HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 04 1986CITY OF PRIOR LAKE Agenda ftday, August 4, 1986 CALL TO OELER 7:30 p.m. 1.: Pledge of Allegiarex 2. Rinutea of the Previous Meeting and Invoices Scheduled for Payment on Tuesday, Aupift 5, 1986 7 =35 In 3. Consider Rwpnt from Steve Nielsen for 3.2 Beer License and Cigarette License for impress Gas -n- Grocery 4. Consider Variance Denial Appeal from Dean and Brie Jansen 8s00 In 5. Consider Final. Draft of Moreland Nwwqmnnt Ordinenoo 6. Consdder Building Inspection Agreement with the City of Shakopee 7. Oxta der 1987 -88 Asswumant Agreem►t with Scott County e S. Awiew Judge's Order Regarding Attornap flees for Shakopee Sioux Community Lev Wt 9. Awiew Raised Last Weak Regarding Zoning Subdivision I Ordir>Nae 10. Consider Purcbmw of Scott County Garage 11. Consider Settlement Awards for North Shore Project Regarding Scoggin Griffith &W ailard „ 12. Status Aepoct of 1986 Pro .. _ 13. Other Business 1. b. c 14. and Oorraspoodamce ` 4I a. Nast Ooancil Meeting - !lomx]ay. August 11. 1986 at 7 :30 p.a. b. c. i s. Adjoua, ent In* �47�4ls0 4M DAKOTA STREET &L "P.O. BOX 36@ PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 56372' � alk .....�.....«,.. n.. -. - -- , K 1, a f .. . x , ...... ,.. ,.... rte. .. _ . a by 1 4 k CITY OF PRIOR LAKE 1 IIomw OF mm CITY CaOu''!m . A gust 4, 1986 1 Vie_ Common.cmwil of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday. -August 4 1986 at 7 :30 p.m. in the City Council Chsobers. Present were Mayor Andren, Oouncilmnobers Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, White, City Meaager McGuire, City Planner Grazer; City Attorney Reseal, and Intern Garross. City engineer hidtrsan arrived at 7 :45 p.m Mayor`h4ren'called the meeting to order and asked everyone to rise for the Fledge of allegiance. The minutes of the July 28, 1986 meeting were reviewed by Counoil. Kmw Was mm BY -lii1 m, snomm BY Sam, To Am= 7a !!II{IUlm AS ftut s StsrQ'1'1 ', Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White,, the motion passed uns davusly. The invoices sc&luled for payment on Tuesday, August So, 1986 were mowed under Other Business on the agenda. %a Oau:cil then considered the request from Steve Nielsen for an of , non- intcaticating liquor license and a cigarette license. City Manager McGuire informed the dounrcil that the Liquor Ommittee had reviewed the application for the liquor license, an investigation had been conducted, the fees had been paid, and the O000ittee was reoc wending appcoval. Mr. Mato re further stated that the fee for the cigarette license had been paid and Staff was reoom ending l • !D►1'mN 1918 MADE BY BY FITit M*M, 7 APFSM M Off-Mg U4• Lic. II II iCl1TII11; LIQIXaR LICE ADD = CMAR>fl'1>s LICENSE Im S'1m Nis" FOR ft. UC. milli F S GAS -N- G80=6 Stm I�ftelaen Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Busse, Fitzgerald. Scott, and White, the notion passed un8nisooaly. "a- Geoomy The next iteo on agenda was to consider the variance denial appeal from Dean and J � r Marie Jansen. City Planner Graser informed `the Council that the attonxy Vr aWe ripreeentinA the Jansen was not., able to attend the meeting and requested that DW j the itsm be tabled until August 18. It was the consensus of the Council to A , table this item until hagust 18.- 16 447.4= 4V9 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. SOX 3 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 66572 ., a RiaV= O THE PRIOR LIME C1W ba/UNC August 4p 1986 Because it was <not 8 :09 p.m. the Council moved to an its under Other Business' which was to consider the Developer's Agreamt for West Bage Estates. City nmager !lire informed; the Council that the reason this was being added to the agenda was because the ,request to consider the developer's agreement Was submitted after the agenda had been prepared and the developer's agreement nwedmd to be approved before utilities could be installed in the development. The developer, Louis Stassen, was present and addressed the Council. City avineer, Anderson stated that the developer's agreement had _been signed by Mr. Stassen and the few "had been paid. Discussion by Council followed. City Attorney Nessel stated that page 1, paragraph 1 line 3 should read "Stassen Constructions, Inc., a Minnesota Corporation (the "Developer") so that it is consistent with the signature. MDMH NIS MADE BY FI'1'9QMLD, SBOOMED BY NH= TO Etff= INTO A MVZLOPERI S s 11Cs wS NM mum am TFVMMN INC. TBp DSwQ Hw of 1s W EDZ At EBrATO AS AMEN=. Wlest Mae Estates Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Busse, Fitsgerald, Scott, and White the antion passed unanimously. The Council then moved to item e6 and considered the Building Inspection Agreemsat with the City; of Shakopee. City Manager MoOuire stated that the purpose of this agreement was for the cities to provide each other' with backup building inspection services. City Attorney Keeml reviewed the agreement and reoos■ietded the following changes: a. 1. Correct the spelling of "support' on page 1, paragraph 1, line 3. } Z. Items 85 and #6 should read as follows: ""a City of agrees to indemnify and hold the City of harness from any and all claims, liabilities, dumudn� actions, doegm auto and'expenses including , reasonable attorneys fees (wept Persaniml',injury to City staff) arising out of the services performed pursuant to ;this agreement." 3. The signature line sho Id indicate ' that it is being signed an behalf of the City of Prior Lake . a municipal corporation, by fits Mayer and its City Manager. Discussion by the Council followed. 1D�1' M WEB Mi1DE BT 1dil3s SBONM BY FITAGIMLD, TO APPRM THE BUII IDING Bindi II AG'f V= WE C EW Of SWdM Sa AS 11MDND. Thqwticn Upon a, vote taken ayes by Andren, ensse Fitzgerald, Scott, and White the Notion prised unanimously. "a Council then to its #7 and considered the 1987 -88 Assssame ' Agreement with Scott County. City Manager YxQdre informed the Council that this agreement would continue the assessment services of Scott County for 1987 � at the rate of 818400, and for 1988 at the rate of $18,500. Discussion followed. V Y 2- rS+F�� mures of THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL August 4, 1986 MA NOTION MRS MADE BY FITZGERALD, SECONDED BY BUSSE, TO APPROVE 7HE 1987 -88 i9 - W ASSES.SMW AGRSMENT' WITH. SOOTP COUNTY. " Asset Agreement Upon a wrote taken, ayes by Andrta, Busse,' Fitzgerald, Soott, and White, the motion passed unanimously. Council then moved to items #8 and. reviewed the Judge's order regarding attorney's fees for the Shakopee Sioux Commmity law suit. City Attorney Ressel informed the Council that Judge Magnuson awarded attorney's fees and costs to > the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community in the amount of $5,171.12 dealing with k the Petition for a Writ of Certiorari to the U.S. Supreme Court. Mr. Kessel , indicated that an appeal of this decision was not recommended and payment would conclude the litigation. Discussion followed. lDTMON WAS MADE BY WHITE, SMONM BY SCOTT, TO ISSUE A a= PAYABLE TO THE Atbm=T's � SHAKOPEE` MDEiODMTON' SIOUX COMMUNITY IN THE AlDtW OF $5,171.12. Feu for Max Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Busse, Fitzgerald,_ Soott, and White, the 0 UMMmnty � motion passed, unanimously. Law Sint ' A ten minute recess was then called. Mayor Andren called the meeting back to order at 8:00 p.m. The next itan on the agenda was to consider the final draft of the shoreland managumment ordinance. Intern Garross reviewed the changes made to the ordinance as directed by Council at the July 7, 1986` meting. Ns Garross explained that the shoreland ma acmmant ordinance would become .,Section 6.12 of the swing ordinance and cross referenoes would be made in the zoning ordinance :and the subdivision ordinance. Mike Mueller, representative from the Department of Natural Resources, was pram* and addressed the Council. C mm i-nts were made from imbers of the audience. Discussion by the Council followed regarding the changes and the minimum lot aim. KM= WAS MADE BY FITS MLD, - SBOONMD BY BUSSE, TO ADOPT' ORDINANCE 86-02 Mom Ind i AN ONE FOR TO MMOaMM OF SHDRMM AREAS OF TO CITY OF PRIOR IRKS / 1II= TEa DM'IIlITmNB AS A!AlDID, AND THE PrI,IQNING PROVISIONS: / 1. THAT I'1'M E 3-C, PXM 10 BE RE.41iiUCTUREa AS PER THE REOMM OF D MMENT OF NATURAL RCS. r 2. 2M M WO14M OF SBCTIION 4-A-4, PAGE 12, C MMIN TO TERRIN(LOGY "NW- +SI PURPLE LOOSESTRIFE" OR OTHER ALUM IC PLANS ' AS MAY BE DER M APPIUMIl,'1'M BY M D6FAR'1l W OF NR2MM RESOURCES IN THE 3. SetTMON) 7-B, PXM 15, ADD "IF NO RESPONSE IS RICEIM BY THE CITY' OF PRIOR LUM THIS TEN DAY PERIOD, THE DEPARMM OF NATURAL { RE B WILL BE TO HhVE NO ammmu." . , 3 4 4' f, MINUTES OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNDIL August 4, 1986 4. SECTION 3-A-2 SHIERED AREAS, PAGE 8, THE KI IINM WMTH FOR WATER FRONTAGE LOTS AT LAKE BE 80 FEET. City Attorney Kessel asked that the following change be included in the motion and Councilmember Fitzgerald agreed:; 5. SWTION 4 -E PACE- ; CHANGE TO READ 'PRIVATE USE OF PROPERTY DEDICATED : TO THE RELIC " f. There was a lens - -discussion by Council and Staff regarding the minimum width for water fror'' --je lots at lake and setback lines and the minimum lot sizes. Council* roe Fitzgerald made an amendment to #4 in his motion, as folio": 4. SBO TION 3 -A-2 SEMM AREAS, PAGE 8 FOR WATER FF40ND O ROTS BE CHANGED LAKES, TO 75 FEET AT THE 80 FEET AT THE LAKE SESUM LIFE' AM STAFF DROP A NIN PROVISION FOR PLANKED UNIT E VEIDPHM FOR A MINISIONS WITHIN THIS ORDINANCE OONISISTEKT WITH DEPARMW OF ft9vJi nd IRTURAL RESOUR SS GOIDBGINBS. ftogamt Orffinme a douncilmmdber Busse seconded tber amendmefit. A vote Was taken on the amendment to the notion. Ayes by Busse and Fitzgerald, nays by Andren, Scott and White; the motion did not carry.' Counoilmembtr Soott made an amendment to the original motion as follow: �. 4. SECTION: 3-A-1 SENERED AREAS, PXGE 8, FOR WATER FROND= IDTS BE CHANGED TO 90 FEET AT THE LAKBSHOIM 75 FEET AT THE ORDINARY HIGH MASER LINE � AND SWF DBVBZOP A NEW PROVISION FOR HAMM UNIT DBVKDPMW FOR &Jew n ow WIC THIS ORDINANCE CONSISTENT WITH DEPAR7NOU OF ,. ' NATURAL RESOUTIM GUIDELINES. Clouncilsomber Fitzgerald seconded the amendment. There was further discussion to clarify the meaning of setback lines from the road and the lakeshore. douncilaember Soott then withdrew the amendment to the motion. Discussion continued. , Qo�trrcilmesber Fitzgerald made an amendment to the original motion an follows ' 4. S8f. M1N 3-Ar -2 WWW AREAS. PAGE 8, FOR MASER. FROMUM LOTS BE CHANGED TO 75 FEET MIIaN#E! IMMM AND 9Q .FEET' WIDE AT THE SEIDACK LINE AND SUM IS TO DEVELOP A NIN PROVISION FOR PLANLED" UNIT DEVE AFN W FOR � SUBDIVISIONS " 1P12M THIS OMNA= OONSISTBNT WITH DBPAR'IIENT or NATURAL F40OURM GOIDEt IIE'S. Counclmsber Soott seconded the amendment to the motion. For "clarification, Councilmwmber Fitzgerald stated that the 90 feet pride at the setback line is the setback line for the road. ;h , 1 4' f, MIN(JTES OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL August 4, 198E A vote was taken on the . amendment to the motion. Ayes by Busse, Fitzgerald, ° Scott; nays by Andrea and White; the motion passed. A_ vote , was then taken on the amended motion. Ayes by Busse, Fitzgerald, and Scotts nays by Andren and White; the motion pessede A five minute recess was called. Mayor Andren called the meeting back to order at 9:45 p.m.': f , The next item on the agenda Was to i questions raised, at the previous meeting regarding the zoning and subdivision ordinances." City Attorney messel { ' distributed a nano to, Ommil indicating that Council could enact a zoning amendment and make it contingent, but he would not reccamend it because of certain practical reasons, such as setting a precedent. There was discussion by Council, Staff and the audience regarding varying from the city code, particularly the subdivision ordinance. Under the direction of previous s Cbuncile, policies have been established and the question was raised if there ar Would be a problem with changing the policy now since a precedent has been set. , Discussion continued. =` lIJT= WAS HAM BY FITZt EMM, SIDED BY SOOTT TO DIRHCT STAFF TO C@ERIM Zmft & MM THE FR0=U128S THAT HAVE BEEN FST2lBL'ISEED BY THE `COUNCIL IM THE FEW &hhv'=m L AST YS�IRS; TO IMMIDIATMY BBGIN UPORTI G T1M SUBDIVISION OMIR MCE AND PFo= Mdhmce' , 0OUNCIL WITH A LIST OF THE DEVIATIONS FROM THE ORDIMlM THAT HAVE OCCMUM. Directive � the There was discussion on motion. Ommilm tuber White made the following friendly, amendment to the motion and Councilmembers Fitzgerald and Brew agreed to;the amendment: THAT STAFF OPEN= U HM THE PRO(MM THAT HAVE BM ESTABLISH® BY THE mumm IN THE LAST Pw YEARS FI= ANYTHING THAT HAs Bum saamm ' As OF 5:00" P.Me AUUN 4, 1986 AND E ng1CTIVE AVGUBT 5, 1986 AT 9 :00 A.M. AMY" MW SIBDIVISICN FMMM SU8M 'Bfl ARE TO BE APPRISE OF THE ORDINANCE AND THEr HAVE TO ADHERE TO IT UN M IT Is ( In further discussion, it was clarified that the interpretat of the current �. ordinance is that one building permit is allowed for the entire parcel. Upon a vote taken on the amended notion, ayes by Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White; nay by Andren; the notion passed. For the record Mayor Andren stated, "I request to be exempted from any liability the City may incur by continuing; this practice." A five minute recess waa called: Mayor Andren called the meeting back to order at 10:53 p.m. The next item on the agenda was to consider the purchase of the Scott County Garage. City Manager McGuire indicated the interest in the garage was to extend the street through to the Library to t and create parking adjacent to the garage to ,service the City and the downtown area. The appraised value of the property is $45,90.0. Discussion by the Qx=il followed. City Attorney Kessel Was. 4 t� e o 3 p4y'' . t ,,� .3F MIIMES OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY OOUNCIL August 4, 1986 instructed'(-to determine if the City could purchase the garage With a seven year payoff or if it Would have to be a five year payoff. t , Mf)TION' WAS MADE BY WHITE, SNPM BY HiISSE, TO AUI M3M THE PMCHRSE OF" THE H=+d�se MUM GANQZ AT A OOH OF $45,900 l� M THM EMIC IM SPIPULPMONS: Swtt 1. THE CITY LEASE THE G;ARR= BAM TO SOOTP ODUNff OVER A SEM YEAR PERIOD OmW' AT $6,557.00 PER YEAR WHICH W MM BE A REa=ION FM THE PRINCIPLE G&TW EKE YEAR. 2. WE CITY NU TBR nV= THE LEASE WIM A SIX MM NOTICE. 3. ' 1 TBAT sam CAUNTY MAKE To TH8 BUIIlm SD TMT IT FITS IN . ETM WIW,, B AREA. :, 7� BE NO OU ISIDE STO[MGE AMM TAE BUILDIM rXSELF. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Busse, Fitzgerald, Soott, and White, the motion pond unen musly. NOTION MRS, IMDE Or SOM SBOOHM BY FITEGMMD, TO .ODH M[E THE OWN= MEb'1'IIG so= 11:00 P.M. a Upon a vote,taken, ayes by Mdren, Busse, Fitzgerald, Soott, and White, the notion y.mmd unanimously. 6 XT f± ! alma next itso on. the agenda was to consider the settlement awards for the North Short Project regarding Sooggin, Griffith and Neiland. City Engineer Anderson inforasd the Qmm" that the property owners for Parcel 25, Jim 800ggin, and Parosl: 2:1t. hung► Griffith, bore agreed not to file appeals to the ors' amardes therefore, payment was recommended. The remaining 1 payout would be leas the 75% of the appraisal amount already paid. lDTInn MS ME BY WIME, SWMM BY FITAGI MLD, MM A 20ML ]lto M OF a nim Sd. x,825.00 BR PAID,FM THE ACQUISITION Or ME EAS POR PXRM 25. Fkrcel ?,5 mm ADM Upon a vote tabea, ayes by Andren, Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the motion passed umeniscusly. ` IDi' — 1i1s' M BY Fr1sam m, S lOED BY 8001T, , MW ,A TOOL AMW OF $241300 maids. sd.1 PAID NOR ME aIQ',OIBITM OF THE Ei1SIa FOR PAR= 27R. R uwl 27R Vim Norflt �e f a vote tak�ea, ayes by Andren, Busse, .Fitzgerald, Soott, and White, ;the salmon peones uerniaously. City lrna4er MoWir�e► informed the omwil that the ou ners of the Weiland parcel 'had' agreed to settle for $20,500 ,md a deck for that amount has been issued to that. I�DTm1i WN MADE BY RKME, A BY FrrSGE M, TO WE=E ME MATOR Ale 5ettl 1 CM IIMRMR TO SIGN EMMIT B, RUPMATM OF MMMW RAM= MEW UM) Vailam • PlIA:dw. Shore1 6 w ; a wP; 't !lIIv= OF ME PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL hxiust 4, 1986 Upon a'vote taken, ayes by Andren, Bu3m Fitzgerald, Scott, and white, the motion passed unanimously. Neat on the agenda was a status report of the 1986 projects. City Dginser Anderson informed the - Council that there was same difficulty with the contractor for Project W16, 9L4lco&ting and the contractor has bow given five days to execute the contract or the City will call dorm his parforaanoe bond. Projects ftm- cn 86-11, Street Oaerlay, and Project 86 -12, Cates Street, are not wowing as 19% W. rapidly as they should be and the contractor his been notified to mWedite the Pmjwts work. Mr. Anderson gave a progress report on Project 82-3, North Sore Ttm* Saver and wateaain, and irdiosted a meeting is scheduled for August 5, 1986 with the contractor regarding the lack of progress being mica at this-time. SLe invoices scheduled for PayMent on Tuesday, August 5, 1986, were rwievea by Council. x mN was mm By FITmmwm, SOU BY Sam, M. AMOV6 'i INF ICES SCOMMED POR PA1Y!lM AS 8®NITM. 4 Upon a'vote taken, 'ayes by Andran, Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, and white, the motion passed unanimously. City Nmager YAMire distributed to the C iurcil. for their inforsatiow copies of a Notice of Claims regarding the Charlw and Jackie Jorgensen property, a letter from the &L%Opo*L Nd MW=ton Sion: QMMMity rNuastin9 an extMs oa. of sewer MdY and rgwts from the Police Daparftm* regarding domitic and vaMalim calls as they had requested earlier. Councilmimr Fitzgerald stated that he had received aa■plaints regarding the weeds In the right Of may On County Aaad 21 in the dmmtom area and asked that that it 'be Maintained better. ,x. The neat Co me" meeting will be Monday, August 11, 1.906 at 7 :30 p.m. Sere further being no business, the meeting adjourned at 11 :25 p.w, by geaeral ' cocaent of the Council. i Michael g►. NoGmire City Manager Recording Secretary 7 ,, vi a w THE FaJCWING LIST OF INVOICES ARE 9CHMULED FOR PAYMENT ON TUES.. AUG. 5, 1986 MI9C. I�sPTS. Delta Dental Plan Insurance 923.10 Albinson - Machine Rental 50.00 M nnegasoo Utilities 93.67 I"gk of Mi Cities Insurance Trust Insurance 16,789.00 Minnesota Valley Electric Co-op. Utilities 820.08 Northam States 'Pourer Co. Utilities. 6,576:56 C. H Carpenter L ffber Co Misc. Supplies 193.45 Dan's Auto Repair Repairs 20.75 Prior Lake 1 76" Repairs 163.40 Ren SVee Plan Checking Fee 430.25 ScoraW Data Systeas Phone Installation 225.00 = Wint ftlephone Service 159.05 -Jobn A dren Reiub. for Meeting expenses 115.77 Micheal A. MaGuire Peiab. for Meeting expanses 24.00 Treasurer MCFM Dues 15.00 Copy Duplicating Products Copier Rental i 9*pties 290.56 Ring Fire Extinguishers Squipsent Maintene P 35.00 Hneor�a BsaMn City Hall Cleaning 700.00 4 Trin City Bkrdware Co. Building Maintemnoe 84*lies 30.60 ;;B�iC.BSliilY' 8oatt "Cnvnty Sheriff Radio Maintanirm Contract 289.60 tknifocais Maiaited es 194.50 ,Don 9treicber Qum SupplLas 146.00 . 4barty Photo SBrvice 94pplies 109.40 Meleon Radio CoaMuniaitioucvs squiPent 74pairs 26.00 I an Tm Owtaranoe Registration Fens 273.06 Rwin Safe Ifthicle Naintenanoe r 64.00 yam llpaae Capital squipaant 546.04 I" ft, binort Nilliga 14.40 r aer9anw Medical, Products , Supplies 664.63 Fire Chief Magazine 9ub8cription 18.00 RDbett Mca►lliattr Animl Control 406.22 Stott Camay Sheriff Radio Maintenance Contract 318.80 Starr Office Products Netco lbae 94wlies Rental 87 26.00 - RayoM Johnson ReinDurNent of Expenses 24.15 Bruce C. Lindell A4pairs 200.00 C. R. araa er, Inc. Capital IaV.avewents 1,649.00 Cosauenioaton Auditors Radio Repair 20.00 Park Program Charter 105.00 Park Program Supplies 39.01 Park Program Supplies �� Kingbor7 Bus Co. Park Program Triarco Arts h Crafts Copies S1 S Arts & Crafts tkte■iployment Campensation Children's Museumi Supplies ID8 4719 Repair Supplies HN UC Fund Park Maintenance Supplies, Rokesh Athletic Supplies Supplies MTI Distributing Concession Supplies Leroy Dorn Registration Fee �9hn'8' Rubbish Removal 177.50 Repairs NN Fa;kQ'aperviaorn Assn. Repair Duality, arts Control 'Tapairs 9ardWs Locksmith Service Park Maintenance Supplies Prior Lake Electric Park >Maintan■rwe Supplies J i J Radiator service Rentals J. L. ShWy Co. Equipment Maintenw= New Pro on Lumber bete ftnagem Library Cleaning's Supplies ent. Ring Pire Extinguisher G Dolores Berens ;r 11eda m p � r 68.00 Park Rental J�edtie Dunham Refund Hamwin Packs Refund Mrs. DO= ften Refund Mrs, l 9 elvorsen; Refund ;_ " Daraleer Lean Alien satin- go Hiddey Aefund i lY Moberg aim Cos LVMIme Aafutd Mee Raft n v!a Z Jledaooer OUSid CN* & ibbacoo Co. REE�ad Dept. of G1cm ret /Canes MINNE 1 3iLM Refund An*llers i Rogers Refund Reaydette neter Conditioners Refund aef omn liter Q' X ditioasing Refund Pen" Patch Concession Supplies 94.83 Mrtiw Products co., Miter Pollution Control hederati�on . Speciia Oensus Payment eerricsompter of Ducnsville serer Chemicals Dixie Petro Charm t; Repairs 206.60 Repairs t, Park Program Charter 105.00 Park Program Supplies 39.01 Park Program Supplies 22.78 Park Program 59.00 Copies 2.00 tkte■iployment Campensation 233.59 Supplies 81.41. Repair Supplies 97.70 Park Maintenance Supplies, 130.00 Supplies 70.60 Concession Supplies 271.95 Registration Fee 85.00 Rubbish Removal 177.50 Repairs 22.50 Repair 157.25 'Tapairs -- Park Maintenance Supplies I9I.18 Park >Maintan■rwe Supplies 56.00 ' Rentals 297.47 Equipment Maintenw= 15.50 Library Cleaning's Supplies 78.16 Senior Citizens 75.00 Park Progrm Instructor 28.00 Park Program Instructor 68.00 Park Rental 27.00 Refund 23.00 Refund 3.00 Refund 58.00' Refund ;_ " 29.00 Aefund 29.00 . Aafutd 29.00 Refund 29.00 REE�ad 29.00' Refund 29.00 Refund 29.00 Refund 29.00 Refund 29.00 Concession Supplies 94.83 Speciia Oensus Payment 3.950.00 Chemicals 312.20 Repairs 206.60 Repairs 107.50 Repairs 40.00 Supplies 590.99 Dues R Annuuel pairs Laboratory Analysis 66 55.00 2 2.� Chemicals 157.95 QL r . , i later Products Co. Aepair Supplies 255.00 Donald , R. Burnham rim %pairs 3,581.00 Irrooabe i Manson Appraisals Professional Services 13,300.00 1►rank J. Widwr a Associates Professional Services 100.00, Ow Sgineering 23.123.75 A1aec. Inc. Smbwents i Lioarme 250.00' S Estate of 2boo 1Aeiland assent 20,500.00 Elk ltiMer Concrete Products Lords, St. Bridge 162.09 VIII � e �J Jr l( ' I t a r 1