HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 14 1986K _ t 3 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE Issb`rm Aigenda Monday, April 14, 1986 CUL TO OR= 7:30 p.m. 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting 3. Prior Lake Softball Association - Donation 4. Consider hardoent to Wi[dsong P.U.D. 5. Consider Aren dhoent to the Zoning Code - Acreage Requirement for P.U.D. 6. Consider Request from St. Michael's Church for T Vorary 3.2 Beer. PPerait for Aprilfeet 7. Other Business as b . c. 8. ements and Correspondence a. Next Council Meeting - Monday. April 21, 1986 at 7:30 p.m. b . C. /yu (N2j "UM 429 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 -r i t -CITY OF PRIOR LAKE Mn&nW OF 141E CITY COUNCM April 14, 1986 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday, April 14, 1986 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Andren, Cuuncilmwbers Busse, Fitzgerald', Scott, White, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson, City Planner Grayer, Perks and Recreation Director Mangan, Assistant City Manager/Eoonomic Developaent Director Unmacht, and City Attorney Ressel. Mayor Andren called the meeting to order and asked everyone to rise for the pledge of allegiance. The minutes of the April 7, 1986 meeting and the invoices scheduled for payment on Tuesday, April 15, 1986 were reviewed by Council. Mayor Andren made the following correction to the minutes: Page 4, Paragraph 1 Add the phrase "dollar amounts of the' so it will read *� Line 1 . . he received the dollar amounts of.the appraisals immediately before the meeting " MiiuOe� wnwIR WAS MADE or 9ODTP, MEOMED BY WHI E, Ta APPROVE 7HE MIIUTES AS AMMED Invoices AND 7= INi ims sCf>Bmum FOR Am= As swrrm. c Question was raised on some of the invoices and City Manager McGuire explained the payment. Councilumber Scott requested that all Councilmembers receive a copy of the verbatim tranecript,of the April 7, 1986, meeting regarding the Willows 6th Addition. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the motion passed unanimously. The next itea on the, agenda was to consider a request for a picnic/shelter facility at'7he Pond. Parks and Recreation Director Metigan explained that this facility has been planned for the last three years. The Prior Lake Men's and Nmen's Softball. Association have been holding fundraisers for the funding of the facility. Mr. Mangan showed an example of the type of facility they are proposing with restroams, concessions and a sheltered picnic area and indicated that $15,000 has been allocated this year for this project. Ji (612) 4474230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. 80X 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 65372 F777", -CITY OF PRIOR LAKE Mn&nW OF 141E CITY COUNCM April 14, 1986 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday, April 14, 1986 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Andren, Cuuncilmwbers Busse, Fitzgerald', Scott, White, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson, City Planner Grayer, Perks and Recreation Director Mangan, Assistant City Manager/Eoonomic Developaent Director Unmacht, and City Attorney Ressel. Mayor Andren called the meeting to order and asked everyone to rise for the pledge of allegiance. The minutes of the April 7, 1986 meeting and the invoices scheduled for payment on Tuesday, April 15, 1986 were reviewed by Council. Mayor Andren made the following correction to the minutes: Page 4, Paragraph 1 Add the phrase "dollar amounts of the' so it will read *� Line 1 . . he received the dollar amounts of.the appraisals immediately before the meeting " MiiuOe� wnwIR WAS MADE or 9ODTP, MEOMED BY WHI E, Ta APPROVE 7HE MIIUTES AS AMMED Invoices AND 7= INi ims sCf>Bmum FOR Am= As swrrm. c Question was raised on some of the invoices and City Manager McGuire explained the payment. Councilumber Scott requested that all Councilmembers receive a copy of the verbatim tranecript,of the April 7, 1986, meeting regarding the Willows 6th Addition. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the motion passed unanimously. The next itea on the, agenda was to consider a request for a picnic/shelter facility at'7he Pond. Parks and Recreation Director Metigan explained that this facility has been planned for the last three years. The Prior Lake Men's and Nmen's Softball. Association have been holding fundraisers for the funding of the facility. Mr. Mangan showed an example of the type of facility they are proposing with restroams, concessions and a sheltered picnic area and indicated that $15,000 has been allocated this year for this project. Ji (612) 4474230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. 80X 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 65372 F777", Perky Didion of the Women's Softball Association informed the Council that the �-' Softball Association did not know the exact amount of money at this time that they would be able to contribute, but it was not as much as they had anticipated. They were proposing to get bids on the materials which would probably be cheaper than buying a kit, and provide volunteer services to complete the construction of the facility. Discussion by the Council followed regarding- they use of volunteer work, checking into a local general contractor donating his services for construction of the facility and who would run the concessions. Mr. Mangan did indicate he was agreeable to working with volunteers for same of the work, but did feel the expertise of a general contractor would be needed for the basic construction of the facility. MOTION WAS MADE BY SOOTT, SBOO DED BY FITZGERALD, TO AUTHORIZE STAFF TO PREPARE Picnic PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR A PICNIC SHELTER FOR THE POND AND TO DIRBCT STAFF %Wlter for TO WORK WITH THE SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION ON THIS JOINT PROJECT. The Pad Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the motion passed unanimously. Parks acid Recreation Director Mangan indicated plans and information on the dollar amounts would be brought back to the Council for final approval. The next item on the agenda'was to consider an amendment to the Windsong P.U.D. Ralph Heuschele, representing the developer, presented the changes of` eliminating the equestrian facility and proposing a golf practice area, a recreational facility to include racquetball courts, exercise area and swimming pool, tennis, courts, walkways connecting through the development and the creation of two additional lots and boat slips. The developer indicated the changes would make. the lots more marketable. City Planner Graser distributed copies of a letter to the Council from the developer asking ',,that a timeframe not be required for this development I because of the uncertainty of the real estate market. Mr: Graser informed the Council that at the October 15, 1985 Council meeting, the stipulation was made that no building permits be issued until the sewer, water and class five was in on all streets and no occuiancy permits be granted until the concrete curb in the entire project and one layer of asphalt was in. Mr. Graser indicated the utilities are in andI"',,the concrete curb, gutter and streets are scheduled for ooagaletion this month. :.The Planning Cammission approved the amendment to the P.U.D. at a public hearing held on April 3, 1986. Discussion by the Council followed. The general consensus was that it was a good development, however, concern was expressed that the developer follow through and provide all the amenities as presented. MOTION WAS MADE BY WHITE, SBMMM BY BUSSE, TO APPROVE THE ANDEMENT TO WINDSONG P.U.D. WHICH IS TO RER AiCE THE BDUESPRIAN ELEMENT WITH A PHYSICAL FT2=WPAR I1M THEME PRWIDED THAT THE PLANTING PLAN BE IN OMOPMMM WITH P.U.D. THE ONE THAT IS SUBMITTED, i AND APPROVED BY CITY STAFF; THAT NO 2 ­7 MINUTES OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL April 14, 1986 OCCUPANCY PERMITS BE GIVEN UNTIL ALL CURBS AND GUTTERS ARE COMPLETED; THAT PROPER EROSION CONTROL BE MAINTAMED AT ALL TINS AND THAT THE TWO SITE PLANS BE MADE DOCUMENTS OF RECORD. fl Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, - Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the motion passed unanimously. A five minute recess was then called. Mayor Andren called the meeting back to order at 8:57 p.m. The next item on the agenda was to consider an amendment to the - acreage requirement for P.U.D.'s as - set forth in the Zoning Code. City Planner,' Graser Disaws indicated that the Planning Commission held a public hearing on March 10, 1986, Ammift and was recommending the size requirement for a P.U.D. be increased from 2.5 P.U.D.' acres to 10 acres of contiguous land. AaraW Re uiramt Councilmember Fitzgerald pointed -out that the P.U.D., can be an important tool in the development of complicated sites and increasing the requirements to 10 acres may eliminate some opportunities for development. He also indicated that expanding on the �o..her P.U;D4 requirements in the Zoning, Code and density bonuses may be better than increasing the size ,requirement. There was further discussion by the Council. Staff was directed to research the availability, through the °League of Minnesota Cities and other agencies, of guidelines and specifications for 'P.U.D.`s, and bring it °back to the Council for further discussion on the - specific points mentioned. The next item on the agenda was to consider, , a = request from St. Michael's Church for a temporary 3.2 beer _permit. City Manager McGuire indicated that the request was received from St. Michael's for their Aprilfest event to be held April 26 and 27. Permits have been given for this annual event before, the permit fee has been paid, and the insurance requirements met. MOTION WAS MADE By Sam, sBomi ED By WHITE, TO APPROVE THE REQUEST FOR = A St- TENFORARY 3.2' BEER PERMIT FOR T CHURCH OF ST. MICHAEL FOR APRILFEST HELD ON Ann 26 AID 7. Upon a vote taken. ayes by Andren. Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the motion passed unanimously. J Mayor Andren distributed copies of a letter from Mary Gilbert regarding the North Shore Project and "copies of a verbatim transcript of the portion of the April 7, 1986 Council meeting regarding the North Shore condemnation hearings to the Council for their information. City Manager MoWl — e distributed copies.of a letter to Mary "Gilbert responding= to her request and indicated he had also spoken to her on the telephone. City Manager McGuire provided the Council with an update of the North Shore ` condemnation process and the appraisals ofor the parcels. A list of the appraisal dollar amounts for each parcel was given to the Council. The 3 ON ,I - L MINMES OF THE PRIOR. LAKE CITY CdUNCIL April 14, 1586 appraisals were not received the Week of April 7 as expected. All but. three =j'x .. Were received on Monday, April 14, 1986 and the remaining appraisals are to be delivered_ on Tuesday, April 15. Copies of a letter from the appraiser, Berge Hansen, indicatirg the times and dates of delivery of the appraisals was also . given to the Council for their information. Mr. McGuire further indicated that the informeticn !'in the dollar amounts received on April 7, 1986 had some errors in it which *'6 'cause for some of the delay. Every attempt Will be made to contact the individual • property owners with amount before their condemnation hearing. f' City Engineer Anderson indicated: key parcels were identified to be considered first so tha several tracts of land could be made available for the contractor to begin. ,, Mr. Anderson identified those parcels and the status of the easawantss Robert Jeffers has agreed to sign the easement and Will be awarded' $300= Visions VIII properties has given the right. of entry and coa1aonation 0 1 1 1 procedure Will be followed; the Abrams easeoent was signed on April 14 and was awarded $2,000; the Leo'Vierling parcel Was heard by the Cmaissioners on Monday,,, April 14. When, the Leo V*ding parcel is obtained, there Would be a continuous parcel for ow atruction all the way to Chatcnka Beach Trail. The Commissioners indicted they would file the award° on Tuesday. April` 15, for the Vierling parcel. If two rmirds of the Commissioners award is tendered to the property owner, the City can take peekb4an. � Discussion" by Council followed regarding authorising: Staff to tender the two- thirds amount of the awards Without seeing the amount and the `consec�men�oes that may result from waiting a week to review the amounts awarded. !!Mayor Andren expressed concern regarding presenting items such as this at the last minute without pukting , thaw on the agenda and giving the Council ' the benefit of re mawhim imforastion; on -the itea if neownry. ` ;There wee further discussion by the 'Council. NNT= MRS N= BY FITECERNW, SBOOMM BY Std, TO AVMOP --SS STAFF TO TEAR FW 2/3 INO-Un w or T88 Oo!ffi191TrON JIUM AlGONT AFUR' TBS AEARIIUGS ON 7HE RB (.TM OM&M• . Fl11�8. ;rr.td �, IYornts Oannrcilrmlaber Scott reco■imeeded adding to the motion, *as Staff deems is a rwonable mount.• Council -,--r Fitzgerald agreed to the addition. Staff will be reporting back to the Council on the outcome of the awards. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White; nay by Andren= the aption passed. Staff was asked to schedule all items on the agenda and only bring up last ainute items if they are urgent. Courrciltaesixr White asked about the status of Prior Place reverue bonds and the auto repair shop on 8igtaray 13 and reports were given. Caancil. diswssed using the fourth Monday of each month as a Workshop type meeting and dl3"= such items as the Metropolitan brvelopment andlInvestment, Framework and, the Moreland Management Ordinance at these types of ,meetings. 4 .■ ' � l -.� THE FCY MIN3 LIST OF INVOICES ARE SCHM LM FOR PAYMNr ON TUES., APR 15, 1986 MISC. DEPl'S. State 'Treasurer State Treasurer Carlson OR Hardware State of Minnesota Delta Dental Plan Bankers Life Ames Office Supply Quill Corp. Reliable Corp. ImWw of MN Cities Insurance Trust Coast to Coast Stores NRM Parts. Service &v&r Drug Albino Ounpitoeervice Swtt.0ounty Sheriff Charles Tooker C. B. Carpenter Lusher Co. Prior Lake CarOwst J. L. Shiely Co. Prior Lake Union 76 M-V Gas Co. Stearns Thomson Bernie lrbsald Prior Lake Asericaan Cakral Date Business Advisors Prior Lake Rotary Club Wri -Jot i Floral Lc 4 1 tlean, Cole & Stageberg Frans Mnginsering Packaged Omp 3ter Systeos Aedt National Batik Hauser's IGA Larry 1 iarkov American Linen. R & R Carpet Service Mayor a Council Mike, IkQdre Ralph sfsctmr Borst Graver Laurie Waits 8usmn Meyer Boona■V Data Products y Janet M. & John Nitko ski i.r�' Arise Raman ltia ilaman lhsona gekrMn. City More - FICA 1,994.13 City Share - PERA 2,871.37 [disc. Supplies 90.66 Building Permit Surcharges 1,714.72 Insurance 776.00 Insurance 4,506.68 Office Supplies 79.69 Office Supplies 93.21 Office & General Supplies 325.19 Insurance 2,480.00 Misc. Supplies 62.67 Misc. Supplies 91.27 Misc. Supplies 13.95 Machine Rental & Supplies 137.89 Computer Service 1,337.76 Radio Maintenance 606.40 Planning Cmmatant 700.00 Misc. Supplies 781.38 Repair Supplies 425.98' Sand & Gravel 91.10 Whicle Repairs 129.00 Utilities 600.00 Fuel 859.90 Retainer refund 100.00 Publishing 146.05 Professional Fees 17.00 Dues 206.50 Bouquet 20.00 Attorney Fees 1,775.50 Planning Supplies 176.98 C=puter Supplies 350.00 Cagxter Ptywent 2,714.14 Misc. Suppplies 39.47 City Ball Maint. Supplies r 11.66 Building Maintenance 96.38 Piilding Maintenance 27.00 Salaries 1,300.00 Car Allowance 300.00 Car Allowance 75.00 Car Allowance 75.00 Mileage 13.20 Mileage 8.56 Couputer Supplies 131.32 Settlewent 500.00 City Ball Cleaning 216.00 City Hall Cleaning 216.00 City Mali Clewdng 300.00 SRFVJY Burnsville Printing Printed Forms 235.25 Noll's Hallmark Stop Film Processing 31.06 Loomen, Nelson, Cole ra Stageberg Attorney Fees 13,119.78 Heather Peck -Hebb. for Education 132.05 Michael Marben Milea9e 88.80 Robert Hoe Training Expenses 43.77 Trail. TV & Radio Shack Equipment 1,439.95 POST Board License Renewal 15.00 Richards Powell Ca% Allowance 150.00 tktiforms Unlimited Supplies 13.50 PM AM Fmaig Ring Fire Extinguisher Supplies 60:00 FAynolds Welding 94Vlies 7.13' Action Overhead Garage Door Co. Repairs 31.03 Ziegler Inc. Repairs 28.70 A & B Auto Electric '� Repairs 56.50 88LI�.1IGH�S ,. Axus Office Supply Engineering Supplies 6.82 Wa merikirchen. Abstract Copies 30.00 Larry Anderson Car Allowance 150.00 ecuae Lfl[ray Car Allowance 150.00 copy equipment Engineering Supplies 224.75 Clark Moe mums ME FACMAMM Expense Reimbursement 34.53 M1st Weld Shop Supplies , 41.52 Lake State Equipment Repair,SUpplies 61.68 Pij"r Meg,. co. Park Repair 9upplies 737.00 R* a Meter Sarvice, Inc. Capital Outlay- Bquipoent 1,239.30 Nwthern Eydraulics Capital Outlay - Equipment 499.00 sill 1 INg o Car Allovence 150.00 Dalocss Berens Libary Cleaning 75.00 Rader actter Red Owl Misc. Supplies 53.88 Slingberg Bus Co. Bus-Charter 390.00 Abell Sports, Inc. Park Program %ppliea = 50.00 J&* filch Park Program Instructor 48:00 Mmnsa Jardorf Park. Program Instructor 1,309.00 Cnterbucy Downs Park Program 200.00' Creative Graphics Printed Fords 38.00' 810kopee Public Utilities utilities 20.57 Jis Batch Sales co. Small.7bols & Equipment 42.18' Bill Mangan Expense Aeiabursement 14.00 Bryan Rode Products Park Repair Supplies 51.25 Al Friedges Ecpense Reisbursmient 10.00 Art Stone - Dances Gymnastic &apply P Supplies 60.99 .t R Institute of Cultucal Affairs Honorarium 50.00 David Usaw.ht - Mileage & Expenses 86.89 Prior Lake rotary Qum Dues 84.25 Van Waters i Rogers Chemicals 272.55 Water Products Co. Meters i Supplies 6,217.94 AMMLIMUM MNCC SkC Charges 3.762.00 Oral repair Service Pump repairs 1.252.24 Aid Electric Service Repairs 75.00 Orford Chemicals Supplies_ 306.77 NNOC MAUR FUND Installment 31,238.54 Commissioner Of Revenue Soles Tax 424.39 Sbuicay Affcaiasl Service Professional Services 375.00 s hrwA J. Wicker Professional Services 500.00 C9l Engineering Services 25,120.72 Lwtti i sort Estimate No. 2 119,896.00 ° Brain 14gineerng Testing, Inc. Sail Boring x'7,178.75 Charles Tooker _ Planning Consultant 1,400.00 A y { still, ,..