HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 02 1986d � c ' { i T CITY OF PRIOR LAKE 1 Monday, Jura 2, 1986 C11LL TOGO= � 7 :30 pm. 1. Pledge of Allsgiwme 2. Minutes of the Prwims Meeting and Dwaives. Scheduled for Praywent . an Tumedey jww 3. 1986 7a3510 3. , Ilwiew 1985 Financial kidit` 800 4. -Board of arviaM 5. Aw wr Very Margaret lst Addition Final Plat G. DL=m the Dowatoaa Plan 7. Nowim Sammmt= kgraaent for xit/Sjc1*rg S. Othe smins , a. b c. 9. oeneenls and Correspoedenoe a. Council. Meeting - Nwft, June 9. 1986 at 7t30 pm. b. c. l a W'lWt_ J" 447-4m 4MOM= STREET B.E P.O. DON Mg MpOR LAKE, INNNE30TA SUTt g CITY OF PRIOR LAKE t . Icalm (F = CM 00OW-M June 2, 1996 Tbe Coomn Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday, June 2, 1986 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Owncil Chunbers. Present were Mayor Ancien Councilumbers Bu sse, Fitaprald, Scott, Whitt, City Manager VkOdre, City Planner Graner, Finance Director Tuchner, Assistant City Hanager/Hoonamic Developiont Director Umacht and City Attorney Resselft Owadting Planner Tooker arrived at BAS p.m. Mayor Andren called the meting to order and asked everyone to rise for the pledge of allegiance: "a minutes of the May 27, 1996 meting were reviewed by 0ou=11. Wnw WS MW BY SWf T, SKMCM BY WHM, TO APNOM PMVM AS Minkea Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren Busse Pitxgerald, Scott, and White the motion passed unanimously. ti fte Invoices scheduled for payment an Jura 3, 1986 were reviewed. Was Man By Sam, seaman By Fimmow, m. u9mm nmczs SOMOMMD FM PATNW AS SMMMTM. Upon, a vote,taken ay4w by Andren Busse Fitzgerald, Scott, and Whit*, the motion psaw unanimously. the raft item, on the agenda was to review the 1985 Financial Audit. Finance Dirofte Tandiner Informed the Council that the audit was prepared by the George M. Hanson CompaxW ad Greg Wrft was present at the meeting L esenv4sjq the ooapw Mr. Morft *3plairad the format of the financial statement and briefly rw1wAd the figures. He stated that the financial condition of the City was good and that a letter would be coming identifying areas that could be lopmv4d. Mr. Mrft ad Mr. Tombner anowered questions of the Council.' M N INS MM By FITIGem" M ACM PT = CM OF PRIOR Lm Nimissam, inowax STPCOEM X* DOMMB= 31, 1905 AS S=aT=. Statesrb Upon a vote taken, aye@ by Andren, Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, and' Whit*, the motion passed unentuRnly., ftmn it %ooa not 8:00 pm., the s&veduled time for the Board of Review, the Council then reviewed they Hergaret 1st Mdition Final Plat. City Planner WX 447-4l1, 4M DAKOTA $MEET LE P.O. BOX 30 PRIOR LAKE. MIMMESOTA 53374 filnWES OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY OOUNCIL June 2, 1986 \ . Graser presented the plat consisting of nine lots and stated that the preliminary plat was approved on March 3# 1986 contingent upon nine items. All Of these itms have been satisfied with the exception of paysent of the park ! dedication fee. Mr. Loren Gross, the developer, was present and addressed the Council. Discussion by the Council followed. MOTION WAS MADE BY BUSSE, SBOOMED BY FITB(RsMW TO APPROVE RBS FIM6 PLAT OF ft7 MARY MA CAM 1Sr ADDITION StBk WT TO .PAyNW OF = PW FEE OF $1,944.00 ` AND ist Ad lln SIGNIID OF M WJELOFER' S AGREENEW. tival Plat Upon a vote taken ayes by Andren Busse,: Fitzgerald, Scott. and White, the motion passed unanimously. A three minute recess was called. Mayor Andren called the Board of Review public hearing to order at 8 :00 p.m. and reed the public notice for the record as it appeared in the Prior Lake American on May 19, 1986. Leroy; Arnoldi from the Scott County Assessor Ia Office was <: present. I'm Inors of the audience asked questions regarding the assessed value Bond of of their property and Mr. Arnoldi answered their questions or will be in contact. tea" with them to reevalute the assessed value. Mr. Arnoldi informed the Board that he had received letters from a couple of individuals who were not able to atteend the meeting and he Will contact therm also. The tape' will be kept on file in the Office of the City !Manager as the official record of the public hearing. !DMN WAS MADE BY WHITE. SBMMED BY FITIG'EMM, TO AWOMW' M MWC HEARInD. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andreas Bum, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the motion passed unanimously. The public hearing adjourned at 8 :15 p.m. "a doused then revie vedt the 8assment Agreement for Shadduck/Sjoberg. City llmage,� .' ,; re elaiad to the Council _ that the sewer line on the ShaddWSjcberg property had to be constructed in an area where an addition to the existing structure could be added in order to provide service to the Lloyd serggren property. This agreement would allow a structure to be built over the service. Discussion *'the Council. followed. NOTION WAS HIM .BY 9ar1'1'i S=NXD — BY WK= 701MM&E ' 'IDS IWM KV CIV ' 9rdd"/ MM&M TO WER INTO AN' lAFSMW FOR LO'P 9, KM 2 OF = PLAT OF CNAQ. SAM BOOB W= AMID STaBEiiG' AM OMM SJOBBIg. R AAe�t `LVm a vote taken,: ayes, by Andren Hussa F tsgerald. Scott, and White, the Pegs 82-3' section pawed unanimously. Next an the agenda was to discuss the downtown plan. Sooneamic Development Director Vhncht reviewed the development of the plan over the last year and intormd. the Oomcil that the Planning gaamission and the eoonoeic Denelop■ent Omittee- have given conceptual approval to the plan. Mr. QuAcht stated that if the OMNIC13 appe;ovad the conceptual plan, the following, wa dd be done: an eeginsering feasibility study= prioritise the tax incruent dollars= prepare the final plans: address thaw imptwoments that are part of Project 86-11, Street Overlays and prepare a brochure to use in seeking proposals for the plan. The plan_ at this stage is basically a street plan, but the next phase Mould be more detailed showing tree:> plantings and possibly architectural designs. 1 txi� Y !lI16T w OF THE PRIOR LAKE CIM COUNCIL June 2, 1986 ' s. City Planner Graser presented the circulation systm of the plan which was designed to connect the three major camiercial areas in Prior Lake, the Brooksville area, Downtown and Gateway area. There would be a road connecting County Road 12 and County Road 21 and a road connecting the Prioidale Nall area and the Gateway area. These roads would be designed to encourage their use so there Would be less traffic on Highway 13. Consulting Planner Tboker presented the for the Downtown area pointing out the planned parking area south of the hardware store, widened sidewalks with tree plantings, linking the downtown area with the Gibbish cosplex and a connection with Lakefront Park. There was also a discussion of the proposed' health care facility in this area. Discaasson, by Om=il and Staff followed. Councilmembers Fitzgerald and White felt the connection to Lakefront Park was very important and that it should be more thavi an ordinary trail. NXMNi MRS; NAME BY SONT, SBOONM BY BUM, TO AFPRWE THE OMUMM PLAN AS App PRBPA%O BY SM" AND AUTHORIZE STAFF TO DO THE NDCESSRRY WOW TO PREPARE THE Don tm FIML RM. RM OMhW There was further discussion ton the connection to k Lakefront Park and the possible use 'of an architect in developing the plan. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Busse, Fitzgerald, Stott, and White, the motion passed uneidmounly. w . Assistant City !onager Oneacht'inforwed the Council that June 26,: 5 :30 p.m. at the old Litt' . garage was being recoMeided for the auction to sell saws itaus belag3ng to the City. If this was approved by Council, a notice would be !, pdZlicissd. lOTjtxl MS NUDE BY WHITS, SOOMCED BY SO=, TO APPROVE' JUNG '26, 1986 AT SOO App+ae PA. PM SM CM AUCMN. Cuts Actio Upon a vote taken aVu by Andren, Busse. Fitzgerald, Soott, and White# the motion. passed wwd oualy. City Attiocney lyssel infonsd the Council that the Tort: Aefora Act wss passed by,, the Ninn note Lsgialature °in Yarah, 1986 which extends moral goven ental imnit es to ainicipelities in the insurance area. Nr. Ressel will provide Staff and Comciil with a ammiry. 0 Un nwt, Council taming will be NondmV, June 9, 1986 at 7:30 p.m. tharebaing no further businw, the meeting adjourned at 9 :17 p.m. by general consent the Ommell. Nic hod A. , NaGuira City Manager 1. wwomm r> copy equipment Inc., Wgineering Supplies 175.39 Larry Andecsomr Sense Reimbursement 37.77 State Treasurer License Fees 44.00 Bill Rollick Yard Repair 45.00 Nitro lone caatamications Rental 26.00 tbrth Star Waterworks Products Repair Supplies 245.00 ;. HKIR ROp Senior Citizens 75.00 Ilitgbarg Hue Co. Charter 130.00 Prior Lake American lent Ad 105.00 Postmaster Postage 441.56 °< Athletic Supplies Rok 'Distributing Park a Dec. Supplies 1.586.30 Co. Repair Supplies 29.96 F & D Ptio a Roue Supply Hisc. Supplies 60.38' Stan t, Gtew rams Supplies 84.00 New Prague Dumber Supplies 80.40 Ibrthera Bidraulics Sr11 sbols a Equipment 57.95 "'Robert Bo6dl Training Fee Reimbursement 10.00 3kt inter 9wer service Ramping 40.00 IwAke am ge- 1 Rentals 339.50 Dalorms Deraas Library Cleaning 75.00 Carlson Lake State ftdpnent Equip * t Repairs 88.95 I Dizile Pett* -Cb= Chemicals 157.95 1An umbels a Rogers them cele 314.49 REP Utilities 1,443.86' t 1�idbs `P�■mp Repair Supplies 379.45 A Uk' Riwr Owerete Repair Supplies 1".24 Chwin Ihblimbi g CO. Official Publication 106.56 1