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Monday, January 13, 1986
CALL TO ORDER 7:30 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance
Minutes of the Previous Meeting -
Consider Resolution Calling for Bond Sale for 1986 Projects
Discuss Star Cities Program
Update on Comparable Worth, Study
Consider Resolution 86-02 Confinu g Camntment to Serve on
Transportation Coalition
Other Business
a ,
and CDrreqxndence
a. Pest Clourrcil lleeti- Tuesday, January 21, 1986 at 7s30 p.m.
(6121 4474390 46 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 553n
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Um OF tai ..
January 13, 1986;
slim of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday,
January 13, 1986 at 7 00 p.m. in the City Council Lhombers. Neyor hrdren called
:< the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Andren, Councilmombers Busse,
Pitxgerald, Stott, White, City Nanayer NcGtdre, Assistant City manager/Boonamic
' Developaent Director Unencht, and City Attorney passel. Finance Director *7
Teschner arrived'at 7:36 p.m.
Payor`Acdren asked everyone to rive for the pled9e of allegianoe.
She minutes of they January 6, 1986 meeting were reviewed by Council. Notion was K;n
made by Scott, seconded by Busse, to approve the minutes as submitted, and upon
a.vbte taken, the motion passed unanimously.
sale f it t , an the agenda Was to consider the resolution calling for the bond
LVroveeent Projects (Project 82 - 3, le rth Store= Project 86
Street Overlay and Pro 86- 12,.Chtes Street)„ Steve Mattson of Juran and
Moody explained the bond sale umuld be fore $3,450,000 General Cbligation
bgwovment Bonds and reviewed the bond requirements and bond oil* schedule with
the Council.. The bond sale is scheduled for Nonday, February 3, 1986 at 7 :30
paL at City,8a11. Disamion by the Council followed.
Con Bern ws expressed by '&&*era of the` audienoe regarding the inclusion of
certain streets in Project 86- 11,'kfreet Overlay. City !Manager. %;wire
explained that only at changes could be made to the project even if the
resolution for the bond sale use adopted. ltyor Andrea asked that Staff review .
the condition of flagstaff 'Circle, !Millers Circle, Santee Circle, Woodside Reed
and Wildwood"Circlo and "report to the Council tit the January 27, 19861,aeetin9
Motion eras aside by Busse, seconded by Fitsgerald, to adopt Aeeoluticn 86-01 As.86 -in
. Providing for the Public Sale of $3,450,000 general Cbligation .Diprovenent B0nd8$3A9D,000
of 1986, and upon a vote taken, the notion Aassed unanimously eu , o ab. lip
Mr. Mattson informed the Council that there was a pr y
k opossd. federal 'regulation
regarding. the spending of bona mover. Tf ,thin regulation is ap�praved, 5! of
,the amount of` `the bonds would. ht ve to be spent within 3a drys fraw the date the ,
bonds `werep, issued. Si1we work has .begun on the North Sore project, a payment
co .
could be ride to the contractor• zthat we would not be in violation of, the
i regulation.:
Boomai:ic rA"I% rrit Director aaacht r%' Wted to, the OMMU , that the BoonoiaiC
A De�velopnent Committee Mss 'be41hning completion: of„ the requirements of the
(812) 7-4Z80 4M DAKOTA SIRE& S:E. P,0. BOX X511 PRIOR'�AKE, MINNESOTA,,;
Minnesota Star Cities Program and explained the benefits of a Star City
designation. Mr. Umacht will be meeting with community organizations to
solicit their support of the Program. Discussion by the Council followed.
City I%nager McGuire provided the Council with an update on the Omparable Worth
Study. = Ge explained that the City was participating in a joint compensation update M
Study being opmIucted by Control Data Business Advisors. The study will rank CmparplAe,
jobs on a point basis and will require jobs with similar points receive similar Vwth I
Pay. The total cost of the study is $440,000.00 with the City paying $4,180.00 Sb►
of that cost. The ooqpilation of the information is taking longer than
expected, and the results should be available at the end of January, 1996.
Staff will report back to the Council when the results are received. Discussion
by the Council followed.
The next item an the agenda was to consider Resolution 86-02 Confirming
Ommitment to Serve and ,.Participate ,on the Scott County Transportation
Coalitior'- ftyor indicated that the coalitio'n'was created by the Soott
County Board of Commissioners the purpose of pi 6moting safe and efficient
transportation in, through, and from Scott County including, but not limited to
the -capacity of State Trunk High"y #13, the construction of the County POW #18
bridge and the construction of the Trunk Highway 101 Shakopee Bypass.
Discussion by th e Council, and Staff followed regarding the, City' a f inancial.
awma Lament if the resolution was adopted. City Attorney Kessel suggested
amending Page 1, Item #2 as follows: 'The City of Prior Lake agrees to the
objectives; of the Scott. County Transportation Coalition and further agrees to
initially participate in the Soott County Trapsportatibih Coalition.
Notion was made by White, seconded by Fitzgerald, to adopt Resolution, 86-02
nes. 86-m
Confirming Commitiment. to Serve and Participate on the Scott County
SwLt Co.
Transportation Coalition as amended, and upon a vote taken, the notion passed
City Menpgar YmGuire, read for the record litter f rom Alsec, Inc. requesting a
building pamit be4ibued to grancale Construction Inc. for a single"family home
for Lot 11, kock 3, Squid Pointe Sth Addition., This request had previously been
denied by the Council at the November 25, 1985, 'mieeting because the North Shore
bids had not been o warded' at_ .that time' and' there was the possibility that ewer
and water may not be, available. The developer indicated the ' landscaping . along
County ,Road 42 will be coirpleted in the spring of �4986. Discussion by the
Ommil tolloWed.
Notion was mmd*7 by Whit6 seconded by B to approve the building permit for
a single family home at Lot 11, Block 3, Sand Pointe 5th Addition to be used as
HXkI en
a madel home contingent upon an a c a Ovv*, permit not being issued 'Oft'l the
soar and water 13 available to, the project and the: North bore Trunk -,Srwer and
%Inft 5►h
Water Project in complete,: the zstreets are blacktoppeO and the' landeCapIng is
completed. fteri was further discussion by Council . UPW 4 440A taken! the
motion pwied unanimusly.
City Manager MoGuire informed the Council that Mike Mix resigned from the
Oammlialon effective after ,\ the January, 17, 1986 meeting Gary
sh -resi they Hoonamic Di��elopment Committee. leplaosm6 nts ate
being sought to fill these. an6,,if the Council has any suggestions they
should give them,to Mr. McGuire.