HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 10 1975- C c �r November 10,_1975 . A Y The Common Council of the Cif l lof'Prior lake met in regular session on ` November 1.0 ' 1975 at 7 :30 P.M. in the City Gwncil Chamber. Mayor Stock called the meeting to j ^ . order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, Haberkotnr06kes and Williams, " City Manager McGuire, Engineer Anderson, and Attorney Sullivan. ° ­'The following correction was "'made to the. Minutes of November 3, 1975: Page one, paragraph el11 should read - Administrator McGuire presented a letter dated ' „ el"cteber 30; 1975 front Police Chief Powell stating he has checked out the signs at Bttiokwflle Center feels that they are'adequat* for marking the exits and If ` entrances. Mot` n was made by Williams to approve the Minutes' of Novembeet3,,,1975 as amended, seoorOed by Haberkorn and u po n,a vote taken it was duly passed r. Motion was made by Williams to approve the Minutes of November 4, '1975, seconded by Bu rid upon a vote taken it wus'duly passed. Mayor Stock stated the first item on the agenda was Mr. Walter Hall's `request .: ,ro � [ati to�the paying of assessments. ) } I Attorney Su! stated that the State Statutes provide that the assessments no w t paid' Within 30 days of the assessment, hearing or adoption ifthe asseastnefit roll s, the. I is ds up fie the?31st of the year in which`the "first insta'Ilment is due, i Mr. Hall state`d'he "was not notified the date'•he.assesunent sues due. Motion wa s made b y Williams to request that the. Scott County Auditor charge Mr.. Walter Hall, k 4 -228 ia4 ona;hiv assessments 'up'to the time that he them off,,,ond not fo��the full 14 months, seconded by Busse and upon ' vote: tdcen it was Mr. Archie Pavedc presented plans for a downtown parking. lot,that the VFW Pbst 6208 would provide, o��id; toquested the City's assistance Fn l reniava of snow in winter, _: in lighting, odequ,iata police protection, parking signs, wwhot would this doe to real i _Utt axes, °and�' �,,, i io ° ro in re ` he VFW - , cortsiderat n t Poat 6208 gard to future _ Motion :was modes 6� Bus:! to approve in concept the VFW Post 6208's proposah to the City Council "for "a s parking lot'and it is ,to be turned over o Staff to work out t6l x detalis, seconded by Williams and upon,a vote taken it was duly a 'Mr,­ Dick ,Wolah wa1 sent statFrig that he ,had •damage' done to, his car and motorcycle as a result of the Morgo Project and had submitted�the bill v s to Matsgo's Insurance Compdny' and they urge returned' stating that they did not feel that they were responsibtieanO' Nalsh granted to, know where he should .go from here. .Attorney Sullivan su seed that Wr. Walsh. file . this c:aim in4ancillotion Court. Mr;` Emmett Knox vr���present representing ShoreviIle, Inc. regarding a`DevelopK's ; „ Agreement for Gateway Shores. Mr. `Knox and Engineer-Anderson are lo, meet, on the "Dev y eloper's Agreement'.and report back to the Council at the next meeting. Mr Knox reported on the paving of Bass wood Rood. Mr Cy Schweich was`' u nt Fn a variance that was rejected' for his cabin Aii the Conroy's7Bay `� �'rr re .@ r; Q i f _ r1 I` t ti u? _ ,. `�� °-' r ev.+ w+yT'" �} : �. 4�Ew/ stt'/ CR+'• urs. w" y+ �exa' p.:. w. va.+ �F4Ah?k�dwiJte +ii!»'.K0.w.ydW+c ,> �;e1�YlYItMNt�i kn? +�.r� N M64UTEf Of dw f'romilli4p &F-the Villaeis Ceuncll of the Village of Prior lake in the Countjof Scott and State of \� Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said - Council. R •,;e � J � WNYTIS of tho Proce dloss of the Village Council Village of Prior State of the Loki in the County of Scott and of Misdesota, including all accounts audited by se3d Council. 'Motion was made by'.Oakes that Councilman Busse, Mr. David Burns, and Mr. Horst Grocer meet with Mr. Cy'Schwecli a's`soon as, possible and resolve the problem of the for in the Conroy's varionee tho-•cabin Biay area ard.ahen it would•;go back to the t, Planning Comm ission,for their approvcii S conded by Willbxns and upon a• vote taken it. was duly passed. Councilman- Williams stated that the Park Commission is meeting this Thursday, November 13 1975 and requested that the Mayor and City Ma be present. `a Councilman Busse.statedF that thot Greenbriar PUD� been continued until the first meeting ;n December. 'City Manager McGuire stated that the Liquor Commission: met at 7 :00 this evening and some of.the comments mode at the meeting.were: The Liquor License Commission } i7 made.- recommendation to the City Council a.couple of weeks agog, the time interval . of the actin was found to be in.,violation of the low and insofar as the notice was i « .. concerned the Council, discussed, the mutter last week and referred it back to the Commission for study and a recommendation For further action..It appears that the Council was not satisfied with the`original recommendationof the Commission and the Commiuioa it has feels. obligation bei;ievas acted properly, and no ta modify its original recommendation and it further feels that because ofthe individual C�uncii x comments and media comments that further action is properly that of the Council; r. ° the .Commission, - therefore, hakno,spsgific recommendations except to referli i • 1o, the Council. A n Mayor Stack stated, based on the presentation from Mr. "Manahan who was represent - t . Ang Viking Liquor ou the - last Council Meeting, the complete discussion of the situation:. ' was the reason why it was sent back to the Liquor Commission and irespected the Liquor Ckirwisslon'Sr decision,an it, and Mayor- Stock asked at thif xtint for discussion and •then m motion on what the Council's thoughts are relative to the violation. Motion was made by Haborkorn that Viking Liquor be closed t"or days, November 17, k ` ' 18,. and 19, 1975 and °this period of suspension not be used to refurbish, remode, , rehabilitate or t t hR,quarters, seconded:by a" a po'n Busse and upon te; taken it was r duty„ `passed. Councilman'.0akes -and Williams obstoi v ir, Mayor Stack; directed City Ma McGuire trs send a written notification of the °sa Council's decision to Viking Liquor. City Nbrtoger McGstire recommended hiring Horst Groser as permanent full -time .employee at 5800..OQ,per month, m � e ,, CouncilmanNfilliams reeomrnended that this not be considered by the Council since itdi'r, City , Mama per s responsibility.to moke;n selection'based on the Council's apptoi;As:position. Mayor Stock accepted this as Council information, r {� "`. � � b �F CityiMartager McGuire stated that at the:1'ast mee�png it was ; oommerNied that parking ` in front of mailboxes was covered by State Law and it is not. City Manager McGuire ' l' A and Engineer.A rkdetion;are to look at then proble'� iif:parkino in front of mail boxes and• places parking signs• where, they ore needed.'` Enginettr Andenon,,presented the Projsot Report doted November 10, 1975. Mayor Stock' acoT the. Project Report as submitted. U 'EngineerAndetson stated that Broo Hauser's� Ron Swonsgn is drawing up o plan ,tor a frontage road to connect',#* Dairy," Queen `and the,Deep.:Rock Station. EngineerArderson presented an alternate plan for the location of WOO Lane of the t. intepiclion i V ; { 1 2 n b,T.GWFYa4pPk!M.4T�'Y^ a,� W+c;.mw`. '4 lk.+i. J yf.e ' .yy 35 - h ; } a MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village, of Prior take in the County of Scott and Ste" of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council., Couur'ailman Haberkorn that the intersection be left as it is. �< ' Mayor Stock requested that the Engineers make another drawing taking into consideration the comments made tonight. Engineer Ilsraelson stated: that the proF:�rty irons, that are left to •be replaced in Red Oaks will be done this week: Mayor Stock stated the Committee has finalized the number of interviews that they have';bdld with Consulting Engineers for the Spring Lake Project, they hove interviewed' " a number' of them, and it.is the Committee''s recommendation that Orr-Schelen- Mayeron and Associates, Inc. the ;Consultant for' thm Spring area. Mayor 1 Stock also "added a - personal . recommendation that, the City .also.give. consideration �\ to Araelson and Associates. Councilman Oakes stated that Larry Anderson hasApne'-an excellent job of looking into the `technical expertise of the several consulting engineering; firms and these are Suburban, Bonestroo,= Banister,'Orr=Schlene- Mayeron, Schoell and Modson, and ' "israelson and Associates. Larry Anderson. has looked, into their •expertise and each of these, "ninth one possible exception", meet or exceed 'the .criteiriowfor-consulting firms. The beyond engineering one .thing the technical expertise that this community wantstto, enjoy and should enjoy `is the relationship with the constituents of this " Council and its Mayor in everything that comes up to and finally :culminates in the "public hearing. The.City` needs to have input it.conbelieve, "that these people can really andle the wnstituants. Councilman Oakes stated.:if. the >C1, has p roblems Y t Pro with the present consulting engineer, and he is not saying the City does or does not, hei does, not want to seethe City rush off -into, d different se.t`.of names and the same of problem. The,one thing the Council is.missing is a stateltwnt that is just as ,kind , solid as" Larry Anderson's statement about much the- : fees,arejiIis - -how many of the �dty's constituants� questions get answered and to legitimately say, we have done the most economical job far the people in our community; Councilman Oakes stated' the E'ity has had problems in, thw of dealing with our "present consulting engineering .- firm, and from what he .from othw.ic nmunitiesthere have been problems in dealing with other consulting engineet ng firms and.outlof all-this thileCouncil is going' to have to make a decision and he for one is not really ready to make that decision` tonight v Councilman William hated-that there aW very few problems with Israelson and Associates asJor as getNng�thw Pines in the.grounds designed,or.as planned, very few problems. as for as streets Mh en their final grades are there, the problems are basically in oommunicattowbetween• the engineering firm ,andithe..people in the pro ' led t: "I scaaltran's.design is probably as:good as any engineering :firm roan make them, + - brat1-r 4 wm. 0*l6wviatives in.the ,field responsiWo the people. in the projec explaining with:necessory great detail the problems; would; have kept _90% of the problems the' Pity has dealt witfi out of the Council Chambers. They probabl y . .� x would not have damaged the credibility_' ofithe',,Council-and`of Isroelson and�Associates. ' Cttuncilrnan' Haborkoin stated he` feels a little bitclike the soles =.manager in hiring a neM� salesman for ' . new. territory, all he knows is thate the territory:did not come. up 7 ` to its ; quota last yearn he wan not satisfied, .4s had: no, guarantees that the new - 'salesmahl that he is going to hire was goi ng,to makwquatmoither-i he -has no guarantee " gas he interviews him, he has some • ogervation about. every tnant he= interviews and s ' Ainks- that- zis'true of all-the .nobody,thinks. exactly 'the way he does, and after all you project into =d: man what he ought.:to biif @. the City is going to: find• a perfe ct - applicant and the Council is, going to have . trust itself to -new ' consultant engineer +even though the Council :;does.not.know.everything about 4 them, even thoubh the Council does not know how he actually is going to "react on the fir�i ":�Iine. 3 j L Y �.;. Ci!'a°N :'n: St ..,.... Y�.ry -ys • ., ' ". .. / ,.; oJ`.._ . r� y- . � V 'I MINUTES of tho'roeoodines of Scott and State of • fi iall Mir ewtan including ae audited brsoid Council. ti 1 Councilman Oakes stated the most,diffic It area the City will have to serve is the L6rds and Martinson Island area and even Lila Lane, the area we are contriving, to this is a considerable area that goes through undeveloped land, which finally : gets down to thei nal towivsite 'of Spring Lake,. It would be so easy to pick • another consulting engineer and put them in an easy territory and he has asked the Mayor, and the City'could not bring it off, he has really said all right, so ,Hrold does everything wrong, lets put him over in *the undeveloped and the original' townsite of Spring Lake and lets being the,new kids in and give him Lords and ; M artRiso n Island and so on, and that would really ,be,a,thing to -cut your teeth on. The .timing was just such that this aouldrtnat occur, but to: him this seemed to be the acid tost. What he has understood about some of the folks, the Council has considered is they have had relatively, easy environment,,we do not hgve.a relatively easy environment in this - eominunity, our constituants are active, they deserve the best' but then the Council has to try to find the environment that will produce the best. _ Councilran Oakes stated that one of the City's favorite constituants called him and stated there are .problems with Israelson and Associates, but just don't whip right , out and pick another one because jrou. could have, the some kind pf problems with a different name.. ° There is,one thing the Council needs to understand better than they do :now and that, is. the business of how does, a consulting. engineer really relate with-the : community Whenjhe Council>picks consulting engineer, if they pick a different one, its got to be. the one, because if the Council has made a mistake »Already; it does not- want to make a. mistake twice. U Councilman Busse stated, based on Councibmh Oakes;statements, that the inter- viewing is .not done. -(h III Councilman Oakes stated that Engineer Anderson owes the' Maycr-and Council a statemint on a complete review of all the communities that each consulting engineering firm has dealt with to say what has been heir impact,on the public. Mayor. Stock requested that Engineer Anderson prepare for the next meeting 'a r rundown of • the, consulting, engineer interviewed as far as their records in other j communities'they have dealtkwAl including Israeason arOAssociates and tabled t the matter until the, next meeting.. Mayor Stock stated he had spent considerable time over the w$'0' k end. concerning himself with the.,project of Lords Martinson island, etc., and what the City's r specifications, what impact they will - . have on,them and thy( degree of cost . increase andr what areas•'these: cost increases will be significant in ncilma Cou n Oakes, stated that . for o Council to deal wi t aesthetics `is` probably ' difficult, but if there, is a question, and apparently there- still is, on the part of ' this sector of this community, we as 'a Council- represent, equally all members of thi`s,00mmunity and we must, - therefore, owe these; people,a restatement of what .. the alternatives are, to providing sewer and water to the two islands. Thi-3 would + be`a would Iist summary.form, what -the Gi.ty Engineer Consulting Engineer would say about the present bridge,- but as;a side issue to, what is the most ecoh6micol: way" to provide sewer and water to these two islands. ' ThisYhcis;bien.done; it has.been talked-about in pbblic, so he recommended that I :this ififormation be called put1riclud,ing the comment by the City in regard to'the.issue, that this not only,be,,made available - promptly but that it be •, mailed -to those -folks who are directly involved with the `impro vement, that is to J say those: that live on, lords and Martinson Island.- This would be a statement, i "n'additian to 4wl?at was.already said, what the,eventuai replacement of ; the = �= bridge .would entail in dollars., who would have to -pay for.,it,,this'isthe area where the City.Attorney.at previous meetings has made d stat ment._ - , Mayor Stock brought up the matter of com ction,and stated that at the last meeting it was changed in the Specifications fro m 90% to 95% and asked for " the Engineers opinion.:,; a t -4- tit MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and State of; = � Minne oto. including all accounts audited by said Council. i Engineer recommended changing the specifications from 95% to 90% modified density except for the upper three feet to remain at, 99% modified density.. Engineer Anderson is to go over the specifications with Engineer Israelson and to bring, them back to the Council with any changes. Councilman �,W_ _ i 11i ni st s b hou a he would Iike ,ls change in the specifications* n re paving' allow the'ground to have a chance to recuperate and have the completion date on the paving be Qctober 15, so n it wily be a better road at less cost'. Engineer Anderson stated that the Watershed. Board has- direct�sd their consultant to see if they can,get contour maps of`the•City of Prior Lake at no cost to them.. City Manager McGuire stated this request' is specifically so they can show on the maps � which areas may be in danger of flooding, this would be the oaly,use of the maps. .. , Motion was made by Williams that contour maps of the area they desire, with the stipulation that no reproduction or sales of the topo maps be made, that the Spring Lake -Prior Lake, Watershed .District be able to purchase the topo.�maps at the some 1 mate; sod a ear a seconded'b Busse and upon a vote taken it was dul y �i�_ Y go.� y.,, po r: passed. Mayor Stock asked Engineer Israelson if he has made a cost analysis on the seeding, sodding and- cleanup work of +the' Marsgo area,relotive to ,what thei City's costs are to .4' date relating to what kh costs were in the original contract. Engineer lsrae.lson stated that he has a total figure but it is not broken down the way he it and'asked if he could present this next week. �. Attorney� presented an Order relating to the -Prior Lake Grain Elevator. Motion was made by Williams to sign the Order relating to the Prior Lake Grain Elevators �- The!City of Prior Lake�vs;. Mi` haeI ; J,'Platt, seconded by Busse and upon '1 a vote token it was duly passed. Attorney Sullivan stated he a lcall from the City Manager regarding a journeyman r -plumber and the plumbeu feels that because he is�a' journeyman plumber, he should be able; to get a,permit to work in Prior Lake. The City of Prior Lake{hos an ordinance that requires that a plumbers a master plumber and under the Statutes the City has o_right to,pass suds an ordinance, -so the ordinance is valid in spite of his interpretation ' of rt: Councilman Busse wanted to know about_ thw junk cars in the Park. *� Councilman Williams stated` the'cars were used for a rescue and4ire training session and will be removed Mayor Stock stated the snowplowing bids and specifications should be out sometime in Anderson requested Larry d te e ,will work w h t em, towork upnew pecs and hav them ready for Council approval at a future meeting. Councilman Williams stated o' is in order requiring that all building permits be displayed., visible from the street, so that inspectors, the Council, or whoever else can tell - if a building permit ;has been issued. City Manager McGuire it is the stated responsibility of the property owner or the builder to: post the building permit, the -pfkblem is, they post them and the kids steaF them, so they have. not; been posting, tlx m;- utside, they have been posting them inside, like inside ther garage. i h. , F c MINUTES of the, Proceedings of the Viaage Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of i c� I I I Mienesota, including all accounts audited by, said Council. Mayor Stocki directed the City Manager to work out this matter with the Building' { «.T ins - " - - .�a — - - t> Motion was made" by Williams torpegpes>< AiS h Yb'3a'Cst apFrelswistyA#SirsfeP LigFiting Plan of the entire platted area of the City of Prior Lake under the criteria that it is a public roadway, seconded by Haberkorn and "upon a vote {taken it was duly passed. Councilman Williams presented a request from McKinley "Sewer Service to dump � nto the City linesl the have- to per tank dumped; " ge ' tY y gre pay.35:00�. for this service. } f . V � May Stock stated he t City has: ex Ci s �t t � 'F rien a w' k: h` tldd s � m the a i Xo st and t shouts! tY 4 be denied and stated that other companiesihove askfi&toAo this and have been turned down. - Councilman•Wiiliam3 requestedathat the Ci Manager•send a.letter:to McKi tY Y .. Sewer Service stating their request has been denied. Councilman Haberkorn requesFed that En 'And check with Tom Mooney in regard to the Seven Acres area where the irocd - has been cut through that was supposed to' be• blocked "off. .EngineeriAnderson. stated the road wihl 'be' back 4 R { the way1t was. o Mayor Stock presented o' letter from the Office of Local and,Urban relative 14 to the City's requ est for a State Natural Resource,, Grant of $ 00,000. 00 for`the Sand Point proposed park in Prior Lake, and this is notification that it has received y approval and the City ,ha process the application for a State Grant and the ,to applicant is to attend a meeting•to.be held November 25,1975 at49;00 -- A.M. in Conference Room A, First floor, Ccpitol`,- Square. Building,,,550<,Cedcry Si - -- _= MinriesoM and submits final do'W entation to .the Office of Locai> and Urban r �- a Affairs b Januar 9 1976: Ma� or Stock directed the Ci. , Mana r to Y Y . Y ,j, ge , proceed , with this matter. t� Mayor Stc�ck read a` letterof resigrwt'on from Councihwn Ron H,aber6.rn effective November 30.1975., /. " - Motion Was made by Busse to accept Counciimcn Ran° Haberkorn's resignation effective No6mber;30, 0— secarded.by Stock and upon a vote taken it was duly passed z {' Mo#9otn , wo!i-nig4.- ht &jsse isz q4 ots np seca l, ,aed' by`,, Haberkorn,.an unit a vate I a E Q ` v � d l , � la i i r r t^ • rt ? ' L f 1- li MIMUM of 'the Pmeedi of Me VWgp CwmN of," Vil of Dior Lek* M the �N Cwe h of Seott 6rsd stem of Mieeowh.: ieelei ne oll/ec Waft a w"W by said CooW , } The, following invoic*pi!Tro approved and paid,>ior the mouth of j 11 October 1 975 , f/ State. ` Troasurer "2506.55 112 Prior Laks Stato Bark I! Federal, deposit 2087.57 Carsissioner of Regenus State 3051.36 f' State Troia.-Soo. Sec.? '3oourit? Cant. Fund Social 2918.57 State, Treasurer .; Sur Char8e 868.17, Streit Fund Tranafar 5000.00 . Standard.Oil ' Polio* Sias -& Oil 759. 00 ° N.S.P. ! N.S.P. 102.26 11 Nituaasota_ Natural. Div :'' tiaa Caepat�y 9.76 4.50. q. Tare Mobile Service Police Auto repair �, h � Prior Lake ,CAL Edws � - Office & Police supplies '14:07 " %/ Scott- ltioelop►onR Co. Telephone .11 269.92. Prior Lapp American Printing a Publishing. 35.57 a f Mal><sraoaMiotwca, "Inc. Police Auto =Repair " 34.48 Valley Tire Service Pollee Auto Repair, 310.00 .\ Re1ister - -``of Deeds' Micro-Film Copiis 15.00 J !' Law-Mp"c mnt,;Equip.'Co. Police Supplies 63.75, " c 1hpartwat 3tori Office Suppl es , ' ' 2: °75 Pali Waste. Conutrol Rafuae Mauling 10. ±` !/ Millc�r/bava Co.; Office Supplies 122.92 Pitne, Bawee Office Supplies 6.82 Q Rar Robinson Police Auto Repair 180.58 JAt Offioo Products Co. Office Supplies, 35.66 : Roil Harms ` Polio* Reserves c' 24.00 I Rar,.Robinson Police Reserves 24.00 n J Bill,Slipher Police Reserrss, - 24:00 <� Leson,.,Buss Police Reserve 24.00. Walt`Ehristiansen Police Reserves 24.00 Aft Halliday Police Reserraa ,X4m Deuel Police Reserves -24.0,0 + S+Ate `Treasur Sur Charge 166. ` I St qu Sebmidt Overt3>n 68.29 �Ste"M Sahsi j Mileage ' 3.60 : LeftaQ E owrti. 21.03 Joseph Van Dan Boor Overtime 36.'45 Joseph Van Dan Boor a Hiliage 7:20 Daanii Leff �f 'Dorms Left Overtire 78..21 4.20 " I f Mileage v 9aitb Overtire 44.21 _I \ a' R�tohard«,MRWiora Overtime 44..80 � - Isi►raelsoa �1,488oc., Inc. ririg'Fess 2332.00 { t G.A. limdapgba Co. Police Supplies �" 107 j � t Cash �j f Petty Cash 5000 R3eYwd p11 { Salary 442.9`2 Ste�ra dt Salary 385:84 r1 s\ Dennis Leff Salary 35� 90 v 9adth a Sat cry` 323. Joiepa van Den Boor Salary `: 328.00 Richard Klughers Salary 310.30 Michael McGuire Salary 429 89 Joni, Jwnswa Salary 86. >30 a Melaatte Swill le � 'Wary, 143.84 Lear Rabenoit -- Polioe Reserves 30,00 ' °Reaerr'eh Reuel = ' RessrReo 3O':AO n Walter V. k2wi4tf anon Police Reserves 30.00 Ray RobinPon Police Ressrfta 115.00 1AGn W. Bws - Police Reserved 15.00 L Sallid Police Resorrea _ 15.00 Local Union 320 `Union Dues 51.00 P Ikr,.l[ Savings Hanle Savings' Plan v 160.'01 . Walter $took MeyorIa Salary 180.00 'Michael McGuire Car Allowance 75.00 34111yan. ♦ttorniy Fee' 4660.00 . , _7_ n I -.�' _.' . T r r w- _^ ; • •. ¢�„II" :R '3t L `sTt�'d?1iT' "IK,�`5 dM.*`hia>_ _ `Sa9AA # •�'fa�'S :wa..1;Sk 1. .uak a'1,Sw.X#"...".+. q V >.A= 3'=�Nmxa - h - nt >� o NAINYTK of 60 M p cesdin of the Vil"o Council of the Vilkw of 1Pdw Lake in the County of See" and Sete of 4 llAieneseto; including ell oecouMft audited by teW Council, GENCRALI(continuad) 1 Minnesota Natural Div. Minnesota Gee Co. = 23.28 43.93 c N.S.P. ` Delta Dental Plan of Mn.- N.S.P. �Dgntal Insurance 108.o0 Ebhneaoh a liennen Work at x,J Leonard 105.00 t 18.95 t` Sh*0pee Valley;tPub. Polio* supplies ' JAK Office supplies Co: Office supplies • v Nola. star a Tribune (fold star Printing Ad zoning a CIP 393.35 Law Enforcem Equip. � Polies^ supplies 33.4 Soott Rine Telephone Co. ;Telephone• " R.1. Nerstroo Masan Publishing Co. salary Police Supplies .95 8•95 - Zeraak Office Supplies Cara 188.82 a•DD Dos Bwse- Jr. Tasking Police Police Radio Repair 20.95 Air Cam Grafaro Co., Iac. Office Supplies �,. 39.21 363.18 ° ,. 3autheide Dodge Inc. Police Auto gepair 1 1.13 n5 Hackers Life Co :Sospital 3;00 Nodders lbrtinguishers Police supplies Dos Catoher 166.00 j Robert McAllister 6 .00 1 A �, �x �; k} Lsae of Mo. Munici. gu Register of Deeds Bonk Micro -film Copies �•� " Jack Oakes Counoil Par °salary 80.00 ' Ran'Baberkorn Council Council salary 80 00 I Doan Basso Dan Pilliasis Council Salary 80.00 8.47 LeRoy Rabenort :Police Supplies 442.92 Riohard Powell salary X4.34 styiran sabmidt Salary 361.40 o Dennis Leff d 301=7 3�4 , 80 Rabenort Sala 33 1 I 3aith .Joseph van Den Boom, r Glary Salary 318.80 ; >1ti chard laughers 429.89 Michael Haouirs, David MacGilliVrq S l ?a 21, �1 � �� fr p M Savings plan . Satins Plan ry ,, �_ x " Al anie Spraak Salary 1 .;..79 $3.00 Joni Jalnuon taholwa] d Bldrs Salary Retainer Refund ' 00.00 Valter W Christiansen Folice Reserve Mileage 1:5.00 10.5 # Horst Grazer Petty Cash 50.00' Charles Tooker Planners lees , 500.00 f x Laaoe 3ohwech Library Rent is deposit) 3�•� i 1 26.00 . `. 'lr='=7 (error �. asiu med Check Daniel Enterprises .00 TvaL td , q, it WAM PWs Co�■ldssioner of Rrrenue sales Tax 598.23 14.90 ° Mobil Btasidard Oil Gee and Oil . Gas and 9il 60.72 N.S.P. 337 -80 2.60 .. ?Co puitosu� ice Inc. V4t•r Billing oxp�ue 18.71 ' K ' 7 Prior Lalke OBI �Edas ., :, Supplies 'Gas Co. , C c.45 p It n"sota Natural Div. Minnesota u , 58 s Dynamic 9rstMS, Ise. Sugplies •' 74. Van Waters and Rogers Chapioals 332680 iTatar products, Co. Layne Minnesota Co Meters Supplies 15.12{ v Mary Gerhardt salary 179 5;47 183:47 a t ,Bredlq Brandt �.. salary 345.64 `^ Larry Karlkow Salary 1 Shirlena Craig 3alarg 8 L r. 3nirlene Craig Mileage MINUM of the P, low of fhe Villeve Cewocil of the. Vowee of P� w ,lake in tM Como" of seen sad Stab of '\ INisweeNs, isdedi" all reewMs eudited.by , said'CSeedl.' 'MiATER FM : ( continued) N.S.P. N.S.Y. 0 Prior Lake Stat Bank - Investment 25, 000. o0 a Van haters and Rogers- Chemicals 7NF.t?Q. American Water Yorks Assoc Dues, 32.5'0 Minn. Natural Div:. Minn. Gas Cowpan�y Postmaster Postage 200,'00 w Cash PO 00 Larry Korkoer Salary - 345;64 Mary Gerhardt Salary 179.74 Larry l[erkOw Overtime 59.84 Bradley Brandt Overtime 45.72 1 `!Returned Chock- Gerald Brezinski 317.50 �, F; Returned Check-, Daniel Rnterprias 635.00 Sr3-or in Deposit Terry Thomason 118.? TO Tl►ii 29, 3.�?iV ; Saw PODS .a: M' W, C .0 .' .�e�l -g. A. Ci• ., '16j'Q Mobil, > Gam -and ;011 14.90 SLhndard Oil Gas and 'Oil N.S.P. 60.72 225. �Ar+ Tclei Yfob31 Service 8'Quip. Repairs 6.00 :f Late .Auto Supply 4uip. Repairs 10 X15 } CoiQatoservice, Inc. Billing Rspsnae '112:60, r' `,Prior Lake' OE Hardrare ]swip Repair z . r1 1`3 MiMa- ''valley Kee., Co=mp ' Mimi. Valley Rlectric 4842 11 g Mt6svating, Inc." Reiter Repair Main- `" 25, j5 1` { Hd*Ai a Dodge:, Inc. ITftuip. Repairs 0 � Eliiogberg:' IDioawat3ng Ise. ' ��3eti+ar Repair 38.75 U , Ri7umd Johnson " Salary 3� 77 ; Judith Jopsets _ 3alairy 1 f Sbi t Graser Salary 195..1 3aringo Bank savings Plan 50.00 - >• daii'r "hood Assessment Roles X2.50 Judith `Jepaan Miley �i< 63.7 ;. . N...I�. <'" ✓ 18, �1 Amer. Sail. Bank a Trust Bonds '3728 05 Nodland Amoco.. !no. Sewn "Repair Main. Him. Valley 2100. Crop Minn. •fvallsy sloe. 52.73 Pup Co. sewer R�pair,yMain:� ��� 82.23 WV, C C Metro Inst,ai. 2036.28 '. Pirior Lake State Bank Iaestm,nt 50,000.00 + RlIDOAI Jahnsoa . Salary Hori' Graser Salary 195.17 '_j Jiedith Jepsea Salary ` Bradley Brraad'01 Salary 185,,17� ^± P A M Savings Bast • Savings Plea 50.00 Raturasd Ch�ok 590.00 i� Returned Chsok 530.00 4 DsPo Mrrw i>4 Deposit, ;. 1.. TOTAL V . , w . Siaads rd. Oil ` „ Gas and 'Oil 70.84 1i.S.P. v < -; N.S.P.- Natural Div.. Nat Tcm Mi 'L Gas Co. 10.87 I"il serrice 34uip.. Repairs �'Prior� Lake ft 8ard s : gnppliea fa \a � ..BT 3c*tt�Rioe Ts10*0" Co. Tel z<, a" 91-$8 Andrews Rezall Pharmacy 34=8 5.50 I' National Fire Protestion Msmbisrs�ip Dues 4EZ..00 -: Skip Reebie � Supplies=` 9.90 Superior Coach Sales Equip Repairs . ` 11.50 Scorpio Bombe 3nppl.es` 33.5 Akins Fire equip. Co. >Dquip. Repairs 105.50- • ... .Y`54. ` s�?�i4f4t"sl' +,�fUkrx C i it T� � m WNUM of 1M,he"Wim" of YNkm" Ceundl Of the vuhme sf Fdw like M 1M coomy'vi - oM end`a►ht� of Miee�wla, lndu ins all aao -aft sudiNd by tsW rCeuadl. FIR$ p= continues, Modders Extinguishers Supplies 124.50 Prior Lake_ 76 Equip. Repairs 25.22 Prior Lake Fire Dept. Supplies 238.89 "C " Lind, Ford Fire Truck Chassis «1514.15 Mimt. Natural Div. Mien. Gas Co. 27.63 N.S.P. K.S.P. 2 5. 41 City of Shakopee Refund of Revenue ,sharingi879.78 "C" Lind Ford TOTAL ° hire Truck Chassis 1514.1 • FMI ., Mobil . Gas and Oil y 14 :9ti S"a,rd 031 Gas and Oil 60-72 pgp NSP 942.26 ' Tor Mobil Service Equip. Repairs,tias ?TO Lake Auto p+quip. Repairs 27V 24 Prior Lace O[ Iiarbwe Equip. 5. ! Park4esi Inc. � . Equip. Repairs 12:91_, Carlson Tractor and kquip Squip. 61.93 Prior Lake Blacktop Grading w 13.10 n Vskley Equip. Co. ! Equip. Repairs 25.201 Itasca Equip. Co. Equip. Repairs Eiic 8.25` *' Man. Yallq El c. co-op Nina. ' Valley ". a , Ai ft ;J'dtnsoa ;Hauling CR.- Rook 55.00 Y.G. Pearion, Inc. Crushed R`oci 135• Donik*11 "Co. Street Sipe 100.45 �, E]su' Buses Ulm , 3. ` valley Elea. co-op Mir. Valley Else 8'.2 ils. Weller and Sons BTU, Nix 35 1. 00 - inter Buse salary 336.15 26.00 A1: _Sergott Maim l -,Work XUA r Bui�se Over, it 21 31 OTAL BQUaz�xi "IMP mp . Y . Prior Lake OiCr al'dllare Re Repairs io.26 x.4 f l 4 . Mi. Natl. Dit. en Gros Ind. Services _Grose- Gas . zaduatriel 23. o :� Nstr Prague IAIMDer ! Aeadr Repairs 2Q:00 Fah:'edwP Cleaning Service 86:00 N3P.. K. Super ftcrket N" Cleaning Supplies 1 44,.82 -6 -4�2 ' N9P NSP �F 0 50 u ' TOMIS *bil. Service Gas and Oil ` ` Irkrin Class" salary 297.88 Irlria rCi4wans Salary TO'T'AL , 1E. • r PAW IMS , : 1st Mail Bank/St Beads- Coupons "285.35 5k�, f J� & � E o p Refund Taxes f .28 ` T�Tat' o 3 -1 = YsM^miwW F<:w.s .rvrr.�Pt".�534�311 � sX: 74 h4`SY,FiiX#f4�•F.`'Y+4`::C S: :"S'Yie'a dteY rWb 'q "!¢A :'.k , •i• . .: �� q p • 44,,��,,. 3 ; "' T� � sTR>o�r ; n�Ravziar �'`' ' 4 ; , of 'ti Fund :p ?� Israelson and Assoc. 206ineering Fees - 3-849000 Zrbard Apiml Assessment Refund 89 06 a TOM r 72- •7.8.9 &:10 y 1! a Inmdt Iara* ir and Assoc Engineering lee 374.00 � (; Jotaastans P.O. Nursery Sod 5.00 Garr 8larkart ` Water Tower Asses. 150..00 1 Noarhod Molcher Water Tower Asses. 150,00, ; an Tir J mlal c _ Water Tower Assess 150.00 <, UaT Bills Imrtstasnt 12084 80 J TOTAL, >Kodla>ad Assoc. Sidemiks TOULL .00 f5 d 724 Mika Fl m � k o U9T Bills Imestasntw , .00 r UST Bills Inv 18. TOTAL k rzt MINYTIf.. Of 60 ft" 404110116 of #11A Villpe Cweeil of the Vil of Pdw Lake M M the C648ty of, Sew and fNh of ,. 1141eeessto. indwling all eceeeets evow by acid Cwadi. 1975 GL1ND►18 S a v P= ,, To Mobil Service O OiTom 2 2:00 3 - - I Instant Shaft," 1 R Relocate trees 1 100. 0 Johnstons P.L. Nursery T Trees 5 539.50 -> ` I Israelson k,ssoa. E Engineering Fees 9 9303.50 Ver]yn, Raaen S Salary- 3 339.04 Larry J. Anderson S Salary , . 4 464, F A N Savings`B&Ak S Savings Plan 35- 00 Minn. Valley Bloc. Co-op P Poorer Lift Station 3 3334.00, Isrealson,4 Assoc. E Engineering lees 5 5509.50' -, Northland Supply Co. C Contract Psymnt 8 8910.00 j j Nodland Assoc. . 1 129638.84 • .. z z L Larry J. Anderson ... - S Salary 4 46 Verlyn Raaen S Salary 3 339.04 " F & N Savings Bank S Savings Plan x x 000 TOTAL 1 1599,0t5.2 SHIM AND WATER I10ROVEMUR FUND Amr. Natl Banc and Trust B Bonds- interest 2 206.00< {, UST Bills I Investieents ` `6 000 00 TOM M M • � x J obnotone P.L. Nursery T Trees 1 12 5:50 ` B Us Brother* and 90n3,Inc S Sewer Repairs g gg.00 B.N. and.,3ulliran` A Attorney`P+ses` 5 550,80 y � � �iod]aaii Assoc, Inc. C Contract Palratat o o6 y TOTAL 75. Xerox Corporation Copy Machine 171.27 WATER. FUND Waterous Company 'Hydront Parts $ 126t05 i U . , { �:.4 .. Products Company Water Meter Repair 209.52 Water r SEWER Richfjeld Yards, .Inc.' .Pipe S 160.55 MW6 Installment 2, 036.28' STREET FUND: i4 . Hallett Electric Service Co. Maint. Shop { s'' 45 00, Donnell. Co. Y Situ 42.90 Lake Auto, Supply R *pairs 38.91 `" 1Wm: Mualler 3 Sons ` r ��� � �� 81�Mix 68.25 Sears = ,. �.' -, Filter. 20.79. " Itasca Equipmert%;.Co,.- Blue Len: 6.55�� BUILDING FUND: u f .. h. Buie NI r Market p er ,,, Cleoniiig Supplies a 3707 Gross Industrial- °Servi ' - Floor Mats 23.60' PARK FUND: « Jol>suion's Prior Lake Nursery Seed $ 8.75 b = GLENDALE SEWER AND Y10ATER FUND r. " DvlriifiedlPipe Services, IrRC. TV Inspection Z 5,537.50 Braun Engineering Testing Cylinder Melds 10:80 = Johnston x, Prior Lake Nursery Trees z n �`y �ll�li� ' h" �. kC�' K7QSM Xx1L'. ' tPATti '.kl:,;slsbk+atu.iaP3f5ax�' + 'tiJ;��".lre'ia�.+ � .' M MlHUM of the h Hues of the Villego Coundl of the Villsee�of MiK Lake in the County of Scott and State; of Minneeeta, including all accounts tlydited by said Couodt.' The, following invoices are scheduled to be paid on Tuesday No 8 8, 975: MULMOLE FUNDS: Scott, County Sheriff' R Radio Maltese , ,S 198.00 ,'NSP U Utilitiss• 1 1,854.89 " Pitney owes y P Postage Meter 3 30.00 1&L's Lawn and Leisure R Repairs 8 88.11 r,. S Standard.0il G Gas and Oil ' 992:00 ' Banktirs life Company H Hospitalization 1,163.55 -�.. GENERAL FUND: Clare nce Schmidt P Plumbing. Inspector 302.00 c Jo hns/ii�'s Prior Lake Nursery T Tree Inspector 4 4! 465.00' Andreas Drug O Office Suppl des 1 14.95 " " tinevFc W Weed Inspector x x131.95 j j 'Jordan Independent B Ballots 6 67.25 t R Register of Deeds M Microfilm °Copies V ` E. H. Newstrom B Building . ` `3.75 ` University MinnssoM M M*Iist , , 18.00