HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 11 1982a a Mayor Stock directed City Manager McGuire to send a letter of appreciation to 1 Roger Harris for alI the ye as service that he has given to the City of .' Prior Lake, in the position of..Police Commissioner. 'r• . `° Gene Newstrom Mot i on by Watk i,n's to reappoli nt Gene Newstrom as Ci BI i I'd.i ng and P 1 umb i ng `a ,¢ Inspector at the rate. of $1,',5.00 per inspectton;'seconded by Busse and upon a City,.BuiId'Ing. In a s vote taken it was duly pa`ss,ed. rt 1 Mayor Stock gave the upgat3:,on the Signals at Highway 13 and - County Road 42 Mayor Stock reported that�he had been in contact wi eh •tile Project Engineer for a the Minnesota Department of Transporation Darrell Foster, and Ridgedale Electric, the 'Subcontract6',,% " Hopefjl Iy the project wi I "I be comp within two weeks,'" , c r , Mayor Stock called the Informational Meeting for Pleasant and Walker Avenue to order. City Graser was resent to review Staff recommendation. Yn p k �- City Planner Graser stat,ad that tonights discussion would be focused - on'the improvement of two sections of roadway, primarily that of County Road 21 from the Wagon Bridge to Hig !way 13, and Pleasant Street from MiIn to Highway 13. J City Manager McGuire reviewed, the status of County Road 21. City'Manager' McGuire stated that thus would be discussed in detail at next weeksmeeting, �. but gave a'brief summa y. Finance Director 'i'eschr�,ec reported on the financing alternatives for the 1 v improvements: Mayor Stock requested (amity Manager McGuire to summarize what has been stated ty, Staff. y , `6 .. ij MINUTES of t the 'Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior lake in the County of 0 Scott and State _.,_.... �,_.._..,.... �... ,..�.,�...,_..�.,. »�.._...�... � January l#, 1982 The Common Council of'the -City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday,` January 11, 1982_at =7:30 PM in the Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called the meeting to order- Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, Watkins, Thorkelson, Schweich, City Manager McGuire, City Planner Graser, Finance Director Teschner and City Attorney Sullivan`. Mayor Stock asked everyone to please rise and pledge aileginace to the flag. x The minutes of Janaury 4, 1982 were reviewed. Corrections T 4 for Minutes of P Page 1, Paragraph 17, Motion by Thorkeison to appoint Ly`l3 Anderson as Civil Defense Director. i Minutes M Motion by Watkins to approve the minutes of January 4, 1982 as,`amendEid, seconded` by'Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. �.,.. * M Miss Judy Mueller, the exchange student for the Rotary Club was present'—Ai Mueller spent one year in South Africa. Miss Mueller presented Mayor Stock with a letter and two books about the area in which she stayed, q y ,per his re Miss Mueller told Council, Staff and '. audience about her stay in South Africa. City Manager McGuire reported on the results of the Towing Bids, which were f' o opened on Tuesday, Janaury 5,' 1982 :at 10:30 AM. Award Towing Motion by`Thorkelson to award the bid ror- 1982, for t 64 ing purposes for the to Dave's''Towing C Ci of Prior Lake to Davers Towing as per the proposed prices, seconded by a W Watkins and upon a vote'taken it was duly passed. Mayor Stock directed City Manager McGuire to prepare the 'contract for Dave's r Towing. , , The appointment for Palice.Conoissioner was requested t to be tabled until January' t1, 1982. Henry Schrader M Motion by Watkins to appoint Henry Schrader to the'PoliceComm;ission`for� the 7j ! Peary S open term, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it' was duIy, passed MINUTES of the Proceed of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including a1] ) audited by said Council, City Manager McGuire stated that the City feels that Pleasant Avenue is''. necessary and is beneficial to the Downtown area, Walker Avenue is also necessary but until the final outcome of County Road 21 is known it should beheld up. The next step for Pleasant Avenue would be a Public Hearing, also to start the c ui ition f t n A s or.Co�t Road 2T again. q Y � n - k Mayor Stock at this time opened the meeting to questions and comments from the aud ience. There were many questions and comments for Council and 'Staff. Mayor r Stock �sfate y d -that at th'i s time he was going to continue the discussion and Informational Meeting for Pleasant and Walker Avenue, basically, Pleasant and County Road 21, on January 25, 1982 at 8 :00 PM in the Council Chambers, also requested the Prior Lake American to head the fact that the information for pending or proposed assessments would be available upon calling Ralph Teschne`r t- here at City Hall. + .'Next item on the a enda is the industrial /Commercial Advisor . t! 9, proposed Y Committee �" Mayor Stock stated that he had prepared some development goals and objectives / and before he would',make his recommendation as to potential committee members, ?t he would like to read the goals for the Prior Lake Industriai /Commerical r AdvIsory Committee. E >> r ; Development Motion by Watkins to adopt the proposal that Mayor Stock outlined (the Goals ° Goafsffor " and Objectives for`the Prior Lake Industrial /Commercial'Advisory Committee) as . il�id, /ConKn, a'statement of purpose of the Committee and the following names be adopted as { the Prior lake• Industrial /Commercial Advisory Committee, Bill B'issonett; Colleen Ottman, Bob'Barsness Dave Fiemmng,'Mark $tromwall, Jim Hi1I, Barb Prind I e, Dave EngIehardt, Dick'Balow and Mike McGuire; as Staff Member, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. `May'or`Stock directed City Manager McGuiie to schedule the initial meeting k . The proposed T982 Police Contract was reviewed'by City Manager McGuirer ' Changes 'for The following changes will be made to the contract, these changes have been approved Law Contract with.taw Enforcement Labor Services, Inc., Local No. , 100. II'aga 1, DELETE: personne I i n ` -the ba rgG i.n i`ng uh Ft spec i f f ed r. si J "2,1 _ in B.M.S.: Case No. 82 PR -213 A,. kt ' !I 0 ADD: all e6ployees of ;the Prior, Lake Police' Dept, x who are employed more than- 14 hours per y .= week, an&)more than 100 work. days per w year, excluding the Chief, Supervisory, and confidential personnel. r "•" Page 6 DELETE: Employees shall receive three hundred seven , s; Section 16.1 dollars ($307.00/ e r,,. ear) - ADD: Emp.loyees shall,r'eceive three hundred f ifty - tw i e doilars Y `($352.00/ 00/per ear) P Page 7 AFTER: provided that, �..' !Section 21.5 ADD: a doctor's certificate is filed with the 'City t Mana er statin that the em `lo ee is not able 9 9 P Y to return to work.' Wage 8 ADD: .Any employee that claimst!an absence from work r {3 ADD:;.Section 21.7 due to an Injury on the job is ?, ,sustai'ned subject,to an examination to.be made in behalf r i of and paid by the employer, by a person competent to perform the same and i..s designated by the 'employer. a Page.10 Salaries - Ishould be rounded off to the %• Appendix A, Salaries nearest dollar. I. IS SHOULD BE Start i $1,310.09 Start $1,310.00 `After 6, .mths 1., 55 After 6 mths 1 551.00 is After 12 mths i After 12 mths 1,780.00 € `After 24 mths '1;904.19 Aftef^ 24 mths 1,904.00 y After 36 mths 2,033,79 After 36 mths 2,034.00 1 MIN''UTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior lakes in the County of " Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. Page 10 DELETE: Sergeants will receive five percent (5Z) Appendix A, Salaries above top patrol (36 month level) during ► *: the first year of appointment and ten percent (10 %). after one ('1) year above the top patrol (36 month level). ; Page 12 Add to last sentence Memorandum Of Understanding ADD: or /and unscheduled absence „ Salaries represent a 9% increase over 1981. .•I Approve 1982 Motion by Watkins to approve The 1982 Police Contract as amended autho`rizi'ng ' Police Contract - to the Mayor and Manager - into the agreement, seconded by Busse and upon 4 a vote.taken it was dulyspassed.' Mayor Stock announced that St. Francis Hospital will be having.a'Ci�?undbreakIng 1 ceremony on January 18, 1982 at 10 :30 AM,'also there will be a Publi'c'Hearing considering the creation of Minnesota Metropolitan Regionai'Rail Authority on Tuesday, February 9, 1982 at 1`i :00 AM in the Commissioner's'Room n, the Courr House, Shakopee. Finally, the Scott County Hous_ing &`Redevelopment Authority will be conducting their.annual- meeting on January 26, 19827at 8 :00 PM, location. of this meeting is 707 County Road.83. ' I'nvo The following invoices are scheduled to be ,paid on Tuesday, January 1 9,', 1982;' i ces to be Paid MISC. DEPARTMENTS j { Bankers Life insurance, 2 300.58 X 25.00;' } ° Suer Business Equipment Office Supplies '' ! Quill Corp. Office - Supplies 209.49 Albinson Machi Rental 40.00 lake Auto Supply Repai Supplies; 109..96, i Creative Graphics Printed Suppi,les 36332' ; M-Gas Company Fuel 1,188.00 � Super Valu Miss. Supplies, 35.41 OK Hardware Misc. Supplies 193:15' All Weber's Bumper to Bumper Repair Supp l ie 74..79 Char! le Tooker Planner �' � � 6M,�Vb0 r Scott Rice Telephone Co. Telephone Service 6676,5 GENERAL GOVERNMENT i State Treasurer Surcharges 1 1,602:24. 1 s ' n y L Ie Civil Defense 100.00, ' George M. Hansen Co. Auditors I 2,300.00 j E. H.,.Newstrom Building & Plumb. Insp. 700.00 } Prior Lake American Publishing j' '­114.90 Ames OffIcW Supply Maintenance Agreements 305.00 X Pitney Bowes Mai =ling; °Machine Supplies 206.50 Prior Lake Postmaster Fox Rent 17.00' r MAMA Dues 5.00 , Quality Waste Control Rubbish Removal. 1 344. Q0 RMRS Systems M1C`j. Postage '' 2,400.00 Prior Lake Postmaster Postage 80.00 Mayor & Counc i,_ I Pay Salaries 1 a r i es �� 1,050 .00 Mike McGuire Car A I I ownace 275.00 Bob McAllister Dog Catcher 320.00 American Linen Suppl''Co. Sanitation Supplies 84.19 i • y POLICE V' , 4 Robert Boe Mileage 4.80 „ •,. St. Francis Hospital B I ood A;Lcoho 1 50.50 Mahowa,ld Motors Repairs 580.33 Suburban Police Recruitment Membership Assessment 80.00 �. Ben Franklin: Misc. Supplies 20.4Q, ` Lee Rabenort -i,\ School & Court Expenses 47.95 i �' it MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the Ci y of Prior lake in the County of Scott and' State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said= CouncII FIRE W.S. Darley Company c Supplies i y 154.89 Minn. Stafe Fire Dept. Assn. Dues 45.00 Minn. State Fire Chiefs Assn. Dues - 40.00 PARKS 'Coast to Coast Supplies,= 92.03 i Snyder Drug Suppll.es 4.16 "Mlinnesota!Toro, Inc. Supplies = `31.65" µ Prior Lake Hockey Assn. Warming House Repair 85.00 Shakopee Public Util ities Park Lighting 8.67 ' Minnesota Recreation Assn. Membership Dues, 70:A0 MN Park & Rec— Assn. Dues f 73.Q0` .STREETS � 'Prior Lake Lumber Co. . Repa I r Supp I i es, 9.56 . Earl ° F. Anderson Co. - Signs x;64 , 50 MaIkerson Repairs a 248.00 Metro —Alarm Monitoring Fee 48.00 ENG INEERING State Treasurer Examination Fees 1 SEWER v « O L Schrader Block Pumbing 40:00 t Metro Waste Control, Commission Sewer Installment 19'38.58 .. Metro Waste - Control ,Commission SAC Charges, 2,945.25; ' WATER �<.'� _ ° ' Serco Analysis - X19.50 S � D EBT' SERY t L Irst National Bank " Condoms /Gateway 5,975.00' r,i ca Nat t onil I Eiank Conso l i da ed I mprovements,' 215.00 1 u at Mot ion by Watkins to "adjourn, seconded 'by Busse and upon-;,A vote taken., th Is meets "ng was adjourned' at 9e:19 PM. +E ° M ichael A, McGuire j Ci Manager , y A V f , �F It �1 Y