HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 05 1975MINUM of rho Proceedings of the village council of tke Ville" of prier Lake in th County df Scott and State of
Minneseta; including ell accounts audited by sold Council.
Motion was made by Watkini to approve Ordinance 75-9 amending Ordinance 71 -20
licensing and regulating the sole and eompsaption of intoxicating liquor, seconded by
Busse and taken it duly
upon a vote was passed;
Mayor Stock stated in regard la.,the,Prior Pigce, that there is probably something
lacking with1he situation as itaccursand feels „quite strongly that it is their obligation
to see that some of the things do not happen and this is the reason why the Council
passed these ordinances m they do trove someiliing to work and operate under.
Mayor Stock recommended that the Prior Place employ a full - time bouncer for the
evening hours and. that it be full -time Monday through Sunday or whatever it takes '
and.this will help eliminate some,of'the-problemvthat.have occurred, and very close
contact sbpuld.be,:ke0 the Prior Lake Police 'Deportment.
After much discussion it was recommended that the liquor license for the Prior Place
would be approved unless something pirther davelopes between now, and the time of
t he final approval of the liquor license occurs.
Mr. Bryant of the Prior Place was asked if people wirre allowed.to drink liquor in the
boding section when children were, present,
Mr. Bryant telbd, that yes they. were .al lowed to drink I iquor in the b8av1 irrg section
when childrenvere present.
Councilman Watkins re cam me nded t
the the Pblice Chief C and Ci A
ty lnarney take a
look at the, area> and make vertain Wit is,or is not in vi ` l i
a at on of thR.:Ci Ordinance.
- � _ ty
Powel l stated for the Hoard that the Prior Place is not the, on ly place that
thijexish. ..
Engineer Anderson stated his recommendations far the storm water problem between the
Horn. and :Holmes' property., and stated the wank would- start, toawloow.
” 'Mr. Holmes stated that the road was raised several inc whe replaced :after
aonstructlon and requested Engineer Isroelson to take a look at It.
EngineerAhden6 was illrected;to hove..a culvert placed, at &mwm and the
City rightrof -way
AdMinittrotor, McGuire stated ,there are no:.offers Pending on the. iiI
W house•.
Motion was tirade =tole BuSse.that thi City withdraw in.the W1 il'I; house
:property, secaraded'by Watkins: 6Wr upon a vote taken. it was':duly: posed: Councilor an
Willtalm wotatl painst the .motion. Mayor Stock directed'the Administrator to'contact
tl a M'*1i44�iew�ived of the City's actiorr..
Adminls"#6e McWre stafed: that in b=:co n l`ete the revision of the zoning
b1dil+ Ce :anal t're detail" plt ns. or ipso >:n+iiphborhood.p ark , t is:gesing Io sequin
add tional'?tiri7• by, ChWl&$r Tooker, and requested that6 ,
.tCouncil authorise
expenditures 10 allow for the completion of„these projects. Motion was shade by
Watkins to-a utha'ise adgitiunalex}> dItuft lo .Chorles :Tooker for completing the
zoning ordinance" and neighborhood- 09jects; seconded. by Williams and upon
a vote taken it was duly passed
Administrator McGuire presented a request from Mr. James Arrington who is' buying
Lot 8, Inguadono-Wch; presently there is.a.25x 12 foot frailer on the lot alo he "
would like t haw the Council waive hookups of sewer and water,.in 1975 because '
he glare on bulking a n�sw house in' f9?6.,. Motion'wos made, by Williams that Mr.
James Arringtnn's hookups of swir and rooter , be deferred for a period of one year, "
with Council revistwok6t that time with proof that his private system is functioning,
seconded by Busse and -uporn a vote taken 'it was duly passed.
4klT� -'stu a=w^., n`FN- zr'.'I�s`#�,+Si:N, • • � '" � "'s+nti+ i°+N�.4,"+;.MIF ++h, �fA+ �A+ � '.N.'it,n.u.++rk:N..,.a,.+M• .b, :.: ,,:M9s._ v,!t a, -§,+�.
n9 presented the Construction Report dated May 5, 1975.: Mayor Stock
appto the Construction. Report as submitted. <%
Engineer Anderson presented a memo redardinp lv n o and re ended
repair the water leaks and that this would LinOie el• CO" that Marsgo
cost to the
Motion was ,made by Wi IIiams to rescind the "Motion made by.Oake: that action should
be taken against Mors go and to complete tits ' proNct with,ano iter contractor, and
Engineer Anderson be given the leadership and take, whate*wPstept., R..ne ds to document F
the cars atiair'st Marsgo, seconded by Busse- and upon a vote taken was duly passed:" ' ; s ;
and to approve. of Marsgo completing the project and the., completion dotes will tin
,,as established and anything. beyond , will be assessed against Marsgo, seconded by
Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed, `
Mayar Stock stated hct Lift Station 0 9 in Lakeside Manor was nor working again.
Tri-tStalte -fat; until May 17;,.1975 tai replace these PumP45 buHUnothing hase been
by that time. then the Ci will take action-..,
Mayor Stock :toted
Vegord b the :peed limit in Lakeside Manor, he talked with Sill
Schmokel who was ;tire Engineer ror Eagle Creek at the time that road was petitioned io
the Minnesota ,Highway De
parhnent for the change of speed limit to 15 or ZO•MPtI, the
Minnesota Hi ghwa , y Department deitiad the request and it remained at 30 MPH.
Enginior'Israeison presented Borbarossa Change Order. Motion was mode,by Watkins io
aR�'° Sarbakoua ChangeOrder, seconded by Busse and upon a vote} 00 n it was
duly passed. `
Councilman Williams requested a detailed report from Engineer braelson Marso's
repair prod=s`.
Mr. Gene Sin�Pk was present with pla for two culverts for approval by the Council.'
Councilman 1Natkins recornrstended' that Engineer Anderson "a an on- site irtSPection.
Mayor Stock directed Councilman Busse and Engineer Anderson to meet with Mr.
Simpkins on this matter.
tock � a
Mayor'S ' asked Mr., Simpkins how many years his street has been used as a public
street. ' Mr. SimlAins stated about 15 years. Mayor Stock stated it q
id for a
public street and requested that Mr. SM*ins' get the died for the City and the City
W1 , 10 it to and go on from there:
Opinion on FrNnans Relief was tabled.
City instal ng improvements versus developers: was tabled. •
4> *ft- f
e ,
MINUTES of the Proceedings f the Village Ilpe CeuneiI of the Village of Prior coke in the County, of Scott and Stair of
Mtn@* -I include t
Councilman Watkins r!
quested that the Administrator check ontan.easement through :
Prior Lake Lumber,
1 ,
Engineer Anderson presented a memo regarding s
sewer -and water in..spections and stated
that the City has Wed Steve Landgren WJo inspecriony;�,hrt is unexperienced in,
constr action inspectioruard wil , be, trained by Engineei`j�X'nderson, F' ,
` Motion was by Watkins to a g
Y approve the. hiring o�! .��,��ve Landgren, seconded
Williams and upon a vote taken it was duly posed. _,.�`„ ;
Engineer Anderson presented a. memo regard ins, Trees sltiirn sewer and recommended
placing t�tree culverts across the driveways a
and b
Motion was made by Wutkinsa �
seconded by Buise; and upon a vote taken it wasduly passed, r
E . ineer Anderson