HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 17 1986F CITY OF PRIOR LAKE REGULA A j Monday, November 17, 1986 } CALL TO O1 R 7:30 p.m. 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting and Invoices Scheduled for Payment on Tuesday, November 18, 1986 3. Prior Lake 2000 Survey Report "Development ` 4. Review Foonomic' Policies *8 :00 pe S. Discuss Memorial Park Baseball Lighting ; *8:15 In 6. Mr. and Mrs. Cn"gnoli Waning Ordinance Amendment Request *8:30 In 7. Consider Preliminary Plat of Oak Ridge Court 2nd Addition S. Discuss Adding Position of Assistant City Planner (I . 9. Review Information from Minnesota Department of Natural 'Resources Regarding 30' Strip of Land Adjacent to Shore Trail 10. Other- Business ; a.' Building Permit Report f C� b. Dog Catcher's Report. c. Fire and Rescue Report d. Police Report e. Treasurer Ia Report 11. respo de Annow:oeMen- and Cor nom a Next Council NeetingAbrkshop Monday, November 24, 1986 at a � 700 p b. Letter from Metropolitan Waste Control. Commission Regarding S.A.C. Transfer C. )� 12. Adjournment � � J ! *A11 times atmted on the Council. Agenda, with the exception of Public Hearings, t { are appcao:iaate and mey -start a: few minutes earlier or lritxr. 1 (612) 447.4230 JIM DAK'.JTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55972 . r r � t t( I I MINUTBS OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL Nmember 17, 1986 N the Survey Report and how the results of the survey were tabulated. The completion of the Prior Lake 2000 Program Report is anticipated in January or early February. The Council then moved to item #9 on the agenda and reviewed information froti the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources regarding a 30 foot strip of land mxuss adjacent to Shore Trail. City Attorney Kessel explained that the Department of 30' Strip Natural Resources was seeking a jub3gmnt declaring that the use of the driveway of Ind as'a means of providing access to Prior Lake is consistent with the intentions for mhuc of the original dedication of that driveway and therefore there would no 11 go Access to the named defendants. Discussion by Council followed. Concern was expressed as to which driveway the documents were referring to or if it Was all three drivcveys shown on the.,plat. Consensus of the Council was to object to the principle that the three drivemys Were dedicated as public roads, but the City does not abject to the driveway adjacent to Lot 19 being included as part of the public access to the lake. City Attorney Ressel was directed to prepare an answer stating the City's a V position as reflected in the oonsensus of the Council and, if necessary, it will be brought back to the Council The next item on the agenda was a continuation of the discussion on the'Memorial Park Paseball Field Lighting. Parks and Recreation Direceor':hangan stated that the VFN voted not to proceed with the project at this time because total funding was riot available and. there was some disagreement on the City's design._ Some of the VlW-Imember- felt the design should be eight pole versus a six pole design. Discussion by the Council followed regarding the lighting design and who should pay the engineeriry sts incurred in preparing the specifications for the project. It am the consensus of the Council that Farks and Recreation Direction with members of the vll� to discuss the igDting design before asking any reommendation on payer~:n of the fees. MEMOS MRS WM BY ME=, S80D1M BY SMTT TO RWBCr` At1+ � -RIDS R Mr= FOR Rgject Bids t BAS011lZL FIELD, LIGHTIIG AT MEMORIAL P. BASBD ON T86 PROMT \Gp�; !C)Raw No iml , AS' SPWVM, AT'.:T8IS TIME 77-1 Ruk Base Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White; Busse ball held the i6 ion peseed unanimously. .� The next item on the agenda was to consider a zoning ordinance amendment request from Jerry and .ft Bann Ca■Vagnoli. Planning Intern Garross explained that, a petition bed, been received to incorporate 'Limited Retreat' be a conditional use In A-1 Agricultural Districts. A "Limited Retreat' definition was considered by the Planring,pamimission on Nc vember 6, 19S and they were reaom■erding that the zoning code` be amended to include this definition as a conditional use in the A-1 Agricultural District. Discussion by Council followed regarding limiting the number of people in the definition. and Whether or not C -1 Conservation Districts should be included. !OIMN WAS WM 'BY FIT:GB*JD, SBOORM BY V IITE, TO MW SBC MH 3.2 Asmd Qmimm t= AND 8.1 DMMUTDOM CF = CITY 201M CMNi = To ]s1ODIigo*= Ord. to "LIK= RdW&W' AS A CONDITIML USE IN TBS A-1 AGRTCI XUML MV=Cr. 1r1ide Limited Retreat 2 mnuss or 7m PRIOR LAKE CITY (MUW.IL Noveniber 17, 19bS -LIKV= RMY&NO BEDG DEFINED AS A PRIVM, MULTIPMOOSE EN OMV MR USE By nmrvnuAw AND PRIVATE mmm FOR THE Fmon OF OONFEFZNM, WNSUSHOPS, SEKU4ARS, MEDITATION OR TMnMG SESSIONS. FOR 7M Fmom OF 2H= RB3ULATMNS A LIMI= REnWAT SHALL NOT INMUDE RESTMMUS FOR THE GENMAL PUBIC, NOR BE ELIGIBLE FOR A LIQUOR LIMM. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Saott, and White; Busse absent; the motion passed unanimously.. A f ive minute recess was called. Mayor Andren called the meeting back to order at 8:40 P.M. 7he Ommil then considered the preliminary plat of Oak Ridge Court 2nd Addition. Planning Intern Garross piresented the request to replat Outlot A, which was previously platted in Oak Ridge Court lat Addition, into three single family lots. The lots would e=ee6 minim anning standards but would rave xt law frontage than the existing lots in Oak - ' Ridge Court ' lat Addition. In Planning Commission did consider the preliminary plat on November 6, 1906,-,and approved it with two contingencies. Discussion was opened to the audience and several residents adjacent to the proposed plat made comments regarding the frontage of the lots, the size of the ficiris that would be built on them and expressed a cono'ern, for proper drainage In the area wd� the possibility of dedicating the holding pmd to the City so that it could not be f illed and made into another lot at a later date. fte developer, Mary Eggum, was piresent and also addressed the 0ounril. Discussion by Council followed express" concern for the smaller frontage of t the lots, umber or not covenants existed for the homes in this area and the drainage easement in the plat. NYZMN MRS M11DE BY FITZGENALD, SBOOMM BY WHM, TO THE 79IS I= Unau. Owk Rldv f - MCBNM 1, 1986 AT 7:35 P.M,' DW= MICH TIM SWF NO= WJIN = N= POR Comm M I DR nV= ZASMW BK= ONYMM TO FU ONNINRP SWT AND MUM& AM To, A*hm6 ftel_', RNENRM CDNNAM AS TO ME OAK RIDGE cow immsm As mw tw mum. 76 Plat TA OUT= A AND TO GM = WARAM AM = NBEGHBURS'AN OPENdUNIV FOR DUCUSSZON R1K&Ffi=i WE EEVZOEMW OF THE PROPERTY. Upon a vote taken ayes by Amdren Fitzgerald, Soott and White; Busse absents the motion passed unanimmoly. A five minute recess was called. fte. meeting we called back to order at 9:37 -_p.m. by Mayor Andren. fte next item on t1w agands, was to discuss adding the position of Assistant City Planner. City nwapr Maguire stated that this position was approved in the 1997 budget and reviewed the job description for the position. It was the consensus of the Counatil, that position in needed. MDT= MS MW BY FIT&GEMW S By NEM" TO CREATE A POSIMM OF Awt. CLty SIS!"M AS CITY FLAMM FOR TM CITY OF PRIO � LMM. FUMW Fbidtion Upon a vote taken, ayes,by Andren, ritxgerald, Scott, and White; Bum absent; Created the notion passed unanimously. MINUTES OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL November 17 1986 The Council then moved to item 94 on the agenda and reviewed the Economic Development Policies. Jim Hill, Chairmen of the Doonomic Development Committee, Boar. am. presented. the policies, "Strategies for the Future', stating that the purpose of omdttm the policies was to establish direction Lfor the Committee, establish,a more Mid defined role for the Oomdttee and to assist in the formation of a community Di sonsed conmsermsus an development in Prior Lake. Discussion of the policies followed by Council and Staff. It was the consensus of the Council to discuss theme policies in ire detail at a "tam meeting' to be held at the January 26 Council workshop meeting. The meeting is to be widely publicised to residents and local organisations to get a large attendance at the meting. The monthly reports for October were reviewed by Council. The Building.Pema►it NntMy Report, Dog Catcder's Report. Fire and Rescue Report, Poliop. Report, and aepm Treasurer's Report were approved by general consent. A letter from the Metropolitan Waste Control commission regarding the SyC transfer at Priordale Mall was given to the Council for their information and was discussed. d r f R QLty Harager McGuire stated that be received a .letter from the Scott County Soots Administrator stating that since they had not received an offer fros the City on 0M)M ► the Soott County Garage property, they Will be going out. for bids on the Os property on December" 19, 1986,` and if we are interested, we should admit a bid. Prgmectj► A, &Waiasl has been ordered from Frank Wicker to use as a basis for submitting a. bid. City Manager NcOuire stated a bid opening is requested for the group 'health coverage for the City of Prior.Lake. lEOTDOM M MM BY l�`IT�iGBRl�LD, SEEOOEB=, By Sam, 30 ADVSEt'1TSS FM BIM E!�Oi� Ends far, MUM oDVE31al Z TO BE OMED ON R 16, 1986 AT 1I; 00 A.M. Grow Hevlf3 Goes Upon a:vote taken ayes by Rndren, Fitzgerald, Soott, and Mite; Busse absents` „1 the!. reotlon pumed unwnimcusly. City llenagsr NoGuire read to the Council a .letter from Councilmeember Busme6 son submitting his resignation from the City Clouncil. Mr. McGuire also distributemithoodipsmoticn; copy es to the Ox moil of the appointment procedures from the Ikague ,of Alta pta l Cities, HuvIbock that le to to followed in replacing a ,councilaesber. Ddso- vasion follchvd: regarding adys in which the Council could recogmi -e Nr. Busse for his yam of service to the con avdty MOVsi ; W IUM Elx.:WEE M,,- SEEODMM >Mr FITIQltXl p TO 1CMP1 THE ItESIMATI0N OF , i y A it B[>$6E' AMD MW M MAYOR MV CITY MOM BB DIRBL M TO M= M Lfi'm M AIM IYCEa %MG ME RESIGM2M WIM 1)BM 1:,BM T AND QilMMB of = MCII, PM HIS MAt17C YEARS GP cmxcz To' TEEET iT Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andresen, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White; Bum absent; i, the motion passed unudmouely. r , EDZ`M MS MM Mf FIT=*Mt BY MOM, TO JUXXTS M MHMM FOR AN *1a= to A'1 /Mr90 Alb= M DS9CU&S' PEtNIE - UTiGlITZ _ !/ ;. 4 J FS HIMMU CY M PRIOR LAU CITY COMCIL Nmrsaber 17, 1986 u r- Y Upon a vote taken,, ayes by Rndren. ritsgerald. Scott, aro white; Busse ' abeentt the motion passed unoniummay. the nesting adjourned at 10:17 p.n. 4he attocney /client meeting adjourned at 11 :23 p.m.„ "a nest Caned meeting Will be Mcuday, Nx mbar 24 1986 at 7 :30 p.m., Michael A. NoWire x. City Maemger Loretta M. Lane , It e : a• {: r .mom -: ,. •„ y . ,'? c # y n 11 �� - } •999 k .