methods of excavating shall be utilized to probe for and expose such critical or hazardous installations as gas pipe and power or telephone cables. G.l rl::1~~lfi~~tion an.ri nl~~ltlon rtf M::Itp.ri::ll~: All materials encountered in the excavations, with the exception of items classified for payment as structure removals. will be considered as Unclassified Excavation. Unclassified materials shall include muck, rubble, wood debris~ boulder stone, masonry or concrete fragments less than one cubic yard in volume, together with other miscellaneous matter that can be removed effectively with power operated excavators. Excavated materials will be classified for reuse as being either Suitable or Unsuitable for backfill or other specified use, subject to selective controls. All suitable materials shall be reserved for backfill to the extent needed, and any surplus remaining shall be utilized for other construction on the project as may be specified or ordered by the Engineer. To the extent practical, granular materials and topsoil shall be segregated from other materials during the excavating and stockpiling operations so as to permit best use of the available materials at the time of backfilling. All excavated materials reserved for backfill or other use on the project shall be stored at locations approved by the Engineer that will cause a minimum nuisance or of inconvenience to public travel, adjacent properties, and other special interests. The material shall not be deposited so close to the edges of the excavations as would create hazardous conditions, nor shall any material be placed so as to block the access to emergency services. All materials considered unsuitable by the JANUARY. 1993 4000-11 T Engineer, for any use on the project, shall be immediately removed from the project and be disposed of as arranged for by the Contractor. G.2 'Rx(";Iv::Itlnn T ,1rnlt~1ion~ ::Inn Reqnlrement~: Trench excavating shall be to a depth that will Jk'uuit preparation of the foundation, as specified, and installation of the pipeline and appurtenances at the prescribed line and grade except where alterations are specifically authorized. Trench widths shall be sufficient to permit the pipe to be laid and joined properly and the backf1l1 to be placed and compacted as specified. Extra width shall be provided as necessary to permit convenient placement of sheeting and shoring and to accommodate placement of appurte- nances. G.3 JANUARY, 1993 Excavations shall be extended below the bottom of structure grade as necessary to accommodate any required Granular Bedding material. When unstable foundation materials are encountered at the established !).lClde, additional materials shall be removed as specified or ordered by the Engineer to produce an acceptable foundation. All excavations below grade shall be to a minimum width equal to the outside pipe diameter plus two (2) feet. Trench widths shall allow for at least six inches of clearance on each side of the j oint hubs. The maximum allowable width of the trench at the top of pipe level shall be the outside diameter of the pipe plus two feet. The width of the trench at the ground surface shall be held to a minimum to prevent unnecessary destruction of the surface structures while maintaining safe working conditions. The maximum allowable trench width at the level of the top of pipe may be exceeded only by approval of the Engineer, after his consideration of pipe strength and loading relationships. Any alternate proposals made by the Contractor shall be in writing, giving the pertinent soil weight data and proposed pipe strength alternate, and shall be made in a timely manner so as not to delay the project. Approval of alternate pipe designs shall be with the understanding that no extra compensation will be allowed for any increase in material or construction costs. Shf"Ptlna ~nrl Rrn~;n(J Fxc::lv::lt;nn~: All excavations shall be sheeted shored and ~ - , ,. braced as will meet all requirements of the applicable safety codes and regulations; comply with any specific requirements of the Contract; and prevent disturbance or settlement of adjacent surfaces, foundations, structures, utilities, and other properties. Any damages to the work under contract or to adjacent structures or property caused by settlement, water or earth pressures, slides, cave-ins, or other causes due to failure or lack of sheeting, shoring, or bracing or through negligence or fault of the Contractor in any manner shall be repaired by the Contractor at his expense and without delay. Where conditions warrant extreme care, the Contractor shall exercise special precautions to protect life or property. This may include the installation of sheet 4000-12 piling of the interlocking type or shall include other safety measures be taken as the Contractor deems necessary. The Contractor shall at all times be responsible for protection of life, property, and the work on the project. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for proper and adequate placement of sheeting, shoring, and bracing, wherever and to such depths that soil stability may dictate the need for support to prevent displacement. Bracing shall be so arranged as to provide ample working space and so as not to place stress or strain on the inplace structures to any extent that may cause damage. Sheeting, shoring and bracing materials shall be removed only when and in such manner as will assure adequate protection of the inplace structures and prevent displacement of suppOrted grounds. Sheeting and bracing shall be left in place only as required by the Contract. Otherwise, sheeting and bracing may be removed as the backfilling reaches the level of respective support. Wherever sheeting and bracing is left in place, the upper portions shall be cut and removed to an elevation of three (3) feet or more below the established surface grade or as the Engineer may direct. All costs of furnishing, placing and removing sheeting, shoring and bracing materials, including the value of materials left in place as required by the Contract, shall be included in the prices bid for pipe installation and will not be compensated for separately. When any sheeting, shoring, or bracing materials are left in place by written order of the Engineer, payment may be made for those materials as an extra work item, including waste material resulting from upper cut-off require- ments. G.4 Prep~r~tlon ~nci M~lntPn::lnrp of Fnllnn::lt;on~: Foundation preparations shall be conducted to produce a stable foundation and provide continuous and uniform pipe bearing between bell holes. Where Class C bedding is specified the initial excavating or backfilling operations shall produce a subgrade level slightly above finished grade to permit hand shaping to finished grade by trimming of high spots and without the need for filling of low spots to grade. In excavations made below grade to remove unstable materials, the backfilling to grade shall be made with Granular Foundation material. Placement of the backfill shall be in relatively uniform layers not exceeding eight (8) inches in loose thickness. Each layer of backfill shall be compacted thoroughly, by means of approved mechanical compaction equipment, to produce uniform pipe support throughout the full pipe length and facilitate proper shaping of the pipe bed. Where the foundation soil is found to consist of materials that the Engineer considers to be so unstabl~ as to preclude removal and replacement to a reasonable depth to achieve solid support, a suitable foundation shall be constructed as the Engineer directs in the absence of special requirements therefore in the Contract. JANUARY, 1993 4000-13 T The Contractor shall be required to furnish and drive piling and construct concrete or timber bearing supports or other work as provided for in an extra work order. Care shall be taken during final subgrade shaping to prevent any over-excavation. Should any low spots develop, they shall only be filled with Granular Foundation material, which shall be compacted thoroughly, without additional compensation provided to the Contractor. The fInished subgrade shall be maintained free of water and shall not be disturbed during pipe lowering operations except as necessary to remove pipe slings. The discharge of trench dewatering pumps shall be directed to natural drainage channels or storm water drains in a manner which does not cause damage to private or public property. Any debris left by dewatering operations shall be cleaned up immediately by the Contractor. Draining trench water into sanitary sewers or combined sewers will not be permitted. The Contractor shall install and operate a dewatering system of wells or points to main tain pipe trenches free of water whenever necessary or as directed by the Engineer to meet the intent of these specifications. Unless otherwise specified in the Plans, Specifications, or Specific Requirements, such work shall be considered incidental with no additional compensation provided therefore. All costs of excavating below grade and placing foundation or bedding aggregates as required shall be included in the bid prices for pipe items to the extent that the need for such work is indicated in the Contract provisions and the BID does not provide for payment therefore under separate BID items. If examination by the engineer reveals the need for placement or foundation aggregates was caused by the Contractor's manipulation of the soils in the presence of excessive moisture or lack of proper dewatering, the cost of the corrective measures -shall be borne by the Contractor. H. Tn~t~l1~t;on of P;pe ~nrt FiJ:tings Inspection, handling, and all aspects of the installation of the pipe, services, and appurtenances shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, and as supplemented as follows: R.l Tn~pe~tlon ::Inn H::mnl1ne: Proper and adequate implements, tools, and facilities shall be provided and used by the Contractor for the safe and convenient prosecution of the work. Unloading, distribution, and storage of pipe and appurtenant materials on the job site shall be at a location approved by the Engineer. All materials shall be handled carefully, as will prevent damage to protective coatings, linings, and joint fittings; preclude contamination of interior areas; and to avoid jolting contact, dropping or dumping. JANUARY, 1993 4000-14 Before being lowered into laying position, the Contractor shall make a thorough visual inspection of each pipe section and appurtenant units to detect damage or unsound conditions that ma.y need corrective action or be cause for rejection. Inspection procedure shall be as approved by the Engineer, with special methods being required as he deems neces~ to check out suspected defects more definitely. The Contractor shall infVUll the Engineer of any defects discovered and the Engineer will prescribe the required corrective action or order rejection. Immediately before placement, the joint surfaces of each pipe section and fitting shall be inspected for the presence of foreign matter, coating blisters, rough edges or projections, and any imperfections so detected shall be corrected by cleaning, trimming, or repairs as needed. H.2 Pipe T ~ying ~rntion~: Trench excavation and bedding p.lcparations shall proceed ahead of pipe placement as will permit proper laying and joining of the units at the prescribed grade and alignment without unnecessary deviation or hindrance. All foreign matter or dirt shall be removed from the inside of the pipe and fittings before they are lowered into position in the trench and they shall be kept clean by approved means during and after laying. The sewer materials shall be carefully lowered into laying position by the use of suitable restraining devices. Under no circumstances shall the pipe be dropped into the trench. At the time of pipe placement, the bedding conditions shall be such as to provide uniform and continuous support for the pipe between bell holes. Bell holes shall be excavated as necessary to make the joint connections, but they shall be no larger than would be adequate to suppon the pipe throughout its length. No pipe material shall be laid in water nor when the trench or bedding conditions are otherwise unsuitable or improper. When placement or handling precautions prove inadequate, in the Engineer's opinion, the Contractor shall provide and install suitable plugs or caps effectively closing the open ends of each pipe section before it is lowered into laying position, and they shall remain so covered until removal is necessary for connection of an adjoining unit. Unless otherwise pennitted by the Engineer, bell and spigot pipe shall be laid with the bell ends facing UP5.ld.de and the laying shall start on the downgrade end and proceed upgrade. As each length of bell and spigot pipe is placed in laying position, the spigot end shall be centered in the bell and the pipe forced home and brought to correct line and grade. The pipe shall be secured in place with approved backfill material, which shall be thoroughly compacted by tamping around the pipe out to the trench wall. JANUARY, 1993 4000-15 [ Connection of pipe to existing lines or previously constructed manholes shall be accomplished as shown in the Plans or as otherwise approved by the Engineer. All structure penetrations shall be made with the use of waterstop seals. At all times when pipe laying is not in problcSs, including noon hour and overnight periods, all open ends of the pipe line. shall be closed by watertight plugs or other means approved by the Engineer. If water is present in the trench, the seals shall remain in place until the trench is pumped completely dry. Installation of PV C, shall conform to ASTM D 2321. Unless otherwise noted in the Specific Requirements, pipe bedding shall be Class B. I. F'orc~m::lin Ind::ll1ati.an The following sections apply to construction of Ductile Iron Pipe and Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe forcemains only. 1.1. Dllctl1e Iron Pipe TOlnt~ I.l.a PlIC\h-On TOlnt~: The circular rubber gasket shall be flexed inward and inserted in the gasket recess of the bell socket. A thin film of approved gasket lubricant shall be applied to either the inside surface of the gasket or the outside surface of the spigot end, or to both. Care shall be taken while inScJ.G.ng the spigot end to prevent introduction of contaminants. The joint shall be completed by forcing the spigot end to the bottom of the socket by the use of suitable pry-bar or jack type equipment. Spigot ends which do not have depth marks shall be marked before assembly to insure full insertion. Field cut pipe shall be filed or ground at the spigot edge to resemble the manufacturer's fabricated detailing. The bucket on the excavation equipment shall not be used to force pipe into socket. I.1.b MP.rh::lnlc~l TOlntc\: The last eight inches of the outside spigot surface and the inside bell surface of each pipe and appurtenant joint shall be painted with a soap solution, after being thoroughly cleaned. The cast iron gland shall then be slipped on the spigot end with the lip extension toward the socket or bell end. The rubber gasket shall be painted with soap solution and be placed on the spigot end with the thick edge toward the gland. An approved lubricant provided by the pipe manufacturer may be used in lieu of the soap solution. After the spigot end is inserted into the socket to full depth and centered, the gasket shall be pressed into place within the bell evenly around the entire joint. After the gland is positioned behind the gasket, all bolts shall JANUARY, 1993 4000-16 be installed and the nuts tightened alternately to the specified torque, such as to produce equal pressure on all parts of the gland. Unless otherwise specified, the bolts shall be tightened in accordance with A WW A C-6QO by means of .a suitable torque-limiting wrench within a foot-pound range of; Pipe Size Bolt Size Torque TnclL -1nrh .i1:.1h 3 5/8 45 - 60 4 - 24 3/4 75 - 90 30 - 36 1 100 - 120 After tightening, all exposed parts of the bolts and nuts shall be completely coated with an approved bituminous rust preventive coal tar material such as KV}ipers, Bitumastic Super Service Black or Tnemec 46-457 Tnemecol. 1.2 Eo.Tyvi~l rhlnnne Pipp. Toints: Joints shall be in accordance with A WW A Manual No. M23. 1.2.a Relnc::Itlnn Wb:e: On forcemain installations a relocation wire shall be installed along the top of the pipe prior to backfilling. The wire shall be 12 gauge plastic jacket type TW or THW ~ with a first class solder joint when splicing is required. Splicing shall not be more frequent than 1 per 250 feet of piping. At each appurtenance such as an air relief manhole or valve box, the wire shall be securely fastened to the metal box or fastened inside the manhole on an approved stand-off (quick bolt) readily visible. The wiring shall be connected to the appurtenance in such a way that a low voltage circuit can be completed without excavation of the structure. 1.3 Al1~n;n~ ::Inn Fittlne ::Inn Plpe: The cutting of pipe for inserting valves, fittings, or closure pieces shall be done in a neat and workmanlike manner without damage to the pipe and shall leave a smooth square-cut end. Pipe shall be cut with approved mechanical cutters. Wherever it is necessary to deflect the pipe from a straight line either in the vertical or horizontal plane, to avoid obstructions, plumb stems, or produce a long radius curve when permitted, the amount of deflection allowed at each joint shall not exceed the allowable limits for maintaining satisfactory joint seal as given in A WW A C600 for mechanical joints and push-on joints, or as otherwise allowed by the pipe manufacturer. JANUARY, 1993 4000-17 MP.rJ{A mc AT, JOINT Pipe Size Deflection Angle Offset Radius Inch Degrees Inch Feet 1 ~I 'lit 1 ~' 'lit 3-4 8 - 18 31 35 125 140 6 7 - 07 27 30 145 160 8 - 12 5 - 21 20 22 195 220 14 - 16 3 - 35 13.5 1 285 320 18 - 20 3 - 00 11 12 340 380 24 - 30 2 - 23 9 10 450 500 PTT~H-ON Tcum Pipe Size Deflection Angle Offset Radius Inch Degrees Inch Feet 1 ~' 'lit 1~ ?O' 3 - 12 5 19 21 205 230 14 - 36 3 11 12 340 380 1.4 Block.1n~ ~nn Anchnnn~ of p;~: All plugs, caps, tees, bends, and other thrust points shall be provided with reaction backing, or movement shall be prevented by attachment of suitable restraining devices, in accordance with the requirements of the Plans, Specific Requirements and typical details. In the absence of other specified requirements for reaction blocking or restraining devices~ the following provisions shall apply: (1) (2) (3) (4) JANUARY, 1993 All horizontal bends exceeding 20 degrees deflection, and all caps, plugs, and branch tees shall be provided with concrete buttress block. All vertical bends exceeding 20 degrees deflection shall be provided with concrete buttress blocking at the low points and with metal tie rod or strapping restraints at the high points. Offset bends made with standard offset fittings need not be strapped or buttressed. Tie rods and tie harnesses shall be of the same size as the required bolt, torqued to the requirements of Section Ll.b. After installing the tie rods and harnesses and prior to the backfill operations, they shall be coated with a brush-applied tar coating. This coating shall be Kuyyers Bitumastic Super Service Black or Tnemec 46-457 Tnemecol, or equal, and shall be applied 4000-18 to the manufacturer's specifications. Hot dipped galvanized parts need not be tar coated. All necessary fittings, bands, tie rods, nuts and washers, and all labor and excavation required for installation of reaction restraints shall be furnished by the Contractor at his expense and without direct compensation. Hardwood blocking shall only be used as temporary reaction backing until acceptable permanent reaction blocking or restraining devices have been installed. Blocking shall be nominal 2-inch timber having an area equivalent to at least four times the area of the surface of the cap or plug it restrains. Concrete buttresses shall be poured against fmn, undisturbed ground and shall be formed in such a way that the joints will be kept free of concrete and remain accessible for repairs. The concrete mix used in buttress construction shall meet the requirements for Grade B (3400 psi) of MnDOT 2461. Buttress dimensions shall be as indicated on the Plans or as approved by the Engineer. 1.5 ~thylp.n~ Fnc::l~~ment of Pipel1ne: Wherever so required by the Plans or Specific Requirements, the pipeline, including valves, fittings, and appurtenances, shall be fully encased in polyethylene film of 8 mil nominal thickness. The film shall be furnished in tube form for installation on pipe and all pipe-shaped appurtenances such as bends, reducer, off-sets, etc. Sheet f11m shall be provided and used for encasing all odd-shaped appurtenances such as valves, tees, crosses, etc. Installation shall be in accordance with A WW A C 105. J. Gr::lvity .~~w~r Tn~t::lll~tlon J.l ronnPrtlon ::Inn A~~pmbly n,LTolTl1S: All pipe and fitting joints shall fit tightly and be fully closed. Spigot ends shall be marked as necessary to indicate the point of complete closure on PVC pipe. All joints shall be watertight. All pipe and fitting ends left open for future connection shall be closed off with prefabricated plugs or caps. Prefabricated plugs and caps shall be of the same material as the pipe material, or an approved alternate material, and shall be watertight. JANUARY, 1993 4000-19 Sanitary sewer lines connecting into an existing manhole, unless specified otherwise, shall be made by installing the pipe at or slightly above the elevation of the bench. A concrete invert one half the depth of the sewer pipe shall be formed on the bench from the sewer pipe to the edge of the existing invert through the manhole. Concrete Manhole Adapters, waterstop seals, shall be used to provide a watertight seal when penetrating a structure wall with a pipe. If specified, sanitary sewer line connection into an existing manhole shall be made by removing a portion of the existing manhole invert and reconstructing to provide smooth flow of all pipelines through the manhole. Inside or outside cL.up manholes shall be constructed in accordance with the detail plates. Straps and anchors for inside drops shall be non-corrosive, stainless steel or fiberglass. K. ~p.wp.r Servicp. Tn~t::lll::1tlon~ Forcemain and gravity sewer service connections and service sewer pipe shall be installed where indicated on the plans, andlor where staked in the field. The sewer service connections and pipe lines shall be installed in conformance with all applicable requirements of the forcemain or gravity sewer installation and as more specifically provided for herein. The Contractor shall keep accurate records of all service installations as to type, size, location, elevation~ point of connection and termination, etc. This service record shall be maintained jointly by the Contractor and Inspector. The service installations shall not be backfilled until visually inspected and all required information has been obtained and recorded. The main sewer service connection shall consist of installing a built-in Wye fitting in the gravity sewer line or Tee in the forcemain at designated locations or of providing an insert type Wye Saddle with gasketed skirt with 2 stainless steel straps in a pipe cut-out where the gravity main is existing. Orientation of service connection fitting is shown in the detail plates. Where the depth of the gravity sewer invert is 15 feet or greater, the service connection shall be extended upward by means of a Service Riser pipe in accordance with the detail plate. Separate compensation shall not be made for Service Riser pipe unless provided for in the bid. Unless otherwise specified, service pipe shall be installed at right angles to the main sewer and at a straight line grade to the property line. Typical pipe grade is 2.00% (1/4" per foot) for gravity services, however, 1.00% (1/8" per foot) may be allowed in restrictive JANUARY. 1993 4000-20 elevation differences when approved by the Engineer. A minimum cover of 7-1/2 feet shall be maintained over pressure service connections. Service trenches shall be restored and compacted as specified for pipelines. Unless otherwise indicated, service pipe installation shall terminate at the property line, at which point the Contractor shall install a prefabricated plug, set a 2"x4" wooden stake from the plug up to grade to mark the exact end of pipe, and a surface marker of a metal fence post with the top 2' painted orange shall also be provided. Sewer service lines shall not be connected into manholes without the approval of the Engineer; rather, wyes shall be placed in the main line prior to the manhole. When sewer services must be run into a manhole the connection shall be through the manhole wall with a watertight sealing boot or approved waterstop gasket. A concrete invert one- half the depth of the service pipe shall be formed on the manhole bench from the service pipe to the edge of the invert formed through the manhole. All pipe and fitting openings at temporary tc.uuinal points shall be fitted with suitable plugs or shall be bulkheaded as required for the main sewer pipe. L. M~nholp. Stnlchlre~ Manholes and other special access structures shall be constructed at designated locations as required by the Plans and in accordance with the detail plates. Unless otherwise specified or approved, manholes and catch basins shall be constructed of precast concrete sections, integral base and the barrel, riser sections, eccentric cone or flat top, and adjusting rings. All units shall be properly fitted and sealed to form a completely watertight structure. Barrel and cone height shall be such as to permit placement of at least two (2) and not more than six (6) standard two-inch precast concrete adjusting rings immediately below the casting assembly set in a full mortar bed, 1/4" to 1/2" thick without the use of shims or blocking. Rings shall be plastered on the exterior to form a watertight seal. When placing the precast base, the bedding shall be solid and compacted to the grade necessary prior to setting the base. Manipulation of the base to achieve the proper grade will not be allowed. If the base is low and needs fill to level it or is high and material must be removed, the base shall be removed, bedding corrected, and the base reset to proper grade. Unless otherwise specified or approved, manholes shall have an inside barrel diameter of 48 inches minimum, and the inside diameter at the top of the cone section and of adjusting rings shall be 27 inches. JANUARY. 1993 4000-21 Concrete cast-in-place bases shall be poured on undisturbed or firmly compacted foundation material which shall be trimmed to proper elevation. The bottom riser section shall be set in fresh concrete or mortar and all other riser section joints of the tongue and groove design shall be sealed with rubber O-ring gaskets. Wherever special designs so require or }k;u.lJit, the structure may be constructed with solid concrete sewer brick or block units or cast-in-place concrete. Any combination of cast-in-place concrete and concrete brick or solid concrete block mortar construction will be allowed and may be required where it is impossible to complete the construction with standard precast manhole sections. All annular wall space surrounding the inplace pipes shall be completely filled with mortar or concrete, and the inside bottom of each structure shall be shaped with concrete to provide free flow through invert channels. Invert channels shall extend to the pipe centerline and side floors slope upward to the structure. Steps shall be spaced 16" on center, the top step shall be no greater than 30" from the top of casting, the bottom step shall be no greater than 16" from the structure floor, offsetting the bottom step from the step row may be necessary due to the outlet pipe location. When the manhole is not installed in the street right-of-way, a 4"x4"x6' wooden post shall be installed next to the casting, with 2 feet out of the ground. M. 12r,lf-~nTP: Steel r::l~ln~ Pipe ::Inn Reinforcerl roncrete Pipe The Contractor shall jack-bore steel casing pipe or reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) in place as specified and as located on the Plans. In granular native soils, a 1-1/2" pipe shall be forced along the top of the casing pipe or RCP. The end of this 1-1/2" pipe shall be 18" back from the lead edge of the jacking pipe. Bentonite grout under pressure shall be forced through this pipe at all times during the jacking operation to f1l1 any voids that might develop above the pipe. When a steel casing pipe is installed, the sanitary sewer pipe shall then be installed in the casing and the annular space between the sanitary sewer pipe and casing shall be densely filled with sand and the ends sealed with concrete or mortar. The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining or paying any special permit fees for bonds, etc. required. N. Pl~cement of Tn~l1l::ltlon Rigid insulation board shall be placed within the pipe encasement zone, six (6) inches above the pipe. Prior to placement of the insulation, encasement material shall be compacted until there is no further visual evidence of increased consolidation or the density JANUARY, 1993 4000-22 of the compacted layer conforms to the density requirements specified in the Specific Requirements, then leveled and lightly scarified to a depth of 1/2 inch. Encasement zone material placed below the insulation shall be free of rock or stone fragments measuring 1- 1/2 inches or greater. Insulation boards shall be placed on the scarified material with the long dimension parallel to the centerline of the pipe. Boards placed in a single layer shall be overlapped at least 6 inches on all sides to eliminate continuous joints for the full depth of the insulation. If two or more layers of insulation boards are used, each layer shall be placed to cover the joints of the layer immediately below with an overlap of at least 6 inches. The Contractor shall exercise caution to insure that all joints between boards are tight during placement and backfilling with only extruded ends placed end to end or edge to edge. Broken or damaged material shall be removed and replaced. The first layer of material placed over the insulation shall be twelve (12) inches in depth, free of rock or stone fragments measuring 1-1/2 inches or greater. The material shall be placed in such a manner that construction equipment does not operate directly on the insulation and shall be compacted with equipment which exerts a contact pressure of less than 80 psi. The first layer shall be compacted until there is no further visual evidence of increased consolidation or the density of the compacted layer conforms to the density requirements specified. o. Pippline R::Ickfillin~ npprnt1on~ All pipeline excavations shall be backfilled to restore pre-existing conditions as the minimum requirement, and fulfill all supplementary requirements indicated in the Plans and Specifications. The backfilling operations shall be started as soon as conditions will permit on each section of pipeline, so as to provide continuity in subsequent operations and restore normal public service as soon as practicable on a section-by-section basis. All operations shall be pursued diligently, with proper and adequate equipment, as will assure acceptable results. Backfilling shall be accomplished with the use of Suitable Materials selected from the excavated materials to the extent available and practical. Suitable Material shall be defined as a mineral soil reasonable free of foreign materials (rubbish, debris, etc.), frozen clumps, organic matter, stone, rock, concrete, or bituminous chunks larger than 4", and other unsuitable materials that may damage the pipe installation or prevent thorough compaction, taking into consideration particular needs of different backfill zones. Unsuitable material shall only be utilized where and to the extent there will be no detrimental effects and with the approval of the Engineer. Backfill materials shall be carefully placed in relatively uniform depth layers spread over the full width and length of the trench section to provide simultaneous support on both JANUARY, 1993 4000-23 sides of the pipeline. Each layer shall be compacted effectively, by approved mechaniCal methods before placing material for a succeeding layer thereon. Within the pipe bedding/encasement zone compaction shall be in a minimum of three lifts: invert to spring line, spring line to top of pipe, and top of pipe to 1.0 foot over top of pipe. Maximum thickness of any compaction lift shall b~ eight (8) inches compacted thickness. Compaction Requirements are: 95 % Standard Proctor maximum dry density from the pipe zone to within 3 feet of the ground surface, and 100% Standard Proctor maximum dry density in the final 3 feet. All surplus or waste materials remaining after completion of the backfilling operations shall be disposed of in an acceptable manner after completing the backfill work. Disposal at any location within the project limits shall be as specified, or as approved in writing by the Engineer; otherwise, disposal shall be accomplished outside the project limits at the Contractor's own dump site. P. .Rp;~torntion of ~nrf::l~e Tmprovement~ Wherever any surface imp.lUVements such as pavement, curbing, pedestrian walks, fencing or turf have been removed, damaged or otherwise disturbed by the Contractor's operations, they shall be repaired or replaced in kind and structure to the pre-existing condition or better. Each item of restoration work shall be done as soon as practical after completion of installation and backfilling operations on each section of pipeline. In the absence of specific payment provisions, as separate BID items, the restoration work shall be compensated as part of the work required under those BID items which necessitated the destruction and replacement of repair, and there will be no separate payment therefore. If separate pay items are provided for restoration work, only that portion of the repair or reconstruction which was necessitated by the Contract work will be measured for payment. Any improvements removed or damaged unnecessarily shall be replaced or repaired by the Contractor at his expense. A proper foundation shall be prepared before reconstructing concrete or bituminous improvements. Unless otherwise directed, granular material shall be placed to a depth of at least four (4) inches under all concrete and bituminous items. No direct compensation will be made for furnishing and placing this material even though such course was not part of the original construction. Existing concrete and bituminous surfaces at the trench wall shall be sawed or cut with a cutting wheel to form a neat edge in a straight line before surfaces are to be restored. Sawing or cutting may be accomplished as a part of the removal or prior to restoration at the option of the Contractor. However, all surface edges shall be inspected prior to restoration. JANUARY, 1993 4000-24 Q. M::I;ntp.n::lnce ::Inn F;n~l r\eanup All subgrade surfaces shall be maintained acceptably until the start of surface construction or restoration work. Additional materials shall be provided and .lc;ylaced as needed to compensate for trench settlement and to ~rve until completion of the final surface improvements. Final disposal of debris, waste materials, and other remains or consequences of construction, shall be accomplished prior to final acceptance of all work. Final acceptance of each BID item can only be made when the cleanup associated with each item is completed. The Engineer may withhold partial payments until such work is satisfactorily pursued or he may deduct the estimated cost of its performance from the partial estimate value. 400D 4 TFSTTNG A. Tplpv;~lon Tn~p.ctinn When indicated in the Specific Requirements after completion of all gravity sanitary sewer construction, the Contractor shall televise sanitary sewer sections. The televising camera shall be mounted on a skid so that it is centered in the pipe. The camera shall be equipped with sufficient lights to completely illuminate the interior of the pipe within the range of the camera. A monitor shall be provided with seating facilities to allow three or more persons to view the picture continuously. The television camera. transmitting equipment, and monitoring equipment shall combine to provide a picture on the monitor screen which is free from distortion and clean enough to distinguish between hairline cracks, "pipe marks", etc. A 1/2-inch Branches VHS cassette video-tape shall be made of the entire footage of pipe televised. The linear footage of pipe televised shall be integrated into the video-tape for ease of identification of pipe being viewed. A dia6.lciID of the project with all televising indexed on it shall be provided in triplicate within five working days following the last day of televising on the project. If televising is interrupted for more than five days, an interim index diagram shall be furnished. Tape(s) of the entire footage together with a written log of start, stop, wyes, left/right, etc., shall be provided to the Engineer, after taping is completed, of the same quality as the original recording. B. np.f1p.ct;on Tpst Deflection test shall be perfonned, on all flexible pipe installed for 5.lClvity sanitary sewer. The test shall be conducted after the final backfill has been in place at least 30 days. JANUARY, 1993 4000-25 Testing must be done in the presence of the Engineer. If the test fails, necessary' repairs shall be made and the test performed again until acceptable. No pipe shall exceed a deflection of 5%. If the deflection test is to be run using a rigid ball or mandrel, it shall have a diameter equal to 95% of the inside diameter of the pipe. The ball or mandrel shall be clearly stamped with the diameter. The test shall be performed without mechanical pulling devices. Nominal Pipe 01::1mp.tpT A~TM ~O~4 A.~TM F 7RQ Maximum Ball or R::I~e T n * M::Innrpl nl::1mp.tp.r R::I~p. T n M::Innrel nl::1metp.r 6" 8" 10" 12" 15" 5.742" 5.45" 7.665 " 7.28" 7 . 73 " 7 . 34 " 9 .563" 9.08" 9.64" 9.15" 11.361 " 10.79" 11.46" 10.88" 13.898" 13.20" 14.01 " 13.30" * From Unibell Handbook, Table 69 (1982). c. S::Inlt;!ry ~P.WP.T T eakagP. Testing All sanitary sewer lines shall be substantially watertight and shall be tested for excessive leakage upon completion and before service connections are made. Each test section of the sewer shall be subjected to ex filtration testing, by air test method or when approved by the Engineer by hydrostatic method as described below. The requirements set forth for maximum leakage shall be met as a condition for acceptance of the sewer section represented by the test. All testing shall be performed by the Contractor at his expense without any direct compensation being made therefore, and he shall furnish all necessary equipment and materials, including plugs and standpipes as required. In the event of test failure on any test section, testing shall be continued until all leakage has been detected and corrected to meet the requirements. All repair work shall be subject to approval of the Engineer. Introduction of sealant substances by means of the test water will not be permitted. Unsatisfactory repairs or test results may result in an order to remove and replace pipe as the Engineer considers necessary for test conformance. All repair and replacement work shall be at the Contractor's expense. c.! Air Te~t Method: The section of sewer pipe shall be clean, and the pipe may be wetted. Pneumatic balls shall be used to plug each end of the test section at a JANUARY, 1993 4000-26 manhole. The testing gauge shall be located at ground level, out of the manhole, and have dial increments of 0.1 psi or less. Low pressure air shall be introduced into the line until the gauge pressure reaches 4.0 psi plus the incremental back pressure due to the average height of ground water above the pipe. The incremental back pressure on the pipe to be added due to the average height of ground water above the pipe shall be determined by dividing the average height by 2.31. The following table summarizes these values for heights of 1-10 feel Average Height of Ground W::Iter T::Ihle Ahovp: P;pe... 1 foot 2 feet 3 feet 4 feet 5 feet 6 feet 7 feet 8 feet 9 feet 10 feet Incremental Back Pressure to be AddPli to 4 0 p~;g 0.43 psig 0.86 psig 1.29 psig 1.72 psig 2.16 psig 2.59 psig 3.01 psig 3.44 psig 3.87 psig 4.30 psig The sewer section under test will be accepted as having passed the air leakage test if it does not lose air at a rate to cause the pressure to drop from 3.6 to 3.0 psi in less time than one-half minute per inch in diameter of the pipe tested. Testing must be done in the presence of the Engineer. If the test fails, necessary repairs shall be made and the test performed again until acceptable. C.2 Hynro~t;lti(' Tp.~t Method: After bulkheading the test section, the pipe shall be subjected to a hydrostatic pressure produced by head of water at a depth of three feet above the invert elevation of the sewer at the manhole of the test section. In areas where ground water exists, this head of water shall be three feet above the existing water table. The water head shall be maintained for a period of one hour during which time it will be presumed that full absorption of the pipe body has taken place, and thereafter for an extended period of one hour the water head shall be maintained as the test period. During the one hour test period, the measured water loss within the test section, including service stubs, shall not exceed the Maximum Allowable V olumes given below for the applicable Main Sewer Diameter. JANUARY, 1993 4000-27 Main Sewer Diameter On Tnche~~ 6 8 10 12 15 18 21 24 & larger Maximum Allowable Loss * On G::Illon~ PP.T Honr "PP.T 1 00 Feet) 0.5 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.7 1.9 * Based on 100 Gallons Per Day Per Inch Per Mile. If measurement indicate exflltration within a test section is not greater than the allowable maximum, the section will be accepted as passing the test. Testing must be done in the presence of the Engineer. If the test fails, necessary repairs shall be made and the test performed again until acceptable. D. HynTo~t::lri~ Lestirtf oJ POTcp.m::lln~ Forcemains shall be subjected to a pressure test and, if required, a leakage test prior to acceptance. Testing shall be for a 2 hour duration with valves closed. The Contractor shall furnish the pump, pipe connections, temporary plugs, gauges, and measuring equipment, and shall perform the testing in the presence of the Engineer. The pressure gauge for the test shall be an Ashcroft Model 1082 with a 4-1/2 inch dial face and 1 psi increments. Where permanent air vents are not provided, the Contractor shall provide and install corporation cocks at the high points as needed for release of air as the line is filled with water. Where concrete reaction blocking is placed, the forcemain shall not be subjected to hydrostatic pressure until at least 5 days have elapsed after the concrete placement, with the exception that this period may be reduced to 2 days where high early strength concrete is used. Any defective joints, pipe fittings, or valves revealed during the testing or before fmal acceptance of the work shall be satisfactorily corrected and the test repeated until the specified requirements have been met. D.l Pre~~nTp. Tp.~t: The section being tested shall be slowly filled with water and the specified test }.I.l\:SSure shall be Cl}'}llied after all air has been expelled from the pipe. A hydrostatic }I.lc.SSure of two times the maximum design pressure, or a minimum of 70 pounds per square inch gauge pressure, measured at the lowest point of elevation, shall be applied by means of a pump connected to the pipe in a satisfactory manner. JANUARY. 1993 4000-28 The gauge pressure shall be checked after a minimum duration of 2 hours. A pressure drop of 2 psi or less will be cause to accept the test section.. Several attempts must be made to satisfy the Engineer the YJ.~ssure test will not be successful. If the drop is more than 2 psi after these attempts, the Engineer may in writing authorize the leakage test for acceptance. D.2 T p~k::lef"; Test: After an unsatisfactory pressure test, and if authorized in writing by the Engineer, a leakage test shall be perfonned on each valved section of forcemain to deU:;.l1uine the quantity of water that must be supplied into the section to maintain a test pressure of 150 pounds per square inch, after the air in the pipeline has been expelled and the pipe has been filled with water. The water added shall be recorded to the nearest fluid ounce. After filling the pipe with water and expelling all air in the line, a pressure of 2 times the maximum design pressure or a minimum of 70 psig measured at the lowest point of elevation shall be applied in the same manner as prescribed for the pressure test, and sufficient water shall be measured and supplied into the pipe section to maintain the pressure for a test duration of 2 hours. Each pipe section tested will be accepted if the leakage does not exceed the quantity determined by the formula as shown in the table. L=~ 133,200 L = Maximum permissible leakage in gallons per hour S = Length of pipe tested D = Nominal diameter of pipe in inches p = Average test pressure during the test, in pounds per square inch, gauge pressure AT T OW AID .1= T FA K A nF...E,FR 1 000 ......... .. OP PtEE Gallons Per Hour A vg. Test Pressure Nnmln::ll Pipe Dl::1meteT - i.nchp.~ --p~1 4- h .L Hl 1? 14- 1h_ .lR. -'0 24- 200 0.43 0.64 0.85 1.06 1.28 1.48 1.70 1.91 2.12 2.55 175 0.40 0.59 0.80 0.99 1.19 1.39 1.59 1.79 1.98 2.38 150 0.37 0.55 0.74 0.92 1.10 1.29 1.47 1.66 1.84 2.21 125 0.34 0.50 0.67 0.84 1.01 1.18 1.34 1.51 1.68 2.01 100 0.30 0.45 0.60 0.75 0.90 1.05 1.20 1.35 1.50 1.80 70 0.25 0.38 0.50 0.63 0.75 0.88 1.00 1.13 1.26 1.51 AUGUST, 1993 4000-29 ,....--- If the pipe section under test contains pipe of various diameters, the allowable leakage will be the sum of the computed leakage for each size. When requested, the Contractor shall furnish a written report of the results of leakage tests, which shall identify the specific test section, the average pressure, the duration of test, and the amount of leakage. 4000 ~ MFTHOn OF MFASTTRFMFNT A. Gr::lvlty ~P.wer Gravity sewer pipe of each type, diameter, and depth category shall be measured separately in linear feet. Measurements shall be made in the horizontal plane along the pipe centerline from center to center of manholes. The depth of pay cut shall be measured from the pipe invert to the proposed fInish grade. B. Eorrp.main Forcemain of each size and type shall be measured along the pipe centerline separately in linear feet. No deductions shall be made in length through fittings, clean-outs, and gate valves. Fittings shall be considered as incidental to the forcemain installation. c. M~nhole~ Manholes will be measured on a unit basis. Each unit shall include the manhole base, floor, cone section, adjusting rings, frame and cover, and the wall section required to construct a total manhole depth of eight feet form invert to top of frame. Manhole Extra Depth, depth in excess of eight feet per unit shall be measured separately in linear feet. D. Drop ronnp.ctlon Inside Drop and Outside Drop connections to manholes will be measured per each assembly, 0-2 feet from the upper invert to the lower invert. Drop Extra Depth, shall be measured in linear feet as that additional vertical drop greater than the 2 foot basic unit. E. rlp;:!nollt~ Clean outs shall be measured on a unit basis including the wye branch, bend, riser and cap assembly. AUGUST, 1993 4000- 30 F. Ronng Borings shall be measured in linear feet as specified on the plans or approved by the Engineer. The gravity sewer or forcemain carrier pipe shall be measured under the appropriate item. G. ~rv;cr. Wycs Service wyes shall be measured on a unit basis for each size. H. Sf-:rv; r.e R 1 ~~T~ Service risers of each size and type shall be measured in linear feet along the pipe from the centerline of the main sewer line to the top of the riser, fittings are incidental. I. SeMrp. T ,IDes Service lines of each size shall be measured in linear feet from the centerline of the sewer main or top of the service riser to the end of the service line, fittings are incidental. J. u::ItP. v~ Gate valves shall be measured on a unit basis, including the valve assembly, extension box and cover. K. .A ir "R.e.lea~P, M::Inholes Air release manholes shall be measured on a unit basis, including the manhole structure, the air release or air/vacuum release valve, gate valve, all piping and the installation. L. GT~n1l1aT M::It~n::ll Granular material used as specified shall be measured on a per ton basis. Weight tickets shall be required. M. Tns111::1tlon Insulation shall be measured by the square foot per inch thickness furnished and installed. N. Tedlng Testing shall be considered incidental to the installation of the pipe. AUGUST,1993 4000-31 T 400D h BASJ~ OF P A YMFNT A. Grnvity ~P.WP.T Gravity sewer pipe shall be paid for at the con~ unit price per linear foot for each type, diameter, and depth category. Payment for the excavation and backfilling of the trench and pipe testing shall be included in the payment for the sewer pipe as well as any dewatering, sheeting, or shoring for which separate payment is not provided. B. For~p.m::lln F orcemain shall be paid for at the contract unit price per linear foot for each type and diameter. Payment for L.~uch excavation and backfilling and pipe fittings shall be included in the payment for forcemains as well as any dewatering, sheeting, or shoring for which separate payment is not provided. c. M::InhnJes Manholes shall be paid for at the contract unit price per manhole. Manhole Extra Depth, in excess of eight feet per unit from invert to top of frame shall be paid for at the contract unit price per linear foot of extra depth. D. Drop ronnection Inside Drop and Outside Drop connections shall be paid for at the contract unit price per each, for the basic 2 foot unit and per linear foot for Drop Extra Depth, greater than the 2 foot basic unit, including all required piping, fittings, concrete and installation. E. rle::lnot1t~ Cleanouts shall be paid for at the contract unit price per each, which shall include all pipe, fittings and installation. F. Ronne Borings shall be paid for at the contract unit price per linear foot of boring for each type and size of casing pipe specified. The payment per linear foot shall include the payment for furnishing and installing the casing pipe. The gravity sewer or forcemain carrier pipe shall be paid for under the appropriate item. G. Servlcp. Wyes Service wyes shall be paid for at the contract unit price for each size of service wye required. AUGUST, 1993 4000-32 H. S~rvl~~ R1~p.T~ Service risers shall be paid for at the contract unit price per linear foot along the pipe from the centerline of the sewer main to the top of the pipe for each riser. I. SpTVlce T .1ne~ Service lines shall be paid for at the contract unit price per linear foot for each size of service line. J. Ga.tr. vaM:s Gate valves shall be paid at the contract unit price per each, which shall include the valve, extension box, cover and installation. K. A 11" Relp.::J~~ M::Inhole~ Air release manholes shall be paid at the contract unit price per each, which shall include the precast manhole structure, the valves, all piping and installation. L. GT::In1l1::1T M::Iten::ll Granular material shall be paid for at the contract unit price per ton based on weight tickets collected at the site. The price shall include all costs for delivery, placement and compaction. M. Tn~111::1tlon Insulation shall be paid for at the contract unit price per square foot per inch thickness furnished and installed. N. Te~tine Testing shall be considered incidental to the installation of the pipe. AUGUST, 1993 4000-33 r ('l'HIS PAGE WAS IN'l'EN'l'IONALL Y LEI1"l' BLANK) APPENDIX A · Soils Report SPEC-t02.02S t 02-025-20 ~ AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING, INC. CONSULTANTS . GEOTECHNICAL · MATERIALS · ENVIRONMENTAL DATA REPORT OF SUBSURFALE EAl'LORAII0N AND LABORATORY l~llNG PROJECT: REPORlJiJJ TO: 1994 Sll<EET ~J{OVEMENTS PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA CITY OF PRIOR LAKE 4629 DAKOTA AVENUE SE PRIOR LAKE, MN 55372 AET JOB NO.: 94-923 A.111i: LARRY ANDERSON DAT~: APRIL 21, 1994 C: MSA CONSULIlNG ENGTh.bl:.RS Alll~: CINDY BLANSKI Th l.KODUCTION This report contains the comprehensive data results of several. subsurface exploration and laboratory testing programs for the 1994 street improvements planned in Prior Lake, Minnesota. This work incorporates the field and laboratory data information from a prior report (AbT #93- 2190), dated November 24, 1993) and the results of the recent supplemental work conducted in the Lyons/Brunswick area as outlined in our proposal to MSA Consulting Engineers dated April 4. Our total authorized field and laboratory scope includes the following: . Twenty-five (25) standard penetration test borings extending 6' to 16' deep. . Soil laboratory testing, which included R-value. SUBSURFACE ~A~LORATION General The total subsurface exploration prol,uull consisted of twenty-five standard penetration test borings. The initial fifteen borings (#1-#15) were conducted on November 12 and 15, 1993. "AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER" 2102 University Ave. w. St. Paul, MN 55114. 612-659-9001. Fax 612-659-1379 4431 West Michigan Street. Suite #4. Duluth, MN 55807. 218-628-1518. Fax 218-628-1580 1730 First Avenue. Mankato. MN 56001. 507-387-2222. Fax 507-387-6999 ~1 #94-923 - Page 2 Borings #16-#25 were added in the Lyons/Brunswick area, and were performed on Apri113, 1994. The general locations of the test borings were preselected by MSA Consulting Engineers. After performing the borings, we documented the location by taping to the street centerline and a nearby cross street centerline. Please note that the N, S, E, and W directions are not necessarily true plan directions, and we assumed the direction as being para11eU~.l~ndicular to existing street centerlines. The general locations of the borings appear on the attached sketches. The more specific dimension locations appear on each individual boring log. No surface elevations were obtained, although all borings were placed on the existing road surface. Drilline Methods The test borings were drilled with truck-mounted drill rigs, using a 3.25" (inside diameter) hollow stem auger. SamoIin& Methods Solit-Sooon Samoles (SS) Standard penetration (split-spoon) samples were collected in general accordance with ASTM:DI586. This method consists of driving a 2" O.D. split barrel sampler into the in-situ soil with a 140-pound hammer dropped from a height of 30". The sampler is driven a total of 18" into the soil. After an initial set of 6", the number of hammer blows to drive the sampler the final 12" is known as the standard penetration resistance or N-value. Samoline Limitations Unless actually observed in a sample, contacts between soil layers are estimated based on the spacing of samples and the action of drilling tools. Thus, most contacts shown on the logs are approximate, with a possible upper and lower limits of contacts defmed by the overlying and underlying samples. Determination of soil layer contact depth is even more difficult in frozen soils. Because the sub grade soils were somewhat similar in type to base materials, determination of base thicknesses was difficult. A.b 1" #94-923 - Page 3 Cobbles, boulders, and other large objects generally cannot be recovered from test borings, and they may be present in the ground even if they are not noted on the boring logs. Classification Methods Soil classifications shown on the boring logs are based on the Unified Soil Classification (USC) system. The USC system is described in ASTM:D2487 and D2488. Where laboratory classification tests (sieve analysis or Atterberg Limits) have been performed, accurate classifications per ASTM:D2487 are possible. Otherwise, soil classifications shown on the boring logs are visual-manual judgments. We have attached charts illustrating the USC system, the descriptive terminology, and the symbols used on the boring logs. The boring logs include descriptions of app3.J.\:'ut geology. The geologic depositional origin of each soil layer is inttt~}Jreted primarily by observation of the soil samples, which can be limited. Observations of the surrounding topot;J.d.phy, vegetation, and development can sometimes aid this judgment. Water Level Measurements. During the drilling operations, the boreholes were probed for the presence of ground water using a weighted measuring tape. The results of the ground water measurements are shown at the bottom of the boring logs. The following information appears under "Water Level Measurements" on the logs: . Date and Time of measurement . Sampled Depth: lowest depth of soil sampling at the time of measurement . Casing Depth: depth to bottom of casing or hollow-stem auger at time of measurement . Cave-in Depth: depth at which measuring tape stops in the borehole . Water Level: depth in the borehole where free water is encountered with the measuring tape Abl. #94-923 - Page 4 · Drilling Fluid Level: same as Water Level, except that the liquid in the borehole is drilling fluid, not ground water The true location of the water table at the boring locations may be different than the water levels measured in the boreholes. This is possible because there are several factors that can affect the water level measurements in the borehole. Some of these factors include: permeability of each soil layer in profile, presence of perched water, amount of time between water level readings, presence of drilling fluid, weather conditions, and use of borehole casing. In general, measured water levels in pervious sand deposits usually are close to actual ground water levels. In fine-grained soils (silts and clays), it may not be possible to determine true ground water levels within the normal time duration of a subsurface exploration program. In these soils, the absence of a measured water level in the borehole does not necessarily mean that ground water was not encountered or that the water table or piezometric surface was not penetrated. In mixed soil profiles, consisting of lenses and layers of widely varying soil permeabilities, extended periods of time may be necessary before the water level in the borehole matches the true water table. Therefore, the measured water levels for mixed soils may not indicate the true ground water table. LABORATORYl~lli~G The selected laboratory test program consisted of the following: . One (1) R-value test (Minnesota Modified Method) . One (1) sieve analysis test (ASTM:D422) . One (1) Atterberg Limits test (ASTM:D4318) . Nineteen (19) moisture content tests A.bl #94-923 - Page 5 The results of the sieve analysis/ Atterberg Limits tests and the R -value test are shown on the separate data sheets following the boring logs. The moisture content test results appear on the individual boring logs, opposite the samples upon which they were performed (WC column). ~lT~ COND.lIIONS Subsurface Soils/GeoloC Logs of the test borings are attached. The logs contain information concerning soil layering, soil classification, geologic description and relative density/consistency, which is based on the standard penetration resistance (N-value). It is important to note that the subsurface conditions only indicate the material classification! properties at the sampled locations and variations do occur between and beyond borings. The geology depicted by the borings is variable. Much of the native soils are glacially deposited tills, classified as sandy lean clays (CL) and clayey sands (SC). However, the tills are often overlain or interbedded with alluvial deposits ranging from sands (SP) to lean and fat clays (CL and CH). Water deposited (alluvial) soils are predominant in the Lyons/Brunswick area. Many of the borings include mixed fill over the natural profile with soil types generally similar to the variable underlying native soils. The fill occasionally includes black (suggesting organic) soils, and topsoil layers occasionally underlie the fill. The topsoil is judged to be significantly high in organics at Boring Location #13 (Creekside Circle). The N-values suggest the soils have variable density or consistency, indicating that soil stability properties should also be variable. Often, the upper sample (within 2' of the surface) appears to have a moderate to high stability, although many of the samples from 2' to 3th' deep suggest reduced stability. T AbT #94-923 - Page 6 The more recent borings in the L yons/Brunswick area again suggest that mostly alluvial sands and clays are present which are overlain by fill. Again, many of the alluvial clays and portions of the fill are judged to have low stability properties. Based on sample appearance and moisture content, we judge Borings #19, #20, and #21 to have relatively good stability. Conditions at Borings #24 and #25 are also judged marginally favorable. However, subcuts approaching the fine alluvium at Boring #25 may result in reduced stability under the construction traffic. Groundwater Conditions Measurable ground water levels were noted at four locations (#6 below Northwood Road; and #12, #22, and #23 below Brunswick Avenue). We judge the water level in the Brunswick area to be perched water, as we did observe that the surface water is directed towards this area and standing water was noted to be present at the surface. Other lower elevation areas in the L yons/Brunswick area were also noted to include standing water at the surface. The recorded level at Boring #6 may represent a true ground water level. Boring #5 also included a wet sample around 10' deep suggesting a possible water level. The soil profile at these two locations are slow draining, and if given more time, a water level may actually rise to a shallower depth. You should expect ground water levels to fluctuate in the future. Fluctuations occur due to varying seasonal and yearly rainfall and snow melt, as well as other factors. CONSIKUCTION CONSIDJY<ATIONS New subgrade fill should be placed and compacted per MnDOT Specification 2105.3F1 (Specified Density Method). This specification requires a compaction level of 100% within the upper 3' zone; and also includes a requirement for moisture content such that proper stability can be attained. Where silty or clayey soils are allowed as fill, we caution that the soil may need to be moisture conditioned to meet the compaction and moisture requirements. We caution Al: 1 #94-923 - Page 7 that moisture conditioning of soils can be time consuming, labor intensive and will require favorable weather. Also, lack of compaction/stability of underlying soils may make attaining compaction in new fill or reworked soils more difficult. Ground water or wetlwaterbearing soil conditions may appear within utility trench excavations or road subcuts which significantly increases the potential for soil disturbance. This condition may require the need for dewatering, or the use of coarser sand/rock fill soils to improve stability . The trench excavation sidesloping should meet the requirement established in the OSHA 29 L~.K, Part 1926, Subpart P, "Excavation and Trenches." The contractor should be responsible for trench safety. Even with the required OSHA sloping, ground water can induce sideslope running or ravelling which may require that retention or more extensive dewatering be performed. CLOSURE Data Report Prepared By: Wrt t ~~ Jeffery K. V oyen, PE Manager, Geotechnical Engineering :MN Reg. #15928 Attachments: Boring Location Sketches Logs of Test Borings (#1-25) Results of Sieve Analysis! Atterberg Limits Tests Results of R-value Tests Boring Log Notes Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes General Terminology Notes r rJ f NORTH AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING, INC. . LAKE 5"0 [ .~~ ,,: ..'. '" o '. .. .. c ~ '2 :. M1 T ,C !. I~: I I~ , -I. "vw ~ I~ ~ ". .. .. - \~ / TRACT H j '. + . - ~I.t; . "~"- , ~~. t ~ 1r.~" ~. " ~R.L.:\. .13 i TItA~T :E 203 10. ~ 1 ,~" 5' U-JJJ ~ / f'l.2 . IT; DI 0 _ . N )I N . ~:' ,O..~ .. . . DON~~O ~OEHR . .20'27$ ~.,::..~ . . . .,' ~., . ~z. Z.,ID LAW"~NCE HAF'E"NAN . .~~ /" -<..~~/. t, . 10 . . . .. :.~.. ~: 44 . . , .:. ~i~'i'rIA .. .,~ _.~ ~:; .~~. .:.', .. " . . !::.' iii) ... ~ 0 :I: on It - ,... - 207323 j~ , ~ . a.-~c:___...". .. ':.;' ---:-: o c ~ . :-~CT' 1" = PROJECT AET JOB NO. 93-2190 DATE 11-24-93 PAGE 2 of 4 SUBJECT Ridgemont Ave APPROXIMATE Boring Locations (#7-8) SCALE DRA WN BY JKV CHECKED BY n/a APPENDu B · Prior Lake Standard Plates SPEC-l 02.025 102-025-20 !~ J ~ \~.::rCcl \ is. ..." :a:. ~ ~,' . ";'" t. : ,ii~ ill~! : li~1f.'.'~ .-- ..... . . : " , .~~~.~.. . ..- c.a o C~ r:~. .;v~H.:. ? i'hi Co "" ::j:: C" uk lJ=-1 - 2 ~hi. ~ Z .",\," ".I."J ~ ) ~ ~ (! gf~ r,:i",:;i; ~ '^ &0 ~ f.\,. ~ <<""'" ~rJ:~ 4' , ,~ ~Q ~ . , I &&J\Ii ~i ;) . ~ l EVANGE1.ICAL .... I lUTi-'ERAN o S'iNOO ~ : 169842 -.,; u~ ~. - u ) ~ .. I PROJECT -' , AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING, INC, SUBJECT SCALE n/a DRA WN BY JKV N ^ 8 7 JAMES CATF.S 9 :0 ~ 'fJI'''' Q ~""'. ., '0""" , ~ , ~ e::::- 1- -=- Or i\ . 11,""'" . ~H If ~ fi ,. II JO - ANNA ;; ~ 13 ~ ~ "$'" ... 4 ~I J' l~W 143RD r r- 3 -: t$ 15 ,r 0 #14l~ ,.. 16 ~. ~ 2 '" ... "\ U Q 156684 ~ ~.;: eN Vl ~ ____. --A \ 194190.1 l' ~ ~ \ It) Y r ~ _ ~,~ 167 - 331 an ~ ~l':'''- cD '"':/ 16,775~ : .. ~3'\ " ...~ Creekside Circle ../ :~a\-1 C'~ -' !: i: I . .. ~I---- _,_.,... . CHECKED BY AET JOB NO. 93-2190 DATE I 11-24-93 PAGE 4 of 4 APPROXIMATE Boring Locations (#13-15) _--....J---....-.---- Il AMERICAN 1 ENG~bclUNG l.bSlll'iG, INC. SUBSURFACE BORING LOG AET JOB NO: 93-2190 LOG OF BORING NO. 7 (D. 1 or 1) PROJECT: 1994 SJ.KEETIU J.'.lLl.1 t Th'u~O" ~J.U~; PRIOR LAlili. :MINNESOTA _L DEPTH IN r J:.eJ. SURFACE ELEVATION. MAIJ:.&lAL DESCRJ.r J.J.ON \2.25- Bituminous pavement 1 - ,6- Baset mostly L~'u'NIl silty sand with gravel 2 - Silty sandt fine grained, brown, moist, loose to very loose (SM) 3 - 4 5 - Sandy lean clay with a little gravel, brown, soft (CL) 6 END OF BORING Location: Ridgemont Avenue, 7'W of centerline, 123'N of Rutledge Street SE centerline SAMPLB REC. ru::.a..D &: LABORAa u'A Y TEST N Me ~ TYPE IN. WC DEN U. PL S.200 ! 6 M ~ 55 15 4 M SS 12 GEOLOGY I I :. "::;. :: Fll..L . .- -, . . -. . :. :::. :: COARSE :- ::. :: ALLUVIUM >' .::- :: ~ WEATHER! D I ~TILL S M 55 12 DJ::.t" ul: DRILLING MJ::.J. dOD W AJ.J::.K LEVEL MEASUREMENTS DATE TIME SAMPLED CASING CAVE-IN DRlLLING W Au:.I5.. 0-4.5' 3.25" HSA DEPI'H DJ::.t" l.d DJ::.t" In FLUID LEVEL LEVEL LI/tSI93 9:S5 6.0 4.S 4.S NONE Ll/IS/93 10:05 6.0 0 3.8 NONE BORING G9MPLel J::.D: 11/15/93 cc: CB CA: EG Ri~: 33 4/90 NO'I'E: REFER. TO__ I.tu::. ATrACHED Shr.J:.J.,) FOR AN EXPLANATION 01 I. J::..t(.'\{JNOLOGY Ot<. THIS LOG I] AMERICAN 1 ENGlN&J.dNG IJ:Sl11'iG, INC. mmS~ALEBOmNGLOG AET 10B NO: 93-2190 LOG OF BORING NO. 8 (D. 1 or 1) PROJECT: 1994 S1'REETIlJ IlLII i IMPRO'\' .t.J.v.mtn'S; PRIOR ~. MINNESOTA DJ:.r old IN r .c.c..1 SURFACE ELEVATION: MA.1.c.NAL DESCRu J.~vN ... 5" Bituminous pavement 1 _ ~" Base, mostly brown. silty sand with I vel 2- 3 - Fill, mixture of silty sand and clayey sand, brown and grayish brown 4 - 5 - Fill, mixture of sandy lean clay and clayey 6 - sand with a little 61.A leI, gray and brown 7 8 - 9 - 10 - Fill, mostly clayey sand with a little sandy lean clay and gravel, gray, a little black and 11- brown 12 - 13 - 14 15 - Sandy lean clay, a few roots, brownish gray, soft (CL) 16 END OF BORING Location: Ridgemont Avenue, IS'W of centerline, 770'S of Rutledge Street SE centerline GEOLOGY - SAMPLE - REC - ru::.J.J) &: LABORA.1ua. Y ~ N MC ... - . TYPE IN. we DEN u.. PL %-200 i ::~: 4 MISS FILL 4MISS 3 MISS 6 MISS 0' WEATHElU D 0~gR 7 M I, SS ~ AT J TTVTTTM 12 12 15 16 12 15 28 15 12 21 0-14.5' 3.25" HSA DATE TIME W Aol.CA LEVEL MEASUREMENTS SAMPLED CASING CAVE-IN DRILLING W A1 J:.l<. Dz:.rold DJ:.l'old DJ:.l'1d FLUID LEVEL LEVEL NOTE: R.r.r.CA TO ' THE ATrACHED D.J:.r .1d: DRILLING ~oldOD Ll/15/93 1I/tS/93 11:00 11:05 BORING COMPLeuuJ: 11/15/93 cc: CB CA: EG Ri~: 33 4/90 16.0 16.0 14.5 o 15.8 8.0 NONE Sh.c.c.ol,) FOR AN NONE EXPLANATION OF .1 J:.KMINOLOGY ON nus LOG T I] AMERICAN 1 ENG~G IrS IJ.J.'lG, INC. SUBSURFACE BORING LOG AET JOB NO: 93-2190 LOG OF BORING NO. 13 (0. 1 of 1) PROJECr: 1994 SJ.KEETItJ .LJ.LJ..L i Th'ul<O\' ~.uw.ITS; PRIOR L~. l\flNNESOTA D.tl.1"old SURFACE ELEVATION: GEOLOGY SAMPLE REC. ru::.&.J) & LABORAJ.va.Y l~i; IN N MC r J:.I:. i MAJ..&:.lUAL DESCRu J. J.ON TYPE IN. WC DEN LL PL $-200 ! \2.5. Bituminous pavement I 1 - "\4. Base, mostly brown crushed limestone I FILL 12 M ~~ 12 Fill, mixture of silty sand and clayey sand 2 -"' with a little 6~A leI, black and brown ~0 ~ TOPSOIL 9 M 55 12 3 - Lean clay, black, firm (CL) 4 - 0 5 - ~ 6 M I 55 12 6 - Silty clay with sand, brown, soft (CL) ~ ~ 7 ~~UVIUM 8 - Lean clay, brown and gray mottled, soft, a 8 M I 55 15 few lenses of silty sand (CL) ~ 9 0 10 - Sandy lean clay with a little gravel, brown, ~TILL 5 M I 55 12 soft (CL) 11 END OF BORlNG Location: Creekside Circle, 4 'E of centerline, 198'N of Highway 13 centerline 0-9.5' 3.25" HSA DATE W Alr.t<. LEVEL MEASUREMENTS NOTE: R.c.r.cA TO TIME SAMPLED CASING CAVE-IN DRn.LING W Au:.K 1 nc. ATI A",rtr.u DEPI'H Dc.rol d DEPI'H FLUID LEVEL LEVEL 2:45 11.0 9.5 10.7 NONE Sh.t:.l:.l,) FOR AN 2:50 11.0 0 6.2 NONE EXPLANATION OF- i ~OLOGY ON TIllS LOG DEPTH: DRILLING METHOD Ll/lS/93 Ll/15/93 BORING ~OMPLc.1C.1J: 11/15/93 cc: CB CA: EG Ri~: 33 4/90 I] AMb1<ICAN 1 ENG~.bbKING lcll11~G, INC. SUBSURFAt..;E BORING LOG Am JOB NO: 93-2190 LOG OF BORING NO. 14 (D. 1 or 1) PROJECT: 1994 STREET/tJ J.lL!J. 1 IMPRO'\' .tJ.V.1UITS; PRIOR LAKE" :MINNESOTA DEPI'H IN SURFACE ELEVATION. MAU:,NAL DESCRu uON r.c.J:. J. ::\2 - Bituminous pavement 1 - \'3.5- Base, mostly brown silty sand with \e;..a/el 2 - Sandy lean clay with a little gravel, brown mottled, firm to very soft (CL) (may be fill) 3 ~ 4 5 _ Sandy lean clay with a little gravel, brown, soft (CL) 6 END OF BORING Location: Creekside Circle, 6'E of centerline, 710'N of Highway 13 centerline DEPI'H: DRlLLING MJ:.uIOD 0-4.5' 3.25" HSA DATE L1/15/93 3:00' BORING COMPLell~.iJ: 11/15/93 cc: CB CA: EG Ri~: 33 4/90 GEOLOGY N MC SAMPLE DC. r~&~~TOIlY~ TYPE IN. we DEN LL PL S-200 I FILL I~ ~iMOR ~ o ?iTILL ~ _ 55 I 55 9 M 12 4 M 12 14 6MISS 12 TIME W AolJ::A LEVEL MEASUREMENTS SAMPLED CASING CAVE-IN DRILLING W AJ.J:.& Du 1 d Dr.r Id DEPTH FLUID LEVEL LEVEL THE ATrACHED Nvu:.: REFER TO 6.0 4.5 4.0 NONE SHEETS FOR AN EXPLANATION OF l~OLOGY ON THIS LOG T [1 AMERICAN 1 ENGINEbldNG IbSlli~G, INC. SUBSURFALE BORING LOG AEr JOB NO: 93-2190 LOG OF BORlNG NO. 15 (0. 1 of 1) PROJECT: 1994 STREETI U.1.1Ll1 X IMPRO'\l .lW.VlU~; PRIOR L~. MINNESOTA 01:.1' ul IN l'.t:.J:.1. SURFACE ELEVATION. MAl. r.a.IAL DESCRu- I.I.ON GEOLOGY N MC SAMPLE REC. ru:.&J)" LABORATORY 1'ESTS\ TYPE IN. we DEN LL PI. S-200i :\3.5. Bituminous pavement ~ I' 1 - \2. Base, mostly brown crushed limestone Fll.L ::~: 12 2- 3 - Fill, mostly silty sand with a little clayey sand, sand and gravel, brown with a little dark 4 - brown and black 15 5 - 4MIss 12 6 END OF BORING Location: Creekside Circle, 10'E of centerline, 1048'N of Highway 13 centerline 0-4.5' 3.25" HSA DATE TIME WAl.cA LEVEL MEASUREMENTS SAMPLED CASING CAVE-IN DRILLING W AI..eJ.<. Ol:.l'ln DI:..l" 1n L1l:.l'l.n FLUID LEVEL LEVEL N\Jl.c.: 1O:r.cA TO !__ oll'U::. ATI ACHED DEPI'H: DRlLLING MJ::.oldOD LI/15/93 3:20 LI/15/93 3:25 6.0 6.0 4.5 o 4.0 3.0 NONE SHEETS FOR ~'l : NONE EXPLANATION OF l~OLOOY ON ! THIS LOG BORING COMPLr..leO: 11/15/93 cc: CB CA: EG Ri2: 33 4/90 GRAVEL. 12" MIN. DEPTH .... 18" MIN. .. RUNOFF WATER WITH SEDIMENT WIRE MESH / 4" 4" .. 4 At 666 ~ SEDIMENT . . "F~~~~D / ~ . 4 ~ CATCH BASIN St:.LJIMENT BARRIt:.t< DURING CONS I KUCllON WIRE MESH REINFORCEMENT, r GEOIt.XTlLE FABRIC POST SPACING-SEE NOTE ~, ~l ~-I FABRIC ANCHORAGE TRENCH. .... : BACKFILL WITH TAMPED NAlURAL SOIL z ~ .... ' <0 I O\RECll0N OF N ~NOf'F FLOW 'v '" _ , _ , I ~ ~ .... ' -I 6- MI:/,,,,,,~,, ....' , t N .--- ---6" MIN. , NOTE: SILT FENCE DETAIL 1. SILT FENCES CONSTRUCTED WITH SUPPORT FENCES, POSTS SHALL BE SPACED AT 10' OR LESS, AND DRIVEN AT LEAST 2' INTO THE GROUND. 2. SILT FENCES CONSTRUCTED WITHOUT SUPPORT FENCES, POST SHALL BE SPACED AT 4' OR LESS, AND DRIVEN AT LEAST 3' INTO THE GROUND. A POINT A MUST BE HIGHER THAN POINT 6 BALES PLACED ON EDGE, BU I I t.tJ TlGI:iT A TWO 2" X ::" WOOD STAKES OR REiNF. BARS IN E:ACH BALE AND EMBEDDED !N GROUND 1 en MINIMUM. STD. i .33 LES. PER =-T. METAL FENCE POST - 0' LONG SNOW t- t.NCE rlrrr' I. .-r., SPACNG FOR ) 9ALE 0.. Ui QiEQ(~ "GRADE SPAaNG 'FLOW 2~ 100' -- ~H 4% 75' v/~n 6% 50' STAKE ~ 8~ 40' 10% 25' f '. BALE HAY OR STRAW DITCH CHECK TO BE USED WITH SNOW FENCE AT LOCA nONS AS SHOWN ON PLAN SHEETS. ALSO .0 BE USED WITH OR WITHOUT SNOW I-t.NCE AT OTHER LOCATIONS AS DIREC I t.1J BY THE ENGINEER. ~3" \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ -- .-. SNOW FENCE E:AR TH :=1 LL -- '''/bI . 3- r t STAKE ... OPTION 1 OPTION 2 EROSION CON IKOL DETAIL PIPE THREAD SIZE DIAMETER 12 15 5/8" 18 RO~ THREADS 21 (~t.t. NOTE 4) 24 27 30 33 36 42 3/4" 48 CUT OR ROLLED 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 1" 96 CUT OR ROLLED 102 108 120 132 I ARCH PIPE ROUND PIPE EDGE OF ~TSIDE JOI~ ~ 16~~6" ~ ~ ~- ... 2. ~Il. A~ l~3. ~ II rr ".. r TAPERED HOLES PERMI. I toO WHEN PRECAST 4. PLACEMENT OF HOLES ~~ -- - ::'\ r:.Q.fM:}.:~::.: ~7~:~~11::~ T 1. 32" (ADJ. :1:1 1/2" MIN.) ~ ... CANOPY TIE {':.glM:}.:~.:..; ~.~2:.. ~J~::~ T 1 32" :I: AS REQUIRED ~ FOR ACCEPTABLE JOINT ... U BOLT TIE ! r ~LDED EYE OR APPROVED :QUA~ ; m(Juw ~ I ~ ,". . ... I ~., , " i : ~.J · /.. · ,. 19: ~ 'ir 2" MAX. 2" MAX.1f I iT 1" l.. 32" (ADJ. %1 1/2" MIN.) -.. EYE BOLT TIE NOTE: 1. HOLES SHALL BE CAST-IN OR DRILLED 16- FROM OUTSIDE EDGE OF JOINT. NUTS AND WASHERS ARE NOT REQUIRED ON INSIDE OF PIPE WITH 2/ DIAME I ~r( OR LESS. TIES ARE NOT REOUIRED FOR BELL PIPE 24" AND SWAJ I I="R. ON OlHER SIZES. TIE MAY BE IN~tJ'( l~tJ FROM INSIDE. CUT lHREADS MAY BE USED IF WASHER AND NUT ARE USED. 5. PIPE SIZES USTED ARE INSIDE DI AM t. I t.R . OF ROUND PIPE OR EQUIVALENT DIAMt.It.r( OF PIPE ARCH. CONCRa:. II:. PIPE JOINT TIES COMPACTED BACKFlLL z . -......;. -- -' ~ I ~ <..:' . . . .. . .:. . .. .. .. mi .. . .. , . .... - N .. .: .. ...... ... nIl' - \ .. .. ..... ..- 't SAND OR PIT :/',~:: :0" :': \ ~:...~::: ~ RUN GRANU.l..AR :::~.:. \ ;::'::' III MATERIAL " . .':'~ · ., ..... -: ::. · · · · ... · .. · iiil . . .... . ." . . ., ...... '" : '.. 1 . :. . : . : ..:.:..........-... . -. '. - . - ... .........,- · " · .' ...... · ...... . JJII . . ..~. ..... . =i\~,ui~ili~:I\l.Fiill~1 u= rIIII( 00.+2' .J ~ 0.0. ,J ! 0.0.'2 0.014 (4- MINJ , GRANULAR MATERIAL BEDDING METHOD . . APPROVED: 4-'18/88 TYPICAL PIPE BEDDING CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ENGINl:.l:.RING DEPt @ STANDARD PLATE . NUMBER 01 COMPACTED GRANULAR B~~l~~.~.. ~\. ..~ .. :1 N ...... .* · · .. · · -- . .: . .. . . I .... .e. .... . . .. . Be- ~ . . .. . " , u CD . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . : . . . . . . . ~ .. .. ..:. ... . .. . . ~A .0 .", .". . .". ... . · . ,..., . ... .... ... . . . . I. . . . . . .. . ~ A- 8- MIN. A I2-MAX. ). r-- t 12- ... ~ e,. .... 12- ,... ROCK FOUNDATION EARTH FOUNDATION - COMPAC I c:.O BACKFILL .. ... ... . A . . 0 . . . .: . .. : s. . +.6'1 .. . . . ... . . . .~ ..~ . ~ .... ~ . ; ..... . >11.:; ; : .. ... .:. ; ...'..::~ n. t:- . o. .'..0 : . f : .... :: - .. .' .... . ~ 110 :.. :.: ~o .. . 0 .. ~ 4. p.. Ii, U ..9.:. .. .. . ~ ~: II . " . . 0 . _ . ... ~ .., · . '. I N- I. ~. ..." ..00.. . . . . . ~ 0 . - . ... ~...."... . . o. ,'. . ... .,.. ...". If. !lIitsill~~~i~~iEPU~\Ii:~~1I · \0,. CONCRETE CONCRt. I E CRADLE . PIPE BEDDING DETAILS APPROVED: 4/18/88 TYPICAL PIPE BEDDING CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ENGINEERING DEFt @ STANDARD PLATE NUMBER 102 .- COMPAC . c.D BACKFILL ... QO.+2' .. ~ -~ 0.0. .~ . CLASS I ASTM 0 2321 BEDDING MAl c.RIAL ..-. ........,... . . """':" . . . ... . .... 1m ...-, _a ~ ..... .....nll ..... ... . -. . == .. .. II) I ": :" :., .". :C]O 0 0: ~ ::.:". :"" m . - .. · .. :: ~ · · ~ · .::. II I _. e. . . . . : .. ~ ..- . : .- :.- - -.. ..- . . . :::... · · . · ... · · · · -n \ . . .... . I .. ... .... ..-:.. -.:. . ... - _._ .:.: ..:.:....~ .....:... _.e= ... ...... -. .... ..... ...:..';,...........: II1I I.t i\~~ilil ~lll~iil~ ~ . ~ O.D." J 2 0.014 (4- MIN.) 'f GRANULAR MATERIAL BEDDING METHOD FOR PVC PIPE J!(f 0& I HS GREATER THAN 20 FEe. I · EMBEDMENT MATERIAL SHALL CONFORM TO ~ I M 02321 FOR CLASS lS ANGULAR,V4- IU l'll2~ GRADED ::>.UNE,INCLUOING CRUSHED ~.uNE.AND GRAVEL. MATc.r(IAL SHALL BE DENSE PACKED TO LIMIT Ih I r(USION OF FINE SOILS,AND SHALL ME!:. I THE FOLLOWING GRADATION REQUIREMENTS. SIEVE SIZE 1'1/2- 3/4" 200 APPROVED: 4/18/88 8.-15- CIA. ~ ISII CIA. 100% 100% 4:5% 4:5% Pc.rfCENT PASSING TYPICAL PIPE B,...' )0 I NG CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ENGINc.c.RING DEFt @ STANDARD PLATE NUMBER 103 QQ+2' , -c 0.0. 1 , COMPACTED . . . BACKFILL .. . . :.. . nil (IN CASE OF CORROSIVE nii · . .: :... .. . ." .. SOILS USE GRANULAR .... .. . .... ... . ENCASEMENT) \ :...: ......... ... \ < : .... :0. .: ~.. "::: · ~' I. . . . CRUSHED ROCK OR l~. .. · e. ~ .& ;. WASHED CONCRETE 2 , · * . .. f' ROCK ITBt:.~ :.:.: e. :.-. -;: 1/1 ~='~IIi5lj~1I1 e:ill~ II r.a= Iii! ~ .t. . N - 'f ~ QQ'2 I Ocr' ,rI AS NEEDED 1'0 l STABILIZE I "ENCH MIN. 0.014, arr NOT l.ESS THAN .IO~ SPECIAL FOUNDATION DETAIL FOR THE . STABILIZING OR DEWATERING OF A TRENCH APPROVED: 4/18/88 . TYPICAL PIPE BEDDING CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ~ENGINtJ:.RlNG DEr L & STANDARD PLATE NJMBER 104 T NOTE : NO MANHOLE SHALL BE ORDERED UNTIL PIPE OPENING LOCATION IS Dc.. c.RMINED IN FIELD. r~ ..: 20M ;,. :.. MAX. ::;_ ., _ ; 1 ..: ....;D. CIA. .::~ .", :- STANDARD MANHOLE~ FRAME AND COVER AOJUS11NG RINGS - MIN. Of 2 ROWS AND MAX 0 OF 6 ROWS . WITH MORTAR GROUTING 8En.c..:.N PIPE AND MANHOLE aARREL SHALL BE WITH NON- SHRINICING CEMENT MANHOLE STEPS SHALL BE NEENAH R-1981-L AND SPACED 16- O. Co OR APPROVED EQUAL AND :-.:_ SHALL CONFORM TO OSHA REQUIREMENTS ASTM C - 478 CLASS][ CIRCULAR REIN~ LATEST REVISION /" USE R-2 JOINT FOR ALL MANHOLE JOINTS WITH "0" RING RUBBER GASKETS r- . .. ..r .:.: , fI ; '. ~~ '. o. :.1. ;:. ~t: .-. . . ,. .. . 0 .. o .. ~.... ,~ ..~ :~ .0 . A & o . -.. I c .. I .. III ..J CD C C c > NON- SHRINKING CONCRETE ENC~SEMEN ~ ~. if) ..r] .~ -3-WAlc.rl ~.vPS .' :~._ ~._ .... ,. -.' ',. -. . ..- . ~ .'.i; "~. ~ . .0. 3: h : ; I :: :: :!. .c . " II ,I -. III ; I' II ~: "... III \.~.:~_ .__. ....:J] .'. U ..J ~ .. '., :-t- 0 = ~.~~~ SLoPE ~ 20. ~ -:.; \" Iii: ".: _ ~T: MAX. "'. .. BftEAK-IN CONNECTION TO BE : .:. _. - . _ . + ~ ~~.o ~ U.:>>c.u ONLY w..1t APPROVAL -. ......:.:....-::: .:.'; ::.-.:..:- :.' V Of THE ENGlN ... ".. .-.... .- - ..-... ~~ ~ ..~o..o..:_._. ..:~.o........." h- -. : ... . . .. .. . ........ .- . . '~:.... . .. ....- . - ~ . -a.......... J!. ' .... 6 MIN. _ ... . _ : .-.--:....,,~... . -.' ,- ..., APPROVED: 4/18/88 . . ]. .o.! .. ; .. 0,: ~if . ,. y.. 1 ... 48. DIA. . .J . . . . ~ I'J N N ,. .0 . . ~.- . 00 ie 0" . - ~ 1Il:.PS - 16- Ooe. SEE DETAIl ABOVE ~. :. ~. ~ :0: .. 8- 8- . ~~ :.:~ .~. .. - CRE - SEAL - . -RES - SEAl. - OR APPROVED EQUAL PRE -CAST UsN:. l c.D CONNE,-.""" SHALL BE ~ FOR CONN~...oIG PIPE TO MANHOLE. . STANDARD MANHOI J:' FOR SANITARY SEWER CII f OF PRIOR LAKE ~ENGINc.c.tdNG D~ L & STANDARD PLAI t:. NUMBER. 200 J IU ocr.L _LOW POll . C&~IC_ .TWO. .asS_ILM "''11 ! DEPTH OF COVER OVER TOP OF' PIPE TO SUIT ~ FIELD CONDITIONS WYE ~ o .. ~Q "'~ t~ >~ 0.... a:~ ",- >::) Oel) Uo ~t-~ 0",2 %~!:: ..~C ~ Z "'....0 oou a-OR .- TYPICAL SERVICE WHERE COVER O"Coft TOP OF SEWER IS 12 FT OR LESS .OTE- ALL SE"YI~E ~QNiIIE~T'O.S '"CLUD.. Ic~SSARY ..DS 11IO SP€C1AL FITTINGS SMALL aE P&JD FOil AT THE COIIT.ACf \ UN.T P.I~ E alO ~. LINE_ FOOT 01 S~IIVI" . 11IO aoomOllAL ~OWE llsaTION SMALL lIE ~D FOIl CONcaETE EIICASEIlENT 011 PlP~ ~ .. , \ OET A I L AQAro' . c.ft TO BE RESILIENT A.S:r.... C425 -64 .. ,. 'I:. nr. OR APPROVED c.w~ FOR DISSIMILAR PIPE. PIPE $NAU. lIE ceJIPUTELT ENTRENCHED AND SHAU. NAVE CL ASS · 8. KOOINI WHERE DIRECTED 8T THE E_allED. CO~. c ENCASEMENT wHEN -- .' ~ ur.:r I rt IS GREA I c::&"I THAN 20 a-cc I TYPICAL SERVICE WHI:nc. COVER OVER I uf' OF. SEWER IS MORE THAN- 12 Fl: APPROVED: 4/18/88 TYPICAL ~~ICE CCNt.~ lIONS FOR F!V.C. SAN-_ ARt SEWt:.r( CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ~ ENGINc.c.RING OC.t"" L & STANDARD PLATE NUMBER.204 . . -..... - . 1/ 1.' USE 4" IRON PLUG TOP TO EE FLUSH WITH GROUND '" ..' r-r "='" -: ",- 4" PVC (SCHEDULE 40) RISER VARIES 101-121 DEEP ..L. [ r 450 _BEND. / r41l VEKIICAL WYE *' j PAYMENT FOR CLEAN- OUT WILL INCLUDE 4. RISER PIPE, 4D VERTICAL WYE, 450 BEND, PVC PLUG a IRON SCREW PLUG. APPROVED: 4/18/88 SANITARY $EWER CLEAN- OUT CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ENGINc.C.RING DEFt - @ STANDARD PLATE NUM~R 206 A .- ,8 ~ A ~ ~ ROUND O'F CORNEll$ J>- ~" " " -:0 ~~ m ~I /~~ ~l' .- .............- ~ ~l OIA-, -+ 2 ~ .~+ . I 0.0. ~21~ ll-,- I I I I I . I , D '" ~. ~. II ~ ~ I'll .. (I)"ft- Z " mill 0 ~~ :~i SIDE or TOP VIEW !I I Ii 8 E ~r _~'" t ...0 "'''z x. ro J! ~ ~ '" "'tn II ~ en ~~ ~ I\~ "11:) ~ DECEMBER. 1973 MANDREL O. D. RING 0.0. 03034 03034 03034 - 03034 .;~ !;1o i( : 'I,; SIZE A 8 03031 (SOR42l (SDR3'~ 03035 lSOR42l CSDR3~) -I , ~ G)"" 6 t4. 0 II 4" 5.67 S.62 0.62 4.96 4.9' 4.9' ~ --0 ~ f~ VX f ':x.~/ .J 8 ~.3" 6" 7.37 7.00 7.52. 6.66 6.8t 1.81 Y.. - ~ I U\ 10 6.7" 6" 9.22 9.~O ....1 8.5' 8.7t 8.70 N I~ 10 51J rl ~~V 12 8.0" e" 11.0& II. J, 11.19 10.55 10.60 10.48 ~ ~~ 15 10.0" 9" 13.82 --- --- 13." ., -'. . ~ ~~ ; 1 G ~fl! GI ... c::) I~g= - ~ ~i5 .z .~ ea~ ~.. ..11: :...: 11:- ..z ~: ~ PLAN-900 BEND - )( .e 2 aEDorNs , "A. CI\~ ;; SECTlON A-A au I I r<ESS PIPE - 22%. BENDS , ;:)&LE e. 0. S- ,I_~ f~. 8- ,'-5' (-5- 12- ,1-11 II-td IS- 3-0" %-0" 2rf 3~" 2!.. S8 2q 4-4" '$-0. DI MENSI ONS I l PLAN- 22 I/Z. 0 BEND ~. . ~ 450 BENDS 900 BENDS Bt ,'-~. 'i- ,- :t- 4- 3~1O" 5a..s- 6~ 10" 0,. ,L5' 11-6- z-o. -s-(f 3~4. 3~" !h Z-f. 2"-8- 4-rJ' g-~ fJ-4. 9-8- APPROVt:.1J: 4/18/88 Da ,1-6" z-eJ t< ~-6'" 4'-d 5-0" f .... .. I 1 PLAN-450 BEND NOTES: I. DIMENSIONS 1M TA8LE ARE BASED ON A WATER PRESSURE OF ISO P.5.I. AltO AN EAR'nt RESISTANCE CF I TOft PER SQ. F1':. 2. WOOD BLOCKING MAY 8 E uSED 1ft UEU OF catCRETE FOR .-a 8-" 4S..ENDS AHO FCR ~ ~ 8~ . IZ" II 22 1J't · SEHDS PROVIDED AREA IH CONTACT WITtf EARTH lS SAME AS AREA SHO'_. ~. OlMENS1Qt C:, C: ~ SHOULD BE LARSE atouc;H TO MAleE ANCL.E e EQUAL TO OR LARfiEJI nt.tN' 45~ 4 OIMDSlOfI A, ~ 1.3 SHCULJ) - AS LARK AS POSSIBLE WITHOUT 1" '6:AI'~RIft. WITH M..J. SOL TS. s. SHAPE OF BACK OF a~, ,,,,ESS MAT VARY AS LONG AS POUR 1$ A~IHST FlRM UftDISTUR8ED EARTH. CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKING CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ENGIN~ I- RING Dc.t" L @ STANDARD PLATE NUMBER 301 , . ..o~ 6- :-a ..!.I- . 4;' .~ 1m": ,. ~ ,. ... .~. ..!., , I 4~... . . -J.. . "'~.' ~ z ,. ,--: ,. : . . .. . Q .: +-:"'..~ : .. :" -; -L ./~--~..': .. ,.~,: . .......' . . .~:) . ' ~ . , . '. .. - .:~!. " ~ ~UNO~RBED 5aL PLAN -. . . .:... .. ... .. : ..;... . a... ........ ..'~ .. ..,.. ... . ..... ~1I1~~~~' . .' . SECTION . . ~ .. - 1, . Q J,- ~lMIN. ~ 40 MIN. , ~ UNDI~I URSED f~ ... fD NOTE: . t COVER FITTINGS 10 BE ENCASED IN CONCRETE . WITH POLYc.' rlYLENE OR BUILDING PAPER PRIOR TO POURING. .~ .~ 2500 F?S.1. CONCRETE 28 DAY ~ I r<ENGTH -~. ~ , 'f ~ PLAN REACTION BACKING o TEES a CROSSES CITY OF PRIOR LAKE CONCRt:. I E ~ENGINCJ:.RING DEFt .THRUST BLOCKING & STANDARD PLATE . .NlNBER 302 "APPROVED: 4/18/88 r GRAD! ........~.....' . - .... -- ,.. ~~.... .- -- J ',- MINIMUM fUSE CLOw t, t' E NO. "-24M se... TYPE VALVE BOX IIOOL . "Q. ."-5 OR ~ovaDEQUAL ",. ... ... . ".~ '. f. -.'~ 'f ~ ~ ~...~:~!.: ".LVE BOX TO 8E" ~ ~ SET ON CClIIIPACTED ~ILL VALVE BOX FOR ElJ I I ERFLY OR BALL VALVE _..,~_, 4'''''''=''':S/.I'/ I VAL,VE BOX ~ .'_ Ol"'-A~. 6- G. v. - le- DI.....A-. s. G. v . I' - z- c;.~~A MaIN \ f\. _ . ~ ~i r E} - ,\ . GATt VAL.VE 7 GATE VALVE BOX IN~ lALLATION APPROVCJJ: 4/18/88 VALVE BOX INSTALLATION FOR WATER MAIN C' I Y OF PRIOR LAKE ~ENGINr"~ Dc.r L Lh STANDARD PLATE NUMBI:.K "..3Q3 I[ ! ~ I yo .. CONTR"CTOR TO FURNISH AND INST"LL I'LEXI-FL"G. .NOltDIC FIBERGL..SS.INe. OR APPItO~D EOUAL Oil EACH HYDRANT TO IE INCLUOED 'N THE CONTRACT 'RICE-liD FOR "TDRANT . O' . / ( ", -". "I; NOTE: Al.L "TDR..:nS SMALL K GIVEN ONE ADDmONAI. COAT OF P..INT A.. ....It INSTALLATION. AU. AIIR...DED SURFACES SMALL aE CLEANED PRIOR TO APPLICATION Olf THE "MAL. 1'1a.D COAT. ....L AT 110 ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION. APPROVt:.1J: 4/18/88 c ~ z' 3' P"CER HTDItAJIT t.~/ T '! I. ,,'DRAL" 7"''''''_.~ 11I'I- y, I&"~d~/''''.''' YALVE lOX _ AS SPc........EO---' III Z :;: -.. ~ z o - c :I c III ... erJ T~/E;) GATE PREC~T CONCRETE BMCJNG AS SPE__ oc.D HYDRANT a V"LVE TO BE RODDED t 4 RODS) NOTE I lET...... lLANOS MAY BE USED .11 LIEU aF TIE RODS. VALVE BOX IN BOULEVARD rUl'( CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ~ ENGINr" RING Dc.t-" L & STANDARD PLATE NUMBER. 304 TYPICAL HYDRANT INSTALLATION USE R-2 JOINT FOR ALL MANHOLE JOINTS. , \ I VA~IABLE I .. FLOW ASTM c- 478 CLASS II CIRCULAR REINF. LATEST REVISION L- -J.6"r- ~' 5 14'=-\' L' . ..' - .. L - . '. .... !. .....~ -:.- . .. ~.. .,. J .... ....;: .,~..-.. \.:~ · ~i:-:~ 6" ..... ..._.....,. .....'J ,,":"""...,J . ..~... -:~~ 1 ii:! .,~.. .... . , . ... .. -.:;: Lg" 15" " t... i!:~ r (g ~ t:: -...-'! . "fi ~ ~ . :;:i. ::..: 4A" ,.~ . l ..... ;:~: ~ .~~ ~, ~~ ,~ ~.;. :~ ..'.. .:.- . -. . ,~"..... . .-. . ..- ~ ::. :;;;. ~. ~~ :.~ ~: ."_ _ _ . i . '.-:.., ....:....~... .............:.:_.r.....:..:~.:-:.~...1 6' II '.o..,.~. .... .... .'\....-...._...~. ~_................_ :....~...:...::=.....~A .-..:.....p;... . ( I I I , ~. . :.. 1-. CATCH BASIN CASTINGS SHALL BE NEENAH R-3246-B CURB INLET FRAME '.DL GRATE, AND CURB BOX OR EQUAL. 58" -\ Ii , I I _ i ~l VARIABLE ~ FLOW . .7.. .'" ~.- :... .~: 3.-0. 1 .., T E. C. MANHOLES SHAL.L. BE PAID FOR AT THE UNIT PRICE 810 FOR STANDARD MANHOLE . THE DEPTH OF THE. E. C. MANHOLE SHALt. BE FROM TOP OF CASTING '10 POINT 3. BELOW THE INVERT OF THE OUTLET PIPE. APPROVED: 4/18/88 ENVIRONMENT AL CONTROL MANHOLE FOR STORM SEWER CII Y OF PRIOR LAKE ~ENGINr"'RING Dt:.t"L '^ STANDARD PLATE Lu NUM8c.r( 401 p- A L, CURB INLET FRAME AND CURB BOX-AS PER .SPEC1F1CATLONS FOR FOR REQUIRED CASTING TYPE. -~..: I A -,t a. _ If., lit I ~ ." 4 '. . .tJ I ~ 'et W Y ~ PLAN :+ fit r//~ ~ ~ '.: . . M.....UM ~ Z ao.lUST MENT RftGS . . 0 3'- "I!t..' . .r .. :.. .. .. . ,. .. . . . ... ~ '. . -. .. ,. .... .. .... 0... ,. -: - 5 ~,c. m- DIAMETER ~ItE- CAST ~NI" ... .: .. :. -. ~. .. . . .~; . .- .: : a:- ~ ..., ,e. 0' : .: '.- -. 0.. T .- . J. JtI( .. . - . . - ~ -.-. :. .. e . .. .. . . e. a .: i . . e. . . . .:. . i. . .. . . -. I.. . ., . . . . :,.. .. -. e . . -. .. NOTE" REINFORCING 10 CO~IST OF . 4\ BAAS AT' O.C. BOTH was . I III o Z III III .. : ~.. . . :~e .... -, 1#. - . .. .. ..~..... .. . . .., ~ SECTION A - A STANDARD CATCH BASIN CII f OF PRIOR LAKE FOR ~ENGIN,.t:JING DeJ-' L & STANDARD PLA. Co STORM SEWER NUM8I:.R 402- APPROVED: 4/18/88 - ,~._~_...........-~ I 80It .., opro" e. 'rOtlt edg. of cOftCr.t.' 3 bolt ....t.. req'" .1; a ... 10. ~ I ,l .....-I -+ I f I ~ I , 6. I .. c o "" G. ClI ,- TJtt. -T . G. .~ .J: \I .c -1.. A I 12 15 18 21 .. 24 c: ClI 27 Q.' ClI 30 36 42 ~ 48 ; I 54" ~I 60 I 66 j 72 84 90 . G. .a NOTES: I. BAAS &. PLATES ARE HOT - ROLLED STEEL. 2. BARS. PLATES. .. PIPE ARE FI N I SH EO WITH 2 COATS OF ALUMINUM PAINT. 3. BOLTS ARE GALVAN IZED. 4. SEE STD. PLATES A-IO &. A-II FOR APRON DIMENSIONS. s. TRASH GUARDS WITH url"' ,.~"~NT DIAM~ I ~R BARS ARE AVAILABLE. ~ .:oCIAL ORDER APPROVED: 5 115/89 TRASH GUARDS FOR CONCRETE AM-tONS 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 72 84 =3tt ~~ ,%t I ~ 1 ~ II~ pip. III pleM III piD. 1'1 DIDC I'~ DiDc !1~ ~o !.t~ ~~ ~o ~o ~~ I \ ~ ~o ~o ~~ ~~ ~..~ ~ 0 ~. 10 ~o 10 ~o 1 ~ I % ~ ! 1 ~ pi Dcl ~"o 'I!? peD.l ~o II~ PleM! ~ 0 ! I ~ pe DC I .J/. 0 I~ DI pC ~ 0 l>t DIeM No. '" H . b.... A.Q'd 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 80lt I -.- Dia. Di.. I nche, Ji ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 5 7 7YL I~ II 12 12 14 14 IS ~ ~ Y" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '% ~ -% '% ~ 4 4~ 4~ 5 5 ~ 5JL 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 10 14 " AprCllft I V. bar I H - bar Size Size Size Inch.. ~t ~~ %0 -%0 ~. %. ~.O ~O '%. ~O CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ENGINr- ~ RING DEP"t @ STANDARD PLATE NUMBER 404 - USE. R-2 JOINT FOR ALL MANHOLE JOINTS. \ \ J VA!UASLE ( .. F\.OW APPROVc.&J: 4/18/88 .- CATCH BASIN CA~ liNGS SHALL BE AS PER SPECIFICATIONS- . . 9&': ". ., ~ .- ... 6-.... Li~ ., - , .. ,;. !. .....J .;'-, .. ......... 1-kv.8 -, . p.:: ,,~.."".':I. !.~ · .:1.:" =- · ..... ......,....;"..-] ~.... . ~.,... ~'"~ . 1 ..;~ :.~.. V .- ..;-. rg" IS' r .. . ..... ....~ 941 r.- l~~! ,:~ ;.,. ..+i ~: 72." ~.:~ CLASS JI PRECAST PIPE MNDOT .~.. ~ ' 0':. STANDARD PLATE NO. 3000 ~:~ .~.~ (NO TONGUE OR GROOVE AT ~t! ~.~: TOP AND BO 110M OF MANHOLE.) ,::::-, II _i ~"'1 ) " _ ,VARIABLE _ l tt. ~I ~~ \ ---,-. .'\ . .. .. ~,~ ~)- .- .~ . ....,.. :;.. 3' - o. .. . . : . : . . # ..., . .~ ~~' ~ :. :v:. ,. .~ 1 : .~ . j ~..:: :...:....-.. .:.,...... .............~....'-....:..;....:.::..::.~ g'.' .. .. ~ .,.~ -. . . ... -... ..~ ... ..... ............ ~.. '!I:.... .'. ........- :... .~.. -:-.:::.. ....:. ....:..,... .:'. T .", 7 2 n ENVIRONMENTAL CONtROL MANHOLE ~ STORM SEWER CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ~ ENGIN.-.. RING DI=.t' L & STANDARD J~t..ATE NlIltBER . &.f 0 8 I / USE R-2 JOINT FOR ALL MANHOLE JaNTS. \ ( VA!tIABLE .. FLOW r.~ I .... ~.~.:. . .. . }:' ''''. ..... -'- -. STANDARD MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER AD..lUSTlNG RINGS - MIN. OF 2 ROWS AND MAX. OF 6 ROWS WITH MORTAR ..... ,. 1 II · .!i.~.:~ 10 ~....,., . :..~ I -. ~.. .... ..... r.- ~:: .... ~- .,- ;.:~ CLASS:II PRECAST PIPE MNDOT 1 ,::;. STANDARD PLATE NO. 3000 .~.~ (NO TONGUE OR GROOVE AT ~.~: TOP AND eo 110M OF MANHOLE.) ~ \,. :.~. '. ,.. .r. "4 :ft' ~t\ , .k, \.I~ (.fT i -. '. ,;. :....... ...-.. . -.. .:: .4....~.~:. ,.a ..... ..........,.....) ,;.!:; , ;'.. 1Ilo- . ... . . .. i~~~ .. ~6 ' ....- .. .' ... . '. ~:~ ~ .~:. .''! ;!~ .: ,e. ;~ Jt.\" . let .\- Ii '~ :.~t \. f~ (l' I I I ( t I ~. . ~, I, , -- t ......:..,-.' .~...:.. . ..... ........~..:.'-....:..:..,.:..::....~ . .- ~ .,.~ ... . . -. .-..:. :., ......... ---.. "-o!, ~,.~....... ....... :... .... -: ..'......... .......,....... 7Z" .-, -.... {1 i I *. MNOOT STANDARD PLATE No.4020 B *** MNOOT STANDARD PLATE No.40 II 0 APPROVt:.1J: 4/18/88 72" StoJ..W Sewer Manhole t - ~ - VARIABLE - ~ F'1.Ow \ . S'I T ell t OF PRIOR LAKE l' ~ENGINc:.c.RlNG DEI-' L & STANDARD . eLATE ' N\MBc:.ft ~ oq " .n 1 SET I'f;l.;,,:. ~N~ "..,,1'fG ) I , I.~VAT~ ", ~~ ~ . ~. 4" T~NCH ,. JI v"Sl-P'~ "'~ rM/FLI~ ~ i If T~ h-u,... ~,..~ I ~h ,0 ~ ~T ,.. r'.,J. I' or 6"llJ1=> 4F""""L.I~ l ~\,\ A ~'i ~~~..Ji1if~~~ ~-,..w:\ .~ Yi~ ...~trJ rlf f I ) . ~ I. ; ~.~ I! ~\. ~.~ MAlh I cHANCE 1. l'1l~er barriers shall 1M i.asr-"~ i.-.l1a~ &fur each I'&iaf'all aDd &~ 1..- dai1.7 dvriac pro1oaced l"&iAtaU. AAr required rep&in 8ba1l be ..e a.eaia~el,.. 2. Shall the fabric clec~se 01' hecOlle iBeffecd.:" prior ~ 1:Iae eacl of ae_r ...;.eel 1IDble llfe, aII4 Uo1Wl dae 'barrier s~~" be DeCeSAJ"7, tile fahric sbaU be replaced P~PcJ.7. ~r ~.~~ ~, C . f I r~"'GN-........ ' 'r 4f."~" ,,~ ~. ~=-~~I" Y III~~ -. _i..~F.l'l\k ,~~:-.. 'f~'\ ~-~ ~...,. ~~ f ! i i I ~~l ( J !!.IE1 I ,l - I~ ... r. ,:J \ i!;~ . ~Ii; r-. .f~ ~. - I' ~~.- ---- .. - -:-' I ~ ~. t=. lJ...TH 3 At l,AGH l....s.:pf' ~L-TE~ IG-- AI . FP~T ~c-rr4""" " /:IAA ,-...64' ____" ~ JI- 1 I I J 1 } 1 J () I ~0V p~ I I . . ,- 3. Sec:l.iaeD~ c!eposiu should be re.crnd. after each RoN eYeB~. They.us~ be rCllOftCl vIaea cleposiu reacIl app. ~~ely b&lf ~ Jaei&Ia~ ot tile barrier. 4. ADy secliaen~ deposiU ~....;..h~1 1D. place alter tile sil~ fence or tilter 'barrier is DO lancer.. ... ,ired sball be dressed to cont'ora vitia ae exi.stiD& ende, .prepared aDd seeded. . 2 sr~ TNF FI L.TefZ. f~l~ 1Z' e:~ p#~ 4 .I!J.AG<F~ ]?WI; ~AAJD ~&.r ,.",6 e xc:~""" TZ::D ~L "" .. Z X ~ )(, ~+ F:IF- ~T? @.. S' ~. ~t~ et.eVA7'/ON ~;".~ 14' N'~ r~ 'Z:J1N'T ~: ~ ~IOE ~,J ~Jrr+ ~~ ~ Placemem and Construction of a Synthetic Filter Barrier APPROVED~ 4/18/88 SilTATION FENCE FOR EROSION CONTROL CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ~ ENGINe.t:.RING DEP't & STANDARD PLATE NUMBER 602 T -EXISTING I RIGHT OF I WAY LINE ~ 5' ---J t-\' ",,\N EXISTING 8618 J \/AR\E S ~ >>~.r~ CONCRETE CURB", RAOE \JAR\ES #I ...':i...1: ,.. AND GUTTER. 0/0 ~.. ~~ >>"""~'" aa,c;:;..... ,~ .:.....~:~~_~: .':,': . r:;: ~.~ :: #I .' --;,. .-~ to.... . I~. -~. .- . - . to' (~ "'-'\. .... t'. ~I( -4! WALK MN DOT SPEC. 2521 4" GRANULAR MATERIAL MN DOT APPROVeD: II I /92 CONCRETE SIDEWALK DETAIL CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ENGINEERING DEFt @ STANDARD PLATE NUMBER 7QI .. .- NOTE: MOUNTABLE COHCRc II: CURB. GlI. . r:r' TO BE FQRI.u:.J Ih ...J A 8118 TYPE CURB AT CAI,-,H I$ASIN C~I..GS ....--IAH FRAME. CO\ Cft R-3Q17-V GRAlc OR APPAO"c&J EQUAL PERSPECTIVE 10. IIIN. TRANSITION DESIGN GtI. I eft LINE GRADE" ~ ~~: .:t:\.o ... .0. :.,.- .... ~ ..., ~..... - .. ... . ..... - . . .Y. .. -. ~., .,.: ... ::~.... ::,.- '-IIOUIIT~~ CWI8 . GtI. . en 1cr 11IM. TRANSITION - - ~iG . , r .... OF CURB - .... --'. .'. ...1 . . . ... ...!"~.. "..-....~~ .~. i .~ · D....t- !. .'." .,...~~...'..... ~T..... .... . · EXPANSIDN JOINT.J t'- SEcnON A-A ....~ I TYPICAL CURB ~ GUTTER AT CATCH BASINS PLATE" .110. . D&1'I GF ___ ~ .'.:: hi! I ,.. , . ' " . ~r n --------- NOTE: CURB BOXES INSTALLED IN AREAS WHERE BOULEVARD IS TO BE CUT AT A LATER DATE SHALL BE INSTALLED AT DEPTH REQUIRED. CURB BOX EXTENSION FOR IOXE8 EXCEIDING 7..' IN LENOTH ARE TO II liD AT CONTRACT UNIT PRICt! AND SHALL INOlUDI ITACK COUPLINGS, CONNICTIONI,ITC. COP'.R .10 liON. CONTINOUS Plica 'ROM MAIN TO CURl 8TOP . SKUI - ~ TVPE"K" COPPER .. '_' PIPE 1".~NIMUN7 ~~ WATERMAINJL 22" COPPER WATER SERVICE. PROVIDE SOME SLACK TO ALLOW FOR BE I I LEMENT .~ STREET l"::e!tI RIW ! II .........' [WOOD,POST ,I ,- 1 f 2' MIN. I 1 - I .. , ~ ~ ~ - i ~ , 8"18"14" CONC. BLOCK " PROVIDE CAP FOR "" END OF CURB STOP " hll ~ I . , . ' . ... - t STREET , . TYPiCAL TEE ~ . SIWER MAIN Y ~r n. ANI 4 10' UTILITY 4..4.... EASEMENT~ r WOOD POST I t 2' MIN. .t , 1II.."nS,1 I : ~ " , . ~ I: .i I~ !! E . I ~ 1% MIN. GRAD ~. t t ~I. .1 L BELL END SDR 28 SANITARY SEWER SERVICE PIPI! . ., . "'I~!"'~'".~ " r HIGH DENSITY POLY ~. {RENE OR APPROVED EQUAL 6 WA. er1MAIN" J ;::t. uRM SEWER ..0. , ~ .z:.~"~' ; ;.J:.... :., ..._..' ~. ;.;." ::; '~.;,. ~ t !.:/ ~.!.! ~..(.~. ~..~.~~ ( ~.~ ~.-t i.~: .'. .:. . ~..:. .:.: I....,:..'.'.: :- :."'-.. ~ ,-, \. :. 4" .. -LENu. rI, WIDTH AND LOCAnON SHALL BE ESTABLISHED IN THE rlCLD BY THE ENGINEER. r Dcr . Ii GRANULAR MATERIAL SHALL BE WELL COMP~ I ~ AND LEVELED TO PERMIT PROPER BEAAING FOR ItSULAnoH BOARD. DATE aF ___ ~ ...: ~6OM .- VARIABLE (GRANULAR MAt enlAL) r GRANULAR MAl enlAL ty I I I I ! I I I I - -. .. PI.Iu 1:. ..NO. J - @) . W~NU.ATION ~IC .... APPENDIX C . MnDar Standard Plates .,rJ:.C-I02.025 102-025-20 5 tandard Plate Approval Dates Applicable Specification Book From Before . Jail. 1, 1968 1964 StaDdud Spetifica';oas for mpwa, COIlJ~.cti= Jan. 1, 1968 JaD. 1, 191~ 1968 StaD~ SpccificatioJlS for Hipway CoDStnlcd= J aD. 1. 1972 JaD. 1, ~/b b' I i. St~dud Spccificatioas for HiaJnraJ CoDstncdaa Jail. 1, 1978 J a1y 1, 1983 1~ 10 Standard Spcc:ificatiODS for HiP.., CoutnlC:Daa July 1, 1983 Aug. 1, 1988 1983 StaDcIucI Specifi~~;OIIS for CoutnIcIioa Aug. 1, 1988 1988 Stuclard Specificatiou far COIlStnlCdoIl - These Plates are now governed by the latest edition of specificatioDS. SPEC SPEC SPEC SPEC . PLAle. REP. PLAI.c. REF. PLA-al:. REF. PLA.aJ:. llEF. -- 1015 2301 3040 2501 3221 (1-3) 2501 4127 2506 1016 2301 2502 2502 4128 2S06 - 2301 2S03 2503 4129 1018 2506 1019 2301 3041 2501 4130 2506 1070 2301 2502 4000 2506 4131 2S06 1100 2301 2503 4132 2506 1103 2301 4002 2506 4133 2506 1120 (1-2) 2201 3045 2501 4003 2506 4140 2506 2301 - 3050 . 25G1 4004 2506 4142 2506 1140 2201 3051 2501 400S 2506 4143 2506 2301 3054 4006 2506 4149 2506 1141 2201 3060 (1-2) 2413 4007 2503 1301 3065 (1-2) 2411 2506 4150 (1-2) 2506 ::50 ::;01 3066 2501 4008 2506 4151 2506 ::10 2:;01 3067 2411 4009 2503 4152 1506 3100 :SOl 1SD6 4153 ~Q6 JOOO( 1-3) :501 2503 4010 ~06 4154 :506 ~502 3110 2501 4011 2506 ':160 2506 2503 :S03 4013 2506 4101 2506 3001 1501 3114 25Q1 4014 2506 4180 2506 2502 2S03 4015 2506 2503 3122 2501 4016 2S06 S200 2411 3002 2501 \ :; 123 2501 4017 2S06 5201 (1-5) 2411 2502 3U4 2501 4019 2506 5205 2411 :503 312S 2411 4020 2506 5215 I 2501 I ::CO~ :SOl 3''''; ... .... .. ':021 2506 I , -~.. i :503 3127 2411 402S 2506 6000 (1-2) - 2422 3006 (1-1) 2501 3128 (1-2) 2501 4101 1506 60n (1-5) 2422 2502 3U9 2501 4102 2..<06 6012 (1-5) 2422 2503 3133 2SU 4103 2506 3007 2501 3134 2511 4107 2506 7000 2301 2503 3135 2511 4108 2506 7020 (1-2) I 2S31 301': 2501 3142 2502 4109 2506 2531 2503 3143 2502 4110 2506 703.5 2301 30"'-0 2501 3145 2501 4112 2506 2521 .....-. 3030 2501 2S03 4125 2S06 2531 3031 2501 3146 2501 4126 2506 . '- r rRO'o~~":" ZD'.29!!~ STATE OF MIN"tW-.;A SPICIPICA1DC IT,Mq)A ~D DEP~...tENTOF~RTATION UPIIIMCI' pun - ~ ~~. ,~;.. - . SPECIFICA TION REFERENCE SPEC. IU: .-. i 0OO5A ~ - ...^ eTAtJnADn"D. AT=~ . 1911 ",r ~'~~--.- .._~.........- . J . . I SPEC ~'d: s.J!C: ..._~ SI'I!C PLATE REP. PLA",A 1tJ:.r. PLA&.A - Rl!Pi ~~.. Jb2. . '. I 7036 152.1 8113 2S65 ~~7 2S5I - .,~. 2S7! 2531 IUS 2S6S 8311 .2S5I .f3III.i' 1065 2535 1117 (1-2) 2S6S 83U . 2554 t3Il - 3M7 7100 2531 8118 2.S6S ~.. 2554.' 93G2 .7102 2531 8119 2S6S 8322 (1-2) .~'t.. , I3GS 7103 (1-4) 2531 . 1120 2S4S o.u." ~ _." 7105 2531 8121 (1-2) 2SC o.u4 . ,.. 7106 2531 1122 2S6S 832S ma 7107 152.1 8123 (1-2) 2S6S ~ t3D ~I 2531 8124 (1-2) 25'5 u.l (1-2) 1'703 9314 7108 2521 8126 2S65 8328 (1-2) ,-u, 9315 2531 8121 2545 8329 (1:-3) 2S54 t320 2SS7 7109 2S21 8128 2545 ~ (1-2) 2S.54 ~~ ~ 2531 8130 2S65 ~.:tl (1-2) ~ t322 (1-2) 2SS7 7110 2531 8140 2S4.S O.:t.:t~ 2S45 ~~ 2S57 .7111 2531 8150 2S54 2Sa 932A 25S7 7112 2301 8302 25S4 ~~ b>> MOO 24U- 8000 (1-2) 171Q 8304 2SS4 8400 2402 9401 2411 8002 2554 8301 (1-2) 2554. 8401 2402 9500 8003 1110 8310 2554 8110 2565 8311 2SS4 9000 8111 (1-2) 2565 8315 (1-2) 1554 9001 8112 1565 8316 15S4 9101 2S7S - .-:--.... , ~R~~.~.:.Z!,~~ ~7~.!!~.: . f'U .. r . .. STATE OF IIINNL..uA I SPICIPICA~l SPE~r~~~;E~ENCE ~. ..$T~:ft j Tn ~TANDARD. Pl.ATES . 1'. 0005Ai rll. . . It. ... _ .., ! (~ . ~~ f f-t ~ i.-I ,~ I" I I~ r I Iw I 1 I~ III I. I; I' I CD ,~ :IJ m - Z 0 ~ ~ :u ~~ n !!i m m ClD C 00 """" ~ n -t! o iz z ifi n : ~ :u ~. " ~ n g ." - ." m i I -i .1; !;B Ill! IW ow m - Ii w == ,g J~I "'0 u r- .------- ---" -------.. _____J ~.-_.~..._ I ~ CLASS IV I CLASS V CLASS I CLASS II CLASS III ~ _J~ -..._-- o - LOAD TO PRODUCE A 0.01 INCH CRACK eLBS./LlN. rT ./FT. or DIA.t n:: ~~~ LA' . LA, 4/'i ..--- 800 .=~'~~~~_~~r::_---- 1000 I I 2000 I 3000 0. t- 0 -lot --- mn. ~iL t-l6..... 'U o - lOAD TO PRODUCE ULTIMATE LOAD eLBS./LlN. rT./rT. or DIA.t ffi,,-~ azCL z_ ..- ---.--- -:r 1200 1500 2000 3000 3150 .... l... ::I t-. ...0 w.J 0 ---CONCRETE 4000 -.".'s".l. CONCRE TE 4000 P.S.I. CONCRETE oiOOO P.S.I. CONCRETE 4000 P.S.I. CONCRETE 6000 P.S.I. z . ....~....._-- - - T MINIMUM REINFORCEMENT SQUARE INC. ES PER LINEAR rOOT or BARREL -- D POUNDS INCHES iNNER CAGE OUTER CAGE INNER CAGE OUTER CAGE INNER CAGE OUTER CAct INNER CAGE OUTER CAGE INNER CAGE OUTER CAct - .0 .'j2____ _ . 92 2 O.OJ - O.OJ 0.07 0.10 IS 127 2-1/4 O.OJ - 0.07 0.10 O.loi 18 168 2-1/2 0.07 - 0.07 0.14 0.19 21 214 2-3/4 0.01 - 0.07 0.20 - 0.24 ..._.. 24 265 3 O.OJ - 0.07 0.27 0.30 27 322 3-1/4 _.- 0.13 -- 0.16 0.31 0.38 0.23 - 30 384 ]-1/2 --- ----_.~- _.'~... 0.14 0.18 0.35 0.41 0.25 - 33 452 ]-3/4 ---.... 0.20 0.27 0.16 0.46 0.28 - 0.15 - 36 524 4 0.12 0.07 0.11 0.10 0.30 0.18 0.50 0.30 42 685 - --.- 0.15 0.09 0.21 0.13 0.35 . 0.21 0.60 0.36 4-1/2 -- 48 861 5 - 0.18 0.11 0.24 0.14 0.42 0.25 0:" 0.44 54 1070 - 5-1/2 0.22 0.13 0.29 0.11 0.50 0.30 0.14 m.. 0.44 - CONCRETE 5000 PSI 60 1296 6 0.21 O.ll 0.25 0.15 0.34 0.20 0.59 0.35 0.81 <D 0.49 66 1542 6-1/2 0.25 0.15 0.31 0.19 0.41 0.25 0.69 0.41 o.llm 0.53 12 1810 7 - 0.29 0.11 ..-- 0.35 0.21 0.49 0.29 0.7' 0.41 0.95 U., 18 2098 7-1/2 0.32 0.19 0.40 0.24 0.51 0.34 0.10 ~ 0.42 1.0l 0.62 84 2410 8 0.31 0.22 0.46 0.28 0.64 0.38 0.15 0.45 1.12 0.6 ., CONCRETE 5000 PSI 90 2HO 8-1/2 0.41 0.25 0.51 0.31 0.69 0.41 0.82 ~ 0.49 1.20 Q) 0.12 96 2950 9 0.46 0.28 0.57 0.34 0.76 0.46 0.88 . 0.5] 1.30 en 0.71 CONCRETE 5000 PSI 102 ]075 9-1/2 0.54 0.l2 0.68 0.41 0.90 0.54 0.94 (t 0.56 l.oi2 ~ 0.85 108 ]870 10 0.61 0.37 0.16 0.46 1.08 0.65 1.00 q:. 0.60 1.50 0.19 <D CII.. IV Pip. 78 Inch.. or mora In dlame..r .nd Clan V Pip. 64 Inch., or more In dllm..er .re Sp.olll Olllgnl Ind requlr. Ih..r 1"". For Sp.clll O"'gn. ... ,h.et 4. Se. Sh..11 2 to 5 lor addlllonlllnlormellon on pipe ..cllon. end generll no.e.. S'lndlrd PII" 3008, Ol.ke' Joint R.C. Pip., may b. lurnl,had In II.u 01 3000 pip.. Th. gllk.t required lor 300. pip. will not b. required; how.ver,lh. approprla,. provl.lonl 01 th. IpecUlclllonl rellUng 10 IUllng Ih. Joint ,p.c, with an .pprov.d ...Ier or full clrcum'.ren"al wrlp of 0.01...... malerlll .hl" Ippl,. . CIua. CIas. 1 CIaa ... , a..." I c-.... hr- o.u.I to ...... U11nc11 c:I-* ......1tJIL....., : ~ 1000 I 1-. I. 1700 1 .. l _ " .. of · o.u.d to DI"Oduc:e ........ L.GIld ....... .... .. IlL) Pipe e;r Wall 1500 2000 I isao t .. I:" I 3711 .... of ~ Cone..ooo ~tconc. eGO -c:o.::.. Jl!Ifo-." "C~IIL" ~ f1(_.... chell Pipe n.. Mininun ..lido. ~ 111I I" .......1nc:Ms ........foat 01 ......... P.. . ~ ". Un. Inner Out.- ..... 0uIer ...... o.ar ..... 0UIIr .... GuIIr ..... 0aIIr D Fl. T Cage Cage Cage Cage c.ge Cage Cage CIlge CIlge CIge c-.a c.g. 12 . 1<<1" 2-314 . - 0..-- ' 15 180 3 'o.ar 18 230 3-1/4 0.1. 21 280 3-112 0JI7 Q.G7 G.1P 24 3CO 3-314 o.G7 0.07 o.aa Q.G7 0.12 27 410 4 o.aI 0.G7 0.11 Q.G7 0.1. 30 480 4-1/4 Q.07 0.07 OJ>> 0J11 0.14 CUll 0.1' 33 510 4-112 G.08 CUJ7 0.11 0.07 0.17 0.10 G.23 36 630 4-314 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.07 0.11 0.G7 0.14 o.ae G.21 0.13 G.27 42 810 5-1/4 0.10 0.07 0.12 0-07 0.16 0.10 G.2O 0.12 G.2I 0.17 G.38 48 1010 5-314 0.14 0.08 0.16 0.10 0.21 0.13 G.2& 0.1. G.37 G.22 0.47 54 1230 6-1/4 0.17 0.10 G.21 0.13 G.28 0.17 Q.34 G.2O 0.... G.2I Q.5I I Cane. Sooo DII 60 1470 6-314 0.22 0.13 0.25 0.15 G.33 Q.2D 0.41 G.25 G.S8 o.:ti 0.70 o.a 66 1740 7-1/4 0.25 0.15 0.31 0.19 0.41 G.25 o.s1 0.31 G.II 0.41 G.I4 G.5O Cane. 5000 S!i. G.I1 G.37 o.ao 0.. ~ G.5I a... y 72 2010 7-314 0.18 0.36 0.22 o.so Q.3O Cone. SQQO DIi 0.42 0.25 I G.58 o.:i O.sa 0.30 0.70 o..u Cone. 5000 P!i 0.59 0.35 Q.82 0.49 0.70 0.42 0.96 o.ss 0.43 G.51 0.30 78 2330 .'/4 84 26CO 8-314 0.35 0.41 0.21 0.25 0.71 G.8S 90 3000 9-1/4 0.48 0.29 96 3370 9-314 0.55 0.33 Cone. 5000 P!i 102 3760 10-1/4 0.62 0.37 108 4170 10.314 0.70 0..42 0.83 0.99 o.so 0.59 N\J I c:S: ~tandard Plate 3006. GaskeI Joinr R.C. Pipe. may be ~ ~ .1eU ~ 3000 PIPe- The gasQl ~ for .:.....0: pipe wiI nar be r~: ~. ~ a.......,......_.. ,. .".... ,,~, 01 the ~. r~ to filing the ,cent space WIth an ~ .... or fUI circumf.._ ".iaJ wrao 01 geotextie mat.,. shill appy. 0JI7 .... 0.11 0.1. 0.1. Q.22 CL2I US See St.- 5 eX 5 for~" IMar~.... ~......,.._ :if'" nates. .J) 35 to so.. T ........ .',"" ~ when waI ~_ is less ltw13-ltr-1t*l 3/4. 01 COYer. "Singje line reinfO'........_1l - ..;PPER HALF - SINGLE '\ UN( REINFORCEWENT ~t- \ I I - 3/.... ~. ,.... -- ""\.... .....- , . I I WIN.. Ii! l I II 1-1/". I I I : I I : I 1 WAX. I I I : I ! l I COVER Q! "1'; -1- --:- - ~ -t- + ~rl- - -- I: '11 '1 I . , Ii : : I _ ~ '. I I ~ , i"J , i.J ' : ~ ~ATJNG LENC~HI L. - - ;oJ :ueu LINE REINFORCEMENT LOWER HALF' - DOUBLE I..INE REINF'ORCtWENT ~ HALF' SECTIONS TYPICAL LONGITUDINAL SECTION ~ -ELDED .~ ~ REINFORCING AT ENDS or PIPE STATE OF MINNESOTA o EPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SPECIFICATION I REFERENCe 2501 2503 ~ROVED !..u~ ~.!...!.9!~ d..qI~ d. -~ DincIIN REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE C WAll .....__..... D__..........wt c.......,....... STMIWtD PLATI 110. 3000L 20fS 5 Ii ~I ~ i i~ It g! ~ i!5 ~ " 01 02 D3 D4 TOLERANCES IN DIMENSIONS: D Sq.FL INCHES 12 0.71 1 at. ~/1G 1~ 114 13518 1a 711 14 114 0: ~ 1.SS 'or 12- to 2.-0. % 1S or 3Ir whicbev.r Is gr.ater tor 2r to 10S-0 15 1.23 2 U5112 1157. 171/4 17 511 0'. 02. 03 A 04: :!: 31US- 'or ,r to 30-0. ~ ".- for 33- to 101-0 18 1.77 2 1/4 19518 3) I 20 3.41 20~ ",~"""- 21 2.40 2 1/2 22 711 23 1/4 23314 241. T: Not less tban tbe design T by more than SS or 311&- whichever is greater. 24 3.14 23/4 26 26 3JI %7 27311 J: All sizes:!: ".- 27 3.98 3 29 1/4 29 5J8 30 1/4 30 518 ~.- 30 4.91 3114 323J8 32 3/4 33 112 33 718 Laying Lengtb: Sha" not underrun by more than 1/2- 33 5_94 31/2 1/4 35 112 36 36314 37114 36 7.07 33/4 38314 39 114 <10 <<) la 42 9.82 . 451. 4S 5J8 46 llZ 47 48 12.57 41/4 51 1/2 52 53 531!Z I 54 15.90 41/2 57711 58 318 59 3IB 59 718 60 19.13 5 &4 114 64314 es 661/l e& 23.76 51/2 70 5J8 71 ,. 12 112 73 72 28.27 e 77 77112 79 79112 78 33.18 6112 83318 837/8 855J8 86118 84 38.48 7 89 314 901/4 92 118 92 5J8 90 44.18 7 95314 961/4 98 1/8 98 518 96 50.27 7 102 1/8 102 5J8 104 1/2 105 102 56.75 71/2 1(8 109 112 111 112 112 108 63.62 I 7 1/2 1151,'2 116 118 l1181ll ALTERNATE BELL iYPE END OR ~J_ L SEt STD. PLATE 3006 ~---_._-- --- I ~-~-~~_~ TONGUE =t:: GROOVE END A -,= 1 I END I I N N N N ..... ..... N ..... ...... c.' .. ,." Q ..... N ~ c; 0 0 0 0 -J L ~ Of" PIPE . ______ _____________J.-___J______J_____I____' , SECTION AT PIPE JOINT APPROVED ~_ug - ~ 1- ~!.~ 2{/-k It. ~ ~ ........ R__'" s...... SlATE OF IIINNEIDTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SPECI.ICATIGM IIFDIIIa 2501 ~ 2SG3 STANDAID PLATE 110. REINFORCED CONCRc. c. PIPE JOINT DIJElSICIIS FOR 8-IIALL All) C-IIAU. 3000L 30fS J r Al A4 Se. Sb.et 1 lor Inner and out.r cag. reinforc_. AZ Point or ind.nt leglbl. naarka at on. .nd 01 .acla section on tbe inside and outlld. o' opposlt. ..... dnigllldlftg tb. c.nt.r 01 stirrup reinforc....... Th. top of tb. pip. ...... b. appropriat.., aaarlced or stenciled botb on .... inside and outlld. surfKa. L BOTTo.. THE CAGES IilJST BE ASst. ED mH 11€ ()l" C,ft MAT OVERLAPPING TIE INNER UA T 8Y A DI5T ANC[ EQUAL TO ONE PIPE WAU. THlCD€SS OR GREATER. AJ CROSS SECTION FOR SPECIAL DESIGN PIPES A1 - Reinforcing of full circular inner cage. A2 - Reinforcing of Inner lap s.ctlon. 90. minimum arc. A3 - Reinforcing of full circular outer cage. A4 - Reinforcing of outer lap section. go. minimum arc. Ar - Minimum radial reinforcing required In square Inches per square foot of pipe over a minimum 90. arc at top anet bottom of pipe. Hook design must be approved by Material. Section. The full circular cage. must have an area 'Qual to at I.ast 40.. of the required total ar.a. L - L.ngth of 80. Arc m.asured at Inn.r cage. N - Minimum number of rowl of radial reinforcing at top and bottom of pip.. S - Maximum clrcumf.r.ntlal .pacing of rows of radial r.inforclng at outer cag.. en en .w ~ <= SH EAR STEEL -u 0 Qz Uo 0 ~ en ...J- CI) <w ::0 w z~ ....c: z c::- ~< ~G w~ ....Uo z. ~~ CLASS IV CLASS V ~O ~i 0 L T N S Ar' N S Ar 54 44 5-1/2 12 .4- 0.22 60 49 8 10 6" 0.22 66 54 6-1/2 10 6" 0.22 72 59 7 11 S- 0.23 71 83 7-112 12 6- 0.25 12 6- 0.25 14 61 . 13 6- 0.21 13 S. 0.2. 90 73 1-'/2 13 6- 0.31 13 8- 0.31 9G 77 8 14 S- 0.34 14 S. 0.34 102 12 9-112 15 S. 0.37 15 S- 0.37 108 17 10 I. .- 0.40 18 S- 0.40 I ~ED~!.: ~!.. .!J!~I S1"ATEOF MINNc..awI.A rmAQ~1 ST__I _ ~p fJ..~ DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION IEFEIENCE PLATE REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE MO" 2501 = 3000L Di..-. REI.!C!~__I~~J_IOI . _I: Ir J ) ") . ~ .1 ) ) - .. - ~ i J .'" J , ". ,; REINFORCEMENT: Aeinforcing .teel sh.1I confonn to the requirement. AASHTO "170 If the .pllce. .r. not ..Ided. clrcumfer.nU.' reinforc.ment Sb.11 be I.pp.d not less tta.n 20 dI.m.t.rs tor d.formed ban .nd deform.d cold-wOrked wir.. .nd 40 diam.t.rs for plain bars and cold-drawn wire. In .ddlUoft. ....relappecl cag.. of ..1cI.d-wire f.brlc ar. u.ed .Ithout .eldlng. the lap shall contain. longitudinal wir.. AD circular and longitudinal r.inforcement sha" be ....mbl.d and ..cur.ly fast.n.d cag. f.sblon .0 a. to m.int.in reinforcem.nt In exact ....pe and corr.ct position witbin tb. fonn. Aeinforc.ment will be considered as meeting tbe design requirements If tbe are.. comput.d on tbe basi. of nominal area of tbe wire or ban u.ed. equ.l. or exce.ds the above requirement. Actual area of tbe reinforcing used may v.ry from tbe nominal ar.a .ccordlng to permissible variations of tb. standard specifications for the reinforcing. Tbe cov.r over the clrcumferentl.1 st..1 .hall be .s shown on tbi. pl.te but In no case ...... the cov.r b. le.s tban 314 In. .. mea.ured to tbe inside .all .urfac. or tb. outside wall surface. except In the tongue and groov.. Reinforcing ..ee' may be omitted from elth.r tbe tongue or groove .nds of 12. thru 33. diameter pl.in round pip. only of a wall .ingl. cag.. aell ends .ith o-rtng g.skets shall bav. reinforcement In them. The spacing center to center of .djac.nt rings of circumferential reinforcement in a cagesh.1I not exc.ed 4 in. (100 mm) for pipe up to and including pip. having a 4 in. (100 mm) wall tbickness nor exceed the wall thictnes. for ..rger pipe. .nd .b.11 in no case exceed 6 in. (152 mm). The continuity of the circumferential reinforcing steel shall not be d..troy.d during the manufacture of the pipe. GENERAL NOTES: The strength test requirements in pounds-force per lineal foot of pipe under the three-edge-be.ring method .hall be computed by multiplying the internal diam.ter of the pipe in feet by the D-Ioads (expressed in pounds-force per line.1 foot per foot of diameter) to produce the 0.01 inch crack and the ultimate load specified on Sheets 1 and 5 of this Standard Plate. Pipes 60. in diameter or greater and all center line culvens shall have tied joints. Not more than two lift holes will be permitted in each section of pipe. Tapered plugs shall be turnished for closing litt holes. Gasket lubrication shall be as per manutacturer's recommendations. LAYING LENGTH: 'The nominal laying '.ngth of an pipe sh.1I not be Ie.. than 6 fHt. except that not more than two 4 It. I.noths of pipe will be pemlned in a line of pip. to make the required total 'enotb. For all diameters of pipe on. section of any odd length onater t..... 4 fHt will be permitted In each nne or reacb of pipe to make tbe required totall.noth. Pipe .ection. shorter tban ttae nominal layi~ I.noth shall be in.taned n.ar tbe middle of the line or .s directed by th. Engin.er. BASIS FOR DESIGN: AASHTO ..170 ~ Aug. .l.!-.!.'!. d-tl J,. 1Lr , :- ~ DiI.-r . .........---.....1 '. STATE Of MINN.:........ A DEPARTMENT Of TRANSPORTATION REINFORCED CONCRI: I C PIPE &EJIERAl.. IIJ1ES SPIQfICA11GII aPIUIICE 2501 L.JG2 25D3 STMtD'''' PUTI Ie. 3000L sotS { . .....: ( }--- ) - , . ~ T1 J . LNOfUd Staal.!er ---- __ 5 lope E C:.::.7:1 . . ----- =~ 't Planned culWlt length .... C . - ~ .-' t TOP VIEW LG SLOPE DETAIL 1Iote: lelnfo. .._t and Design of End Section -c. '.11 confoftl to StandArd Reinforced Cancrete Pipe Class II. Slope = X to y ... x .. ~ . ~ Bar or Steel fabric 1 ~ .......... <.....,--2..__- .., & T j D LG -- ~ lONGITUDINAL SECTION END VIEW See Std. Plate 3000 for additiGMl requi~ts. I 0' . Weiqht A ~grc))t. I Per I Oiam. Secbo" 510. : TAB C 0 :Ib$ ; : X \p y I I I 12" 530 12.4 to 1 211 4" 24" ,48-7/8" 72-7/811 '24" 2" l-ln" .07 15" 740 i.4;-r 2-1/4" ~.. 27" 4~. 73" ~O" 2-1/4- C]O- .07 i l~" 990 2.3m 1 Z-~'~N 9. Z7~ _!i" 7'" U-" ClQN },-lLi" .07 21" 1280 2.4 to 1 2-3/4" 9" 3~1i 37-1/2" 7'-1~" 42" 2-1/4" 1-1aA ~Ol 24" 1520 2.5 to 1 )" 9-1/2 A 43-1 A 30A 73-1/2" 48A 3" 1-112A ..07 27" 1930 2.; tOT ]-1/4" 10-112" 49- 24A 73-112 A 54A 3-114A.!.:!LZA 13 30" 2190 ~ .~m 1 3-112" 12A 54 1 ~ " 73-3/4" ~ 3-1/2. 1-ln- - :J.~ 3'" 4100 2., tD 1 4" IS" U ~-314" _Cl7-3/4" .72A 4" 1-11;- li 42" 5380 2 5 tD 1 4-1/2" 21" ~. ~S- 9'" 78" 4-112A l-11i- .15 48" 6550 2.; to 1 5" Z4- 1.A U- 9'A "A 5A' l-laQ- Ii ~ 54" 8240 ~.Q..tD 1 5-112" 27. ..i'-. D::l!4. 98-1/4" 90. 5-1,12. 1-W. .22 60" 8730 1.,", to 1 6" 35. 60. 39" - 99. 96. SA 1-112" .25 6'" 10710 1.7 tDJ:... 6-1/2" 30. 72. l27. 99. 102. 5-112 A 1-112. _3~ " 72" 1~520 1 8 to 1_.7. 16." 10. w." 99. lOS. ,. 1-1/7." .~5 78" 14770 U to 1 7-1/2. 3~A 90. 21- l!! "" 114A~" 1-10" .~ 84. 181'0 1 &to 1 8- 3'" 9o-1LZ: JI. J.~.I.-1lZ" UO. ~. \-\Q. 46 90. 20900 U to 1 i 8-1/2" 41A 17-1~4. , 111-1~-. 6::IQ- -." .~1. @ Conu...-s bASiC reinfo. -t 1ft -.. In. per 11'" ft. for sloped ... ... (larger of I... or outer ..... - Std. 'late 3QDD). For ..11 thtdaleSSeS less tale ... locate relllf~ .t at center of .11. For"U tbtcaesses .. and grHter. locate reinfo. .~ wiUl a ala. of z:- of COWl" .uurecI frs tile outside of tile .11. IIJTE: Unless specified otherwise in tile ,IUS. .... _ .... is ......lrecl for a run of gasket Joint pipe (Std. Plate 3D06). tbe produCer _, furnisll eitller: . 1. An .,ran wltb a Std. Plate .. jotat. or z. An .... .Ita Std. 'late .. jotllt and tile ... of tile Std. Plate 3G06 pipe ~.dectlng to tbe apron pro- .icled wi ua a Std. , late 3ODO Joillt. TIlts JollIt ts to .. SHied w1 tIl a preforwed Mstlc sealer. E G R I MI, I. 1985 \ ZZ:--,~ ~~. - .. k~~ TecIWcIII s.m- STATlOF MINNEIDTA D.AII1'UBIT OF 'nLW.oRTATION eot.cn... II: APRON FOR REINFORCED: CONCRETE PIPE SPICI'1CA11GII\ STMIDMD I.'DIIICI pun .. = 3100G ,~ :II - " 2J 0 ~ ! ,. -e -t ! i.1 ... 00 .., 'II ,. n ~. ~d c !Ii- -t !; J;; g ... In ~ II - !I - = J~I ~ .. ~ ~ 1m ! - .... x DiI. Round Pip. Un.) 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 84 90 x Span Pipe. Arch (In.) 22 28 36 43 51 58 '650 <;s 18 102 115 122 131 154 ." D.p.h Rlp,ap (Cu.Yd.) 1.3 1.7 2.2 2.8 3.5 4.1 5.0 6.6 8.2 10.1 II.' 13.8 16.2 18.7 24.0 27.3 CII.. II dSD = 6" 4.5" D.p.h Oranulll FII.. (Cu.Yd). 0.6 0.' 1.1 1.4 1.7 2.1 2.5 3.3 4.1 5.0 5.9 6.9 8.1 9.3 12.0 13.7 -..,1 TABLE Of QUANTITIES RIPRA' AT RCP OUTLETS Cia. III Cia. IV d50 · ." d5O;: 12" 7.5" IS" D,plh II" D.plh Granular Deplh Rlpt.p FU.. RIpr.p (Cu.Yd.) (Cu.Yd.) (Cu.Yd.) 2.1 2.9 3.6 4.6 5.8 6.9 8.3 11.0 13.6 16.8 19.8 23.0 27.0 31.1 40.0 45.5 1.1 1.4 1.8 2.3 2.9 3.4 4.1 5.5 6.8 8.4 9.9 11.5 13.5 15.6 20.0 22.8 2.6 3.5 4.4 5.6 6.9 ..3 9.9 13.2 16.4 20.1 23.7 27.6 32.4 37.4 48.0 54.6 9" D.pth 24" Oranuw D.p.h FUI. R'pr.p (Cu.Yd.) (Cu.Yd.) 1.3 3.4 1.7 4.6 2.2 5.8 2.8 7.4 3.5 9.2 4.1 11.0 5.0 13.2 6.6 17.6 8.2 21.8 10.1 26.8 11.9 :U.6 13.8 36.8 16.2 43.2 18.7 49.8 24.0 64.0 27.3 72.8 RIPRAP AT RCP.A or BOXES OF EQUIVALENT SPAN WIDm 9" D.plh Rlpr.p (Cu. Yet.) 2.2 3.5 4.9 6.6 1.2 9.9 II.' 14.0 19.4 26.1 26.4 29.6 36.' 44.6 CI.. II d50 II: 6" 4.5" Dep'h Gr.nular FU.. (Cu.Yd). 1.1 1.7 2.4 3.3 4.1 5.0 5.9 7.0 '.7 13.1 13.2 14.8 11.4 22.3 IS" D.pth Rlpr.p (Cu.Yd.) 3.6 5.8 8.1 11.0 13.6 16.5 1'.8 23.3 32.4 43.5 44.0 49.3 61.3 74.4 C'au III dSO = 9" 7.5" D.p.h Ollnu.1I FUI. (Cu. Yd.) 1.8 2.9 4.1 5.5 6.8 8.3 9.9 11.6 16.2 21.8 22.0 24.6 30.6 37.2 CI.II IV dSO ~ 12" . .-" C.... V d50 · IS" 12" D.p.h Oranul... FII'.r (eu.Yd.) 1.7 2.3 2.9 3.7 4.6 5.5 6.6 8.8 10.9 13.4 15.8 11.4 21.6 24.' 32.0 36.4 Cia.. V d50 c: 15" 9" J.2': 18" D.p.h 24" Dep.h Deplh OrenulJr D.plh Or.nul., R.p"p FU.... Rlprep FUI. (eu.Yd.' (Cu.Yd.' (eu.Yd.) (Cu.Yd.) 4.4 6.9 9.8 13.2 16.4 19.8 23.7 27.9 38.9 52.2 52.' 59.1 73.5 89.3 2.2 5.. 3.5 9.2 4.9 13.0 6.6 17.6 8.2 21.8 9.9 26.4 11.9 31.6 14.0 31.2 19.4 51.8 26 I 69.6 26.4 70.4 296 78.8 36 8 98.0 44.6 119.0 NOI': R.qulr.m.nll lor "pt.p Ila. end Ih'ckn... Ind fU." bl.nk.. will b. d"i9nlltd In Ih. plln.. 2.9 4.6 6.5 8.8 10.9 13.2 15.8 11.6 25.9 34.8 35.2 39.4 49.0 5'.5 ..~ .../ .../ I . ...-" ......". ....J , - R ipllp Not.: DIm.nllon E II ,lv.n on Std. PI. 3100' 3110. A t1fI^ '!...!!M 2'- ""1 50 U.. .qulv. 0 lor pipe .rch (Set Sld.'1. 3110 for Iqulv. DJ ....1:. I.O(i).... R'pr.p ---- ." ~ ... ...,., -. Grlnular FU.. Blanket 2) ...iI..;.!~~1 IIC. A-A CD For P'pet ".... ....n or IqUlllo 48", UN 2.0' .~ Th. conlractor, .1 hie option, ma~ IUb. d'IUI. . veal..III. fabric. Spec. 3601 for th. .....U" fll.er ...... ....... o.h..IM .."led In .he ....... Th. 'Ibrlc Ihould eoVII' the ..1 01 the rtpr.p Ind n..nd under .h. culvtr'aproft S 'tI.. -- ~" 'L_ #--+-600 #....-J.-.-~ , \ Q.. Hole <t. Hole ~ !~: 1 ~ 16" 1. t Pipe. Arch i Hole ct. Joint ct Hole Pipe . 16' _, '.;.- _ _ _ _. l 0 ..__.,. Box Culftns I I Tongue LencJtb I I . I t ~ : ~~1r ~F" '. .~.~ R :~ ",..... .. ~;:. .~... ..-.~ .., .!f 1 \L T.pered Holes ~ permitted wheD pncal PLACEMENT OF HOLES Holes stWl be cat or dri11ecl 16" from centertiDe of joints for box cumns. u shown ..... -- forms ... .t up for. 16" spKinQ irom outlide of joint. Pipe' .. Pipe Pipe Size Thrad Size Thrucl S. 'l"hnad (Inches, Om. (Inches) Dioa. (1Dches) Da. 12.27 5/8" ~. 314" .72.132 1" Pipe SIZe listed is inside diJ. of round pipe or equlV.tent cbI. of pipe MCh. GENERAL NOTES: For concrete culvertS pipe ues sM1l be reqWncl for ~l JOlnU uniess otherwaa JPtCifieC an the pam or In the.... _.JoAl p.. ....ons. -":::- F or concrete JeWers tie end three IICUOftS (in- duc11nq Apron) of. free end (no rMDfto1e). Nuts .nd wAShers Me not requireci on inside of 27.' cl~. pipe or less. - On bell pipe W'qer ttwl 24", be ruy be imWUcl from uuade. TIe roels sh.ll be lNinteci After f.briation with ODe CQ.t of Spec. 3506 prm.. or__ ~. :.cl with · c:o.tanq Approved by the Offsee of Materials Enc;sneennq. Tbruded portion of:'Qds do not haft to ~ ~sntecl. Steel sh.&1l conform to Spec. 3306 or tq\W. 7ies to be UJed only to boicl pape. .....oas l~. not for P&&lliD9 IICUDas IighL <D T. rod thruds to t'.. . JICl outside of pipe OD Qtl1e ~ or Pipe w1.... children ar odaen IDigbt enter the Pipe. @ Con...___lOn sM11 be p1ced .t cicrw..,... eel when con.. . ...IOn is placed imide of atI-.t~&. .- .... ~j~:- Technical s.m- ] "... caapIIr to Wt ~ . --L.mm TOP VIEW. j ... 32" (Adj. ~ 1-lJ2" miL) ADJUST ABLE TIE WelcIecl .,. ar aPJll'O"d ... @ .. A.... .... ..... ....... . '1-. .. ;~. -: ':- .;.; :~.. ..: ..~'~~ .c .EYE BOLT TIE ThruCl OiL E.s. Pipe 1.0. 3/4" 1" 1.1/4" ~!'~.. r Extra Strong Pipe I ~ (See Tu.Ie) l..~ .. ' ( "3-1n." .J3.314" ~ .. ( < _ J OPTIONAL CANOPY TIE It; " ~ ~ ~: G SI8 " 314" 1" DET AIL A r See DeW! A ~ ~~ : . /1.. I..... . .'. . '. ," i i~..:.: ~L.., ...; -.' ~: .~!~~~ ~::~<.. ... : - ~.~ ..:.....~ ~.~~.-> ~;" 32" (Adj. ~ 1.112" miL) -I oC WELDED PIPE TIE J7_~."; .J~:~'~. ,~~,,~ - 32" ~ _ nquind to produce I . .w. joiDt ... .... U BOLT TIE SPlClFICA TIGM I STAMDAID .eFaIlla PLATe ID. = 3145 E STATE OF MINNEIDTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION CONCRETE. PIPE.TIES . 5- I Handliag Hook ..... (i) 27- , ~ 3. t . 1'. . .. <D 27- . 15-1/2- (I" ~ Handling Hook.. : F Yu . ~ I -.">... ..~:.' -.: .:'~t ~.;~...~... . :":'..:<1 12- ~~:. E ...::/. . .. ~ .1'. 'l'~ ;~." . - -1-1/2. j ~:~ APPROXIMATE WSGHTS: _ Cone Section with 27. ()penin<<) - 1.:50Ibs. Cone Section with 24" Opening - 1400 Ills. Alt. Section with ;t /" Cpuiag - 1900 Ills. '\,t. Section with 24- Ooeniag - 20001bs. J ]. t TYPE C Cone Section 48- TYPE C . A.terrate 48" ~. or Bar,-- (' iT",'; c:-~ ;... .J'. .... .)i..' .,;..= '".:-:.: .:...... ..:.. .: f::I .. ...: . . . .. .:.... .., .:. .::~. :~.... HA~~~~ .H~O~ (i) I I ---.: t .. Cut off flush after installation - ~..-. . .Z... .. . .." ~ .~ .,.':.= ~..: ... ::... .~.. ::~ .:~~. .. ;.,.. ;~~.3 J .:1. ...:.:, ~~fJ ,.:: . .. -' f ,.. J , <D Alternate de5ign when tOftgue and grove joft nat applicable @ 27. Opening shan>> 24- when grate frame '802 . -a04 is used. Q) Othe, secured _thGlts far haad I ing _ P!tIlIiUed. SHORT CONES A~ 1/4.' R~ius (,AODrOa.) A. .-. --..... ,. '.a" . . .~: 2"@_ a>----t. . , -5" , . "or~ : On eonstruC:10ft of ft~w ~~!!~.9~ s:~uc:~res. :ne nu.Oer of .GJust ing rlngs used ~er ..ft.ole or CitCft O.sin sn.l1 b~ li.l~eG ~o ~rO.lde . ..~i.u. tnic~ftess of ~- lftcluding aort.r tftiClftess (i- ria9.is not iilowea 0& ne. c:anstMlction) . -1 I I 24- ar 27- as rt!QUirea <D Reillf~.,: A siacJle hooo of - 8 "91 Slftlwire. -5- <V 'hriabJe thickness. 2 II :nin. to 6- __ _ Section A-A - CONe. ADJUSTINC RINC SPIOPlCATJOI al'lalJlC2 IT .I.JIDAG. ;:... PLATe . lID. JIoY. 26.1_ ' SfAna...INNESD'tA : APPROVED - - -- -- _DEPARTIIENT.OF.1'RANSPOIITATION ~~I' ,~_ · _ CONC.~S~~RT'~~pjEX~~ij~rtNG RING " ".A.. ,lOiwiliaa~ -:" -"~" .CSEcnORALCONC.~lcJ .. z T~ s.m- ' -. ". .... 2506. 4010' 4 - ..... 8 3/4 - lIin. .....w. ... 518- .....~ ~~LabIr 3J."_ .... -- .. ........ peNis..... . .. 112 - . de'...... bin as ..... ar ather IeCUIe _tal device ,. ~I~ b pctrI7 w!.... wile ,.. ..... sect.... ... steel 0.12 'SQ. iDe per foal .....na-. . Ie. 3 Ie~ bars..... ,- centers eIldI.., . r ~ 64- D. Uu. 4Q- D. Mia. I l 45 1/2- D. . j ~ ( , \ tOP VIEW TOP VIEW \ ~~st s&I'UCbft bane' -J-:- \. - - ....1'\ A.- -;Aor / I I "I I!.._ I , ., ~ -:] I i fi , - II .1 "' , ! : I t I L- , I I I '.1-.-:--;-- -~.L._1..._. I ,. 1 _~. '.::1_' -:.,:) S.t It 1 - ~.. !..~~ .Li,J. .... - . . 2 - "Ptec.;.st.oncrete baSe ~tlet pipe \:" Ptrcasl stnICbft bane' :""r-1- _J'\,,_ - - ~_ r Outlet Dipe . . ....J..I_ " I ~-1..=3 I 'I I "~ II' I I I I r- - .- - ,I I 2-.... . I ~...1 .., .-----J~~ · w... -: eo '0-"'.-=3 PlecaSl ~~.7.'. 't;~ ~,,-. ..r .J' ~ancrete base S,-", or >eltical side. De optianal . Slope inWJt inside structure to be cast in field SECTION A-A PetlDitted where die distanCe frana the batlGIII of castincJ to the too of base is less than 4 feet_ SECTION B-1 '. f} _-U~.L!ml J{:;i.~ --. ---....... Sl'ATE OF MINNESDTA DEPAIITIIENT OF TRANSPORTATION - SPICIFlCATICIII .IFDINCa 2506 STAMDAID PLATI lID. PRECAST CONCRI:.IE BASE 40118 \ r'-- r TWO ADDITIONAl. BOTTOM BARS CENTu.w BETWEEN 8OTTOM BARS. 3" ;j SEE TA8lE FOR SIZE. IF TIE HOlE IS LOCATED SO THAT It IS 'EQUAl TO OR GREATER THAN V4 aF TI€ COVER DLWETER. SPACE I ADDITIONAl. BOTTOM BARS ON BOTH .a...~ aF TIE NDLE. I JLL.I .f- I -( .. I ,--- . ./ ~>:)'~"~# .. )/1/ /I ~ / / I A )/ ~~~. // /- L ,K.-( 27" DIA. HOLE \ ~4>( I t" L NO.5 BAR 2' 10" LONG ~'~ C(:~-~" -, I. ,~' .- - IN BOTTOW __~ . +__ . _ __ .1' \.: /' I '\ : ~' ~, ", "::.. 'k I / / / I ,\. - I ,-- Z // ! --- - " - - I NO.4 AT 10" EACH WAY OPTIONAL WIN. ~L~~ TYPICAL ALL COVERS HANOLI~OIA. - 2 j7 4 DEVICE . . ---r7 .... .... .:: '.~ ", ... t -/ :..: . : ~.:. ~ .; :: '.~ :. ~:. ~ ..... ~~ : .:-/ .~.:-.. .) '\ ""'"'=::) NO. 5 BARS. PLACE ON TOP or BOTTOM BARS. TYPICAL ALL COVERS. ONE EXTRA BAR IN THE BOTTou.. CENTER BETWEEN FIRST AND SECOND BAR NEXT TO HOLE. '=' . . ) '. ) 3" i: I : i I ~ I I I 1 i NO. 5 BARS. PLACE ON TOP or BOTTOM BARS. TYPICAL ALL COVERS. PLAN or COVER TOP BA~S NOT SHOWN COVER OIAWE'rER K ;~ ~- WANHOLE OIAWETER - j .;, , -I c.8. OR M.H. DIA. "8" -) 54" 60" "" ) 12" TI" 14" 90" ".. ) 102" JOI" 120- SECTION A-A TABLE COVER WEIGHT or . BOTTQW BARS DIAWETER SECTION T K L EACH WAY sa" I. 11"0 LB5. '''' ,,,. 8" NO. 5 AT '" '5" 1'90 LB5. 8'" '" 8'" NO. 5 AT 8" 72" 2510 LB5. I'" 7" '" NO. 5 AT 7". 79" j 3090 LBS. I'" 7'" '" NO. 5 AT T" I'" j 3720 LB5.' I'" 1"110'" NO. 5 AT '" '3" I ....00 LBS., I'" I" 10'" NO. 5 AT 5" 100" I 5140 LBS., I'" '" U'" NO. 5 AT 5" 107" I 5930 LBS.I I'" '" n"l NO. 5 AT 5 II 11.... I 6110 LBS.' 8..t '"'U''' NO. 6 AT '" 121" I T6TO LBS.I ."' ''''12"' NO. , AT 5" 126" Il2SZO LBS.112"'JO"'12ul NO. 5 AT 6" 1"0" '15560 LB5. '12"111"113"' NO. 5 AT 6 II . -. -, I .~~ APPROVED _ ~ ~9!M _ A J ONE EXTRA BAR IN THE BOTTOM. CENTER BETWEEN FDRST AND SECOND BAR NEXT TO HOLE. MIN. or THREE HANOLING HOLES AT 120- SPACING - I I I I : = "'4 '&0.1 7-, - u . ~ -t ,I : = "'4 'w 7-, - u --rv-- NOTES: AASHTO HS 25 LOADI~ WAXIWUU rILL HEIGHT 8 n. THE NO. "020 SHAU. BE PERWANENTL Y WARKED ON THE TOP OF' THE COVER. EQUIVALENT STEEL AREAS IN WIRE IiIESH WAT BE USED. REINF'ORCDtENT PER SPEc. 3301. GRADE 60. DESIGNER NOTE: Wf€N STRUCTlI'E IS USED AS A CATCH BASIN. GJVE x ~ Y COORDlNA TES t1F BOTH TIE CENTERLINE FOR A. C. r OR G STRUCTURE AND THE CENTERLINE FOR THE "Wow STRUCTURE. DESIGNA TION: ST AtC)AR[) PLATE - DESIGN DJA. EXAYIIL DESIGN 66 - 4020 STATE or MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF' TRANSPORT A TlON SPECIF'ICA liON STANDARD J ftU't.RENCE PLA TE NO. ) R$~-' --- - ACTING STATE DESIGN ENGINEER MANHOLE OR CATCH BASIN COVER FOR USE WITH OR WITHOUT TRAFFIC LOADS 4020G u , 2506 1 .J -I A t_ J TOP VIEW f 2-112-- A t..t f 1-1/4-- f ~ 2- ,- t"t". , .. 1-1/2-"'1 ~ -. ~V .. lS-1/4"" L.JJF' lro .. L...~ 1.112J 1'.--. .. = ...-1" 1"'" SECTION A-A STOOL TYPE GRATE (Casting No. 731) 1" Radim \ - -0.2. Sump 'r '1'/ ~ LTOPOf - ". .J Topsoil ~";'.~'I l . 4.:,.. 'I 2"0" t:.~~ Pay hei;ht ~.. -.:. coaaputecl to L .. . - .004. this line SECTION B-B ,~~~'\ Coac:nca frame shall be REINFORCED CONCRETE FRAME let all a fuJllDCIftar beci. (FarCastiDIJ No. 731) B -L ,. 3' 6"" - B .J 4-1/4.. . Top of Fna.l W4" \ -, . 1 ~ 1 ~2N dr. 8'" J ,. 4" l- ... , ,..[- t L ". ~: 4... '1 .. -. -: :~ '..: r ... . ~J,. r. ;-..} I'~ ;~"I TOP VIEW No. 3.:.. ..aIar niDI. bar" appraL 2" ,. __ apt No. 3 MJ." ... (See cletail FRAME Nv I:': Frame may be pnc:a...;. or cast-in-p1ace. ...:..... ..L ~ !.LJ.!! K)i_~ ('I ]"... ~ _0 .... D~. . -I . .. .. f-- , ~ \ L. 5.~ J NO.3 wL- BAR CASTING NO. 731 & F~ME STATE OF MINNE.w.A DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SPlClflCATION ST ANDAID IEFUDICI PUTE NO_ STOOL GRATE & CONCREII: FRAME (lu.u1AH DRAINS) ...-,.,.". ~",_"~_,,,,'''~o<_''''''_'_'''''__''''_'~''''"'''''''''''''''''''''''''''-'''____'~'''-''___'_'~''''',~'''';'''''''o-W' "._....~ . ...... ,", 2506 4143D If' ( f I f I ( ( ,. a ,; o 5~ :II I :wi ~ ii i f fit - q .~ .... : i il ... .. i J~i ~ , I CI .. .. ........ · r I' J: ~ ~ i ~ ~ r ~l 'f '1 .,if~ I t Ii! Y' ... .. ... I1t ,; r I )- :J I .~~.. ~ ~. j il--~~.t~r JII ~ , iJ~~ "~i ! ~ ~ r"al r:, ""l'i'ti~ 1 ~ q-t... :if . . I ,. ... . ~ r- ;rH.irliJUt~ I f IJ II II ~ tI- 'I" t 'f (II' 1.1 · .f I II J.. f h ~U! tlif ! 'lfr~~ H!~ f !fhr i]tf : f II' hlf .i t tlIS2. i , ,~ ...., '. .,- ( ( , ( ( ( I . ( :( ~ ~ n ~ V .. IL . ~ a t,;I I ~r r i ~:-~ t ~ -~' - -.. oC ' , . . ..' .. - n '''::,' J: " :... ,.,:1 ./ R.J.. " 11 I u .::.. l .~I riB H ~- ' ~ @ r:. ,~' ---- -I_ ... .r'";.' :~. .r 2 · .--.- · ,'..~ ..c -, t--J @(6) e e JI' , , .,Ir If . I tJ. · : r r r .!~ tlltfl rl. t f 'I.' rP , J .hl 'IId 1 ~ i ,I s ro .. I - .l~ 1 ~ . ._1 TYPE I 1 J I .1 i I -I ::'1 --I. _-I ...1 ::.olt : ., . r . ; ,..:'. .E; 'i :0':'> TYPE n For TYPE I ~mcacles the suppor: ~AY include other unstripec! hor-.%onw pule1s necesury to ~rovuie stAbibty @ 8" miD. , 12" mu. " ~ rll~""~~A · _20o~ TYPE m · ~SOmiD. _~Oo.. 1 450.1/ /.~I$.. "5 / / "'., "'''t,,, .., :.. ,. y / AI.\\ '(I"'\\'C/A.\'V^"V/ ",VAil. \\ 'f,I Ao" '(1/ A.. " Ij\\ "- ' _ .' ....._ ... _ ....:;... ;",'1 ... .......... .... -- '-.. .. ~ .0.. -r':)~ III t. . J_ f . 'I..~ '..::y ""'.... =nst:'I.lc:t1on P~)~.s. :.l:uess ......_. 'II...... "'~~__.__: .eo_ __..~a_. ,.,:-~1S1W~:s...r .eqwa...cn.s. ~ .. - _...........-_...--a :y :'"1e =ntractor sn..u nAve.~: a ~~~~~:.;~. :-a.u:=a::s : ~~C:':~S4ll~C.~ i:'::' ':: :Mt .cne;. I I ~ --'J:= ~ 7YPE m . = ~:. .. -Width of S_:...... -:,~. ~,... 6 in. Heif;ht Number of R.efiec:tOrizeci 1W1 Faces 3 ::. ~1~. 3 f:. ::Un. 5 ft. miL 2 !one each :~ec-.1c::i 4 (two eKit ciirection) 3 if fxiDcJ a-affjc ill =- A~ ~ if faci!IIJ traffic ill twO &rr. *F=r :~ii':)Oa::.5l~ :::a:-, 3 :: ,::';. .; ~. .ot.ilCe it."":;2l!S SW Of \.l5eci. Notes: R.ai1boarcls shall be ccns::nzaeci oi li;nt.we~: ::ate:-~. suc~ u. nOr:1uW 1.. x S'. :nin.. 12.. mu. .aocl.....G.l2S.. x 8" mm. . 12" mas. .!w:ur.~ ex~c:: :::lCU:S :l!' Q:~e! ::"~ter".&is A.........:. by the MDJDOT ~W1CIR of TraIIic E..,..... , ..:.. 01. MarkizI9s far b-..:.....Ae railOoarCs s:wl be Aiter:1ate ora::;e anei .....ne reilec:...~ ._~... siopiDrJ ...___41__....._ 4S UJne ill the ct. _...:._ a-ai5e is to p~- Mflec:c. _...1 ftle._:.ai sft.a1l :neet Spec. 33S~ ReDacdIe -1'" ;... - · ~. -. Heif;ilt of re:l_.....: _ sheeonq on :a:i=0&rcl face siWl be a m:..:....um of'". . ~ willa mipes .... -. b_,-; At the u~e:- r.;::: sic:e anci s:c;:e clownwani to the 1., ~. left side .. 10 be ... . - --..I _ -agIIe_ (Il) .... ..3_ L.:_ces with _~..._. whr...: bect.n At dle .."".. left sicle ancl slope cIo_..__i to .. ..... riJht.... ID ... Mlipagd as ..left.. (L) Dm'icacies- STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION I spawr.c.TIGII\-STMtDIPft aEPDBICE ::Pl.ATE . . _ .;.' IlL.. . . .., - .4. _. ..- --~~o .':~ :'80001 . . 110- ..- ~...... . .. STANDARD BARRICADES Ii J.'i~ tt~ [ f f. J l [ .. e - ~ r ------ . .' R. ~ ,----- -::..--; _I itt rh II --J~-----i' - ." U I't iJr Pili! I m a :II II ~l !l".1 L~ ~ ~ I ~ Ie. 1 tif III ~1 ~ I ! m ~ ~ 00 I Jlt ,.r i; i ~ ; .,..,. wr 1 I If ~ Ji . ~ ; ~ i I lit ... r ------- S ; J hi ;1 m 51 min. . ~.::::::,~ ::::::~. :~~~'~ ,.,.?iJ' :::-::::::" ~":":'::C'. :::~o;.-, .:' :~::~~':O':;"'. :' 0\ . ....: ~i ,z~: :1 ~~ ,. ',:: ~;~!:::::o ~ ~ ~:~1:::':::.:". ~ l\J .'" 0\' ~...;~.. .,~-, -- _ . .' - fl. - ~ f.(~",' '~" ~ I~.' . . . .... ...... ::..~,.. ':0':;' ,.~,', .... ::;:: .~. ~.~:. ~ ':->>-=-t!: .' ~;: , ,;., '-.";';0 f .",',....:.;.~, r :~mm~~:'; ~ :~_i~:,:..:. I ::'r.:::::;:;~:: ~i'ii':O..ol'I" " ~:o..:::::"'.: . ';':"0:9;-;': ~,., ...To.."... '.;;:"/'';:'' --: :. '; , :~. ,. "'~~~ I.; 1 '.::... CS il, CI! : ~ .; .~ ::: ~. ~~...~ :' ,.~ .,~: ...: .LI'~'''::::: M o .,.' ::~.. ;:.:r-: _ .' : :~ -, :J':~;m. · :~ :;~f~ C) ~: ..',.. ( ~). ~::.-= ~ ~r.;: ,',:: ,~:: - Ii'..;.o,. - ,',(', ,... .:.:,' ..' .,'iI' If . , . : '~..,. -.' ..l -. . :1 I! I :' . , ~:": ~o:: ~ ,/'~ . ... , . :: . : l' . . . L . II ~ A.JprOK. 2' 8" . 2' 2" min. _ 113.1/4" I' 3-1/4" 7.112-' I'll ~ ~ .... · - ..... ........... Z CI < ; r------------i ..".. 4ft, ..... ~------------I :T ~ ~ ;1 i I~ m = S ";1 -n . -.. ~.... -", ,. , (-., - ' __ ____ -' -. .-_ --. ....,.. .-. --'II -.... -,- - _- ! ,~-- I !. I .' ti o 1 ~ ~ O! ~ , ti , " pi! il~ II; IiI .'" . .j.. I .: ........, .' . ... , "'. ~ r'..............'...--" ....~I ......__ "'__ "--- """'-- '- .",,", . ,..... , r iI' ii' - ~I il~ I; l ~~..~ I !~ I.. I II I I I~ al G ~ ~~i N · a N Ut " Ut ~, )-- r- Ro.d Surf.ce I l Ro.d Surface , ./ o Wood fiber Blanket. (Spec_ 388S) stapled at. .' ,- Int.ervals or less Seed with Mixture 5 (Spec. 38'1) prior to placing 'Iber blanket SODDING DETAIL MULCHING a 8110 DE'rAIL QUANTITIES (Sq. Yd..) AROUND CULVERT APRONS CD INLET APRON Sod or Mulch Are. Culvlrt t8q, Yd.,) DI.m..., M...I Concrl" -A- -S. .C" "D. Apron Apron , - -. .--.--... 15- a 8maller 7 I 3' 1.5' 3' 13' - -, 11. U 10 3' 3' 3' 18' --~ .--..-- 24. 13 13 3' 3' 3' 18' - - 30. II - 19 3' 4,5' 3' 22' 3'- 21 29 4.5' 4.&' 4,5' 27' 42- 3. 34 4,&' I' 4.5' 30' 4S- 45 42 4.5' 7,5' 4,&' - 34' 54- 54 47 4'.5' I' 4,5' 37' 10- 57 4S 4.5' I' 4,&' 39' IS- Sl SO 4.5' 9' 4.&' 39' 72- SS 51 4.5' 10,&' 4,&' 41' 7S- 7S 7& S' 10,5' 8' 45' -- 14- 71 71 .' 10.5' I' 45' 10. - 77 .' 10,5' e' 45' NOTES: Ar.a Ihown In aquare yards Is lor on. culver. end, For Plpo A,ehos use are. o' equlv.'en. dl.me.er pipe, Are.. '.nd dlmen.'ons .re approxlmat. and ar. based on culver' slopes, bul no at.eper than 2:1. OUTLET APRON Sod or Mulch Are. Culvlrt (Sq. Yd.,) Dlam"lr M.... Concre.. -A- -S- -C- -D- Apron Apron 15- I Smaner I I 4.5' 1.5' 3' 13' ..- 11 11 S' 1.5' 3' 14' 24- 15 15 7.S' 1.5' 3' 1S' 30- 11 20 I' 1.5' 3' IS' 31- 30 30 10.5' 1.5 4.5' 23' .- 42- 31 34 12' I.S' 4.5' 2S1 41- 41 39 13.5' 1.5' 4.5' 27' 54- 47 41 15' 1.5' 4.5' 21' 10- 12 52 IS.S' 1.1' S' 33' II- 13 51 11.11 1.1' I' 33' 72- 14 5S IS.5' 1.5' II 341 7S- 15 12 IS.S' 1.1' I' 34' 14- II S3 11.5' 1.1' I' 311 10- - IS ".1' 1.1' .' 311 D.lall. are Ihown tor MIl" Apronl Ih. lam. dlm.nllonll ...pI dlm,nllon -0-. appe, wh.n a oon..I. apron II uled. Dlmenllon -D- ma, v." alii"'" dUI 10 dlner.nl wldthl 01 apron t,om _'al and oon..... Dlme...lon -D- ahown tor 10- cIIa. 1P'0n II tor oonor.', apron. ~c. CD Addltlona' quantlll'l ma, bl .hown In U.. plan or required by thl Engln..r. ..J -' ' -'" - r r ( r . I L ( ;. 'Ii aLTE..a. u. POST DCIOIIII " , I ( (, \.. I '- r ~ 1- GIIw. 7;~~ spring stili A tInsIan ..... ~ ; '~2"1 Alar.tII~ T f .,. InIce III' Z' 6" .;. locatl_ L .i. ~ 10'" .... I ur r c.n.r tllta1l11r ~ ~ GIll. ., till ell ....... A .......~ Ira. t,. 'IP. UnlPIIt LIIE SECTIOI UnI PIll I t~ ! UnlPIIt 10' r c..- II r...... .-....... .w. - I 12'" elL PULL. U. OIC01" POST alDllCElI LIE POST J-1Ir ...... L Drt~~ i Wire -.rit tD III _n iNothllla '- ... tile tntin ___.' .." at the IIIIric ll. _ . ~ : ~ J-JII"' ~ lIT' . ~- --~.~ I -1 J~ 1- ur' :i 1J ! I i 11-5,." t ~.yoo I I 1[-' J Jl-7'" , t ~ ~ J l ... f -' - BRACE lIAR UIE POST P\U.. END OR COMER POST ALlcnNATE ROLl. FOAMED DETALS fial..am _ .... SIliIc."" I -~~. ....0 - ALT.IIOLL Fa-- END GI COllIER POa ,_ a ......1 c.-- r - ~ , SIIE TYPICAL ... END~ APPROVED J!!!C..:. .!9~ ~ 'i?:JL7..g.:. -"- 0--.. ......... "-da ... ......... NOTES: 1. '....I.-t - I" .... mrMr .. ..U .-t: ~ __ ..... 3.15 ID-Ift. 10.. ,..... B-ln- il 3-1n-) 5." a.lft. 2. L1ne...ts...1I M 7. ,- ..,. r: I-In- __ ..... 2.12 a./ft. loll ,.... U-5Ir x l-7Ir)1.11) ...Ift. .IL 3. Inc:e..... ...11 M: 1-"'- ... ..... 2.%1 .../ft. loll ,.... (1-1,... 11 1-51rJ 1.31 1..Ift. 10.... ,.... .-. ...... ... .. ~ .-t ,.,....... M" -.. 9D ~... 1IenIr. aI. .-...u tD .. Iir.- 45. '0 All IIIDIU 11III11 IIIIlIe an ____ ....... to ....1' ..ld tile bID ~ian .ire ill ...itian ... ou_ for ~ ... f"I!Dl~ of a IIDIt .,u.t --. tile taD ~Ian ..re. see leDaL ;, Pull ClOSt 1DIIC1111 IIDt to aaed SOD f.t. S. Chain Ll" Ferle 11III11 De: 9 _. r... .iat ...a1.. _bage taP _ IIGtUa. ... eonf.. to ....i..-u of AASIIII II 111 Twe II. IV. Desi", ID-BZZ "'U De fwRi... in T_ II ,~ Coatld SteeU. Desl", IGW--IJZZ -.1. De Twe IV '....1 ... ..11II f_ac). 7. ware 11_ _ M , _ .... StIIU .. 0.111 ... ..... ~II., cmfww_ tit &S1IlZll. &11. 1..... _ 12-112'" _. _a.. s~a _ ra.. ,.. __ ..,. Ues. S. lIIere tenee _t eras -.all lladies of..... (1UdI _ oonasl Ulat freeze _iftl tile .1..... .. U tale _.. steel ties or D.l'" 01__ ties. """ule _y bD ties ~ Ii. IIIIUI. 9. .. oU..-e .i... Ii.. DOSt ...... is .... De "-1"- far tile aBC. ......... is_wL 10. Cancntte ......... IIlDll .. .... far eIlI ..... .-ca ... for first U_ ..-tel) ..... tit ...... ___ n. 'ap of amcrete........ IIIIDlI De cr..- 1-....__ ....... @ Iota. taai_ llire,..a.... ally .... r.a is JD r.t .. less f". tile .... fit 0 ,...., ....... 13. See IMet 2 of 2 for .... dIIIIlll. t STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SPICIPlCATIGII IEFUIIICE ST.~a_ ' ~n 1_ 322. J' 1 of 2 I CHAIN LINK FENCE STEEL POSTS - UNE POSTS 2557 1 1 ........ ..."....... .... ........., .. . IlL r". Truss ... 1 I... .... -1 1 , .1 -, ... .. 1 f LT._ u-ars. .:I.r' , t - trO' " lie . ~... I". ., . II )'0" ClldlIIa-' ;=t .: :- J'r . . ,. , ,. ~ Jl"1iI.-W~ 5in* GIll .:1 j , '. , ..1 .~ M"I 1; ...... GIll ... t,. DiL ..... iii. .-." VIla.- II liTE I -..., I ... ,10" I l ,. F..- fW ~ ..... ...1 .: s..a ,... 1-1n- ... ..... 2.12 ...nt. 1. .... far ~a_ IiaUI _II De: suea &Me "t -Z- __ laa.. 3.&5 ala. 1ft... I. ....... .... IIr 2. ..a far ..lad.. s... _II De: s.e1 &ne ~ )-1" ... .1... 9.11 .Ia./ft.. I. ..... 3. F..- fW ~.. ~ _I. .: ~ ,... ,.... OIL ...... 1.. ....nt. J j ,: ., .,. . , ,. ., :I~ , , "'" ,I ., , . , ,. .1, H. I, .u. JZ" t.. ~ PDUTIIIII II. -.E: SIa SIIIIt 1 ,.. .-t. Nwlc. ... .... - "-1"-". - ~l~~1 ........ --- .............. ITATEOF_ Eok,lA DEPAR1'IEIIOF~ATION IPICIPlCATDI IIPIHICE CHAIN -LINK. FENCE GATES 2557 ST......... ....R .. 322J 2 o~ 2 -j , _J OJ .J J J I ('I'HIS PAGE WAS IN'I'EN'!'IONALL Y LE~\ll' BLANK) SPEC-I02.02S APPE:NUlX D . Labor Provisions for State Funded Projects and Prevailing Wage Rates For State Funded Projects 102-025-20 December 2, 1993 ~IATE FUNDED COhlrU\~1 SPECIAL PROVISIONS DIVISION A A-, GOVERNING SPECIFICATIONS The Minnesota Depal 1... .ent of Transportation Standard Specifications for Construction, 1988 Edition and the Supplemental Specifications to the 1988 edition dated January 2, 1991, shall apply on this Contract except as modified or altered in the following special provisions. A-2 ,-LABOR PROVISIONS The Contractor shall have copies of these labor Provisions on file at his/her job headquaners, and shall post a notice, approved by the Engineer, in a conspicuous place at the site of the work, informing his/her employees that these provisions are available for their inspection. Copies of these provisions can be secured from the State without charge. A-2_1 Employment Classifications All employees on the project shall be classified as in one of the following four categories, according to the definitions given: (') Executive or Administrative: Employees in this category shall be classified according to the definitions for Executive and Admini~L ative employees as adopted by the Secretary of Labor, and in effect at the time of invitation for bids. (2) Skilled: Skilled labor shall include the operators of complex, heavy power equipment and skilled craftsmen at the journeyman grade. (3) Intermediate Grade: Intermediate grade labor shall include: (a) operators of power equipment except: complex, heavy power equipment, trucks of 1-1/2 tons or less (manufacturer's. awd capacity), tractors of less than twenty horsepower (manufacturer's rated capacity) and passenger cars; and (b) persons doing any other labor that requires considerable training and experience. . Page 1 December 2, 1993 (4) Unskilled: Unskilled labor shall include: (a) operators of trucks of 1-1/2 tons or Ipc-c; (manufacturer's rated capacity), operators of tractors of less than twenty horsepower (manufacturer's rated capacity), and operators of passenger cars; and (b) helpers of journeyman craftsmen and all other labor that requires no special skill or experience or the exercise of discretion or judgement. A-2.2 Labor Information In the selection of labor, the Contractor may avail himself/herself of the services of the Minnesota State Employment Service. A-2.3 Minimum Wage Rates The minimum hourly rates of wages required to be paid to the various laborers and mechanics employed by the Contractor and the subcontractors in the construction work on the contract shall be an amount equal to the sum of the basic hourly wage rate plus applicable fringe benefits as certified by the Minnesota Cepa. L...ent of Labor and Indu~La f for State Funded Construction Projects for the appropriate contract area. These rates have been determined by the Minnesota De- pa.La..ent of Labor and Indu-=>>L. f pursuant to the provisions set forth in Minnesota Statutes, Section 177.44. If no wage schedule is contained in the Contract, it is the responsibility of the Contractor to obtain a copy from the Minnesota Depa. u. .ent of Labor and Induo:.L f prior to bidding. From the time an hourly employee is required to report for duty at the site of the work until he/she is released or allowed to leave the site of the work" no deduction shall be made from his/her time for any delays of less than thiny consecutive minutes. In the event the Contractor or subcontractor employs apprentice workers under the occupational training program of the State of Minnesota, Depa. L. .ent of Education, or under the Division of Voluntary Apprenticeship of the State of Minnesota, Depa. La ..ent of Labor and Indu~L f, or under the Veterans Training Program of the United States Veterans Administration, he/she may pay wages to such apprentice workers at hourly rates approved by the appropriate agency despite the hourly rates specified in the schedule of wage rates to be paid to any classification of labor. A Contractor or subcon La cactor may discharge his/her minimum hourly. cab:J obligation as defined above by (1) making cash payments to the employee plus payments to an employee's fringe benefit program, funded or unfunded, eo:alablished by collective bargaining agreements, the sum of which is equal to the minimum hourly Page 2 December 2, 1993 rate, or (2) making payments in cash to the employee' in the amount equal to the minimum hourly rate. While the rates shown are the m~nimum hourly rates required for the life of this Contract, this is not a representation that labor can be obtained at these rates. It is the responsibility of bidders to inform themselves as to loeallabor conditions and prospective changes or adju.:tL.. .ents of wage rates. No increase in the Contract price shall be allowed or authorized due to payment or rates more than those listed . All cash payments due to mechanics and laborers employed or working upon the site of the work shall be paid unconditionally, not less often than once a week, and without subsequent deductions or rebate on any account despite any contractual relationship that may be alleged to exist between the Contractor or subcontractor and such laborers and mechanics. The schedule shall be kept posted by the Contractor at the site of the work in a conspicuous place where it can be easily seen by the workers. The at II HK1\If City of Prior Lake may withhold or cause to be withheld from the Contractor part of the amount due to the Contractor as may be considered necpc-;ary to ensure payment to laborers and mechanics employed by the Contractor or any subcontractor on the work the full amount of the minimum hourly rates required by the Contract. A-2.4 PrevaDing Hours of Labor The Prevailing Wages for State Funded Con.:.... ,",ction Contracts issued by the Minnesota Cepa, U I.ent of Labor and Indu~L f set forth the prevailing hours of labor as eight (8) hours per day and fony (40) hours per week. According to Minnesota Statutes Section 177.44, Subdivision 1, employees may not be allowed or required to work longer than the prevailing hours of labor unless the employee is paid for all hours more than the prevailing hours at a rate of at least 1-1/2 times his/her hourly basic rate of pay; nor shall he/she be paid a lesser rate of wages than the prevailing wage rate in the same or most similar trade or occupation in the area. A-3 Required Contract Provisions These Contract provisions shall apply to all work done on the Contract by the Contractor with his/her own organization and with the assi<.:>>i.ance of employees under his/her immediate superintendence and to all work done on the Contract by piecework, :.i.ation work or by subconL.oct. The Contractor shall insert in each of his/her v..:Uen subconLao,-~ or purchase orders all stipulations co..LAined in these Required Contract Provisions and a clause requiring his/her subcon La actors to include these Required Con'u act Provisions in any lower tier subco.. L CI~ l.>> that they may enter, with a clause requiring the inclu- Page 3 December 2, 1993 sion of these provisions in any further subcontracts that may in turn be made. The Required Contract Provisions shall in no instance be incorporated by reference. A breach of any of the stipulations contained in these Required Contract Provisions may be grounds for termination of the Contract. A-3.1 Statements and Payrolls A. Payrolls and payroll records: (1) Payrolls and basic records relating thereto will be maintained during the work and preserved for three years after that for all laborers, mechanics, apprentices, trainees, watchpersons and guards working at the site of the work. (2) The payroll records shall contain name, social security number and address of each such employee, his/her correct classification, rates of pay, daily and weekly number of hours worked, deductions made and actual wages paid. Whenever it is found that the wages of any laborer or mechanic include the amount of any co.:a~ anticipated in providing benefits under a plan or program, the Contractor shall maintain records that show that the commiu..ent to provide such benefits is enforceable, that the plan or program is financially responsible, and that the plan or program has been expressed in w.; &.;ng to the laborers or mechanics affected and records that show the costs anticipated or the actual cost incurred in providing such bene1:~. (3) The payrolls shall contain the following info. I' .ation: (a) The employee's full name, address and social security number. The employee's full name and social security number need only appear on the first payroll on which his/her name appears. The employee's address need only be shown on the first submitted payroll on which the employee's name appears, unless a change of address requires a submittal to reflect the new address. (b) The employee's classification. (c) Entries showing the employee's basic hourly wage rate and, where applicable, the overtime hourly rate. The payroll should show separately the amou..~ of employee and employer contributions to fringe benefit funds and/or programs. Any fringe benefits paid to the employee in cash must be shown. There is no prescribed or mandatory form for showing the above information on payrolls. (d) The employee's daily and weeldy hours worked in each classification including actual overtime hours worked (not adjusted). (e) The itemized deductions made; and (f) The net wages paid. (g) The Contractor shall submit weeldy all payrolls to the County/City Engineer. The copy shall be accompanied by a statement signed by the employer or his/her agent showing that the wage rates contained therein are not less than those determined by the Capa. La. .ent of Labor and Indu-=-la f, and that the classification set Page 4 December 2, 1993 forth for each laborer or mechanic conform with the work he/she performed, i.e., Fo.... Mn/DOT 21658. (4) The Contractor shall make the records required under the labor ~"-ndards clauses of the Contract available for inspection by authorized represen1c.~ ,es of the ~'MWCity of Prior Lake , and the Department of Labor and Indu...t. (, and shall allow such representatives to interview employees during working hours on the job. (5) The wages of labor shall be paid in legal tender of the United States, except that this will be considered satisfied if payment is made by negotiable check, on a solvent bank, which may be cashed readily by the employee in the local community for the full amount, without discount or collection charges of any kind. Where checks are used for payment, the Contractor shall arrange for them to be cashed and shall give information regarding such arrangements. (6) No fee of any kind shall be asked or accepted by the Conl.actor or any of his/her agents from any person as a condition of employment on the project. (7) No laborers shall be charged for any tools in doing their respe~a.: tie duties except avoidable loss or damage thereto. (8) Every employee on the work covered by this Con u act shall be allowed to lodge, board and trade where and with whom he/she elects, and neither the Contractor nor his/her agents, nor his/her employees shall, directly or indirectly, require as a condition of employment that an employee shall lodge, board or trade at a particular place or with a particular person. (9) No charge shall be made for any transpo, Lation furnished by the Conuactor, or his/her agents, to any person employed on the work. (10) No individual shall be employed as a laborer or mechanic on this COnl-act except on a wage basis, but this shall not be con~L ued. to prohibit the rental of teams. trucks or other equipment from an individual. Page 5 I ('l'HIS PAGE WAS IN'l"EN'l'IONALL Y LEftl' BLA~K) HINNBScnA D6J:ARTHBlft OP LABOR AND INDUSTRY PREVAILING WAGBS POR S~ .PURDED CONSTRUCTION ~I\.OJEC'1'S --.....-------..-- --_...-----~- THIS NOTICE KUST BB POS~ ON THE JOBSITB IN A CONSPI\..uOUS PLACE --------------------------------- CONSTRUCTION 'J.J..1"'E: HIGHWAY AND nuVY COUNTY: 70'SCOTT EFFECTrvE: 941017 , THIS PROJECT IS COv~ B... HINNESO'.rA Pb"..aLIHG WAGE STA~. WAGB ~ LISTED BELOW ARE THE HINIKUH HOu1d.Y RATES 'to BB PAZD ONJ.l1.LS PROJBCT. ALL aOUAS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EI\:JtlJ.' (8) HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY (40) HQuAS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT A RAT~ OF ONE AND ONE HALF (1 1/2) TIMES TBB ,BASIC HOURLY RATE. VIOLATIONS SHOULD BE REPORTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, OFPICE OF CONSTRUCTION, TRANSPORTATION BLDG, JOHN IRELAND BLVD, ST PAUL, MN 55155 612-297-5716. * INDICATES THAT ADJACENT COtn..l.1 RATES wJ:..t\E USED FOR Th~ LABOR CLASS LISTED. THE LABOR CLASSIFICATIONS LISTED ARE ONLY THOSE EXPECTED TO BE NEEDED TO COMPLETE THE PROJECT. IF MORE CLASSES OF LABOR ARE NEEDED FOR THIS PR~~~T, CONTACT Th~ DEPARTMENT. LABOR CODE AND CLASS E~~ECT BASIC FRNGE TOT}~ DAT~ RATE RAT~ RATE -------------------~--------------------------- 101 LABORER, COMMON (GEN LABOR WRK) 941017 15.45 05.70 21.1: 950501 16.25 05.70 21.9: 204 BTHNOUS SPREADER , FINISn~A 941017 15.60 05.70 21.; 950501 16.40 05.70 22.: 941017 07.90 00.45 08.~ 941017 09.36 02.32 11.: 941017 15.90 05.70 21.E 950501 16.70 05.70 22.4 941017 15.65 05.70 21.2 950501 16.45 05.70 22.: 941017 16.23 05.75 21.f 950501 16.83 06.15 22.~ 941017 19.27 05.75 25.0 950501 19.87 06.15 26.0. 941017 19.57 05.75 25.3 950501 20.17 06.15 26.3, 941017 19.27 05.75 2S.0~ 950501 19.87 06.15 26.0~ 102 LABORER, SKILLED (ASST CRFT JRNY 103 LABORER, LANDSCAPING 104 FLAGPERSON 107 PIPELAYER (WATER, SEWER & GAS) 109 UNDRGRND & OPEN DITCH LABORER 201* AIR COMPRESSOR OPERATOR 202 ASPHLT, BTMNOUS STBLZR OPERATOR 203 DRGLN/SMLR EQMT W/::.av CONTROLS COUNTY: 70 SCOTT . 'LABOR CODB AND CLASS !l4~U~'1 H u~a.oe.1. ~J.c.; ~Kft\:i.t; ~v~ DAB RATB RATE aATE -----~--~----------~-----~ 219 GREASER (TRUCK AND TRACTOR) 941017 16.23 05.75 21.98 950501 16.83 06.15' 22.98 941017 16.23 05.75 21.98 950501 16.83 06.15 22.98 941017 16.23 05.75 21.98 950501 16.83 06.15 22.98 941017 19.27 05.75 25.02 950501 19.87 06.15 26.02 941017 19.27 05.75 25.02 950501 19.87 06.15 26.02 941017 16.23 05.75 21.98 950501 16.83 06.15 22.98 941017 . 19.57 05.75 25.32 950501 20.17 06.15 26.32 941017 19.27 05.75 25.02 950501 19.87 06.15 26.02 941017 19.57 05.75 25.32 950501 20.17 06.15 26.32 941017 16.23 05.75 21.9E 950501 16.83 06.15 22.9: 941017 15.02 05.75 20.7- 950501 15.62 06.15 21.-- 205 BTHNOUS SPREAD & FINISAAJ( ~BR 207 CONCRETE DIST,SPRDR,FINIS~ 208* CONCRETE SAW (kuuTI BLADB,PWR) 209 CROSHER,WASHER,SCREEN OPERATOR 210 CuxB MACHINE 211 FRONT END LOADER u~ TO INCL 1 CU 212* FINE GRADE OPERATOR 214 FRONT END LOADER OVER 1 CU YO 217 GRADER/MOTOR PATROL,MULTI USE 218 GRADER (MOTOR PATROL) 220* HOIST ENGINEER 941017 19.27 05.75 06.15 - ...---- 950501 19.87 ... ,- ":;::l . ... _ 221 SELF PROPELLED CHIP SPREADER 941017 950501 16.23 16.83 05.75 06.15 2., c- - . - 22.~:- 228 BTMNOUS ROLLER 8 TONS & OVER 941017 19.27 05.75 25.0~ 950501 19.87 06.15 26.0: 941017 15.02 05.75 20.7- 950501 15.62 06.15 21.~- 941017 19.27 05.75 25.0: 950501 19.87 06.15 26.0: 941017 15.02 05.75 20.7~ 950501 15.62 06.15 21.7~ 941017 16.23 05.75 21.9E 950501 16.83 06.15 22.9S 941017 19.27 05.75 25.02 950501 19.87 06.15 26.02 222 MECHANIC OR WELDER 223 OILERS (SHOVEL,CRANE,ORAGLINE) 224 PICK UP SWEEPER 226 ROLLER, SELF PROP FOR COMPACTION 227 BTMNOUS ROLLER UP TO 8 TONS 15E~' 1:1\.-..... DAO.I.\.o r ~A :LV.&:.fU.I DAD RAD RATE RA'l'E ~..LUJ.I Ii , comr;ry 170 SCOTT LABOR CODB AND CLASS -------. --~-- ------~~---------------------------------- 941017 19.39 05.75 25.14 950501 19.99 06.15 26.14 941017 15.02 05.75 20.77 950501 15.62 06.15 21.77 941017 19.27 05.75 25.02 950501 19.87 06.15 26.02 941017 16.23 05.75 21.98 950501 16.83 06.15 22.98 941017 19.27 05.75 25.02 950501 19.87 06.15 26.02 941017 13.00 00.00 13.0C 941017 07.25 00.00 07.25 941017 19.27 05.75 25.02 950501 19.87 06.15 26.02 941017 13.75 02.00 15.7: 941017 15.02 05.75 20.7~ 950501 15.62 06.15 21.7~ 941017 16.23 05.75 21.9E 950501 16.83 06.15 22.9: 229* SCRAPER, 32 en YDS AND uv6.rt - 230 SELF PROP VIBRATING p~ - 231 RuaBER TIRED TRACTOR,BACK HOB 232* SHOOLD~ltING MACHINE, APSCO TYPJ:. 233* SLIP FORM (POWER-DRrvEN, PAVING) 234 SCRAPER OPERATOR, UP TO 32 CU YO 235* TRACTOR OP WHEEL 50 H.P. OR LESS 236 TRACTOR OPERATOR, BULLDOZER 237 PWR ACTUATED AUGERS & BORING 238* TRUCK CRANE OILER 239 POST DRIVR MACH/POST HOLE AUGER 25 . C - 05.75 05.15 19.27 19.87 941017 950501 TOWER CRANE 240 25.:~ ...- - ':':..: I'll, : -:' I: I......I..J :5.15 19.:7 20.17 94101i 950501 FRONT END LOADER 5 CU YDS & OVER 243 ...... - . ... ..."" . - ...- - .t.::.': 05.75 06.15 19.57 20.17 941017 950501 HYDRULC BCL~O/CRWLR UPTO 3CU YDS 244 2~...: 25.E 26.: 20.12 20.72 05.75 06.15 941017 950501 HYDRULC BCKHO/CRWLR 3 CU YDS + 245 25.: 05.75 06.15 19.27 19.87 19.27 19.87 941017 950501 941017 950501 MILL, GRIND & PLANING MACHINE OP 246 26.: 25.C 26.C 05.75 06.15 PAVING BREAKER 247 941017 19.27 05.75 25.C~ 950501 19.87 06.15 26.0- 941017 19.27 05.75 25.0~ 950501 19.87 06.15 26.0~ 941017 19.57 05.75 25.3: 950501 20.17 06.15 26.3: 248 TRACTOR OP OVR 50 H.P. WHL .L.I..t"E 249* TRENCHING MACHINE 2 c; 0 J; n.tJCK OR CRAWLER CRANE ",""""&.A ~ . . v "''-W.. Joa..... - ~. ......... ,-.-~ -... ~ --.....- ~... ~- .'LABOR CODE AND CLASS DATE RATE RATE RA'J!E ------------------~--~~~~ ----- ----- 252* BATCH PLANT OPERATOR (COHCRB'tB) 941017 19.27 05.75 25.02 950501 19.87 06.15 26.02 253* CONCR6.L6 MOBILE PLAN'!' Op.6J\ATOR 941017 19.27 05.75 25.02 950501 -19 .87 06.15 26.02 258* CONCRETE PUMPER OP, OR SIKILAR 941017 19.39 05.75 25.14 950501 19.99 06.15 26.14 --- 301* BI'l'tlHINOUS DISTRIBUTOR Dan 6A 941017 11.45 01.47 12.92 302* DUMPER 941017 10.77 00.93 11.70 303* GREASER AND TRUCK MAJ:N'1' WORKER 941017 09.00 00.00 09.00 304* SELF PROPELLED PACKER OPERATOR 941017 13.27 00.93 14.20 305 TRUCK DRIVER (HAULING MACHINERY) 941017 12.20 02.32 14.52 306* SINGLE AXLE OR TWO AXLE UNIT 941017 16.65 03.53 20.18 950501 17.15 03.78 20.93 307 TANDEM AXLE OR THREE AXLE UNIT 941017 16.90 03.53 20.43 950501 17.40 03.78 21.18 308* FOUR AXLE UNIT 941017 17.00 03.53 20.53 950501 17.50 03.78 21.2E 309 FIVE AXLE UNIT 941017 17.55 03.53 21.0: 950501 18.05 03.78 21.8: 310 SIX OR MORE AXLE UNIT 941017 17.55 03.53 21.C: 950501 18.05 03.78 2" .. ~ . ~ 402 BOILERMAKER 941017 20.90 06.92 27 .:, 404 CARPENTER 941017 21.01 05.22 26.: 950501 22.01 05.22 27.:_ 406 CEMENT MASON 941017 21.03 04.77 25.8 950501 22.03 04.77 26.8 407 ELECTRICIAN 941017 21.82 09.27 31. C. 411* SIGNALER 941017 14.79 06.71 21.5 950501 15.23 07.35 22. :: 412 IRONWORKER 941017 21.60 06.64 28.2. 413 LINEMAN 941017 09.00 02.00 11.0 C 416 PILEDRIVERMAN 941017 21.01 05.22 26. 2~ 950501 22.01 05.22 27 . 2: 417* PIPEFITTER - STEAMFITTER 941017 22.56 07.07 29.6~ APPENDIX E · Storm Water Discharge P"'uuit SPEC-I02.02S 102-025-20 ~ (lli"{~"'. .,...,....~~ -~ ' ,'-.- ,-- =. ,- :::z= ., . ---- ~.!- 'f,'.~.",,~ -tt-itl :~.......;~;;" ":~;':.,:::,:.1:-,';:'::'" Application for General Storm" Water Permit for Construction Activity (#MNR100000) Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 520 Lafayette Road North; 81. Paul, MN 55155-4194 I. Construction Site Information 1. Name of project: 2. Brief description of where the construction activity occurs (please include address, if available): 3. Indicate ALL cities, counties, and townships where the construction activity will take place: 4. Name ofwaterbody(s) that will receive storm water from the construction site: 5. Project start date: Project completion date: Area to be disturbed by project: (in a...u..~, II. Prerequisites for Applying for a Permit , . For the following questions, please refer to the ~~DES General Sto&~ Water PeA.~t (~INRIOOOOO). A "No" answer for any question will result in this form being returned to the owner with no permit issued to authorize the construction activity. This application will need to be completed and returned to the l\IPCA before a peu.u.it to authorize the construction activity may be issued. 6. Has a Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Plan been developed for this project in accordance with Appendix A and incorporated into this project's final plans and specifications? 7. Has a PeA. A.l.A.anent Erosion and Sediment Control Plan been developed for this project in accordance with Appendix B and incorporated into this project's final plans and specifications? , 8. Has the Application Fee been enclosed? Yes ] No U Yes U No U Yes U No U III. Owner Information Name Teiephone Address City State Contact Person Telephone Form PQ00641, 9/93 Printed or recycled paper containing at least 159C fibers from paper recycled by consumers. I Zip Code Page 1 -: IV. -Owner Certification I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments \\.ere prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance \,'"ith a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the infvJ. ulation submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person. or persons. \\.ho manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the infoJ. UJ.ation~ the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete C~Iinnesota Rules part 7001.0070). I also certify under penalty of la\v that I have read. understood. and accepted all tel. UJ.S and conditions of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Storm Water permit (~INR100000) that authorizes storm water discharges associated with the construction site identified on the front side of this form. I understand that as a permittee, I am legally accountable under the Clean Water Act, to ensure compliance with the terms and conditions of the ~.t'1JES General Storm Water Peu,uit (MNR100000). I also understand that MPCA enforcement actions (pursuant to ~Iinnesota Statutes sections 115.07, 116.072, and 609.71 and Section 309 of the Clean Water Act) may be taken against my company if the terms and conditions of the NPDES General Storm Water PeJ.,U...it (MNR100000) are not met. Printed Name Title (Manager, CEO, etc.) Authorized Signature Date v. General Contractor Certification I certify under penalty of law that I have read, understood, and accepted all tel. UJ.S and conditions of the National Pollutant Discharge Elim;nation System (NPDES) General Storm Water peuuit (MNR100000) that authorizes stoJ.UJ. water discharges associated with the construction site identified on this form. I understand that for Parts LB. through I.E. Appendix C. and AppendL~ D of the General Storm Water Permit (lVINR100000) I am becoming a co-permittee with the owner of the facility for which I have been contracted to perfoJ..u..L professional construction services. As a co-permittee I understand that my company is legally accountable. under the Clean Water Act, to ensure compliance with the tel. UJ.S and conditions of the General Storm Water Permit (~~100000)' I also understand that l\IPCA enforcement actions ~pursuant to :NIinnesota Statutes sections 115.07, 116.072, and 609.71 and Section 309 of the Clean Water Act) may be taken against my company if the terms and conditions of the ~-PDES General Stvuu Water Permit CMNR100000) for which I am a co-pel. ...,Uittee. are not met. Company or Firm Telephone Printed Name Title (Manager, CEO, etc.) Authorized Signature Date Adcress City State Zip Code Contact Person Telephone Submit to: MPCA, Water Quality Division, Industrial Section, 520 Lafayette Road North, St. Paul, MN 55155-4194 PaQe 2