HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 16 1986CITY OF" PRIOR LAKE Agenda r MordW, June 16, 1986 C1rZ TD OR= 7:30 p.a. 1w P!Ledkp 9f Allegiance 2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting and Invoices Sandaled for plant an Tese e Ma 17, 1986 3. Aevim flatus of `Freddisc oni the Lek!" L waloepincj/Aerking rat Pro 6. Oaridcr request for temporary Liquor License for Lakefront Daps ' S. Qneider request for Seoul One Dry 4■bling permit for Lakefront 6 t < omplar Licenses for Ae#use ftdors :1S' 7. Of Personal 8acvice Licene AAblic Hearing s. + Aev�aii y Reports 94 Other Sus rMSS as b. c., 10. ` Announioents' and Oocsespon�enoe .` _ a. Heft fleeting - M=ft JU ne 23, 1986 — lbrkshop b.. c. 11D►7C�M�1' - s Will "74M 4M MKOTA UNU S.E P.O. DOX. M PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA SWIT2 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE. IIIIKm or = Cram 00UW.M June 16, 1986 Thee Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday, June 16, 1986 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Present were Mayor A dren, Oouncil ere Busse, Scott, White City Manager McGuire, and ]assistant Cray Mwager/Boonamic Development Director tnmacht. Councilmamber Fitzgerald was absent. MRyor Andren called the meeting to order and asked everyone to rise for the pledge of allegiance. 2 ainutes of the June 9, 1986 meeting Were reviewed by Council. xmw '''W s mw BY Sam,, saamm. BY Bum, To APPIIOVS 'BI6 mans AS IEeito Upon a. vote taken, ayes by Ardren. Busse. Scott# and white, the motion psosed unanimously. '!Se invoices scheduled for payment on %waday, June 17, 1986 were reviewed by Council. lCTDO!( MRS III= BY SOGAT, SBOMEW BY WHI711, TO APMM 7HE WMCES ' PM PRZIM AS SIBMITM. Upon a vote oaken# ayes by Busse, Scotts, and White= abstention by l�.�ndreni the mo S j4�S. The ne=t item an the agenda was to review the alltus of '):readies an the Lake" - in9 Lot P�rojjeect. City . McGuire Informed McGuire th Council, the that n Of in8p8ctica was wade by City Planner Cramer on June 12, 1986 and mine items were "fount uncompleted. On June 16, :. 1986 City Na nager McGuire made -an inspection on the progrw ad gwZWly SIM of the lieu of iteas found by' City Planner Gro ar on Jmv 12 were completed. Comments wire made by ��r Bursa regarding the length of time that. Mc. Schweich bad to make eon lotions an this project. Mr. 8chnich then cam iiented that he is 'abort three days from completion. He, also indicated that he thought his completion date was June 30, 1986.; _lO 11118 14M BT WEM S 1 1 BY BUM, TO ACMPT A LMM CE. CM tMe BY J 27, 1986, On dne Tale 1 TO J= 1, 1986= IF I In a1i00[Tmm use PwvuT 11 u BE CIIl1 LUID WE=- VIM IN E!lSCT CL06E ME LtkM BAR AND ME- LVPM, Or CREM Vn L BE CUM II1. (V:0 474t8Q N119 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O.,* OX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA SSM r; c i MINUTES OF MIE PRIOR LAKE CITY ODUI M Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andrea, White, Busse, Scott, the motion passed' unanimously. fe next itaa on the agenda was to consider a request for a teaporary Liquor License for Lakefront Days. City llwwWr McGuire stated that consideration of waiving the $10.00 fee should be given. , POTION WAS MADE BY S=T, SEMM BY WSSE,- TO APPla M TR WWOMM LM" Uwfrant LICE FOR LNKC 'RW DRYS NAIVIN3 2HE $10.00 FS& a Taw- Liquor Lic. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren. Bosse, Scott, and White, the notion passed unminimawy . go nest item on the agenda was to consider a request for �,a dial one may Gsabling permit for Lakefront Days. City Manager McGuire stated that the request was for a goob�ling permit for the Prior Lake rotary Club and to valve the 30 day waiting period. the permit will be for selling pull -tabs at Lakefront Days. !D?>n!1 me MADE BY SODIT, SOMMM BY 80.SSR, M RWMO MW 30 DAY . li IV= PERZOD BE MrM. �cdt Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Busse, and Soott= abstention by Nhitet the notion passed. Councilmombes White abstained due to the fact that he belongs to Rotary and he proposed the idea of selling pull tabs. sLe out item on the agwda w to consider the licenses for Refuse Haulers in Prior Like. City !onager N MAre reviewed the list of applicants that were submitted. ARKO I vas recc■menaed of all applicants contingent upon the insurance, bond ad few being paid. !01'mll 11118 MADR BY DQ SIMEM BY SOOTf 20 APHM U E PO.ICKM POR I�gBR; 1906 1 � B 1lnIl? PII l' UPON = INWRAHM SM, AID LIB FU MW am, '4mne �r11>l1tIE CB, 'Pi 1Q18TE ., ><1V!'8QN RLSIM alfff= • IIIC., lider ` !r>JOtt LAKE BM['Dld'BXh Ii1 KM UUWOM IP r B<It ', UISi�0A1t•, !\'twib VILLK;E nci , 1110 Uft'8 EW SE 1Ii3Z8 -- - - -�, Upon a vote takan, ",by Andm, Duane, Scott, and White, the motion passed' R unwmonaly. F"or hdm —is to rw1w the mauthly reports before the acbeduled public fib' hearitg. N asked to i coee�ts on the fremsur ers report, Budget report, Aepoets . Duilditg 'Paemit report. Police Aaport, hire a Rescue report, and Dog Catcbers * Piro • t, Caulcilmewber eoott caeaeents I that the Police calls have gone up considerably.', M Wrilam■ber Dusse asked staff to contact Police Chief Richard FQVQl to infora Council an to where them accidents are happening and me if same ivVeovement can be made. i Z - r r MEN MINM%S OF TO PRIOR LAn CITY COUNCIL June 16, 1986 Neyor asked for additional comments regarding the reports. At this time no comments were made and with no objections, the reports were accepted as submitted. A twenty minute recess was then called. Mnyor Andren called the meeting back to order at 8:15 p.m. the next item on the agenda was a continuation of the public hearing for a personal service license application. Nkyor Wren called the public hearing to order at 8t15 p.m. Assistant City Manager Unmacht up ktad the Council on the application of ft. Susan Cieslowski, for a personal service measom license. A. Mr. Msocht stated that at the June 9, 1986 public hearing Council considered the application and discussed the feen. The fee schedule for personal service license applications of $250.00 for a one-tim nonrefwdeble investigation f", and a $100.00 yearly fee for personal service applications was appe a v - . City Coft stated that Camcil cannot act an a personal , service license application Until one week after the hearing. Staff ban received no written or ver cmumts on the application during that time period. Assistant City Monager Unnscht reoupeended appeoval of a personal service messause license for Me. m based an Police Department investigation and contingent Susan C14011 UPM the PqVM%t of the $50.00 fee effective July 1, 1986 through December 31 1986. xmm Was I BY inTywo somum By Sam, To Am= = nmsmn smus Faund LIC8 APILICLTM OF M. SOW CIMOM EMETIM - JMX 1, 1986 TO M SWV1M 310 11986 2M TM $50.00 PM BE PAID. imeseise Upim a vote taken, ayes by Andreno Bu Scott and White, the notion Passed unwAncionly. Iflyin MS MM Iff SOMMD Br NUM, TO ADJOURN 70 PEBLIC MNMG. Upon a vote taken, by Mdrent Mass, Scott, and white, the action posed MIUMMUNlys go public bearing adjourned at 8:21 p.m. the next Council =N*JLng will be YmdW June 23 1996 at 7:30 pm. ftere being no further business,, the meeting adjourned at 8:21 pm. by general copment of theAmucil. Michael A. McGui city meager � Season Meyer 'Acting Flecording Secretary 3 THE EUMOWING LIST OF INVOICES ARE SCBMWIMD FOR PAYMM ON TUES. , JUNE 17, 1986 State Treasurer State Treasurer Ames Office Supply Delta Dental Plan SCOtt Rice - Telephone OD. Prior Lake Aggregate Charles Sbdcer NRJA Parts Dept.= Coast to Coast Stores ' . der■acher Aed Owl Ptirior" Lake CaxQuest Carlson OR Hardware 040, Corp. B. R. But Forms 914 Valley Electric Eb-op. !lirhnag�ssco Prior Lake American League of m cities Tbri -Jo's Floral makopee Valley thews Metro ftatismsi furniture Lcomn fleau We 4 Stageber9 Artar llppliance Center Ring. fire Extinguisher OD. 10pre sign OD. American Linen Supply Co. R 4 R, 4upst service Ark Ntioual Bank MWor st Cosncil Michael NAdre Ralph Tawb wr Horst Grebe; F Am. of Metro Amicipalities BMW Dictation Horst Graser Goveummot Hnsinsps 8ystess LHC :9Dnsish9 Laurie admits t, r all's Hallmark i Marty Photo Service Yjpk -� Lawmn Holson. Cale 4 Stageberg n iph�cro Users Society MaiaiteIMaiait a Richard Powell Miley Tire a Auto Service Cos nicatioa Auditors OW Doticatiig Products a i City Share PICA 2,011.04 City Share PEM 3,320.66 Office Supplies 80.91 ID Insurance 824.50 Telephone Service 855.48 Park & Street Hsintenanos 195.79 Professional Services 700.00 Misc. Supplies 54.92 Misc. Supplies 103.97 Misc. Supplies 33.10 Papair Supplies 265.44 Misc. Supplies 167.56' Office Supplies 230.01 Printed Fbao 730.98 Utilities 925.16 Utilities 261.08 Publishing 73.06 aonferenoe Fees ° 480.00' Flowers 23.00 Subscription 15.00 Office Furniture 181.35 Attorney Pees 2.043.00 Maintenance Supplies 9.53 Fire Extinguishers 89.00 Directory letters 18.63 Building Maintenance 74.71 Building Maintenance 27.00 CmW*er Payment 2,714.14 Salaries 1 Cur Allowance 300.00 Car Allowance 75.00 Car Allowance 75.00 Dues 865.00 Phone Installation 600.00 Meeting mWenees 16.00 Printed Fiona 8.48 Oordera - mm Expenses 35.00 Mileage 15.60 Photo Finishing 48.62 Supplies 109.40 Supplies 105.32 Atta, y Fees 2,946.00 Dues 50.00 Supplies 18.00 Car Allowance 150.00 Supplies . . 574.74 83ppaies 13.73 rental 4 Supplies 60.00 E a � - 'I Reynolds Welding Supplies 7.13` Cloommications Specialists Repair Supplies 110.88 Prior Lake Fire Dept. Convention Expense 800.00 Action Overhead Gara9e Door 0.N. Repairs 110.00 Robert McAllister animal Obntrol 363.02 SE��IBSS Albinson Supplies 377.10 Quality Wood Products Supplies 132.00 Jordan True Value Hardware Supplies 44.00 J. - L. Shiely CID. Street Maintenance Supplies 29.07 ` ]f. Mueller a Sons, Inc, Street Maintenance Supplies 367.69 Leo, Suka► Damage Repair 43,.80 Larry Anderson Car Allowance 150.00;, -' Bcuoe Loney Car Allowance 150.00 State -of Minnesotan, License Fees 44.00 Quality Mood Products Supplies 50.00 Credit River< tter.Angst. Ommission IL ado C+osts/Prior Lake portion 500.00 Creative Graphics Printed, Material 458.00 Sean Roebuck 4 co. saall Tools i Hquipoent 827.66 Dal. Mangan Car Allowance 150.00 - Canterbuty Down Park Program 160.00 ISa 0719 Repair Reisbursement 70.00 Humapin Parks Oonfe 'renoe Fees 44.00 Quality 'haste control Rubbish Aeeoval 162.50 dove's Chain, Seer Service Repairs 19.25 9olheid.0 * Td acco bD. Concession- 1,106.83 EMU F. Anderson Capital Supplies 2,120.00 Pepsi-OoWeev IH* Battling po Concession' Supplies 441.00 MI Distributing Co. Repair Supplies 67.54 i zCadson Lake State Bquipaent Repair Supplies 29.72 P L Beating i Air ioning Art Dance Os. _ Repairs q Park Progrm 83:72 „ 67.98 ` atone Supplies D vid Unahcht ' Mileage i�Expenses 136.67 IM Dues \ 186.75 �8.�71rIIY b lNOC , SAC' Charges 11„756.25 !lICC' Installment 31,238.54 Fawartronics Repairs 39.10 ` General Fuld PrOf.AdM.i Eng. Transfers 185,916.51 ;. E a:J Sheick A T Sjoberg dd Eaaeaent board 1.182.25 B*nmkck a Hennen :p Machine Aental 720.00 C. R. Brasier, Inc. Orb a Sidmmlk Work 10,999.75 8irrlan Anderson Easement Mard 1,300.00 Marion Carpenter Andren Easement hard 11,787.50 John Andren Easement hard %' �� 1,275.00: Michael a KKda11 Fischbach Easement P"xd 11,135.07 Lasiett± i Sons Estimate, 4 a 243.988.00 OEM Engineering Fees 31,894.14 Braun Engineerinq Testing,; Engineering Fees 11.841.40' Bakke Ballou_i MCFarlin Engineering Fees 225.00 Elul W. I Ierwerskirchuri Quit Clams Deed 10.00 naa� was -, c�L Morwest Bank Via Debt Service 21.144.90 American National Bank Debt Service 78,760.71 RKwst Bank HAs Debt Service 283 (a iJ �l 4