HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 13 1972MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior 'lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council: t , March 13_19 72 The Common Council of the Village of Prior Lake met in special session in the office ` of the Village :Clerk. Monday evening, March 13th., 1972 at 7 :30 P.M. Mayor Stock called the misting to order. Roll Call: Presentwere Mayor Stock, Clerk Gentz, and Councilmen Schommer, Clemens, Busse, and Thorsfeidt. The purpose of the meeting was to hold a public hearing for the purpose of assessing the pr I The operty amount of $l V 476.30 was a deferred ouessment the improve feting her property• ments.were made due to the 4act <that her property was not in the Village of Prior Lake._ The deferred sewer assessment totaled $960.00 and the water assessment totaled $516.k,fl ' a total of $1, 47.6.30. Motion was made by Busse to assess Mrs. Violet Carlson =806:40 for sewer ,improvements and $247.82 for water improvements for a total of $I, 054.22, which amount is to be paid. in cash from monies held in an escrow account at the ,Prior lake State Bank. The motion was seconded by Thorsfeldt and upon a vote taken, It was duly t Pam i , W.W. Gentz Clerk March 13, 1972 The Common Council of the Villas of Prior Loki met in regular session in the office of the Village Clerk Monday evening, March 13th., 1972 at 8:00 P.M. Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. Roll Call: Present were Mayor Stock, Clerk Gentz, and Councilmen'Schommer, Clemens,' and Thorsfelt. i Copies of all previous minutes for the month were given to each member of the crwnell several days previous to the meeting. Motion was made by Busse, seconded by Thorsfeldt , 'to approve the minutes. j Motion vitas made by Schommer ib�approve payment of ail bills approved by the, Finance Committee, seconded'by Thor Idt'and upon , o vote taken it was duly A c6ck.'in'the heimount of,=500.db wai received' from the "Frisjnds of ti:p'Library" as a dohatlon, to be used for thr improven�smt of the new library facilities. Brook: Hauser was present and requested preliminary approval of the Brooksville Hills, Th,1O Addition and the Addition rezoned from 1.4 to R-3. Motion was made by Busse to rezoneahe Broolaville`Hills Third il'dditi'ai from 1 =) to R- 3conttngnt upon that con- structton be started` within 90 days, if construction' hoe not baqu!,, "the. zoning will revert back to 'i-1, seconded by Stock and upon a vote taking it was duly passed. 'Met io'rn 'wa mae'by Tl onfeldt to approve 'the preliminary plat of the Brooksville Hills Third l�►dtlition,' contingent upon if the hardshell includes a 10'foot,buffar area next to Y the ristdisnttal area; seconded by Busse'arW upon a'vote taken, it was duly passed. s Brook: Hauser presented a petition si0rned by various proporty owners abutting Ninth Avenwi peistiing'tiwt NUith Avenue be bldcktopped from the', beep Rock Station. northerly to'`HtBiiway 13. Motion was made by Schommer t authorize' Harold lsroe son to prepare preliminary ; plans forA `airfi clndof Ninth Avenue- to meet all sp ecifications dime led'by the County of Scott and the State of Minnesota, seconded by Stock a nd upon a vote taken, it was duly poisbd. ` t Richard Rau was present upon request of Mayor Stock to discuss the driving of emergency vehicles - who 'may drive,them. Mr. Rau indicated no matter who drives the emergency : vehicle, the Village will be covered . under his insurance policy, but the Insurance ° company would rather have the,driver, the most familiar with the unit, drive it. tie Motion was made by Schommer to approve payment of dues to the United Fire fighters A:s'n. of :15.00 and payment for alvance registration to the Minnesota Rescue and First Aid Assn. Workshop for $22 OO, by Busse and upon a vote taken, it was duly , passed. Motion was made by Schommer,lo adopt the fol lowing By -Bows gi emended, + pertaining to the employment of Steven W"idt: Q MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County'of Scott and �a State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. Probation period - 6 month . A.- Salary:-beginniny April 1, 1972 at $700. per r month.. 2. i Insurance. 3. Vacation, one day earned per mon+ not to exceed one week after one year of service arod two weeks after two years of service, not being accumulative. 4. Patrol` - man to work 5 days of 8 hours shift. 5 Holiday Pay - nine paid hol idays, as adopted by State or equivalent in money to those days not , taken - �comquted at the and of the year. 6. $6.00 per court appearance: 7. Clothing allowance;,to be $150.00 with half being , paid in July and half in January. (steven on a ,pro -rated basis - $37.50 due July, 1972. 8. Funera leave shall be three days for immediate farilly. 9. Educational Benefits. 10: Military Reserve Benefit - difference In goy between full time position and reserve pay. ll. Longevity I*y :• 12. Sick Leave. This m was seconded by'Thorsfeldt and i upon a vote `taken, It was duly passed. , Tuesday evening, March 1111th., 1972 at 7 :00 P.M. was the date set for a special meeting with Officers Dole'Methak and °Steven Schmidt to discuss department policies and personnel status,_,, meeting to discuss the Club °Liquor License at the Prior Lake V.FW :�� set for 7x30 P.NI. April 10th., 1972, with the Post Commander and the Manager to be aresent. r Motion was made by Busse to opprevi picas and specifications to install Sewer, Water, Street and Storm Sewer InL the Prior South Addition, Phan One, as by Harold' tgrae {s&h, seconded'by Thorsfeldt and ,upon a vote taken, .it was duly pond. Mohan was made by Schommer to bill Dr. Richter one/half of the delinquent water bill r I j of $15.30, owed.on the Kongo Building, 's.conded by Busse and upowwvote taken, it was duly passed.' Motion wad made by Busse to remove<the following delinquent water bills from the Village accounts: Fred Currier - $26.32; Mrs. Dennis Pensora - ;38.07; and Stwan, lac. - $84.51, seconded by Thorsfeldt and upon a vote taken, It was duly passed. M4 by was made by ttusse to hire Patchin Appraisals, Inc. to perform a tax structure study for Village of Prior Lake. They are to make a preliminary estimo" of a municipal mill rah `ofthe Village of Prior Lake and the consolidated portion of,Eagie Creek Township and the Sauth"'12 Sections of Spring Lake Township, `seconded by Thorsfeldt, and'upon a'vote taken, it was du posod. Mellon was made by �aehommer to terminate the employment of Ralph Smith a: janitor of 3 i ehe hior Loki VJlage 1 effective April [, 1972,,seconded by Thonfeldt and upon a vote fali�ii i; It was du poped Mehowald guilders made an application "for a building permit to comtryct. a house on Lot 15, of tlst± brigTna PI'at� Mottan was:made by Thorsfidt to require Maltq►vbild= to set back !( 5 fi.it from the Iteusie s :� lot and. 19 het onj6 Counroy side lot, :.condad by Schommer and upon a. vote taken, it was du ly passed M'otlon; was made,by Schommer to approve Change Order +,1, increasing the truck box of " th no w village truck,fronr 5'- 6 'yard= at an inerecsod cost`of =65.00, seconded by Busse and upon a veto tgkerm, it was dul passed y ... (j The followirg disbrrrssments were paid .in March$ GENERAL .FUND, Bank Life' �� Hospitalization 106.74 Scott/kIce Teteplbo ' Telephone 54.04 � N , is Electricity X Motorola Communications Contract payment 5.50 'S P. Eleehicity 12.51 { k Harold braelson Englnier fee: 165.60 City of Shalt `Breathalizer Tat '. 15.00 h D.R. Mullenmaster Co. Audit 550.00 ; Robert McAllister Dog Pound .. 75.00 ; IN Scott'Couhfy Sheriff Prisoner Beam 2.50 t P.L. American Publicat 22.70 Y ( {Y -2- 4 i l MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village�Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts, audited by said Council, �. s.. Y STREET- FUND _ x Carlson Tractor Co. , Equip. Repairs 57.04 Standard Oil Tank Fill 23.67 Bohr ack & Hermon Snow Plowing 112.00 -So I cretary of State Reg. Tax/Ex. Truck 1.25 r IIIUILDING,FUND , N.S.P. Electricity 38.28 Ralph Smith Monitor Service 52.00 Standard 611 Furnace 'Fuel 253.75 41 :. S 344.03 PARK FUND N�S.P. Electricity 19.59 Hsrold israehora Engineering Fee 40.00 _ 71 ST, GRADING 'WATER &SEWER FUND White Condructlon' Contract payment 668 i WATER IMPROVEMENTS OF 1970 FUND Fttst National hank & Trust Intstnst/bank Ctg. 475.50 There being no further business, the meeting was ad , W .wr Gnti, Clerk P} March 28th„ 1972 a - The Cos*on Council of the Viltage`of Prior Lake met in special session' In the office of the Village Clerk Tuesday evening; March 28th., (972 at 6 :30 P.M.° ' Mayor, Stock called the minting to ordar. Rol[Calbi Pwsenf were Mayor Stoc, Clerk Gentz, `and Councilmen Schonwnpr, Clemens, `Busse' alai Thorsfeldt, = ,. The purIV of the meeti was-:to discuss the future police status of Dal*Moihak and Stew - Schmidt. A meeting was I eW with Dal' Meihok 7:00 P:M• at Dale riCommended the N%r, lads, - Pol lee Reserve be continued. He was asked If he was. able ;to continue with the ser.Mi"iel work far the Police Dept. and if he was satisfied with the.psp for some., He wised that he spends at least 1 hours per week doing'the seCrOterial ckities'and that E a hY t ` b needed. M`+s�ror Stock was designated to most with Dale regarding {` 810eretariol duties to dNermine if additional help is needed or if an Increase. in pay s . Stock Is to n. pr::•nt the eouncfl`as polio supervisor and is to coordinate ° 0*1 ice portmont =; .. an , A sooting was held with Stevr`Schmidt at 7 :30 P.M. He also recommended the Police R serve be continued. He acivbed that he will finish police school Ma rc 31st., 1972. Motion was made by Sehommor to psjr the bill for janitorial service, to Ralph Smith in the ` amount of °:52,00 for the aaor th of Po6vary, seconded by Busse' oriel upon a 'vote taken t we Cduly passed , 4 A fton was made by Schommer to authorize, Harold braelson to'prepare a capitol Improve - mint schedule as needed for the municipal hearing concerning the annexation of the n001614 12 section, Spring Lake Towrahip, seconded by Cio *ns'� naf upon a vote taken, M wa: duly s, poised. i Motion was node by Busa'to.approw the letter, submitted by Mayor Waller Stock to the Ple'O rega Commtuionen of Ap re ' 1 ., ng, land the zonl =use build ings or structures on the Kratochvil ` (Ready -Abe) property by Clemens and upon a vote taken, it was pawed. a k Moti wes made by Busse to Y paY'the!registration fee and send for Councilmen. Schommer, Busse and and Building Inspeebr, John Muller, to the dinnermeeting- sporaerod y b the Js tropolitan League ofMunNipalitles to. discuss the romifieattoro ofAw no' State Building Code. This most is to be held April 26th., 1972 at the Ambaaddor'Resort !2 Molar Hotel, seconded by Clemens and aW a vote taken, it was duly passed;}