HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 20 1986Agerda Monday, October 20, 1986 C1LL TO OF4MR 7:30- p.m. 1. Pledge of Allegiance " T. Minutes of the Previous Meeting and Inures Scheduled for Payment an 11wd W, October 21, 1986 3. Consider Donation to Mickey Mantle Baseball 4, Discuss Donation from V. F. W. post #6208 S. Appoint Election Judges for Oral Election r ' 6. Discuss Acquisition of &Ott County Garage i� 7. Consider Wand View 4th Addition Preliminary Plat 8. Consider Amendscnt to Willow 6th addition Vacation Resolution and 8aidahell. _ 9. Craig Twwda - Quit. Claim Deed 10. Consider Building Permit Requests frame C.G.T. Properties for G i E ZrAustrial.Park 11. Consider 1986 Audit 'Proposal 12. :Continue Discussion on K a S Properties Developer's Agrema►t 13. Update on North Nare Project 0 140 -, Other Bsainss a. Building Permit -agort b. 3rd garter Budget Report c. Dog Catcher Awrt OMM 447-4010 4M DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 369 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA U372 i 11 4 ■ _. 0 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE 7 MngMW OF THE CITY COUNCIL October 20, 1986 The Qmwn Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular sesdlon on. Monday, October 20, 1986 at 7 :30 p.m. in the City Council = Chambers. Present were Mayor Anaren, Councilmoobers Busse, Fitzgerald, Soott, Mite, City Manager MoGuire, City Ingineer Anderson, City Planner Graser,,,Assistant City ftnoger/Bocnmic Donlopment Director tkaacht, City attorney Kessel, Parks and Recreation Director Mangan and Intern Garross. Finance Director Teschne arrived at 10:30 p.m. Mayor ludren called the meeting to order and asked everyone to rise for the pledge of allegiance. The minutes of the October 6, 1986 meeting were reviewed by Council. Oouncilamber Fitzgerald stated the following should be added at the end of item #3, page 3: '. . . AND SUM AGFMMEWS WOULD OONTM LANGUM THA THM BE a lSPWIFIC PASS OF BMW S7Q?ffiM TO TBE MVBLOPM !D► W WAS OM, Br FI'1SGStilILD, SIEDrD® BY WHITE, TO APMW THE MUA'ES OF MimOes OM `X 1 1 6, 1986 AS AlI WD. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Busse, Fitzgerald, Soott, and ,.White, the motion passed uanimously 'fie Council then reviewed the invoices scheduled for payment on Tuesday, October 21, 1986.' MDT= MS mm BY s=T, S®ODmm By wHiTE, To APwmE THE IN ias 9Cl0 wm Invtdo e FOR PRTl AS SESNITM. Upon a vote taken, ayes by M dren, Busse, Fitzgerald, Soott, and White, the motion postaed unanimously. fte,next its an the agenda was to consider a donation to the Mickey Montle Baseball tea,. Parks and Recreation Director Mangan informed the Council that the Mickey Mantle Baseball team represented Prior Lake at the State tcu�aa��eent. In the past, Council has authorised donations to teses representing Prio! Lake at the state or national tourinasent level. Staff re000ended a $100.00 donation. MnV= OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL October 20, 1986 John Murray, organizer of the Mickey Mantle Baseball team addressed the Council reviewing the year's activities for the team and introduced the team members. NYTION WhS MME BY WHITE, SBOOMM BY FITZGE KD 7-PTO APPROPRIATE A $100.00 Dmtim DONNTION TO THE MANTLE MANT BASEBRU TERM TO BE FFKM PAMW5.&MON PROGRAM , to Wdwy RECEIPTS. Mwde Btsebell Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren Busse, Fitzgerald, Soott, and white, the motion passed unanimously. p . The next item on the agerx]a was to discuss the donation from the V.P.N. Post #6208. Parks and Recreation Director Mangan informed the Council that the V.P.N. Post was contributing $40,000 toward a baseball field lighting project at Ymorial Park costing approximAtely $70,000 and was asking the City and the school district to pay for the balance of the project. V.F.W. Post Commander, Tom McAllister, commented on the project. Discussion by Council and Staf followed regarding the project, alternatives for funding if the school district did not participate, and the use and maintenance of the lights. Parks and Recreation Director Mangan stated! that there would need to be an ordinance change hearing also because YANorial Park presently has a 10:00. p.m. curfeV and awe games ma ,y run beyond that tine. MDT= WAS MM BY FITZGEMLDp S800N= BY BUSSE, 70 DIRECT STAFF 70 PRNARE L*ft far PLANS Am 1 , Shnnwmw FOR THE l PR07B1CT AND ADVEra= FOR A BID OVEMM ON Radall NOVE BR 6 1986, AT 11 :00 A.M. BR= ON A CITY COMSIBUTION OF OW-HRW OF 70 Field at BED ANDUNr OVER $40,000.00 WT To $15,000.00. NmWial Upon a vote taken ayes by Andren, Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the motion passed' unanimously. MR= MRS NM BY FITIGMUD, SECOMM BY WHITE, TO DIRECT STAFF t TO NOTIFY THE Qmbwm MIMOOFM PFMMdY GnM FMGNMIM AN OWIMM Cffi= HMRING TO BE HEM ON MONWe 10VEMBER 10, 1986, AT 8:00 P.M. IN THE CITY C0UN= CMiGEMS FMMMNG Puhlic Upon a vat* taken, ayes by Andren, Busse, Fitzgerald Scott, and Whiter the notion passed unanimously. I.- � 9 The next ites on the agenda was to appoint election judges for the General Election.,' Assistant. City Manager Unmecht presented the list of election judges for each of the three precincts and recommended approval- KMW WAS MWE BY WHI78, SHIMUM BY BUSSE, TO APPOINT THE EEBCrION FOR iwmlnt 1 ing5crum THE GNEM ELECTICK AS SVBKr1=. JU*8 Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren Busse Scott, and White; abstention by Fitagerald; the motion passed. Co o aC il aemmber rit2gerald stated the reason for his abstention is because his wiff.- was one of the judges. The Cwncil then discussed the acquisition of the Scott county Garage. city Manapt McGuire stated that this had been discussed previously but an offer had i 1 , ` MINUIW OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL f -- . f October 20, 1986 not been made. A recommendation to purchase the garage for $45,900, the value indicated by North Star Appraisal, was presented. Discussion by Ocuncil followed regarding the price of the garage, seeking our own appraisal and the need for the property now or waiting to purchase it at a later time. NOTION WAS MADE BY FITZGERALD, SBCOIE BY WHITE = JO THE COUNCIL ON H)M)AY, NOVEMBER 3, 1986 WITH A DEVIII NEMSSITY OF THE AC=SITION OF THE 900'1T COUNTY GAR POR AN APPRAISAL OF THE PROPEP3Y. Councilumber White added a friendly amendment possibility of a first option to buy the property be Fitzgerald accepted the amendment. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Busse, Fitmgeral motion passed unanimously. A five minute recess wasp called. DIRBCT STAFF TO RERM 4!0 Pjam s iffm S ME METING = ftdosiiK G ,PR0?ERTY" AND -H kVE A BID Scott �� tbub to the, m6tion that the negotiated." C \ eienber Scott, and White, the = Mayor Anaren called the meeting back to order at 8:40 p.m. The next item on the agenda Was to consider Island View 4th Addition Preliminary Plat. City Planner Graser presented the plat which consists of 42 lots on 19.09 acres that is zoned R-1 single family residential. Mc. Graser stated that the Planning Commission approved the plate at the Octcber 2 meeting with six contingencies. City Engineer Anderson commented on the sanitacy sewer for the development and the location of connection to the system. discussion was opened to the audience. Several residents of Island View HwA addressed the Camcil expressing concern for the additional traffic on Island View Road as a result of this development and the needjor Fremont Avenue to be connected to this plat. Litds Fisher, attorney_ representing the developer Alnac?Inc., addressed the Cwnc l stating that the Watershed District had YevieWed and approved the plat. Discussion by Council followed regarding the plat, connecting Arctic Circle to Tract C and eonneating,Frownt Avenue to the plat...,.. - Consideration was given to "re a cost tabling the' preliminary plat for a week and °Staff preps' estimate on connecting Fremont Avenue. to the plat. Dennis HdRilliame, the developer, addressed the Council asiting if ` preliminary plan approval could be given tonight contingent that no occupancy permits would be issued for the development until *remont Avenue was connected to plat. There was further discussion by Cmu. regarding the request. MDTIOIM iA6? MW BY WHITE, S NNsU FlY FITZGEM# A, TO APPROVE M PRB imn ARY PLAT OF ILSU M6 VM 4TH ADDITION Cll,�1PII W UPON WE PC["ING: 3 t x e 1 .I L MINUTES OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL October 20, 1986 , 1. FMONLT-NO1WR OOD INTERSECTION BE SHOWN IN GRE ATER DETAIL WITH FREMDNTr ' BERG ZHE THROUGH! STREET. •5 AROffe _ _ SHBUED A B ING6UM WgEqH q q1jS Q qM • • • 3. FREM c AVENUE BE omsxxIL`PED TO MINOR ROAD SPflCIFIca=NS AND ALL LS[�Y I� Vim 4th OTHER ROAD SHOW=A 30 FOOT' = PAVEMENT. ALL STREETS TO HAVE CONCREZE � c CURS AND GUTTER. Plat � 4. THE PROPOSAL BE SUBMITTED TO WE WATERSHED DISTRICT AND THEIR FINDINGS � AVAILABLE PRIOR TO FINAL PLAN SIBMITTAL. S. THE TM LVE INCH WATERMAIN BE EKT EAST IN NORTHWOOD MAD TO OONNN7T l TO mass m SYSTEM. ' 6. `;.CIW STAFF SUBMIT TO THE DEVELOPERvA PLANTIIG POLICY OR PROFILE TO ' WHICH THEY MUST ADHERE RFT,MIIG THE PL AMMG OF TREES ALM HOUIEVAIiD6. - T' THE OONh „R'ION OF FR A BE u r E TO THE NOtM AMID ALL COSTS OM IE OE';. THE` PLAT TO P'PZWW AVOW THAT �,ION FR � PFOR 'DrI�C.T PRESW,, LOt' =DN. INQ.0 M COSTS OF 'ODIDEWRTIOON. IF NECESSM, BE XM= fi3 AN ASSUMBD BY THE DBVR OPER IN T4 DEVELOPER'S Aa=*W. g e. ONLY am BUII aw. Pmoam TO THE BASIC' 4wRI,YIID ProwaY BE ALIT m UNTIL THE FIIN -IFOR THE LION OF THE OONMCTION OF FRF!!iWAVE[SC24RE IN PLACE.,. r ''Mayor Andren ask e-4, that the following be added to the motion and Councilmmiber mite agreed: , 9 ARCTIC CIRCL Alt ISLAND BE RE A)ED. City, Wgineer Anderson ��stated that the developer pny the residential equivalent costs for the Pxtension of the twelve infer watersain on Northwood Road and the City should pay:,for the oversizing oasts., Upoft a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Busse, Fit2gerald, "'Soott# and White, the motion passed unanimously. t A tine minute recess Was called. The meeting; was called' back to order bi Mayor Andren at 10:35 P.m. The next itek on the agenda was to consider an amendment to Willows 6th Addition 'Resolution Vacation and Hardshell. City Planner Graser stated that ;a request has been received to chwge the dedication portion of the willows 6th Addition,; Ha=dshell. Discussion by Council followed. 0 ` ., WTION WAS' MADE BY BUSSE, SBOORM BY FITAG'BM*M, TO APPROVE THE . RODUEST TO v (2AI 8 THE; D®ICRTIGN PORTION. , OF THE MELONS 67H ADDITMN HARDS ELL FROM FIRST i671uws Nknopm BANK OF SHAKom TO 'NOAiIEST MIDLAND BALK OF xnaaAPCLIS. 6th Adckt. Huddwn i , e , \ a b MINUPES OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY QOUNCM October 20. 1986 t C. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the motion passed unanimously. City Planner Graser - stated that Resolution 86-08 which vacated certain Walks, easements and streets in Willows 4th and 5th Additions contained a "sore commonly described as' paragraph which does not accurately describe the same streets and walks as the legal description. Therefore, the Scott county Recorder's office would not accept the resolution unless this paragraph be eliminated.` E NOTION WAS MM BY FITEGEMM, S9ODrD® BY SOOTT, TO AM MD RJMU1WN 86-08 A. iced RF SMUrM PHDMM FOR 7HE VACATION OF RQNJM M, LANES, PLACES, 1i1L1MM AeeoluUm t?1'SXH AND DRWNM E SAS CAIN® Wiwi im "PLAT OF NILIM 4TH ADMTION 86-08 AND WILIMS ST8 ADDSTMN TO DE UM THE SBCOIND PARAGRAPH ON PAGE TWO WHICH BE IM Vamtim f 'OR MME OOMM iLY DESCRIBED AS ". , 1811 ' 41 and � i Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Busse, Fitzgerald, Scott. and Whitej the Obs. notion passed unanimously. 8619) The nest item on the agenda was to consider a quit claim deed for' Craig Tschida. City Planner Graser explained that the City fi' a quit claim deed to convey an erroneous easement to the omer, Craig Tsohida, in Nny of 1981. Howmwer, there is a title problem because the deed was not worded °properly. Staff was reco■nerding the quit claim deed be approved and filed to clarify the intent of the previous deed filed. x NKrl= I i11S MM BY HUM S80MBU BY FITSQUaLD, To , APPRM 'ID6 QUIT CIAM QAt Clain DEND l!oR QMIG TSCHM AND AMMIEE '1H8 MAYOR AND CITY MAMM TO SIGN THE Deed far De ®. 7 Ada ' Upon a vote taken, ayes by Ardren, Busse, Fitzgerald, Soott, and White, the motion pissed 1 aninously. The nwt item on the agerr3e , was to consider building permit requests from C.C.T Properties for G i 8 Industrial Park. City Planner Graser stated that requests were received to construct two buildiigs in the I -2 industrial area on County Bud 12. The first request was for a aini- storage metal building on a lot of mccird "located on the eastern line of the City limits. The second request was for eoarIruction of a ooncrate building located on an unplatted area of the - industrial score adjacent" to County, Aoad X12. Staff had denied a building permit for this request based on the fact that the site is not of regard and has neveti .bow subdivided. "a aftnich, nprMentirg C.G.T., Proper"ties� addressed the council. Discussion by Oourrcil follmW regarding the location of, the buildings and the City's plans for that area and the possik4lity of°!:tax increment ,firrwncirrg. !DR'mN WAS MM B F f&GUO D, St>m! r w By a=, 10 AP!'AOiia M nil[!! Mim C.G.T. WIMMMIES !OR rNMYRUCTER OF A. PM S'2modE FACII,ITY 0�rI10 of ' .S� SbMW -- IN ACCOMMCB NM S=100` 4-7 -4 (F CITY OM PKN—n ) 2M fib A AIDHIT It: SPECIFICATTONE, ALONS 1ii'JW 20 SI;IE, PLAN AM AppFjM IM PL&n -n S C:G.T, AID _ hi R WONT 3O BE PERFORM AM S=aT= TO AND "APFWM BY 'STAFF. s - Y ..- • .. B pi - � y '1 l , �� `yh W � 5 j ' � �� `t` i L`K•1uu��.. , r 1 MINUTES OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL. October 20, 1986 Councilmarber White suggested adding the following and , Council r Fitzgerald agreedt. ITM OFFICE P01dWN OF THE COMPLEX IS TO BE OF A FRAIL OONSMKTION. There was further discussion of the motion. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Busse, Fitzgerald, Soott, &M White, the motion passed unanimously. NOTION MS MM BY FITZGM*M, SBaMED BY SOOTT, TO 9W THE P== FJM DW Hft • C.G.T. P901TMIES W17H IRBMRD TO THE _____x=mN OF THE momm wnmm cm Permit = PAR= LOCATED AT 16940 MA)OME AVENUE UNTIL SUCH TIM AS A FULL ANALYSIS OF THIS INDUSTRIAL AREA HAS BEEN OOMRMW BY STAFF WITHIN A PERIOD OF 60 DMS AM C.G Prap BE Gim w= Roam To TAX nommFimNaNs. Ted Schweich again addressed the Council expressing their hardship if the request was denied. U000 a taken, ayes by Andren, Bu sse. Fitzgerald, Soott, and White, the motion passed unanimously. The next item an the agenda was to consider the -1986 audit proposal. Finance Director Tleschner stated that the George M. amsen couiparry submitted a proposal to prep are the City's 1986 financial statements at a 41 increase of the previous year,. Discussion followed. MDT= MS k4M BY WHM e , SBOOMED BY SOO11T TO RETAIN THE SEMCES: OF WE APPOint GEM= M. HNNSIN COMPANY TO PRMM THE 1986 FINANCIAL smimas FOR TeR CITY 0 ..emw I L As PER Tw urnam "NOT To EwsEw $9,9s0.do. ftr 19% tpoin a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Boom, Fitzgerald, Soott, and Whit*, the Aidit 'motion passed unanimously. 21* nazt, item an the agenda was the continuation of the discussion on K & S Properties Developer's Agreement. Discussion followed on the three areas of concern: 1. The connection fee policy - City Monager HoGuire reviewed and explained the policy. In the discussion that followed; ftm Andren &*ad ift connection fee credits were not given in the developer's agreement for Wastedge Estates. City Manager McGuire stated this would be reviewed and commented on at the next regular meeting. 2. $30,100 discrepancy in the developer's agreement - After a careful review of the developer's agreement, it was found to be correct and no error existed. 3. Heyor Andren's refusal to sign future contracts until the City Attorney has certified the document. City Attorney Ressel stated that such a certification would require owaiderable time to review and investigate the accuracy of it docuomt. Mayor Andren stated she did not need a certification of "a document but would ask that the City Attorney review 6 ONAAMM cc K & S phpwtift ow" HDLVES OF TM PRIOR UM CITY 000WM October 20, 1996 each dDcusent to be Eigned and approved as to form prior to Cmincil approving them. City Attorney Ressel stated that would be possible. City BMIneer Anderson then gave an update on the North Shore Project. UPkte Discussion by Council and residents followed. Staff was directed to find out Nwth x" the City's liability if the residents that need to be hooked up to water do not have water by winter and alternatives for getting water to them. PWiWt The 3rd Quarter Budget Report, Dog Catcher's Report, Fire and Rescue report, NmtWY police papart" and Treasurer's Report were reviewed and approved by general FAPN consent as admitted. Council reviewed Flesaution 86-18 establishing October 31 and HDvember 1 as he dates of the Wbrkshop. NDMN WS HAM BY W=r SHIODNED BY SIOO►T, TO ADOPT RESOLUTION 86-18, A F" 8&18 - W Ommadc. LION CMEMOM To Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Bu sse, Pitxgerald, Scott, and %hit*, the motion passed unanimously. Councilumober Fitzgerald read a prepared statement for the record regarding his d1uppointment and conoems of his first ten months in office and' his conoem for the direction in which the Council is headed. Man Shadduck addressed the (buncil regarding the removal of a privately owned water took an his property. He was asked to contact City &Minter Anderson to discuss it in, detail. "It rAft Council meeting/workshop will be Monday, October 27, 1986 at 700 pm. ftere being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 12:51 a.m. by general consent of the Council. ftchmal A. FADAre City ftnager laretta R. Lane Recording Secretary 7 0 I cl THE FOUDWIM LIST OF IN ARE SaMMUM FOR PMMW ON TUBS, OCT. 21, 1986 BoonoaV Dictation Systems Office Supplies 12.00 Quill Corp. Office Supplies 24.78 Charles 71ocker Consultrat Planner 700.00 Delta Dental Insurance 923.10 Bankers Life Insurance 4,838.31 Carlson OK Hardware Kisc. Supplies 116.77 Prior Lake Clax0jest Repair Supplies 160.62 Coast to Coast Hardware Misc. Supplies 98:" Minnegesco Utilities 255." Rice Telephone Co. Telephone Service 986.72 Prior Lake Union 0 76 0 Repairs 181.95 Rrjftr Drug Film Processing 39.75 C. B. Carpenter Lu ber Co. Misc. Supplies 385.03 M Wlky Electric Co-op. Utilities 920.00 Wr Utilities 5,496.36 State Treasurer Building remit Surcharges 2,660." Prior Lake Awrican Legal,_ Publications 389.55 Won of MinnewAa Cities Hwxb6c* 20.75 Action Messenger Delivery Service 59.60 Clary ftwiness Squipent. Rise. Equipment 150.00 ftott County Auditor Supplies 49.18 Creative Qrqphics Supplies 2.40 OW spip■ent Planning Supplies 24.62 DdAA* Garross Raimb. for Supplies a Mileage 63.24 Horst Groner Clonferonx Expense 20.00 But Mitional V16* Cid"Pulte'r Fayme 2,714.14 Big 9ky Data Systses I ater Service 1,530.65 Ninnatek Clonitract 895.00 Business Manegaaaant, Software capital Outlay -Equip mvt 895.00' hearicen Linen, Bldg. Maintenance 106." R & R Cupt Service ". Maintenance 27.00 now a Game Salaries 1,350.00 Nlchmd` Nowizo Car Allowance 300.00 ftlipb. Tbectner Car Allowance 75.00 Borst Graller, Car Allowance 75.00 Rouser's IQ Building Su;plies; 318.40 Nicbeel NoWire IC2a Clonforence'sqpenwas 137.25 11:10171111W a - 1 12Vpawriter Equipment Repairs 67.00 Petty Cash, Postage a afflies 54.56 Loaaaan Ralson, We a Stageberg Attorney Few 4 Prelowtik G Associates Professional Services 1,114.78 Leurill admits Milesp 18.00 Prior Lffik* Rotary Club DAG 101.00 Worrell Refrigeration BWipaafit- Repair 56.74 v P[BLI�C S aj'$"jY Null's MdlLmark_Shop Holiday` Station Prior Lake Electric Psrnjmaster Aeloading -.i Con Wbrks Reef 'Industries, Inc. 'G Hennepin Co. Chiefs of Police Richard Powell Richard Powell St. Francis Hospital, doaw�nicaton Auditors t MN Dept of Public Safety Streicher's dopy Duplicating Products lamen Nalson, Cole a Stageberg QarwaY Fire a Safety MD 411u1ar Telephone Oo. ,. Doe�icaton epecialats Reynolds- lieldiN Supply Road Tom* City of SNkopee Mart Md►1_ lister G ality wow Products to wImm Tractor a rquipaeC►t netro Inc. Lury MO&Zsca Drums la ft=Gth, suite N*dM, Inc. Ztmaa Rotuma Ilcwra Contractiwg ,00. 1r. NatlLer 6 eons. Cabrco acts 9erree Calculators, Inc. Film Processing 56.34 Supplies -Nal 39.15 Small Tools i Bquipment 48.38 Stull Tools i apument 61.00 Small Toms i 8quipecent 79.07 Training Expenses 430.00 Mileage 73.60 Car Allownce 150.00 Blood Alcohol Test 31.90 Dquipment Repair 51.66 dosputer Access Charge 150.00 Repair affl.ies 195.00 Copier Rental a Supplies 60.00 Attorney Fees 3.649.50 { Small Tools i squipwent 598.00 I Telephone Services 54.28 Rquipeent Maintensnoe ,123.46 Supplies Medical Supplies 35.';.26 Mileage for Bldg. Insp. 38.98 Annual Control 363.02 Rgineering Supplies 163.50 Dquip wa Repair &Wies 175.33 Equipment Rental 26.00 ' Car Allaaranoe 150.00 Mr A110M nos 150.00 Repair Supplies 468.00 Repair Supplies 275.00 Street Repairs 3.010.50 Repair Supplies 387.26 ti Repair Supplies 166.59 Beall Tools i Equipment:-, 48.50 d i A to S Rental Center NbroDStoo Bsctasn's Rill Mangan Bryan Rock Products Dolores Berens Bill Nangen llstleford sc}.�.peent County Raccider Volk Cwetaa Welding 8a1topae Public Utilities liedanum*er Red Owl MM Parts Dept. New Prague Lusher Co. Prior Lake Power DWipsent NrI Distributing CD. Mle Park Supervisors Assn. k Jackie Dunlnne Jive nobler Alberta Anderson ftrie louse Oud a Clara 8illbo ` V'iola lhcerk �' " tleoicge i Dglores IN Preston Grant Glafts eialke Me aelearn Loom smecb Lorraine. Nelsen C C� la ' r riu i� // a .. a ��..�� R �. . �� NK+.'knf cy eoagemen Okek iris P'1 Darn Nagai alaon slaiue Rdutein Jnli� sstq Edc Moartbpr Den►1�d Inner �alyn 'l�eldten _ Matia S1�netEe , Aoberrta 1�ohUoE Its ftangstreit aft Balm low Aim Iltt Niere�idgi 1 Murean ul% dcrf f , Fork Program Rental Park Program Supplies Park paint. Slnpplies Car Allowance Park.Maintanenoe 94pplies Library Cleaning i 94Vlies Conference R penses Misc. awlies Bwip not Repairs Mrranty Deed Copy m Repairs utilities Misc. Slnpplies Repair 947plies " Park Repair Spplies Repair Supplies Repair Sq lies Conference Fee Park Program Instructor Park Program Instructor Refund Refund Refund Refund. Refund- Refund Refund Refund Refund Ref und Refund WNW Refurnl' Refund Refu d Refund Refumd Refund Refund 106.12 50.99 67.17 150.00 223.49 77.43 395.46 258.19 361.93 10.00 30.00 x 37.96 12.03 40„01. 100.00 11.49 50.47 15.00 80.75 15.00 7.50 7.50 15.00 7.50 15 ' .00 7'50 7.50 7.50 30.00 7.50 7.50 6.50 s f 6.50` 15.00 j 15.00 10.00 10.00 25.00 3.00 15.00 3.00 3.00 3.60 25.00' 30.00 _30.00'i� 90.00 30.00 13.00 13.00 16.00 , 13.00 } Century Sign Adv. Specialties Misc. Supplies 1,054.97 Prior Lake Rotary Club Dues 85.25 a David Urmaaht Mileage i Expenses 122.30 s 19D�R.IaILI17C roster Products Co. Meters 4.291.23 Commissioner of Pmeuue Sales Tax 296.70 John W. McKinley Mter Line Repairs 60.00 Nbn Waters i Rogers Chmicals 312.20 Jeffrey Jorgenmon Refund of overpayment 27.66' Installment 31.238.54 _ SAC Lake Side Sewer i lbter Repairs 1,928.00 a Cftm Lwdeceping Repairs 706.00 John W McKinley Sewer Line Repairs 175.00 MN Dept of Administration Publication 10.50 adm KJ411dahl Yard Repair 20.00 S ftin Bering Testing BnginesrIM 958.15 SI![, Inc. Eft. 2b. 3 39,891.,45 PcaEerrea Pwirg,; Inc. Est. No. 4 167.922.21 Lnestt i Sons Eft. lb- 8 i remainder of'6 75637.54 First Henh St. Pent Debt service 32.658.00 lbrawst. eee4c MpL Debt Service 2.108.50 tir Clwles 9l0cker Professional Services 11400.00 X46 ' .... .. .. ........ .. etc