HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 24 19861 " x r , F \) CITY OF PRIOR LAKE 1r 1 .110.. COUNC MEaiM. Age Monday, February 24�t 1986 CALL 70 OAR 7 :30 p.a. - 1. pledge of Allegiance r; 2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting 3. Continue Discussion. on Menke Asaesssent appeal J , 4. Discuss Appointments to Prior Lake /Spring Lake watershed Hoard Consider Special Assessment Abatements a)� 'Public Square' � 4 b) Island. View lst Addition 6. Review Draft Copy of - City Council By -Lams 7 Update on Casnmity Plan 8. Other Business , a) l c) 9. Annts and Correspondence �( a) Ned: Council Meeting -Monday March 3; 1986 at 7:30 p.m. - b) ; 10. Adjounment (912) 4474= 4M DAKOTA STREET &E P:O.�AOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55 E s a s t z x , 1 . `a .. CITY OF PRIOR LAKE x3mumor =C February 3i, 1986 rae O=on - Ootmeil of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday, wry 24, 1986 at 7 :30 pm. in the City r0ouncil Chnobers.:Present were Mayor mdren, Ccuncilm ahers Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, White, CIZ'1 Manager McGuire, Finence Director Teschmr, Assistant City Nenager/koonaeic Devel'opeent Director %m ad*, and City Attorney Ressel. Neyor Andren called the meeting to order mad asked everyone to rise for the pledge of allegiance. go minutes of the Fbbrnary 18 1986 meeting were reviewed by Ommcil Mayor L Anarin indicated that there was ;mfinisbsd business on. page Z in that a vote was not. taken appearing the monthly reports. It was the general consent` of the Council to acaapt the reports, as submitted. !atim -was mw Br Mme, BY FITIGI MM, 70 AOMPT !lIIY M OF 'IDS Misuse MBKMW 18, 1986 lEETIIG AS AMIRUD. , a vote taken, ayes by Andren,;Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, and Mite, the aotia► passed ungdacaaly. ^ '1lle b eft itse, an the agaida'ves to continue discussion on the NK*e Aseessoent Appeal. ftla its was tabled at the February 3 1986 meeting to detendne if Nmbe Outl_ a t A was buildable. It was deteaeined that Outlot A Was not a buildable Anommot lot. City Attorney Ressel. reviewed with"Oawvcil that the total asswaunts for Mvm1 ileac, G Tract 8 and Outlot A is $6.118.40 and Mr. Haft was asking, for a 43,000.00 edu�ctiau in that arse" ent. Discussion by Qouncil follawnd. a; City Attocrey Nasal was directed to enter into negotiations for a settlement With RidOrd Neeke. Conocilasnber Busse left the meeting at 8:13 psm. V Ott :an the agenda was to discuss appointneent ' to the Prior Lake/Wing Lace M►terabea Bout. Discussion by aocaicil follcaed. .Ms M= BY bl= ff sm", To mm = • Cr Prior i�t/ aHCt+D 0383l1l M AND NRN= Qn= -W PRIOR IJi�/Sk= UM 1 q6 Dom. Lde va"r- ,bpd 4Fft. 1 �von a cote taken, ayes by Aedren, Fita9erald, Scott, and White; Busse absent# the Notion"Passed. Next on the agenda was to consider two ge. pedal. assessuent abatements. Finance .� Director Teschner explained that the first abatement was for special assessments -;, on property commonly described as the "Public Square'. Dr. Albert Geiser attempted to gain clear title to the parcel but was unable to do so because the parcel is construed as belonging to the public. Therefore, it serves no purpose to continue to allow any special assessments to run against the property. Discussion by the Council followed. NXTON WAS MADE BY 'SODIP, SBOOMED BY WHIM, TO RMXE ALL DELINMW Avmmsomm* ASSffiSHENIS FOR Mr7� 47 AND 48, T88,1986 XMXW OF $ 879.96 AND THE REMAIN AtatmmL BALANff? OF $6.631.32 ON PARCEL #25-133-097-0. Fhrcel X133 =a9r� Upon a vote taken, ayes by ledren Vitzgerald, Scott. and White; Busse absent, 0 the motion passed. Finance Director Teschcer explained that Parcel #25 -936.- 009 -0 in Island View 1st Addition was purchased by Scott County via tax forfeiture sale for the purpose of acquiring additional right- cf-ray for the upgrading of the intersection of County Road 83 and County Road 21. Special assessments should have` —b"em rgmw ed at the time of ode but Were not. Therefore, an abatement is necessary. IDMON WAS MADE' BY WI =s, SECOMIED BY SCDM, TO RBIrO M 7HE 1986 AMW OF Ammmn* $526.28 FOR COM 44 AND 786' ENr=_RBMAnCM BALANCE OF ' $2,953.61 on PARCEL Ab tmmt #25- 934 - 009-0. Fhrcel 934 0 Upon `a vote taken, ayes by Andrea, Fitzgerald, Scott, and Whites Busse absent, . the notion passed. A five aimite room was then called. Mayor Andren called the meeting back to order at. 8:40 p.m. 9* next item an the agenda vas'to review the first draft copy of the City Council, Mr -Deus. City Manager McGuire presented the draft copy of the By -Lows Via► anti pages 1-11 were reviewed in detail. Comments were made by the Oancil and Oowcil sd I cbwqn were recommended. After the first draft has been totally reviewed, *4&m the rsoI dsa cbaingem will be incorporated in a second draft to be brought back to the Council. City Manager McGuire gave the Council an update on "the Com amity Plan. Mr. HaMdre indicated that he net with Mayor Andrea and O mcilmslber Fitzgerald and tbiy are 'pcoposing the organisation of a steering oommmittee consisting of 5-7 ftmm aa■Ders. Rwasible members for the committee would be taw re, city Oommeaiv Ii�eiagar amber from the public, a amber of the School Board, a clergyman, a FUn rapc±es ntative of the Fianning Ogamission and a representative from the Roonamic DaweIgpm t Committee. his committee would recommend a plan of action to the Omncil. Other cmaittess could possibly be set up to work under the steering committee to nb* different areas of the plan. It was the general consent of the Qxncil that this is the direction to take to begin Implementation of the plan 4nd organisation of the •committee dead continue. c Ci ao reported on an Executive Session of the Scott County Tr Assist on Coalition that they attended. Mayor andren 2 � t _ also indicated that County Engineer Brad Larson will be giving a susaary of County Bud 21 construction at the !larch 10 Council meting. City Mager McGuire informed the Council of topics discussed at the Legislative Breakfast that he and Mayor andren- attended on w-Ww cry 24. Dominic Dsvelopeent Director Ohoacht infonaed the Council that, an organisational meeting is being held on February 25 for the Star Cities Program' Mt s and extended an invitation to the Council. an organisational plan will be Pico brought to the Ommil wh on. finalized. City !!onager YwG:ire inforaed the Council that the Gynwwtics Booster Club has tb■6 aade application with the State for a gmbling license to have a gmuing tk operation out of T. J. Houligan's. It was the general coneant of the Council I3osiac not to abject to the license. City Mm iger Motjire also inforned the Omxril that he remixed several calls &Pvm Oft from the mdia regarding the 84weae Court ruling. not to hear the appual of the Wft am case with the MkWahanton Sioux Coe dty. The actual briefing has not been ft= Iar seousived and wore inforwation will be given to the Council when it is availahle. %dt SO rAG ct Council meting will be Monday. March' 3, 1986 at 7:30 p.a. These being no further business, the meting adjourned'at 10:15 p.m. by general consent of the Council. Michael A.- Mdwire City Manager Loretta M. Lane Aeoarding Secretary I 3