HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 10 1986� � � �� �7 l t � � �� 4 E � ray, t " V L I i t t i I CITY OF PRIOR LAKE mnsim OF THE CITY muNcIL November 10, 1986 1lne Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met, in regular session on NmxUy, November 10, 1986 at 7 :30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Present were Nayor Andren, Conncilmembers Fitzgerald, Soott, White, City Manager FtWire, Assistant City Nenager/Sconomic Develop ant Director Urmhacht, Parks and recreation Director Npngan, Assistant City Engineer Loney, Intern Garross and City Attorney Kennel. Cbuncilaember Busse was absent. HWr Andren called the meeting to order and asked everyone to rise for the pledge of allegiance. "a minutes of the November 3, 1986 meeting were reviewed by Council, IDTMN WRS MADE BY FITZGEMM, S®ODAD® BY SOQTT, TO APMNE 7HE NnVM OF Wuwt s NDVEMM 3, 1986 AS SUNUTM. ' Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Soott, and White; Busse absent; the motion passed unanimously. flee next item on the agenda was to discuss an identification sign for. City Hall. Parks and recreation Director Mangan presented two alternatives to the Council. am= " One was a routed, sign similar to the signs in the park system. 'The sign would 7dmdM.. be lighted and Would cost approximately $750.00. The other alternative is a s,fw brick sign with metal lettering built into the grade of the hill facing County city RdIL Road 41. This sign would be lighted and includes two additional flag poles for State and Cit..1 flags, a sitting area, and a planting area with trees and shnftery. 7leis alternative would cost $8,500 with Staff doing the labor. Discussion by Council followd expressing concern for additional lighting in the parking lot, an identification sign on the building itself, identification for the police department, consider using lesser quality materials for the second alteaatiae to decrease the cost and possibly doing it in phases. It was the co mo= as of the Council that Staff should incorporate the suggestions of the Council into the plan and bring it_back'for further discussion. necause it was not yet 800 p.m., the time of the next scheduled item an the agenda, the Council soon to itee #5 and considered the Drank Nicker request for ,, release of,easement. Assistant City Engineer Loney presented the request stating that surveying errors occurr+d se, ral years ago on the Nicker property. Mr. Laney further stated that the City does need an easement for sanitary sewer aced, the Nic#oers signed such an easement on January 6, 1986; however, this`=, '161Z1 4e7-4U0 4fl8 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 369 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 ENEMA MINEn%S OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL November 10, 1986 easement created an overlap of easements. The Wickers are requesting the release of the original easement. Discussion by Council followed. Concern Was expressed that this Would release part of the easement the City needs. City Attorney Kessel stated that the release of easement documtnt did "not release any of the January 6, 1986 easement. 0 .t ^✓ !DMON PAS MADE P" RITE, SSCOMED BY SCOTT, TO APPROVE THE SIGNING- OF THE RB.BaSB OF EASEN12V DOCURW BY-THE MAYOR AND CITY MANGER. R Rescue of Upon a vote _ taken,: ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White; Busse absent; a a agamt the nation passed. unanimously, The Council then discussed the amendeent to the park ordinance regarding the 10 :00 p.m. closing. The amendment was being considered because if the baseball field at $!manorial Park I, is, lighted, some games may go .beyond the 10:00 p.m. curfew. Parks and Recreation Director Mangan stated that he checked With other cominities to see how they handled this. Staff's recommendation was to adopt the policy to allow games to extend past 10:00 p.m. with no inning starting post 10:30 p.m. and lights must be off by 11:00 p.m. and to reword the ordinance to -allow for the enforcement of this policy. Discussion followed. mmmN was m m BY FinaaaLD, sEcomw BY SCOTT, liltA'HONazor. To mhYOR AND CITY M MANNZ TO SIGN A CHAM IN ORDINRNCE 9-2 -7B TO READ AS FOUM 9 94 -79 'NO PEWON SfW.L NWAM WI'1M A PAM BETNEEN THE HOURS OF TER O'CLOCK (10 :00) P.N. AND FIVE O'CLOCK (5:00) A.M. WITH THE EKITION OF CITY SCHMMM ACTIVITIES OR WITH THE WRITTEN PERMISSION- OF THE PARRS AND TION' DIRHLTOR' Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White; Buaqe absent; the ti mmo on as ` _ y Next . on the agenda Was to �iscuss relocation of the City's fuel tanks. Assistant City Engineer Loney stated the\relocation of the three fuel tanks age e o Wlet they the landscaping by City Hall. Because of the would allow for the oomwpletion of the 1 ' of the exist - removed and disposed of and three new tanks would be installed in the area of tlM Maintenance Sops. Three quotes Were received to ooWlete the work. !Mr. Loney stated that if time allowed`, Staff would do the excavating and backfilling which,Would reduce the amount by approximately $1,500.00. ristem for Discussion . City ftnager stated raised r e options systems have the the tanks been researched and same type of system will be installed at a later date. Knorr WAS MW BY WHITE, SBOON D BY 'm 9' TO APPROVE THE MM FRCk WESTSIDE R*Mte ZIPN1 IN THE MDUNT OF $14, 394.00 TO RINC►?E'THB {LD MEL TANKS AND ItamaLL cigr Fkai THRM NN FM TANKS FOR THE CITY. / / TAdms Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and Whites 'Busse absent; the notion passed unanimously. 2 , 1`::x,.rsiL �,'� �. �'ks' V I.AiA lk'� a 1 November 10, 1986 -s A four minute recess Was tt ncalled. t Mayor Andrea called`the meeting back to order at 8:37 p.m. The next item on the agenda was to consider bids received for Memorial Burk baseball field lighting. Parks and Recreation Director Morgan stated the School lhsaaia Board voted , ,not to participate in the project, therefore,'there are not enough.; funds�neosaaary to complete the project. The V.F.N. Club was 'meeting at the pr .ame time as the Council meeting to approve the $40,000 donation and to possibly Baseball identify other sources for funding. Mr. !Mangan returned from the V.F.N. meeting Field ?and stated that they had not acted on that item yet. Lieldw a MOTION WAS,<k1ii1DS BY FITZGEMM, SBOOMED BY SOOTT, TO TABLE IBIS ITEM UffIL THE iabted Ie7VElBBR ll' l�BTING. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White; Busse absent; the motion passed unanimously. city Manager lbQuire discussed the League of Minnesota Cities' policy changes that were given to the Council. Mr. McGuire stated that he and Mayor Andren Mould be attending the meeting regarding these charges and if others wanted" to attend, they should let bin know. Mayor Andren reported on the meeting that was held with Lametti ,;and Sons' regarding the North Ogre Project and stated that another meeting was acheduled for November 13, 1986. Councilumtmber Fitzgerald distributed: copies of an editorial which suggested joint meetings of the city council and the school board. Discussion fo'Acwed regarding thus. City. Manager McGuire was directed to contact, the "school su�erintsnftt., to ascertain their feelings regarding such a meeting. staff is to rpns,an thdr nudym cUthe aa•ae[ goad betwm the School. Baud and the City. A qustion from the audience was raised regarding the manholes on Lord'a Street. Assistant City Ragineer Loney stated that, if the final street of -erlay could not be completed before winter, work woul be. done to the manholes so they worul&not t be higher than the street. r slue neat Council meeting will be Monday, November 17, 1986 ;it 7 .,30 p.m. 'ire being no further business, the., meeting adjourned at „8:58 p.m. by aereral consent of the Council. /` Michael A. McGuire City . r � Loretta M. Lane Recording Secretary 0 1 C: 3 THE FaZONDG LIST OF INYOICES ARE SaMULED FOR PAYMIW ON TUES, mss. NOV. 18, 1986' t�rsc. Rivervood Conference Center Camumications Conference 795.09 Principal Mutual (formerly Banker's Insurance 4,842.70 Delta Dental Insurance 923.10 Ames Office Supply Office Supplies 216.09 Minnegasoo Utilities 123.07 Carlson OR Hardware Misc. Supplies 213.37 Coast to Coast Hardware ' Misc. Supplies 51.45 -M alken Oil Co. Fuel a Oil Supplies 9,120.30 Prior'Lake Caro est Repair Supplies 306.45 M Vialey Electric Coop. Utilities 845.59 NSP Utilities 5,296.82 Prior Lake Aggregate Sand a Gravel 3,843.69 J. L. Shiely Co. Sand i Gravel 447.06 Fabrmacher foods Misc. a gviies 58.10 C. H. Carpenter TA Misc. Supplies 271.44 Charles Zboke Planning Consultant 700.00 Prior Lake American Legal Publications 72.60 i Action passenger Messenger Service 16 Selectform, Inc. Posters 20.91 Attitude Development Consultants Personnel forms 130.02 Prior Lake Bakery Election Supplies 17.70 Preloenik a Associates Attorney Bees 331.45 Lam man Malson, Cole & Stageberg Attorney Pees 5,866.00; Dabbie Garross -, Mileage 4 Reimbursement 37.92 S a T`O ffice Products Supplies 26.20 Columbia Great Lakes Corp. Computer Printer Supplies 64.97 aenaer's In Cleaning Supplies 73.91 P ark Hatianod Bank Computer Payment 2,714.14 1 BYstm Postage 1 4 10crican Linen Maintenance Supplies 71.44 R a R Carpet go rvice Maintenance Supplies 40.50 Meanie Schmitz Mileage 17.20 Susan Meyer Mileage 8.37 B;imice aakowaki Election Mileage a Supplies 11.07 Nkyor &4mincil Salaries 1,350.00 pik* all N*Are Car Allowance 300.00 AelQb Mcnsr Cher Allowance 75.00 3t Graser Car Allowance 75.00 r 1a l"s Halms* SirDp Holidiy Station Ricbaw ail i Stswn Schmidt Dumas Leff 1&%y F abamiort Eugene amith Joe VanDeri1oom Robert. an Photo Finishing Supplied" Clothinq Allowance Clothing Allowance _0othing Allowance Clothing Allowance Clothing AlloMmoe" Clothing Allowance Clothing Allowance 76.76 23.10 214.00 214.00 214.00' :214.00 - 214.00 214.00 214.00 Michael Marben Clothing Allowance 214.00 Gregory 3ollner Clothing Allowance 214.00 Lassen, Nelson, Cole & Stageberg Attorney Fees 7,114.43' Kevin Bafernann Whicle Maintenance 146.00 Kustom Kolor Vehicle Maintenance 51.00 Copp Duplicating Products Copier rental & Supplies 60.00 Northwest Camera repair Equipment repair 7.00 Richard Powell ME AND Car Allowance 150.00 PtES= Prior Lake Fire Dept. Fire Pay 17,972.00 Ring Fire Extinguisher Co. Supplies 34.50 Reynolds Welding Supply Co. Supplies 7.13 National Fire Protection Assn. Training Supplies 103.85 AMID= INSMC=- a Ken Svee Plan Check Fees 752.70 City of Shakopee Building Inspection. Fees 400.56,/ Archie Pavek Fee refund 575.0t Snydar's Drug Stores Misc. Supplies 23.20 ` State Dept. of Transportation Supplies 81.32 Jordan True Value Hardware Acetylene Supplies 2-6.20 M. Maeller & Sons Street Maintenance Supplies 1,473.91 Art Johneon Used Snow Plow 150.00 Am Crocks Rubbish Disposal 93.00 Catco Parts & Service Repairs . 802.80 Klingberg" Rxcavatirg Co. Heavy Equipment Rental 455.00 B.N.K. Masonry, Inc. Curb 150.00 Larry Anderson Car Allowance 150.00 Bin ° ice Laney Car Allowance 150.00 L Frank J. Wicker Appraisals 1,200.00 enu> lore Thftely Refund 26.00 Debra Tanner refund 26.00 Diane Brechler refund 20.00 Old Log Theater Park. Program 90.00 Skateville Park Program ' 56.25 Jaoglyn Duni m Perk Program Instructor 55.25 Art Skaw ParklPrograR Supplies 1 11.00 Callers'- Cuers' Corner Park Program Supplies 369.00 Law 9krAp■ent repair Supplies 39.00 Bryan rock Products Park Maintenance Supplies 150.75 Parts Dept. Inc.y- Repair Supplies, 60.23 300tt Rio& Telephone OD. Telephone Service 10.48 M*Apse Public Utilities = Utilities 31.70 o NST Utilities 8.89 M Dept of Agriculture License 30.30 Chapin Publishing OD. Ad. for Bids 66.60 J. R. Jdnson Supply Capital'traprovaments 755.10 Water `Products Repair Supplies 66.73 Prior Lake. Heating & Air Conditioning Library Equipment Repairs 77.40' Dolores Berens Library Cleaning 75.00 hbnrnens Supply Supplies 77.77 ,� litma Langan Car 1�i11owateoe 150.00 �/