HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 22 1986i a id NIIIIIIIII CITY OF PRIOR LAKE NGMU 00UMM mun ftday, 9epte ber 22, 1986 "am TO am= 7:30 p.m. 1. Pledge of Allegianoe 2. Ninutes of the Previous Meeting 7 :30 in 3. Discus S tdivisi n and Cming Ordirmwes and Ooeprebwsive Plan 040 PA 4. Disc= Om, mmication eaainar S. Oonside'r W"tedge Setates Hardehell 6. Other. Business a. Charter Oamaission mforaation b.. Oonsiaer Aesdoduling October 13, 1986 Meting c. 190 Data Processing Cost Allocation a. T. 1YnnawoeMnts and oorraspondenoe a. Next Council Meeting lbnday, October 6, 1986 at 7 :30 p.a. b. c. S. ad joun eat 1 t, i 4M31 44742M 443! DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. SOX 356 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 56672 Wwal CITY OF PRIOR LAKE NGMU 00UMM mun ftday, 9epte ber 22, 1986 "am TO am= 7:30 p.m. 1. Pledge of Allegianoe 2. Ninutes of the Previous Meeting 7 :30 in 3. Discus S tdivisi n and Cming Ordirmwes and Ooeprebwsive Plan 040 PA 4. Disc= Om, mmication eaainar S. Oonside'r W"tedge Setates Hardehell 6. Other. Business a. Charter Oamaission mforaation b.. Oonsiaer Aesdoduling October 13, 1986 Meting c. 190 Data Processing Cost Allocation a. T. 1YnnawoeMnts and oorraspondenoe a. Next Council Meeting lbnday, October 6, 1986 at 7 :30 p.a. b. c. S. ad joun eat 1 t, i 4M31 44742M 443! DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. SOX 356 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 56672 Wwal 1 ,k A n ` CITY OF PRIOR LACE or TIM CITY September 22, 1986 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake set in a workshop session on Monday, September 22, 1986 at 7 :30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Andren, Oouncilsembers Busse, Fitsgerald, Scott, White, City Mlenage.r NaGuire, City Engineer Anderson, City Planner Graser, Assistant City Monager/boonamic Development Director Umacht, Intern Gairross and City Attorney !Teasel. Mayor A dren called the meeting to order and asked everyone to rise for the pledge of allagianoe. the aims*m of the September 15, 1986 meeting were reviewed, by Council. Caumcilaewber Scott stated that the following sentence needed to be added to page 5 at the etd of paragraph 1:, "this store sewer Will correct the drainage for the Evans' parcel making it a buildable lot." l 10 Ifni M S' NWB Iff BUSS!;, SBODMDD BY SO=, 10 APPRM IM MLiMUl'$S' AS ANIM . MInA e Upon a vote taken, ayes by,Atdcen, Deese.: Fitzgerald, Scott, and Mite# the action passed, ummniuously. %a trot itm on the agenda was to discuss the Subdivision and zoning Ordinance ant the Oo■ ebanaive Plan. Staff had been directed to review theme three documents to tike them =rant with prement policies. City Planner Grazer DImme =` premented a three phase review. provesa: &*&*ixQ► zM 1. Section 2.5 of the Zoning Ordinance relating to the Storm Water OrdWam MlMnmogmmt Plan be deleted from this ordinance and included with the a O Subdivision Ordinance and Policies 1-6 on page 2 of the Comprehensive ► Plan relating to the dedication of open space be 1 aende4. Schedule the necessary public hearings to facilitate theme c ho ges. 2. A the Subdivision Ordinance to provide for the efficient processing of plats and schedule the necessary public hearings for the ammidteents. 3. Con&xt a coeQreMnrive review of the zoning Ordinance, possibly by name of a public forum conducted by the Planning. Commission and the douuycil. (11711 44744 30 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55312 177 i t � M y MINUTES OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL, September 22, 1986 City Planner Graser reviewed in detail with the Council recomnrndations for Chapter 3 of the Subdivision Ordinance regarding the procedural process. Discussion by Council and Staff followed. A five minute recess was called. Mayor Andren called the meeting back to order at 9 :13 p.m. Because members of the audience were waiting for item #5 on the agenda, the Council then considered the westedge Estates Hardshell. City Planner Graser stated that since this item was scheduled on the agenda, it was discovered that an easement through the middle of the plat was not shorn at the correct width of 15 feet and a utility easement in Block 1 Was not >incorporated on the plat. { Mr. Graser further stated that all other conditions of the Preliminary Plat had been met. The developer of Westedge Estates, Louis Stassen, informed the Council that the error with the easments was an oversight and his surveyor indicated that corrected drawings could be provided in two days. Discussion by Council acid Staff followed regarding considering the final plat tonight or delaying it for two weeks until the corrected drawings would be provided. ADT!!ON MRS MADE BY FMGEMW, SHOONDBa. BY SOMT, TO APTRIM T FINAL PUT OF Fescue NEST21= ESTRTE.S 0OHDiITIOtI UPON THE P+OLICKING: Estates t udd*11 1. AN ANOM DRAFTING REFLELr3]G THE EXPANSION OF THE EASERM TO FIFTEEN FEET TMKM THR PRIOpEFdY FROM THE NORTH TO THE 9 BORDER. 2. THE ANCHIM D WING ALSO RE MELT A PIF EEN FOOT EASMW HARM TO THE EASTERLY EDGE of TAE PKMff`FRCK THAT EASEHENP LINE., 3. M HARDSHIU NOT BE SIGNED UNTIL TE ADDED WMINGS HAVE BEEN PROVIDED. , Upon a vote taken ayes by Andren, Busse Fitzgerald, Scott, and White the motion passed unanimously. Vor the record, City Planner Graser stated that since the City of Prior Lake doss not hwe a ooupedmwive storm water management poligF and since 'Vesteage Estates is contributing a certain amount of runoff to a._system along with WIlloMs 6th Addition, at soae future date, the property owners in llestedge Estates will probably incur an assessaent for storm water wmu gement. The Council and Staff then continued discussion on the recomiended cha to the Subdivision Oid—i atm. The discussion included regnireeents of an ad 1nistrative plat, pre- application requirements and the procedure to follow for a preliminary plat. lDTIDN FRS MADE BY PITiGBANM, SKMIM BY WE117B, TO EMM 7HE XWOM44INT TIME R 1 l OF 'M lKI 1 I TO Ila 00 P.M. aif saetinB MINUrM OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY OOUNCIL r September 22, 1986: x Upon , a vote taken, ayes. by Andren, Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the motion passed unanimously. A five minute recess. Was called. \\ The meeting was called back`to order at 10:40 p.m. by Mayor Andren. Discussion on the S1ibdivision,Ordinance and the requirements for a final plat continued by Cck=il and Staff. The suggestions made by Council will be incorporated into the recommended changes of t11e ordinance. City Planner Graver stated that a public hearing will need to be held by the Planning Commis for these recoamended changes as well, the engineering aspects of the ordinance . which City Engineer. Anderson is preparing. NOTION MRS "MME BY FITZGLWD, SBMMM BY SCDTT TO AUTHMZE TER PLMM Schwe&ae OOiMiumom TO Samul , A PUBLIC HEART ON OCICBER 16, 1986 To, CoNmm DING P.H. to a ;'SWTION 2.5 or THE Zotum ORDINMRT, `TO AM= POLICIES 1-6, PAGE 2 OF THE land zm. G'UMMM BNSIVE PLAN, A?ID TO ANEW THE AXXISION OPDINAWM. (kd., emp. Discussion of the motion'`rollowed r Plan a egariing if the public hearing for all three 9ubdlvi amendments should be scheculed' for the same night. ordininm Upon a vote taken, aYes by Andren, Busse,' Fitagerald, Scott,- and Mite, the motion�passed unanimously. _ 11 R ., The Council then discussed a communication seminar. City. Manager MoGuire •i, informed the Gcwnc l that Staff net With si�reral firms about conducting such a seminar arid the recommendation was to go With Don Salverda, Attitude Developoent Oxmdtants, Inc. r proposed outline of the seminar, possible dates and seminar Vic• participsnts,,were d1Wu89ed. Staff was directed, to schedule the seminar taking V=kd into consideration the comments and suggestions made by the Council. The; Home Tale Charter information was discussed. City Attorney Kessel was directed to find, out if the petition had been filed. The next item on the agenda was to ounsider rescheduling' the October 13, 1986 Waetiiq since this is a legal holiday. Discussion followed. It Was the Mwtim at consensus of the Council to wait until theC3ctober 6 meeting to decide if th Oct. 13 � v " meeting should be rescheduled. j Wormation on 1987 data processing cost allocations by department was pcarided do �- the Council as they had previously requested. Allonatian Imo. City Manager McGuire stated that the City had received the lapel pins with the \; C.tt loge an thew and a pin was given to each 0ouncilsenber. Pins City Manager' McGuire: informed the Council that he had received an inquiry Telewift \ ragardaag televising the Council meetings on cable television and; asked for. comments >;from the Council. The consensus Was for Mr. maGuire to pursue it \�\ further ano back at a future date. r, City Engineer Anderson reported on a curb and gutter that is being installed on Sc. Mich. Pleasant Street to correct a drainage problem at the site of the new Church of curb a kt Michael.. Mr. Anderson stated that the church was paying for the cost. ie MD UM OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL September ZZ, 1986 ` " Heon mic Development Director Unucht informed the Council of a resignation on the econanic Development Cenmittee and was asking for authorisation to advertise to fill the vacancy. RMON WAS MADE BY WHITS SECOHM BY FITIGMIRLD, TO KUWOd U, 70 A&wt ae -W TW BMID IC MVNA)MM ; 03OUTM VACANCY, HAVE = nna'E[KW CMWTTW fcr W OQMDUCr nA'E[tiR W WITH TSB G1tDIMTES ` REOOMME�D A REPI TO = Yec�ncar_ czar mown. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Busse, Fitzgerald. Scott, and '%hit*, the nation passed unanimously. Barb Mood, a amber of`the audience, expressed concern regarding law suits that the City has been involved in. Discussion followed. ., fie nest Council meeting will be Monday, October 6, 1906 at 7 :30 p.m. { There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11 :50 p.m. by general conssnt of the Council, .: Michael A. MoGuire ' City Menages s . � Iorekta M. I.ene Recording Secretary x, n r x 1 4