HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 24 1986a��u�n'�u .�.�:�.+s,�"�xM 'q� +�� �'Y�t�� �,, t�«i�� �""� ' "�S�ti''��,� -..�x ,�, 9j��.._ .�4 } `'.h r �,.N�. CITY OF PRIOR '� LAKE xna W: 4C i z cm comm - Navenimr 24, 1986 The C.== Oam,oil of the City, of Prior Lake met in Workshop session on No, r r 24, 1986 at 7 :30 p.m. in the City Council Cheebers. Present were 1147pr, h Bran, Oouna lrenbars Fitzgerald, Scott, l'.; White, City M nwpr MaGUiru. City I� Engi:zaer Anderson, Assistant testy Mmnager/Boonamc Development Diractor,t. J Assistant City Planner Garross and City Attorney Nessel. N&yor A dren called the meeting to order and asked eve cyone to rise for the pledge of allegianoe. The,mimites of the M"mkwr 17, 1986 aaeet ng were reviewed by Oouncil. lDTfON Ms MADE '' 8Y SMT, SEM MBD B FI'1'dGTtti!lLD, M MOM THE YMNM OF Nbutte u IMEMM 17, 1986 AS C ro TV 1mr. s Upon -a Grote taken, wen by Andren,;Fitsgierald, Soott, and White, the motion pssrtd unaniaouelY. ���� The nexC item; on the agenda we t to consider a Let -ter of Intent fras Cedar Pines lOLrsirg Hone, Inc. Romanic Director tluedt reviewed the status of < the project for the Ooturcll and the Letter of Intent signed by the Cedar Piers 1�ursirg"Howe, Inc. Or. , tMmaaht stated that. Cedar Pines 1Nursing fors also � sub■aitted a` check to , the City for $30,000, as `a means of Security, for all extraordinary casts that the. City any incur , related to this project. futber stated that Staff was ....also se*1M_ r Oouneil approval of the owtract wsth ProfsssiawX Planning - and: Der lopaent who will be 'preparing the Tax Mncnment Plan. Mr. Jack Rga of Cedar Pines leasing Hone discussed the status of the'., moratorium an nursing beds in the state and stated. that the Qxernor appointsd ` ' t 26sk ftrQe studp�ing health care +needs in the state toured both, of the lagents' facilities: ft* Preliminary report of the `Thsk Faroe is to be available in, the a , near future._and Staff is to distribute copies to the Council at that time. Discussion by Domicil followed. !MB Mi1pE;: FIT1=MW Ss00lM SY I K= TO 11DO" , Li1'Pl'Eit or new. L t�ttwr of 11LC AS i r 1 1 11 BE FY CMDAR PIM9 ND SW ME, INC.. AND AUTHWIZZ W CITI N11191f3ER' MW 'M OM TO zZaa 1B M SM.R'= of W MMM. lime: " 2. a vote. taken, ayes b }l �;Anaren, ]VA gerald, &*tt, and White, the mutionft Passed unanisously. 014 4474230 4U9 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 3Lr;; I OA16R LAKE, MIN14SOTA 55372 r -y mnsirES OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL November 24, 1986 r ` MDTION ' PAS MADE BY FITZ EMLD, SEOOMM BY SODTT, TO MMORIZE THE CITY MAM Prof. Plan. AND PMOR TO EXECUTE THE OONTRRI T,WIM PR0F'ESSZOML PLAMM AND DEVEIi0PMENTa Dw. OD. _ Comm, INC. O t act :R s* Hie! Upon a`vote taken, ayes by Andren. Fitzgerald, Scott. and White, the motion Roject ,,passed unanimously. Tide next item on the agenda was the introduction of a proposed downtown development project. City Manager McGuire stated that Mayor Andren, Jim Hill,,, man of of the Economic Development Cammittee, and members of Staff have held a couple of meetings with Rick Schmitz of Lake Ridge Development Corporation, who is proposing a developm=nt project in the downtown area. Rick Schnitz addressed the Council briefly describing his background and showing slides of.projects in the area that he has helped develop. Larry Smith of Arvid i Blness Arebitects showed slides of, projects their firm has worked on. Lee FYapoeed Msxfield 'off. I Maxfield Research Group, Inc, was also present and discussed the Daa�"an type of market research and analysis that ;;!I; be done by his firm to assist Derelq=wt the developer. They stated that they would work with. the City to redevelop the Project damtown , area 'and help to locate ii d bring in new businesses. They would also work with investors to fund the pr�j ct. The project would be done in three phases -- planning and market4nalysis negotiation of redevelopment contract and City approval, 'and land assembly and relocation. During this time they would be asking for an exclusive developer's right for a six month period of time. The, City would ° be asked to assist in the market research::and analysis costs of � ' appcoximatelY ;$20,000. They would be investing approximately $87,000 during phase`aw of - the planning and market analysis. A letter outlining the proposal and backgrou!!r1 was given to. the Council. Discussion by Oouncil and Staff followed regarding their proposal and its affect on our Downtarn Plan being prepared by Staff. It was consensus of the Council to have additional. information L provided regarding what would be included in the nrket study, review the exclusive developer's agreament, that_ the City would be'asked to enter into, review the participants' backgrounds and credentials,- detail what the City's costs would be, what other involvement the City will hawteiminent domain, etc.),, what land area is to be included and a specific" time '-frame for the project. After all` this information is provided. this will again be�e�cheduled on the agenda. A five minute recess was called. Mayor Andren called the meeting, back to order at 9 :245 p.m. Tl�e next item on the agenda was to consider a special assessment abatement request by Scott dainty. City Manager McGu stated that Lot 10, Maple. Park Sore Acres let Addition was sold via tax forfeiture sale "and the County has received payment for the entire" special, assessment balance. Therefore, the mount on the 1986 tax statement is no longer due and should be abated. h Discussion, by Council lXdi'mN IiAS Mi1D6 Df BRITS, 5'E00H= HY M", TO AM= THE 1986 - SPBCh sfec. Rosman., PAYNW FOR S�R6 AL`RESACRES ADDS'1RONP03Z006 $311.19 ' Ca LOT 10, Mi�lf3B PARK l ZS 437 006 0 _. y `; ti MIN[TPES OF 241E PRIOR LAKE CITY OOUNCII, November 24,.,1986 Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andrea, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the motion passed unanimously. City 'Manager McGuire presented a resolution which accepted the' resignation of Councilm+ember Don Busse, declared a vacancy on the City Council and asked. persons interested in serving on the Council to submit their interest in Writing. Discussion followed regarding the deadline date for accepting letters of interest. It Was the ,general consensus of the Council to make the deadline December 10, 1986. Clouncilmember Fitzgerald distributed a list of qualities that could be considered in evaluating candidates and discussion followd regarding the method, of interviewing candidates. Mayor Andren stated that letters of interest had been received from T= Schneider and Jimr Bill. lDTZON MRS MADE BY WE=, SBOOMED BY FITBGEAALD, 70 ADOPT RIMMUTION 86 -21, A lbs. 86_Zt RESMUTION ACCEPTW 'ffi RESIGNRTION OF COUNCILMEMBER DON BUSSE AM DEMNRIIG A Bmee VMMLgY ON 7HE CITY OWNCIL. Acsygmtim ! 1� Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald," Stott, and white, the motion passed unanimously. `. douncilowber Fitzgerald stated his concerns for preserving the valuable; remwee of the lakes in our area. Mr. Fitzgerald stated that there may be problss existing in our bodies of water in Prior Lake and suggested that some time after the first of ,the year a „coalition be formed to'identify these problms, to see if they exist and ma.-,e decisions as to how the problems might be solved. Mayer Andren distributed information regarding development- procedures that she received from the City of Brooklyn Park and `asked 'City Manager YAwire to review it and perhaps consider incorporating some of the practices in our procedures. Mr. McGuire requested that an attorney /client meeting be held to discuss pending litigation. 3 Kff= MS MADE BY” WHI716, MOM BY FITSGMVkM, Ta MWE 70 M AWfOmmlamw abmw/ r i. MUM=. Clio* Meetit ~ Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the notion -4 ` pwmd unanimously. 4 The Greeting adjourned at 9 :45 p.m. 7M attorney /diem meetinz at 10:15 p.m. '1'be next Council 'meting wil Monday, December 1, 1986 at 7:30 p.m. \be " Michael A. MoGhire City Manager,, Loretta M. Lane Recording Secretary 3 ,. !1 z v