HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 21 1986CITY OF PRIOR LAKE J Agenda Monday., April 21, 1986 CRLL TO OFM 7:30 p.m. 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting 3. Consider Joint City /School District. Effort on Westwood Mini-Park 4. Consider Extending Moritorium for Downtown District 5. Discuss Proposed Dish Ante= Ordinance u . -6. Discuss Proposed Receiving and Sending Antenna Ordinance 7. Review Final Plans for Project. 86 -11. Street Overlay, 8. Discuss Right of Entry Agrement With visions VIII 9. Other Business a. 1st Quarter Budget import b. Buildi P ermit Report C. Catcher, d. l� and Aesc * Hoport e. Police disport f. Treasurer's Report b. 10. ts and Correspondence a. J*zt Council. Meeting - Mlu:dWs, April 28 1986 at 7 :30 pas. b. r C. 11. Adjournment (iii *17.4180 AIM DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. SOX 30 • PRIOR LAKE, MINNESCTA 66372 Q- 11 - 1 i t; F: 4 F CITY OF PRIOR LAKE OF THE CITY COUNCIL April 21, 1986 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday, April 21, 1986 at 7 :30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Preernt 'were. Mayor Andren, Councilmesbers Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, White, City Manager McGuire, City Planner Graser, Parks and Recreation Director Mangan, Assistant City Manager/Econaeic Developoent Director Ui cht, and City Attorney Kessel. City Engineer Anderson, Assistant City Engines -r Loney and Finance Director Teschner arrived at 8:20 p.m. r Andren called the meeting o order \ "xl asked eve to rise for the pledge of allegiance. 9 \, The minutes of the April 14, 1986 muting were reviewed by Council. Councilumber Scott made the following eorre&ion to the minutes: Page 4 Paragraph 2, Change the last word "position" to "poem-ss on ". DO"MN WRS MODE BY SODTP, SHMMED BY FITS(ERRIZ), TO APPROVE 7HE HINMSS AS A!KH= �t Upon.a vote taken, a-omm by Andren, Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the motion passed unanimously. The next item on the agenda was to consider a joint City /School District effort on Westwood Mini -Park. Parks and Recreation `Director Mangan informed the Cowxal "that 'Staff has been working on a proposal for a recreation area to be used by the school and the comsunity during the sums. The area would have bicycle bollards; benches and gave tables. Staff has allocated $2,500 from the park iapcovement budget for this site and, the School District would be omtributing approximately $3,500. The City has participated in other joint projects with the School District in the past. Discussion by the Council fcalwed regarding the relationship between the City and School District and the City's liability involved. The general consensus was that it was a good project and the Council was pleased with the cooperation beteean the two parties. KAMM WAS MW BY WK=, SBOON® BY FITZGMWJD, TO APPROVE SMFF ENTERING INTO liesbmW AN MaGA NM 'ME SQL, DISTRICT IN THE AMO= OF $2,500 TO BE GIP'P® AND l6id PkTk US® ,M � CITY'S SEW OF WES11ilOOD MM- PARK. 1 6 1a12J 4474280 . MINUTW OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL There was further discussion. Upon _a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Busse, motion passed unanimously. N Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the Next on the agenda was to consider extending the moratorium for the Downntown District. City Planner Graser reviewed Ordinance 85-05 with the Council which was adopted on April 8, 1985 and established a moratorium for one year on \all building or general development in the Downtown Development District. ibe ordinance also establishes] a three member board to hear appeals fraa the Son., Officer for buildings or development in the District. Mr. Graser indicated that at the time of the adoption of the ordinance the Council, by means of a motions appointed the Mayor, City Manager, and City Planner to this board. Ttk ordinance does allow for a six,month extension if needed. City Planner Graser', reviewed the activities of the last year and explained that the Downtown, Development Plan was not done at this time and would require appcoximiately,.three more months for completion. Discussion by,the Council followed. It was the general consensus that the ordinance should be extend until the Development plan is adopted. Mayor Andren L expressed concern that the one council member on the appeal board could be out voted. by the two staff members and that was delegating legislative authority to staffwhich is not appropriate. Mayor Andren also read for the record a legal cpinfo,: which she acquired from an another legal firm supporting her position. City Attorney Kessel did point out that an applicant could appeal a decision of the appeal board to the City Oouncil so it was his opinion that the existing constituents of the appeal board Was not inappropriate. There was further discussion by the Council. IDTDON NAS MADE BY FITZGERALD, SBCOiBDED BY SOD T, TO CONTINUE THE MORATORIUM. FOR Fxteid THE DGiItLM DEVELOPM1W DISTRICT FOR A SIX MONM PERIOD OF TIME OR UNPIL SUCH *Mtwiim TIM AS ME DOWNTORN PLMI IS FULLY DEVELOPED AND OWMW WITH, THE SAME` far Dow«- S Ti CT= FOR THE APPEAL BOARD AS PRESENTLY EXISTS. tan Dew. Dishrict Mayor Andren stated that the extension of Ordinance 85-05 and the constituents (Ord'•$5-%) of the _board_ are two separate items and should be voted on separately. There was further discussion by Council. Councilmember Fitzgerald then restated the EDtion to address the items separately. NOT= WAS MADE BY FITZGERALD, S MOrDED BY SOOTP, TO (^;Wn= THE MORATORIUM FOR MMdm THB DOlMM DVJRMM DISTRICT FOR A SIX MONTH PERIOD OF TIME OR UNTIL SUCH ftstated TIME AS THE DAN PLAN IS FULLY DEVELOPED. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Wese, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the motion passed umm� axwly. ;! IDTION WAS MADE BY FIUMK D, SEDDW-M BY SO=, THAT THE THREE ' MEMM APPEAL APPw BOARD CONSIST OF THE MAYOR, CITY MANNER AND CITY PLANNER. Appeal Boat Upon-a vote taken, ayes by Busse, Fitzgerald, and Soottj nays by Andren and White= the motion passed. I / 2 4 Kam$ ?f s ii . April 21, 1986 Next on the agenda was to discuss the proposed dish antenna ordinance. City Planner Graser informed the Ommil that the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the dish receive -only antenna on March 20 1986. The revoimmenaation from the Planning Commission is to incorporate tt+o,necessary control for dish reoeive -only antenna into the Zoning Ordinance under''Section 6.12 rather than adopting,a separate ordinance. Council discussed the nine regulations recommended by the Planning Commission. Discuss Comments were made regarding_ exempting utilities, difficulty in screening roof Dish mounted dish antennas, and antennas in the rural service area. Council &mum instructed Staff and City Attorney Ressel to incorporate the charges discussed Ocdfname with the recommendations of the Planning Commission and bring it back to the Council for further discussion. The Council then discussed the proposed receiving and sending antenna ordinance. City Planner Graser informed the Council that a public hearing was held on this proposed ordinance on March 20, 1986 by the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission Was recommending that the necessary control for radio antennas and towers be incorporated Into the Zoning Ordinance under Section 6.12 also. Council discussed the twelve regulations rec=ended by the Planning Commission. Comments v_ere made regarding the need for any regulations at all, exempting I` utilities, and how to regulate anti -climb devices. Comments from the audience were made by Sid Ritrell and Nick Modders. NDTION WAS NAM cBY SOOTT, SBOOMM BY FITZGERALD, THAT THE REOME ED MNS Radio #1411 As Al MED RBGtAATIIG RADIO ANTE040 Alm Tocas BE INODmHow nao ZBE Antarma. 80NM OdiDII* E UDDER SWTHV 6.12 UNMR GmIIsM ItIEu[1Ilt]HaN1s. Otdinmwe The recommended changes Were briefly discussed by Council as a point of clarification. City Manager McGuire stated that the final draft of the ordinance Would be brought back to the Council for approval. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Busse, Fitzgerald. Scott; and White, the motion passed unanimously. A ten minute recess was then called. Mayor Andren called the meeting back to order at 9:31 p.m. The next item on the agenda was to review the final plans for Project 86 -11, Street Overlay and Project 86 -12, Cates Street.. City Engineer Anderson informed the Council that the plans were 9% complete. The plans were reviewed page by page and Staff answered questions. City Ehgineer Anderson also presented the installation of a storm sewer system west of Highway 13 in the back yards of Lots 1 through 5 and Tract H, Ia.S 13 of Lakeside Manor. This storms sewer., is to eorrect:,.an erosion problem which is mainly caused by drainage from the Project 86-11. .area. Assistant City Engineer Loney informed the Council of a Lakeside Manor neighborhood meeting he held and 3 MINUTES OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL April 21, 1986 indicated, that the general consensus was in favor of the stoma sewer to correct the problem. It is estimated that this addition would increase the project by approximately 88. The intent would be to assess the property owners in Project 86 -11 who would benefit from the improvement; Discussion by Council followed. The question was raised as to whether or not this could be included in this project without having another public hearing. City Attorney Kessel was' asked to review the public notice for the public hearing to determine if another hearing would be required. Staff was asked to prepare information on all possible options for this storm sewer. This will be discussed again at the April 28, 1986 meeting. A five minute recess was called. Mayor Andren called the meeting back to order at 11 :05 p.m. Next. on the agenda was to discuss the Right of Entry Agreement with Visions VIII. City Engineer Anderson explained that the agreement, which has been signed by Visions VIII, would allow the City to commence construction on their property for Project 82 -3, North Shore Trunk Sewer and Water and the value of the easement would be determined through the condemnation process. Discussion by the Council followed. Mayor Andren expressed concern regarding a paragraph that was added to the agreement by Visions VIII concerning the relocation of Lord's Street. City Attorney Ressel suggested the following sentence be added to the paragr4h: "The grantor further agrees and understands that said relocation shall not constitute any promise or agreement by grantee to any preliminary or final plat approval." Disaission of Final j. Flans for Froj. 86-11; HOTION MS MADE BY BUSSE, SECOMED BY FITSGEW D, TO A[fl4MZE CITY PA GER AND RW of 14MM TO SIGN 21E LICENSE 4O ENTER AGRBH ENT W17H VISIONS VIII PARTNERSHIP AS Reny for ANUMED. Vi ions VIII Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the motion passed_ unanimously. The monthly reports were reviewed by Council. Finance Director Tescbner answered questions about the lst Quarter Budget Report. The method of 'reporting ' 'the Fire and Rescue calls was discussed and City - Manager McGuire will discuss the listing of calls with Fire Chief Mertens. Councilmember White commented on the increased number of calls in the Police Report. City Manager McGuire will check with the Police Department to see if there is a reason for this. 7he lst Quarter Budget Report, Building Permit. Report, Dog Catcher's Report, Mpnddy Fire and Rescue Rerhrt, Police Report and the Treasurer's Report were accepted Reports . as submitted by general consent of the Council. Acoq*ed City Manager McGuire distributed' copies to the Council of information received regarding, bond allocations. 4 s MINUI!ES OF 'THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL April 21, 1986 City Manager McGuire also distributed copies of the proposed Shoreland ftnmgement Ordinance and the state law that enacted it. He informed then that it will be on the agenda for the April 28, 1986 meeting. Copies of "Notes and Updates was distributed to the Council also. City Manager McGuire indicated this could be used as a means of keeping the Council informed of the activities at City Hell and asked them to give him their canaents on it. A letter from Mark Stramwall was read by City Manager McGuire thanking the City for their financial support of the Scott County Transportation Coalition. Councilmember White commented that there was no record being kept of the condemnation hearings for Project 82 -3. Staff indicated that condemnation hearings in the past were never tape recorded. Discussion by the Council followed. lDTION WAS MADE BY WHITE, SHOONDBD BY FITZGERALD, TO INSPBU(,T THE CITY MANAGER Aeoo�d TO MAKE A RBODRQING OF ALL CONDEMTION HEARINGS SMARTING THIS WEEK UIZ,BSS TKM Ootds�a� IS A 5TRffiZ1O[)S CBJBCTION BY THE COURT' (CONKISSIONERS) . H=iW Discussion by the Council followed. Upon. a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the motion passed' unanimously. City Engineer Anderson distributed to the Council copies of a letter to the contractor of Project 82 -3 for their information. Economic Development Director Unmacht distributed copies of a survey from the Star Cities Program. asked them to complete it. Mr. Unmacht also distributed information on the Scott County Transportation Coalition and gave them an update of their activities. "a next Council meeting will be Monday, April 28, 1986 at 7:30 p.m. 7here being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:53 p.m. by general, rs -> consent of the Council. t� ; {i