HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 25 1986aGa CITY OF PRIOR LAKE 7 11— Z 11 77 1 7 8 MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL WM[SH0P August 25 1986 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in a workshop session on Monday, August 25, 1986 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Andren, Councilmembers Fitzgerald, White, City Manager McGuire,, City , Engineer. Anderson, Assistant City MW1a19er/Le0namic Development Director unmacht, Finance Director Tbschner, and City Attorney Kessel. Councilmember Scott arrived at 701 p.m. City Planner Graser arrived. at 8 :30 p.m. Councilmember•' Busse vas absent.} Mayor Andren called the meeting to order and asked everyone to rise for the • pledge of allegiance. The minutes of the August 18, 1986 meeting were reviewed by Council. POTION WAS HAM BY WHITS, SBOD DED BY FITZGEM b TO APPROVE THE MINUTES AS Nbutes SZBMITT1D. w Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White; Busse absent; the motion posed, unanimously. Mutt on the agenda Was to discuss the proposed North Shore Sewer and Water assessments. Finance Director Teschner stated that at the public hearing on July 8 1985, the total cost of the project was estimated at $2,345,000 excluding the costs of obtaining eagements. The proposed assessment, rate at the public hearing was $107.81 per front footage. The Council app� having the City, pay the additional cost of $4.96 per front footage for gravity sanitary saver systes which reduced the assessment_ rate to $102.85 per front footage. Mr. Teschner further stated that the actual cost of the project is $2,181,066 Which is 7s ender the estimated costs. The -total cost of the project is $2,416,374 =which is more than the estime►ted amount because the right of ray acquisition costs Were approximately $235,000 and an error Was made in the feasibility study by the oonsulUng engineers when estimating the front footage figures and the number of units to be assessed. Staff's re endation wars to increase the assessment rate by, 201 to $124.42 per front footage which would total $2, 103,365 being assessed. Ttte balance of the project, $313,009, would be recovered by an ad valorewilewy c . City Engineer Anderson distributed copies of the front footage figures showing � the;differenee between the City figures and the consulting engineer, Orr Schelen : Mayeron figures. Mr. Anderson pointed out that part of the difference was because a pipe was amred at the request the residents in that area and the interpretation of the conservation district in another area. Discussion F { (612) 4474= 4621 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 , R a.4'µ '�5, ��.• F �� 7 ex er t �n�9` « .,"F "'• ° .� ` . .. "^_� i k�`0fa ''` MINt1!'E.S OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL August 25, 1986 followed with the Staff and Council regarding the performance of OS!!. This will be discussed more at a later meeting. Discussion was opened to the audience. Staff and Council answered questions regarding the project. City Attorney Kessel and City Engineer Anderson reported that a meeting was held with the contractor, Lametti and Sons, and negotiations were getting closer to getting them back on the job. Finance Director Tesctner stated that notices will be mailed to all property owners by Friday, August 29, informing them of the amount of their assessment. Further discussion by the Council followed. MN7ON WAS MADE BY FITZ(ERALD, SBCOMED BY SCOTT, TO ADOPT RESOLUTION 86 - A p 82-3 RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE ASSESSMENT RATE FOR PRWELT '82-3 NORM SHORE TIMN� gi SUM AND WhV0MAIN AT $124.42 PER FOOT AGE. MD THE ESTIMA M A WNT 70 I£ PAD A�,� BY 7EC C17T S WL HE 51,014.00 WIM Il� JUM 13 OF Adis SUVWr 70 MM AM. Rabe Upon a vote taken, ayes by Fitzgerald, Scott, and White; abstention by Andren; Busse absent; the motion passed. For the record, Mayor Andren stated the reason for her abstention, "I am a property owner in the assessment.area and I do not wish to foreclose any rights that my husband and I might have on our right of appeal ". A five minute recess was then called. The meeting was called back to order at 9:48 P.M. Based on Mayor' Andren's comments before the recess, Counrilmember, Fitzgerald requested that City Attorney Kessel provide an opinion regarding the appropriateness of the Mayor's participating. in the discussion regarding the North Shore Project and her failure to remove herself from the chair. The next item on the agenda was to review the preliminary 1987 Budget. Finance Director Tesctner explained that the proposed 1987 Operating Budget represented an 8.75% increase over the 1986 Operating Budget. Mr. Teschner further informed 1987 the Council that approximately $100,000 in revenue will be lost in 1987 becauseOP"tiM there is no longer a Revenue Sharing Program, Scott County is phasing out the BLOVt Road and Bridge Aid and we lost revenue that we received in the past for services provided to the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community. The purpose of discussing the budget at. this time was to review the format for the budget documentation. Discussion of budget figures will occur at the September 2 public hearing. Discussion by Council and Staff followed. Next on the agenda was to discuss governing body goals and objectives. The Councilmembers each expressed their views on the major challenges of theOMmiZ comwnity between now and the year 2000, and the major areas in Prior Lake thatGwas aid they felt. are very strong and those that need improvement. Because of the ti Ob `^ers it wise the consensus of the Council to continue disco ion on these items at a later workshop. Pat Heaney, representing the Pleasant Street neighborhood, addressed the Council regarding the new parking lot for the VFW Club. Mr. Heaney indicated that the WW Par diw` lot was to be paved on Tuesday, however, the neighbors - -still had severalIOr concerns that have not been addressed and wanted work on the lot stopped- until their concerns were discussed: A letter with their concerns was submitted to ,.Y 2 0 z� y,: MINUTES OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY` aximIL August 25, 1986 ,. the Councilmembers and they also expressed concern for the drainage of the petrking lot and the danger of another curb cut being placed so close to the intersection of Pleasant. Street and fain Avenue. They asked that a traffic e'gineer be hired to evaluate the intersection. LEFby Sourer, representing the Vial Club, was also present and indicated they were willing to cooperate with `the neighborhood and would stop the paving of the lot until their concerns could be addressed. Discussion by the Council followed. City Engineer Anderson Was asked to evaluate the intersection and give his opinion regarding the curb cut. City Manager NoWire was directed to meet With representatives from the neighborhood and the VFW Club to resolve the problems so that the parking lot can be completed. City Manager MoGuire distributed copies of a letter that Will be going out to the residents of the North Shore Project updating then on the status of the project. Assistant City Manager tJnmacht gave the Council information on a breakfast meeting with Congressmen Frenzel and invited them to attend. Mr. Uhmacht also stated that the Prior Lake 2000 surveys were mailed to 461 residents on Friday, August 22. Mayor A :dren asked, that. City Attorney Mosel` provide his opiniion in writing i WW's regarding conflict of interest at the September 2 meeting. She will also Cmdlwt of provide her attorney's opinion. interest City Attorney Kessel reported on the negotiations for extending sewer to the Sioux Commimity. Mr. xessel indicated that. they Would be meeting for the last .' time on Friday, August 29, and then should have a contract that w X11 be brought back to the Council. The next Council meeting will be Tuesday, September 2, 1986 at 7 :30 p.m. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:36 p.m. by general consent of the Council. Michael A. McGuire City Manager Loretta,M. Lease Aecording'aecretary , i f i 3 I l p M1