HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 18 1986ty CITY OF _PRIOR LAKE Tuesdsy, February 18. 1986 CALF. TO OFAM 7:30 p.m. 1. Pledge of Allegiance i 2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting and Invoices Scheduled for Payment >9. on Vbdnesdey, February 19, 1986 3. Discuss Appointments to Prior Lake/Wing Lake I1atershed District tJt\ 7A5 in 4. Public Bearing - Bob and Cindy Boaggeman.Street and Alley Vacation 8 :00 Pa S. Public Hearing - Project 86-14. Lord's Street Bridge 6. Consider- Sctwokel Easement for Project 82-3, North Shore Trunk 'Nater Sever and 7. Discuss Sattloent Agr+asaent with Witkowski. S. Other Business l a. hire and Rescue Aaport b Police Report c. Tressurer's Agwtt d. Building Pene1ts Report e. Dog Catcher's Report f. 9. and Correspondence a. Next COou ncU Meeting - Mondey, February 24. 1986 at 7 :30 p.m. b . c. Adjammme t tl� 10. f1!} M7.4280 N!! DAKOTA ATREET S.E. P.O. BOX 30 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 56372 _ • � vR �3C R t %'�j � i � ! y a 3 j . a, A , A CITY OF PRIOR LAKE V A MINUM OF 7HE CITY COUNCIL, February 18, 191* The Comicin Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Tuesday February A, 1906 at 7:30 pm. in the City Council Chmqbers.Prementwere Mayor Andren, Oautic ilaembers Bu sse, Fitzgerald, Scott, White, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Ande j -City Planner Graser, Assistant , City Henager/Hoonamic Developwft Director Unmacht, City Attorney Reseal and Plaiming Intern Garross. Noyar'kdren called the meeting to order and asked everyone to rise for, the pled Of allegianCe. The minutes of the Etbruary 10, 1986 meeting and the. Invoices scheduled for poymmit on Vedusday, FebruaLy 19, 1986 were reviewed by Council. MX= MS HIM BY FMMFAM, 0MUM BY MM, tO AH*= TO HINMW AM & cam rm immm As samirrm. Ttnuioes q= a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Bu sse. Fitzgerald# Scott, and Rite, the notion passed unanimouslys the" raft its on the agenda was to dibeuss the appointment of two managers to the'. Prior U*q/W1nq,Lake Watershed District. City Manager McGuire referred to Disc= a ,!letter received from the County Administrator's Office for P.L.A.1-' reooie I I Lons for the appo, before the tens expire on March 3, 1986. Wkter.*Ad E J _ ----: followed. CoaoeM was expressed that there was not time to contact other ".e interested in serving an the'Natershed District and povidbly make the r i n m anUtion to the County Board that in the future these rpenings be published in the piper several woks prior to the appointments being 'iM= MS mm" By warm' SKMM Iff Bum" mom or 'r NOW GUMMM (Prior Lake) AND PUAAMt OLMOM (Wing, Lake) TO THE PRIOR LNIZ /SPRUG I= WidffMiD DUTWCr - ban Benson, "f Coordinator for the Prior Lske/SpriM Uke ftterstwd. District qsoftemd the Council. Be , Indicated that when the Watershed District was found thift were, IL ftw ambers from Prior Lake, but since 1984 there have beefi only two Prior Lake. Prior Lake is the major contributor to the District and felt Prior Lake should again have three ambers on the Board. cn" 0121 "74M 4M DAKOTA STREET P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR, LAKE, MINNESOTA 56372 There was further discussion by the Council. Councilmember White, with the ,..� agreement of Busse, withdrew his motion. The general consensus of the Council was to table this itent from one week to allow them time to contact others Who may be interested in serving on the Board. Staff was directed to contact. the County Board to`make certain recommendations made next week Would not be too late for consideration. The monthly reports were I then reviewed by Council. MOTION WAS _M" , BY BUSSE, SIMM D BY FITZGERALD, TO ACCEPT THE FIRE AND RM= Fire & Res. F 9OW FOR JANUARY AS SUBMITTED. PAPWt MOTION WAS - MADE BY SCOTT, SBOONDED BY WHITE, TO A PT THE JANIUARY POLICE Fblice REPORT AS SUBMITTED. papmt MOTION WAS MADE BY BUSSE, SBOOrDED BY FITZCERRLD, TO ACCEPT THE FEBRUARY 1, 1986 Tmmm TREASURER'S S MOST AS SUBMITTED. Kn7ON WAS MADE BY BUSSE, .,ADDED BY WHITE, TO ACCEPT THE BUILDING PERMIT 9 6• Pe F49M FOR JANUARY AS SUBMITTED. PAPM r MOTION WAS'' MADE BY S'BW DED BY BUSSE, TO ACCEPT' THE JANUARY DOG CATCHER'S ft cRtd REPORT AS ` SBMITTED. P4= It was the &etal oaWMt of the CMMMI to accept the reports as s imtted. wyor:Andrewcalled the public hearing for the Bob and Cindy Boegeman Street and lemy Vacation to order at 7 :45 p.m. and read for the record the notice of the hearing as plAished in the Prior Lake American on February 3 and 10, 1986. Planning , .Iibirn, Deborah Garross, presented the request from Bob and Cindy Boegewen for the vacation of an unizooved section of Seventh street and an alley' that lies ,north and east of the Hollywood Inn in Spring Lake Townsite. Mge Gsrroea indicated that contrary to previous information, there are utilities located in the rosS ay and alley and Northern States Parer, North American Cable ffd Scott Rice Telephone Ca =W indicated they did not oppose the vacation as ",lcng as utility easements were granted., the discussion was opened to the audience. Jim Anderson, representative of Mira*jssoo addressed the Council indicating that they, like the other utility campaniew3 Would not oppose the vacation as long as utility easements were Wanted. Discussion by, the Council and Staff followed concerning vacating only part of the alley, future use of this vacated area and possible buried utilities: (The tapes will be�kept on file in the Office of the City Manager as the official record of the public hearing.) ![X7ON WAS AM _BY FMG6`EKD, SBOON= BY WHITE, TO COMM THE BOB AND CINDY Oahe BONGW PUBLIC HSNRINB AT THE MARCH 3`, 1986 MEETING AT 8:00 P.M. P.H. V on a vote, taken, ayes by Andren, Busse, Fitsgerald, Scott, and White, the m otion passed unanimously. Nw" Andren then called to order the public hearing for Project 86-14, Lord's Street. Bridge at 8 p.m. and read for the record the public notice for the hearing Which was published in the Prior Lake American on February 3 and 10, 1986, } 2 , City .Engineer Anderson described the project and presented the am*nded 4: Feasibility Report, method of assessment and manner of payment. 7he cost ��.. summary is as follows: Minnesota Department of Transportation $112,064.50 City Ram :(404) !4.141.28 Assessable (60!) 66.211.93 Zbt $222.417.71 The inprovement will be assessed on a unit basis ($66,211.93 divided by 41 units $1,614.93 unit assessment). The diocuesion was opened to the audience and comments were imade. (The tape Will be kept in the Office of the City Manager as the official record of the public hearing.) Discussion by the Council followed. "mom WAS m4 t By FrnGmm, mmmw BY WHITS, TO AOQiPP M PSASIBII,I3Y RERT PR1=M BY STAFF AND TO APMi M F OMM 86-14, WWI S SMM BRZt M lad's Street Upon a vote, taken, ayes by Andren, Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the drift notion passed un,7aninously NMM MRS MM BY SOMT, SBOORM BY FITZGBEi M, TO MD►7MM TH6 PUBLIC AjQUM i1RIIT. Wb. "Mr.. ,_ J/ vote- t krn, j Fns =by ►nd en, Busse, Fitzgerald. Scott, and White, the notion passed ": unaniwously. The puhlie, hearing adjourned at 900 pod. �`'' A r heft was the% called. j E ' Nam indren C, 1 4, the meetinc back to order at 9 :10 P.M. The next, item ' i 6e agenda ;'moss to consider ■o 1 the Sdkel Sument for Project Sni'�r�r' a nd !later. City engineer Anderson e3ipla ned that 4 trunk < uaten ain • i, s being � nst,; from I Brooksville 6th Addition to the •C4 4nteiii o on oe dy 0*4e Trails anc'1; 160t,h Street. The route established for 'the watemmal reqaii�w the reriocitian of a single car garage and four . am-inch tree cACnad. by R. ; J. 9cts:okel ' ar astinstiiad cost of `1,000.00., D by Council f6110"d. " MDT= WAS MM wr WHITE, S�UV CI FM GM;§LD, TO AFFROV6 THg CM 'OF PRIOR Schwhal LM RIQOMT G Mwv1 'SIMM 1 :%i k" 1 ��i4ii M OWN TM LOT IN � FM MR. N. J. �smt �} BCt'S EMZ� MUll�2t 86 -132. Prm;1, „Sa Upon,, %Vft t�ken,,; age by Andreni, B.�na:e, Fitmw- nl4, Scotto and White, the M*ion pax” d unut moualy. t ag � nt wiyh the WitkaFrekis. tx � ,. t� discW6med the settlerm � reimi Ci ty tieer that 'this ue bat i Lnseeolved s hoe the paving lhgitr,Ande'rson. esplas�ed iss "' 4 ' QE, lairlaFm ; S,10M Trail in 1978. At that sto�aa sewer way installed a , ra piriag a,panding easaeent which was never si**d. ,r'An agraemet►I had new been reodbed aed "Staff was r doe rdir:g approve o F that'agra!leltt. Diec ussien :by !M Omnell, followed. 3 ` ' i 1 i' 1. v y , t G WOMEN MTON WAS MME BY FITnGMW, SBMDED BY BUSS, TO ACCEPT THE STIPtit.K'*M Setdammt SIMMiM OF JANET M. M J08N idI'1l=M ANA JCM W. BOOM VERSUS 'M CITY 'o with PRIOR LICE AM IN_ CONJCai(.TMN A DIRBLTIVR TO STAFF TO PREPARE A SMDIVISION AS Kidwwdns , PETMMTTED UNDER, RIMUI'IC� 18-21. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Busse., Pitxgeraldj Scott, and White, the motion passed unanimously. City'ftrager 11oMdre distributed information to the Council on the bridge at County And 21 between Eau Claire Trail` and Quincy Street for their it tori ation Discussion followed. Staff Was asked to prepare, a map and- proposed timetable for 'coepletion of County Road 21 to 3M ' ' . Mnlor Andren,, informed the Council that she and City ! mvkger McGuire would be attanaing�_ a breakfast With Senator Robert Schmitz and Representative Cluck Dimler on may, February 24. If anyone has any ts or concerns they ab ould give then to lhyor: Andren prior to honday. City Rgbmr Anderson informed the Council that Assistant City Engineer Bruce Lousy has been designated as Prior Lake's representative on the .Prior Lske/Spcing Lake Watershed District, Sand Creek ^Watershed District. Credit. River Mttershea_District and Shakopee Basin Watershed District., City Attorney Wesel informed the aou<ncil that the FM did recently pass- an order '.t+garding satellite dishes.; M, has requested a copy,of this order and will pmide copies for the O mmil and' „ Planning Oomission when they are, availalale. , � ,�� sloe put, Council msetiig will be Monday. February 24, 1986 at 7:30 p.m: Rate being na further business. the meeting adjourned at 9 :42 pm. by general cones* of the abuncil. o _ � 1 1 THE EMUNIM LIST OF INVOICES ARE SCHMM,® FOR PAYMNT ON M. FEB. 19, 1986' it Stag Treasurer City Share - F1Q1 1,989.12 State Treasurer _.City Share -;: PEAR 2,977.55 LeW* of Mel Cities Insurance 73,250.00 Bankers Life Insurance 4.506.68 Delta Dental Insurance 776.00 `oast to Coast Stokes Misc. `Rq*lies 77.04,' Awe Office supply Office Supplies 24.00 Corp: Office Slapplies 121.78 ,Reliable_ The Drawing Board Office Supplies 109.98 Aibiason Machine Rental 50.00 C C Special Products U)906' 262.54 Styr]er'Drug Nisc. Supplies 138.60 MMM IQ Misc. Skpplies 175.56 Stott Rice Telephone Co. llelephone Service 704.26 ` M Valley Electric Co-op. Utilities 797.33 z Utilities 1,727.70 Carlson 09 Hardware MAP. SLppliee 48.15, Makei Cif Co. Fuel 2,740.65 Prior Like C rquest Repair Sq*1 e 833.49 y Prior Lake 0 76" Vehicle,: Repairs 313.00 C..B. Caipenter Lumber CD. Repair Stippiies' 541006 Flirts Dept. Inc. , ., _ Repair Shpplies� 62.02 ' *-V G4s do Utilities' Processing 487.50 daep �ioa, Inc., Utility Bill 1,544.3W Clwrrles er Planning Consultant 100.00 ';5�resaton ° Cotferenee s 4.321 Prior Lake 1lerican \�: Rubliehing 46.69 Loretta Lame;' , ' Seminar Expenses 14.00, II Susie Meyer` " Mileage and Expense Reimb. 28.96 i . lids. star -& Tribune -8fteription 62.40 Nidna VSterinsrir' Suggy Dog ��'4egis 35.37 I Lurie 9cwts Mil"ge 12.20 ;L en, !ikon, Sullivan a Cole \ Attorney Fees 3,141.35 1 .!!manic_ Planning Assn. \ Publications 215085 lladtagW Computer .8yitteosCaoputerSUpplies a Disk 13,464.49 eolidsy Willlags. YM Tapes• ; 53082 . °mk Aiticosl Bank Oo.Vacs OddNfter Payment 2,714.14 195000 Adi- _ ent �! Ruth Star Siervicie Insurar,►x 525.00 ,Rick L a ne • SLppty Co. Mainfianariw Shpp�lies _% 58.78 ti. „River R' R'Qarpet Service Repair i Ma htbawee 27.00 Mayor i aDUrrCl 4 Salaries \ 1,350.00 1 !lotlie Car' Alloiearxx �� .5.00.00 , ` t' . l`lpd ectner Car AllOwume 75.00 \ s . �' Hotst Graser i. Car l�llioe 75.00 PfIRLIC SAFETY k ,. Noll's Hallmark Prior Lake Service Center Brad Leff ISD #719 Crime Prevention Advisory Committee Richard Powell FIRS AND RSA cl Reynolds Welding Commmication Auditors Wolf Motor Co. Road Rescue Inc. Smokes -Eater Creative Graphics Robert McAllister Copy Equip ant= Inc. County Recorder Obf�l' First Insurance Valley View Earl. F. Andersen & Associates bakolm Ford NSP Minnesota Good Roads Cetgo Parts Service Regi onal Mutual Aid Assn. Larry Anderson Bruce Logy Own Dobw Donna Vig Lois Phillips Jan Oday 11ates Clothing. Co. Michelle Cords -&Moon Aeaeascberr Red Owl Mourm, Jaedorf ft Soe■erss 01 Distributing Co. Prior Lake Aggregate M. A. Gidney Co. Vblley engineering Co. F & D Soppily Co. Shakopee Public Utilities. *-V Gas Co. 01 Distributing Co. !!omens Supply Co.. Dolores Berens llillim Mangan Photo Finishing Vehicle Repairs Vehicle Maintenance Yearbook Registration Fees Chr Allowance Supplies Repair Supplies vehicle Repairs Equipment Repairs Subscriptions Printed Supplies Animal Control 54.65 61.95 40.00 20.00 36.00 150.00 7.13 29.11 47.00 11.33 138.00 151.30 363.02 Misc. Supplies 443.98 Property Recording copies 76.00, Engineering Fees 2,184.55 Insurance 28.00 Signs 662.23 Repair Supplies 17.83 Utilities, 100.80 Mewbership Fees' 60.00 Vehicle Repairs 1,735.35 Meobership Fee 10.00 Car Allowance 150.00 CAr Allowance 150.00 Refund 8.00 Refund 16.00 Refund 26.00 Refund 14.00 Perk Program Supplies 450.00 Publication 20.00 Supplies 22.59 Park Program Instructor 1 Park Program Instructor 54.00' Repair Supplies 68.52 Park Repair Supplies 4.86 Supplies 68.00 Engineering Fees 248.50 Sell Tools & Bquipaent 85.4,4 Utilities 20.76 Utilities 225.00 Service Training School 40.00 Supplies " 378.00 Library Cleaning & Supplies, 77.32 Car Allowance 150.00 1 1 Devi d Mrnacht Mileage & Reimbursement -- 64.50 WRIER tFM-IW Vbn Waters i Rogers Chemicals 237.90 Unistrut Northern Repair Supplies ° 153.00 !l�OC Installment 0r54 ., MIFOC SAC Charges 1;732.50 , rl Matowald Builders City Hall Eat. #3 111,386.70 Close Associates, Inc. Professional Services 1,385.68 Bud W. Wer erskirchen Abstract Ow*rs & Encumb. Reports 2.450.00 ;> HDrWest Bads; Debt Service 129.538.45' Laren,.Nalson,'Sullivan & Attorney Fees 516.00 _ z II 4 ,. 'G 3 , _ I 1