HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 07 1986t CITY OF PRIOR LAKE I; 33XM omw_m MEET= A . day. July 7, X986 Cku YO alb 7;30 p:a. s 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. ` Hinutes of the Previous Meeting & Mmices °9dAduled for yvent on %mmdmy`• July 8, 1986 3. Prior Like 2000 Steierim COrwittee Update 4. OorAider. Cooperative- al wmr r*nt' with Sett County to In -aAll Street Light at Can 42/C91F 21 Interrwatioa 8 :00 p S. 9oasider Sboreland Nw gment Ordinance 9A0,ya S. ammide ning ommission and soonmic Dwatiop umt Oos14ttee �Pl 7. Oonsider'City Public`Aelations Products 8: : Otber Business r . a b c 9. Annonno mnft and Oorrespondienoe a. Nett Owncil Melting — NX&Y, July 14, `1986 at: 7:30 p.N. b C. 10. lbjcuai■ant ,, ; F M214p4 AiiDAMTASIMI iL P.O. 810X. 58 , FW11k- -LAKE, M NWOTA 55M « ; 4 1 < 1 � E IS . CITY OF PRIOR LAKE o =C July 7, 1996, ; t The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake net in regular session on Nooday, July 7 1986 at 700 p.m. in the City Council Chewbers. Present were Noyor hdren, Comw lmemhers Busse Fitzgerald. , Scott 0.tte City !hunger FAMire _ Assistant City Nm%ager/aoonaeic Dmlopsent Director Diaecht, City Attorney Ressal and Intern Garross. Noyor Andren called the meeting to order and asked everyone to rise for the pled" of allegiance. .slue minutes of the June 23 1986 meeting were reviewed by Council. lDTIDN Ms N!!DQ BY 9�'1'P SAD BY 'MM, To AhPA M NIIIm'iLS AS li utm , *on a vote taken ayes by Andren B sse. Fitzgerald, Scott. and Mite, the motion passed unpiu nously. ; Us Cmcil than reviewed the invoices sc he3ule& for ;payment an naeft, July o g 1lSi 1 1 MSS nft Br SMT, S IID® HY Btm To Appoups IImCRS SCOMMM lCit PllYlMlli' 118 & _ upon a vote i aksh ayes by Andren, Busse, f'itzgeraM, Scott, and Mite the . r swon passed uunaniaoutsly. Sat raft item a► the ayaeda was the Prior JEake 2000 Steering Committee update. Awidstaat City Nwager aaacbt informed the Council that the Committee, Adcb is friar Iaie tuaolwd iu . dswlophng a plan for the future of ; our ama ndty is cheired by Oo-ne lnmd*c Fitzgerald. fte C mitteie is meeting an a regular basis mad has ftm t : nt schedule to 2uceve the plan oospletad by January, 1981. Osmittiet � Uftepti is being collected now regarding internal /eitan a , auras, and qe ' 4wity *lams anrd the Committee is considering the use of a a�auity -Midi _. :mutiny. M6 Coumittes wes also askieg that consideration be given for :L allocation of finds in the U87 SAM lore information will,.be brought back to tb! < , ftkxi-U wban it is w ailaue. x putt on cbe agenda w to om ddar the Cooperative Agreanent with" Scott County to install a street light at the intersection of County Bud, tZ and Qu ty Road Zl: City fir NoOuire premw*W the agreement, indicating that traffic; ' SMO 4474M MU DAKOTA STREET &E. P.O. SOX M PRIOR LAKE. MINNESOTA SUr2 r ; ` ` 0 .� �. ° ILA E HIWAW OF TW PRIOR Lei M CITY OOUNCIL July 7. 1986 surveys conducted by the County reveal traffic volume warrants the installation of a street light at this intersection. The County will pay for the installation of the light and the City will be responsible for the energy and aaintenarroe Costs. Discussion by the Council "f K TIOM MS MW BY WEM, S MOMW BY MM, TO APFROW W AGREWW pM C.R. 42 -� PAMICIPATION IN THE PM OPSRRTION OF A S1II W LIGtlP, AT Ti C.R. 21 II CTICH OF CSAH 42 AM CSAB 21 AM To l+tT WRISB 7HE Now AID CITY MANlAM TO SIGN TW A . 1. 1 Upon a vote taken, ayes by Mdren, BN sse. Fitsgerald. Scott, aid Mite, the t motion passed; unanimously. Mayor 7lndren then moved to the sixth item on the agenda and the Council considered Planning Commission and Boonaeic Development Oammittee appointments. City Manager MoOdre indicated that the tens of Dag: Larson and Mary !tells - expired JUM 30, 1986. , Thvy are both willing to continue serving on the Commission and are doing a good jab. Staff's rom aendation was to reappoint <: them for a two year term, JCff= MS MW BY pIT tWAW, SOMMM = BY 18IM,- To RBABfoW D= LMMN AID _ MW MU TO TW PLANNIM 0360 S,SICN FOR A TWO YBBR TM TO WIRE J= 30. 1k17a to 19;8. Upai a vote taken, ayes by A dren, Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, and Mite, the motion passed unenimouezly. 0 City M�nmger NOfduire indicated that the terms of Bob Bareness,- Ntrrk Stramiall, Jim 8311 zed Barb Prindle`on the Boonamic Drvelopeent Committee expired Jur 30, 1986.. That' are all willing to continue, serving on the committee and Staff recommended rempointment. MD►rIDN ma 1Y10E BZ sam saooffi1 BY Bum, TO R6i�iPtoll 80B 8l1RSN�5, MiliiR SnUANKi" JIM BILL = lm PRINM TO W Boom= POOR A �1 2W WAR Tom!! TO UPIRE J= 30. 1988. Bill sad lion a vott taken. ayes 'by firdren, Busse. Fitzgerald, Scott, acd Mite the � �D notion passed uneniwoualy. Oo�itOsa3� A five minute r cass was then called. for ]hdren called the meeting back to order at 8:00` pans. ' aft on the agaada was the consideration of 0& mareland ftnegaaent Ordinance.: City Attoenw ftemel informed the Council . that it was me daloty by State Statute drat tlas City adopt a shoreland aanage ent ordinance. I Intern'Garzoes briefly rw*w the pcevions diioursions of the Planning C= aission and the council., Diseiirsion was opened to t * audience. !tike Mueller, Aria Hydrologist with the Dipartsent of Wtural 1Mwroes, addressed, the Ommil indicating that if the section of the ordinanca dealing with substandard lots does rat elect Council appzaval, the EW is willing to wc+rk out an agreement that world _ be acceptable s rf s r of as• M 1 There was further discussion by the Oot=il and the following four items were added to the motion: 7. nKXRsaONM BY . THE VARIANCE PROCEDURES OF OUR ZONING COM. 8. THE DEFINITIONS OF THE OMIMNCE SHOULD b`B MEWICAL 1O THE (z CONS PLAN, ZOlIIM OMINkWCB AND SUBDIVISION 01MINRM AND THOSE MUM DOC114M BE MMM IMMIAMMY TO REFLECT ANY CHAHM. 9. TUN AROUND TIME FOR THE DBPARMW OF NNTURAL 4419OURCES TO R6\r'M PLANS 95" BE TEN DAYS. 10. THE 09 RIMM OF N11'1Z ML RCS IS TO REVIEW THOS PROPOSE PLAT PRIOR TO PPILIIQNM PLAT APPROVAL. GE Upon a, vote taken, ales by Andren, Dasse, Scott, and White; nay by Fitzgerald =, the motion passed. The gave?: was passed back to ftyor Andren who called a five; minute recess. The meeting was called back to order at 10:05 p.m. ror the record, Ommilme■ber Fitzgerald explained that his nay vote on the f previous action was primarily against the 90 foot lakeshore width versus, what he felt to be more appropriate, the DNR reoonmended 75 foot, lakeshore width, go next item an the agenda was to consider city public relations products. Assistant City winger Onmacht informed the Council that the Staff W" - considering purchasing promotional items such as paperweights and lapel pins ftd'tL m with the `City logo on they to use for public relations purposes. A sample of I the paperweight was shmun to the Council. It was the consensus of the Council that this was a good idea and Staff should proceed with purchasing the items. P City Attorney Kennel informed the Oouncil that he received a telephone call from Peter sachem, attorney with the Met Council, regarding tha sever and water e towdon to the Sioux , Oom mirdty. Mr. Bachman offered his services to help draft an agrMmenI. The Council concurred that thin would be helpfa and asked C that City Attorney passel contact Mr. Bachman and:let his knwr. The' old trailer at Rmfsey'a Cove was again discussed and City Attorney Reseal ( Tmuw grv!e an update on what had happened in the pest. City Attorney passel wen inked at N=dW to take the, necessary steps to take this to court to cast the trailer reeaved. owe City llrregav McGuire informed the Council that Mayor Andren visited Green Hay. IlWWAin, .meeting with the ■tyor and attorney regarding their agreements with the Oneida Indian Tribe for extending utilities to their reservation. Mayor Andran. also talked to Mr. Pra mnik, an attorney from M Aisan, Wisconsin, who had worked on the agreements and he stated that he was Willing to assist the City of Prior Lake in drafting an agreement. tl . MINUTES OF THE PRIOR LACE CITY COUNCIL July 7. 1986 to both parties. In the reantive, he Was asking the Council to .xvisider adopting the parts of the ordinance that are acceptable so they could proceed. with their certification/approval process. Other members; of the audience made comments regarding tha inability Of developing substandard lots that are adjacent to property they currently awn. Discussion by the Council followed. There Was conoem expressed regarding 'substandard lots. Councilwember Fitzgerald also expressed mixams regarding the involvement of the Department of Natural Resources, and the duplication of this ordinance with the Comprehensive Plan, the coning Ordinance and the Subdivision Ordinance and suggested possibly incorporating this ordinance into the other three documents. Mayor Anrdren passed the gavel to Acting Mayor Scott and a&de the following motion: t 1 MORTON WAS MADE BY AHMEN SBOMMED BY BUSSS, TO APPIONE THE DRAFT SHMELAtD M1IWA=11NT OMaINl1NC8 AND INODF& WJM INW THE 01VINRWE THE FOLIONINS: 9ioa+e7=d s 1. MR. MMLLER'S ENDRTION RWAIW G DRCW AS PER HIS LETM OF APRIL 25, 1986, W amm INTO 788 O DINRNMt 1. IT DOES NOT HkVE WALLS OR A Imo'. T. IT DOES NOT EXCEW THE STRUMUML SEi WX FM=M= BY MORE THAN 151 (I.E. , 30- FEET MAXIMUM FOR 200 FEET SETBACK ) . �l 3. THWE IS AN BVALURTTON OF THE PROPEM SW= TEAT THERE IS NO? K SOME 0 FMSOHUW LOCRTION FOR A DECK THAT IOU1D COMPLY WITS THE SEC . 4. TM MCK IS EARTB TONG IN COLOR. 2. INCLUDE DAIBIT USES 01" p BLIC WIMMYS. 3: HE PLUAM OOMMISS[ON NEaRTIONS BE PORaTm Iwo, 2M ` OIOI ows v= TO sumnow , OF Arpm = PRIOR LAKE 1Au amar AID DN LXTING WE BOAT RAMPS. THE -DM*JM ` OF' ZMZUlML PMMFCBS ` R IIR�I�S F+OR BW/ ' ItAw SEDCIID Be IIIODIB?OA1�►T� WWD, macs AM: THE MW Cl1N BE NO BIDER T1W TMMVE FEW, OHM W= HOW TBAN' TEN r FEET OR TO A DEPTH GMTER MN FOUR, FEET, AND FIVE CWIC MW OF BASE MAIAL MAY MUM FOR mN liI' DIVING TO COMMA PWPn . P" 20 DQP11R'D w Or NPiIML 4. ' OF MkTU1ML RE80DRC ES RMNTIVES AND THE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE NODFOUT AN AGRIMINT MT 198` COUNCIL NO= APFRM RBWJW= � LOTS AND MM MIER EGSVAT = BEING SPBCIFICIl = 5. t 6R SICTDON 4, S7BDFJLL4D ALTBEWMONS, FZWM Tes PROVISIQN D NWM 4 NIM CLMR Q?1'1`II6": IOtEID ARM. 6. ``` IM FIML D RUT OF THE OH3DW C.Ei IS TO BE BROUW BUCK TO THE COUI , r Mnww OF m PRMR IBS MY CUUNM July 7, 1986 THE KLUQOM LIST OP' IFMICW ARE SOSM FOR FAYlW :ON TUES., XLY 08, 1986 lIISC. ffiPPS. Salute Treasurer City Share FICA 1.948.48 State Treasurer City Share PM 3,027.89 Creative Graphics Printed Forms 85.90 C. H. Carpenter Lumber Co. Misc. Supplies 467.55 Northern States Parer Co. Utilities 7.068.08 Gene white Convention. Expenses 40.56 `. Mic9Wxe1 McGuire Convention Expenses 82.00 , !Gen evee Plan checking fees 1,433.50 Citizens League Annul Dues 30.00 ICMl1 Yearbook 59.00' Ple Cash Postage s Supplies 56.22 int Telephone Service 73.55 Iwagus of Ma. Cities Insurance Trust Insurance 1.033.00 ltlMagssao Utilities 3.03 li■�ona Hemen City Hall Cleaning 700.00 & Gordon Romig Professional Services 1 1bau0r b a Hansen Appraisals Professional Services 1,000.00 -' Ow*ivl Data Business Advisors Professional Services 45.00 Oopp Wpiiwting Products Copier Dental s Supplies 2.404.92 ad U111i01ited Small Tools a Bquipment 15.50 Bob Shan Vehicle Maintenance 1.223.60 anther Back Training Expenses 128.50 Ct�aatication Specialists of MN Bquipaent Maintenance 45.00 Vblw* Firssen's Benefit Assn. Insurance 111.00 „ arm 'sar yang Iixtnaxcents Inc. Supplies' 144.61 'Larty llyderson Convention dense 124.63 Leo Dorn Meeting Expense 10.00` Nemeth LillWad Damage Repair 25.00 J. L. -8hiely Co. Street Mint. Supplies 31.52 Metro ,owe Inc. Aentat 26.00 n �r t 1 '� Pi�BI(.S AMID ��.� Triarco Arts s Crafts Anon M. Waley Fair C s C Special Products - ft& sop Pepsi Rn Distributing Mtn Park Supervisors Assn M Dept. of _Agriculture Heaver Mountain Michelle Muelken TVWW Doyle Saari Anderson Kris Johansen Ben Diets S i S Arts i Crafts Jan Aesop Este Managaaent Quality Waste Control Jake's Stump Removal ' Natro`Alave ISD #719, Shakopee Public utilities Kokesh Athletic ' Ziegler Tire Service 1D=a "eis David t City &'State' - l�R.IT�ILII7L OW* Petro Chen VO Waters s Rogers Farvell's - Creativve Graphics Viking Smfety Products w Pump Daviaa water Equipment U"I*r Tiro Service MOM Associates F Park Program Supplies 213.29 Park Program Supplies 52.03 Park Program 239.00 Concession Stippl'ies 151.99 Senior Citizens 75.00 Concessions 367.50 - ,repair Supplies 847.06 RgOies 149.50 Discount License 30.30 Park Progran 302.50 Park Prograa Instructor 6.70 Mileage 11.20 Park Prograsr Instructor 35.18 Park Prograi Instructor 20.10 Park Maintenance ' 100.00 Park Proorm Supplies 36.28' Park Program Refund 13.50 Rental 339.50 Refuse Reawal 162.50 Park lkintenance 30.00 Alarm System 72.00 Spam Rental 635.50 Utilities 19.90 Supplies 199.36 Repairs 18.00 Park Maintenance &4*aies, 102.75 Mileage `& Expenses. 176.05 Subscription 10.00 Chemicals Chemicals Sod Repairk Printed Material Supplies Repair Supplies repair Supplies Repairu�O _ I 157.95 307.20 0 242.10' 54.85 12.49 463.46' 334.57 23.75