HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 02 1986u 3 i 3 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE mmm Comm mffm Mweday, September 2, 1986 CAM' 70 ORDER 7 :30 p.m. �t 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting and, Invoices Sled for Payment on , 'l Aweday, September 3, 1986 3. Consider Resolution 86-11 Lords Street Br;dge Flualinq 4.; Consider Slope. Eenement for Bob Brain Picjeer 5. Consider, Peqmst frda St. Michael's for 3.2 Beer Permit for "lraeiYy p!oricF+east" '' 8:00 in 6. Publfc Hearing - gene Revenue Sharing l l - 1907 operating Budget 7. Dim= Purchase of County Garage and Paving of Library 'Packing Lot . 8. Other Business a. Inf&-swo Booth Q, b. UN DKy Chairperson a. Attorney Opinion on Conflict of Interest d. e., ` 9. huxwww nts and Correspondence a. , Council feting - ,Monday, September 8, 1986 at 7 :30 p.m. b. c� 10. Ad journment WN M74M .AIM DAKafA STREET S.E. P.O. SOX 359 ' PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 56872 n I " CITY OF PRIOR - LAKE 0F = CITE OWNCZ September 2, 1986 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on lhesday, September 2, 1986 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. , Present Were Mayor Andren, Councilmembers Fitzgerald, Soott, White, City Manager Motlaire, City Engineer Anderson, Finwi.* Director Tesckmer, Parks and Recreation Director Mangan, and City Attorney Kessel. City Planner Graser and Assistant City Manager /Boonawdc Development Director Unncht arrived at 7:40 p.m. Polite Chief Powell and Sergeant Schn.dt arrived at 7:48 p.m. Counci3meber Busse Was absent. Mayor Andren, called the meeting to order,Land asked everyone to rise for the pledge of allegiance. 7ha minutes of the August 25, 1986 meeting were reviewed by Council. Mayor Andren asked that on page 2, paragraph 2, the following be added to the motion: iwnm= mom 7o BE PAID By != CITY' mpu BE $751,074.00 WHICH lULMES $ 413, 815.00 OF ASSESSMENTS SCBJBCT To GREEN ACRES." N Tl M MRS MAW BY WE=, SBOOME D BY SOOTT, TQ APPROVE THE MIMt = OF AUMST IfinAw 25, 1986 AS ANUMM. Upon a vote take, ayes by Andrea, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White; Buses absent; the cation passed unanimously. The Council then reviewed the invoices scheduled for payment on i4edneeday, September 3, 1986. Because of , the recent concern expressed, regarding the Mayor's possible conflict of interest, Mayor Andren explained that there was an invoice reoommwded for payment to C. H. Carpenter Lumber Co. She further stated that this is her family business and that she was an officer of the compwy. For the record, Mayor Andren stated that she would prefer the City not make purchases at C. H. Carpenter Ta r Co. Discussion by the Council and Staff followed. It was the consensus of the Council that the City could continue to make purchases at the C. H. Carpenter TA Co. at the discretion of the City Manager as long as other local businesses are also considered. EDTION MS MADE BY SOOTT, SBOOEDED BY FITZGERR D, TO APPROVE T nMICES S(BE UAW POOR PAYMEW ON WAY, SEPTE96ER 3, 1986 AS SU*Wr 6U. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Fitzgerald 'Scott, and White; abstention bq Andren; Busse absent; the notion passed. (412),437.4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 369 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 563M I MINUTES OF THE PRIOR LAMB CITY' COUNCIL September 2, 1986 The next item on the agenda was to consider Resolution 86-11 Lord's Street Bridge Funding. City Engineer Anderson explained that Resolution 86-07 for the Lord's" Street Bridge Funding adopted by the Council on May 5, 1986 included engineering fees in the dollar amount and these fees are not reinbursable by the grant. The - ^fore, Resolution 86 -11 was recommended for adoption changing the dollar amdiiAt to $109,573.40. This change does not change the amount of the grant money from the Commissioner of;, Transportation. Discussion by Council followed. a - 7N `. MOTION WAS MADE BY FITZGERALD, SHOO11ED BY WHITS, TO ADOPT RESMUTION 86 -11 Res. 86-11 RE9OGgPION AFFIRMM THE FUI!DING FOR. CITY BRIDGE NO. 70513 OVER PRIOR LAKE. LXd's St. the motion passed,nonnimously. Hrid6e Upon a. vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Soot, and White; Busse absent; iU+dim the notion passed unanimously. Next on the agenda was to consider the slope easement for the Bob Brown Project.' City Planner Graser presented the Slope and Construction Easement indicating !' that, this was one of the contingencies to be met by the Bob Brown P.U.D., a 68 -unit apartment building. The slope is located adjacent to the City water tower site. Discussion by the Council followed regarding the maintenance of the plant material and the liability insurance requirement. . Councilmeaber Scott' asked if the last word on page 2 should be "or" instead of "to". City Attorney ' reseal stated. it should be changed to "or ". � IDTIM ,, WAS ate, FITZMMM, SEMMED BY WHITE, TO ACCEPT THE .S1APE AND Slope a. R=MN EASENW SWELT TO THE MODIFICATION THAT THE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE BE Oonstsvcti MW AS AN ADDITIOML INSURED FOR THE EASEMENT AREA IN OURSTION UNDER THE �awgnt LIA MUW COV MXW SET FORTH IN 65, PANE 2, FOR THE TERM OF THE EASlIIe W* Hob &mn ,� project Upon a„vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White; Busse absent; City Planner Graser asked if the stipulations were met, would it be possible for the Mayor and City Manager to sign the easement before the end of the week. KffMN FRS MADE BY MUTE, SHOONOED BY Sa=, THAT IF THE STIPM ATIONS WERE MET, kdmiw TU MAYOR AND CITY NWAW WERE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN THE EASlW' BY FRIDAY, SWUM 011 V S. ILseNwt Upon,a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White; Busse absent; the motion passed unanimously. Mayor Andren'then called the public hearing to order on General Revenue Sharing at 8 :06 p.m. and read the public notice for the record as it appeared in the Prior Lake American on August 18 and 25, 1986. The tape will be kept on file as the official record of the public hearing. Finance Director T+eschner stated that the General Revenue Sharing Program had not b reenacted by Congress for 1987;- :hmwer, this public hearing was being held 'to appropriate the General Revenue Slharing funds in the event legislation is passed between now and January 1, 1987 reinstating the program. Staff reeoawende] that the funds, if available, be appropriated to the Fire Department as they have been in the pest. Discussion by Council followed. 2 September 2, 1986 MOTION WAS MADE BY FITZ(# MM SECONDED BY SCOTT, To APPRoPRIATE THE CENEpAL An ropr*ate REVENUE SEARING FUNDS TO THE SUPPORT OF THE FIRE DEPAErMW, IF THE PROGRAM IS General , REVIVED. Revmse swim Upon a vote taken, ay e s Andren, Fit s ye by Fit Scott, a nd Busse absent; F1:ds he ration passed unanimously. 3 Mayor Andren then read for the record the public notice for the public hearing on the Proposed 1987 Operating Budget as it appeared in the Prior Lake - American on NWst 18 and 25, 1986. The tape will kept on file as the official record of the public hearing, City Manager McGuire presented the proposed 1987 Operating Budget indicating th an 8.75% increase is proposed over the 1986 operating Budget. In a budget ' overview, City Manager McGuire stated that the aggregate proposed_ salary increases were 6.4%. 7he City tax levy would increase $152,810. $90,000 of that amount is due to a loss of revenue from the elimination of the Revenue Sharing Program by Congress, the phasing out of the County Road and Bridge Aid and the k loss of the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community Fire and Rescue contract. The ; budget would be adding four new staff positions, a. Planner I position, one;' secretarial position, one Engineering Tech I position and a new police - officer a Leginning June 1, 1987. City Manager loGuire recapped the major charges u the budget and reviewed the budget. document page by page. Council discussion . followed and the department heads were available to answer questions. MDT= WAS MADE BY WHIM, MOM BY FITZGER M, TO SPLIT THE SALARY' OF 7HE Xvide AMSTANT CITY MANAGER BETWEEN 7HE CITY MANBGER' S BUDGET AND THE BOOI4 M Salary of PEYELDiPM1= USING _AN_APPROPRIATE M1 "RP I TACE THAT' REFLECTIS 185 SPLIT IN Aut.' City i+ipon a vote taken, ayes by Andrer,;� Fitzgerald, and White; nay by Scott; Busse ,: absent= the notion passed to animisly. ti Mayor Andren then called a ten minute \recess. The public hearing was called back to order at 9:20p.m. Review of the budget continued. It was clarified that if the Council adopted' the budget, they would be approving a 6.4% blanket increase in salaries for staff excluding the City Manager, not a 6.4% increase for each individual position. It was the consensus of the Council that an evaluation of the need for each of the four proposed new positions is to be brought back to the Council for their review and approval at a later time. Finance Director Tesc9ner was , asked ,to _provide Council with a cost effectiveness analysis of the data processing equipment. A five .minute recess was called. Mayor Andren called the public hearing back to order at 10:26 p »m. ` The Proposed 1987 Operating Budget was discussed further and oanaents were made by the audience.. !` 3 , 5t1 MINUTES OF THE PRIOR USE CITY COUNCIL September 2, 1986 MOTION WAS MADE BY WHITE SBOOMEU BY saY T, To APPROVE THE 1987 OPERATIM 1987 OW— BUDM AS 11NUMM. Rdget Upon a vote taken, ales by Andren, 1itzgerald, Soott, and White; Busse absent the motion passed unanimously. NX7ON WAS MADE BY SODTT, S800IIM BY FITBZ MM, TO AD► a= THE PUBLIC HEAR M. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Soott, and White; Busse absent; the moti�n passed unanimously. The piblic hearing adjourned at 10 :40 p.m. The Council then moved back to item to oonsider a' request from St. Michael's for a 3 '2 beer license. Mayor Andren 6plained a letter had been received from St. Michael's requesting the ' beer license for their "Family PorkFeart" to be held on September 21,;1986. Disco ion by Council followed. NXION MS MADE--BY W�tM, SBMMED BY PLT8GEFAM, TO APPRM THE TEKFOPJW 3.2 �a BBSR LICENSE FOR ST !' S Liq. Lic. SL. I�Ctmel: Upon'a vote taken, ayes'by Andren, Fitsgerald, Soott, and White; Busse absent; the motion passed unanimously. Next�an the agenda Was to discuss the purchase of the County Garage and paving of :he Library parking lot. City Engineer Anderson explained that negotiations for.Imchasing the garage hart not been completed. Staff was recommending that the tacking lot from Main'A enue to Eiie Rvenue be deleted from Project 86 -11 in order; not It cause `undue problems for the contractor. That part of the work coula'be completed in conjunction with next year's project. Didion by Council followed. City Engineer Anderson explained that the contractor was not making progress on the ;project and the muboontractor doing the curb work has pulled off the job. Council asked that City Engineer Anderson . keep them informed on the status of the project.. lOMN MS MM BY NUM, SHWNW BY SWIT, TO DMOM THE PANaNG LOT Fitt NUN Delete AVS as TO BRIE AVEN01's AM P1i0J M 86-11, SUM OVERLAY. Ubmxy Rutbw lot Upon a vote taken ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Soott, and ° White; Busse absent; fig Pmi- the motion passed unanimously. 8011 City Manager MoWire informed the Council that Info - Expo was being held at the Senior High School Thursday, September 4, frcrn 6 :30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. The City will be represented by the Police Department, Fire Department, Parks and 11acreation Department, Administration and Eoonaaic Development. "lis, is the first year for this. event and the Mayor and Councilmembers were encourager) to atta+nd. Mayor Andrei explained she received a letter regarding appointing ' a UN Day UN DQ Chairmen. City Manager Mofluire was directed to get more information about the'aminm 'position and the Council Will,: consider making an appointment at the next meeting. City Attorney Ressel. distributed copies of his onion regarding the Mayor's possible conflict of interest which recanmendeu that Mayor Andren not 4 �w� 3 1 �w� t }# 3 ; L4 A k Y F l I MINUTES OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL September 2, 1986 participate in voting or discussions regarding the North Shore Project. !mayor Andren also distributed copies of her attorney's opinion stating that she could MWW's participate in the. discussions. A discussion by the Council followed. City 0md1ict �¢ Attorney Kessel Was directed to get a written opinion, from the Attorney of h*mst General's office regarding the Mayor's action to participate in the discussion regarding establishing the assessment - rate for the North Whore Project but ' abstaining from the vote at the august 25, 1986 meeting. Malvr Mdren stated she Would take full responsibility for her actions and she would determine if i there Was a conflict of interest. ftw A,dm thm tendmtad, the, d ac uwdm m his i ever'the abjwtim of Ommilambw Mggen ld. Wally Stock addressed the Council with a prepared statement regarding his observations of recent actions by the Council._ Discussion on improving Council and Staff comsru:icat ons followed. MOTION WAS MM BY WHITE, SHOULD® BY FITZGEMM, TO mum STAFF TO oiwwz . IN awmim ME 'MM AN EM W03i .9" AFJ&r FRS! THE FJGULAR Oa�nica MBETING POFMT FOR COUNCIL ME BSRS' AND SENIOR STAFF TO DISCUSS 'ME IMPROVING OF W**Am ODt4�lIIGTIONS. further discussion by Council and Staff followed. City Ymwger HoWire stated he would contact several sources to conduct such a Workshop and provide the information to the Council-at the, ..September 22, Workshop. x Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andrea, Fitzgerald, Scott. and White] Busse absent= the motion passed unanimously. j Beonamic Development Director U'mscht informed the Council that Staff and W h tid g representatives from. the VM and Pleasant Street neighborhood met and,a general Ice nl eon�enwa for each issue had -been reached so that the VFW parking can be camp�letl�d. h The next Council :meeting will be Monday, September 8, 1986 at 7 :30 p.m. Unre` being no furtheribusiness, the meeting adjourned, at 11 :47'p m. by general consent of the Council. I Michael -A. McGuire City Manager Loretta M. Law Recording Secretary U er r 5 a.. nw. w..H+a..nu+e.•u* � ,` ... . 1 , � ,� C TW 'FCLTDnW- LIST OF PMICES ARE SCHEDUM FOR PAYMENT ON WED., SEPT. '03, 1986 _ Ames Office Supplies Office Supplies 109.41 JJ Quill Corporation Office Supplies 164.95 Albinson Machine Rental Supplies 156.80 Stearns,,,,"w peon Oil Co. Fuel 537.15 0' Northern States Power Utilities 174.29 C. H. Carpenter Lumber Co. Misc. Supplies 239.52 g Carroll,_ Franck a Asi =iatas,' Software Development 1,250.00 Action !Messenger Messenger SErvice 36.90 Gmernment Business swuaus Printed Forms 36.32 Crmtive Graphics Printed Forms 29.20 Patty - Cash Postage a Supplies 82.00 Copy Aquipant Supplies; 109.08 Frans Wgineering Capital Outlay Bquipment 1,065.48 St. Put Book L Stationery Small Zb018 i Hquipwent 78.62 Horst Graser DM Luncheon Reimbursement 18.06 Oopy Duplicating Products Bquipment Rental >i Supplies 413.91 Big Sky Data Systems Program Maintenance Fees 2,081.25 Ro9ers Sign Co. City Hall Signs 48.00 1 W Pliabing a Heating Building Maintenance < 60.00 Pit=W HOwas Bquipaent Rental 120.50 Room storm► City Hall Cleaning 700.00 G. A. Co. Printed Foram 116.80 NUlson Radio doswnications Equipment Repairs 106.00 mastam dolor Whicle repairs 198.85 ; Faimia�r Ridges Hospital Blood Alcohol Test 43.75 AM 19a 19IMy'- Madioal Products Supplies 61.69 C�anNraiications . Specialists Repairs 45.00 Lintm Corp. Medical Supplies 55.72 HBtSM�.JMM�fi mra Surveying instnments Capital Outlay Bquipaent 2,623.47 Repair Supplies 282.60�;; Metro :lone Oonoa�ications Rental 26.00 PMM AND PJrjWAT MR van Johnson Park Prograo Refund. 10.00 Harold's Repair ,e Repair Supplies 31.00 R. L Gould i Co. Inc. Repair Supplies 55.62 Viking Auto Salvage Repiiir Supplies 150.00 Quality mate Control Refuse Removal 162.50 M Nurserymen's Assn. Conference Fees 30.00 M Recreation a Park Assn. Coaferenoe Fees 110.00 *�ar►o Bquimmt Capital. Outlay Equipment 750.00- Dolores Berens Library Cleaning i Supplies 79.23 WAR xop` Senior Citizens 75.00 Postiaeter Postage 449.11 Creative Graphics Printed Supplies 12.80 Amer. ` Society - for Public Admin. Dues 50.00 Creative Graphics Printed Supplies 86.65 Dixie` Petro-Om Chmicals 157.95 Water Products Oo. Supplies 371.95 Elk River Concrete ,Products Repair Supplies 109.42, t d- G