HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 10 1986i (CITY OF PRIOR LAKE Monday, March. 10, 2986 Cl,LL' 70 ON= 7:30 p.m. 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting 3. Discuss Funding for Soott County Transportation Coalition ; 8:00 pA 4. Discuss. Status of County Road 21 r 5:. Deere Fischer - BMx Proposal =` 6. Discuss Addition to Police Force 7. 'Continue Discussion on Council By-Laws S. Other Business a• b. c. 9 . -.0 Is ents and Correspondence a. Next. Council Meeting - Monday. March. 17, 1986 at 7:30 p.n. o - b c. 10. Adjourneent ' a (812) 4474 4' ' - 1 4601 DAKOTA STREET &Ec P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 56372 17 ■ v CITY OF PRIOR LAKE mnum cr m aw Comm March 10, 1986 The -C mm Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular se on Monday, March 10, 1986 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chwbers. present were !layor A dren, Councilmembers Busse, Fitzgerald, White, City Menayer McGuire, City Engineer Anderson, Assistant City Manager/Sconnaic Development Director. Unmacht,, Parks and Recreation Director Mangan and City Attorney Ressel. Councilmember Scott arrived at 7:33 p.m. Mayor Andren called the meeting to order and asked everyone to rise for the pledge of allegiance. -The minutes of the March 3, 1986 meeting we iv reviewed by Council. MR'IUM WAS MARS BY FI'1ZGWALD, S1E=ZD " BY BUM, TO ACMPr THE Mn1U= AS �mGes Upon a vote taken, ayes by A dren, Busse, Fitzgerald, and White; Scott absent, the motion posed. The neat itm on the agenda was to discuss funding for the Scott County 'Transportation Coalition. Assistant City Manager Ormacht reviewed how the Coalition came into being and the recent activities. County Comdssioner Malt Stra tall, County Administrator Joe Ries and County 8ngineer Brad Larson were present in the audience. County Engineer Larson presented am update on the three projects of the Coalition: 1.- °Bloaiingtan Ferry Bridge and reconstruction of County Road 18 to L -494., Total estimated cost of the project is $40 million for the bridge and $50 million for the reconstruction of County Road 18 to four lanes. 8stiaated aonpletion is 1992 -93. 2. Shakopee By -Pass Proj Estimated cost of $25 millkM. To be co■pleted in two stages fray C.R. 18 to C.R. 83 in 1990 and frca C.R. 83 to Highway 169 in 1991. It will be constructed as two lane first. and later "expanded to four lanes. 3. Reconstruction of Highway 169 Bridge. Cost would be $4-30 million. Mork is just beginning on this pr oject. Mr. Umacht explained the Coalition was attempting to get funding fray the flaunty.' coommities in tiie County and private businesses. Staff made the rnoc eudation for Council to consider a five year expense of $5,500 per year to the- Coalition. Since it Was not budgeted this year, $3,000 cou ld b made' (612) 447.42 0 4629 DAKOTA STREET &L P.O. BOX 559 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 56572 s`�w' available in 1986 and S8,000 could be budgeted in 1987 for a total of $11,000. 7lien $5.500 could be budgeted each year for the next. three years. Commissioner Straivall informed the Council of a meeting he had with the v Congressional delegation in Washington regarding some federal funding for these pcoiects- Discussion by the Council f ol l owed. Staff indicated that a $3,000 commitment this year would not obligate tie City to a $5.500 commitment for`'the next four FdKHM YOM- Scott ON ' MM ON WAS MM BY FITit,' MM, SI00[ M BY WHIM, M CQIQT $3,000 IN 1986 TO TMO. OWiti(n * 7M 8ar1't couN Y TRvismaimm ODALITIgM. ' Upon a vote taken. ayes by 1lydren, Huse, Fitzgerald, Scott, and white, the notion passed unanimously. County Engineer Larson then presented to the Council a five year proposed progra for county waft in the City as follows: 4rryovei from Aeconatruct on of GraiYSrood Bridge on C.R. 21; grading of C.R. 21 E 1985 from C.R. 91 to Credit River; and upgrade C.R. 42 between BigbW 0,8.21 a 13 and C.R. 27. Otlw. 1986 C.R. 21 from Main Avenue to C.R. 87 probable construction in 1987. 1987 Realignment of C.R. 83 from C.R. 21 to C.R. 17 and upgrading of C.R. 17 from C.R. 62 south to C.R. 12 by Spring Lake. " 351t. y 1988 Completion of C.R. 21 to 1909 . Nove C.R. 83 from C.R. 17 to C.R. 21 and upgrade of C.R. 27 east of Prior Lake. 3990 `, Last stage of C.R. 17 from C.R. 12 to Highway 13 and 282 and -C.R., 87 from the new C.R. 21 to C.R. 68. Discussion by the audience and Council followed. A five ainute rooms was then called. Nq huh Called ,,the meeting back to order at 9 :10 p.m. Its next .eta an the agenda; was to discuss the Prior Lake BLOC track.. Se decision was made by :Parks and Recreation Director Morgan in ftbruary, 1986 that \tom track midd be operated by Northstar Her, Inc. with a MR sanction. *--- Dew d Fischer vW, rented to operate the track under an An sanction was Doe amfta13n� this decision. Mr. Fischer and other ambers of the audienos Fly' add<enwd ;fit Coupon espcessing their desire to have Mr. Fischer operate the 9 K TM* t sanction. HDrthstmr HIM rapcesentative, verl Sdhoon, �l Couu�il. Forks and Recreation Director Margin eommistsd on thee_ up ta`is appeal . aoncein was eaperaad by the Qouncil that they did not have comparative infocaation on the ;two pcqposals:.rnd the different sanction to make a decision at this time. MS MM BY F1n1LD, BY B[1&S$, M DEu 1lr.'PTOM QM sl s- APPM MM AMMI 7. c ' APILMM IS TO PR12MM A l err m!t PAL aF mm pLBm 0 2 i F UPGMDE 7HE RS. *:SIC, FEES 'BEY WILL CAE, AND SRNCTION INFOWATION AND HAVE IT AVAILABLE 70 SVki� -KW EVALL* MON BY MBRCli 25, 1986. Discussion followed. 4 ' Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Busse,, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the motion passed unanimously. Mayor NWren called a five minute recess. 3 . The meeting was called back to order at 10:45 p.m. t 7he next item on the agenda was to ,discuss the addition of a position to the police force. City Manager McGuire explained that an additional position has been authorized in the budget effective may 1, 1986. Staff wes requesting approval to start the hiring process iawediately. Discussion followed. Add tiWA HNION WAS mm By FITEt,wAm, sommm BY WE= To Am= = Hnum OF AN FbUce ADMTld[!91L PMjCE OMCER AS SOON AS ME Hn= pBOMSS CAN BE OMULVM. Fbsitien Upon a vote taken ayes by Andren, Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, and Whit*, the Motion. passed unanimously. _ Next on the By.-Low. continue discussion on the Council By.-Lo The Ooimcil consensus of`�t�� he Council was to postpone this item until a later time. oanc:nwed . City lrnager wire infonod the (council that he had received a letter from the City AttortW indicating an agreement had been reached for pqnent an the Shakopee Maawakanton Sioux Co■mmity lawsuit. Discussion by Council followed, `y lDTmN lii1S MiIDE BY FI'PiGEE81LDr 5mDBD HY 900m, 10 AtT1410itI><E Pl1Y!@B' CE Sn+ttlsmt $35#161.45 PON THE Ai YS' FSES AND COSTS ZIR M = $IC,2M MCC ARM for Indian ADO FOR '"M BMW* ON 7 FIRE Alm ` RESOM COFII'RACr PM $725.78 lOR ME SMS 'ME t�[JR'f > PRINTING Y m"t apoa a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Busse,` Fitzgerald. Scott, and White, the action passed unanimously, ' City Nenager MaOuire presented a request for payment from fthoiweld Comtruction for work completed on the City Hall Addition. This payment has been approved by tAe architect: lo'= WS WIDE VY MM, SOMHAb BY BUSSE, To AMWR P2U mw ni sip �Awwr or .Rg�t to 579 TO H N. tab.�,ald Vpon a vote taken# ayes by Andren, Duane, Fitzgerald, Scott, and Whit*, the man ME. motion passed' unanimously: "10 next. Common meeting will be Monday, !larch 17, 1986 at 7:30 p.m. 2bere being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m. by general convent of the Council. e: ' Kirimbal A- HF1124 To