HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 03 1986CITY OF PRIOR LAKE A florday, Ilerch 3, 1986 CALL TO 0[iJBR 7:30 p.m. 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Ninates of the Previous fleeting and Invoices sctw&ded for ftaent on Tuesday, Nerch 4, 1986 3. Owaider Aesalution 86-06 Endorsing the star Cities Progra 4. Discuss Bm went for Grassini/Grothe Property 8:00 pa S. Oontinuat on of Rnblic Hearing Regarding Boege Vacation k 8 :15 JU 6 Weak s Oo■pc ensiva Plan Ameni bents 7. consider Prelisin Plat of " ftrgaret.lst.Addition .1 S. Cwtinue Discussion on Oouncil' By�Lsra 9. War Business t. a* b. c. . s< 10. llanounoewsnts and O�rraspond�noe �,::.; a. aft 0 uncil fleeting - lbtday, !larch 10, 1986 at 7:30 p.m. b c. S� 010,W-0011 40 DAKOTA STREET s.E. P.O. SOX MM PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 66872 will . CITY OF PRIOR LAKE March 3, 1986 The 0mon Gbtmil of the City of Prior Lake set in regular session on Monday. March 3, 1986 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chawbers. Present were NV*r Andren, "members Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, White, City Mawger MoOui.re, City Engineer Anderson, City Planner Graser, Assistant City Manager/eoaweie Development Director Ukaacht, City Attorney Kessel and Planning Intern Garrosa. Mayor ladren celled the meeting to order and asked everyone to rise for the pledge of allegiance. So minutes of the Fabruary 24, 1986 meeting and the invoices scheduled for payment an Tunadey, !larch 4, 1986 were reviewed by Council. ` l DnN IRS MADE BY 80DTP, SRS BY BUSSE, TO ACCEPT THE NnVTES AND APPRM Mbutw a .. we niwowss mmm FOR PAYl14w As smmm. lindcm Upon a rote taken, sires by Andren, Busse Fitzgerald, Scott, and Whits, the notion pond unanimously. , the next item on the agenda was to consider Fasalution 86-06 dnibrsing the. Star Cities Program. Dconawic Develop ant Director Ummcht reported on the positive romponow received at the osgenisational meting of the Star Cities Program. 7he plan is to organise a. ltiture Direction CowRittee, Promotion Oaswittee. and easiness Arvitalisation Committee to work an caopleting the program. Discussion by the Council followed regarding the Program, its advantages, and potential oast= for ioplomentation. !dam NHS lIADE By Imes, S BY FI'1Mtil M, 70 ADOPT RR9LLtTP= 86-06 � Aes. 86.06 1 - = ling im minis PROMM ADD 11 if . 20. Stw citim emlgQC DE1iS+i0ElE I RRSFONSiBLB PMM MR `IDE MO D:IATICD ROOs Upon a vote taken ayes by Andron, Busse. Fituprald, Scott, a-d Mite, nation pmssed. wonisously. Sfie next ites O the agenda, was to discuss the easement for the Grassini/Grothe progeny. City engineer Anderson eieplained that Staff has been negotiating with Q Ndw Lan Grassini and Fred Grothe concerning an eawmnent on their property for Project 82-3, North Shore Trunk Sower and hater. The property owners agreed to far Pro3. sign the aaN mnge Snts in eacl for the City loading a portion of lane] referred �� MI . r 4, u as Area B to then. Area .B is adjacent to the Grassini property and is not 1 needed for street right -of -way. Comments were made by re of the audience and the Council. This information was provided to the Council for conceptual approval and Council was in agreement with the concept. too formal action was required at this time. The next item on the agenda was the continuation of the public hearing regarding the Boegsman street and alley vacation. Mayor Andren called the public hearing to order at 8 :25 p.m. planning Intern Garross reviewed with the Oouncil the events that led up to the contiiu ation of the public hearing on Fdauary 18, 1986." no. Garross further explained that the only utility directly affected by the vacation ''would be North American Cable 91stems. They have no abjection to the vacation as long as a 15 foot utility easement is provided. Ninnegasao and Scott -Rice Telephone plan to Ache their utility licks and NSP utility lines are currently located on private right -of-W. Because the Hollywood Inn is a non - conforming use, any future development would require approval. from the Planning Oonsission. Discussion was opened to the audience and a representative of Kinregasco cmfirmed that they did plan to move their utility lines.. (The tape will be kept an file in the Office of the City Manager as the official record.) Disassaion by the Council followed. !DZ' N WAS MADE BY FIUGMMt SBOOR ® BY WHM, TO APPIi M RE9LtT = 86-05 A Nom• x- °FMSMM= PROiMM PM THE VACUMIR OF MW UNUMM PAW OF SMMR 9i'Ii�T DueMewn AM AN UMMM 16' X 200' SBf.MM OF TO ALLEY IDC11TMa Nit AND EAST OF TAE SbMt d BUYIM Imi FK VMW TBAT THE PETITIONER PRM= M MMS8M U!'MM Al Ei1ME OR IF ALL Ol'U.IMM ARE`'RMM FROM THE 5 WIM SITS. Thattim' [1 a vote taken ayes by Andren, Busse. Fitsgerald, Scott. and White, the nation passed uneninously. l671'83E WAS MADE BY SMW, SSOOD® BY FrTZGMWf TO PIATOM THE 'RELIC HENMG. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Busse., Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the nation passed unanimously. The public hearing adjourned at 8 :40 p.m. The next item on the agenda was to disc%= amendments to the Co■rcehensive Plan Which would eapsed' the urban service area to the year 2000. City Planner Grazer explained the changes eliminate from the proposed urban services area Ind not currwtly included in the corporate limits and add four areas for a total of 1,653 aces for „future development. That 1.653 acres includes 150 acres which would to.raftictea to the development of a golf course. Discussion by the Council followed. laPmli 1118 1111DE B! FITMOt+D, SIM== gY BUSS, TD APPtDV6 TB$ Aged Piilti Al Q' Bt .T To CUM ' COON= AFPROM. Omrrdwini PLn Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the notion passed urnnimously. A five mime recess was then called. Mayor Andren called the meeting bade to order at 9 :34 p.m. 2 f f f 7he 'next item on the agenda Was' to consider the Preliminary :Plat of Mary 1 Margaret lat Addition. City Planner Graser presented ` the preliminary plat. .. which is proposing nine single family lots on 3.5 acres West of Manitou Road. The Planning C mnission approved the preliminary plat on Febivsry 20, 1986 with ten contingencies and one of those contingencies has been met as of this date. The developer, Laren Gross, Was present in the audience and addressed the Council. Ow is were made by other members of the audience. Discussion by the Council followed. NMMN WAS MM BY WHITE, SBMN= BY SM T TD AMWVE THE MMIlDnM PLAT FCR AR+« MW M WARET IST ADDITION SEWECr TO W FOLIMM NINE WNPIIDE VIES BEIID MT HEY Mme• . BY THE DOWNER: 1st AMIn. P MMW 1. ALL DIMMED AREAS MDSr BE IMMIATLY SEEM AND MAC WIM WVDM Plat MIX UNM SUM TIME THAT ROAD WN31'RiXTION IS OONFL M. 2. PAM DEDICATIDN OF $1.964.00 BE PAID. 3. SUM AND WMRR SERVICE TO IM 2, MM 1' WIN BE RACED IN ME MHE TAENCH. 4. ME CUB BSS MUST BE MW WT WO WE RIG[B` Y (ME PO(.+T IS S. WE CM WMI MUST BE MOMRSED TO 25 FEET. . 6. WM CMW LWS, MW BE PLMM WIM 25 FOP PADII. 7. MM Face OF 'li9E S1' M *W BE. 30 FEW ANA 32 FEET W'iSIDE CIS TD 8. AP MMM TMIL MR R==1Z A 3 MF8' DESIGN (WE VERTICAL CURB Wff � Saw AT TBg QTlTBR LINE) . 9. ME BSL W GROZ111D PR MS MUS' BE VERIFIED. 1. " a vote tte m apps by, A dren. Busse. Fitzgerald, Soott, and White, the arolion pv� unanimously. :, %a neat item an tfie agenda. discussion of Council By -Lava, was held over for ; c out �wek. !Dl' i1E1S M BY. 90y1T, D BY, FITAgEn , TO V$ TO Emcur A�ec. am" PR a aM6'1m. - mmmim M SMMM CWT Pm xw ON TB6 Seas3m SSE !�' am, � LwffllT am �'� 00i ft W. a v `'.taken. apt!0s by An =, Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, and Mite, the Sint action, pssaad , �nimohsly.. Oo�adtj► ,,_ "e_Meting adjourned to Executive Session at 9%53 p.m. a MM Ms MADQ Eff M" SIDED BY WSSE TO MMM WE EXOMIVB SESMON. 3 - Y, T FMtO LING LIST OF INVOICES ARE SaWMW FOR PMM1W ON TUES- MACS.. 04, 1986 � MI9G. 1]BPTS- � State Treasurer City Share - PICA 1 State Treasurer City share - Pam 2.756.20 NSF Utilities 6,501.17 Hossa.Associates Conference Fees 5,033.94 Delta Dental Plan umkirance 776.00 Shakopee Oil OD. Fuel 47.50 Anne R. Carroll. Professional Services 143.00 La■ m Nelson Attorney Fees 1.354.15 1Nelson Office Supply Supplies 27.90 Tierney Bros. Inc. Planning Supplies 111.66 Deborah Garross Mileage 21.05 Trail Tit Repair L SLpplies 63.95 Packaged Owpker Service Training 125.00' Clary Office Machines " Repairs 84.00 Pitney Bores Machine Rental 120.50 Copy Duplicating Copier Rental a Supplies 248.32 Rreama Hennen City Ball Cleaning 300.00 Copy Duplicating Copier Supplies 306.00 Liberty Photo Service Supplies 107.30 University of Minnesota Training Fees 50.00 Goverment Training Service Co n± - once Fees 200.00 Allied Mwaance Agency . �Insuranoe 2,559.00 Prior Lake Semrice Center Repairs . 1 Sheraton Northeast Conference Expenses es.00 Mirnmmota JW&danoe Assn. vn� Membership Fees 120.00 mum t Calcoap °Group Engineering Supplies 549.67 Hati. Society of Prof. Em. ME ership Dues 140.00 Babneack i Baman Snow Asewal 971.50 Rev. Law Seitz Mailbox Damage Repair 10.29 Metro'Pbae Rental 26.00 !lade gap Sr. Citizens 75.00 _ laingberq -Bua Co. Park Programs 240.00 Art stone Dance Gym Supply Park_ Progtant 9:WHes 1.150.16. Van 31e00nn Fork. Program Instructor 1000.00 S $ours Park Program Instructor 13.00 Jack 3ilch Park Program Instructor %.00 Jack les Restaurant Park Program 650.00 lic iren lane Park Program Refund 7.00 Jock Ernst Park Program Aefuna` 12.00 'c Trophy House. Park Program Shpplies F. 144.00 Land Care Bquiprnt Repair SUppliew 207.20 Lano Hquipment Repair Shpplies 1.673.40 F i D Supply Co. Brill Tools i Squipaent 45.22 { w sell wlgftm Telephone Service 63.60 Prior Lake Heating Library Repairs , Hers s Library Cleanin 75.00 I8D rental 514.93 Dade Aatto Qr Musicals 157.95 loiter Products Co. Water Meters 3013.50 Ir gbaldfar Punting Bonding Costa 714.00 Jurni ud ,Mo6dr' Bonlitg Costa 17.500.00 ON eNine*ring 56,182.62 a1 { I ., +; K