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MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the s
County of Scott and State of Minnesota, Including all accounts audited by
said Council.
December 19, 1983
The Commen Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday,
December 19, 1983 at 7:30 PM in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called
the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmembers Busse, Schweich,
Scott, Thorkelson, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson, City Planner
Graser, City Attorney Kessel and Consulting Engineer Norton.
Mayor Stock asked everyone to please rise for the pledge of allegiance.'
The minutes of December 12, 1983 were reviewed; t
The following corrections are to be made to the minutes of December 12, 1983. 4
PAGE 3 PARAGRAPH 3 SHOULD READ: it would be effective early'in
1984 thru 1986.
PAGE 3 PARAGRAPH 13 INSERT: floor of the house'
Minutes .$
Motion by Thorkelson to approve the minutes of December 12, 1983 as amended and
the list of invoices scheduled for payment on Tuesday, December 20, 1983, seconded
by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
The next item on the agenda was to review a resolution pertaining to the Emergency f
Sobs Bill Grant Application.
Mark Nagel, Staff'Member of the Prior Lake Economic Development Committee and
Chairman of the Scott County Housing and Redevelopment Authority reviewed this for
the Council.
Mayor Stock read Resolution 83 -38, A Resolution Authorizing Execution of the Agree-
There was discussion by Council and Staff.
Motion by Thorkelson to adopt Resolution 83 -38 as presented', seconded by Scott and
{ 83 -38.'
upon vote taken it was duly passed.'
Mr. Nagel then asked, that the Council consider authorizing the Housing and Repevelop- ; n .
ment Authority of Scott County to administer the program. He stated that everything `
would be'done by HRA.
Mayor Stock asked if the Prior Lake /Spring Lake Watershed District had any comments
regarding the grant application.
Chairman, Cleve Mickley stated that he�had no comments, but thanked the Council and
City-Stiff for all the work that' had done to help with the problem.
S.C. H.R.
With no other comments, motion by Busse to authorize the Scott County Housing and
Redevelopment 'Authority to act as the administrator and the City Manager to
execute such application, seconded byf Scott and upon a vote taken it "was duly passed. „
The next item on the,,agenda was to review the 1983 annual report of the Prior Lake
Economic Development Committee:
Chairman of the Committee, 3im,Hill reviewed the report for the Council.
There was general discussion by Council and Staff.
Mayor Stock thanked Mir. Hill for his report and presentation and the action that
the Committee has taken.
The next item reviewed by the Council was the Comprehensive Water Plan. Mayor Stock
asked City Engineer Anderson to" this for the Council.
City Engineer Anderson reviewed the proposals for the Watertower site for the Council..
He stated that the Comprehensive Water System has addressed.3' alternatives for
future well expansion. Each alternative was reviewed.-He further stated that at this
time it would be Staff's recommendation that the City Council reaffirm their position
with alternative #l.`
Page 1
MINUTES of the Proceedins Of the City Council of the City of Prj or Lake in the-
County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts aduited by
said Council.
There was discussion by Council and Staff.
Mayor Stock asked City Engineer Anderson, so that he may continue to plan
towards the goal in the 1986 CIP, if he would need confirmation from the
Council at this time to continue to "proceed with our current plan which is
known as alternate #1.
City Engineer Anderson stated that was correct.
Co rehen.1
Motion b Scott to reaffirm the
Y .position to continue with alternative #1 plan
water plan
in our overall Comprehensive Water Plan for purpose of,planning for future
storage and well sites, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it `was duly
passed. ;.
Mayor Stock then directed.City Engineer Anderson to prepare a feasibility, study,
for potential land acquisition if it Is needed'for future wells'on'the basis of
using alternate #1 as the overall plan for a complete water package.
The 'next Item discussed by the Council was the G & E Industrial Plat.
Mr. Joe Mahoney commented to the Council regarding this plat. His concern
Nas doing the road with a gravel base instead of blacktop and the assessments��
being spread over all the lots instead of'just to'his plat,
City Planner Graser then commented. He stated that the original petition for
subdivision of the 14 acre site located in the industrial zoned area adjacent
to Credit River Road was filed by Mr.'Grendahl in dune of 1978. The plat was,,in
various stages of hearings over the last 2 years with it being; withdrawn for
consideration twice. ,In July of 1979 the Council gave preliminary plat approval
subject" to 5 conditions. The Council also gave a varlande permitting the plat
to proceed without City utilities. He made further comments.
There was further discussion by Council, Staff and Mr. Mahoney.
Mayor Stock stated that at this time the Council should' -a resolution in
concept accepting a gravel roadway built to standards, that we would expect of
if the road was going to be blacktopped, but``the blacktop requirements would be-
waived at this time.
Mr. Mahoney asked about the park dedication fee. He felt that it'wi high.
City Manager McGuire `stated ' that the acreage charge was calculated on $6,000.00
per acre.; If it were to be figured today, it would be higher. It would be up
to the Council if it should be re figured or left at the amount that it'is at
There was further discussion by Council, Staff and Mr. Mahoney.
Mr Mahoney 'asked if the City could finish the road and assess everybody:
Mayor Stock stated that it could be done through a developers agreement and it
could become a City Pr Due
y � .process would have to be conducted as far as
public'heatings are concerned.
Mr. Grendahl also commented to the Council.
After further discussion, motion by Busse based upon the information given, to
approve in concept the_ ontinuation of the hardshell process for this plat, waiving
the blacktop requirement for'the' street, seconded by Thorkelson.
Councilmember Thorkelson stated that he would base his second on the contingency
that staff come back with some specific recommendations on how the building
permits would be approved.
There was further discussion by Council and Staff.
Councilmember Busse accepted the amendment made to the motion to be as, "''
follows, staff will come back with specific recommendations on how the,.
building permits would,be approved "., Councilmember Thorkelson also accepted
this amendment to the second.
Mayor Stock called the question on the motion and upon a vote taken it was
duly passed.
Page 2
of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the
County of Scott and State of Minnesota, Including all accounts audited by
said Council.
Councilmember Thorkelson then asked that Staff work with the County so that when
the new right -of -way has been acquired and developed as a highway, part of {the
existing right -of -way can be used to provide landscaping and screening to the
storage areas along the proposed. County Road 21
Mr. Mahoney asked the Council to explain exactly what theCouncil approved.
City Engineer Anderson suggested that Mr. Mahoney submit a drawing as their
proposal of what they are proposing along with the drainage.
bo ,(V
The next item on the agenda was to discuss the letter from Mr. Prindle and the
North Side Sewer and Water Project.
City Engineer Anderson reviewed this for the Council. He used the opeg projec-
tot while showing a %iap of the property discussed. He stated that this parcel is
in an area where .sanitary sewer and watermain are proposed without a roadway. The
major concern appears to be that they do not want a roadway between the dwelling
and the lake. The City will be acquiring an easement for Sanitary Sewer and
Watermain only and no roadway easement. ' They have been working with the City to
determine the best alignment for future development of the property. The Prindle's
understandthat at some point they may wish to construct 'a roadway over the
City Attorney:Kessel.then, commented on the letter and the Prindle's request. He
stated that "no action would need to be taken. The Prindle's filed an objection
which preserves their right to object to the assessment and /or the value of
the benefit to their property. One way of removing their objection is by entering
into some kind of a stipulation with them.
Mayon Stock then stated that at this time, Consulting Engineer Norton would discuss
the alternative routes ,for the North Side Sewer Project. He continued to say-
that on Saturday, December 17, 1983 an onsight review was conducted of the Sewer
and Waterma ns as they were proposed and the different alternatives. The engineers "
were requested to present the drawings and review the alternate plans that were
discussed on site.
Consulting Engineer Norton stated that before't)e would get into the alternatives that
!;were discussed at the._on` site meeting on Saturday he wanted to back to the original
;Ipresentation that was_made to the Council at the time that the Comprehensive Sewer
,Report was being prepared He reviewed a memorandum regarding the March 26, 1979
'Council meeting. He then made a presentation on 'the 5 different alternative routes.
The five alternate methods of serving the North Shore area of Prior Lake are
described as: Alternate #l, the original route as shown at the Public Hearing.
Gravity Sewer from Crest Avenue and Shore Trail west -t the M.W.C,C. interceptor
at County Road 21 approximately 1000' north of Lords Street. Estimated cost for
this method is $930,915.50. Alternate #2, Gravity Sanitary Sewer from Crest
,Avenue and Shore Trail around Carriage Hill Road west'to the M.W.C.C. interceptor
at County Road 21 the'depth is 5' more than alternate at the M.W.C.C. line.
The estimated cost of this.method is $1, 086,293.00: Alternate #3, Itermitten
- Gravity Sewer with two lift stations, one at east end of Shore.,Trail and the 'Other
at the east end of Chatonka Beach. The estimateC of this`me'thod is $894,798.50,.
Alternate #4, Gravity Sewer frdm Crest Avenue and Shore Trail around Carriage Hill`'
Road to Chatonka Beach with one lift station at the east end of Chaton!a..Beach,
with a the west side .of Chatonka Beach'to M.W.0 C. "interceptor at
County Road 21. The estimated cost of this'method is $993,220.50. Alternate. #5,
would be gravity sanitary sewer from Crest Avenue and Shore Trap around Carriage -
Hill Road , west to the M.W.C.C. interceptor at'Couniy Road 21,. This method is
the same as #2 but at a shallower' depth. The estimated cost of this method is
;$1,039,769.50. He referred maps showing the different methods with the routings
on each of them. He made further comments.
There were many questions and comments by the North 'Shore residents. (The tape is
the official record of the meeting and will be kept on file in the City Manager's
After'further discussion, City Engineer Anderson scheduled dates and times for
neighborhood meetings. Residents on Shore Trail will meet on Saturday, January 14th
at 9:30 AM at Mr. Joseph Bush's home at 5281 Shore Trail. Residents on Chatonka
Beach will also meet on Saturday, January 14th but will meet at 1 :00 PM at Lloyd
Bergrun's home at 4853 Beach Street.
Mayor Stock thanked everyone for the input at this evening's meeting. He then called
a recess meeting was called back to order at 10:00 PM.
Page 3
. M
MINUTES of the Praceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior lake in the
County of Scott and State of Minnesota, Including all accounts audited by
s s
said Council.
;.resolution M
Motion by Thorkelson to adopt Resolution 83 -36 as presented, seconded by Busse.
83-16 a
and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
City Engineer Anderson then reviewed the time extension request for the .Sunfish
'. B
Bay Paving. He stated',that the contractor has completed the work on- Ifi3h Bay
except for the sod
dny and is requesting a time extension. He further stated
that they were given a completion date of November 30,•1983 and are asking for
an extension of time to June 15, 1984,
. 1
extension M
Motion by Thorkelson to grant the time extension until June 15, 1984 for the
for Sun- '
Bay Paving Projects, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly
fish Bay p
passed. ,
Paving Pro 1
1 1 '
City Attorney commented on the High)Water Ordinance. `He stated thatihe`
>' h
has contacted Scott County and is waiting= .to hear back `from them.