HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 05 19864 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE 1 i) Agenda Monday, May 5, 1986 CALL TO OFOM 7:30 p.m. 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting 3. Discuss S.A.C. Credits and Transfers for Cottage Cleaners a 8 :15 pa 4. Cedar Pines Health Care Facility Discussion 5. Discuss 1986 -1987 Police Contract 6. = Review Condemnation Awards 7. Review Bids Received for the Lord's Street Bridge 8. Discuss Menke Assesaaent appeal 9. Review Council By -Laws 10. Other Business a . b. C. j 11. Announcements and Oorrespondenoe a. Next Council Meeting - Monday, May 12, 1986 at 7:30 p.m. b. C. 12. Adjoairnment t . } Mi2),4, 414=1 41129 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 f i May 5, 1986 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday, May 5, 1986 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Andren,, Councilmembers Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, City Manager McGuire, City Planner Graser, Assistant City Manager /Econamic Development Director Unmecht, and City Attorney Kessel. City Engineer Anderson arrived 8:05 p.m. Councilmember White was absent. Mayor Andren called the meeting to order and asked everyone to rise for the pledge of allegiance. The minutes of the April 28, 1986 meeting were reviewed by Council. N WAS MADE BY SQ717 SB OMM BY FITZGERALD, TO APPROVE THE MWTES AS MLm*les SLEMITTED. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Busse, Fitzgerald, and Scott; White absent; the motion passed unanimously.. 7he next item on the agenda was to discuss the Sewer Availability Charges (S.A.C.) credits and transfers for Cottage Cleaners. City Planner Graser informed the Council that Don Farrington, current operator of a laundromat and dry cleaner in the Priordale Mall, is proposing to construct a new building. The current location of the laundromat has 60 S.A.C. units equivalent to $91,500. Mr. Dennis Dolen, attorney for Mr. Farrington, addressed the Council and presented the request that the difference between the S.A.C. units for the new use in the Priordale Mall and the present 60 S.A.C. units, if any, be transferred to Mr. Farrington's new facility. Mr. Neil Boderman, owner of Priordale Mall, addressed the Council requesting that all the S.A.C. units remain with Priordale Mall to be used to entice new tenants and when the mall rem 100% occupancy, the remaining S.A.C. units could be transferred to the City to be distributed at their discretion. Discussion by Council followed. Staff further explained that these S.A.C. units . were grandfathered in when S.A.C. units were initially established and neither party involved actually paid the charges. It was the consensus of the Council {„ that it would be best if the two parties could determine a distribution of o the S.A.C. units by themselves. _ If they cannot, then the Council would have to decide. ` MOTION WAS MADE BY FITSGERALD, SWOMED BY BUSSE, TO POSTMIZ ACTION ON THE Cottage 1 RIM'UEST FOR TMN&'ER OF S.A.C. UNITS BY COTTRGE CLEANERS UNrM JUNE 9, 1986 AT (leans 8:00 P.M. Ili S.A.C. (612) 4474230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 Credits G J a MINUTES OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL May 5, 1986 Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Busse, Fitzgerald, and Scott White absent; the motion passed unanimously. The next item on the agenda was to discuss a proposed health care center in Prior Lake. Eoonamic Development Director Unmaeht distributed to the Council a- formal proposal from Cedar Pines Nursing Home, Inca for the construction of a facility with 80 -100 nursing beds, intermediate care and 90 --100 unit apartments for supervised living. Mr. Lt mcht further discussed the location, financing and lobbying for the ' transfer of 100 beds from their Cedar Pines Health Care Facility since there presently is a state moratorium on all new nursing home beds. Representatives from the Cedar Pines; Nursing Home, Inc. were.present at the Ditzler,, administrator of the Nile Health Care Center meeting. Jack Nugent, Vice President, and Julie 64etalerr DieesteLc ef Nareing, addressed the Council and further explained the proposal and the services they would provide.. Discussion by the Council followed. Health MOTION WAS 14iDE BY PITZGERALD, SECONDED BY SOOTT, TO APPROVE STAFF TIME AND C Prior f F O(MI M TO WORK WITH CEDAR PINES NO WNG HONE, .INC. TO SUCCESSFULLY LOCATE A L11ae HEALTH CARE CENTER IN PRIOR LAKE. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Busse, Fitzgerald, and Scott; White absent; ` the motion passed unanimously. A ten minute recess was then called. MayorAi:dren called the meeting back to order at 9:05 p.m. The��next item on the agenda was to discuss the 1986 -1987 Police Contract. City Manager McGuire reviewed the contract with the Council and pointed out the changes in this contract from the previous contract. This is a two year contract and reflects a 6% salary increase in 1986 and a 48 increase in 1987. .City Manager McGuire answered council's questions as'the contract was reviewed. KMON WAS MADE BY BUSSE, SECONDED BY FITZQMD, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY APPS MANAGER TO SIGN THE LABOR AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE `, CITY OF PRIOR LAKE AID LAW 1WI907 ENFORCEMENT LABOR SERVICES, INC. IDCAL NO. 100 EFF WIVE JANUARY 1, 1986 THRO" Pblice DBCE!EM 31, 1987. COntract Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Busse, Fitzgerald, and Scott; White absent; the motion passed unanimously. Next on the agenda was to review the condemnation awards for Project 82 -3, North Shore Trunk Sewer and Water. Because the Andren property would be included in this discussion, Mayor Andren excused herself from the Council and Acting Mayor. Scott presided. City Engineer Anderson presented a listing of parcels and the amounts awarded by the Cammissioners for each parcel, except for two which have been continued. The City has deposited 75% of the award amounts in an account established by the 2 MINUTES OF THE PRIOR LANE CITY COUNCIL May 5, 1986 � Y District Court. City Engineer Anderson reviewed the options' available to the City _and property owners at this time. Discussion by the Council and Staff followed. MMON WAS MADE BY FITZGERALD, SBWNDED BY BUSSE, TO AUTHORIZE STAFF TO SETUX Setdle EACIi-- PLARCEL THAT HAS BEEN BEFORE THE COMMISSIONERS IF THE PRaPEMY OWN R QKWES Omdamtimn NOT TO APPEAL. Amends for North Sham City Engineer Anderson inquired if the motion included authorization to make `:�' final payment on those parcels that are settled and the Councilmembers indicated that it did. ,s Upon a vote taken, ayes by Busse, Fitzgerald, and Scott; = Andrea e=used from. ° the Council; White absent; the motion passed'. :01 Mayor Andren then returned to the Council. The next item on the agenda was to review the Bids received for the Lord's Street Bridge. City Engineer Anderson presented the bids for Project 86 -14, Lord's Street Bridge that were received on April 22, 1986 and reoonmiended the bid be awarded to the low bidder. Discussion by the Council "followed. IDTION WAS MADE BY BUSSE, SBOONDED BY SODTr, TO AWARD THE CDNPRK'T FOR THE Akwd Cmtr. ODNSTMC OF PRWECT 86 -14, IDRD' S STREET" BRIDGE TO LQd BIDDBR, S.W.M. , INC., far lad's IN THE ANDUNP OF $156,132.00. St. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Busse,` Fitzgerald, and Scott; White absent; the motion passed unanimously. c City Engineer Anderson informed the Council that the Minnesota Department of° Transportation requires that the City adopt a resolution affirming that any cost of the bridge in excess of the ,MnDOT grant be paid by the City. MOTION WAS MADE BY SODTPr, SBOONDED BY BUSSE, M ADOPT RESMUTION 86-07 A for RESOLUTION AFFIRMING THE FUNDING FOR CITY BRIDGE NO. 70513 OVER PRIOR LAKE. mrdhg lad's St Upon a vote taken, ayes Amy Andren, Busse, Fitzgerald, and Scott; White absent; the motion passed unanimously. City Engineer Anderson informed the Council tart. the Mayor and City Manager would be required to sign the contract for Pr:�ect 86 -14. Mayor Andren asked for a motion authorizing this. MDTION:WAS MADE BY FITZGERALD, SBOONDED BY BUSSE, TO AUTHORIZE THE. MAYOR AND S4P ' CITY MANlhGER TO SIGN THE CANTPACT FOR THE QON.STWCTION OF PRC#1HGT 86- 14,`LORD -S far lmd's STREET BRIDGE. St.!' Bridge Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Busse, Fitzgerald, aind Scott; White absent; the motion passed unanimously. �e Menke, Assessment Appeal was then discussed. City Manager McGuire informed the Council that Mr. Menke's attorney had contacted him and indicated the 3 cr MnV= OF 7HE PRIOR LAKE CITY 00=3L May 5, 1986 11 minimum acoeptable settlement to Mr. Menke would be to defer the assessment on Lot G in the amount of M390 until it is sold or build upon. Discausion by the Council. followed. MDMN WAS MOB BY BUSSE, SBCOMED BY' FITZGEMM, TO MWINIT&Y DEFER 7HE Settle ASSESSM1W ON LOT G OMW BY RICHM J. MACE IN THE AMW OF $2,390.00 UNDER Maio' Am=. THE CURBEK CM POLICY UNTIL IT , IS SCLD OR BUILT M-)N UPON 7HE am Appe DISMISSKL OF THE ASSESSM1W APPEALS ON AM 7HE PARCEW HE IS APPLINLINS. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Bus , Fitzgerald, and Soottl White absent; the notion Weed unanimously. fte next item on the agenda was to review the Seoond Draft of the Ommcil Swim By-Lows. City Manager McGuire and Assistant City Manager Unmacht reviewed the Omaril changes In the By-Lown that were suggested by Oouncil. Other changes were 44mos r Pm by the Ooviwil - These changes will be made and a f inal draft of the By-Liows will. be brought back to t h e Ootmil in the future. Cmmilsomber Fitzgerald camontnted on new subdivisions with small lots being put "humid in nut to established subdivisions with large lots and asked Staf to research Z=' far the of establishing guidelines for this to create a possibi I ity gradual d@crease Sims lot Shos in lot sizes. to ftransition zone" for lot sizes in adjacent subdivisions) fte next Ommil meeting will be MordaV, may 12, 1986 at 7:30 p.m. ftere, being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10M pm. by general consent of the 0ouncil. Michael A. McGuire City Hanitger Loretta M. Lane Recording SwretM 4 �J