HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 09 1981Motion by Thorkelson to approve the Supplemental Agreement, #1 ,`in the amount of $940.00 for insulating sewer and water services In the area,'of Prior i Hiil, seconded by< and upon a vate taken it was duly passed. f +I k Motion by Bi ssonett to approve - .Chanije ,Order #5 for Fa i-el awn,'Shores ,i n the amount of $8,135-13 for owering this watermain and services on the east - portion of the'east- westllsegment of,fairlawn Shores Trail%`- seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it wars duly passed. i Motion by Busse to approve iCha g Order #6 for Fairlawn Shores in the amount of $17,027.0&.for work oil the Haberkorn lots, ri'p rap for the outfall ditch, 9 and work on the Matson p oper.ty'� seconded by Biss and upon a vote taken'it was duly passed u , GREEN ,HEIGHTS City Engineer Anderson reported on the utility_ easement in Green Heights.,- ` u . UTILITY EASE- The City acquired a ten,footfutility easement from Lo'rraine.Cheval.ier i.� n MENT ' 1974 on Lots 23 8 '24, Green;�'Heights.. The descr[pflon of the easement',was ° incorrect resulting,i,n the easementube,ing acquired on the east side of ' � Lot 23. instead' of the west: The owner i -gojng to sign a quit c`l °alm -deed to the City; the, City should sign a, quit c >laIm °deed_to Ms. Chevalier for the not needed ' P Motion by 'Bl'ssonett to the Mayor and City Nanager,;. to sign portion that back the easement, on the quit claim deed` on Lot 23, Green - Heights, to Lorraine j r Chevaler,;seconded bpi Watkins and upon a.vote taken it was duly passed. PRIOR LAKE City Engineer Anderson commented on the request of the Bureau of Indian INDIAN RESER- Affairs " to sand the roads in the,Prior Lake Indian Rese.rvation.` The Bureau VATION SANDIN wiil.pay for the sanding at a r�i'te of $45 /hr. The Council recommended " that a:.change be -made to the agreement; the second.:paragraph should read the f5AIow the foiloWing roadi within the Prior Lake 'Indian Reservation,.etc,. ,LL Motion by Bssonett to approve the.agraement.:i►iah the Bureau of Indian ? Affairs for the Prior Lake Indi­n Reservation with the amended language, the following roads with fn the Prior Lake Indian Reservation, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken,, It was duly passed. MINUTES of the p proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Seott and ,$ of re .: M Mioneseta, including all accounts audited by sal&Council. ' ' February 9, 1981 . The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on ' Y at 7.30 PM in the, ouncil Chambers ,. Mayor Stock Monda ,- February 9, 1981' called the meeting to order. Present, were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Bissonett,` Busse, Thorkelson, ° and Watkins, City Manager McGuire,- City'Engineer Anderson, ° ° City Planner Graser, Finance Director Teschner and City Attorney Sullivan. MINUTES M Motion b Watkins to approve the minutes of Februar 2,1981 as submitted, seconded by Busse andu u SCOTT COUNTY C 7 � ' MUTUAL AID S , -the S AMBULANCE, f finds it satisfactory; Fire Chief Bob Mertens feelsthat there is a need AGREEMENT f for this agreement. Motion.�by Thorkelson'to approve the Scott County Mutual Aid Ambulance Ser- vice Agreement, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. CIGARETTE C City Manager McGuire commented on the request for a cigarette license for " LICENSE m- t the Holiday Stationstore and recommended approval. it r r HOLIDAY � �. Motion by Busse to approve the cigarette license to the Holiday Stationstore,- ` ` ,r seconded bq Bissonett and upon a'vote taken; it was duly ' passed., ` _iir " City Manager' McGuire commented on the request from Lakeville Plumbing b . a *HM LIE. H Heating for a_,plumb.ing license, and reco"nded approval. ` ` i " M Motion by Bls'sonett to approve the p l umO i i i g l i cens'e °to L a k e v i l l e Plumbing { { c & & Heating, seconded by Watkins and rupon lia vote taken it was duly passed. FAIRLAWN - C City Engineer Anderson reported on the Orders for Fairlawn Shores, °SHORES CHANGE` and recommended approval; ORDER 5 6 fl MINUTES of the Perecoodinas of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake In the County of Scott and State of _ Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. PERMIT City Planner Graser reported on the sign permit fees and establishing a fee schedule. Motion by Watkins to establish a minimum fee of $25,00 for a sign less than_ 5 sq. ft. and any sign 25 sq. ft. or.more shall be charged an additional, Q .25 /sq.. ft, seconded by Busse and upon a vote;;taken It was duly passed. ICOUNTY COMP. ity Planner Graser commented on the County Comprehensive Plan. The two jPLAN, lements which have an impact on the City are Land Use and Transportation. { nder land use, the area in Spring Lake Township is in the Orderly Annexation f the plan; it should be changed to classify under the general use area (10 cre minimum). Under Transportation, County Road 23 is listed as a collector, wever, only a small portion is in the City limits. This should be mentioned i� o the County. tion by Thorkelson to direct the City Planner to submit a transcript of his k omments on the County's Comprehensive Plan to the Scott County'Planning Dept., econded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. .CITY LIMIT ity Engineer Anderson reported on his findings on the City limit sign`s with`', i - =SIGNS W /POP. he population figures. The Scott County Engineer stated hat the si,gns'wiil of be changed until the official census is done, then it will take about one ear after that to get all the population figures on the signs and put them E `PRIOR LAKE ity Planner Graser commented on the letter to the Metro CounclU on the °lCit* !s i COMP. PLAN ewer flow in the Prior take Comprehensive Plan. What has been done to,make ihe SEWER FLOW � ,, pl'an•acceptab'le to the Metro Council to change the projections.> RATE tion- by ,-Thorkelson to adopt the amended flow rate for the City of Prior Lake, econded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. 4, ` DOLLARS,FOR Marlis Bluedorn reported on the Dollars -for Scholars Program in the City and SCHOLMS PROD ' they are looking for volunteers from each organization in the City to help on, the committee. Councilman Bissonett'stated that he has been asked to attend ' and he will represent the City. k f BOB BARSNESS! Mayor Stock received a ,letter of withdrawal from Bob Barsness. Mr. Barsness' COMM. `CENTER wilt be unable to serve on the Community Center Committee. ' COMMITTEE Motion by Thorkel.son to accept the letter of withdrawal, from Bob Barsness, from the Comnity_Center Committee, "seconded by Busse and upon a vole taken mu it wati duly passed. u ' ;DAN- DA`4iLGREN Mayor :Stock read the`letter of appreciation, dated February 5, 1 that hey ", 4 i received from the Dan Dahlgren family. The fo'l,lowing invoices are scheduled to be paid on Wednesday, February 18,;1981: k ., . M1, sc. - Departments; 1 Lonmen`, Nelson, Sullivan s Cole Attorney Fees $4;375.55 j Computoservice, Inc. Sewer b Water Bilting 682.91 Ames Office 'Supply Office "Supplies 4.65 ' Stearns Oil oil 112.57 e _ Scott -Rice Telephone Utilities 627.91 ._ a)e.lta - Dental' Plan of Minn. insurance 693.75 - �1 ` 1 Coast to Coast Supplies 11.51 M -V Gas Co; Propane 688.75 fl" Lake Auto Supply- --Vehicle Repairs 140.40 f Weber Auto Supply, Inc. Repairs -116.85 >> t Ban Franklin Suppi•ie's 101. NSP U t i l i t i e s 3,69364 CDa I c. Copy Machine 199,56 \ r; i -2- February 9 1981 MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village touncil of the Village of 'Prior Lake in the County of Scoff and .StaN of is Mianosola, including all accounts audited by sold Council. General Government: Northern Comfort Homes, inc. Retainer Refund $ 100.00' Ralph Teschner Mileage 5.00 Hauser's Super -Valu Supplies 23.45 # { E. H. Newstrom Bldg. b Plmg. Inspector 516.00 Creative Graphics Printing 304.40 Prior Lake American /Leader Publishing 95.01 American Linen Supply Co, 8idg. Maint, 20.65 ' Dolores Berens Cleaning Library 50.00 Gross Ind. Services Bldg. Maint: 63.85' Intl] City Management Assn. Publication 35.75 Reynolds b Reynolds Supplies 73.32 Intl Institute of Municipal Clerks Membership 45.00 Eng` i nee r i n9' Brunson Instrument Co. Repairs S 90.00 *' Ys. PoI ice • Dennis Leff c: Mileage $ 23.60 . r.. Rob, Boo Mileage 9.60 , Joe VanCenBoom Conference 151.80 Mahowald "Motors Vehicle Repair 143.23 Palley Tire 8 Auto Service, Inc. Vehicle Repair 100.62 Fire: Uniforms Un jimited Supplies S 122.75 Park: Satellite Rentals $ 130.20 MRPA Membership 60.00 :MAPRA Membership 10.00 County Recorder Copies 3.20 Street Earl F. Andersen 8 Assoc., Inc. Signs $ 289.35 MacQueen Equip. Inc. RePairs 275.64 1 Airsignal Rentals - 28.00 Dan' s I CO Repa i rs ' 7.50 Metro Alarm, Inc: Streeter Amet Repairs Equipment 1,350.00 48.00 Itasca Eqn p. Co. Repairs 660:48., j Sewer: MWCC Installment $16,247•70 Hanson Pump Service Co. Repairs 71.25 water: j Water 'Products Co. Repairs S 434.64 ..; Diseased Tree: ` Scherer Tree Service' Tree Removal $ 550.00' i = Lumberjack Tree Care. Tree Removal 240.00' Motion by Watkins to adjourn, seconded by Bi.ssonett and upon a vote taken this meeting was adjourned at 8:12PM. Michael A. McGuire City; Manager