HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 07 1986 J/ CITY OF PRIOR LAKE f • FMML IR COUNCIL !d$TIIIKi Agerda Monday, April 7, 1986 C11LL TO OFUM 7:30 p.a. - 1. Pledge of Allegianx 2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting and Invoices Scheduled for Papiaent on Maefty, April 8, 19W 3. Consider Aequest from Um ,Stef .funs for Prelieabvuy Plut l Rzaval and an t to fiction Petition for Willows 6th Addition 8 :00 ym 4. r �. Continue Discussion on B.M.X.. Proposals ,r 5. Aegwst Authorisation to Offer ARraistl Aeount to/,'Property Owners �{ for Project MD. 82-3, forth S Trw* 9awer aad ter 6. Consider Ernsent for Alasc. Iw. , 7. Mtrch 1 1986 Treasurer's Aepert 8. Other Business c. ' 9. Anno�noeieenta and.00rrasponbenoe a. Mutt Council Meeting - Monday. mil 14. 1986 at 7:30 p.n. b. l / C. lb. Adjoubwant N116 MT -4= N8! DAKOTAVREET LL P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 , kA The Common 0ouncil of the City of Prior 'Lake met in regular session on Monday, April 7, 1986 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers.. Present were Mayor Andren, Councilmembers Fitzgerald, Soott, White, City Manager McGuire, City Rqineer Anderson, City Planner Graser, Assistant City Manager/11oonomic Development Director Urmacht, Parks and Fecreation Director Mangan and City Attorney F*ssel. Council member Busse was absent. Mayor Andren called the meeting to order and asked, ever- yone to rim for the pledge of allegiance. The minutes of the, March 24, 1986 meeting and the invoices scheduled for paymient on Tuesday, April 8, 1986 were reviewed by Council. NOTION WAS NAM BY SMITT, SOM11M BY PITZGUWD, TO APMW TM MDUM AM Mmutes & INYMCES FOR PAYIGW AS SUBMITTED. invoices Upon _a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White; Busse absent; the notion passed unanimously. go next item on the agenda. was to, consider a request f rom Tcm' Steffens for Preliminary Plat approval and an ameriftent to the vacation petition for Willows M Addition. Before any presentations were made, Mayor Andren made a statement indicRUN she felt it was apparent the developer could not met the tipulations of Resolution 85-29 requiring a previously dedicated right-of-way known an Willow Beach Trail to be irmrporated into the plat of Willows 6th; it was questionable whether the motion made and voted on regarding Resolution 85-29 on Ifivember 4, 1985 was in order (resolutions usually do not have contingencies —Attachad to them); and because this resolution did have contingencies attached twit-was reasm in her opinion, to hold another public hearing. Mayor Andren further ibikted that the Council was asked to vacate a street without a public hwriN; there appears to be strong developer pressure to railroad the resolution through and three imebers-of this Council had no input or vote in the th& original public hearing. Mayor Andrea q -passed the gavel to Acting Mayor Sloott. MDMH WAS HAM BY AHMM, SIMMM BY WE=, 70 HOW A NEW PUBLIC WARIM FOR MMUM for MR. STEPP= VACRTMIR TETITMH FOR WILtONS 67H ADDITION. sm, P&Iic Hurirg Did A copy of Resolution 85-29 was passed among the Cbuncilaiember8 for them toNot Fbw review. City_ Attorney Kessel also reviewed the resolution and it was his opinion that if the resolution was amended, a new public hearing would be 409 DAKOTA STREET &L P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 56372 , 40004� MINUTES OF THE PRIOR LAKE CRY COUNCIL s` April 7, 1986 t required. It was also City Attorney Kessel's opinion that the resolution was proper before. Technically, there were no contin9encies on the resolution. The effective date of the vacation was extended contemporaneous with an approved new subdivision which would include the dedicated public portion that was required SbO by that resolution. If the new proposed subdivision did not include that a l" dedicated portion, the vacation would not be effective. loan There. was discussion by Council of the resolution and the need for a new public �K hearing., Ooumc lwmbers Fitzgerald and Scott both felt the presentation of additional information would help to clarify the issue before they voted. Mayor Andren then called for the question and requested a roll call vote. Upon a roll call vote taken. Andren, abstain; Fitzgerald, nay Scott, nay; White, aye; and Busse absent; the nation did not pass. Mayor Andren then vacated the, chair because she felt it involved procedures that may have to be corrected and it was denying - citizens due process. Acting Meyor Scott then presided at the meeting. Acting Noyor 9ogtt asked Tom Steffens to give his presentation limiting his initial discussion to the vacation of the street. Mr. Steffens explained his proposal was to vsa►te only that portion of the street that Was in the Willows 6th subdivision and the number of lots Were reduced to meet the 100 foot frontage for the lots. Vacating the street would also allow Lot 24 to be developed. Discussion by the Council followed. It was the consensus of the Council that the new subdivision did not include the 50 foot dedicated public right -of-%W and did not meet the stipulations as ,required for the approval of Resolution 85-29 and vacation of only a portion of the street would amend the Resolution and would require a new: public hearing. MDr1 ON Wa.S NAM BY WHITE, SWD® BY FI'176C,ZsR I D, TO HOLD A N1W PUBLIC HENWG Sdw&Ac FOR MR. SWFENS VACATION PETITION FOR WI JXwS 67H ADDITION ON AMM 28, 1986 AT Now P. H 9 :00 P.M. Mare was further discussion by the Council regarding the 100 foot frontage for the lots and revision of the plat. A SUBSTITUTE M TION WAS MADE BY FITE(Tii M TO TABL6 THE ITEM FOR ONE UM TO AUM 2HE MEDM THE OPPORTUNITY TO INtLME THE PtBUC OONSMM liI' IIIa THE VACATION PETITION AND/OR REDOING THE PLAT. There Was further discussion by Council and the developer. City planner Grayer explained that Mr. Steffens cannot meet the stipulations for Resolution 85-29 bemuse it calls for the vacation of the entire street of WiD ow :Beach. Trail, wen' portion that is not.. in the Willows 6th Addition. - ton vacaticune half of that portion would be acquired by the adjacent property owner and Mr. Steffens weld not be able to give back what he did not own. It was the consensus of the Council that a new public hearing would be necessary. 2 43 k. t .s t 1 v a MINUTES OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL April 7, 1986 Y Y COUNCII osER FIT8GEmw wiTwMw THE suasr nm MOTION. p Acting Mayor Scott then called for the question on the original motion to schedule a new public hearing. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Fitzgerald, Scott, and Whitet Andren vacant from the chair; Busse absent; the motion passed unanimouaiy. A ten minute recess was then called. Mayor Ant,ren returned to the Council and called the meeting back to order at 8:35 p.m.! Mayor Andren instructed Staff to _keep the tape as the permanent record of, this meeting and requested a verbatim transcript of the tape from the beginning''of the meeting until the recess. The next item on the agenda was to continue discussion of the 'BMX Track. Parks and Recreation Director Mumpn explained that this was continued from the March 10 atot, I and that proposals for op-rating the trade were received from Northsta�r 1 9M and Hawk BMX. Bemuse both sanctions have merit, Staff mmde the ron -- i4tion that HDrthstar BW as previous operators, be given first option to schedule BMX races for this coming year and &&* Bff be allowed to schedule their races on the open dates.. Merl Schoon of Northstar BW and Dave Fischer of Hawk BMX addressed the Council. Mr. Fischer stated that the Staff recommendation was not.acoeptable to him. Northstar indicated that it was acceptable to them. Comments Were shade from other smabers of the audience in support of both sairctions. , Discussion by the Council followed. It was the consensus that Mr. Fischer did not meet the requirements because he did not provide insurance information and did not have his bond by the March 25 deadline. IDn0M Whs MADE BY" SCOTT, SBOOKED BY FITZGEMLDr TO APPROVE NORn1SM BNK AS Nord~ CPERIdOd OF 'IDS PRIOR LAKE BMX TRNM FOR THIS YEAR. e[ Operator Upon a,vote taken ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Soott, and White; Busse absent; the motion passed unanimously. Next on the agenda Was to consider authorising the appraisal amounts being offered to property owners for Project No. 82-3. City Manager McGuire explained that Staff anticipates the appraisalsto be done on April 7. The coixlaarhation hearings begin on April 14 and since the Council would not meet aigaiin before that time, Staff was requesting authorization to offer the appraised amounts to the individual property owners in exchange for signing the easement. Dam ants were auk from the audience regarding the short amount of time the property aware would have to consider the appraised amount prior to the oorrdesinaton hearings. , MINUTES OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL April 7. 1986 dollar a■mx is of die City Engineer Anderson informed the Council that he received theAappraisals_ immediately before the meeting, but he had not had an opportunity to review than. Discussion by the Council followed. Ooncern was expressed regarding authorising the use of the appraised amounts without seeing what they are authorizing, but they did have to work within the timeframe. K)TTON WAS ELIDE BY WHITE, SBOOMED BY SODRT, TO AUTHORIZE. STAFF TO OFFER TO THE &Mmize I DIVI1XM `' PR10F'E M OMM THE AMOUNT OF THE CITY OF PRIOR 'LAKE IS APPRAMAL IN Staff to EXCHANGE FOR SIGNING THE EASENW. �yj tea' Ap" J.41113 Upon ,a vote taken, ayes by A.- xlren Fitzgerald, Scott, and White; Busse absent; hKafts for the motion passed unanimously. Pro1- 82-3 A five minute recess was then called. Mayor Anaren called the meeting back to order at 9:37 p.m. "a next item on the agenda�� s to consider the easement for A1mc, Inc. City, Engineer Anderson explained'the City is requesting temporary easements on ten lots owned by Almaa, Inc. in Sand Pointe 4th Addition for Project 82 -3. the contractor for the project was requesting that he be allowed to utilize the entire lot for storage of dirt and Would remove the dirt from the lot widin fivee days if Alma, Inc. Wants to build on a lot. Almac, Inc. prepared an Eat►t and License Agreeunenc to provide for this. The City Attorney has reviewed the agreement and Staff was requesting approval. Discussion by the Council followed. Mr. Anderson also` stated that there would be no reimbursement to Alma Inc. with the exception of $280.00 for.preparing the document. !D'1'Za11AS MADE BY WHIM, SYMM BY FITSG'ENA D TO AUTHORISE THE MAYOR AM A]sic, I=. CITY MANN= TO SIGN WE EASEMENT AND LICENSE AGRBMO FOR LOTS 1, 2, AND 3, D80103it S�ACJC' A AND L RTS 1, 2, 3. 4, 5, 6, AND 7, BLOCK 7 SAD POINPE 47H ADDrr1bM' for Ami- MW UPON' FMCEIPT' OF THE ODNT'RN79M AIGREMG TO THE PROVISIONS OF = 82'3 DOQ>i me. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andean, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White; Busse absent; the notion passed unanimously. The Council reviewed the March 1. 1986 Treasurer's Report.; Councilumber Waite requested that a report be prepared that would inform the Council of the status of the budget. City Manager McGuire informed the Council that a Budget Report is normally presented on a monthly basis, hwever because of a ccepter programming probleUe, this report has not been available. As soon as this pcgblee is resolved, the report will be presented monthly. The Treasurer's Report for March 1, 1986 Was accepted by general consent of theme 's Council. 4 VU lQNEYTES OF THE PRIOR LANE CITY COUNCIL April 7, 1986 sy aouncilmember White indicated there was a runoff problem into the bay on Vale Circle. City Engineer Anderson was asked to check it. Councilmamber White also asked Staff to ,keep the Council well informed of activities happening in the City such, as pjilic hearings, etc. Mayor Andren distributed copies of a letter to the Council for their Letter ftm information. The letter Was from Lametti a Sons. Inr., the contractor the PmJ* 82-3 4 ' North Shore project, dated !larch 31, 1986 regarding all easraents not being omtrwtom acquired by April 1 and the first payment request being only a partial request. a`OMMIC and Will be kept in the file of the North Shore Project, !Mayor Andren extended, an invitation to the Council and Staff from the VFW for a 4 Anniversary and Mortgage Burning Party cn `Sun day, April 20. City Manager McGuire distributed copies of the Metropolitan Development and 0 * w °f Investment Framework to the Council for their review and indicated it voutd be MW tD discussed at a future meeting. City Manager YASjire also informed the Council that Staff is holding a Downtown Neighborhood meeting on Masday, April 8, in the Council Chambers and invited tb=1 to attend. City Planner Graver gave a brief report on the Planning Commission Workshop that was held April 4 and 5. next C=Y_A1 meeting will be Monday ,Apeil 14, 1986 at 7 :30 p.m. i There being no further business, the meeting adjourned, at 9:55 p.m. by general consent of the Council. i Michael A. Yk0 re City Manager Loretta M. Lane Recording Secretary /! 0 II 1 `�s '� 'r"x k' t •� �J Fat 1 THE FUJMING LIST OF INVOICES ARE SCHEDULED FOR PAYE NT ON TUES;, APRIL 8, 1986' misc, DEM. State Treasurer City Share FICA 1,974.09 State Treasurer City Share - "PERK 2,774.59 Carlson 09 Hardware misc. Supplies 82.34 coast to Coast „ misc. Supplies 27.85 Soott Rice Telephone Co. Telephone Service 678.25 L!C Housing Conference Expenses 250.00 NA City Management Asap. Mwbership Dues 35.00 !prior Lake American Publishing 70.00 8 i J Ballard. & L. Frwdm an Can kaution hard 1.000.00 Gloeeasesnt Training Service Conference Expenses, 60.00 , Packa ged �� er Services Training 2 � Mnintenxu�oe , ` �r Dictation System 7.655.00 Rieeona 8n City EEall Cleaning 300.00 Rl�.iti�li�C Brad Leff whicle- Maintenance 38.00 Prior Lake Servicenter Vehicle Maintenance 154.79 Cogr'Duplicating Products Copier Rental a Supplies 120.00 Wz City; of Bloaeington m 2,700.00 E�iG]�S Uk River Concrete Products Repair supplies 370.10 I Metro► FOR*- t Rental 26.00 lletW Alamo Inc Rental 66.00 Copy spipment Inc. - Engineering Supplies 447.09 m oQu m swiprtnt Repair Supplies 316.29 t irlieseen Dinner 2heatres Park Program 100.00 Dcrot Jokom Referee Fees ° 1,036.00 „J i J Mediator Service Repairs 37.50 Matron Maw Inca Rental 66.00 ft& loop Senior Citizens 75.00 PbNstar postage 436.34 O.S. W. of Commerce W-cial census Ousts 35.00 LaWront Days Oa mittee Lakefront Days 'Expenses 1,200.00 Dixie Petro-Chem Chemicals 157.95 ... ff L