HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 24 1986RIMTM AIL ICETIM Agenda Monday, !larch 14, 1986,; CRU TO OH= 7130 p.m. - ,ii .1. _ Pledge of Allegianoe 2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting and Invoices Scheduled for Pap ont on fteedey, Match 25, 1986 3 Consider Chomp Order 41 for Proj 82-3, North Shore Trunk Seer and Water r 8. Discuss Lloyd Berggren Saseaent S. Rwinw Final plans for Projuit -14. Lord 'a Street Bridge 6. Consider Aagnest for Lakefront. Days Appropriation ; 7. 11wiew Pages 11 15 of Qouncil By -Lane 8. Other Bssiness a. ` b. c. , ' 9. llnnaunoa■ents and Correspondence a. Mwt Council Meeting - Monday, April 7, 1986 at 7 :30 p.m. b. Co \ 10.. lldjouvmpmt {j f 12) 447.4140 4U9 DAKOTA STREET S,E. P.O. BOX 3 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 86571,,.. s "ti ,a, . « t ik IL d v� R CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ` MnUTES OF THE CITY COUNC March 24, 1986 i The Casson Council of the City of Prior Lake not in regular session on Monday, Macch_24, 1986 at 7 :30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Present were Acting !Mayor Scott, Councilsombers Busse, Fitzgerald, White, City Manager Maguire, City �. Engineer Anderson, Assistant City Manager/Hoormic Developpent Director Unaacht and Finance Director Tesctner. Mayor Andren was absent. Acting Mayor'Seott called the meeting to order and asked everyone. to rise for the pled9e of allegiance. The ninutes the March 17, 1986 meeting and the ..invoices scheduled for payer on Tuesday• March 25, 1986 were reviewed by Council.. 0 lDT1W WAS MADE BY FITlcaRl M, SHOWED . BY BUSSE, TO ACCEPT M MIIaA'11:S AND l bates APPROVE THE IMICES FOR PAYlM AS S<BMITtED. 7n�aiaes 0 Upon a vote taken, ayes by Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White; Andrea absent; the notion passed unanimously. The next itss on the agenda was to consider Change Order #1 for P` 82 -3, North Shore Trunk Sewer and Water. City Engineer, Anderson pr 1\ request '" funs North Stare Oaks, Inc. for a 195 foot extension of the sanitary se�r line north of Carriage Bill Arid on the proposed Fisher Street in the unplatted � P01001 of North Shore Oaks 5th Addition. 1lnis extension Would allow better access., by conventional equipment when this area is developed and the cost Would be borne by the. developer. lDr= MRS NI1DE BY ,WHI'Z,, SBOOMED BY FIT6GMWD, TO APPROVE' C81,E)GE ORDER ,NO. 1 ahw4e POR PEW T 82-3, MOIDM SINMffi MW SEWER AND WATER IN T A D= OF $17,160.00. A Ptnj. W3, No. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White; Andr absent; Scam the notion passed unanimously. The nest it= on the agenda Was to discuss the Lloyd Berggren Easement for Project No. 82-3, Zlarth Shore Trunk Sewer and Water. City Engineer Anderson explained that there were seven ample trees within this easement. Mr. Berggren signed the "easement with the stipulationrthat if the trees die Within three years as a result of. City construction, he will be reinburzsed $2,000 per tree. Staff did feel that the trees will" not be endangered by the construction land. sinew . fence will be put around the trees to insure the contractor does not go x; .into throw= area.. V 012) 4474=0 40 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 56372 ; �, o } Mn9J ES OF THE PRIOR LACE CITY COUNCIL March 24, 1986 Discussion by the Council followed. City Engineer Anderson further explained that the construction in this area would be thoroughly documented. a MOTION WAS MADE BY WHITE, SECONDED BY FITSt ERM D, TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND CITY MANNER TO SIGN EAS9RW NUMBER 84 -10 WITH LIM BERM FOR PFWWT NO. Etst 82 -3. NOFSH SM TRW SEVER AND WATER. Proj. 8�3 No. Nom Upon a vote taken, ayes by Busse, Fitzgerald. Scott, and White; Andren absent; the motion passed unanimously. Next on the agenda los to review final plans for Project 86 -14, Lord's Street Bridge. City Engineer Anderson informed the Council that the Minnesota Department of Transportation has approved the plans for construction. It was the eonscradus of the Ooxncil that since the plans were exactly the same as they had previously reviewed, it was not necessary to review them again. N=N WAS MADE BY FITZGE1KZ, SBMWED BY BUSSE, TO APPROVE THE FINAL PLANS AND ftu PL= SPECIFIt7�iTIONS FOR THE PRWECT NO. 86 -14, IDMI S STREET BRIDGE. Pmj. 86-14 Ial's St. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White; Andren absent; the motion passed unanimously. MDTM WAS MADE BY FITSGC*JD, SIODWED BY WHITE, TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS' FOR Adv. for PRO3 T N0. 86 ON APRIL 22, 1986 AT 10:00 A.M. Bids for Fmi. 8644 ' Upon a vote taken, ayes by Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White; Andren absent; the notion passed unanimously, The next item on the agenda was to consider a request for Lakefront. Days appropriation. Economic Development Director M nacht informed the. Council that representatives fram the Lakefront Days Committee presented a proposal to the Eoon mic Development Committee for $1,200 to help with the initial operating casts. The Economic Development Ccmmittee;recoamencleed to the Council to approve s= the $1,200 appropriation and that the balance, if any, be dedicated to future festivals in a permanent Lakefront Days Fund. City Menager McGuire pointed out that the manpower for preparing the park for the event and the security during lakefront Days are additional costs to the City. In the past, the City has also 9:Aen $500 towards the cost of fireworks which would '4be 'included in the $1.200 appropriation this year. Council Mhite stated that the hake Association will be paying for the costs of the fireworks this year.' There we further discussion by the Council regarding the contributions of other community organizations and insurance needs for Lakefront Duya. liDTtM WAS MADE BY - FITZGEMM, S®ODMM BY WHMB, TO MARE PAYMENT TO THR Idzft ant hill(SF DAYS G011QTTRE FOR = PUZOSE OF ASSIST= THE OMICET ER IN WE DUs INUTUL OPlaNAM CDSTS IN THB AN= OF $1, 200.00 WI's 7HE bTI ULATI THAT ANY ati, ' AND ALL MWES R8 M)MG UP TO $1,200.00 BE DEDICATED TO EUTURE FLS'PIV W IN A ` PRNIA = LAit KWU DAYS FUND. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White; Andren absent; the nation passed unanimously. 2 MINIT= OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY CO WIL March 24, 1986 The Council and Staff then reviewed in detail pages 11 -15 of the First Draft of r' the Council By- Lams. The comments and suggested changes will be incorporated into the Second Draft and will be brought back to the Council for review. Plat Heaney and Lidy Flom addressed the Council regarding a house in their VFW Wm neighborhood that is owned by the VFW. They heard the house Was to be burned & ftgv ed down during a practice fire drill. and the VFW was going to use the area, for a FwkiK parking lot. They expressed concern regarding the parking lot plans and U* providing privacy from the parking lot for the residents. Discussion followed. City Manager McGuire explained they 'should contact 'City Pl.vmr Graser regarding the plans for the parking lot. City Engineer Anderson asked the Council if they would be interested in a tour ND Swe of the North More Project so they would be familiar with the area. The Council Tow felt it would be beneficial and the tour was scheduled for,,Monday, April 7, at 6:00 p.m. p-ior to the Council meeting. The next Oov=- meeting will be Monday, April 7, 1986 at 7 :30 p.m. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8 :44 p.m. by general consent of the Council. I Michael A. McGuire City Manager i Loretta M. Lane Recording Secretary • I �j 10 ft. 3 777 THE EMIR LING LIST OF INVOICES ARE SCHF.[XgM FOR PAYWC ON TUES, MAR. 25,; 1986 '"\ dISC. DriPTS. State Treasurer City Share - FICA 1,999.13 State Treasurer City Share ­ FM 2,947.69 Bankers Life �Disuranc* 4,506,.68 Ames Office Supply Off ice A%pplies 59.85 Qu Corp. Office SLp�alies 162.81 Albinson Equipment Rental Supplies 93.00 Sd tt Rice Telephone TPlepirine Service 777.41 MN Valley Electric Utilities; 757.94 NSP Utilities 5,775.48 Minnegasco Utilities 1,745.36" Prior lake Carguest Repair S Wies 266.99 Snyder Drug Misc. Supplies 18'.13 � C H. Carpenter Lumber Co., Mirsc. Supplies 409.78 m ITV Gas Co. €'tilties 900.00 M Dept. of Health Waterworks Operators 'Sdo s 200,00 Charles Tooker Planning Consultant 700.00 GENERAL GOVERNMM Prior Lake American Le-gal Publications 119.76 Susie Meye 'Mileage . 14.00 , Allied Insurance OD. In surance 3,496.00 Laurie Schmitz Mileage 13.80 B. R. Hart OD. Psinfie& Material 345.12 Petty Cash ibstage & Supplies 64.30 Laren, Nelson Attorney Fees 2,413.75 . 9hkopee Mftwakanton Sioux Community Attorney Nees 35,887.23 Houman MR. Misc. Supplies 93088' Atpublic Telcan Telephone ,Service 96.90 Sprint Telephone Service , 24.19 American Linen Supply Co. Building Maintenance 67.92' R i R Carpet Service Auilding Maintenance 27.00 Floyd Look a Safe Co. Repairs 86.20 Park National Bank Computer Payment 2,714.14 dopy Duplicating Products Copier Rental t Supplies 228.42 Nwor i OwUncil Salaries 1,350.00 Michael McGuire Car Allowance 300.00 Ralph Teectmer Car Aliammme 75.00 Horst Graser Car Allowance 75•.00 Prior Lake Service (enter Vehicle Repairs 404.64 Noll's Hallow* Stop Photo Finishing 42.85 Mmtowald. Motors Repairs 88.20 Umiforos'Onlimited Supplies 170.00W, Brad Leff Vehicle Mrintenance 64.00 Richard Powell Car. Allowance 150.00 °:) FIRE AAD RE.9Q]E K -� Reynolds Welding Supplies 6.44 Conbay Fire &Safety Supplies 671.80 " United Fire Fighters Assn Dues 25.00' Volunteer Firemen's Benefit Assn. Dues 3.00 s= Soott Co. Office of Emergency Mgnt. Teaching Materials 68.00 ` No. Mankato Volunteer Fire Dept. Conference Expenses 120.00 Ames Office Supply Office Supplies 6.64 " Brent Johnson Paint. for Conference 140.61 Internat'l Conf. of Bldg. Officials Dues " 70.00 Robert McAl lister Animal Control 363.02 PUBLIC WaWS Copy Equipment Supplies 108.96 Colcomp Group Engineering Supplies 76.67 DC Battery Perducts Supplies 44.84 , PIICB'TI Dues 12.00 State Dept of Transportation Supplies 17.04 MacQueen Equipment Repair Supplies 1,201.34 J. L. Shiely Co. Sand & Gravel 128.97 Larry J. Anderson Car Allowance 150.00 Bruce Loney PAWS AND PJK=AMQN Car Allowance 150.00 Shakopee Public Utilities Utilities 20.52 Radenoacher Red Owl Misc. Supplies 31.39 " Trophy House Supplies 30.00 NI Distributing Co. Repair Supplies 155.45 Parts Dept Inc. Repair Supplies 3.52 Pioneer Rim & wheel Repair Supplies 283.90 Earl F Andersen & Associates Park Supplies 2,828.00 Ann Perchal Refund 18.00 Robin Wjer Refund 18.00 Debbie Hall Refund 18.00 Diane Sieaihnn Refund 10.00 Donna Lukis Refund 7.00 William Mangan Car Allowance 150.00 David Unucht Mileage & Parking 48.72 Hotel Seville Conference Expenses 103.36 PM Mmibership Dues �, 95.00 9oott Co. Transportation Coalition City's Contribution 3,000.00 Rnymomd Johnson St. Supt. Meeting Reimb. 12.90 Vbn tkters & Rogers Chemicals 237.90 Layne Minnesota Repair Supplies 292.72 Sieroo, Lab Analysis 48.00 � PEPSA Membership Dues 5.00 Siahrader„Blook'Cb. Pumping 45.00 Im Layne Minnesota Repairs 513.03 _ MNCCL Installment 31,238.54 MNC:C SAC charges 7,994.25 State Treasurer Certification Fee 15.00 v r. MNITMEWY Close Associates Professional Services . 1.176.92 rahovald Builders DEBT SEMnCR GENFML FUND City Hall 79,835.15 Norwest'Bank Npls » Debt Service 6.664.25. First Bank St Paul Debt Service 2,510.00 Norwest Bank Ws Debt Service 210,521.25 Allison- Williams Co.. Debt Service 510.00 t Lametti a Sons Est. NO. 1 110,000.13 Valley Engineering Co. Engineering Fees 9,410.00 OSK Engineering Fees 9,588.30 n r • t 0-