HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 23 1986CITY OF PRIOR LAKE mnvm oFTHECr June 23 1986. The Cannon. 0ouncil of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday, June 23, 1986 at 7:30 p.m. in the Oomwmity Room of City Hall. 'Present "ere MlWor aedren, Oouneilmembers Fitzgerald, Scott, White, City Nmwger Maguire, Finance Director Ttesc3ner, and Assistant City MlanagevIconaaic Development Director Unnacht.` City Engineer Anderson arrived at 7 :40 p.m. Oo<Ne;ilaber Busse was absent. Mayor Andren called the meeting to order. sure minutes of the June 16, 1986 meeting were reviewed by Oouncil. gamc Ixamber White stated tMt the motion regarding Freddie's on the Lace Project wen not correct. City lenager Maguire amokled the motion as follows Add `by June 27" after the word - completed" to read % if not completed j by June 27 the conditional use permit will be cancelled . .." !In 91001 MRS MHOS BY SOM S BY WHrTE# TO APNOR 70 kDUM OF JM' 16, 1906 AS AI BUD.. Upon a. vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and Wbitej Busse absent; the action. panned unanimously. DrK Miller Chairman of Lakefront Days, addressed the Oouncil and distributed oop6a'of I the activities adsduled during Lakefront Days. Mr. - Miller- , also nforwd the Oan= l that the necessary liability insurance coverage had been tie Ommcil than discusse t he 1987 Budget proce Cit Manage Mag reviewedt during�thee budget pe00 Stafft the working on the bodget1 v July l and preliminary Council review of the proposed budget is tentatively% schad dad for August 25. Finance Director Teschner explained the bwdgetpr+ a � properation process and reviewed the expenditure and revenue format and the tax .1wy. Mr. TMschner further explained those items in `'the budget that are find adituses and those that have,saas flexibility and the City can control. Scare was further discussion regarding the budget process and Staff ane eied. :: Gauncil's yuestiona. A five minute recess was called. ,gftor'Andraa called the meting beak to order at 9:02 p.m. (VI* N74i1Q 469! 0AK *TA STREET '&E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA U372 e rs, 4 e zr A4 A MIMMS OF TM PRIOR LMM CITY COMM June 23, 1986 The Council then held a discussion on meeting procedures. It was the consensus of the Council that the follo>ving methods will be used to help expedite meetings: 1. A statement will be read at the beginning of a public hearing stating WE the length of time scheduled for the hearing, the - amount of time scheduled for Staff presentation and Council deliberation, and asking magma the audience to limit their discussion to new and pertinent information. This statement will also appear an the attendance form signed by the audience. 2. City Manager McGuire is to assign approximate times to each major its on the agenda. If a Councilmesier feels there is not adequate time for an item, he/she should contact Mr. McGuire prior to= the meeting and 1M&y wen • r could announce •a time schedule change at the beginning of meeting. 3. Suggested adjournment time is 11:00 p.m., however, by majority vote 'of . the Council, this can be extended. 4. 9bere will continue to be four Council meetings per month with a ' workshop scheduled for each fourth Madly. Suggested adjournment time for worksbops is 10 :00 p.m. CounciImimbers are to submit tcpicq,to be discussed at the workshops to City !!onager ='--A— dre. 5. Caincil is to communicate With City genager prior to the meeting if ,thee + , questions. 7his may help to prevent tabling of items at the fte nwt ItAn on the agenda was to consider ..final plane; for Project 86-16, 8aalooating Streets. City Mgineer Anderson distributed copies of the proposal for a mosimately 118,117 square yards of sealcoating for certain atreats as Quained °at the DK* er 9, 1985 public hearing. Discussion by the Council and Staff follo" d. NM= 1018 M BY FIT=GIt1 M BY SOO'Pl', TO AMOM M PLANS M SPSC1lICl172M FOR PRWBM 86-16, SEN40DATIIG AS SE'1RM. a'� Ptgi. W16 Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andrea Fitzgerald, Soott, aid whi Busse absent; SNIMU'm the notion passed unanimously. !0 M — 1815 MADB BY F171GEMM, BI' SMT, 'TO ADVEEN= FOR BIM FOR � for 1"MM 86-16 SLMMN 'IIG. 20 BE ORM ON JQ.Y U 1986 AS 10%00 A.M. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren. Fitzgerald, Soott, and Whiter Busse abeentt t * motion passed unanimously. go next,Council meeting will be Monday, July 7, 1986 at 7 00 p.m. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:32~p.m. by general ,. cone eat cf, the Council. Mc hael A. NaG uire City !!onager Loretta !L Lane Recording Secretary OW Y