HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 21 1986CITY OF PRIOR LAKE Agenda Aonday, July 21, 1986 GIZ TO 7:30 p.m. 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Minutes of the previous !Meeting „ 7:35 in 3. Consider RKImt from Mr. and Mrs. Bu mhom for Reimbursement for Dome9es Regarding Sewer. Backup 4. Consider 9enlcoa* Bids 5 i Review Developer's Agt for Brooksville Hills 6th. Addition 6. Consider Special Census 7. Consider of Minnesota Cities Infrastructure Financing Program 8. Other Business a. 2nd Quarter Budget Report b. Building Pernit Report C. Dog Catcher's Report do Fire and Amon Report e. Police Aaport f. Treasurer's Report g• h.. 9V Pig m r. oin to and Oorrespo:denoe \` a. Neft Council Meeting/lbrkshop - Monday, July 28, 1986 at 7:30 P on* b . bc. 10. Affla mment 0131 "74=r an DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 369 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 56372 r is a, f a CITY OF PRIOR LAKE mnam or 7HE ciTy ocaNcz July 21, 1986 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake set in regular session on Monday, July 21, 1986 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Andrent Councilmembers Bu sse. Fitzgerald, White, City Engineer Anderson, Assistmt City Heimpr/Roonamic Development Director Mokcht, and City Attorney Kesme3. 0ouncilmember Scott arrived at 7:32 p.m. City NmmWr liloGaire was Absent. Mayor Andren called the meeting to order and asked everyone to rise for the pledge of allegiance. the minutes of the July 14, 1986 meeting were reviewed by Council. acluncilme■ber Fitzgerald commented that he would like to reserve the right to aske necessary chwqw to the twenty items on pages 3 and 4 regarding the extension to the Shakopee Hft%nkanton Sioux Community after he compares thee with his,-notes. Nrjor hdren stated that for point of clarification on page 6, paragraph 5,,, it should rod, "the judge-had agreed to bear the motion NDMH MS NAIX BY FITZGEMM MMED BY BUSSE TO APM= = Hng= bl? JUVY 14, 1986 AS AMIM AM PZSMMM THE RIGHT M MAKE aPJGES TO WE UST OF IMM ON PJG8 3 AM 4 IF NRCESSRW. Upon a. vote taken, ayes by Andren, Bu sse. Fitzgerald, SoDtt and Wbiter the motion yessed unanimously. ftxt item on the agenda was to consider a request from Mr. and Mrs. Don BurAhma for reimbursement for damages regarding sealer backup. ;City Engineer Anderson explAined that a lift station failure caused a sanitary sewer backup at the Don Bunihmat residum on Ifty 14 1986. The estimate of damages was suinitted to the City's insurance company. It was the decision of the insurance coopmy to make no payment for the damages. The damages submitted by the Burnha■s totalled $3,581.00. Mr. Burnham Was present in the audience and addressed the OAMCil. Discussion by the Council followed. It was the consensus that the Burnhwa estimate of demages, was reasoneble and they should be reinbursed for thus. HDMH WAS 1=1 BY M= 7 r SWOHM BY SO=, 70 PAY $3,581.00 TO M. AM Ms. Rzdm DON EUIMWX F0R I)AMG1S AS = R8SU1X OF TO SHIIER BACKUP AT 7MM F4MME24M. 1101 011IN for Saw BdmP (612) 4474230 4629, DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 6 MUTES OF ME PRIOR LAKE CITY couNaL July 21 1986 Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the motion passed unanimously. NX7M, WAS MADE BY WBITB, SBOOMM BY SCOTT, TO INSTWM CITY ENGI1*= of 7p mm nM ALTE[t�M FM MUM LIFT STATIONS SO TMT IN ME EYMU OF Lift A POWRR FAMME, THE AL AM SYSTM WILL OONMM SO OVERM1E. SfatLms t Upon a, vote taken, ayes by Andren, Busse, Fitzgerald,` Scott, and White, the notion passed unanimously. Councilmober Scott instructed staff to look into the possibility of collecting additional funds (i.e. ,.- $.50 or less) on every water bill to establish a fund for claim such as this. 1 1be next itee on the agenda was to consider bids for Project ,86-16 9ealcoating. City Engineer Anderson inforned the Council that four bids were reoeived�on July 21. 7he log+ bid was from Allied Blacktop Ca my in the amount of $37,161.00. References were chocked on Allied Blacktop and Staff recoeended they,be awarded the contract. Discussion by Council followed. MM WAS MADE BY MM, =MM BY FITd(Ali M, TO A WM ME Ma MT FOR Awed. Hid PROJECT 86-16, SBATMIi M To AI.I M BiXlMW OIMM IN M Pic= Cr Pwiect $37,161.00. 86-16 „ ��� Sealco4tq Upon, a vote taken, , ,ayes by Andren, Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the' notion passed unanimously. The nazi. itm on the agenda was to review the developer's aare nt for 4 ■ Brooksville' Bills 6th Addition. City Engineer Anderson distributed corrected � coplies of the developer's agrement to the Council. Mr. Anderson informed the CounciI that Brooksville Bills 6th Addition was platted in 1979 and utilities were installed on the west portion of the plat. The developer is propoairq to install utilities on the rail ning portion of the plat this year. The developer was prement to answer- questions. Disc.union by the Council followed. Councilmaber White questioned whether it wss necessary for the Council to approve every developer's agreeaeat since it was costly an &MAistrative function. The, consensus was that the Council should revise and appcare developer's agreeeents. Discussion also occurred on the fee owner giving comoent to the developer entering into this agree■snt with the City. i I lDPmli WAS MADE BY FITAGMMD, SIDED BY WBITE, TO ARMNE ME PLANS' AND AM Plan SPECI!'IQiTl M FOR BROQWnM HU 6T8 ADDITION PBASE II. a for Bodo- Upon a. vote taken ayes by Andren, Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, and. White, the 'Me ft motion passed unanisously. Additim l INTO WAS MADE BY FITiGKW D, Soli S BY B[1SSB, TO APPROVE AND AUNMZE , = M LYM AND CITY wMR TO SIGN M NM FM EEVZMM, S AG OMW FM � t�II+iA' BlLM 6TE ADMTM PIM II cianamm UPON ME FER MFRS, KEITA Am CAI;M Q RLSM, GIVlIRs Ap!'liCpmm =am FOR TAB mumaR To mw nm Nulls ft ME 1�fE WITS, ME CITY. A&Uti�m MINUTES OF 7HE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL July 21, 1986 Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the motion passed, unanimously. A five minute recess= ^i'ied. Mayor Andren called the meeting berg to order at 8:25 p.m. The next ites on the agenda was to consider a special census. Assistant City Manager Unnaicht reviewed Staff's report with Council indicating that the City has esperiwmed steady growth since the 1980 census and that the certified census count of 7.284 is no longer accurate. The estimated cost of a special eansns is $20 including Staff time. The main benefit from a new census Would be the increase in Municipal State Aid which could range from $45,979 to $81449 over a three year period of tine. Discuss on by Council "and Staff followed.. NOTION MS MADE EY WHITS, SBOODM BY SOb1T, TO HIVE 70 MAYOR AND CITY MN1lalLM . SPWjA1 WMCUTE ME 0OMnVWM WIC THE UNr= SSM BUR0W Cr THE CM4SUSj AND Osier AP�TE RI $3. 950.00 FAQ! = CITY'S GMIML FUND BRLA24CE TO CO MW 1171 S,TIN B.6 OF TH6 CONIIWM WHICH' BSGINS TH SPECIAL C61S1S PROCESS. Upon.a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the motion passed unanimously. f NOT!= IMS MADe BY 1ff '1E, SHOOMM BY 900TT, To umm STAff TO nwwo m 1987 Buffet noo THE 1987 BZDGLT )FUNDS' TO OMRWTE THE SPECIAL CENSUS PROJEM. fay Special Omar Ron a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the nation pwmd unanimously- Ma nut its on the agenda. was to consider the League of Minnesota Cities Lafrastructure Financing Program. Assistant City Menmger Unmmcht explained that t::e: federal goaeaimant is exploring methods Which will restrict the use of Inew of m unicipel tax -ea+q* bonds in an effort to create more federal tax revenue. Mr. Mai Cities `Mo dnt further explained that the League is attempting to form s bond pool 7edkwmw. before the federal legislation goes into effect. Desolution W10 would include Fumcng the City of Prier Lake in this bond pool. An estimated cost of projects to be h qp finmood t wx* Genert -1 Obligation Revenue bonds, General ligation Asseam ent F bonds, VNZ IW4VMent Ffiviincing and Spipaant. Certificates is $13,077,000 for } 1987 `- 1990. The City Would not be obligated to use the funds, but it would allow the City fleeibility\However, within the last couple of days there ha been an indication that his bond pool my also fall under the government restrictions and acme bonding dents Were advising cities to be careful in entering into the pool. i Discussion by the Council followed.\ Concern was expressed regarding the City's obligation if entering into the � y ing pool: �•:�. It was the corrsensua of the. Council to man to the nut item on the agenda Wb A& Mr Uwacht made a telepbone call to the I"g ae of Minnesota Cities attorney to an a war to their questions. The Council than reviewed the Building Permit Paget, Dog Catcher's Report, Fire Mm1 and Asncie Abort, Police Aaport and Treasurer's R'�ort and accepted them by Rmm general courant as submitted. A recess was then called until Mr. Unmecht returned to the- spetirg. Y t; 3 MINUTES OF THE PRIOR IACS CITE COUNCIL July 21, 1986 Y-- Mayor Andren called the meeting back to order at 9 :22 p.m. } The discussion continued regarding Infrastructure Financing Program. Mr. Urmscht informed the 0ouncil that an addenduo was being added to the resolution presented earlier because of the possibly of the gaaearent restrictions being placed on the bond pool. Therefore, it was rewa o mended the 0ouncil not adopt the resolution until the addendum was reoeivad and reviewed. It was the 1 consensus - of the 0ouncil to table this itaa for one week.' The Oo uncil then reviewed the 2n] Quarter Budget Report. Oouncilaamber White raised several questions regarding legal services and asked Staff to report back on the budget status of legal services in the area of Public Safety. The 2nd Quarter Budget Report was accepted by the 0ouncil by general consent. 3 Assistant City Manager Vrmocht distributed to the 0ouncil for their information . copies of a memoranda from City Manager to Staff regarding the use of seat belts in City and ,personal vehicles and copies of an article in the mss featuring Prior Lake. j City maginser Andersaa consented on a letter received fra s imotti & Sons regarding some construction problems with the Miorlh &ore Trunk Sever and d ternain Project. Our consulting - engineers, Orr Shelen Mayeron and Associates, are Irq -ring a letter is response to the problems. t City Attocnay Ressel requested an attorney /client meeting to discuss same litigation following the meeting. s lDTDOIW MS m11M BY Wi M SAD BY BOSSE, 70 MR M mmcTrm SESSION.. Swouti e Seeaim Up= a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Busse,. Fitzgerald, Scott, and White the aotiain passed unrdwanly. . MDrm MRS Mi1bE BY B , SAD® mr SC7m , M ADJOURN TSB NCR=. Vpm a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Busse, Fitsgerald, Scott, and White, the j motion .paswd unwd a»ly. ilea asatitg adja need at,,9 :52. p.m. to E,cecut ve Session. "a Oouacil adjarned fres Executive Session at 11:01 p.m. "a next Oaumcil/Mbrkshop wseting will be Monday, July 28, 1986 at 7 :00 p.m. s David J. Clamacht Assistant City Manager Loretta M. Lane Faeording Secretary C] I