HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 06 1986' 4 x s Y y 4 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE t Agenda Monday, Januazy 6, 1986 CKLL To ORDER 7a30 p.m. 1. Pledge of Allegiance T. Swear in N wly Elected Officials 3. hinutes of the Previous sleeting 4. Consider Final Plat for Nystrom addition S. ppointeents, etc. for 1986 a) Acting; Nayor b) Official Hwapaper c) Official ink a) Sgmlisation Camittee e) Liquor License Omittee f) Ges and Dienel g) Fire Ha=ahall and Assistant ; b) Civil Definse Director ` ► p ' ` i) Health Officer ) City AttorW 3 k) Wg Catcher 1) OOWAUting' >9Mineer't a) dwadting Planner . n) Bond 4omdtant °6. tree Schedule for 1986 - 7. Other Business 9 a) , b) c) 8 annourroaeenta anii tbrre�oedar�oe a) Next Oouncil Meeting - .Monday, 3anuary 13, 1986 at 7 :30 pm. c) 4280 STREET ' S.E. O. 012) 41 N!! DA6TA BOX P .O. PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA d5372 P 4 t CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ` y MILNia►l O T CITY VlA M pk January 6. 1986 i µ The Comm Com \c of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday. January 6, 1986 a�7:30 p.m. in the City Council ChaWbers. Present were Mayor � White, City Manager McGuire, Andren, Counci!ZZo Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, Finance Director Teschrner, City Planner Graser, Assistant City Mana9er/Boonomic Developoent Director Unoacht, City Engineer Anderson and City Attorney Kassel. City Manager McQdre called the meeting to order and asked everyone to rise for J the pledge of. allegiance. The newly elected officials, Mayor Lee Andren, Councilmember John Fitzgerald, 9iwivg in and Councilaeaber Gene White, were sworn into office by City Manager McGuire New OfficW " An eight minute recess was then called. The meeting has called back to order at 7 :40 p.m. by Mayor Andren. : The minutes of the December 30, 1985 meeting were rtviewed by Council. city Manager McGuire stated that an page 2. paragraph 2, the date for opening the bids for the; City_Wl furniture and equipsent; was January 17, which was her the notion was aisde= however the public notice in the Prior Lake American stated January 16, 1986 and Staff recommended the minutes be amended to read { January 16, 1986. Motion was made by Bum, seconded by White, to accept thr minutes of the Deceaber 30, 1985 meeting as a■u ded, and upon a vote taken, "the motion passed unenisqualy. Ths next item on the agenda was to consider the final plat for the Wet= Addition. City Planner, Graser explained to the Council that preliminary approvaI was given for the plat by the Council on November a, 1985 contingent ; upon the dedication of a ten foot park access adjacent to the east property line (platted as Outlot A), the payment of a park dedication fee and the utility ' services for Lot 4 be at the expense of the developer. "a applicant was now requeeting final plat approval:. Discussion by the Council followed. Motion was mode by Scott, seconded by Fitzgerald to grant approval for the lbsts Ut Final, Plat for ''Rlntres let Addition contingent upon the $1,282.00 park Additicn dedication fee being paid prior to release of the final plat, the &%ed to 0utlot Fbnal t. A be given to the City Planner as soon: as possible after filing of the plat and PLc that &a utility services for Lot 4 bed joE id by the developer. There was further l disana eion by the Council,; Counciiba�bers Scott and Fitzgerald agreed to add 1912) 4474=1 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 369 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 56372 Notion was made by white, seconded by Bu sse , to 'award the 1996 fuel bid to hwd aid Muelken Oil Campmqy, and upon a vote taken, the Motion Passed unanimously. Notion was made by Bu sse , seconded by Fitzgerald, to appoint Bob Mertens as Fire Fire M Ant Marshall for 1986 (000.00/year) and Lyle Anderson as Assistant ($10U400/year), & • and upon a vote taken, the motion passed unanimously. 2 �� _,�;. -. in the following to the motion, "no building permits shall be issued until a deed to Outlot A has been delivered". Upon a vote taken, the motion iNs amerx3ed, All pas"d unanimously. The next ,,item on the agenda was the appointments for 1986. Each appointment was reviewed by Mayor Andren. fttion was made by Busse, seconded by White, to appoint Councilmmvber Carol 'Actium SOOtt as Acting Mayor for 1986', and upon a vote taken, motion passed mum Unanimously* Q Notion was made by Scott, seconded by Busse, to appoint the Prior Lake American Official as the official newspaper, and upon a vote taken, the motion passed unanimously. NmMw The appointment for the official bank was o=ilered. r Finance Director Teschner requested that Staff be allowed to invest where t1w highest, return is being paid. Discussion by the Ccwncil followed. Motion was me& by Fitzgerald, seconded by Bu j to appoint-Prior Lake State Bank as the official, bank for Official 1986 with Staff being authorized to invest in the institution paying the r highest .rate of return. , Upon a vote taken, the motion pasmed unanimously. City Manager McGuire explained that the Squalization Cmuttee met once a year tc= review objections to a ssessed property valuations. Discussion by the Council followed. Notion was made by Soott, seconded by White, to, appoint the entire ft -IJ- the Bqualization Committee for 1986, and upon a vote,,taken the Motion passed unanimously. %* 'appointment of the Liquor License Ommittee was then considered by council. Disam'oh by Council and Staff followed regarding the City Attorney being a voting mober' of the committee Motion was made by Scott, uquw Fitzgerald, to appoint Mayor ;Indren City Manager, Police Chief and city Liewn AttornmyAo the Liquor License Committee for 1986. Upon a vote taken, f our Ommittee ayes one nay by White, the Motion passed. • The 1986 fuel bids were reviewed by Mayor Andren: Nuelken Shakopee on on DMOM Regular Gas 85.5 86.1 Unleaded Gas 88.5 gua Premium Diesel Fuel 89.83 90.33 Notion was made by white, seconded by Bu sse , to 'award the 1996 fuel bid to hwd aid Muelken Oil Campmqy, and upon a vote taken, the Motion Passed unanimously. Notion was made by Bu sse , seconded by Fitzgerald, to appoint Bob Mertens as Fire Fire M Ant Marshall for 1986 (000.00/year) and Lyle Anderson as Assistant ($10U400/year), & • and upon a vote taken, the motion passed unanimously. 2 �� _,�;. -. in s t .. Motion was made by white, seconded by Busse, to appoint Lyle Anderson as Civil Civil Defense Director for 1986 ($200.00 /year), and upon a vote taken, it passed Ddense unanimously. Earectar Motion was made by Busse, seconded by Scott, to appoint Dr. Don Lynch as Health Health Officer for 1986, and upon a vote taken, the motion passed unanimously. Offioer 3 Discussion by the Council, Staff and audience followed regarding the appointment of the City Attorney, Dog Catcher, Consulting Engineers, Consulting Planner, and Bond Consultant. Cbuncilmember Fitzgerald asked if the same appointments were made each year or if a bid process was used to compare prices and services Provided. City Manager McGuire explained that the fees paid were oampetitive. It was also pointed out in the case of.the City Attorney that the se`.^iices of the entire firm is contracted; they are familiar with the City Code; and it litigation is carried over from year to year, they are familiar with the case and a new fins would not be. Finance Director Teschner pointed out that a good relationship has been developed with the bond consultant and they often provide investment advice without charge. Councilmember Fitzgerald asked that a breakdown of ,;the fees paid per year and the services provided be given to the Council. Motion was made by Scott, seconded by Busse, to appoint Lawn, Nelson, Cole & Citr Stageberg (Glenn Kessel) as the City, Attorney for 1986, and upon a vote taken, Attwnw the motion passed unanimously.,, Motion was made' by White, seeoi&W by,Scott. to.appcint Bob McAllister as the ft Dog Catcher for 1986, and upon a vote.taken, was passed unanimously. Catcher Motion was made by, Fitzgerald, seconded by Busse, to appoint Orr Schelen Mayeron Omultim Associates as. the Consulting sngineers for 1986, and upon a vote `taken, was ftwhmm passed unanimously. Motion. was made by Scott, secorded White, to appoint Charles Tooker as the 0cn9&tiM Consulting Planner for 1986, and upon a vote taken, the motion passed Plumw unanimously, Motioi vas made by Fitzgerald, seconded by white.. to appoint' Juran and Moody as is Bond Cdhoultant,,in 1986, and upon a vote taken, the•motion passed unanimously. Ommltani The next item on.the agenda was to consider the Fee Schedule for 1986. Finance Director zlescbner:,presented the recommended schedule. Discussion. by the Council follca;;'d. Notion was made by : Busse, seconded by Scott, to adopt the 1986 Fee Schedule as 19% Fbe and upon upon a vote taken, the motion was approved unanimously. Sdkidle Oouncilaember Soon reported that she received a complaint regarding too much am on the curbing on Main Street. Discussion of the snow rmoval method in the downtown area followed. Councihnemher Busse asked about the manhole on Pike Lake TraL.l and stated the warning light placed there was not working. City Engineer Anderson was asked to cheek it out. K 3' ii Councilmember Fitzgerald asked that an analysis of City stating and total salaries be done comparing it to other cities of similar size. Mr. Fitzgerald *{ will work with Staff to couplete the analysis and the results will be presented to the Council. City Manager McGuire distributed copies of the final 1986 -199u Capital DWOve lent Program to the Council members. Mr. McGuire informed the Council that the League of Minnesota Cities is holding a conference for newly elected Officials on January 24 and invited Mayor Andre►, and Councilswebers Fitzgerald and White to attend. Mr. McGuire also informed the Council that he and Mayor A dren `would be attending a legislative conference on Whc�lesdayr February 5, on the 1986 Proposed City Policies .and Priorities of the League of Minnesota Cities and invited other Councilmembers to, attend also. =;_ Al f Mayor Andren_ indicated she would like to see a set of by -laws written for the Council. Discussion by the Council, Staff and audience followed regarding what should be included in the by -laws. Staff was directed to draft proposed bye -laws r for Council review. }t °' The next Council meeting will be Monday, January 13, 198, at 1:30 p.m. There being no further business, the motion was made by Scott, seconded by i .Fitzgerald, to adjourn the meeting, and upon a vote taken, wed duly passed. The meeting adjourned at 8:38 p.m. 4 f „- , ci Michael A. McGuire City Manager Loretta M. Lane II Recording Secretary + 4 u y ir` { I 6 x