HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 27 1986CITY OF PRIOR LAKE Y scen ftnday, October 27, 1986 s CJ1T TO ORDER 700 p.m. 1. Pledge of Allegiance Z. [Minutes of the Previous fleeting 3. Awiaw Public Works Priorities for 1987 4. Other Business Q a* b c. S. aed -as -I r 31. 1986 _ a. City, Council. Co ►ications Workshop - . Friday October at 200 pm. b. Mart Council, Meeting - Ymday, 11mvesber 3. 1986 at 7 :30 p.m c. s A GIs Adialnunnt J 1"04474M MU DAKOTA STREET S.E." P.O. SOX 3 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 86372 " 4 , R Y CITY OF PRIOR LAKE- October 27, 1986 The Coamn Council of the City of Prior Lake met in workshop session on Monday, October 27, 1986 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Andren, Councilmobers Fitzgerald, White, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson, assistant City Manager/Economic Development Director tnoacht and assistant City Engineer Loney. Parks and Recreation Director Mangan arrived at :35 psi.' Councilaembers Busse and Scott were absent: Mayor Andren called the meeting to order and asked everyone to rise for the pledge of allegiance. The minutes of the October 20, 1986 meeting were reviewed by Council. 'I Councilmoober Fitzgerald stated that on page 4, item al the sentence in parentheses should be deleted and item 42 should be deleted because the sanitary sewer issue was resolved'. MOTION IRS PAZ BY FITZGEMLD, SECONDED Br WHITE, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES AS ; A!lQIIDi Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, and White; -Busse and Scott absent; the notion passed unanimously. The next item on the a Benda was to review discuss public works priorities ? for 1987. A list of projects to be done by the Public Works Department in 1987 was prepared by Staff and each it was given a priority rating. Economic Development Director OnAacht reviewed and discussed the projects relating to the Downtown Development Plan which included - feasibility studies for frontage roads from Franklin Trail to Toronto Avenue, CSRH 12 to Five Hanks Avenue, and extension of Duluth Avenue to CSRH 21; Downtown, feasibility study to IDsa�ss deteraine costs for isprowesients in the plan= Library parking lot from City Hall 1487 parking lot to Main Avenue; and iWovements -to be paid by money from the tax Rblic incre - I district. Fkqjeft City engineer Anderson reviewed and discussed each of the other projects on the list which. included installation of an additional City well; new City mater +' tower= paving Carriage Hill from Store Lane to Ferndale Avenue; CSAH 21 bridge design and- extension east of Main ; extending sanitary sewer to Maewakantcn Sioux co■ounity; design sewer and water for G.E. Industrial Parks finalizing contracts fro■i 1986 projects; storm sewer projects; Project 87 - 11 c - street overlay; grading of County Road' 83 west of County Road 17; safety iapcowieenta to Highway 13; in -house update of records, plans and ordinances; pripar ng and requirements for subdivisions; updating specifications for (612) 447.4230 48211 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 56372 w V i r E l i0 10 MINITrFS OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY OOUNC L f October 27, 1986 contracts; informational meeting with residents regarding a water treatment . plant; filing easements and sign inventory. Mayor Andren called the meeting back to order at 9:40 p.m. Discussion of the 1987 Public Works projects and signage and additional lighting for City Hall continued. During the discussions that followed, Councilmember Fitzgerald stated the importance of each department setting forth policies and procedures to be followed for citizen and`= developer inquiries and appeal processes. City Manager McGuire stated that Staff would be working on that in the next few months ahead. In the discussion that followed, it was the consensus that Project 87 -11 street Fl aie Ct overlay be delayed until 1988. Council also expressed the importance of paving 87-1.1: County Road 83 and asked that this be scheduled as an agenda item at the street November 3 meeting for further discussion. Overlay avW A five minute recess was called "rtil 19M Parks and Recreation Director Mangan addressed the Council regarding the lighting project for the Memorial Park baseball field. Mr. Mangan stated that it Would be necessary to retain the services of an electrical engineer to properly prepare the specifications for the project. Two firms had been interviewed and Mr. Mangan was recommending the services of R. L. Feig and Associates be retained at a cost of 5% of the project cost. Discussion by Council,;, followed. It was aad cated`ttat the Y.F.W. wild shore the cost of the electrical wid fees if, fiv am reason, we do not, p ooeed %dth the pmjeat. NOTION WA.S MAW BY FITZ(EMM,, SBOONDED BY WHIM, TO AUTHORIZE STAPP TO R XIN Retain THE SEWICES OF R. L. FEIG AND ASSOCIATES, INC. AS OONSMTING ENG.IN1= IN UwUiaa PREPARATION OF THE SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE LIGHTiNr. OF THE BASEmu FIELD AT avinew for MEMORIAL PffiV. Memwial Pam Light. Upon vote taken, ayes: by Andrei, Fitzgerald, and White; Busse and Soott Project absent; the motion passed unanimously. Parks and Recreation Director Mangan stated that the School Board referred the request f9r funding for the lighting project to their Building Connaittee for review and it Wilk be discussed again at the November 5 School Board meeting. The Council reviewed the Fkiilding Per±oit Report for September and accepted' the' report as submitted by general consent. Permit Staff' provided details of the Communications Workshop to be held October'31 and November 1 to the Council. The next Council meeting will be Monday, N wwkoer 3 �' 1986° ,at 7:30 p.m. 0 There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:37 p.m. by general content. of the Council. Michael A. McGuire City !tanager Loretta K. Lane Recording Secretary 2 4 �thd "'w`�i ?A���wiy+ � �r 4 �• �/C,,,S�.r'�! a� a- � `�� 'I � � � y ° �,� �. 1,11 .