HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 27 1986' • 7 ��� �! r *� CITY OF PRIOR L=AKE RI1M)LAR ODUNM MM?=' I Monday, January 27, 19 I CALL TO OFCER 7:30 p.a.: 1. Fledge`of Allegiance I 2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting 3. Consider Bob Brawn P.U.D. 4. Consider Request to Rename ZDluaibia Avenue no rth of County Road 42 5. , Review Streets for Project 86-11, Street Overlay 6. Consider Feasibility Report for Lord's Street Bridge 7. Consider Nick*r's Request for Registered Land Survey 8. Consider Quotes Received for Insurance 9. Discuss Bid Received for Ring ? t, 10. Consider A13atment of Assesaeents for Send Pointe 5th, Addition 11. Consider Treasurer's Report for Deomber, 1985 12. Review Furniture and Bquipaent Bids Received for City Hall 13. Discuss Survey of Staff -Relative to Other Cities 140 Other Business b) } c) 15. eeents and Correspordenoe - a) Neit Council Meeting - MwxW, February 3, 1986 at 7:30 p. . b) ", , ,:, c) 16. Adjourment (012 447 -M 4M DAKOTA STREET S; "' P.O. SOX 30 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 l t _ OF THE CITY CAl WM January 27, 19,86 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular sessaolf . on Monday, January 27, 1986 at 7:30 n.m. in the City Council. Chambers. Present were Mayor Andren, CrAmilmembers `Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, White, Citj Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson, City Planner Graser, Assistant City Meiiager/Economc ? ,.Development Director Dn*acht, City Attorney Ressel,.''Parks and Recreation o Director Mngan and Assistant City Engineer Loney. Fin'ance, Director Wachner , arrivedr of 10:30 p.m. 'P �Mayor Andren called the meeting to order and asked /" everyone to rise for the pledge of, iiallegiance. The minutes of the January 21,:1986 meeting were-reviewed by Council:; Motion Minutes was :made by Scott, seconded, by Fitzgerald,' to I approve the minutes as sutmitted, a d upon a vote taken, the motion passed ynanimousl i; The next item on the agenda "was to consider the preliminary plan for tYie Bob Brain P.U.D.. City Planner - Gr aser informed the Council that the Plzning Commission,approv the preliminary plan on January 16, 1986 contingent,' open, (r fourteen items. The developer revised the plan addressing the Commission's concerns, howCveri City Planner Graser indicated: that all fourteen aontingenc,iea , still hid not been met. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brown and their representative, Cal IAMdcnist, were present in the audience. Mr. Lundquist indicated to the Council t that thi'developer was in agreement with am contingencies and they would be meta . Di ion by the Council followed. Notion 4as made by Fitzgerald, seconded by White, to approve the 'preliminary plan for the Bob Brown P.U.D. contingent upon the following: �. Plat for 1-,is An engineer prepare the drainage and ponding plan and it, be submitted 116b 11 ' to and approved, by Staff. P.lT,D. . 2. Uva park dedication fee of $2,130.00 be paid prior to final "approval. 3. The sanitary sewer be mowed to the center of -the easement. 4. The plans and specifications must be submitted for connecting to the 'I sanitary sewer and approved by Staff. . ,:City 5. Increase all radii to 15 feet in. the parking lot. 6. Eliminate one perking space in the northwest parking area and add one parking space in the northeast parking area. ON) 447- 4280 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 ftJY�' F e b 7. Three copies of the updated plans incorporating; all required contingencies and proposals discussed be submitted to Staff. { 8. The lighting plan be submitted and direction of lighting be approved by Staff. 9. Ttw legend for amenities be provided. 10. A rendering of the building be provided. Discussion by the Council followed. Mr. Lundquist. did provide a - rendering of t v't proposed building for their review. Comm Was expressed regarding allowing for fire protection to the fenced area between the two parking lots. Staff was asked to work with the developer and Fire Chief Mertens and inform the Council of how this will be handled: Upon the call for question by Mayor Andren, the motion passed unanimously. The next: item on the agenda was to oone der + the renaming of Columbia Avenue north of County Road. 42. City Planner Graser indicated that the request to rename Avenue to Canterbury Road had been discussed by the Council in ( November. 1985 11 because of its heavy use to access Canterbury Dawns Race Trade. residents on C olive is Avenue expressed cax:ern for the expense of the nase . ,change: at : that, time. fterefore, Staff suggested Columbia Avenue be renamed to Canterbury Road north of County Road 42 and that the Shakopee four- digit numbering syst be extended to County Road 42 which Would affect; four residents Om ants were made by members of the audience regarding the cost and inooneenie:ioe of the - change. City Manager McGuire reported that he spoke with the City of Shakopee and they indicated that Canterbury Downs my reimburse the residents for their expenses to a maximum amount which is undetermined at this time.- Discussion by the Council followed concerning changing the name of 001u■bi& Avenue mouth of Oxmty Road 42. Notion was made Fit by sgerald, seoowded bi► Busse. to change, the .nacre of Columbia Avenue north of County Road 42 to Canterbury Road effective one week prior to the opening of Canterbury Downs Race Track retaining the five digit numbering %stem currently in effect contingent upon the reasonable costs of the name change and the street sign at County Road 42 and Canterbury Road be paid by some other source, either the City of Shakopee or Canterbury Deems. Discussion by Council followed. 4 c' A substitute motion,was made by White to change the name of Columbia Avenue to Contaft'Iry lbad from the Prior Lake city limits south to where it turns at the t " t i YAmakanton Sioux Commmmity. Further - discussion by the Council followed. Upon a vote taken. 1 White and four ootnaoa � by nays, the nation dim not pass. Mayor_Andren. then called for the question on the original motion made by Cmtfftur7 Couuncilsuember Fitzgerald. Upon, a vote taken, the motion passed unanimously. u ' q of C.R. 42 City .l_nager McGuire indicated that a Prior Lake sign would' be erected at the if city i3sits Canterbury in on Road the spring. ��- f + �w_;r 0 kLI i } 1 i The next item on the agenda was to review the streets for Project 86-11, Street Overlay. City Engineer Anderson reported on the condition of Flagstaff Circle, Millers Circle, Santee Circle; Woodside Ibad and Wildwood Circle and shooed slides taken of these streets in 1984 and one week ago. It Was Staff `s finding that the condition of those streets is the wide as presented at the public hearing on December 9, 1985. Discussion was opened to the audience and comments were made rcyarding not including these streets, correcting water drainage problems, bituminous rather than concrete curbs, cost of the project and method of payment. Discussion by the Council followed regarding the effect of excluding any of the streets Would have on the Bond Sale scheduled for February 3, 1986 and if the public hearing Would need to be reopened to exclude any street. Notion Was made by Scott, seconded by Fitzgerald, that the five streets, Flagstaff Circle, Killers Circle, Santee Circle, Woodside Ibad and Wildwood Circle, be included in Project 86 -11, Street Overlay, as originally presented at the December 9, 1985 public hearing and not reopen the public hearing. Further discussion by the Council, Staff and audience followed. Mayor Andren ' passed =the -gavel to Acting Mayor Scott and. male an amendment to the ration to exclude Millers Circle fray Project 86-11. White seconded the amendment. 7here was furt`xr discussion. Oamcilae■ber White added the amendment to the motion to change the improvement on Flagstaff Circle from overlaying to sealcoating. This amendment was seconded by NVor Andren. Acting Mayor Scott called for the question on this amerA meet, and, upon a vote taken, one ;aye by White and four nays, the aimenament , U the motion did not pass. x. ;I 4� i, A vote was then taken on the amendment to the nation to exclude Millers Circle. hm1we With the call for a record vote; Andren voted aye, White voted aye, Busse voted Fiagsuff nay, hit xgerald voted nay and Scott vote nay; the ' amendnent to the ration did Cir., not pmts, Qr., Cirr., Vwdl- A vote Was then taken. an the original notion to include all five streets in the side Cirloe, 3 project: With the vote of three ayes and two nays by Andren and White, the a VLI&ooa. � °motion passed. 1 ir. is pnai 86-11 t 'The cpwel Was passed back to Y-3yor Andrei and a ten minute recess was called. The meeting was called back to order at 10:20 p.m. � The next item on the agenda Was to consider the Feasibility Report -for Project 86- 14, rd's Street Bridge. City Engineer Anderson presented the study and described the structure leading to the area commonly known as Martinson Island. The 'estimatod cost of the project is $222,417.71. Minnesota Department of will provide $112,064.50 for the structure. The City Would pay $6 the guard rails and the balance of $104,053.21 would be assessed on a unit basis (43 units assessed $2,419.84 each). The City would pay for one unit. -for the ice fishing access. i . 3. F } � �# I Motion was made by White, seconded by Fitzgerald, to approve the Registered Land Apprcae - John Singewald, property owner on Martinson Island, addressed the Council R.LS. ` Fnwk indicating that the bridge has heavy public use and asked that a different method of assessment be considered. Discussion by the Council followed regarding the method of assessment and number of units to be used. policy and the affects of the additional cents to the budget. Motion was made by Fitzgerald, seconded by Busse, to approve an amended Approve Feasibility Report for Project 86 -14, Lord's ;(Street Bridge, Whereby the FbASA ty remaining cost of the project of $110,353.21 (estimated project cost of naport far $222,417.71 less $112, 064.50 funded by Minnesota Department of Transportation) plvj.86-14 be assessed over 41 units using a 601 property owner/40k City split. Opm a lmd's St. vote taken, four ayes and one nay by Scott, the motion passed. Bridge Motion was made by Fitzgerald, seconded by Busse, to schedule the public hearing S&Ad. P.H. for Project 86-14, Lord's Street Bridge on February 18, 1986 at 8:00 p.m., and for Prof. upon - vote taken, the nation passed unanimously. 8614 The nest item on the agenda Was to consider the request from Frank Wicker for . �. approval of a Registered Land Survey. City Planner Graser presented the request and explained the purpose of the R.L.S. is to eliminate a cumbersome legal Owbme description. UdrelL p Motion was made by White, seconded by Fitzgerald, to approve the Registered Land Apprcae - Survey 6—_ for Franc dicker, and upon a vote taken, the action passed uneniaiously. R.LS. ` Fnwk The quotes received for insurance were reviewed by the Council. Finance Director Ttedmr explained the quotes received and the increased premiums. Discussion by Council followed concerning continuing the umbrella liability policy and the affects of the additional cents to the budget. Notion was made by B1 sse. seconded by Fitzgerald, to award the Workmien's Aweid ow. Oaapensation, Oral Liability, Property and Automobile insurance coverage for LuL vian an annual aggregate premium of $104,144.00 to the League of KUvwsota Cities Omp, Ftop, Insurance Trust (LYMT) , and upon a vote taken, the motion passed u mduously. a hao Ins. ; Notion was made by Fitzgerald, seconded by Scott,. to award the Public Officials Avrd pub. and Law Enforcement Liability insurance to Markel for an annual premium of MY. a iaw $6,345X0, and ,upon a vote taken, the motion passed unanimously. sfaeoc. Umbaw. ;Motion was made by Soot#., seconded by „ Fitsgerald, to award the AS - — Arvid ADD. Malpractice insurance to Crowther for an annual premium of $1,243.00, and upon n . �. vote taken, the motion passed unanimously. Motion Was made by Busse, seconded by Fitagerald, to continue the umbrella Owbme excess liability insurance Coverage with the League of Minnesota Cities for an UdrelL p anal premium of , $20,000.00 with the provision that Staff is authorized to Liability purchame it with another company if the premium is less. Upon a rote taken, ba wswe four ayes, one abstention by White, the notion passed. its next itm on the agenda was to discuss the bid received for a Women's dia ord. and sapphire ring. .Finance Director Teschner explained the ring Was confiscated from a suspected burglar approximately in July of 1975 and the 4' ownership of the ring was never identified. The City advertised for the sale of the ring and received one bid. Discussion by the Council followed. Motion Was made by Fitzgerald, seconded by White, to accept the bid of $500.00 hmd Rid from Earl Gildemeister, 520 Belgrade Avenue, North, Mankato, MN 56001, for the for 11 ring, and upon a vote taken, the motion passed unanimously. RiM Next on the agenda was to consider abatement of assessments for Sand. Pointe 5th Addition. Finance Director Tesclner explained that Qutlot C, Sand Pointe 3rd Addition was platted into Sand Pointe 5t'h Addition and the special assessments for Outlot C were paid off by Almac Inc. on October 21, 1985. An assessment certificate Was sent to the County Auditor to remove the assessments from the Sand Point 5th Addition, however, it was not done. Therefore, an abatement is required. Motion was msde by White# seconded by Busse, to abate the total assessment for Spec. ohs Code 71 including the interest for 1986 and the entire remaining balance on Lots Abatmmt 1 Block 1, Lots 1 -14 Block 2, and Lots 1 -11 Block 3 of Sand Pointe 5th Sud F%An Addition, and upon a vote taken, the motion passed unanimously. 5th Add. The' Treasurer's Report for December, 1985 :gas reviewed by Council and was accepted by general consent. Newt City Manager McGuire informed the Council that. the bids for City Hall. Furniture and Equipment were opened on January 16, 1986. The eight bids received'rarged .from a lour of $30,495.69 to a high of $28,543.00. Discussion by the Oamcil followed. Notion was by Stott, seconded by t3usse, to award the bid for the City Hall A mtd Bad Furniture and equipment to the low Milder, Pletro Systems Furniture, Brooklyn Fw Chy Center, in the amount of $20,495.69, and upon a vote taken, the motion passed HLU.Furn. uerninxwy. a B*dP. A five winute recess was then callFM. for Andrea called the meeting taack to order at 12:05 a.m. City Nwwger HaGbire distributed to the Council two tables and two graphs eo■ taring the number. of Prior Lake employees to other area cities. Discussion by the Council follomrsd. gouncilmewDer Fitxgerald, commented that the analysis prepared was very thorough and reflects that the City's operation is fiscally ranponsMe from a staffing standpoint. Councilmesber White espreesed concern for an abandoned trailer on Kneafsey's Cowie and an- ab easant and Lakeside and asked Staff to check on thew. Counclaeaber Fitzgerald distributed copies .of a framework for lag -range ptatmimg, assessing co■mity values and establishing a oom■ unity identity. Mr. Fitzgerald anked' the Council. to review it and discuss it at the next meeting. City Nwger McGuire informed the Council. that. the 1986 League of Minnesota. Cities Anneml Conference will be held in Duluth June 17 -20 and invited them to atteed if possible. 5 J City Manager YAft re also informed the Oouncil that applications have been received for the Planning Commission and Boonaaic Development committee vacancies. In the past the Mayor, City Manager and Department Head in that area conducted interviews and made reooaaendations to the Council. It was the general consensus that a similar committee to conduct interviews would be acceptable Finance Director Tesctner informed the Council that another abatement for asseseaents needed to be considered. Lot 15, Shady Beach #2 was purchased by ThoMss Merchant at x tax forfeiture sale and the special assessments should have been removed by the Ommty at that tine. Therefore, an abatement is required for the current amount of $331.88 plus the remaining 'balance of $1,699.42. Notion Was made by Bill sse. seconded by Fitzgerald, to abate the special W. Aneees. assessments for Lot 15, Shady Beach f2 in the amount of $331.88 plus. the A nteowt remaining balance of $1.659.42. Discussion by the council followed. upon a rat 15, vote taken, the notion passed unanimously. Bemdi aeeling lbnday. February 3, 1986 at 7 :30 pjm. 'fie next Oouncil swill be There being no further business, the meeting adjpurned at 12:23 a.m. by general consent of the council. Michael A. McGuire City Manager r j Loretta M. Lane '%Wrding 9e6reftry , Ir 'r1 r,f. •` A ! �, tyre .. YY r r r q