HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 18 1986i { +�1 ` al' CITY OF PRIOR LAKE RBGMAR. _ Agenda _ Monday, August 10, 1986 a" TO MOM 11 700 p.m. 1. Pledge of allegiance 2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting and Invoices Scheduled for Payment on 'lvasday, August 19, 1986 3. Appoint Slactio► Judges for September 9 Primary Election 4. Consider Bids Received for Sale of S*iad.Car 7:40 Is S. .'Consider pillows 6th addition Bardshell 6._ Continue Discussion on Deferred Assessment Ordinance 8 :30 pa 7. Update on north Shore seiner and Water Pro S. 4 Bill -Titus II addition 9. Rrvi�r Letter from Scott County Concerning Right of 11atry to County Gump Property 10. Update on Negotiations to Extend Sanitary Sever to Mdowslcanton Siottix O=Mdty 11. Discums Rescheduling of September let Meeting aZ. Consider Wrianoe Denial appeal from Dean and Marie Jansen 13. O"r Business a.;` Building Pewit pepert b. mg Catcher Report C. hire and Rescue Report a: Police FA port e. Treasurer's Report f 14. I " and Correspondence 'r -,,a leant Council Meeting, — Monday, august 25, 1986 at 7 :30 p.m. t � 1 � Y CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ICMMW OF THE CM CWNCIL August 18, 1986 The Coon Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday, ` August 18, 1986 at 7 :30 p.m. in the City Council Ctrbers. Present Were Councilaimobers Busee, Fitzgerald, Soott, 1lhite, City Engineer Anderson, City Planner Graser, Assistant City Manager/»oonomic Development Director Muscht, Firmcm Director Teschner and Attorney Oven Nelson. Mayor Andren and City Manager No0uire were absent. Acting Mayor Stott called the meeting to order and asked everyone to rise for the pledge of alle9ianoe. . The minutes of the August 11, 1986 meeting Were reviewed by Council. Qotu:cilaewber Fitzgerald stated the following change should be made on page 4, item 44 as follaars: "'. .. provide a building envelope on the northerly lots on the sloped area and an agreement " NDMH 1118 MADE BY F11IGOMM, SBOONDED BY BUSSE, TO APMM 7W MIINUM AS Wmtm 111E11�. Upon a vote taken,: ayes by 1k Fitzgerald, Soott, and Whites Andren absents the motion passed mMnimously. tl The invoices scheduled for payment on Tuesday, August 19, 1986 were reviewed by Oou:cil. IVMN MS' MW BY BOSSE, S90OKM BY FITAGEEM D, TO APPRW6 TSB INVOICES Inrniaes SMEMLID FOR PAYMENT' AS S n 1 1 1lG � I Upon a vote taken, aym by Busse, Fitsgerald, Soott, and White= Andren °abeentj the motion passed unanimously. So next itm on the agetda Was to appoint election judges for the 9epteeber 9 Primary Election. Assistant City Manager onscht, distributed the list of election judges and reamounded approval IDMNN 1816 N x BY WHIT11 SocomD® BY BUSS, TO APKgOM 7W BLBMMM JUDGES FOR Pr THE SEPl' 9 PRIMARY ELECi'= AS SUBMIT=. neetkn Jukes Upon a vote taken, ayes by Bum, Stott, and Whites abstention by Fitzgerald= Andren, absent= the motion passed. 0�0 Oouncilmber Fitzgerald explained the reason for his abstention is that, his wife w ona of the recommended election judges. (6121 44T -4230 " 462! DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 56372 NINMES OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY C0UMM August 18, 1986 The next item on the agenda was to consider the bid received for the sale of a ..� squad car. Finance Director Teschner informed the Council that the City i advertised for bids for the sale of a 1985 Chevrolet Impala which was formerly used as a squad car. One bid was received from Woodside Motors Inc. of New York. in. the amount of $4,000.00 and Staff was recommending approval. KTIM WAS MADE BY BUSSE, SHMME'D BY FITZGEMMLD, TO ACMPT 7HE BID FMM Sale of WOODSIDE XMRS INC. OF NEW YORK OF $4,000.00 FOR THE 1985 MYFM T IMPMA. S4iad Car Upon a vote taken, ayes by Busser Fitzgerald, Scott, and White; Andrea absent; the nation passed unanimously. The Council then considered the Willows 6th Addition Hardshell. City Planner Graser stated that this item had been tabled at the August 11, 1986 meeting to clarify the nave discrepancy on the developer's agrfament and the hardshell. Mr. Graser further stated that the nave of K i S Properties, a Minnesota General Partnership, now appeared on both documents and Staff reooane.nded approval of the hardshell with six contingencies. Discussion was opened to the audience and comments were mule regarding the performance bond requirement and the negotiations With the Inguadona Beach Association. Council discussion followed. City Engineer Anderson e3plained that the performance bon] is provided by the contractor, not the developer, and under the present policy, the performance bond is required prior to the beginning of any construction. the question was raised regarding the easement for access to Lot 22. Greg Bolling, representing the developer, provided Council and Staff with the proposed wording for the easement. Council discussion followed on the importance of having the easement filed after the - filing of the hardshell., N7nM MRS MM BY WHITS, SBMM M by FITZGMW D, TO AMW M3 THE E03S HILL OF T illars 6th THE WIIJMS 6TH ADMTMN OONMMV UPON THE FCLIMM: A&Uticn Hud*A11 1. THMMT THS DICING GF M VACATMNS OF TM LM ES, MJMS, FMDMM, RAM MUM AND DEWIMM, EASENEMS OCCUR JUST PRIOR TO THE PMDG OF M HMIR46[ IU. 2. 20AT NO OONSl'RMMU BEGIN UNrM THE Hi FMHELL IS FMED. 3. 7MT ME PAW DSDICRTEN Fla$ OF $2,298.00 BE PAID 4. THAT THE 8l1MGMU BE APPWM SUBJECT TO THE SIMMG, OF THE DBYK4M?SR' S AI+ MMM 5. , MM IM 22` Be A ONLY FROM WILUN LMT. 6'. In WAi40MAY IS M OF THE CITY TO DESIGN AM 'OOMSID M There was further discussion by the Council. Oouncilvember Fitzgerald made the follwing addition to #5 with the agreement of douncilwember White: 'VII! LOT 5. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, and white; Andren absent; the nation passed unanimously. let HINY S OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL August 18, 1986 John Knoblauch distributed an - _article '' regarding community /developer relationships and co naente:d on the City and the Willows 6th developer relationship. Bill Hollick, representing the Willows Association, responded to Mr. Khcblauch's r m ents. The next item on the ag_nda Wes to continue discussion on the deferred assessment ordinance. Finance Director Tvschner` presented the revised ordinance that incorporated recommended changes from the previous meeting. Discussion by the Council followed and a change in the wording of f2. on page 3 was recommended. LOTION WAS P" BY WHIIE, SBOtD4 BY FIT8GMR,LD, TO ADOPT 7HE omimiCE OW 86-03 ESTABLISHING A PROMMUPE FOR THE DEFEPYAL OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AS AMMM. Def Upon a vote taken, ayes by Hasse, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White; Andren absent; Amman the motion passed unanimously. An update of the North Shore Trunk Sewer and Watermain Project Was then given. Attorney Owen Neleon informed the Council of additional claims for payment that were being made by the contractor. Mr. Nelson further commented that a letter was sent to the co'ntractor's attorney ragarding these claims and was asking for a response from them within five days. As of that time they had. not heard from the contractor. City Engineer Anderson gave an update on the project indicating that approximately 666 of the sanitary sewer and 84% of the watermain_had been oagleted. John Badalich with the consulting engineer, Orr,., 9chelen, Mayeron Uj&te ae and Associates, was available to answer questions. Vic Lametti, representing Nwth Smx the contractor Lauetti and Soma, addressed the Council stating that their PROjwt response to the City attorney's letter was being delivered on Tuesday, august 19. He further explained their reason for work being stopped -on the project. Queations asked by members of the audience were answered by Council. Staff, the attorney and the contractor. It was the consensus of the Council to direct the City attorney, representatives of 'Orr, 9chellen, Mayeron and Associates and City Engineer Anderson to meet with Lmmetti a Sons this week to aggressively find•,s resolution to the problems so that work an the project can continue. Bsc anae of additional costs for the North Shore Project, City Engineer Anderson regwm*md that, the assessment hearing for the project be delayed one week and that a detail of the costs be given at the next meeting. MX70N WAS MADE BY FITiG'6PALD, SEEDED BY WHITE, TO REscm THE NNTON OF An 3 " Il 1966 METING SCEDMM ;' = ASS HLM IPIG FM PPMWT 82-3 8, 1986 AT 9 :00 P.M. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White; the motiow passw unanimously. 'IDS BeenirA on Notice for NX Sucre Pub. Hearin Andren absent; Staff we directed to notify all residents involved in the North Shore Project of the status of the project. H Y" MS MM "BY FITZGE MM, SHODND6D BY B[TSS6, TO ESDWLISB AN ASSES.SM1W Sdiedde: HENRnG ` FOR PEW= 82-3, Zvi SUM TRW SB W AND liA'1'E[ OMs, FOR SEPTEK= North Sh IS, 1986 AT 8:00 P.M. FdAic Upon a vote taken, ayes by Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White; Andren absent; the motion passed unanimously. 3 r I .. ���•�'�+t t gym,, � + 4 _ L.� MINVPES OF THE PRIOR LNM CITY COUNCIL A five minute recess was called. Acting Mayor Soott called the meting back to order at 9:30 p.m. August 18, 1986 The next item on the agenda was Bill Henning and the Titus II Addition. City Planner Graser explained that Foothill Trail in Titus II Addition was vacated in T tm n 1977. The developer, Bill. Henning, now wants to rededicate this roadway and Additim develop Titus II Addition with a building permit being issued for each lot. The Di swsm d plat is located in the rural service area which allows four units per quarter - quarter section. Nowy Hupp, attorney representing Bill Henning, addressed the Council indicating the plat is still of record and could be developed with a private road. Discussion by the Council followed. Several questions were raised regarding if the lots are recorded lots of record, if building permits could be issued for each lot, and'should the development be required to install sanitary serer With the Metropolitan waste Control Commission interceptor located so close. it was the consensus of the Council that they did not have enough informedon to make a decision and this item should be tabled until September 15 so the City Attorney could review all the documents and give an opinion. The next item on the agenda was to review the letter from Soott County concerning the right of entry to the County garage property- Assistant City R4jtt of !Manager Mumaht explained that City Manager McGuire had been dealing with the 82uy for County on the purchase of the °property and the County had not yet agreed to the PC Pn - d' purchase plan.; Because Mr. Macuire, was not at this meeting, it was the Garage consensus of the Council to table this item until Mr. McGuire returned. Pnvpe:V An updtte on negotiations to extend sanitary sewer to the Mdewakanton Sioux Community was given by Owen Nelson. Mr. Nelson distributed a memo from Glenn Update en Flssel stating that two meetings had ocanrred and a- third was scheduled for Nwdatm Friday, August 22. In his memo Mr. Ressel stated it is encouraging, that a with Sin mutually satisfactory agreement Will be worked out. Further information. will be Ommmity presented to the Council when it is available. Next on the agenda was to consider the variance denial appeal from Dow and Marie Jaeneen. City Planner Graser explained that the Jansens' attorney Was, not Tae Jam able to attend the meeting and was again asking that this be tabled. It was the vwiaroe consensus of the Council to table the item until a time that is mutually Appeal agreeable to both. The Council then reviewed the monthly reports for July. The Building Permit Nz dy Report, Dog Catcher's Report. Fire and Rescue Report, `Police import and PAPm Treasurer's Report were approved by general consent of the Council. 'fie next Council meeting/workshop will be Monday, August 25, 1986 at 7:30 p.m. There being no further business, the meting adjourned at 9:54 p.m. by general consent of the Council. David J. vtaancht Assistant City Manager Loretta M. Lane Recording Secretary 4 Bankers. Life Insurance 6,849.59 Clary Business Machines Office Supplies 23.50 Soott Rice Telephone Telephone 867.78 Minnesota Valley Electric Comp. Utilities 802.76 Minnegasco Utilities 76.71 (bast to Oust Stores misc. Supplies 171.65 OR Hardware Mist. Supplies 133.00 Astleford International Repairs 90.04 Prior Lake CarCj&ist misc. Supplies 268.91 MM Parts Dept. Misc. Supplies 118.50 Reliable Corp. Office Supplies 168.86 N6P Utilities 6 Charles Tooker Planning Consultant 700.00 f Prior Lake American Publishing € Ica Conference. Registration Bursou of Ont Research 4 Service Publication National lusiness Furniture Office Furniture k Scott County Collections Assessing Fees ShWwpse Nkfewskanton Sioux Comm. Attorney Fees Lommen Nielson, We a staR,•eberg sprint Telephow Service W11dey Station Stores Supplies Dig w Data Systems Software Modifications Park National Bank Computer Payment Hmser's 1% Supplies American Linen Building taint. R 8;R Carpet service Building taint. " Fire fttinguishen Building taint. !8N Pludhing a Bleating Building taint. Consolidated Typewriter Wipment >Maint. NWW i ca.vw l Salaries Micheal Mowire Car !Allowance Ralph Tastb er ;eft ialowenoe Borst Cramer Car Allowance MN Planning Assn. I'mImrship Dues �Lmuric 9cheits Mileage Prelosnik i Associates Legal Fees Moll's Hallmark Shop Rtngemwater Reloading Uniforms Unlimited Soott County Sheriff Lammene Nelson, We a Stageberg Rigene Smith Kurt= Kolor st. Francis Medical Center Earl F. Andersen a Assoc. Richard Powell Copy Duplicating Products Photo Finishing Supplies Supplies Repair Supplies Attorney Fees Mileage Whicle Repairs Blood Alcohol Test_ "Signs Car Allowance Copier Rentals Supplies 164.96 419.50 10.00 96.95 16.000.00 5,171.12 3,773.18 129.33 '79.70 961.90 2,714.14 159.05 68.62 27.00 45.00 126.00 156.89 - ;1,350.00 300.00;. 75.00, 75.00 20.00 14.20 1.320.65 1 ` Ring Fire Extinguishers Supplies 108.00 Reynolds welding Supply Supplies 63.23 Prior Lake Fire Department Reimb. for Supplies 159.46 Communications Specialists Repairs, 268.36 Robert McAllister Animal Control 363.02 Starr Office Supplies 87.95 J. L Shiely Company Street Repair Supplies 61.13 North Star Concrete Co. Street Repair Supplies: 120.00 ° i Jake's Stump Removal f4moval � 40.00 Larry ilis6l�w . _ lowance 150.00 eruct Loney Car Allowance 150.00 Albinson Rental i !later Charge 122.00 Hatro Mira Rental 72.00 Harold's Repair Small Tools i Dquipaent 249.00 Catoo Harts a service - EWipment Repairs 311.11 3M Repair Supplies 556.30 Tow MOY'le, k 3 3.39 &alder Drug Park Program Supplies Prior Lake American A3 22.55 Lend Care Equipment Wipment Rapairs 77.24 Carlson's Lake State equipment Upip■ent Papairs 162.34 Bryan Rock Products Park Repair Supplies 698.00 c� Lmno squip■ient Repair Supplies_ 217.87 Canassion Supplies 147600 w Mall TWlep ne Co. Telap000e Service 54.49 1Hit' utilities , 33.64 . f 8bakopee Public Utilities utilities 44.81 liana Chainsaw Service Egaipient Repairs 56.05 D�ac3ans Latdoceping Supplies 4,661.63 ° ltillian ftwpn Char Allotiwnoe " 150.00 fadenmm*wr Red Owl Misc. Supplies 330.68 Friedgas Laxlecepin9 Park Maint., Supplies 725.30 David Ummcht Reimbursewent for Expenses 119.50 ,Metro Ar" Management Assn. Seminar Registration 215.00 !lf A&=. of Urban MgAt. Assistants " Membereh Dues ' 25.00 Ik j Van Waters & Rogers, Chemicals 312.20 Water Products Co Repair Supplies 370.85 Prior Lake Aggregate, Inc. Repair Supplies 144.09 " Seroo Laboratory Analysis 24.00 Beaudette Water Conditioners aru.��r' Repairs 31.00 59dC MWCC J SAC Charges 11,756.25 MWCC -- Installment 31.238.54 J. P.'Norex Repairs 725.00 Flexible Pipe Tool. Co. Repair Supplies 167.84 e Ei ,!kw i Control Repairs 740.25 4 M. Mueller'& Sons Seal Coat Supplies 2,909.61 Bosse Sod Service Sod Repair 42.08 �z Prior Lake American Pblishing 39.92 Iawen Nelson, table i Stageberg Attorney Fees 5.320.36 " Braun Engineering' Engineering Few 5,718.55 Bakke, Copp, Ballou a McFarlin Engineering Fees 3,710.08 S M, Inc. Construction, Est. #1 33,987.58 Preferred Paving, Inc. Construction, Eat. #2 93,890.54, Prior Lek* Blacktop- Seal Coat, Supplies 2,784 Vallay Paving Inc. Street Overlay 1985 2.225.83 11 ra Contracting Co. Parking Lot 4,174.40 Robert Jeffers Easement Payment 75.00 Visions VIII Basement Payment 1,825.00 Lao Visrling Basement Payment 5,000.00" ; Duane Melling Easement Payment 1 George N. Dowd E9srsent Payment 245.00 shames Haugh Easement Payment S2.50 %lane A. Dah1gren Easement Payment 427.50 James eooggns Eesewent Paywant 10,075.00 Fanny Griffith Easement. Peymtnt 19,629.00 !`,tin Trenoe Basement Payment 137.50 Alan Lentnar Ressmient Payment 50.00 'loswsst Hank: Ms. Debt Service 37,348.75 ti a,