HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 03 1986CITY OF PRIOR LAKE Agenda Monday, Mvember 3, 1986 CALL TO OFUM 7:30 p.m. 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting and Invoices Scheduled for Pwiment on TUesday, Noaeaber 4, 1986 3. Consider Change Order Request from Lasetti & Sons Regarding Jacking 40 Discuss Feasibility Report for Project 87 -11, Street Overlay S. Continue Discussion on Acquisition of Scott County Garage 6. Consider Resolu� ton 86-20 Regarding County .Road 83 7. Consider Ordinance 86 Regarding Police Oasmission 8.. , Consider ANointsent to Economic Develggwnt C=mittea 9: Review iRstedge Estates Developer's Agrement 10. Other Business a. -. b °1 c. 11. Announoe■ents and Corgi a. Nest. Council Meeting - Monday, November 10, 1986 at 7:30 p.m. b. ce 12. Adjounnent . r,. DON'T FORGET TO VOTE ON TUWW HOVERER 4, 1986 - : (02) a474280 4628 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 ... ,r,, - 7 . ,! . U ,R CITY OI= pR OR LAKE mniu=01? THE CITY OWWM November 3, 1986 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regul-Ar session on Mondayr November 3, 1906 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Andren, Councilmembers Fitzgerald, Scott, White, City Manager Mc(kire, City Engineer Anderson, and City Attorney Kessel , CDuncilnember Busse was absent. Mayor Andren called the meeting to order and asked everyone to rise for the �.�,pledqe of allegiance. 1 �\ lb-a minuton of the October 27, 1986 meeting were reviewed by Council. C46(%ncilmember Fitzgerald stated that the following should be added to page 2, paragraph 6: It we indicated that the V.F.W. mmud snare the cost of the electrical engineer fees if, for same reason, we do not proceed with the project-,- MDMN MRS HIME BY FITZGERAM, SHOONDED BY WHITE, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES AS Whutes Upon a vote takein, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White; Busse absent; the notion passed unanimously. Council reviewed the invoices scheduled for payment. IUD' MM MRS HIM BY SaM, SHMM BY WHITS, TO Ah40R THE nMICES SMMMMD Invoices FOR PRYMM ON TMSDW , NO EMM 4, 1986 AS S=Wf=. tt Upon a vote taken ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Stott, and White; Busse absenti t1w notion pri unanimously. rm next itmcn the agenda was to consider a change order request from Lametti & Sow regarding jacking on Project 82-3, North Shore Trunk Slower and Ulatermain. nim- Connilting Engineer, Jim Norton, explained that Lametti & Sons was requesting an Omp orde extra for the jacking In the Visions VIII/Rospberry Ridge area because they iiie & Jadft i.)oountering rocks and they felt that was a changed condition. Mr. Norton Hm Mom reviaMed corresporidence that has occurred between Lametti 6 Sons and Pmjwt Orr-9 con 6, Associates. The latest letter to Lametti a Sons dated Octdhwer 2 1906 hod not beeft sent pending review by the Council. This letter stated - the City's position that there was not a changed condition and � no claims for extras was warranted and that work should resume in this area immediately. AIM DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 356 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA,, 35372 le 4 i MrffJTES OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY OMWIL Ityembe_ 3, 1986 '1 4 Discussion by the Council and Staff followed regarding the eorres pondence and meetings with the contractor, the soil borings W specifications for the project, and ;alternate methods of jacking in this area. It was t`a consensus of the Council to have Staff revise the letter of'October, , J �29 stating the City's position and if work was not' resamed in, this area, we,; e6 Mould be requir� to take Whatever hatever rearedi are available pursuant to the p M�ls contract. Staff also directed.' to schedule a,,meeting with Lammetti ,a Sons within a couple of days to discuss the letter and try to reach an agreement. Mayor Andrei; and'Oouncl:aenber Fitzgerald will also attend the meeting. City Rgineer Anderson informed the Council that the contractor was asking for an' - extra to rune unsuitable soil and replace it. with granular material on Stare Trail. Staff, did feel this was a legitimate request. It was the° consensus. of the Council that an extra should be paid for this,; and a; change order iwill b'e brought back to the Council for action. %A five minute reoesr _was called. c ; ltyor Andren called the meeting back to order at 9:30 p.m. ` The next item on the Benda was to disc u the feasibility report for Project 87 -11, Street Oeetlay. City; 9gineer Anderson stated that Council autho;imed ,, < the preparation,of e feasibility report for this project atAhe July le, 1986 $ meeting and same of the initial. work has begun. At the October 27 meeting, it was the consensus of the Council to'delay this project fora year. Staff Was +ng Oxwc4l direction on continuing„ to work on the feasibility stuff. „request Discussion followed. \ , , VRM IRS MADE BY W M, S IMMM BY FITEG nka, To DHm PRwRq 87 -11, sn=T D ft Cam , DlirII. 1988 AM STM IS TO COlII'II= TD VORiC ON THE FRASIBII�_ 'f RSF� Rgi 8711' ` AND tM PIAMB FM TM PROOM T AS TIM WnZ ALU N. 1 Dpon by Andren, Fitzgerald, Scott. White; Bill ON a vote taken, ayes and absents the notion pund unanimously. 9be uncil .then continued the discussion on acquisition of the 800tt'County GRraW.,,, City IWmmjer McGuire stated that he received a quote from Frank, widar net to ex=W $600.00 for an appraisal of the :property to be cospleted within six weeks to two months. Mr. -M Gbire also spoke with the Scott County G ` Administrator - -, who stated they would consider a second appraisal. Discwsion follo wid. IDTI0 ills M 'Br Nom : MKMM BY SoozT, TD R M3N TUB 1 ; 1 1 vlt$S OF FR" AePsisal Motlit 20 AFF MM M SOd1T COMM GA.t M AT lit FM MT, <M 'IDOMED $600.,00. fang ` . DOW opm a vote taken, ayes by ,Andren, Fitzgerald, 9bott,, White; Busse absent= %tht. motion p wind uneniwounly. �R T MINUTES OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL November 3, 1986 1 MXMON WAS MADE FITSGBRsTD, SECONDED BY 90d1T, TO ADOPT RESIM ,UTION 86-20, A hm RESOLUTION RJ[&STING BITUMINOUS SLWACING OF COUNTY ROAD 83. Pave Cit 83 Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White; Busse absent; the motion passed unanimously. The next item on the agenda was to consider Ordinance 86-06 regarding the Pblice 0®aission. City Manager McGuire stated this ordinance would repeal City Code 2 -1 -1 because the City of Prior Lake is an "Optional Plan B" city and there is no need for a police commission. Mr. Mdluire stated that this is one of several amendments that will be necessary to update the City Code. 1 1 MOTION WB.S MM BY FITS(a's MM, SBOONCED BY WHITE, TO ADOPT OPIDINANCT '86 -06, AN ��� ' OPDIIBIRCE REPEALIM PRIOR UUM CITY CCOB 2 -1 -1. r 5=1 -1 of Upon a vote taken: "a }—es.,by Andren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and Mite; Busse absents COY 00 & the motion passed unanimously., The Council then acnsidered the appointment to the Boonasic Dev..lo Brut Ommittee. City Manager Yb�Lire informed the Oouneil that the Interniew 3maittee consisting of Mayor Ardren, Boononic Development Director Uaascht and - hisself art with six candidates. The Interview Oosmittee Was recommending Jack llsuger► be "appointed to the Comauittee► until June, 1987 to omplete the terra of Mike Babcock. MO2MN MS MADE BY WHITE, SBDOMED BY SOOTT, TO APMM THE APPOIN0![+N1! OF JACK AM. HAW= TO THE BOONCKIC D6VMOPNENT COMlQTlEE FRCP! NO 04MR, 1986 TO JW, 1987. Jack mmi TO am" Upon a vote take;:, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Stott, and White; Busse absent; Day. Ora. the motion pssiO unanimously. The Oo nc l then reviewed Vi stedge Estates Developer's Agreement. The questioner of, ., credits for sewer and water eoreaction charges on this agreement wss raised Dim= �{ - at a previous meeting. City Brgineer Anderson stated that credits. were , given mw a only to developments, which are single family. Multiple units which require vow oaersisirg in utilities, ' twe an acreage charge for utilities that is small a=ec. . compared to the number of units and therefore_ produces less revenue for cruRts ' recouping the coat for oversixing. A comparison of other projects was reviewed by Ootasucil and Staff and it was pointed out that the policy had been applied consistently. There was further discussion by Council and Staff and it was the consensus that this policy should be reviewed by Staff and possibly revised. City Attorney Xeesel informed the Council that he still has not received the contract for the erwer extension to the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sion: Ooasunity. City !Manager McGuire stated that the trailer on Axafsey's Cove has been 'hailer at removed. Knemtow's .. One ldo�ed `Toe next ���"auncil meeting will .be Monday, Hmmober 10, 1986 at 7 :30 p.m. Then* being no furth the adj ourned at 10:01 .m. meeting adj p by general , consent of the �.uncil. f Michael A. McGuire 'City Manager t 1 yy i 78g PCUC TING LIST OF IMWICES ARE SMEF ! Ii M FM PAymW On TUES, KW. 04, 1986 ML9C. X75_ � Rive =wood Conference Center Caaa mications Coinfrrenoe 302.08 leagm anoe Trust .... 16,7 ]11 ion t. Machine metal 0.• 0000 pail! Qarp. Office 2 77.32 • AM Office supplies Office dies WS Sky ,Data' Systems SYsteea Update 18.75 ,; taint Telephone Service 105.21 Ace Vacuya Equipment Weir 24.65 OW Duplicating Products Copier Rental i Supplies 278.42 Avant Heenan City Bell. Cleaning 700.00 Creative Graphics �rtrrrr .�� Printer] a pplieg 351.02 Llbarty Photo Inc. Rise SLpplies 100..40 Don '8traicher Guns Misc. bLpplies 30 25 8t. Fracis Medical Center Blood Alcohol Tests :Hwompin' Chiefs of Police Training Fees (90. 0 Co�nication Auditors Capital Outlay- Aquipreerat 1350.0 ct Mll Callular telephone Co. Tele&m Service ' 25.45 Fkbsrt, Mertens, Aeisb. for Conference Expenses '! 70.85 Co�nnication eci'l lists Bquipnent Meintera m 72.45 l�11lonslis�itnl � Clothing Supplies 1;42!.20 Fire a Safety C Clothing & pplies � 252.00 iro Graphics ,4 Printed ftVlies X20.60 mil' 8Me! Plan Check Fees 1,:.15.27`' �r Aar Croaks Police Bldg. Disposal 240.'00 Deicing Salt 5.558.88 lletro Inc. equipment Rental 26.00 Earl !.Andersen t Assoc. Signs' 1.067.50 Minnesota Blumpcint Misc. SLpplies 52.4 8 ., c� c a, t n r.. i Mai . Tai. Restaurant Park Program 144.99 TOW Doyle Mileage 15.40 Whaley Grant Refund 29.00 Pad Gibbs Refund 31.50 Beverly lhks Refund 20.50 Mae Hafer an Aefund 25.00 Soott 1Carakas Park Program Instructor 191.25 - Dan Borchardt Park Program Instructor 25.00 Patricia Larsen Park Program Instructor '53.00 hynn Jaspers Park Program Instructor 20.00 Maureen Jandorf Park Program Instructor 2 Karen Stangohr Park Prograi(Anstructor 143.00; k Lisa Brandt... Park Program Instructor 55.00. '. Shy SaBwars Park Program Instructor 40.00 Trauport Clearings Freight Charge 29.75 Moda Kop Senior Citizens 75.00` ghter Products Lb Capital Improvement -Parks 2,085.75 Donation 100.00 Mwth western Bell Telq*ww Service 21.79 J L. Sbiely Co. Capital Ingovament Supplies 442.51 I*t Prague Iaaber s Ready Mix Park Maintenance Supplies 94.87 BKnci's lhchine Shoff equipment Maintenance 20.00 ;' Calendars r Office Supplies_ 8.25 i Joi6ricsn Cast;Iron Pipe Repair Supplies 36.80 Dixie Petro Chan Chmaicela 157.95 8esoo Ihter Analysis 24.00' Bwthern Hydraulics Repair Supplies; Water Products Co. Supplies 174.83 t °. B lite ziectrlc Repair 'Supplies 66.00 u t C o . ' 5 R w a ,kf ksy.