HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 14 1986—J c CITY OF PRIOR LAKE Agenda `.,. Monday, July 14, 1986 CUL TO 0[iDBR 7 :30 p.m.. 1. Pledge .of i llegianoe 2. Minutes of the Previous; Meeting and Invoices Scheduled for P%wnt on tyesday, July 15, 1986 : 7 :35 P 3. Consider Comprehensive Plan AwerAbent Regarding Smr and Nster Extension to the Shakopee Mdewkanton Sioux Coinu Sty r 8:30 Im 4. Consider Willow 6th Addition Bardshell -'S. ftpest authorisation for feasibility Reports for 1987 Projects c> 6. Consider Option on Paving of Lord's Street 7. Diwuss Materials for Council Roan 8. Other Business aR' ~ . b. y c. 9 lie nouncowents. and Correspontlence a. H est Council Meeting Worday, July 21, 1986 at 7:30 p.m. b. Letters from George M. Ha mn OaVany regarding the City audit for your information ° c• 10 Adjournoent =j 4. 0 , (did "74280 4 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. SOX WO PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 w -- a r : r� 5 ..nzr CITY OF PRIOR LAKE \ 4 " 0 muns :oP TBE CITY COUNM July 14, 1986 , = The Common Council of the�City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday, ' July 7, 1986 at 7:30 p.m. _in the City Council Chambers.` - Present were lltyor Andren, Councilmcmbers Busse, Fitzgerald, 'White, City Illanager NoGuire, City Bagineer Anderson, City ,Planner Graser, Assistant City Nanager/Eoonomic Development Director tlmc;ht, and City Attorney Ressel. Councilmember Scott arrived at 7:32 p.m. Mayor Andren called the meeting to order and asked everyone to rise for the o+ pledge of allegiance. The minutes of the July 7, 1986 meeting were reviewed by Council. PDT BIAS JUM W M, SEOMM BY BUSSi, TO APmw '`lam , M As sUP�Nmo. wIIa Ai i l mm U a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the Notion passed in:aninously. The invoices scheduled for payment on Tuesday July 15, 1986 were reviewed. Councilor Ober Busse questioned why there were reimbursements to Staff for mileage`wn they were suppose to be :° getting cat allowances. City Manager ; NcQdre - indicated that those amounts were for the car',-Allowance and the description should read `Car Allowance' instead of , *NileageO. V IDTION MS IMM BY'BUSSE, SBODMW BY FI'13( mwz, TO APPROVE ?sE =61CBS O� SC®tli+®' POR PI,YMM AS Alm. - ,, Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the nation passed unanimously. The next item on the agenda was to consider the Comiprehensf ve Plan amendment �` l regarding sewer and water extension to the Shakopee Ndewskanton Sioux Caounit B111 Thompson, Leonard - Prescott, and Bill'131ock representing the N3ewekantoc►, Sioux Commmity were present to answer questions. City Planner Grater reviewed the request fbz e;ewer and rater for the development r J of 120 acres in the ;Sioux gmiunity.�, Hr. i traser ..indicated than the s Qa�pcelien dve Plan =wdment is necessary before other agencies can consider and ^ "- ,review the request. At the July 2, 19K Planning Comotission .meeting approval for;-ths- mm nd of the Comprehensive. Plan was given by the Planning Commission which wo mid incorporate the following points: (812) 447.4230 4d2s' DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 t x 'iMMM OF W moR LAKE , Wei oomm July 16 1956 1. Extending trunk sewer and water to the reservation for the 120 acres as per attached asp. Any additional reservation land receiving service Will require an a►t hearing. 2. shat such utility service will be in the best interest of the 9t9C by providing for additional esplcynent opportunities, more and better housing and increase the general quality of life an the reservation. 3. shat 120 acres (per Exhibit A) be recognised as tributary to the trumk sewer With no oaersixing required. ,. !. me !letropolitan Council recognize the reservation flow -a a separat item With a separate allocatiowwith metering. i l o iar � Siam S. _ A maintenance agressent established and Prior Lake accept; both aroe installed and maintain the systew. All untmd sewer capacity srhnll belong to Prior Lake unless a.Ooaprehensive Plan is vibmitted identifying future land use. 6., slue MW develop a five year capital ispeo�vealent program and a long range develop■ ant guide frase to head off any future potential conflicts With respect to lad use and urban services acceptable to Staff. e. 7. a to City Council of Prior Lake to enter into a contract as to Who his What rue nsibility With respect to any fees for utilities, inspections and aeoess charges. ° oceanicDeaelop w t Director MnwJ* distributed copies of the noonaeic DwnImmot Omittee minutes and read for the record the Ommittee' a xeac■s 4 Lon regarding .the extension of sever and water to the Siam Cmwz ity as follours: 1. swourep the City Coutwil and OW to work together in this and all Issues. 1 �, \\ 2. City Council should focus an the need to coordinate eoopatible growth thro� the amenity of Prior Lace. 3. City should have review authority over the type and kind of pcapoipla for asnufactuiing ` aid itdustrial - clout an the \ 6. Daservat on dovalopoent should amply with locally adn*Ad building codes, dkdiwmaw and standards. 5. 2MkWse t wn reooeeaedation _of the Plaming Om mission as approved on &Iy 2, 1986. D"alasic by the Laid the diou�•� Oon■� tin 1 followed. It wes the cocnswus of the Council °that . sivadd be a hied to acomooaate the housing need of the City should enter into an agr — w-I With the Mdawakanton 2 3 NDMM OF THE PRIOR LMB; CITY OWNC31 July 14. 1986: t Sioux Ommmity similar to the agrawents Mayor Andren brought back from Green. Bap, Wisconsin. Oommilae■ber Fitzgerald coewented that the following items should be incorporated into the agreaaent: 1. Service to that area would not diminish Prior Lake's sewer capacity. 2. Approval of all governiental jurisdictions involved. 3. { 7hat. Sioux aaaaai-dty develop, with the City's- agreewent, a oospcehansive plan ak. capital iapcove■ rents progrm that would mt forth a definition of the existing lands and development of the parcels. e. A contract be signed by all parties including the Bureau of Indian Bmmdm Affairs and the Depsrlaent of Interior, which may include a waiver of d'Smm sovereign Immmity regarding the service to that Property. vow W SI 5. An agrewent regarding the maintamwe of the system. O�ad 6. Metering of the usage. 7. Billing of the total pro S. aremenls for 31-ft station on the Reservation. 9. go City would ultimately own the project after devrelopaent. 10. Standard fees, users' fees and derveloper's fees be paid in con with this Project.\ n. sign off of the &womu of Indian Affairs, Secretary of Interior and apQcopriate Minnesota jurisdictions or approvals. 12. Detailed plans and specifications. 13. City sionitoring of the project. la. Consider p WiK* in lieu of tam using the criteria of the properties that are actually hooked in aid are serviced by the sewer line. .5 Mildk* pamits and 3n/plLti011t be incorporated, ampecially those �' hp■es that Mould be within a certain footage of the conventional jnriidiction of the City of Prior Lake. Also incorporate the m 6division oa dinencne and ordmk requireiaents. 16.` Be utilized for domestic use only. 17. Dedication of the pipes to the City.. " 18. Aaoonrse to the City in the event of a fbilure in the line. W 3 ■ i4IIWM OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COMM July 14, 1986 19. No - expense to the City of Prior Lake 20. c :stcwnry fees be Aid. See Item 21 -24 on page 4 -a. There was further discussion by the.Camil. MOTION MRS NAM BY PITE($EMD, SM=U= BY WM, TO AN= TSE �R�M.SLVE PIM OMVD GW UPON M CITY OF PRIOR LADS AND TBB SEWINM3Mt MMMJMM S1= IIT ENIUM INTO A MMMATM PMip(M TO ACHIEVE A NUf UAM Si1TZSFAt`w n - Y Aid CbwP' M� MOMIICIPAL UTMUTIES IMO FIDE RJUERVATMIN AM MW TM F1 M for of 1TIYE BE SIGN® BY ALL M PARZIMiS' AND AGRni= STM, - atwnion L, AND FMM1L, I1RIMG ME ADTBORITIES OF M BUMl = OF IIDIAN AFFAIRS SMw Amu sm OFPIcc OF = Sommw OF = IIamoR Am 'TEAT -= Om1u11tMS AND w4w to MUNA1111 Cr TBE pLAIjN= COMMjQSS[ON, MM00lYlMIC DMlVMSAFlEM =WT= AM M Si= , CIff COMM BE ADDRBS= AM !FR[MllI4.Y AGRM UPON BY WE IM C1R'M' AID T86 R�LLTON. a Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren Busse. Fitzgerald, Scutt, and Mite. \ the . action passed uneninously. A five minynte reoesa we called. Ngor Andrea called the meeting back to order at 8:45 p.m. The ne ilea ra � the to owaider the Wiliam 6th Willow Gth Addition Barthel lion acing that . a City Plamec Grayer l Indicating that ' the Preliminary Plat was appram at the May 19, 1986 aeeting with all Wllum 6th ism. etc. Grower indicated that the plat wea in substantial Addit�tm oosp< lance, howmr the public hearing for the reaming had not a= ad yet trid�6eII and'the earliest it could be scheduled is July 31, 1986. Mr. Grayer stated that if app onl for the hardshell was given, it would be oentingent upm the ramming hearing. Discussion was opened to the audience and counts were wade. Mr. Greg M111 gig, sapceen1 n9 the developer,, was present gad addressed the audience. Dismusign by the Qocnncil follo wd. It wea the consensus that because the contingeac s for pceliuinary plat aQpc,iI had cat been get, the O�l could u not consider the hardehell at this tide. lDtlIDf MS lIIIDE BY IiM=, BY swfr, TO Min M Ta MME rM ON TM1E 11LMMMMMa1. Up= a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, and Mite, the U*IC t passed naaniaously. A five minute receaa was called. llor Mdm called the meeting back to order at 9:15 p.m. 4 Fill 111111111 1 1 , 111111111111 11 11 ....N --1 NDMMS OF ME PRIOR LAKE CITY COMM July 14, 1986 Because many •embers of the audience were at the meeting to discuss item #6, the Council moped to that item and discussed the optior`cn paving of Lord's Street. City Engineer Anderson stated that as part of Project 82-3, North Short Trunk Soar and Mter, a watenmin was installed from County Bud 21 to the abrdon d railroad tracks and the approved plans are to install concrete curb and gutter and repair the entire width of Lord's Street from Oounty Rood 21 to the railroad tracks. Because of the possible realignment of Lord's Street in the preliminary plat of Rwpberry Ridge, consideration was given to putting a lesser amount of paving on the street without the curb and gutter to last five years as opposed to the other method which would last 20 years. M 1 Comments were ride by members of the audience in favor of paving the street to last for 20 years. Discussion by the Council followed. IDTM NA8 MM BY 1 E= SNMM BY F122G t1M TO FM" M PIMS AS APlI M Rttik� of CM AID GMM AND R 1�I MMIS SOT O PRVM TO load's St. LAST 20 7URS. as Rat of Prof. 8a-3 Upon a vote taken ayes by Andren, Busse, Fitzgeralde. Soott, and White, the motion passed unanimously. A five aim** room was called. The meeting was called bade to order at 9 :45 p.a. The nut item was to consider authorisation for feasibility reports for 1987 Wojects. City Mgineer Anderson presented the projects for 1987 as outlined in the 1986 to 1910 Capital limpcouee ant Program. A discussion of the street _ iapct pro jects, follaied. ; to!r2ou' MRS � ffi rimm a Sk900IM BY m' a 70 AIAlIMIZE TW PREMPS 1 Q A FUSIBIL 1 SIB! FOR FROMM 87 -11 II MMMIG L11I10 M 9TRB1lr, CMANUO A9arim SS7klMTi. MUM= C=Mr MIN AVA t ARMIA AVE =, MIJUM AVM r RID(iltaDllI Famalhility Avl r own SSE1t AT FISH POIN P=1 Ssilstt mm Cl1 w Chi m NIUML 1 pmt fer MM 8110 I In I PM` PA KM IOT, SM! -OF M liA'1lQt AIM Shit LINES (10 hqj. W11 nomm 'M SAIQ'AW S�S), AID', SEW OF ZMENDIM M SMDMM C ON Vent bw. CCLAIMIDD � PFM MMUM AVP= TD 1168E AVB . Upon a vote taken. ayes by ledran. Busse. Fitsgerald, Scott, and White, the motion passed WAMNously. City 04im er Anderson indicated , that on post projects Mllay' RMineering hm been used. They are a reputable, competitive firm and,they hose given an estimate of up to. 88,500 for surveys on this project. Discussion follaed. !0T= 1018 Mk111R, W NHI'is, By stm TO ADl!l wsz vmm mnmm io 1luthaeise PI' C6 WME MMUff SM U FOR 'l>18 FLUI8IIM S'i12 Y IN A11 AMW OF 1P TO W1W ft- '881500.00. m &am* for Afts. takentaken by Andrea►, Busse, Fitzgerald. Soott, and White, the MWOR P01005 IE 1 5 M 1 ` t MINUMS OF M PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL July 14, 1986 The next itm on the agenda was to discuss materials for the Council F4=. City Nanager VAMire presented the list of itss prepared by Councilumber White that should be kept in the Councilumbers room. 7he items should total appcoxisately $250.00 and Staff was recou■eiding approval. NOTION MRS NAM BY SBOOHM BY BOSSS, To APPRUVS ME PQimm IT= TO lrLW"b M I M IN ME ROOMt VU - CUMMURf OOMPLMM SIT OF C ff PLANS AND far O=w" . (I.E. MENSM PLAN, CITY Cam, 3MMG plAI Nn 9!b[a! 1 RTM, iba■ MAN1G� r ME.); p B[A+LNM BQ�I ; SNALL Mm q OF On= SUPPLIES AM REPS FOR TBB IN AN AM= OF $250.00 Upon a vote taken, rjw by A dren, Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, and Whi:e, the motion passed unanimously. City ani ger NoMire distributed a report prepared by Police Chief PpMell accidents in the C as r regarding ty squashed by Qoturoilaewber Busse at thE- %�1me 16 1986 meting. Mr. NoGuire also distributed copies of an opinion prepared by City Attorney Reseal regarding the Raspberry Rid9e Preliminary Plat. City Mmager NoMdre gave the Council an update on the Weiland parcel ]awuit and staged that the judge had agreed to, rehea t he case on Wed nesdasi, ady 1 6, 'in? 1986. MOW t1kC .o Nqw Andrent stated that she received a letter fan Brandt Richardson, Deputy ldainistrator for Scott _County, asks, -g that the City 'adopt a resolution request ni suppart for ftding of design of the Bridge and fonwrd it to Senators Darwherger and Boschn:its. lOTml 1915 M#De ffi iililTa, swomm BY BUSSB, TO num[1GT S'1lIEr TD PRli11RE llli AMUKM NOMMUM SUPPONING M FUN= RIOUBM FOR M D6SI011" OF M ftdft B MW BM= AND SM IT TO SENRM S Dt>[iB MM Alm BOSC3l=. far M18 :. . Vpon a vote ta ken. t Pindren, Busse, Fitzgerald, 9oott ad White, the ; Eby i sad y n `: llt> not 1 reCt�[ t�Cht distributed copies of brochure on the Y,o Y ProPr health care facility to the Oouncil'for their inforaation. 3lns neat 4oumcil meeting will be Nonday, &1y 21, 1986 at 700 p.m. e �_siq9 ,. further business, the westing adjourned at 10 :37 p.m. by general J .00t30en . , the. Council. Micheal A. Mot#are ' t � City Merger IAretta M. Lane Aeoording Secretary TM ; FUJ0An G LIST OF nVOIC ES ARE SQREAED FOR PAYMC ON TZS._, JMY 15. `1986 "4 Fitger's Inn League Annual Cotiference 872.44 .Banker's Life Insurance. 41849.59 Delta DentalcPlan Insurance 923.10: Awes Office Supply Office Supplies 54.12 Reliable Corp. Office Supplies 80.23 Albinson !Machine Rental 50.00 Stryder Drug Misc. Supplies 106.12 Hauser Ia Mh Hisc. Supplies 174.70 Scott Rice Telep1m a Telephone Service 1,023.31 Prior Lake CacQuest Flepair Supplies 277.17 Carlson OK Hardware misc. Supplies 252.67 Muehcen M Operating' Supplies -Fuel 7 1 ,502.70 Ma Parts Dept. Inc. raise. Supplies 10.65 Prior Lace Aggregate Repair Supplies 568.78 Charles Tooker _ Planning Consultant 700.00 State Treasurer Bldg Permit Surcharges 2,858.06 Prior Like American Legal Publications 565.47 Oopy Duplicating Produate Copier Supplies 145.30 Prior Lake i *Pty Dues 92.82 Ire of Mli cities Dues 3.220.00 Marie admits Mileage 1= 18.60 State Treasurer FICA Adoinistrative Fees 40.87 Gecage M. Romn Co.,, Audit Fags 5.700.00 Crammer, Nelson• Cole i Stageberg law Feet; 3,361.10 Sow a v Data Products OMP tter Slnpplies 56.28 Fooklagb QOtrQttter Systems Computer Supplies 277.50 Park L 1`#gW Bank QOa *er Payment 2,71 +.1e - °2.066.49 iaea LjjMM 'Products Building Maintenanee R. i R C a pet Service Building Maintenance 27:00 Kbmaicti Plu■big i Bleating Building. Mainten>tnoe 49.50 Mayor i Council Salaries 1,350.00 Mic hul IMMire car Allowance 300.00 Atl& T nc mnar Car Allowance 75.00 Horst Graser Tease Car Allowance 75.00 RUnwille Printing & Office Supply Printed Supplies 153.56 creative Graphics = Printed Supplies 103.70 Oarication Additors Aepair Supplies 5.58 LO 4, 1>M10010 001e,a Stageberg Legal fees 3,278.10 M Debut. of Puhl`ia Safety COMPuter Cearge 150.00 Maria HdOXI M vehicle Maintenance 40.00 Copy DupLicatng Products Copier At:ntal rE , Supplies 60.00 ` Dc. L. R. dspbsil Profeasicwl Services 200.00 OAifou M UAUUit8d Capital 9wlies'; 860.00 Trail IV 6 Radio am* Supplies 49.95 `lbd1de>os Mingulahave Mintenance 94plias 70.00 Molatccla Inc. Capital Supplies 299.70 RiddW PO W11 NQeage• Car Allowance 150.00 wills eallaork oto Finishing 54.26 b "4 n Reynolds Molding Ring Fire Extinguishers Oormay Fire & Safety George M. Hansen Co. Communication Specialists EM MA= = Malley Engineering Albinson lim. Mueller i Sons J. L. Shiely Cb. Astleford International Inc. J i J Radiator Service Earl F. Andersen i Assoc. Cory Nimddt Ziegler Tire Service Lawrence Sdmich Home Builders Larry Anderson Bruce Lamy Me teen Warm Arts i Crafts MO #719 mr4p erg an Cb. Jame Durk Moorlame• Inc. I001011me Justea Jill Rum tkremer Damns Jaf W= mmW Doyle` V&^:ssdWr Raid Owl L DWAPOnt Bev MOM _Lusber Etta Rock E. A. ' 8, - 00. Pepsi Nt Hell i1ago*na: Co., t�rltY Msbs =Qontrol 8mu Q �r Dtilities 's Huzo1d's Lockmaith Service J i J service 8olnsal Inc. DoZoces terms Dal Median a 9burs Real Efstaft Journal Wor Labe. Rotary Club Den&! tltsmec�t awlies 6.90 Equipment maintenance 24.00 Supplies 10.50 Audit Fees 600.00 Repairs 177.75 Engineering Fees 615.00 equipment Repair Supplies 58.85 Street Ykintenernx afflies 918.66 Street Maintenance Supplies 258.44 Equipment Repairs 2,496.76 =- Repairs 345.48: Signs 597.70 Send Beg Refund 56.35 Repairs 30.82 Equipment Rental 55.00 N&Celm Car Allowance 150.00 _ ^ N}egp Car Allowance 150.00 Park Program Refund 4.00 Perk Program Refund 11.00 Park Program Supplies • N,8.10 Building Rental 8:00 Bus Charter 345.00 Park Progrm Instructor 59.50 Park Progra 94Vties 86.16' Park Program. Instructor 10.00 Park Progra M=Uuctor 10.00 Park - Progra Instructor 10.00 Mileage 15.40 Mist. 9uplies 141.67 Repair Supplies 219.29 Repair Supplies 48.30 Park Repair 94p11,ee 576.79 Concession euppHes 211.66 Concession Supplies 147.00 1le1ephone Service 149.69 Rof use Aesayal 75.00 utilities 51.42 Repair supplies 37.90 Repairs 31.05 Repairs 31.50 Irrigation System Repairs 955.00 Library Cleaning 75.00 Car ,Allowance 150.00: Park Programs 760.00 8ubscrWon 24.00 Dues 99.75 Meeting s 11.75 i. �1 ..s»_'v^Lmblo-ai:+,....'4 ie. .. _,_ �• ` s:iaa: - .. . .iM..ti.. i. Ili Y Wast Nbla Repair Suipplies 233.43 liter Products OD. !later !later 620.95 M Dept of health Water analysis 299.27 Sarcor liter analysis 40.00 State Treasurer Sales Tax 285.11 MiOG SAC Charges 17,963.55 l�iOG Installment 31,238.54 Ilir*erg Emavatirg Repairs 554.30 Schrader Block Papairs 44.00 John W. VAUMey _ now smmm - ter. wmmn Repairs 60.00 First am* 8t. Pad Debt. Service 52 First:Trutt a. Awl Debt Service 23,598.75 First BW* Ste Anil Debt Service 54,887.50 00 1- Lstetti a Sons Eft. lb. 5 380.505.62 Valley mginmerim c ' bVinsering Service 390.00 am Service 28,0l9.7s Ukka, WkWe . sallou MoP'arlin >sn93nearing Service 3,402.50 Pnearrsd llsviag, Inc. estinate 1b. 1 37.775.14 Cbxd PeAlithing advertising for Bids < 90.28' f F .. K