HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 06 1986CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ramm COMM MEMM Agenda Notifty, October 6, 1986 it I CALL TO OFUM 7:30 p.m. 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting and invoices Scheduled for Paysent an Tuesday, October 7, 1996 7t35 po 3. Continuation of North Shore Assesenent Hearing Discuss Indefinite Assesseent Deferoent Status 8:05 pm 4. Prior Lake Health Care Center Project and Downtown Plan Upftte 5. Consider Dom and Merle Jansen Variance Denial, Appeal 6. Consider Clayton's, Ist Addition, Preliminary Plat 7. Consider Change Order No. I and an Rztension of the Conpletion Date for.Project 86-11 and Project 86-12 6 8. Archie Pavek., - Consider Approval. for ConAtruction of Metal Building 9. Odor Business a. Approve Smyder Drug Cigarette License b. Consider Fasclution 86-16 A ..Fasolution Authorizing Scott County Auditor to1my Tkxes, laqable_ in 1987 c. Consider resolution 86-17, A Fasolution Authorizing County Auditor to Levy Taxes for Certain Bond Isom Payable in 1987 d. Update an Cansmiwitions 11orkshop es Discuss Status of October 13 Council Meeting 111:= t 1 � 1 y i v tt a 1 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL October 6, 1986 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday, October 6, 1986 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Andren, Councilmembers Fitzgerald, Scott, White, City Manager McGuire, City j - Engineer Anderson, City Planner Graser, Assistant City Monager/Bnonomic Development Director thmacht, Finance Director Tesctner, City Attorney ; ) Ressel, Consulting Planner Tooker and Intern Garross. Councilmrmber Busse was absent. Mayor Andrea called the meeting to order and asked everyone to rise/` for the pledge of allegiance. The minutes of the September 22, 1986 meeting were reviewed by Council. KnWN WAS MADE BY WHITE, SBMMED BY SONT, TO APPRNE THE MINUTES AS Mambas smmrmw. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White; Busse absent; the motion passed unanimously. The invoices scheduled for payment on Tuesday, October 7, 1986 were reviewed by Council: City Engineer Anderson pointed out that the payment to Allied Blacktop for the sealooating was approximately $10,000 more than the,bid amount because the rock and oil used was more than estimated. City Manager M.Waire stated that the payment to Mahowald Builders was for final payment: for the City Hall Addition. and by app wing the invoices, the payment for this project would be oomplete. Discussion by Council and Staff followed. i \WTION MS MADE BY _ FITSG'UMD, 39ODMED BY S00TT, T3 APPROVE THE Ih 7nNnioes Sa- ED >L D FOR PAYM INP • N OCKBER 7, 1986 AS PPJ=W =. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White; Busee absent; the notion passed unanimously. The next item on the agenda was the continuation of the North Shore Assessment Hearing and discussion of the indefinite assessment 'deferment status. Mayor Andren vacated the chair and Acting Mayor Scott presided at the meeting. The public hearing for parcel X25 925 027 0, #25 926 010 0, and #25 926 024 0 Was continued at the September 15, 1986 public hearing because of indefinite deferred assessments for these three parcels. City Attorney Kessel presented his opinion stating that if the parcels are not benefited at this time, then it { MIN[T1ES OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL October 6, 1986 would be improper to assess them at this time; but a resolution could be passed stating that if these parcels would ever be benefited in the future, the Council would consider assessing them at that time. Discussion was opened to the audiences ,- nts were made. The tape will be kept on file in the Office of the Ci *` rianager as the official record of the public hearing. / There was further discussio-'.,y'Council and Staff. The need for a public hear to assess these parcels ;'�.- the future was discussed and Finance Director Teshner stated' o risible option for these parcels would be for Council to establish an assest- rate at the beginning of each year and if the parcel becomes benefit%: during that year, the property owner could choose to that establishedir��e and waive the public hearing. It was also ,discussed whether there wou)- be a problem with indefinite deferred assessments on assessment rolls tb- 'wer`e approved by Council in the past. City Attorney Kessel was dire& A to report back to the Council on this. ,iMON WAS MADE BY WHITE, SBOOMED BY FITZGEMLD, TO AMEND RESOLUTION 86-15, A Aw d REBCLUTION ADOPTING , ASSESSMW FOR PRO17EPT 82 - NDMR SHORE TRUNK SUM AND Ass. 86-15 FAT 01RIN, BY ItENDVING T13E IN DEFINITE DEMMMM ASSESSI6 ON THE CUSHIM, Ass smmt W E I TO RELY AND IT IS HERESY DHMMM Pl'BrII'ION . OF for H'ruj. ' WSILHIiD AND 'GRIP'FI TO BE THE n ITSELF IN THE FUTURE FOR THE PORTION OF THE ODST OF 82 Nm THIS iMPRO'yomw PAID FOR FROM MUNICIPAL FUNDS BY LEVYING ADDITIONAL shm ASSES9+EK10 ON NOTICE AND HEARING AS PROVIDED FOR THE AS ' 'SSPENTS SIN WME, OR APPROPRIATE aRRGES AS ESTABLISHED FROM TIME TO TIME BY THE CITY COUNCIL. ' UPON ANY PROPERTIES ABUTTING ON WE IMPROVEMW BUT NOT HEREIN ASSESSED IM THE I19K V8MM WHEN CHANGED CONDITIONS RELATING TO SUCH PROPERrM MAM SUCH ASSRSSMW FEASIBLE. THIS. DECLARATION REMTES TO, BUT IS NOT NBMSMUtILY LIMITED IN ITS APPLICATION TO THE PICEMAINIG' PROPERTY: PARCEL #25 925 027 0 W 1,/2 NW 1/4 25 115 22 80 A RE, DOC 137232 PARCEL 425 926 010 0 7.75 IN GOVT. LOT 3, EX .4 EX .68 EX. 41 EX .33 EX .31 EX .5 PARCEL #25 926 014 0 PART OR GUM. LOT 3, WEST OF THE EAST 551.35' AND EAST OF WEST 590.81' There was further dim minion by Council. Councilmember Fitzgerald felt the stA meet "AT THE PROPER'lY"OMMMS OPTIOW should be added to the motion after thi phrase' charges as established from time to time by the City Council . . Councilmember White agreed to the addition. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Fitzgerald, Scott, and White; Andren vacant from the Council; as absent; the motion passed. MOTION' MRS YJ= BY FimemLD, SEXONDED BY WHITE, To CLASH THE PUBLIC HEARIND PM TM WEILK D, GRIFFITH AND CUSHIIND PARMM. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Fitzgerald, Scott, and White; Andren vacant from the Council; Busse absent; the motion passed. 2 ` or-A 0 t MINUTES OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL Acting Mayor Scott then called three minute recess. Mayor Andren called the meeting back to order at 8 :31 p.m. October 6, 1986 The nc# item on the agenda was the Prior Lake Health Care Center Project and a Downtown Plan update. Mr. Jack Nugent, developer of the proposed Health' Care Center, informed the Council that the proposal is still for a 100 bed nursing home and a 75 -unit senior apartment complex and showed a model of the project. Thc'GovernorIs appointed task force will be touring both of the nursing home facilities owned by the Nugents next. 'week and they will be deciding if they will allow the transfer of 100 beds from Cedar Pines in Minneapolis to'�a new facility ins= Prior Lake.. Mr. Nugent stated they are proposing to locate the facility on Dakota Street across from City Hall and to keep the facility two stories, they would need more land than originally anticipated. Assistant City Manager Unmacht reviewed with Ccurrcil the project participation team players, citizen concerns and relations, letter of intent,11tAx increment plan/procedure, planning and utility issues, land acquisition, project analysis anr7 preliminary work/timetable. City Planner Graser gave a slide presentation on the proposed project site and addressed other planning ,iiaws. ° Consulting Planner Tooker' briefly reviewed how the project would relate to the Downtown Plan and the Connection to Lakefront Park.` Mewnbero of the audience Commented on the project. Discussion by the Council and ` Staff followed. MDTION WAS MW BY FITZGEMID, SECONDED BY i HI![E, , TO APPROVE THE FOL DMG FIVE Friar Labe 1 IN Is6 GrMG STAFF FLEXIBILITY AS TO, THE ` DATES AND TIMES OF THE 8CHWMED Hi" Can !l;STII+�Ss Canto Protect 1. APPROVE Rrmw AND =An= SITE PLA' CONCEPT. 2. AWHOMSE . S'17►h'F To BEGIN TAX n0amENT 'PLAN PREPARATmN AND APPROW mmma wm * AIAmm AND DEVSmmm CO n=w UPON LE'T'TER OF INTEW BEING SIGNED. 3. AUIHORIEB STAFF To DRAFT L nMM OF IPTTEW AGREME AND DRAFT THE EM MM FOR THE VBMffi T 0ONTRAM AND ASSESSl W A . AM SM A i M =DQ11 W LIK = SW NNE a: A SMDQIC FM 2WM Cr HARD EMM M W DBEMM. 4. ESTABZM A TIME AND DAM FOR A MEER'IID. TENTATIVE TIM AND DATES ARE: 71031WAY; OCTWER 9, 7 :00 P.M. TUBS=, OCTCWW 14, 7:00 P.M. THURSORY, OCTOM 16, 7:00 P.M. 5. RUMST.ISB A TIME ANDS' DATE FOR A MUNICIPAL DEVffialEI T DISTRICT MEETING. TURSO Y. 21, 7 :OOL P.M.( r� 1 Y, OCTOBER 22, 7:00 PJ4. J „. THURSDRY, OCTOBER 23, 7 :00 P.M. } :7 I . MINEEW OF 711E PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL October 6, 1986 Upon 'a vote talon, ayes by Andrea, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White; Busse absents h the notion passed unanimously. A five minutes recess was then called. Mayo; Andren called the meeting back to order at 10:07 p.m. The next item on the agenda Was to consider the Dean and Marie Jansen Variance Denial Appeal. City Planner Graser stated that the applicant was requesting to split Lot 84 Northwood Addition, which is a substandard lot, into two equal jalves, The Planning Commission denied the request at the July 17, 1986 meeting and the.lappticant was appealing the denial. Marie Jansen and her attorney, Pat Leavitt addressed the Council. Discussion'by the Council and it was the general consensus to agree with the decision cif the Planning Commission. a !DnON MS MADE BY FITEGEMM,- SBOOMED BY 90aiT, TO DEW THE %WJANCE Dew inom APPLICATION TO SPLIT LOT 84 NOS ADDITION INTO 7W EM HALVES, SIFT IT Varlame WWLD EMHi.ISH A DANMWS AM IRREVERSIBLE DEVELOPMEff PA'P! M THAT IS Budal I18 16ISTE fF W OOW PLANNING AND DB'MMENZAL TO THE GREAAI. W=TH AM Appeal lAQ.FARE of THB CITY. upon a vote taken, ayes by Andres, Fitzgerald, Scott, and Whites Busse absents the notion passed unanimously. ' The Council then considered Clayton's la Addition Preliminary Plat. City Planner Gramer presented. the plat which involves the conventional platting of € 1.4 acre parcel into two lots. Clayton Johnson, the developer, Was available in the audience to answer questions. Discussion by the Council followed.. IDTION NRS MADB"BY PITEGEMM, SBOOMED BY SOOTT, TO APPRM 70 PRE[MUM tY Clvmn'a PLNT' OF S 1ST ADDITION 1OF#ZING SPAFF' S I IOMTMN THAT: 13t Aik6 Pteiiminiy 1. PAM FEE OF $640.00 BE PAID. Plat 2. THE SERVICE LIMB FOR THE EXISTING RM BE IDVED. 3. TOB ACCESS ON LOR 2 M[JSl` BE IMPROM AT 'lam -ONI it'S EUMM. - A PORTION OF'IEE °Pt EIISE °BE':DEOICA TO FAIRLAWN SHORES TI*JL AS enwam IN THE PRELIM PLAT ' Clayton Johnson asked what would happen to a piece of land he owns on the other side, of Fairlaam Shores Trail, and City Gramer stated it would be used as right -of way. . Upm a vote taken, ayes by hidren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White= Busse absent= the notion passed unanimously. The next item on the agenda was to consider Change Order No. 1 and an extension. of tha� comple date for Project 86 -11 and Pro 86 -12. City Engineer Anderson reviewed the change order for extra work required on Cates Street. a Order MD. 1 NDMN FMB !MADE BY' NK= K= SBOOlDED BY FITf(EEOI M, 20 APPROVE' CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 Pmj. 86-11 FOR PKUBMS 86-11 AND 86-12 IN THE AlDW' OF $4,381.22. and 86-12 4 r �f a MINT W OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL October 6, 1986 Upon a vote taken, ayes by Fitzgerald, Scott, and White; abstention by Andren; Busse absent; the notion passed. City Engineer Anderson stated that Staff and Mayor Andren met With Preferred Paving on September 23, 1986 and a Letter of Understanding was drafted as a result of this meeting. One item in the Letter of Understanding was a request by Preferred Paving for a 15 working day extension of time to the contract due dim at to abnormal rainfall. Discussion by Council followed. Oogletim,. PHOj. 8611 NOTION WAS MADE BY WHITE, SBOONDED BY FITZ(EIMLD, TO GRANT THE SON OF ' 0 ad 86-12 COMPLETION DATE FOR PROJECT 86 -11 AND 86-12 FOR FIFTEEN WORKING DAYS SMMM SEPTMER 24, 1986. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White; By absent; the motion passed unanimously. The Council then considered the request for construction of a natal building by Archie Pavek. City Planner Graser stated that Mr. Pavek was requesting to construct a metal pole building m his five acre site located in, the industrial area adjacent to County Road 12. Staff Was recommending approval of the requent.i Council discussion followed. Mr. Pavek was available to answer question,,. j KnMN N%S MADE BY FITAG MM, SBWWED BY WHITE, 1 -- APPROVE MR. ARC PIAVEK -S Aadt Meba Raw= to comyom A MmL BUILDING AT 16601 INOU2ME AL CIR= S.E. Bdldb% Upon a vbte taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White; Busse absent; the passed unanimously. i 1,. The next iteo on the agenda was to consider a cigarette license for Snyder Drug. City Manager McGuire stated application was received from Snyder Drug Stores, Inc. for a cigarette license. The store had previously been privately owned. The fee had been paid and Staff recommended approval. XWO R MS MADE BY WHITS, SBMWED BY SCAT, TO APPROVE 70 CIGARIM LICBNSB &vdw bvg ! { FM BE= MW S== INC, c4pre m I3aaee Mk Kal a vote taken, ayes by Anndren, Fitzgerald, Swp_t, -and White; Busse absent; the notion passed unanimously.,_ The Council then considered Resolution - 86 -16,' , regarding the tax levy for 1987. This resolution is necessary to certify the 1987 p`coperty tax levy. per, 86-16, MDTI1 m WAS M1= IN vim, S0 00"M BY Friar"' W APPROVE RS9C MMU 86-16 • A p To I8 1AM ADll10 Z33 G SOOTT CO MY AWIT R TO LEVY TAI'S PAM%NZ IN 1987. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald. Scott, and mite; Busse absent; t'he , motion passed unanimously. The ..,r*& itMa on the agenda was to consider Resolution 86 -17 regarding the bond issues payable in 1987. This resolution is necessary to certify the tax levy for, the bold'isque payments. z ' � 5 MINI) ES OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL October 6, 1986 MOTION WAS MADE BY SO0r1'r. SBO0MM BY WHIRS, TO APPMIVE RESOLUTION 86 -17, A P-es. 86 - 1 7 RESM UTION AUTHORIZING OOONrY AUDITOR TO LEVY TAXES FOR CEMIN BOAR ISSUES IM TM5 PAYABLE IN 1987. issu B Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and Whites Busse absent; the motion passed unanimously. City Manager McGuire informed the Council that October 31 and November 1 Were Via- the dates of the Communications Wbrkshop. Discussion by Council and Staff Wmimhop followed. Council agreed With these dates and Staff will proceed to get more information on location and preparing the agenda. A discussion by Council and Staff followed to determine if the meeting for the Week of October 13, 1986 should be rescheduled to Tuesday because of the Coludm Day holiday. MDT= WAS MADE BY WHITE, SBOOMED BY SCOTT, To a"= THE CITY C wwm MEBTIAB onwel ON QLTa M 13, 1986 BBCAUSE OF THE COLUMBUS DULY HMM Y. "Wti m Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and Whiter Hulse absent= the motion passed unanimously. NWr Andren stated that she had some serious concerns about the legality of the developer's agreement for the Willows 6th Addition because of the way the credits Were computed and the manner in Which the money was appropriated as a credit to a private corporation. She further stated she ;Wes concerned because it was a legal contract, approved by the Council and signed, and it could not be lh rescinded. Because of her concerns Nayor Andren stated foi, the record, •I Will of ElUM not sign any more contracts unless attached to that contract there is a 6th Dw- statement by our City Attorney, signed by him, saying that all aspects of that "MM& contract and its content is legal'. I Won't sign imy mare." City !Manager McGuire stated that if tt* Council so directs, the City Attorney cut review a contract, but generally speaking the Mayor does not. have the option to refuse to sign a contract approved by the Council. City Attorney Kessel stated that if there was a mistake in the contract it is not cast in stone and could be reformed. Councilmemiber Fitzgerald expressed his concern for the manner in Which Mayor Ardren presented this material Without allowing Staff to provide the backup information for the figures on the contract and Without providing the information to the Council in advance of the meeting. MR= WAS MM BY FITAGEM b, S®OOAM BY SMT, TO MMZ THIS ITM POR TND 'fable Die. M AT ` WHICH TIM STAFF IS TO SCHUME IT ON THE AGMVK FOR PFICM far TwO DISCUSSION. iied�s Discussion by the Council and Staff followed. Finance Director Teschner informed the Council of the policy that has been followed in the past in crediting the sewer and Water connection in the developer's agreement. There Wes further discussion of the figures in the developer's agreement. 6 1 a ? Mnam OF TBR PRIOR LME CITY COUNCIL October 6, 1986 M ton a vote taken. ayes by Andren. Fitzgerald, Scott, and White; Busse absent= the motion passed unanimously. Myor Andren stated that her directive for City Attorney's approval an all contracts still stood. Couneilmowber Fitzgerald disputed this directive and asked thatit be researched and brought, back to the October 20 Council ■eetirq u for further discumdon al-.*. Councilrsrber Fitzgerald gave a report on the committees Working on the Prior Lake 2000 Plan. douncilvember bite asked for a status report on the Lord's Street project and. also asked City ftginaer Anderson to report back on the status .. of the access for the residents on Chatonka Beach Trail and Pine Road. Mw non Cmmil`seeting will be Hmday, October 20, 1986 at 7 :30 p.m. There being no further business, the weeting. Acuined at 11 :34 p.m. by general consent of the Council. !lichael A. McGuire City Nwaiger Loretta M. Lane s � Recording Secretary k'1 MM i M FOI. DMG LIST OF INVOICES AR.9 Sr=MM FOR PAYNW ON TWS, OCT. 7, 1986 Awes Office Supply Office Supplies 230.76 Fleliabie corp. Office Supplies 94.53 Quill Corp. Office Supplies 109.89 ' Pitney Howes Office Supplies 22.09 ''° Albinson Nachine Rental 50.00' Snyder Drug Misc. Supplies 122.63 Nwthem States Power Utilities 6,175.35 u C H. Carpenter Lumber Co. Misc. Supplies 238.11 Prior`Lake Travel ICNPL Conference Expenses 231.00 Federal smiresa Delivery Expense 16.50 Wllay RMineering Elevation Locations 149.00 Oopy DquipMent Debbie Garroes Planning Supplies Mileage a Wnses 12.15 37.42 Andoo Industries Supplies 28.00 #, Sprint Teleptrone Bernice 95.54 x. Ninneaota PIm bing a beating Repairs 153.00 Copy Duplicating Rental a Supplies 294.64` ;= Pweoen City Hell Cleaning 700.00 ^ Miforws UdWted Batteries 148.00 .` Laaeaen, Nelson, Cole i Stageberg Legal Services 6,012.00 Hasther Flack Mileage 17.40 ' St.. Francis Regional Medical Oenter, Blood Alcohol Test 31.90 COIMQ► lire i Safety Supplies 57.00 Are mercy ledioal; Products Medical Supplies 41..73. . Aaxe Znc. Gin's Inc. Small TWIS a Squip■ent 286.96 Postage 600.00 Matrgpolltan Fire Egoipwnt Bquipment Aapairs 35.00 nutaui ilI* Tire i Auto Service vlhicle Maint a Repair 184.60 HiBiS Swinglin ,Co. Supplies 13.70 Mmoth Hruah Morks Hpnipeent Repair 64VIies 664.50 Jim Batch Sales Co. Repair Supplies 596.66 pan. Repair Supplies 58.82 MM i Park Program Refund Park Program Refund Park "ram Refund Perk, Program Refund Park Program Refund Park Program Refund Reiwb. for Supplies Park Program Supplies Park Program Supplies Perk Progra t Supplies Park Program Last, Park Program Supplies Park Maint. Seall Zbols & Repairs Repairs Assessment Payment Senior Citisens. Repair Supplies Brochure Design O x oapt Chemical Supplies Meters Lob Analysis emirs Papal= Repairs Repairs raw Repairs nt Repair Esliwate no. 8 Hew -Line Copied! ma It payment Dr iveler replacement Tak Relocation logiewering Fees agisweritg Flea Nfiginaering Fees Sealooating 13.00 13.00 26.00 15.00 4.00 30.00 31.96 401.50 35.50 127.00 17.50 720.00 80.00 57.15 324.80 41.16 518.16 75.00 52.67 250.00 157.95 423.87 32.00 216.21 521.20 9.69 370.00 214.88 160.00 �. 2,563.00 ;j , ,_ ' t. 4,939.29 12.00 600.00 1.175.08 53.00 MOM 26,628.69 7,216.20 47,031.53 Lorraine Lillyblad Jean 11yde11,a Debra manner Mary Lushre Molly Lyranerm ftry Anderson a Maureen Jandorf Creative Graphics "e Nixon 00.. Art Stone Dance & Gymnastic Supply 4 0 Jaspers Medicine Lake Zburs IP a D Fare & Hare Supply J. L Shiely Co.. Oene'a Chain Seer Service J & J Radiator service Swtt County Auditor Mesa ft Carloonn a Lake State equipment Co. J owns= Dixie Petro+QNw, Inc. Deer Product's Co. SsraO c Systems Inca Rebaan ibs Schkider !Iron- Q�ttets +' Mld0c Asp %U pw* M Ibllution Oontrol Shiloh 8errice Co. A & -s Auto: Electric lwld' suilaess IRM 8o�tt 4ounly ftrV" r ftth M. 11liland Philip L. srandwy afthiow Gem OD. scans Mginwrbq Ow.. Dekhat YAM Hellai & Mclarlin Allied Blacktop Park Program Refund Park Program Refund Park "ram Refund Perk, Program Refund Park Program Refund Park Program Refund Reiwb. for Supplies Park Program Supplies Park Program Supplies Perk Progra t Supplies Park Program Last, Park Program Supplies Park Maint. Seall Zbols & Repairs Repairs Assessment Payment Senior Citisens. Repair Supplies Brochure Design O x oapt Chemical Supplies Meters Lob Analysis emirs Papal= Repairs Repairs raw Repairs nt Repair Esliwate no. 8 Hew -Line Copied! ma It payment Dr iveler replacement Tak Relocation logiewering Fees agisweritg Flea Nfiginaering Fees Sealooating 13.00 13.00 26.00 15.00 4.00 30.00 31.96 401.50 35.50 127.00 17.50 720.00 80.00 57.15 324.80 41.16 518.16 75.00 52.67 250.00 157.95 423.87 32.00 216.21 521.20 9.69 370.00 214.88 160.00 �. 2,563.00 ;j , ,_ ' t. 4,939.29 12.00 600.00 1.175.08 53.00 MOM 26,628.69 7,216.20 47,031.53