HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 08 1986k CITY OF PRIOR LAKE RMUR COMIL A Monday, September 8 1986 CALL TO OF40ER 7:30 p.m. 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Minutes of the Previous fleeting 7:35 pm 3. assessment Hearing Project 86 -14, Lord's Street Bridge 8%000 i 4. Assessment Hearing Project 86 -11, Street Overlay 8:40 po 5 1 , Assessment Hearing Project 86 -12, Cates Street 6. Consider Chairperson for U.N. Day 7. Update on North Shore Project 8. Pat MoGinnis Conditional Use Permit for Nursery School 9. Other Business a. G .. b . c. 10. and Correspondenoe a. Next Council Meeting - Monday, September 15, 1986 at 7:30 f p.m. b . c. 11. Adjournment N OF MINIA'FS 1,T TIM CIT September 8, 1986 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday, September 8, 1986 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Andren, Councilmembers Fitzgerald, Scott, White, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson, Assistant City Engineer Loney, Intern Gartoss, and City Attorney Kessel. City Planner Graser arrived at 8:44 p.m. Councilmember Busse was absent. Mayor Andren called the meeting to order and asked everyone to rise for the pledge of allegiance. The minutes of the September 2, 1986 meeting were reviewed by Council. Councilmember Fitzgerald stated the following statement should be added at the lend of paragraph 1 on page 5: "Mayor Andren then terminated the discussion on this item over the objection of Councilmember Fitzgerald." MM7ON WhS MADE BY FITBGTAP►LD, SBWMED BY SCOTT, TO APPROVE THE Mnitrl'ES OF Mi utes SEM04M 2, 1986 AS Ate. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White; Busse absent; the nation passed unanimously. A three minlate recess was then called. Mayor Andren called the public hearing to consider the assessment of Lord's Street Bridge Construction to order at 7:35 p.m. and read for the record the notice of the hearing as it appeared in the Prior Lake American on Monday, August 25, 1986. The tape Will be kept on file in the Office of the City Manager as the official record of the hearing. City Engineer Anderson stated the total cost of the project Was $197,436.00,. 7� Minnesota Department of Transportation was funding $109,573.00 of the project and the remaining amount of $87,863.00 was being assessed on a 60%/40% uUt basis. The City's share was $35,145.00 and the remaining amount ($52,718.00) was assessed to 41 units at $1,285.80 per unit. Mr. Anderson reviewed the payment options available and showed a sample assessment and payments for ten years. Comments Were made from the audience followed by a brief Council discussion. (612) 4474290 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 (r YY MINUTES OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL September 8, 1986 .� NOTION WAS MADE BY WHITE,: SECONDED BY FITZGERRLD, TO ADOPT RESOLUTION 86 -12, A Res- % -12 RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSKE2V FOR PROJECT 86 -14, IDRD'S STREET BRIDGE. Proj•86 - Lud's St. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White; -Busse absent; Bridge the motion passed unanimously. Assessmmt MOTION WAS MADE BY SCOTT, SF100NpED BY WHITE, TO ADJOURN THE ASSESMW HEARING FOR PR07BCT 86 -14, IDRD' S S'T'REET, BRIDGE. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Soott, and White; Busse absent; the motion passed unanimously. The public hearing adjourned at 7 :47 p.m. The Council then moved to item i6 on the agenda to consider a Chairperson fora D4Y` U.N. Day. City Manager McGu stated that staff had contacted U.N. Da yQ 0 imw- 9 M Coordinator and gave the Council more information on the position. Discussion followed. It was the consensus of the Council that City Manager McGuire should contact the VFW or the schools to see if either would be interested in organizing an activ ity in recognition of U.N. Day, October 24. An eight minute recess was then called. The public hearing to consider the assessment of Project 86 -11, Street Overlay, was called to order by Mayor Andren at 8:00 p.m. The notice of the hearing was read for the record as it appeared in the Prior Lake American on August 25, 1986. The tape will be -kept on file in the Office of the City Manager as the official record of the hearing. City'Ehgineer Anderson distributed copies of a letter that was mailed to the propetty owners involved in this project stating that the contractor would nat meetilthe contract completion date of September 1. The completion of the project i " s stimnted to be approximately three .weeks from the time that a new subcontractor for the concrete curb work is on the job and weather permitting. The project costs were reviewed by City Engineer Anderson. The total cost of the project was $ 587,908.00 excluding Memorial Trail, Manorial Park Parking Lot and the _Library Parking Lot. The project was assessed on a 60%/40% front footage basis at a rate of $33.65 per frontage foot. The assessment rate for Memorial Trail, Memorial Park Parking Lot and the Library Parking Lot is $46.20 per frontage foot. Mr. Anderson explained the City's assessment policy and reviewed the payment options available for paying the assessment. Discussion was opened to the audience and Staff and Council answered questions. Mr. Barry 'Wallis, 5926 Miller Circle S.E., addressed the Council asking for a reduction in his assessment because of the uniqueness of the lot. Mr. Scott Jaoobsen, 5940 Miller Circle S.E., property owner adjacent to Mr. Wallis, addressed the Council also explaining the uniqueness of his lot was similar to Mr. Wallis' and was also asking for a reduction. Discussion of 'the two lots followed by Council and Staff. X MO'T'ION WAS MADE FITZGEMLD, SBCONDED BY SCOTT, TO REDUCE.. THE AMOUNT OF FROND Reduce a' FOODIGE FOR BARRY W. WMJJS, 5926 MILLER CIRCLE S.E., PARCEL #250880031, TO 130 Wallis FEET. Assessomt : 2 MINUTES OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL September 8, 1986 Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White; Busse absent; the motion passed unanimously. There was further discussion by the Council on Mr. Jacobsen's lot. MOTION WAS MADE BY FITZGERALD, SECONDED BY SCOTT TO REDUCE THE AMOUNT OF MW Reduce' t FOOTAGE FOR SOO'1T G. JACOBSEN, 5930 MILLER CIRCLE S.E., PARCEL #250880030 M 140 Jacobsen FEET. � Assessmmt Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White; Busse absent; ' the motion passed unanimously. ; <> City Manager McGuire read for the record a letter received from Philip Brandsey, 15565 Wildwood Circle S.E., regarding a problem with his driveway and asking for a reduction in his assessment because of a previous :assessment for; "a storm sewer. A letter from John C. Stinnett, 15551 Wildwood Circle S.E., was read for the record stet' similar r sts. Discussion ague by Council. , Staff .followed.. SECONDED BY WHITE, THAT THE ASS FOR MOTION WAS MADE BY FI'1ZC,'ERAITi, & � , PHILIP BRANDSEY, (IM ,7, BLOCK 3, OAKWOCD HILLS, 2ARCE6 #250110220) AID JOHN C. Sts Srn�rr, (NOT 8, BLOCK 3, OAKWOOD HILLS, PARCEL #250110230) REMAIN AS SEfi FORTH IN THE ASSES.9MJr MLL AND STAFF IS =DIRB TED TO RESCLYE THE D SITUATION PAM WITH PHILIP BRAND=. o Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and ' lhite; Busse absent; T '- the motion passed unanimously. City Manager McGuire read for the record a letter fray Darlene Borka regardng,a problem with her driveway. Y Mr..,Mduire stated that he had contacted her, the problem will be resolved and no action by Council was neeessar7': Mayor Andren read for the record a letter from Gerald J. / ,Caduff' requesting a reevaluation of his assessment. Disv�ssion by Council followed. T Caduff MDTION WAS MADE BY FITZGMW D, SEODMM `BY SO=, THAT THE ASSES FOR GERALD , J. CAMTF, 15674 SANIEE CIRCLE S.E. (IM 4, BLOCK 3, Iii PRIOR 1ST ADDITION, Assessomt PARCEL #250580100) REMAIN AS PRESEMW ON THE ASSFSSKM ROLL. Brie Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Soott, and White; Busse abcsenti the motion passed unanimously. _ MOTION WAS MADE BY SCOTT, SBCO DED BY FITZGERALD, TO ADOPT RESCLUTION 8643, ARes x'' _ R+oj. 86-11" RESOLUTION' ADOPTII� ASS'ffi.9�Tr FOR PRAIFXT 86 lx. SR�T WERLAY AS AMA. street Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White; Busse absent; the nation °passed unanimously. Assesmmt momm. WAS MADE BY SCOTT sBomm BY WHITE, tz Awoum � THE AS"•. s r HEARING FOR PROMM 86 -11, STREET OVERLAY. " 'ell Upon a vote taken, ayes bynAndren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White; „Busse,, absent; t the motion passed unanima� sly. The public hearing adjourned at 9:33 p „ta. 3 .s..rt .. i 1 .... .....I1�� r : _ V , -�t Nn*Y W OF THE PRIOR. LAKE CITY OOUNCSL September 8, 1986 A five minute recess was called. Mayor Wren called the public hearing to order at 9:40 p.m. to consider the assessment of Project 86 -12, Cates Street, and read the notice for the record as it appeared in the Prior Lake American on August 25, 1986. The tape will be kept on file in the Office of the City Manager as the official record of the public hearing. City Engineer Anderson explained that there are two property owners involved in this project. It is being 1001 assessed on a front.footage basis at a rate of $110.18 per foot. City Manager Dire read for the record a letter from OGT Properties asking that the hea ring be tabl'ad for one week or if it could not be tabled, they were W, stating opposition to their assessments. Mr. McGuire stated that in order to 4 allow property timers 30 days to pay off their assessment and to levey and a certify the special assessments with the County by October 15, the hearing could not be tabled. Discussion by Qouncil followed regarding scheduling the hearing so close to the deadline and n&, allowing flexibility in delaying a hearing if necessary. coiu:cil:reniber Fitzgerald asked City Y&zw er McGuire why the hearings were scheduled in Septeob�r rather than July. Mr. McGuire responded that from a practical standpoint the City wants to have as Bauch of the project done as possible and# therefore, schedules the hearings as close to the September 10 date as possible. Mr. NoOuire further stated that in the future the hearings could be scheduled a Week earlier. Council - White requested that Staff not schedule assessment hearings so close to the deadline in the future. Council an3 Staff discussed the assessment, appeal of OUT Properties. i k' z iK i x NOTION MRS MADE. BY liKM, SBOODED BY SOOTT, TD DEW THE ASSESMW APPEAL OF ON 'PfUP- PROQSRPM. Asm mmmt Aetai� [loon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitsgerald, Scott, and White; Busse absent; the notion passed unsniaously. !O►1" M MRS N= BY WHITE, SBMUM BY FITAGEMM, 70 ADOPT RESOLUTION 86-14, A Ace. 85 - 1 4 18 IF ON RUTIW ASS FOR PRWWT 86-12, COTES SMW. Aroj. 86-12 tubes St.; Upon vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitsgerald, Scott, and White; Busse absent; Ames=mit the notion passed unsniwously,. ,NX7OM MRS MADE BY SOOTTr SBOO[E BY WIRMs, TO 11DJJM TBE BSSESMW WA MG FOR PFGMM 86-12, CKM SST. E Lois a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitsgerald, Scott, and White; eases absent; the nation passed unanimously. The public hearing adjourned at 9:54 p.m. a==U then named to item i8 to oonsider a request fros Pat McGinnis -for a coiditio use persit for a nursery school. CityP Graser stat t hat IIRastic *&i to the Minnesota 1 Ch school fran residence t Community urch located atr 5995 Timber 4 MINU%%.S OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL September 8, 1986 Trail and a conditional use permit is necessary. The Planning Comaiission considered and approved the request at their September 4, 1986 meeting and Staff was recommending approval. The discussion was opened to the audience. Pat McGinnis was present and addressed the Council. Other members of the audience, including members of the Minnesota Valley Community Church► naft comments in favor of the nursery school. Fmidents of Timber Trail addressed the Council regarding the noise that would be created by the school, the traffic on Timber Trail by the activities of the church and the addlitional traffic generated by the school, and evaluating an access on to Highway 1.3 for the church. Mayor Andren read for the record a letter she received from Lik3a Whitmore, who lives at Fish Point Road and Timber Trail. Discussion by the Council followed. KMON WAS MADE BY FITZGERALD, SHMMED BY WHITE, TO APPROVE THE CONDITIONAL USE PERM BY PAT M0GINNIS TO OPERATE RUSTIC ROAD NURSM SCHOM IN THE MINNOM Pat VALLEY COMMUNM CHU1%M AT 5995 TIMBER TRAIL BASED ON THE FCLIOSM: Notimis OakfitiamL 1. ENRWMU BE LIMITED TO 20 STUDENTS PER SESSION. Use Fftwit 2. ALL NBMSSARY STM PFMITS BE ACQUIRED. flood H ursery 3. THE BMRS OF O1?EMTMN BE M(MM 7HMM THURSDAY, 9:00 A.M. TO 11:15 Schwl A.M. AND TUESDAY AND THURSDAY, 12:30 P.M. TO 2:45 P.M. 4. SWF EMU ME THE KOMM 13 ACOM AND 000MINKTE WITH OFFICIALS OF THE MINNESOM VALLEY CONNUNITY CH TO ODNSIDER A POSSIBLE CONNECTION NC W OR SCHETIME IN THE FUTURE. 5. SWT W= WITH NEIGHKW AND CHURM OFFICIALS REGARDING THE PLACE! W OF D1FXTMNKL SIGNS, - NO PAF4aN3 SIGNS AND OTHER APPFOWM SIM (I.E. , 'CHILUM PLAYING'). 6. APPLICANT ISSUE CAUTIONS TO THE PAR1M DP1V= CHILDREN TO THE SUM ADVISIN3 THEM OF THE CHILDREN IN THE NEMMOOD AM EN0=W= CAR POCEM. Discumion followed and a clarification was made that item , #4 did not - approval to a Highway 13 access; it was a directive to evaluate the possib ility. Upon a vote taken ayes by Andren Fitzgerald, Scott, and White; eu ssc absent; the �otion Passed Unffd=AWJY. The raft item an the agenda. was an updat* on the North Shore Project. City Engineer Anderson inforwd the Council that a meeting was held with the 1%&te cn contractor that morning and the contractor had agreed to continue working an the Mxd Skwe project. The contractor was asking additional payments an several claim that Plojwt were yet to be r4isolved. Discussion by Council, Staff and the audience followed. Llo yd Berippen asked ift the ass esaaent acreage rate did not increase when the front footage rate incremsed. Staff was directed to report an this durIM the project asmesmm e * hearing on September 15. { �' E momw of THE PRIOR LAKE CITY OOUNCIL September 8, 1986 --� City Manager Mire stated that he received another bill from Mr. Joe Preloznik for services regarding surer extension to the Indian Reservation in the amount ; of $2,682.90 Which brings the total amount to the $4,000.00 maximum set by the Council. Mr. McGuire further explained that one meeting needed to be held yet on the negotiations cnd City Attorney Kessel stated at this time it was not known Whether Mr. Preloznik's services Would be needed or not. Discussion ;s followed by Council,' MDT= WAS HAM BY FITZGERUD, SBOONGID BY 900TP, TO EMM THE CAP FOR MR. QP k PREUMNIK I S SERVICES UP TO AN ADDITIOML $1,300.00 FOR HIS PRES6M AT THE fO' Prel METIIT ON FRMAY, SEPTEMBER 12, AT THE DISCRETMN OF THE CITY MANGER AND CITY Services ATTONW. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and white; Busse absent;. the motion passed unanimously. >x City Manager McGuire reported that the issues regarding the VEW Parking Lot had 1 i been resolved. Cbuncilsember Fitzgerald asked City Attorney . to prepare coamnents and Hne Rile action to be taken regarding the petition to the presented to the District Judge Chw` regarding the Home We Charter. Counc11 >,ewa1 r Fitzgerald oommended Staff on a job Well done on the resolving the VFW parking lot issue and also commented on the success of the Info -Expo. NDT30M IBIS MUDS BY FITZGEN W, SMM BY WHITE, TO DIRBLT STAFF TO PREPARE A fit' Lo LET= To THE oRalNIBERS OF THE INFO -Expo FOR THEIR Fim ii= IN THE PRmICTION kto OF THE EVENT AND ENODURIGE THEM TO COM11M WITH IT IN THE FUTM AS IT IS A. OrMmims SIGNIFICAFTr STEP IN THE ERYELOPNW OF OUR C UAIITY PRIDE. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and Whiten Busse absent; the notion passed unanimously. Discussion of the maintenance and upkeep of the Downtown area followed. Staff Staff Asia Wes directed to review existing ordinances regarding maintenance and upkeep and Ordimmm then possibly revise or adopt an. ordinance that would deal With this. 1b: Daw t w Mkyor Andren expressed concern that in Working with isprovement projects the Council does not have the value of properties available to them to determine if the property owner's assessment does, in fact. increase U value of the property by the amount of the assessment. : , Discussion followed on how this informtion Would be obtained. Staff was asked to consider including this When preparing feasibility studies for ispew lent projects in the future. The next Council meeting Will be Monday, September 15, 1986 at 7 :30 p.m. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:39 p.s. by general consent of the Council. Michael A. McGuire City Manager Loretta M. Lane Recording Secretary 6