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MINUTES of` the proceedings of the City Council of the City of
Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of
Minnesota, Ancluding all accounts audited by said
May 7 1984
The Common Council of the City of Prior- Lake met in regular
session on Monday, May 7, 1984 at 7:30 PM in the City Council
.t Chambers. Mayor Johnson called the meeting to order.; Present
were Mayor Johnson, Council'members Busse, Schweich, Scotts,.
R` Thorkelson, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson, City
'? Planner Graser, Parks & Recreation Director Mangan; Finance'
Director Teschner and City Attorney Kessel.
Mayor Johnson asked everyone to please rise for the pledge of
n allegiance.
e reviewed.
The minutes of April 23, 1984 were �f ,
Councilmember Scott commented on the list of invoices.:,
' Minutes& Motion by Thorkelson to approve the minutes of April 23, 1984
TuaAces as submitted, 'and to approve the list of invoices. scheduled
ss for payment on Tuesday, May 8, 1984 as presented, seconded by
Busse and upon a vote taken it was: duly passed.
The first item on the agenda was to reviews ' the proposal for a
concessions lease at Watzl's :Point. Parks b- Recreation Director'
Oaiioeesim Mangan brought the Council up, to date as to what was discussed
the last time this came before the Council. He then reviewe8
low a'. memo from staff regarding the concession proposal for Lake
ilat=l's Ponnt
front ;Park.` He stated that the proposal suggests the intention
to sell food, snacks and soft drinks which would be:in direct
competition with the City owned concession/bath house. The
sale of snacks and sofa drinks by the City in large measure
covers. the cost of,: attendantsC) at the City facilities. The
sale of 3.2 beer 'was also suggested, but is out of °the,
question since it would greatly increase litter problems- for
'the City. He further stated that .if the developer. - remains,;
�inte'rested in the proposal, the City would get - together with
them and discuss a` building design, one that would blend with
ekisting.park structures.
Director Mangan further commented on the lease, liability and
other suggestigns to this proposal.
n ,.
There - were many, comments by people in the 'audience regarding,'
this. (The tape is the legal record_ and will be kept on file
;in the City. Manager's Office),
Council also aired their views -and opinions. 1
�Councilmember Scott asked that consideration be given to plac
ing this at SandPointe Beach.
After further discussion, Mayor Johnson directed Parks a Rec-
xeation, Director Mangan to study` the feasibility of the City
providing concessions -vs- private concessions, and to look
into the option of placing it at Sand Point Beach. He asked
that this then be brought back on June .11, 1984 at 8:00.
Mayor Johnson thanked everyone for .coming' out and their com-
ments on, this item. ,.
The .'next item: on the agenda was to consider: the final :plans
and specs for Lakeside Avenue Paving. City Engineer Anderson
reviewed this for the Council. He stated that Staff has.,onot
been successful in negotiating an easemer;t 'for Storm Sewer in ,
the° area of Lakeside Avenue anal Colorado Street. The .plan ,.
continues to show, the Storm Sewer to be constructed at the, s,
' Location of the existing concrete flume. Staff requests the
` of the plans.and specs.
a PAGE . l
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MINUTES of the proceedings of the City Council of the City of
Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of
Minnesota, including all accounts, audited by said
& Motion by Busse to approve the final plans a specifications
Lakeside Avenue, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote
IelaeW Ave.
taken it was duly passed.
Councilmember Thorkelson commented on the residents getting
together and settling some 'of their, differences. Condemnation
`process,= and the improvements' can get to be very expensive if
no one agrees upon them,
After further discussion, motion by Busse to authorize Staff
Ptnoess tar
" to proceed with the " rocess 'to
P get the necessary
, a.
L*mdd�e Ave.
easements for the Lakeside Avenue Paving Project, seconded by
Scott upon a vote taken it was duly passed,_
City Engineer Anderson then reviewed the .feasibility report
submitted by Jim Norton for - Calmut Avenue,'*"'`
Again, there - were many comments by people in the audience
regard Ag this item.
Councilmember,,Busse asked if the storm sewer was enough, to
handle the WinIdsong development.
City Engineer Anderson further commented.
Councilmember Thorkelson stated that this is an example of his
comments made earlier. He stated that this has gone on long
time and the costs have increased because of the difference
of the residents. v
There were further comments by Council and Staff.
aN lbws
Motion by Thorkelson to approve the feasibility study submitted
by'' Jim Norton
from OSM and schedule a Public Hearing for this
9dr 1'e P.N
p o
roject on Monday, June 11, 1984 at 8 :30 PM, sec 1 0 by Busse
afar Amj.
and "upon a vote taken it ,was duly passed.
+'Mayor Johnson called a.recess. The meeting was called back' to
order at 9:15 PM.
The next item on the agenda was a "recommendation from the
,Automation Committee to hire
a consultant. Finance Director
.Teschner :reviewedsthis• for the Council. He stated that" the
Committees has"been meeting for the last couple of months and
has met; with 5 different consulting firms. He briefly reviewed
the different firms. Based upon these considerations,
;the Automation Committee . recommends that the City, of 'Prior
engage the consulting firm of Thompson and C omp an to
draft the,Need "s
Assessment; Preparation ` of the Sys em Bid
Specification and the Analysis Recommendations`
and for Auto-
ination System.
'couneilmember Schweich asked if their services are based on an
hourly figute .
Director. "Teschner, stated that the $7,500.00 would be for the
items; he had mentioned,, additional services from the consul`-
tants would be extra. $8,00`0.00 has been budgeted for consult -
ing expenses in this years budget.
Councilmember Thatkelson gave a brief breakdown on 'what will,,J
be happening, once
the consulting firm is chosen.
O aQuUer
MotionL by Thorkelson to authorize` the hiring of the Consulting u
Firm ,
d "f Thompson and
f Qar�lts+ita
, Company
Y to help p th e City evaluate, and
implement computer applications,
seconded by Scott and upon,
vote taken it was
duly passed.
ipmg 2.
�I _
MINUTES of the . , ��
proceedings of the City Council of the Cit) of
Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State` of
Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said
The next item on the agenda was to consider the R.L.S. for
Howard Olson. Councilmember Schweich removed himself from the
Council table for this item.
City Planner Graser reviewed this for the Council. He stated
that Mr. Olson is requesting the City Council to adopt this
registered land survey (he referred to the survey map). He
stated, that Tract B ' is the approved site for North American
Cable 'Vision and Tract A °contains the existing office building;
5 '
owned by Howard Olson. The current access to both Tract A - aad
B is directly from Highway 13. The issues are whether or note
to allow a R.L.S. to serve the function of a subdivision and
establishing the importance of a Franklin Trail access. He
further commented.
Mr. Tom Herdt_ and the Vice President from North American Cable '
Vision commented. Mr. Herdt also stated that Mark Stromwall
and `Mike McDonald, Legal Counsel for North American would also
like to comment. v:
Mr. Norman Erickson and Mr. Dean Morlock were also present to
comment. Mr. Morl'ock stated that he has tried to get in touch
with, Mr. Olson's attorney and has not been successful.. He did
talk with Mr. Olson, and he has been very negative about the
There was further discussion.
There were many comments by the Property Owners, their legal
Counsel, Council and Staff.
R.L.S. for "
After '` further discussion, Mayor Johnson asked that " this be
Nprand msm
tabled for one' week, and that the people involved try to
n;egotiste a settlement. This was then scheduled for May.14,
1=984 at 7:30 PM:
Councilmeinber Schweich returned to the Council table.
The 'next item, on the agenda was to consider the petition for
sewer /water and, street improvements for 150th Street. City
Planner Grasex reviewed this for the Council. He stated that
he received a we.iver of public hearing from the. 4 'property
owners.. City Engineer-Anderson also commented on this.
There was discuslsion':by Council and Staff.
1, n
City Engineer Anderson reviewed the breakdown of cost for
sanitary sewer, watermain and paving - for 150th Street between
Fairlawn 'Shores., and Fish ,Point Road. He stated that the cost
of the project `.would be X224'068.00. The" actual assessment
would be adjusted base d the , actual construction cost.
There was discussion by Council. and Staff.
Motion by Thorkelson to authorize OSM to prepare the final
& "specs far
plans and specifications for the improvements' "of Sewer/Water,
19M street
and Street Improvements 150th Stree seconded by Busse and
upon a;vote taken it was duly'passed.
s *in P.H.
Motion by Busse to accept the waiver of public hearing as,
presented to City .] E$gineer Anderson, seconded by Scott and
upon .a vote ,taken it , was duly passed.'
The next item on the agenda was to consider the request from°
the . P Lake Rotary Club for a 3.Y2 beer`" license for Lakefront
Days the weekend of June 8 -9, 1984. City Manager = McGuire
reviewed this for the Council. „''He read the letter from the
Rotary Cluk and recommended' approva`Y, contingent,,, upon the
$10.00 fee being paid and nsuraaice being submitted
a �^ PAGR
1 7 t
MINUTES of the proceedings of ie City 'Council of the City of
Prior Lake in the _:inty of Scott. and State of
Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said
Council. ,-
City Attorney Kessel stated that within the City's ordinance
it states that a fee of 10.00 will be charged for each day.
There was discussion by Council and Staff regarding the fee
and changing the ordinance to comply with this.
3.2 Beer
Motion by Busse to grant the Prior Take Rotary Club a 3.2 beer
license for the weekend of June 8 -9, 1984 for Days
Fatay Club
upon the $10.00 fee being paid and to. waive the
$10.00 fee for the second day, seconded by Scott and upon a
vote taken it was duly passed.
3.2 Raw
Counci,,,l then. took item #11 - which was also a request for a 3.2
Lice for
beer license. This request was from B s, D Bar /Softball
no Bar
Association requesting a license for the weekend of May 12
ball Am=.
for a softball tournament. City Manager McGuire read the
letter submitted by Mark Schroder and Joe Feldman. "He further
stated that the $10.00 fee had been paid and would recommend
approval with the waiving of the second day fee.'
Motion by
Thorkelson, to approve the request from B & D
Bar /Softball Association for a 3.2 beer license for the weekend f
of May 12-13, 1984 and that the fee for the second day be '
waived, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly
City Engineer Anderson and City Planner Graser `then reviewed
the Sewer and Water extension for Ridgemont Avenue. City
Planner Graser commented on this first. He stated 'that there
is approximately 950 feet of assessable residential frontage
Rk%iw2t_ mi.
along Ridgemont Avenue. There are two existing homes on Lots.
Siiw IkW
6 and 10 The potential R -1 density for the entire 950' feet
is 9' units., -Lots 1 -3 will require filling because of the two
wetlands.' The remainder of the property appears to have good
soil and should only ,.present minimum development` constraints.
To achieve higher density will require rezoning, or conditional
use permits.
City Engineer Anderson "then commented on the project costs, He
stated that. the costs' of $140,057.00 breaks down into an
acreage charge of $2,500.00 per acre and a. front footage
assessment of $68;61 per foot. The -City's share of the
project cost due to the Lakefront. Park frontage is $67;,9,33.10.
- There was further discussion by Council and staff'.
Mr. Bruce Burnham, Oliver Hannen, and Larry Haferman- were '
present and commented.
Councilmember Thorkelson` commented on the possibility of not
putting in; sewer /water through this area but allowing' them
(Burnham, Hannen, and Hafermany to have one structure per lot
of record. This would mean that they could keep their wells
but - there would only'be 3 houses for the 6. lots.'
There was further, discussion.
Mayor Johnson asked if City Engineer Anderson and Co' nc.lmember'
Busse would be able to meet with these gentlemen and discuss
this ;further then come back before the ,Council in 2 weeks. -
All parties stated that they could meet on Wednesday, May 9,
1984 at 3:00 PM.
The next item on the agenda was to consider resolution 84 -10,
regarding optional. ;forms of government. City Manager McGuire
briefly ° reviewed the resolution.
MINUTES of the proceedings of the City Council of the City of
Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of
Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said
r =.
There. discussion by
was Council and Staff.
Rm. W10
Motion by Thorkelson to approve resolution 84 -10, A Resolution
' Pltitkn to
urging the Scott County board of Commissioners to petition the
, appoint SSt*
Senior Count y Judge to appo a Study Commission to review
OM& far
tional forms of County Government for Scott County, seconded
by Schweich and upon a vote taken it 'was duly passed.
The next item on 'the agenda was to review bids that were
received for the sale of city vehicles. City Manager McGuire
reviewed this for the Council. He stated that 2 bids were
received for the 1964 Chevrolet Utility 2 -ton Van.
Motion by Thorkelson to award the bid to Schweich Construction-
Amad Bid fw
for the purchase of the 1964 Van for the. amount of $331.00,-
' 1964 Van
seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.,
Councilmember Schweich abstained from voting.
;The, next vehicle was a 1978 Chevrolet Impala with 107M.
Motion by Busse to award the bid to Earl Gildemeister for the
purchase of the 1978 Chevrolet Impala for the amount of
$206.50, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken i't was
Bid far 10
duly passed.
Chm •`;
The next vehicle was -a 1978 Chevrolet Impala with 82M
Awsi+d Bid far Motion by 'Busse to award the bid to Dianne Shoemaker for the
198 fly.
Oorchasel of the 1978 Chevrolet "'Impala for the amount of
$254.38, seconded by "Scott 4fid upon a vote` taken it was duly'
' .
Mayor Johnson asked if there was any other business that
needed to be taken care of.
City Engineer Anderson reviewed /commented on landscaping plans
for County Road 21.
Finance Director Teschner stated that the lst Quarter Budget'
a ;
Report was attached to the agenda packages and requested
Council to review and approve. -
Motion by Schweich to approve the lst Quarter Budget Arialysis,
Summary as submitted, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken
lst Qtr.
t -was. duly
;City Manager McGuire then read a 'letter that he received from;'
the Chamber of Commerce from the City of Shakopee express ing'
their thanks to the City of Prior Lake for supporting, the
Shakopee Site for the racetrack.,
He , also commented ..'on a letter- that he received from
Department of Interior regarding land the Sioux Community is-
Mayor Johnson directed City Attorney Kessel to draft a letter
expressing the City's concern.-
City Manager McGuire then commented on a Public Hearing that,
is going to be held at Scott County Court House regarding a
"No Wake" Ordinance. He further stated that this would be on
15," 1984 at 10:30 AM.
City Attorney Kessel had a few recommended changes to the.
Parks b Recreation Director Mangan then stated that he had
received quite a few calls regarding the burn "site. It was
requested that an extention be made to keep the burn site `open
for , 2 more..weeks.
PAGE . ,5.