HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 11 1986_ 1 w e ' z I CITY OF PRIOR LAKE. , Agenda Nonday. higust 11. 1986 CULL TO 0[raR 700 p.a. Lr Pledge of Allegiance 2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting 36 Oowider Abatsrent of Penalty and Interest for Iiindsong 6. Oonsider Deferred As� nt Ordinance 84 5.. Priordale till/Cbmap Cleaners S.A.C. *argas 6. consider Tow Steffens Aesoning Aegwst, 7. - Opsider 101illan 6th Addition su&j ell S. Consider do■QcehWsivs Plan ARUA nt Regarding Aespberry Ridgy 9. Considerfbnges to Prior Lake Liquor Otdinanoe 10. ` Other nusinass at t3 c. , 11. Announoesee:ts am Oorrss�osr' {�t a. 1bzt douncil !leering Nonfty. Aucryst 18. 1986" at 7:30 p.a e b. c. 12a Adjourn■ rent j` " " � . f f"O"»0 AIM DAKOTf►,BTREET S.E. P.O. BOX 369 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 66572 v k _ k I? j r CITY OF PRIOR LAKE Nnum o f T C17 OOUW August 11, 1986 2te Cannon Council of the Cityrof Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday, August 11, 1986 at 7 :30 p.m: in the City Council Chasbers• Present were Mayor Andrea, Councilumbers Busse, ilitsgerald, White, City Manager Mokire, City Planner Graser, Assistant City Manager/Boonawic Deeelopaent Director Muscht Finance Director Tesahner and 01ty Attorney Keseel.; Oouncilmenber Scott arrived p .m. 1 Mayor Ardren called do meetinglto order and asked everyone to rise for the pledge of allegiance. The minutes of the August 4, 1986 meeting were reviewed by Council. City !onager YA:Guire stated that page 5, paragraph 7, line 2, should read '. Fitagerald acrd Scott agreed. . . . Mpl',DON WQ1S Mi1Da BY MSS8 SBONM BY FITYGMMLD, TO APPROVE 7HE MnoIA'LS AS ISartes 11left�. Upon a voote taken, ayes by Andren, Husse, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the notion passed inenimously. fte next item on the agenda was to consider abatement of penalty and interest for Nitd ong. Finance Director TiscMer informed the Council - that penalties and interest have accrued for the tax statement of the plat of Nindsong°on }tt* .Lake as a result of billing errors by the Scott County Treasurer's Officer, Mr. Donald Remy the owner of the property, contends that he should not be required to pay the penalties and.interest because he did sake a good faith attespt to pay the taxes on the property. Discussion by Council Ms Miles 8!! FITiGBMM, SOMUND BY HOSSB, 'M ABM M PsIMMS AM IfindSM III' CN PAL #31 935 003 0 DID TO ME R 9EMMI G COWMON OF MVE ML 1085 Psialty a UZ 81 BILi ,S. Interest A6otsent Upon a vote taken ayes by Audren, Ell, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the, notion passed unanimously. Nut on the agenda wes to consider the Deferred Assessment Ordinance. Assistant City Maaager U aacht reviewed the reasons the ordinarae wee being proposed and the changes made to the ordinance since it was last discussed. Discussion by 0 121 M74M MINUTES OF TO PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL August 11. 1986 the Council followed regarding def ining hardship for those under 65 by a aeons D'e[Tcd other than income basis, should Council have to review requests each year, and whether the ordinance should. apply to future projects only or include projects Old!== that had already been assessed. It was the consensus of the Council to table this item until a time when it could be scheduled for a longer discussion. The next item on the agenda Was to consider the Priordele Mall/oottage. Cleaners S.A.C. Charges. City Planner Grayer explained to the Council that the two parties had not reached an agreement on the distribution of the credits and also referred to a letter from the Metropolitan Mate Control Commission indicating there policy was not to approve the transfer of credits from the existing location to a new location until the existing site is committed to a new use. Don Farrington, owner of Cottager Cleaners, and his attorney were present. Neil Bodennsn and his attorney, representing the Priordale Mall, Were also present.. Discussion by the Council and the involved parties followed. NZWK WAS Hm BY' FITAGEALD, MOON= By SWTT, MW SMJB(T TO !B'1ZiO Mi"N mars OONPAQ. cows SLON APPROVAL, Tw USE OF THB S.A.C. CREOrTs BE AS rquam: S.A.C. MOM MR. FARlrit�a` M' S WZTING THE PREKISES, PRIONM E MAX L. WILL ®1VE 120 DAYS amoses THE VACRTM OF THAT SPXX IN WHICH TO UTILIZE TAB CMISS. IF NO USE IS OMW I COVID BY THE END OF TAE 120 DAY PERK, FIVE CREDITS WILL BE ALWCATED TO QeM's✓ PRI FVK8 1l" AM, THE BAL NCB OF TAE CREDITS WILL BE MW By = CITY OF PRIOR Pr =dale LME FOR AN ADDITMML 120 DAY PERIOD FOR DEVMOMF BY PE000TCH, SUCH &IL DEVMAIFN Ii' TO BE APPROVE BY THIS COUNCIL. IF NO SUCH DEVELOPMW IS BAOU=T i FOM AND AP== IN TMT PERIOD OF TD8, THE CRM12S WOUID THEN BE AVAIIAK+E PM WSTRIBUTMN AS 70 COUNCIL SIM FIT. PUrther discussion followed regarding the time limits and the effect on each warty involved. Upm,a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, and %hit*, the notion passed unanimously. A five minute recess was called. lltyor Andrea called the meeting back to order at 8%52 p.m. The next item on the agenda was to consider the T= Steffens reaming request. City Planner Grayer reviewed that preliminary plat approval was given for the Willow Gth Addition based on six contingencies, one being the rezoning of three- areas within the plat. The Planning approved the ruminq at a: `~ special mating on July 31, 1986 on the basis that it was ommdatent with the Oo■pre1maive Plan and that it would not have a detrimental affect an the City's utility system. A question had been raised as to whether a Comprehumdve Plan aawdisent Mould be required before considering the rexoning. Staff's raopseeedtt on was that a Comprehensive Plan amendment was not necessary and the reaming should be approved. Upon polling the Council, it w the consensus that an aeendlent Compc ehansive Plan woe not needed and ° discussion of the resming proceed. I I to the ahcr. 2d i MINUTES OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL 1 � , �t August 11, 1986 Discamion followed. City Planner Graser stated that the proposed rezoning entails down zoning 2.2 acres from R-3 to R-1, up zoning 2.2 acres,frcw R-1 to R-2, end rezoning .2 acres of C -1 to R-1. The net effect is ,a decrease in the number of units resulting in no impact on the Metro systems. IDTION WAS MAD= BY FITBG6RVO, SBOONOBD BY WHITE, TO APPROVE = REZONIN NWW POR VII AM 67H ADDITION AS OUTLINED. vUlaw 6th Addition Discussion followed regarding the reasons for the rezoning. With the agreement of OouncilAeAber White, CouncilmeAber Fitzgerald added the following to the Action: '. FM =SONS ARTICMAM BY THE CITY PLANNBR." Upon a vote taken, ayes by Anaren, Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White. the Action passed unanimously. The neat item on the agenda was to consider the Willows 6th Addition Hardshell. City Planner Graser reviewed the six contingencies of the preliminary plat and indicated that negotiations were in process for the road. right-of-my and easement to realign Inguadona Beach Circle and put in Willow ,Law thro to Aershiig Street. Staff'reoconanded approval of the hardshell with the following four considerations: 1. that the filing of the vacations of the lanes, walkways, roadways, places, utility and drainage easements occur just prior to the filing of the hardahell. 2. That no construction begin until the hardshell is filed. 3. Tbat tha park dedication fee of $2,298.00 be paid. 4. 7t, the hardshell be approved subject to the signing of the developer's agreoent. Discussion was opened to the audience. Greg Holling representing the darelaper was present and commented. Other members of "the audience Commented. Diamwion by the Council followed. Question was raised regarding one nave being an the hardd*11 and a different name appearing an the developer's agreement. City Attorney Reseal stated that this raises a question of fee:: o narabip and the same nacre should appear on both documents. c tDT 11M18 W= .ft'Wffi ' Seco m BY soOTl' To mwz mrs rm no y NAME DIB .T ON = EZYK4 R'S AGFAMW AND TH Z CAN B8, CLARIFIED. 6th AddIn. Vpm a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Busse, Scott, and Whitt; nay by Fitzgerald; the notion passed. -A five minute room was called. Mayor Andren called the meeting back to order at 9:54 p.m. 3 I r MINtn! S OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY CWWIL August 11, 1986 The next item on the agenda Was to consider the Comprehensive Plan amendment r for Raspberry Ridge. City Planner Graser stated that the Planning; Commission considered the amendment at the July 17- ;.1986 meeting. The Commissioners were presented a petition signed by 23 people at that meeting opposing the realignment of Lord's Street and the ci4elopment of conservation land. The Caaoisaioners felt the Council would be in a better position to act on the }v amendment and voted to deny the request. The Planning Camuission also had concern over the Comprehensive Plan policies and made the reco..endation to the s: Council that public hearings be held to review Comprehensive Plan policies 1-6, n and the Storm water Management Plan and to consider whether the plans are to be viewed as guides or literally enforced. Discussion was opened to the audience and comments were made by Norb Trailer, representing- the petitioners. Greg Kopischke, representing the developer, Leonard Brooks, representing the owners of the property, and other mnmibers of the audience. Council d followed regarding the interpretat of the Comprehensive ' Plan and the quality of the subdivision. a HIM BY FMGEMW SAD BY a TO TABLE Table lDTION MRS r SOD*'!', THE. PLAN ANDU48MT FOR RASPBERRY RIDGE UNTIL SEPTEMBER 15, 1986 AT 7 :,35 P.M. AT Fbsbem iceCH T= THE FCEJM II� ELEMENTS WOM BE Plr%'%=M THIS. PLATS Ridge Omp. _ F9an Ire�d. 1. THE OOINDp NVS AS THEY E MW FOR THE E IRE PLAT, PARTIC[AARGY AS THEY �-� MCM FOR THE LOTS ON THE N00WLY DEVE DMW ADD THOSE LOTS ALONG MAN= ROAD. 0 Z. 3. 81'11FF IS TO PRW= RNTDON" FORM DBVELOP!!ENT OF ZE POWING AREA ON THE NORTH END AM IN THE MIDiY.S AID TO GET OPINIONS FROM ENVIRMENTAIiISTS SUCH AS THE DNR AND OOUNTY SOIL AND WATER COl 1 IRYRTION WITHIN TW PERIOD OF TIME. STAFF EVALUATE AMIN TBB CONNKTION OF THE S'IBDIt 1SION TO EXISTDG UMIS STR1= AND MANII'1Ql ROAD. Discussion followed. Council r Scott suggested adding to the motion: the northerly loft m the sloped arm 4. THE DVALOM PROVIDE A BUMLDM ENVEIM ON AN AGREEMW SM US &CIPES AND TFM CN EACH OF THE LOTS BE PRESERVED. Councilumber Fitzgerald agreed to the addition. Couacilmawber white asked that Staff provide adequate notice to all residents in the area and. not just those within 300 feet of the subdivision, possibly through the newspaper. ;Mr. lopischke stated that documentation from the Storm Water Management Plan's review of the subdivision would be provided to the Council. Upon a vote: taken, ayes by hndren Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, and white,., the notion'prsaed unanimously. A five minute Irwesa was called. 4 I r MINL)TES OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL August 11, 1986 t Mayor Andren called the meeting back to order at 11:49 p.m. Next on the agenda was to consider changes to the Liquor Ordinance. Because of changes in the State Statute, City Attorney Kessel was recd aending that the Liquor Ordinance be revised to conform to the statute. Discussion by Council 1 followed. Council directed City Attorney Kessel to prepare for their review a revised,Liquor Ordinance incorporating the necessary changes' =' City Manager McGuire asked the Council if they wanted Staff to follow their directive from the meeting of August 4, 1986 relative to the zoning and :I subdivision ordinance. He' indicated he received another memo froa the Mayor stating Staff should not follow the directive. Cam-Al 1 1, Pro Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott and White stated Staff should f ollow the directive of the whole Council. Discussion followed regarding memos written by the Mayor to the City Manager and. tkk City Manager's response to the mesas. Attorney William Kelly addressed the Council regarding the memos also. Cbuncilmember Scott read for the record a prepared statement regarding the memos. Robert Hobart read a prepared stated addressed to the Council. Iieiaarks were made by other members of the audience. { The status of the Project 82 -3, North Shore Trunk Sewer and Watermain was discussed. City 'Manager stated the City Engineer Anderson would give a, complete report on the progress of the project at the August 18 1986 meeting. Assistant City Manager Utmacht stated that the assessaoent hear i� for the iapco�rsent projects for this year need. to be scheduled and indicated that the suggested date was Septpi6er 8, 1986. WTION MIS MADE BY FII GMM, S BY SOOTP, TO ESZMRJSH AN ASSN Pmj.86 -14 HEARING. !OR PRWWT 86-14, LORD'S STREET BRIDGE, FOR SEPTEMBER 8 1986 AT 7 :35 Asww. P.M. Hmrhgg Upon a ; vote taken, ayes by Andrea, Busse, Fitzgerald, ` Scott, and -White, the �. motion passed unaftiaioualy. fi NNMN MRS N= BY BUSSE, SHOONgBD BY FITZGMALD, TO ESUBLISH AN ASS Pmj.8_11 BEAR= P Rt Pliwwr 86 -11, 31amr, avimm, FOR SEPTEMBER 8, 1986 AT 8:00 P.M. �� A {{ =e e a n wt Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the motion passed utinixously. MDMN WAS M Z BY SOV T, BROW= BY BUSSE, TO ESTA1X ISH AN ASSESMW HEARING Rvo.86-12, POR PR07" 86-12, CAM STREET, FOR SEF'1IMM 8, 1986 AT 8:40 P.M. A mt Hmrft Upon.a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the motion passed unanimously, N IDTIDIt 16 5 MADB ABC FITZGEMLD S900N=' BY BUSSE, TO ESTABLISH AN ASSN PWj•82-3 HSA1tI16a FOR PR=fCr '82-3, Iii SUM TAUIBC SWSR AND WRTEWAIN, FOR SBP'll'EBmt Awesmmt n 6, 1986 AT 9 :00 P.M. Hmrft 4 e Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the notion passed unanimously. J c,c.