HomeMy WebLinkAbout3 December 16, 2013 PC minutes PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Monday, December 16, 2013 1. Call to Order: Director Rogness called the December 16, 2013 Planning Commission meeting to order at 6:06 p.m. Those present were Commissioners Eric Spieler, Perri Hite and Wade Larson, Community & Economic Development Director Dan Rogness, City Planner Jeff Matzke, Project Engineer Seng Thongvanhand Development Service Assistant Sandra Woods. Director Rogness asked for a volunteer to be a temporary chair for this meeting. Commissioner Perri Hite accepted this position. MOTION MADE BY SPIELER, SECONDED BY LARSON TO NOMIMATE PERRI HITE TO TEMPORARILY CHAIR THE DECEMBER 16, 2013 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. . VOTE: Ayes by Spieler, Hite and Larson The Motion carried. 2. Approval of Agenda: MOTION BY SPIELER, SECONDED BY LARSON TO APPROVE THE DECEMBER 16, 2013 MEETING AGENDA. . VOTE: Ayes by Spieler, Hite and Larson The Motion carried. 3. Consider Approval of December 2, 2013 Meeting Minutes: , MOTION BY SPIELERSECONDED BY LARSON TO APPROVE THE DECEMBER 2, 2013 MEETING MINUTES. VOTE: Ayes by Spieler, Hite and Larson. The Motion carried. 4. Public Hearings: nd A. DEV-2013-0014 Enclave at Cleary Lake 2 Addition Preliminary Plat The Ryland Group, Inc. is proposing a preliminary plat application for a 64 lot single family residential subdivision on a 30 acre property. The property is located east of Revere Way (Hwy 87) north of 180th Street. PID 25-454-055-0 Planner Matzke described the location, history, circumstances and the physical site characteristics. He explained the proposed plan which included some issues, alternatives, and a recommendation to table this item with direction on certain issues. He stated there is some hydrology review that needs to be completed in the coming weeks prior to City Council preliminary plat approval and a number of comments that need to be reviewed by City Staff due to receiving modifications to the pond that was submitted this morning. Engineer Thongvanh explained grading plans, wetland, and utility plans. He mentioned there was some modification to the pond submitted today and staff has not had the opportunity to review these yet; therefore, he suggested the need for further review by staff. 1 Commissioner Comments/Questions: th Spieler asked when will 180 Street be paved? Engineer Thongvanh replied the street will be paved as part of the development process while the utility and street work is being done. Spieler asked about the timing of paving is in regard to the construction truck traffic flow. Engineer Thongvanh responded they will most likely work within the development area first. Spieler asked whether staff has looked into the water runoff in this neighborhood to make sure there is not any further issues with water runoff going from the new development into the first addition? Engineer Thongvanh replied behind certain houses and between the lots, there is additional proposed storm sewer to capture some of the drainage coming from the back yards. th Spieler asked about the trees off Trailhead and 180 Street down at the south entrance that are blocking the view for the exit out of the development? Planner Matzke replied that a sight triangle that needs to be maintained in intersections. These sight triangles are usually measured at fifty feet back. This was addressed in the memorandums and is being addressed by the applicant in their plans. Spieler asked whether in the new development? Planner Matzke responded that staff reviews the routes each year and will be looking into any necessary changes in next seasons snowmobile routes. Spieler expressed concern about snowbanks and snowmobiles in the neighborhood. Larson asked what is the total site area? Planner Matzke replied it is twenty-nine acres; there was an error in the report. Larson asked about the original plat. Planner Matzke responded the twenty-nine acres encompasses the area of the second addition; there is about a forty percent ratio in the first phase and sixty percent in second phase of the total area. Larson asked whether anything else has changed from Pults original set of plans? Planner Matzke replied the only thing that has changed is that the trail was not originally proposed on th the north side of 180 Street with the rural section of pavement. It was envisioned by Pulte that they th install curb and gutter along the north side along 180 Street with the construction therefore leaving the trail a little tighter and the home lots pushed slightly to the south about five to eight feet. A ditch would 2 now handle the storm water rather than a pipe under curb and gutter. As a result, the house lots moved slightly north. Hite asked about topography and additional storm water changes to help facilitate storm water? Engineer Thongvanh responded they are limited to what they can grade because they have to tie into the existing contours of Phase One. The city requires a two percent slope just to prevent wet lawn areas. He , but it will be reviewed further. Hite asked are Outlots A and B being maintained by the developer or by the City, or by another party? Engineer Thongvanh replied Outlot A is where the trails are proposed so that will be maintained by the City, as well as Outlot B. Hite asked about the 4.2 acres of park to be dedicated; is this to service both phase one and phase two? Planner Matke replied yes. Spieler stated that the first phase of the park is finished, and the second phase work will be done in 2015. MOTION BY SPIELER, SECONDED BY LARSON TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 6:27 P.M. . VOTE: Ayes by Spieler, Hite and Larson The motioned carried. Applicant Comments: Tracy Rust stated that both she and Mark Sonstegard are here representing Ryland Homes. She said Ryland is excited to propose another project in Prior Lake, which is consistent with the original layout that Pulte proposed in 2006. Sixty-four single family homes are proposed on the 29-acre site, which th includes a slight redesign along 180 Street from an urban to rural section. She said they have been working with staff regarding any changes that have occurred since 2006, specifically the storm water infiltration, retrofitting the existing basin and any wetland delineation updates. She would like to adjust one of the comments about Outlots A and B. Outlot A and G will be with a homeowners association for trail and signage purposes; Outlots B, C, D, E and F will be public utility outlots owned by the City. She mentioned that they have been working with township, county and city for thth the 180 Street improvements. Ryland is committed to paving 180 Street from Mushtown to Revere th Way as well as working with the county on a right turn lane off of Revere onto 180 Street. They are also working with the current homeowners association with the intent of joining that association. She stated they had a neighborhood meeting last Tuesday and did have residents attend; with no one at this hearing, Applicant Rust was hopeful that all questions have been answered. She said that construction th would start spring of 2014. In the first phase, Ryland is proposing to extend Trailhead to 180 Street and then come back the following spring to complete the development. Commissions Questions: Larson asked if Ryland is looking at a certain age group for children in the park usage? Applicant Rust replied no, not necessarily. 3 Spieler asked will the housing designs change or will they be the same between phase one and phase two of the Second Addition? Applicant Rust replied they would be consistent. Spieler asked about more details concerning a driveway at the house on the southeast corner of Quarry Trail and Quarry Way. Applicant Rust answered not off the cul-de-sac side. There is electrical pedestals on the other side. Driveway will be on Cleary Trail side. Hite asked Planner Jeff and Engineer Thongvanh if there were materials received from the applicant today or recently that they , and if so, what are those items? Engineer Thongvanh replied the the Water Resource Engineer was out sick today; regarding storm water, city staff may need some more details on some of the submittals, including the storm water report. MOTION BY SPIELER, SECONDED BY LARSON TO CLOSE THE PUBLICAT 6:34 P.M. VOTE: Ayes by Spieler, Hite and Larson. The motioned carried. Additional Staff Comment and Recommendations: Planner Matzke stated there are some additional comments and concerns over the hydrology that need to be identified, and without the Water Resource Engineer being there today, staff is being cautious until they can review all of the new information. He suggested there is always the opportunity to bring this project back in front of the Planning Commission, especially if the preliminary plat would change in some way before going to City Council. Staff would prefer extra time to review plans and to address issues prior to the City Councilof the preliminary plat. Hite asked for clarification on staff recommendation to table action to the next Planning Commission meeting, or is staff comfortable enough have this sent to the City Council after reviewing the new information and reports? Engineer Thongvanh replied that staff is comfortable with what is being submitted, and modifications to the pond should work fine; however, to be able to take this to City Council, the information is needed as soon as possible to review. Applicant Rust stated that they submitted the information today; however, with Water Resource Engineer Young being out it could not be reviewed. If there is any additional information needed, they would provide that as soon as possible. Commissions Comments: Hite suggested tabling this to the next commission meeting based on some of the information that has been submitted, extra information that was just recently submitted, and on some information that still needs to be submitted for staff review and comment. 4 Spieler does support this item; he stated that Ryland Homes has been working very close with the homeowners association, but he is in agreement with Commissioner Hite to table action. Larson supports tabling this item and is in agreement with comments made by fellow commissioners. MOTION BY HITE, SECONDED BY LARSON TO TABLE THE REQUEST FOR THE APPROVAL ND OF THE PRELIMINARY PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS THE ENCLAVE AT CLEARY LAKE 2 ADDITION TO THE NEXT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON JANUARY 6, 2014. . VOTE: Ayes by Spieler, Hite and Larson The motioned carried. B. Subsection 1107.2100, Tree Preservation and Restoration Continued The City of Prior Lake is proposing an amendment to Subsection 1107.2100, Tree Preservation and Restoration to include a new section related to the removal of mature trees on vacant property. Director Rogness explained the history, current circumstances and a conclusion regarding this ordinace amendments to Subsection 1107.2100. He stated staff would like additional time to complete the analysis, and how best to protect mature trees on undeveloped property. He asked if a hearing should be extended to the next meeting in January of 2014. Commissioner Comments/Questions: MOTION BY HITE, SECONDED BY LARSON TO TABLE AND CONTINUE THIS PUBLIC HEARING RELATING TO TREE PRESERVATION AND RESTORATION TO THE NEXT SCHEDULED PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON JANUARY 6, 2014. VOTE: Ayes by Spieler, Hite and Larson. The motioned carried. 5. Old Business: A. No Old Business Items 6. New Business: A. Election of Officers Hite speculated that this item would be tabled due to only three of five commission members being th present tonight. She proposed to move the election of officer to the January 6, 2014 meeting. All commissioners were in agreement. 7. Announcements and Correspondence: A.Recent City Council discussions/decisions. Director Rogness explained a few actions that were taken by the City Council on Monday, December 9, 2013. Two public hearings included proposed street improvement projects for the ordering of the plans and specifications. The first project related to an area of Maple Lake, Mushtown Road, and Panama Avenue, and the City Council asked staff to look into alternative options due to high assessements. Plans and specification to consider improving the street and underground utility work was ordered for the second public hearing regarding Maplewood Street. He stated the City Council approved the 2014 tax levy and budgets for the City and the Economic Development Authority (EDA). The City Council tabled its consideration of ordinance amendments to various subsections of the zoning related to setbacks from utility outlots, the storage of recreational vehicles and removing one section out of the variances. 5 8. Adjournment: MOTION BY HITE,SECONDED BY SPIELER TO ADJORN THE MEETING OF THE PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION AT 6:45 P.M.. VOTE: Ayes by Spieler, Hite and Larson. The Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m. Sandra Woods, Development Services Assistant 6