HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 12 1986sr CITY OF PRIOR LAKE "A w ' Monday, thy 12, 1986 CALL TO OR= 7:30 p.m 1. Pledge of Allegiance - 2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting 7:35 ps 3.,' Consider request to Extend Sanitary Sewer to the M3wrakanton Sioux reservation 8 :30 „pa 4. Dontinuation of Ma Steffens Public Hearing - load Vacation and Subdivision 7.$ 5. Consider Stott County Ordin& - xw f9 regarding Surface lister Vim` 'i 6. Consider request for Permit to Operate 'Caboose Cruise Lines' 7. MortbCD Inc. - Conditional Use Pe=wit $., NorthCo Inc. - 2nd Addition to Lakeside Estates 9. , Discuss Equipment and Supplies Wbnted for Council Adam 10. Discuss Cancellation of Ifty 27, 1986 Council Meeting 11. Consider request from Craig's Resort for Cigarette I,k ense 12. Other Business a * b c. Wd Oorresporder:oe a. Pert Coucil. Meeting - Moeday, Reny 19, 1986 at 7 :30 p.a { b ce 146 Adjournment 0131 4474= 4M DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. SOX 30 PRIOR LAKE, NWNESOTA UM � 1 the Coieann Council of the City of Prior Lake net in regular session on Monday, May 12, 1986 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Clambers. Present were Mayor Andren, Councilaembers Fitsgerald, Scott, White, City Manager MoMdre, City Engineer Anderson, City Planner Graser, Assistant City Mwaxpr/Boono mic Development Director tknnacht, and City Attorney Kessel. Council or Busse was absent. Mayor Andren called the meeting to order and asked everyone to rise for t o pledge of allegiance. obabed that tM a es of kw" "B 1M Um by genevsk esomeentv 7 e minutes of the May 5; 1986 meeting were reviewed by Council. City Manager McGuire stated that the follw -M correction needed to be made: Page 2, Paragraph 3 Correct spelling of "Dietsler' should be 'Ditsler' Page 2,-Paragraph 3 Correct title for Julie Ditsler is Administrator of the Nile Health. Care Center. Councilmomber Fitzgerald clarified his eamments on page 4 regarding a decrease In lot sixes. So that there is not a misunderstanding, it does not refer to a decrease in lot sizes in the City of Prior Lake but rather a "transition :one" for lot sires in adjacent subdivisions. NOMM WS MM BY FM'MGMML,D, SBOMEW BY SM T, TO APPIi W THE MIIIt M OF TOR Mlhutw HIM S, 1986 MUM= AS Al IMM. Upon a vote taken, ayes by hndren, Fitzgerald, Scott, Cad White; Busse absents the notion passed unanimously. The next item on the agenda Man to consider a request to extend sanitary sewer and Mater to the Mdevakenton Sioux Conommity. Mr. Bill Block, engineer, and Mr. Lieward Prescott, representative from the Sbskopee Mdevakantan Sioux Co■■onity, were present at the meeting and distributed copies of a preliminary engineering report for the proposed project. City Manager McGuire informed theL Council that he and Mayor A dren have had several meetings with representatives from the Peservation regarding the extension. Mr. Block explained that the Sioux 013) 4474= 46n DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O, BOX 369 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 MIti[T1M OF TR6 PRIOR LAKE CITY 00UNCIL aomt mity has received the commitment for funding of the construction of twenty residential dwellings this year from the Department of Housing and Urban Development but to qualify for the funds, the area needs to be sawered. The proposed project would provide sewer and water service to an undeveloped 80 acre parcel of land and to existing buildings in the area of the Little Six Bingo Palace. The project would be totally funded by the Sioux Community and timing is critical for completion and funding of the project. Itie City would have to pay for oversixing the pipe if they would desire to do this to allow for future expansion in this area. Mr. Block further explained the construction of the pprcoo omaxil insuvaW the si=c om•nity to lode at the idea of pgit far the native p mjwt and thm collwtft bkck Ltxr fw the overAn d costs out e f MdaQ d>aw s. Discussion by the Om=il followed concerning the effect of amending, the Comprehensive Plan, °benefit to the City of Prior Lake, timing of the project, the affect of the project on the City's Blue Lake Treatment Center allocation, . and the future development of the 80 acre parcel. Staff was directed by Council to provide an analysis on sending the ftmmgs Comprehensive Plan, provide an engineering analysis 'in conjunction with th!.:�w & urban services area, and pcavide a legal opinion on ramifications of right of lhtw to antsy conformance to specifications and bonding aspects. 2be Newakanton -_ Sioux Sim Oommunity was asked to prepare a preliminary plan for the dvnlopeent of that ommmitl arse and future acquisitions. All of this information will be brought back to the Council for further consideration in approsisntely three Weeks. A three minute room was then called. Nryor hedren called the continuation of the Td Steffens Road Vacation pudic hearing to order at 8 :39 p.m. and explained that this was continued from the - ftwil 28► 1986 meeting. City Planner Graser reviewed. the areas to be vacated and reviewed the stipulations as set forth by the Council at the April 28 # meeting as :follows: s ` a 1.: Lots 1:5, Block 4 b 15,000 square feet and no lees than 100 foot street frontage. The developer reduced the number of lots to four and the square footage and front footage requirements were net. 2. <60 feet easement for utilities, walkway, bicycles with 25 foot sidayard setbacks and the easement could not. be calculated in the lot sizes of the adjacent propertis.. T da. requd was met. .y 3. Lots 6-14, Willow Bead 4th be 12 ► 500 square feet and no leras than 100 foot street frontage. We requirement was met. 4. Lots 14.18, Block 4 be 15 ► 000 square feet and no less than 100 foot street frontage. Tluaee lots are now labeled Lots 13-16 and the requirement was met. 2 •..�.�,.��.:�.,, -ems a:�r„ RUMIS OF M PRIOR LAKE CM OMWIL !!ay 12, 1986 So All lots on Basswood Circle have 15,000 square feet. 7his requirement was met. 6. Lot 24 be no less than 15,000 square feet and determine the placesent, of the driveway. 'fie lot, now labeled Lot 22, is 15,000 square feet and the proposed access Is from Willow Lane. 7. Produce evidence of ownership of Block 2. A aW of a contract for deed for this area was provided to the Council. City Planner Groner further stated, that Lot 1, Block 1 is a substandard lot.. "a developer assuned the City would acquire Lot 50 of Ingandono Mach for rod purpones and, in turn, sell a portion to the. developer making 14* 1 buildable. Mr. Graner Also out that a resoning request would be mode and the requests were noted an the preliminary plans. Mr.. Gttg Boiling, engineer for the developer, was present and consented. go discussion ' was opened to the audience and caosents were sub. Flosidents ftom Inguadorm Beach, Circle consented -on the use of Lot 50 for plaos■ent of the Intersection of Willow Lane and Pershing Street in the plat'and the possible 166rem in traffic to their am. The tap will be kept an file in the Office of the City Manager as the official record of the public hearing. Oww" discussion that followed included whether the developer met all the stipulations asset forth by the Council, the placment of the intersection, and the coentract for dead. MMM UNS IMSE BY F1TSMMW, SMD1 BY SO=, M OMRMW M PUBLIC MNMG -%dyes FOR OM V Iff- M 19 1906 AT 705 P.M. P.11. M I Omtieened there was further discussion by the Council. A seetir-9 was not up for the developer to meet with the residents of the Inguexbra Beach Circle, an Wednesday, MkW 14# lWat 500 pm. to reach an agreenent an the location of the intersac 1 nano Upon a vote takw4 ayes by Andran, Fitzgerald, Scott, and ftitor c 9usse absent; the notion poised unanimously. A ton minute, room was then called. U Nqw Andran called the meeting back to order at 11:16 pm. U* next its an the agenda was to consider Scott County Ordinance " regarding Surface Water Nwagonent. , City Nonagar McGuire explained that this ordinance was a combination of existing City and County ordinances and would have to be adopted by the City In order for Soott.0ounty to enforce it an Prior Lake. 3 I 6 I I May 12, 1986 Scott County Deputy Lyle Sved&U was present at the meting and answered questions. Other members of the audience oneamented. Discussion by the Council followed and several changes were reco■menc3ed in the Ordinance. City Manager NuMdre was directed to inform the Scott County Board that tlw;- &x*t ( k-• Council did discuss the ordinance but a consensus was not reached. City 'aRfma Attorney Kessel was directed to oontact the County Attorney to work on rewriting the ordinance. OnUnmm Slue next item an the agenda was to consider a request for a parmit. to *prate "Caboose Cruise Lines City Planner Gramer explained the request was to operate a cruise line on Prior Lake out of the Marina ADyale `vhich currently operates under a legal non-conforming statue and has a detailed zoning certificate which outlines its operations and on-site requirements. Mr. hod Stankovich President of Caboose Cruise Lines, Inc., informed the Council of the services he would provide, and the safety of his boat. He explained that he would require approximately twenty -five parking spaces for cruise passengers and boat slip space for loading and unloading. animents were waft by the audience concerning the noise made by cruises and setting a time of day that the cruises would have to end. Discussion by do Council followed. Concem *3pesseed by Jim Dxm owner of Marina Royale, regarding the addition of an addendum to the zoning certificate for the marine. I'm 9110- MASSY FTnGMMM SOMMM BY WE=, TO GIVE 70 M APT Cabom NMMM IM SMF (M PO MM A MOM M WHICH TO 81' LICM= OR AMM Ondn' 10, M MM CWMCMM A MMM AUMM ITS USE FOR A MMM OF OM YEAR Lim, Lme- ABD M D18 &VjZ 1 20 M in a I C Tr, IN =`N TO BE FIWEJM. V9= a vote taken, by Andren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White; bum absent; the motion pand unenimoukly. A three minute rem= was then,called. Us meting was called back to order at 1:22 a.m. Mr. ftd again addressed the Ctx=U and explained that he had cruises scheduled, for this weekend but, would not be able to oprat* since the issuance of a pecaft was not approved. There was further discussion by the Council. MR" WAS MR By Nam BY SMT, TO AL A TMa*XW PEKIT CNXM TGV�y T n Lnm 26 � v� ar NRY 17 AM 18 1966., palwit 1 m to Onboome upon a vote t*.en, ft-es by Andran, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White; Busse dxm*l andse Um the notion pond unanimously. 4 1r € M MINIMS OF THE PRIOR LAn CITY OOUNCIIj May 12, 1986 The next item an the agenda was to consider the request of No rthco Inc. for a variance and conditional use permit. City Planner Grauer explained that the application is for a three -unit towdhame development southwest of intersection ±' Omwty Road 21 and Grair ood Trail. The Planning Commission approved the variance and conditional use permit on May 1, 1986 subject to six conditions. Aegresentatives of Northoo Inc. were available to anwer questions. Discussion by the Council followed. � !DMM WAS MUM BY FI'1'iGMK D, SBO NM BY WHIM, TO APPROVE TW VARIAMM AND Northoo Iac 0MIMTMOL USE PEIMIT RNDUE$P OP NMMM INC. SHJWr TO THE SIX ODNDr=NS AS iariaioe & SET PORM BY 70 FLA001 ,SON. omditimal. Use leant Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren,,,Fituprald, Soott, and White= Busse absent= the notion passed unanimously. Hat on the was; to consider the r ` "' agenda equest of Northco Inc,. for preliminary plat approval of Second Addition to Lakeside Prlrrk. City Planner Grauer informed the Council L that the request - was for approval of a .95\\acre subdivision containing two cummit onl lots located at the intersection. of Lakeside Aven ue aid County Road 21. The Planning Commission approved the, plat at the April 1.7, 1986 meeting: and rm mended a waiver of the park dedication fee. Tapresentativrls of Iwrthco Inc. were available to answer questions. Discussion by the Council followed. !O '1E no mm BY wimp D BY som TO Apron, M PR&IllOW PLAT OE so =, mum 70 Lily PARR SINCR IT IS COIISiSl'm WM CI'1'i a ' me To Plat fare": MM = PW DZIBICITM FU SnJM TBS 11bV M IS MMCRTM A MM ° 11IWItr �d Addm. CE I" TO = PCBLIG ialaeside x Park Upon a vote taken, ayes by'Andren, <ftUgerald, Scott, and White= Busse absent: the sation passed uneninoualy. 2ba next .its an the agenda was to discuss equipeent and st4falea wwtted for Council Roue. It was the consenws of the Council to ;table this its. for one fts Cou nc.11 then discussed the cancellation of the May 27, 1986 `Council greeting. 8dAMB MM r discs sion4 it was the conwensus of the Council to have a meeting on1pry NW 27 %a nut It An an the agcrds was to consider a request from Craig's Resort for.- a cigazetts license. City Manager McGuire explained that this is a renewal liar and the fee hei been paid. o IO V E me M= W 0= BAD BY BMT, 20 APPROVE ZM APPLIC TMN Or C11 MIS IN MR =A CIQURQM LICl M AMEX Y 08wett Upon a vote taken, Was by Atdren. Fitagerald, Scott, and White; Busse?` absents I3oeese tbs. motion passed nhninowdy. 5 I j x MNins or 'IDS mica Im CITY COOWJL May 12, 1986 Councilam■iber Fitzgerald informed the Council of some problees with the Hnrx construction of the "Bruce Lindell home an Candy Cave Trail and variances that TArAdl were granted by the Planning Camaission contingent upon the construction of a Twime drainage pipe. Discussion by the OmurAl folland. It was the consenwus of the �. 0ouncil to schedule this item on the agenda for the May 19 1986 meeting. Staff was instructed to contact Mr. Lindell and ask )him to delay starting construction for one week until the Council could review all the infornation. The nest. Council meeting will be Moiday. lily 19 1986 at 7:30 pm. _ There being no further business, the meting adjourned at 2 :00 a.m. by general consent of the Council. Michael A. McGuire City Manager ,r Wretta M. Lane, Recording Secretary S1 4 I f S 7 1. .. 0 a^ i 6